The Brussels Post, 1900-8-2, Page 7• } fro. 2, 1000 TUE BAUSSEIIS PQ$T BUSINESS CARDS, MONET TO LOAN AT, t, PJB LMA pent. F. s, SOOT7', lireteele,. R MUQRAOItEN- e Liquor of Marriage Lieouae0 OL 1100 at.Groeory,'1a171borry street, ilreasele.. T4 N.BA1RETT ��.7..A. Tonsorla1 Artist, Shop -Next door OhiltdrOf en'aihair vetting Bank. lip olal Loftin' and y� AR14IS FOR SALE -THE UN. I nnnsx4Nnn has several good Forme for gale and to rent, edgy tonne in Townebtpe Of Morrle and Grey. 11 S. SOOT'T.Bruoeole. M. MORRISQN, ce E Issuer. of Marriage LIIts s, WALTON, ONT, MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIM,. -lathe i1R OF- PiANO '• AND ORGAN. ,mm,T-rsomax..s, orr.r,. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- 7 ° INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. MISS SARAH LOUiSE MOORE, L, O. M.. Aoadealto graduate of London Conserve- - , tory of Music, also Member of the-Ae000iated Musiotans of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limitednumber of pupils for fnetrnotion ou the plane. Qualified to prepare pupils for the Priu01pa1'e Porno in the Conservatory of Musk'., Brussels, Ontario. A LEX. HUNTER - Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Poblio, Land, Loam and Insurance Agent ; Auction- eer, Funds invested and to"loan. Collec- tions made. Office in Grallam'sIBlook,Brue- sole, AUCTIONEERS S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• • nun, will sell for better prices, t0 better men, in lees time and lees (barges than any. other Auctioneer in Bust Huron or bewon'tbe oanything. Dates and orders oan always be arranged at tins othoe or by personal application. DENTISTRY F. W. TWEDDLE, (0011 re=LY 0r e1Ar0RTe0 DENTIST. Graduate of R. C. D S., Toronto ; Poet Grad- uate course at Haslrel'a School, Chicago, in crown and bridge work. 1'3 -Prins same as in oorroundlag towns. 21- OIOOe over A.R. Smith's store, Brussels, VETERINARY. T.D. WARWIOa- cr • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, lo prapared bo treat all dis- eases of domestleatod animals lin a coronet, ant manner. Particular attention void to Veterinary Dontletry. Calle promptly at - North of bridge, Tur00erce and ry at., y Brussels. doors LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. ��M. SINOLAIR- • Bnrrlstsr, Solipitor,+0onveyanoer, Notary Public, &e. 010oo-S towart's Block I door North 01 Oontrnl Hotel. Solioitr for 1110 Standard Bank. G!'� F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &o. O1Boo over er Stand- aldMon yt Doantor for atlowestrates Brussels. MG. CAMERON - • (Formerly of Onmeron, Holt & Cameron) B arrieter and Solicitor, Goderloh Ont. Office -Hamilton street, opposite Col. borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. E. T. SNIDER, M. IL, U. 611,6 Licentiate of Royal College of Physician and Surgeon, Hinguton ; Member of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeon of Ontarto. Diseaess of Women and Children 0 special- ty. Nine years' experience. Mace and reg - 'deuce, opposite Englieh,ohnroh, Brussels, J. A. M'NAUGHTON, 111 A., C. M., Triuitylt2nivoreity, Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Phyeloiane and 'Surgeons, Ont, Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Pbyeicians and Lioentiato-of Mid- wlfery,EdinburRRh. r"Tolephoue No.14, Residence -2i11 street, Brunie, DR. WM. L. HOLMES, - P061010I011 eUR0E0N' AND A000UCIIEUR, (Successor le 00. P..1[. 1Gtlbilelsch) M. D. Bellevue Hospitali al TediCol . N ow York MDOM lotoria IIuiveeitY,raron- •Member 01the OolPity Surgeons 0f Ontario. Soeoial attention paid to diseases at wpmeu, oyo, ear, noxa and throat, 10•tt D. F. SMITH, M. D. C. M., Graduato at afoGill College, Montreal, &., &d. All epooialty werlt eatiefaotorily treat- ed. oflloo upstairs 1n the Stratton Block. Chlce bonre, 0 to 12 it, n1., and 7 to 10 p. m. Specialist In the Whoa at his�resid Bence Elisab throat, street, from 2 to 0 p m.. All medicine will be diepeneed personally by the Dr, or under his'direot supervision. Fall Tam Opens Septi 4th 1 J � ;/J�1 rig Na lone than eight large buoinees oollegos have applied to no within' the last eta weeks fine our graddabes to take 1)00ition0 ns teach - ere 10 their schools. As many as five beet - nage firms have applied to ue in 000 day for Oleo help, Tele le surely the beet 'teemed for you, Catalogue free, .,'W, : i, liLldOTT, Principal, Th Business Ontario Listowel College, EQUAL TO ANY iN ONTARIO, A thorough, complete and praotipal train. ing in all branohee of Commerolal work, at considerably Wee than regular rake. Per full information apply Rooms or College over Post 0116(61, L. HARTT, LISTOq'1:T,,, PItiNOIPAL. loiSt±zci d , T.uokeaow. Tile Council is Raking for tenders for the oonsbruotion of granolithio eidewalko, BertMoaorvie, druggist, of New York, le spendinghie holidays with Mende in Lucknow. Geo, Lebsinger, formerly Reeve of OurrIolt, has been appointed Turnkey at the jail in Walkertou. The many friende of the family will regret to learn that Richard Treleaven, of Dungannon, was obriokep with paralysis on Tuesday of last week. Gorrier. Township Oounoil will meat here on the Srd Wednesday of August. Rev. A, B, Forney and family are at Elmvale where they will spend a few weeks;with Mende. Before leaving Gerrie for Nelson, B. 0., Mies Carrie James was presented with an addrese by St. Stepheu'a choir and a travelling bag. Robt. Stineom received a telegram from Brandon conveying the sad news of the death of hie brother William, which took plana in the general hospital in that town. The news was not only sad but totally unexpected asthe last word they had reoeived from him wee to the. effect that he expected shortly to come home on a visit, It appears he was effliated with diabetes. The remains were brought home on Monday and interred in the family plot: in the Gorrie cemetery. Fordwioh. Eight calves were put in the pound hero on Wedneeday of last week. During the eleotrio storm on Tuesday afternoon of last week Robt. Harding bad the misfortune to lose a valuable horse by being streak by lightning. Solomon Strome ie now about ready to start out on the road drilling wells, hat, ing just completed the erection of a new derrick, and bas ordered a new traction engine. The Epworth Lenge° of Fordwioh, to the number of about 40, jonrdeyed to Pike Lake on Monday to spend a day's outing at that beautiful and fasoinatiog Sommer resort. While working in S. Strome'a bush. near Belmore, William Fleet bad the misfortune to out a bad gash in his foot with au axe, which will lay him off work for several weeks. Berry pickers inform ns that there are lots of berries this Summer, but that there are mime people who, instead of pinking for themeelvea, go through the patch and help themselves oat of other peoples' pails. A Widow's Love Air1LLr, Receivee a violent setback, if she has Morris to pay half of coat ; also let a job offensive breath through con$tipabion, of gravelling 48 yards opposite lot 49, con. biliousness or etoreaoh trouble, but Dr. 1, to John Messer at 83 menta per yard, King's New Life Pille always cure those troubles ; clean the eyotem, sweeten the breath, banish headache ; beet in the world for liver, kidneys and bowels. Only 25a at G. A. Deadman'° drng store. the hands Of the Minister of 'Tingle/0, Judge Balton wee Relied by Hon. Mr. Mille to report upon the 00.061, and as erten as Hie Hector's report le in the ministers beagle, a dealsion will be ar. rived at apd defy announced, W ilial lteuma. Currie de Rintoul shipped a oar load of fine horses fpr 50011 Africa. Sunday sohool exouraipu to Gaderlob on Wingbam'o Uivia Holiday, August 7th. T, Bell & Bon Mf'g 00,, will make a shipment of furniture to Routh Africa in a few days. Mr, MOVittie, of Toronto, who won the 4;225 prize at Bieley in London, England, on Monday last, ie a oouelt of Mies Bella Elliott, of this town. Alfred Redass net make mu h prog- ress ro -res° in there ainin of hie speech elnoe the arlytia stroke. Hie many friends hope he will soon be as well se ever. ItIr, Kerniogban, of Lower ,Town, hae a very large egg laid by one of hie hone. It measured 813 by 8 inches, and turned the wales at a quarter of a pound weight. Gavin Davidson at the Wingham Junction hae a cow of which he may well feel proud. A few weeks ego she gave on an average of 44 pounds of milk for e week. This would make over 300 pounds of milk. At the Paisley races last week"Wilkie Collins," owned by J. Anderson, of this town, took and iu the free.for•all ;"Grace M.," the property of P. MoDevitb, of Laoknow, getting 3rd. In the 2,36 trot "Dr. Jim," owned by J, Swartz, won let, P. MoDevitt'e "Amalie," Luakuow, look let in the 8 minute race ander protest. John Gillespie, who has conducted a dray baeioees in Winghem for 'leveret years, sold out to Beattie Bros., who took. possession ou Monday of last week. Messrs. Beattie are having the stable on the Lemmix property, reoently purchased by them, pat into shape for keeping the extra horses required intheir new buni• nese. Mr. Gillespie has not yet telly de- cided as to whet be will do, but espeate to go to Manitoba this Fall on a pros- pecting trip. IBluevaito. Miuutee of council meeting in Esty's Hall, Bluevale, on Monday, July 213rd, 1900 ; members all phaseout ; Reeve in the chair ; the minutes of the last meet - fog were read, approved and eigued. Reports; -The Reeve reported having let a jab of gravelling 120 rods on Weet Gravel road to Wm. Patton at 40 cents per rod, two yards gravel to rod and township to pay for gravel. Mr. Cope- land reported baying let a job of gravel. ling 67 rode on East Gravel road to B. Markley at 84 oents per rod, 14 yards of gravel to the rad and township 00 pay for gravel, Wm. Hays to inspect and spread gravel at $1.25 per day, contractor to pay half inepeotion and Howlett to pay half of post of work. Also let a job of gravelling 65 rode on 10th eon. to John Marsden at 27 cents per rod 113 yards gravel to rod, township to pay for gravel ; also let a job of gravelling 52 rode on 16th side road, eon, 11, to J. Weir, at 30 dents per rod, 1,13 yards of gravel to rod and township to pay for gravel, the sum of $3.90 was paid on this contract by Pathmaeter from oommuted Statute Labor, all tbe above oo0traets let by Mr. Copeland are completed and reoommeod. ed payment. Mr. Moegrove reported having let a job of tile drain on Morrie boundary to Wm. J. Johnston, jr., at $9, Atwood. Elma Council meets on Monday, Aug. 66 h. A lawn tennis olnb is being organized in town. 111ioe Eunice Dunn, of Detroit, is visit. ing Atwood relatives and friends. The brioklayers are puehing the work on Currie's and Holmes' new stores. The Baptist anniversary will be held on Sabbath, Sept. and, 1900. Bev. W. Climie B A of Parte will preach. D. H. Moffat to inspect at $L per day, oontraotor to pay halt inspection. Work on both completed and reoommended payment. Mr. Sorell reported having let a job of box culvert on 5th aide road, con, 4, to Magee at $2 50, job completed and recommended payment. Mr. Mitch- ell reported having let a job of gravelling 90 yards on East gravel road to Ben. Ringler at 39 (ante per yard, F. Wright to -limped work and spread gravel at $1 per day, townehip to pay for gravel and half inepeotion. Also let a job of gravel- ling 20 rode on B line to F. W. Wright at 25 cents per yard, township to pay for gravel. Both contracts are completed and recommended payment. The Treas. laid his half yearly report before the Wm. Robb has purchased W. J. Alex- council which shows a balance of oaeb on adder's fine term of 100 aortae, lot 21, hand of $814.20. Moegrove-Lovell- That the Treasurer's report be received and adopted. -Carried. After passing a number of accounts it was agreed that this meeting do now adjourn to meet In Katy's Hall, Bluevale, Monday, August 2000, 1900, at 1 o'olook p. m. Joule Bemuse, Clerk. oon. 10, for $4,600. The plane f8 about all oleared and in a good elate of culti- vation. Tbie will give Mr. Robb 150 acres, the Alexander lot corners his other fifty upon which he residea. These are unmistakable signs of progress. Mr. Alexander has bought the Bray farm, Onix. -The body of Mre. McDonald arrived here on Wednesday of last week from Jackson, Mirth., where she died at the home of her eon, Robert. She was laid beside her husband in the Elmo Centre cemetery, who died about five years ago. The family formerly resided on the farm now owned by John Long• mire, of Henlryn ; they also resided for a time on the Murray farm, near Monkton. Mre. Wm. McDonald wag born in Glen. quaieh, Perthshire ]Scotland, and oatne to Canada in the early thirties, settling near Stratford, t d where elle married her lata husband. A bout three years ago she removed from Stratford to Jaok• eon to live with her family there. Mre. OloDonald was widely known in Strat. ford and Eaethope as well as in this looslity. She leaves two eons and a daughter in Jaakeoo. Her sister, Mrs. Isabella Stewart live° in Stratford. De. (waeed was 84 years of age, A largely slimed petition hae been pre. eented to Hon. David Mills, Minister of Jaggioo, asking him to animate the sentence imposed upon Norman Dick. eon, who is at peasant serving a eentenoe of two years lees one day in tbe Central Prison at Toronto, The crime of which Diekeoa was oonvioted ie cattle ebealing. At the County Court ball at Stratford lest December, Diokeon and JohnMartin, of Lima, were placed on trial. The prisoners were charged with stealing a steer from A. Campbell, of Wallace, on em or before the 8rd of November, her 1898. The prisoners pleaded not guilty, but atter hearing all the evidenoe the jury returned a verdict convicting both men. The two were sentenced on December 28 by Hie Honor Judge Barron. When Martin wag milted if he bad anything to say, he replied that Diokeon had not been with him when the steer was stolen. Hie Honor sentenoted Martin to two years and One month in the Kingston penitontary and gave Dickson two years lees One clay in the Contras. Martin's exculpation of Diokeon le the plea for leniency'advanoed in the petition now in :Senior -at. D. D. Wilson and Mayor Wilson paid a business trip to Washington last week. Soafarth playa the last match of lacrosse of the oeaeou with Mitchell on Friday, Aoguet 3rd. B. B. Gunn will °lose hie three etorea beginning this week every Wednesday afternoon for four weeks. The foundation for the new exhibition building ie now complete and workmen are busily engaged with the superoEruo- ture. Mre. F. G. Newlin and dao hter Ediih daughter, , loot all their belongings while staying at re Summer resort at Three Mile Bay, N. Y., from fire. James MoOlichael, the veteran preoi• dent of the Seaforth Bowling Club, has been re•eleoted vioe.preeident of the Western Ontario Bowling Aesooiation. Artane was presented to Henry Town by Court Sherwood Forest, A. O. F., on the 25tH anniversary of his membership in the Order. He is the only remaining charter member. 0. Clarkson, late 'head master of the Seaforth Collegiate futitnts, hag received a very aougenied appointment form the Gage Publishing Company, of Toronto, at a salary equal to that he reoeived hare, and leaves shortly to 000apy hie new position, Seaforth voters' list oontaine a total of 868 voters, of whom 260 are eligible to serve as jurors. 'Of the total votero, 672 are entitled to vote at municipal and proviooial elections, 180 are entitled to vote at municipal' eloatione only, and 102 are entitled to vote at eleotions to the Login. lative Aeaembly only. The "Hurons," ot Seaforth, have mode arrangements with the "Rangers," of Berlin, to play home end home games for the championship of Canada, The first game will be played at the mire - Mien grenade, Seaforth, on Wednesday, Aug, 8th, the game to start at 6.15 p. m. The ee0urn,lmatoii will be played in Ber- lin on the 1810. B. 0..Qlleewright went tp TOrent0 t attend the funeral of hie aunt and oleo to Beinoetop to visit hie father. Wm, Seater hes the 0ontra0t.fee sup. plying eI'ablloa h 011001 with 0041 for t this year, It tske8 about 30 toxo to keep the young Idea properly warmed daring the Winter. James Reverpon, of Toronto, solicitor for the Ontario Lieenoed Viotoailere' Aa' eooiatloo, wee in town on Tueedey of Net week, 00018 ricg with Pollee Maeie. trate Beattie and. Inspector Ballan0yn0 re890301ng a conviction made by the police magistrare under the License Act. To Save Ilex :Chili) :. From frightful diedgarement Mre. Nannie Galleger, of La Grange, Ga,, applied 13uokien'e Arnica Salve to great sores on her head and tape and writes e eeded all her IlePee. that quiets ante e b o x h to q a P It works wonders in sores, brnises, skin eruptions, elute, burns, scalds and piles. 20o at G. A, Deadman'° drug store. Exeter. The Advocate le holidaying. Meosro. Carling have planed a neat and up-to-date delivery wagon on the road. The Exeter Laaroaee team played a game, with the Seaforth team in that town on Monday of last week, resulting in favor of the home team by a tamare of 6 to 4. Mies Mae Sanders had the misfortune to rue a needle in bar eye on Tuesday evening of last week and since then the injured member hag caused much pain. It le hoped that her sight will not be seriously impaired. Among the suaoeeeful students at tbe mid summer examinations in the piano department of the London Ooneervatory of mete, we notice that Mies Johne, of town, sneweeded in taking her first year. Thos. Dolling, of London, has oomplet- ed the contract ot paving the East side of Maio street and leaves an excellent job to hie credit. Oar Main street is mooh im• proved and has now a reepeotable ap- pearance. The six horse power "Model" gasoline engine and pump put in by the well- known Goldie, Mocnllough Co., of Galt, to force water from the river to the tanks at the Town Hall for street watering purposes, wag tested on Saturday last and gave perfeot eatistaotion. SE.vth. Baintou Bros. are at present expert. enoinga busytime. MrComs left on an extended vieib to friends in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. Wm. Phillipe, an old Blyth boy now living 1» Chicago, wag the guest of Albert Robinson. A Grand Trunk crew is making im- provements and changes at the station nad yard here. Dr. Tait and Dr. Cooke were in Tor- onto lard week taking part in St. Mat. thew's tournament tennis Mrs, John Buie, who was the guest of Blyth friends for the past month, has returned to her home in Chicago. A new oil oloth hag been planed on the floor and other improvements made in the inner office of the Blyth poet offioe. Rev. Geo. MaQaillio, the new rentor of Trinity church, and hie family have arrived from Oonrtright, and are 000apy ing the rectory. Louie Meredith, one of the employees in E. Livingstone'a mills, had the mis- fortune to have his left hand caught in the hoop machine. The little finger was taken off and the next two badly eat. Watson & Emigh purchased from Geo. Mardis, of McKillop, 47 cattle whose aggregate weight wee 66,765 pounds. Ou Friday last they were shipped from Seaforth station to London, Eng. This firm also shipped 6 cars of cattle from Clinton and 1 oar from Blyth. Rev. W. H. Irwin, of White Oland, Michigan, accompanied by Mre. Irwin and children, are visiting Jog. and Mrs. Taman. Mr. Irwin ie a former editor of the Standard and is meeting with sewage in his new calling. On Sunday evening Mr. Irwin preached in the Methodist ohuroh here. Dr. Tait, Dr. Coope, Jae. MaMarobie, Frank Cooke, F. H. Douglas, Alex. Mao - Donald and W. J. Scott, representing tbe Blyth lawn tennis club, made a holiday tour which inolnded Clinton and Heneall. They defeated the Clinton club by a soars of five events to one, and the Mansell olub also went down under the game 000re. SOVon..Tearslo Bed. "Will wonders ever cease 7" inquire the friends of Mre. S. Pease, of Lawrence, Ilan. They knew she bad been unable to leave her bed in seven years on no. count of kidney and liver trouble, nervone prostration and general debility, bat "Three bottles of Eleoma Bitters enabled me to walk," she writes, "and in three months I felt like a new person." Women suffering from headache, bank. aobe, nervousness, eleepleseneee, melon- aholy, fainting and dizzy single will find. them a priaelese blessing. Only 500 at G. A. Deadman'e drug store. Li1tow el. Listowel races on August 9 and 10. An aoet. lensplant has been laced in Y P A. 13.g George's e teet raont. J.O.Buil and family are a few weeks in Southampton. Miss Jessie Climie, who bas spent the last two years abroad, returned home, Misses Jane and Mabel Armstrong have returned home atter visiting in Oinoinatti. 0...e.. Lee, photographer, hes gone on a trip to Milwaneee. He will be away for a couple of weeks. D. F. Kellener, graduate of the Listow- el Business College, left for Buffalo, where he expeoted to 8001000 a good situation. A substantial wooden awning, sup- ported by mee0i1e pillars, ban been placed over the Main street enteanoe to the Central Hotel. J. H. Stuart, manager of the Bank of Hamilton here, and Mrs, Stuart have returned after a three months' bridal trip sent in Europe. e. p The London Foot ball Club havele- faulted in the final match with Listowel in the intermediate W, F. A. series, the Marlboro° get the silver Dnp. Percy Wilson, 0, D., belt for Michigan on Wednesday morning of last week, hie intention being to open np a practice in some live town in that State. Petitions for building granolithio gide- walks on the North aide of Biameek street and North gide of Inkerman street Weet have possed the 0000011, and tenders fog the came will be received Rt the clerk's office up to Augnot 15. Soetb Balton, of this toss), .bag 101600 a Mitten a0 traeel1er in Weetore On. tarty for an Amertean pickle ootnpae9. Leelp• isoyd, a former Moruington boy, and a e, eL oto e c a l d l ttof i w I High pool n woo), hg has distingniehed himself at the recent examinations at Manitoba College, having parried off the scholarship in (irreell, and also having earned the soholarehip for mathematics and general profiaieaoy. As the rales of the college debar one from holding more than one soholarehip, he ahoee the former, wiliplt bag a monetary value of $40, fn addition to the high honor which it bestows. Chioago rules that noisy °owe and 0116011008 are no longer to be tolerated is the residence parts of the oily. Judge Hickman, of Saline county, Missouri was stungbyhoneybees and ad wee thereby cured ofrheumast s m. Lewis Wilkiue, a farmer near St, Poul thinks he' a tallest ma o earth. , slit t a p. He was 6 feet when 10 years old and is now 8 feetili inches,. COMING ! COMING ! T. P. Smith, EYE SPECIALIST, Graduate of New York, Philadelphia and Toronto Optical Oollegeo, will be at FOX'S DRUG STORE, BRUSSELS,. ONE DAY ONLY. Thursday, .kugust 9. 'Call early and avail yourself of his valuable services. EXAMINATION Flt EF. eWa Sfl C ��ti The undersigned begs leave to intim• ate to the people of Brnseele and locality that he has leased the Blaokemith Shop in connection with Jno. Wynn's Carriage Works, Brussels, where he will be pleased to attend to the wants of the publio. A general Blacksmith business will be done and horee•ehoeing carefully attended to. Prices Reasonable and Satiefaotion Guaranteed. WM. PHILLIPS. Pump Works Skate grinding attended to with neatness and dispatch. I also Sharpen Horse Clippers, Sale• sore, bread knives and other edged tools in op -to date style. Saw Gumming and Filing attended to in a Workmanlike manner. Sable. faction assured. FRED. ADAMS, Shop on Mill Street, BRUSSELS. Important to Breeders and Horsemen. EuVeeterinary Caustic Balsam. TRADE MARX let which a000mpaniee every bottle, giving It can befic treatment e l 17 case o of veterinary Ewan & Innes It can need in every oaee eu veterinary �• practice where stimulating applications and 7 blisters are preeorlbed, It has no 00PH111010. Every bottle sold is guaranteed to give anis- Motion. Price 75e per bottle. Sold by all A reliable and speedy remedy for Curbs, Splint., spavins, Sweeney, etc., etu.,in Horses and Lump Jaw 1n Cattle. "See oomph. t'.a-car =k7 =e .1 MoKINNON 00., Sp ficial ClothingS le ! p_ a We have done a large trade: in Clothing this season, and we in- tend to clear hint the remainder of our stook, at rodaced prices.. The stook ie all new and the laleets0ylea, but in some lines we haven't a full range of sizes, bet if we haven't your size in one line we have in another and all equally good. This sale will last two weeks and we expect the following pelotas will make a °lean eweep In that time Men's Bine and Block Serge Suits, reenter $4 50 for $8,60. Mon's Inwood Suit in cheeks and mixtures, worth $5 00 for $400, fe Picts lT e , ue ''o wo ditt Si s in a i. v e r ie ty of patterns de and oolore, worth $7,60 to 98 G0r suis price 95,Jb,Meh'e Fine Blank worsted Suits lined Willi the beet Italian, new French (twinge, regular price $10, $11.50 apd $12, all go at 98 95. • Boys ripe Tweed halts, short pante, sizes from 26 to 93, regular price $5 00, sale price $8 98. Boys' Smite in Tweed, Berge and Fine Worsted, Woe from 22 to 28, at $1.26, $1.50, $2.00, $2,50 and $8.00. Wo have just oloeed a big deal for Men's Pante at a low rate on the dollar, and as the stook is larger than we' want we will let them o at the g g following plan ;- Men's Heavy Tweed Pants, worth $120for 790. Men's Fine Tweed Pante, worth $1.60 fur 98o, Men's Extra Heavy Wire Twist Tweed Panto, all pure wool, will give great wear, worth 92.60 far 91.95. Ir256c�'��S�TTcS7c�r3S3S*av 6'$I Headquarters for GENERAL HARDWARE ander BUILDERS' SUPPLIES of All Kinds. Farmers should see our American Field Fence, Best Fence on the market. Barb and Plain Wire, All kinds harvest Pools. Binder Twine. Paints and Oils. S. Mr, P., the best Ready Mixed Paints made, always in stook. TRY US. WILTON & TURNAIN IMO ULL Buggy Season EWA" INNES Opened ® Large, Well Select- ed and Well Finished The well known firm of CARRIAGE MAKERS, are to the front with a STOCR OF Buggies, Wagons, Road Carts, Etc., that they are sellling at CLOSE prices. Already they have disposed of many Buggies and the Prospects are good. Call at our Show Rooms and see for yourself. Special attention given to Repairs, Re -painting, Trimming, d'G., druggists and country storekeepers. Pro• pared by TRH EIIREIOA VETHRINARY MEDICINE COMPANY, 110011021,0010, BUGGIES! • We have a number now ready and are getting up 55 Baggies far this season. Now ie your time. If you want an A 1 Baggy pall at the COKER CARRIAGE FACTORY, --•.,ETHEL, era willget theveryB H S and where onDST as cheap as the est can be ot. We also have Wagons and Half Truolto, with any size tirbo that may be required. Field Rollers and other articles too namer000 to mention. Rimming wheels, repairing, re - trimming and repainting promptly attended to. Be mare and give a8 a oabI and gee what we have before buying elsewhere. Jno. Cebu, Ethel: Brussels. Having made a large addition to my Blacksmith Shop I am in fa better position than ever to attend to my Customers., All kinds on hand, both for new work or repairs, and prices. the lowest. IN all s pmpt- i iiJll General .Blacks +y,'n g tended tofineas,,lsualwillbo androsatilysfac- at tion guaranteed. Horse Shoeing. • Ihhisavlienemfoe yeap,011a17 if you have any horses that interfere, over•reaoh or troubled with bad feet, bring them to me, I will relieve or cure them in leas than three months or will make no charge. wagons & Buggies. I am prepared to supply the above at the very lowest prices, and best quality, either of my own make or from the largest Factories in the Dominion. Thanking my numerous oedemas for their very liberal support in the past, and hoping by strict attention to 'laminate and ea0i810.00 ry prices, to secure et continuance of the same, S. T. PLUM, SRUSSE LS.