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The Brussels Post, 1900-7-12, Page 7
• JULY 12, 14100, SLEEPJNG ON THE MAIM, al'weissesikee time Queer sterile of U Saida 11ti Igo, Some philosopher has said that Man with a strong mind oan Bleep o keep awake at will. Perhaps •La philosopher never tried forced march lug In a tropical eeisntry, Owen S .Watkins, who was in the last Suda campaign with General Ki'Lohene tells Of seeing an adjutant and a eon 3.or major riding side by side on ion arohes se that •hc fell anise m 1 D if Y they could lean on each other and no fail from their saddles, Mr. Watkins repeats some game stories that were told him, wit'hou saying that they are true, But troth is stranger than fiction, one o them at least is strange enough k tr AA • On the Farm, IA BRUSSELS PO87C, baoteria, but by the time it has reaohe ed the milk frail, it is already Donteen- inated to a surprising extent, oontoine ti leg from a few thousand to 160,000 to germs to the cubic lnolt, sometimes more, These are' obtained ehiefiy from four sources; the air, the milker end his olothing, the milk pull, the oow, They are always floating in ythe air, especially if hay is fed Bur- ing milking. They are likely to he on e the heeds of the milker to some ex- • tent and his ()lathes are teeming with them. Miikpails not completely 8 Mean cenl0110 a large number, but m the greatest source of milk bacteria is the oow.• The germs get into the teats through the Pnilk ducts, and between one milking and the next n they multiply rapidly, The first milk O taken from the gland washes these bacteria into the milk pail. The BACTERIA AND THE MILKMAN 113aeSeria are intimate plants, Ora quently not more than ono -twenty n five.thousanidth of an inch in diamo r, ter and pervading air, water and so - evetywirel'e, They multiply so repidl a that a elegies individual may pr'oduo 17,000,000 offspring in 24 hours, The • Importance 10 agriculture ponai8te i their power of breaking up vuriou ✓ compounds and also secreting fro their bodies pertain ohemioal produots ff,The kinds of baoteria which 000u most commonly in milk may be Belle f dairy baoteria, They are so commo o that they cannot be excluded from th !milk by any Keel: sable means, bu ° their numbers may be reduced, Ther - are many uncommon kinds whic d when present •maty be excluded alto 8 gether by Dare and cleanliness, d i So far as conterns, the milkman !bacteria are an unmitigated nuisance 8 being the 1111000 of souring and oche undesirable changes in the product • The common dairy bacteria as they • grow produce a chemical change in - milk sugar and convert it into lacti acid, o d which 'v a ac 1 ae sour taste g and fin - ally causes -the milk to curdle. Thi 'change cannot bo prevented, but L may be postponed ed byreducing Y p P the number of bacteria. The first means :of reduction is by oleanliness, carefully washing the milk vessels, and more attention to the glean condition of the cow. (Phe second means is by regale- - tion of temperature. When freshly drawn, milk is about 100. deg. a eg tem- perature favorable to the rapid growth of dairy bacteria. Cooling the milk immediately checks their growth greatly. 11 is necessary, however, to empha- size the need of immediate cooling, Half an hour or an hour after milking I the cooling will be of very much less value than if done at once. During this half hour the bacteria have atl- ready become very numerous. It sometimes happens that night's milk keeps better than that of the next morning because the night's milk was cooled at once, while sometimes the morning's milk is put into the cans at once and taken into the city without cooling. The two chief agencies to prevent souring then are oleanliuess and low temperatures. The same means will prevent all the other bac- terial growth whieh causes slimy milk, tainted milk and other peculiar condi- tions. I Milk from a healthy cow contains no bo true. It is about a transport muster, wh rode in the rear of his train on cam els. He had been very busy, and ha ,slept little for a week. The day wa hot, tend for comfort he had remove 1118 helmet and belt, Then he fell asleep. Pretty soon Ile jolting of his camel unseated him, and • he rolled to the soft •ground unhurt Ln fact, he was not even awakened When at last he did wake the Cara van was out of sight, and he could �► not tell how long he had been sleep ing. There he was, the master of that column of transport camels, alone in • t e lay the desert, unarmed, and with not even a covr• ea•in for his head. g As nothing was to be gained staying where he was, he started to f `t> • ' ii,' :and had hurried along for some time before he notic ed bythe fast setting sun fa e n thath g shad ,rase:, utatuau inf ahead, on the trail of the camels. He turned, and, fortunately a camel and driver soon met him. They had been sent back from the caravan, not to search for him, strangely enough, but to look for some article that had been lost by the way. efilth of various kinds that stioks to the h Dow's sides is filled with incredible numbers of bacteria, and these, under careless, methods, shower from the cow's bady, mixed with hair, dirt and 2111.11. Since the most important sources of ✓ baoteria aro the milk vessels and the time, the dairymen should direct special attention to these, taking care to Olean the milk pails thoroughly and ° not allowing cattle to become caked - with manure. If he will groom the s cow as he does his horse, if he will AN ARMY NURSE. The following is an answer in the Girls' Own Paper to a question which many women aro asking now. The question is : "What aro the necessary qualifications for an army nurse, and what are her duties 7 Are the army nurses and the Red Cross nurses the same?" Candidates for the army nursing service should apply to the 'Under Sec- retary of State, War Offiee, Pall Mall S. W. No nurse is appointed to this +, ~ service who is not between the ages g of Twenty-five and thirty-five, and has �1 had at least three years' preliminary training and service combined in a y civil general hospital. A candidate 4 must also produce unimpeachable references as to health and character. J On being nominated, the nurse un- dergoes a period of six months' pro- bation at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Kelley, oad will then probably, in times of peace, be employed at home. Later she will be sent for service abroad, and her period of such em- ployment is usually five years. The salary of a nursing sister 1s £30 for the first year of service, and rises byyear'ly additions of 22 until £50 a year is reached. Lodging, board, and washing are also provided, or an allowance in lieu of board and wash- ing. A senior nursing sister, acting as 'superintendent, receives £20 a year in addition to a nursing sister's salary. The highest post in the army nursing service 15 that of lady superintendent of nurses at Notley, and the salary of this post is about on a par with that of Lhe matrons of the most import- ant London hospitals. Army nurses aro obliged to retire at the age of sixty, but receive pensions. The Royal Red Cross is a aecora- tion, instituted in 1883, for rewarding zeal and devotion in providing for and nursing sick and wounded sailors, soldiers and others with the armyin the field, on board ship, or in hospital. Tho greater number of women upon whom the decoration has been confer- red have been army nurses, though a not insignificant proportion are ladies who have rendered serv100 to British soldiers and sailors in various ways unconnected with the regular military nursing organization. t The order was founded for the pur- pose of publicly acknowledging the value of "Red Chose" work, by whioh is primarily understood work perform ed by voluntary seeleties organized for the relief of the sick and wounded 10 war, In several of tbo chief countries of Europe, Red Cross societies have ex - feted for many years, .and in Great T Britain the work of various societies to directed by the Central British ltd Grose Committee, which has boon termed with the sanction of the Seo- t ret.ary of State for War. 'Thus it will I be seen that, though an army nurse may receive the Enyal Red Cross, and t may be said, by virtue of her service, 1 to be engaged in Red Oross wade, a $ -Red Cross nurse is not necessarily a a Member eel the army nursing service, but may be engaged by a voluntary b society, altirnngh she will be required 1 AN OPEN LETTER TO ALL SUFFERERS FROM ANAEMIA AND KINDRED TROUBLES. Or. Vin. Wilson, of Sarnia, Tells clow Ile Regained tlw4;h Atter 511 Illness of Over Two Tears. Mr. William Wilson, who is well known to the citizens of Sarnia, Ont„ writes: "It affords me much pleasure to be able to add my testimony to the great benefit that 1 have derived from your famous Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. It is now a little more than two years since I became afflicted with anaemia. During that time I have received almost continuous treatment from medical man of the highest rank in their profession, yet apparently deriving no benefit. In- deed I continued to grow worse until I became unable to walk. 1 Dame to the conclusion that I wee deriving no benefit from the treatment and de- cided to give it up. It then was the question, what shall 1 try? Having read the testimony of so many wbo had suffered in a similar manner and who hied received great benefit from your Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I decid- ed to give them a fair trial. "It is now about three months since 1 commenced to take your pills and to -day I feel almost completely re- stored. Two weeks after I began to take the pills I felt a decided im- provement. Three months ago when I began to take your pills my flesh looked like wax, and my face, feet,, and logs were badly ewolienn These (tendinous have all disappeared and mo' t is n e the under parte of the o0 before milking and if he will raja the first one or two jets of milk fro each teat, be will greatly reduce the number of baoteria which get into the milk when milking and thus improve its quality and keeping powers. I feet, o cleanliness directed ecl'ed to the ao is the most st promising means whic the farmer has of reducing t11 number of bacteria in the milk. 8OMETIIINQ QUITE NEW - CEYLON GREEN TEA Same flavor as japan, only more delicious, Pres --*-,-m DAIRYMEN'S ASSOCIATIONS ANNUAL REPORTS OF CHEESE AND BUTTER MAKERS. The Provincial parry Selneole—Many Ad- dresses of Interest turd Penttient Value —Steady Ins pro of IHlirill' a Conditions—Scientific Medical 11051111 I ftIeer Should Re Appointed. The annual reports of the Cheese and Butter. Associations of Eastern and Western Ontario, the name of whioh hos recently been changed by the Legislature to the Dairyman's Associations, have been received from the Provineial Department of Agri- culture. The volume is, as usual, of a highly instructive character in rela- tion to this great and growing Indus- try, and affords an exoellent idea of the work that is being performed by these bodies in disseminating instruc- tion in all that appertains to cheese and butter making and popularizing w the latest results of scientific inves- t ligation and: research as. to the best processes of manufacture. The re- turns made by the dairy instructors for the' various sections show the steady improvement of dairying con n ditions and the adoption of bettor w\ methods of those formerly in vogue, h i with increased attention to purity e and cleanliness, while every effort is being made to prevent fraud and !maintain a high standard in the eual- Y i Lty of the output. Action was taken . by the Western Association looking to ERADICATING WILD NIUSTARD, One of the wort weeds in man parts of Canada is the wild mustard It is an annual and is spread entire- ly by seeds, and ow5ng to the great vitality of the seeds themselves, it is a very difficult weed to eradicate. The seeds once in the ground live for years and continue to germinate as they are brought to the surface. If they are present in small amounts, hand pulling is the best method of eradication. When the field is badly infested, the ground should be her_ rowed or gang -plowed soon after har- vest, As soon as the seeds have sprouted, cultivate thoroughly and .at repeated intervals. Rib up with a double mold board plow late h the fall. Put in a hoed crop the follow- ing spring and cultivate thoroughly throughout the growing season. Cul- tivate and harrow after the crap is off and plow again with a double mold board plow. Sow the ground the next spring and seed with clover, pulling the weeds by'band out of the grain crop, After one or two crops of hay are cut, rotate again in the same way. ;TREATMENT OF HORSE COLIC, Forty years' practice as a pountry physloian has compelled; me to give advice for the farmers' sick animals, writes Dr. A. G. Chase. Whisky is the very wont thing that can be given, unless it is bicarbonate of soda. The only remedy that need ever be given if used in any reasonable time is spirits of ether. One-half ounce of this in a pint of warm water sweet- ened, repeated in half to three-quar- ters of an hour if needed, is all Ihave ever found necessary. I never lost but one ease, and in that one a half pint or more of whisky had been given a couple of hours before I saw the horse, whioh died within five minutes of my arrival, Ill the absence of the ether, 2 cz of sweet spirits of niter May be used with equal success. This i is the spirits of nitrous ether and may' be given in warm water as with ether. In the absence of anything better, hot water internally and externally Ls proper treatment. LEVEL CULTIVATION FOR HOED CROPS. This is winning new advocates every. year, especially in cern crop, when grown on well drained land. Level oultivation has many things to re- oommeud it. It enables you to dos - troy the weeds close to the plants with greater•faoility and with less labor, t makes Iguthering the crop much Meier and less strain and jar on the machinery. The greatest advant- age of all is leaving Ile land so level o -clay my color is natural and my lood vessels full of good rloh bled. It e wilt afford me ,pleasure to recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to any one offering from anaemia or kindred ilments." Dr. Minims' Pink Pills are praised mongst the highest in the land, as strengthening and tonic medicine, hether for men, women or aleildren, hey are net like other medicines, nor can theyt be imitated, Os is sometimes dishonestly pretended by dealers who offer substitutes.- See hat the package boars the full name, )r, Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peoples, and in ease of doubt send heel to Dr, Williams' Medicine Co„ eelevitle, Ont., who will supply the rills post paid at 50o. per box or 2.50 for sex boxes. These pills cure 11 disorders which arise from ineeev- rielred blood, such as muscular soak.s cgs; loss of appetite, shortness of renal, pains in the back, nervous aeadacho, early decay, all forms of male weakness, hystt'fin, paralysis, b D 8 a a w to possess high guati0,nl ons and to f ocemotor ataxia, rheumatism and bo approved by the military lions, 1 Doe. a My elation. for the next plowing, as it is a most disagreeable teals to plow corn stubble ground that has been left in ridges. The billing .process will no doubt still be followed on land that is not properly drained, as in that case a heavy rain would either drown out the plants or leave the soil immediate- ly about them oold, sour and not suit- able for plant growth. rmPa_ oman's eakness A woman's reproductive organs are In the most in- tense and continuous sym- pathy ullth her kidneys. Tbeslighteet dlsorderin the kidneys brings about a corresponding disease in the reproductiveorgans. Dodds Kitineyy ills, Sy re- storing the kit ieys to their perfect condition, prevent and cure those fearful dis- orders peculiar to women, Pale young girls, worn-out mothers, suffering wives and women entering upon the Change of LIFO, your best friend is Dodd's pKilicLney further measures i n this direction, a resolution being adopted deolaring that the time had arrived when a soi- entifio medical health officer, trained especially in bacteriology and sani- tary science, should be appointed in each county especially for the over- sight of premises from whence milk supplies are drawn and of butter and cheese factories. ADDRESSES BY DAIRY EXPERTS. The reports include many addresses of interest and praotioal value deliv- ered at the annual meetings by prom- inent men who have had a wide ex- perience in dairying, and by scienti- fic experts who have devoted much attention to the subject in its differ - earl phases. Among those who spoke or furnished papers were; D. Derby- shire, President of the Eastern Asso- ciation; J. H. Grisdale, J. W. Hart, J. W. Newman, Prof. H. II. Dean, G. G. Publow, Harold Eagle, J. W. John- son, Hon, Thos. Ballantyne, A. F. Mc- Laren, M.P., A. W. Campbell, Dr. W. T. Connell, Andrew Patello, M.P.P., Or James Fletcher and Miss Laura Rose. Many of the addresses gave rise (to interesting discussions, in which the points brought out were thoroughly oousidered. Among other questions oousidered was the profitable dispos- al of the by-products, which it was urged could be utilized by the raising of pork tend whioh should go hand in hand with the dairy industry, contri- buting greatly to economy in the pro- cess. The preparation of cheese and butter for the market also received due attention. , Four essays, two on cheese making and two on butter making are also published, the writers of whioh were the nueeeisfal °onlpe- tters among 07 who wrote papers In Order to iseeere the pries, aurount- lug to the aggregate to $200, offer- ed by the Western Assoaiatioor for the best essays on these subjeots, The luoky prize winners were Colin A, Campbell and A. 3, Wagg, Who treat- ed of cheese -making and J, 112. Liv- ingstone and Wm. Waddell, whose theme was butter -raking, iEHE DAIRY SCHOOLS, Reports of the Provinoiai Dairy Schools are else given, which are of a highly sutisfaoLory tenor, as g In show - the te ldisposition on Lhop art at many young people to avail them- selves of the facilities offered by these institutions for instruction in the best dairying' methods, The school at Guelph, in connection with the Agri- oultural College had 209 students re- gistered in the last two years, 45 of whom were females, in addition •to those taking the regular College course, The attendance at Kingston this year was 75 and at Strathi'oy 29. These aohoole are also engaged in ex- perimental researches, and some re- sults of value in determining the boat conditions for dairying processes have already been reached, PUTNAM'S CORN EXTRACTOR Is the hest remedy for earns extant, It acts quickly, makes no sore spots and effects a radical cure. A hund- red imitations prove its value. Take neither substitutes offered as good nor the close imitations of the gen- uine too often offered. Eighty per cent. of the cost of the world's Governments men to la caused by wars, past, present, and prospective. Success In business comes when thorough satisfaction is given the public, Thais why Nerviline sells se • rapidly. Tooth- ache is cox ed as it f bY ma io Pain, an inter a1 or mag i°, asternal finds a prompt t antidote in Nerviline.i P P Try t i . Thera are in Great Britain 3,000 theatres and music -halls, giving em- ployment to 850,000 persons. O FOR OVER FIPTY YEARS MRS. WINSLOW'S 500001NG SYRUP has been used by mother. for their children teething. It roe hes the child, softens the gums, alloye pain, mime wind Dila,and, la the timet remody for dlarrbma. 25,'31,0111:;, Imt11e. Rohr by all dtugg[sie throwyho�t the world. Be 0000 and oak for "Ma, Wloelowa Soothing Syrup." A modern Atlantic liner must earn about £16,000 clear per trip before a penny of profit is made. Beware of Ointments for catarrh that "contain Mercury. as mercury will surely do -troy the aut=o of midland completely derange the whole oyrtent when enbat•deg it through rho mercies Surfaces, Such arlielos should never he lived excel m, prescriptions from rape t\ble physicians, as I ho damage they will do !a too t. Id to th , good you ran possibly derive from them. En l'v ratan Cure, manufactured by F.J. Cawley k'' o.. To. ludo, 0., contains no mercury, and is 7(0;0n in ternally, soling direotly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buy lug Hnll'a Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genu- ine, It is token internally and nude in Toledo, Ohio, by F. .0. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sell by Druggists, price 750 per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are bhe best, 90,000 men in the British Army have,good conduct badges. MONTREAL HOTEL DIRECTORY. ' The " Balmoral," Free Buss .log's°' AVENUE HOUSE—hfoGnt-ootlega Aram() per da salol rates $1.20 per day. ST. .AMES' HOTEL--°ppoeaa0.T.R.Depot, Railway, Birgit -plass Commercial Rouge, a Modern lm• pmremonts—Ra1ea modem .to, W. P. C. 11031. CALVERT'S Carbolic Disinfectants, Soaps, Oint, ment, Tootle Powders, etc„ have been awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior excellence. :rbelr regular nee prevent In fedi. ous diseases, Ask your dealer to obtain o supply. Lista mailed free on application. F. C. CALVERT & CO., MANCHESTER - ENOLAND, AJ OWA S A WINNER GRl'X"LOTRT' T77.A. has the reputation of being the most regular in gnalloy, Lend Paokagee, 20, 30, 47, 70pnd COQ Qt •4k.'"Y1✓ '®/Wd,'®/ AB 1a, 8 4 '1➢/YEveb,sa osh when ltl.' i Some You ought to hear a few of the testi menial8 that come to us in this paint Testi nl®tlfalS... b business, up and merles Its ness, The right paint. is quickly .eld 10 RAMSAY'S PAINTS are held high because their color is true, easy to work, cover better than lead, wear like leather, protect the house and inake it bright. The price just right. Ask your dealer, A. Rflnso11 & 8011, MONTREAL. ERT'D 1844, Pahl Makers, Ir' �w's•'wa�®,'®,'�.et••'e.• da® �,aVn�a•®'w'+a 'asbts••wnsv+ar'aa rass Instruments, Drums, n Uniforms, Etc. d Every Town oan have a Band Lowest prices ever quoted Fine catalogue GOO illus battlers, mailed free, Write us for auytblag 10 Muslo or Mueloal Instruments. Whaley Royce & Co., Toronikfi pee11.4 EASTERN TOWNSHIP NURSERY, Land -earners an farmers d use a otino g 1 nrooure FRUIT TREES for autumn t rplanting, au,•1' AS APPLE - TREES, bet PLUM -TREES, RRES, PRAl1•Tvigoro, and will add kern 0 to climate trees, strong and y, a, an extremely well Adapted . the Order dLro of the 00. By', '\' nn 100110 00 law pales. prf t. 0! t femo n merchants, thin spans you will P etrethe profit. agents els g,, 00pa Post-paid ipreraringd catalogue of 81 pages, with dire10000t. on fru fruit trees, foratnutndlos feu the 11' 00,nen pf 02 10te ntn0 Erectroee ern io eta., sen! ti receipt L 10 wrBente, TQu r:A1TElttT TU\Paatllr NVRaEttY, Lawrenceville, Quo. TORONTO OUTT(NO 80800L oilers opeo(al 000,0• 100,010 all donroae of tu•quiting a thorough know• 10000 of Cutting uud Fitting Oontiemen's Garments, Write for portioutsrn. ire Tonga St., Toronto. Mills, Mills ea Hales W3oa1rietere,eRedgmve d mond SteW.,T°ronto. POULTRY, BUTTER, EfnCS, APPLES, end other PRODUCE, to mane beet rennin eonalgn W The Dawsoq Oommiesion Go., Limited, Oor, West -Market & Colborne St., Toronto, - FOR SALE. 0,1ATUR:5L HEN INCUBATOR, 100 EOG HATH ER, coots only $2, plan 000001000110051 • A. 0I010E1ta, Onlgary, Alberta. ©ingI Gleaning Nor the rre ybesa nand }•ear wore to the '1SRITISO Ar1EBIOAN DYEING CO." Look for agent In yen' town, or send direct. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec FURS. FURS. Importer and exporter of • Raw Furs and Skins. Con- signments solicited. High. est prices paid for ginning. II. JOHNSON, 494 St. Paul street, Montreal' 60 YOU USE $H2OE DEWS S1NO1 If YOU WAWA DRESSING TUT WILL KEEP TRE LEATHER SOFT Ar PLIABLE ONE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU OF 5 SUPERIOR MERITS t_:.dsy; sit a1, ss. rlO. Valuable book Fume Dr. Hammond -Hall's (heat Book "MOTHERHOOD 99 Handsome edition, library style, bound in 01ot11, half -tone englav- inge, Intereeting and instructive, subJeots whioh every married woman, and thews oontemplating marriage, should know. 50ME ON ITS TOPIOS—Physiologyo blot terhood 001atioas of Mother an (Mild, Woman's Critical Period, Cara o the Newly Born, y'eading I tdie Clothing the Baby, Whet 08 do 7.0 (tome,, Causes of Infant Mo @lily, Is Marrlege s. Failure? Pre•NaOtaa1 Tnanence Pain Not Necessary, The Teething Period, Jlaoy Things Mothers OIiq ld Know, Home Remedies Safe to trE15, Useful Recipes. We aro giving a limited number of this five shilling book FRED on receipt of 10 cents to cover mailing. Send at.once if you desire one. Address BRITISH OHEMISTS COMPANY. 133-58 TORONTO, CANADA Catholic Prayer Hooks, Rosaries, Ore. Y 050010,, 8aa)tulare, Religions Plenum, Statuary, and Church Ornmuento- Rdaouliosai Works. $all Orders moire prompt Wen, Mon, D. & J. 8501155 & 00., Montreal. ROOFING alld Sheet MOtnlWorke. ,ROOFING 8LATH Rla Red 00 00005, 0LATH IILAORHOARDS, (IWo .0 by Puhllo and ate. 1 $goboeq\�, Toronto)1 Roofing ADR, Pitch, Coni Tar, oto. one b 0004 TILH (Svc Nor Olty Build- ings, Toronto, dose by our arm), Metal Oalllete r fee. nioea,ota. Hpi aatoaturoterto t4 work oe,n complete 0..EUMalesh spedto Aany deplartef the gauntry. Phone 190. 0.0005)5,:&80X8, Adofalde& Wldmoretc.,Teronto, GOLD DOLLARS • f A ept01"rieer 0.40 IN 6v40A I Thd handsomest Baby Gets The handsomest Prize. ALL JUDGED FROM PHOTOGRAPHS ORLY. To Interest Canadian mothers iu a standard preparation throughout the world Y THE BRITISH CHEMISTS COMPANY PROPRIETORS OF ���aw'' English Teeth n Syrup ARE 001N0 TO GIVE, WITHOUT 00ST IN ANY WAY,�3'•�' A TWENTY DOLLAR COLD PIECE. to therettiest babyin p Canada. A TEN D OLL AR•��. COLD PIECE to the 2nd prettiest. ,.�'n�f ^�+' • t • 1`�'�.f,.•,, , A FIVE DOLLAR COLD PIECE to the 3rdrettiest. ATWO- each AHD-A-HALF DOLLAR COLD PiECE in order of merit, to ea h t xtal' r4,y1?& of the next 10 prettiest babies. A ONE DOLLAR GOLD PIECE in order of merit, to each of the next 40 prettiest babies, while to every mother sending her baby's photograph, will also be given FREE our iLLUSTRATED B001(, "MOTHERHOOD" on the Cale of Children In Health and Disease, on receipt of ten cents to cover cost of mailing. CONDii1ONS" READ CAREFULLY! Everyperson intending to send photograph of baby, must send us post card at once elating wheu the photo will reach ua All photos sent in must reach us not leiter than July 14th, Do not send photos of children over 3 years old ; they will not be considered. Photos must be plainly marked with age sex, name of the child and full name and post office address of the parents, The Smallest picture will receive RS much consideration es the largest. The prises will be awarded by a oommlttee of seven disinterested ladies, and distributed by mail to the respective winner!, August 4th, 1900, The pictures of nil babies competing will be published in beautiful half -tone engravings in Toronto Globo, beginning Saturday, August 451a, 1000. Photos returnable on receipt of postage. As we have no time to answer needlese correspondence, please do not ask for further infor- mation, simply send poet card, stating when picture will be lent. Address, BRITISH CHE'; STS CONIPAR1If, newt. 108 Victoria Street, TORONTO, CANADA. 79.20..