The Brussels Post, 1900-7-12, Page 1it
Vol. 29. No. 1
W.H.K.E1i1R, Prop.
New Advertisements,
Loaal—G. E, leiog,
Beet found—Tue Poem.
Sealed tendere—Jos, Be Bey,
Per eale or to rent—Tma Poste,
Bigger buelness—MoKienon & Do,
Lon' Improvement Court ef Bevielon.
Mistrixt tbL
Moo. Thee. Greer ie visiting friends in
Mrs. W. G. Strong, who has been ill
for some menthe, is not improving.
Geo, E. McKee wag in Winglaittn last
week presiding at the P. S. Leaving
Several of J. A. Strong's oattle have
been stricken with a peculiar disease, two
have already died and eeveral more are
affeoted. Veterinarian are puzzled se to
what it ig or what is the muse. The
affection name to be iu the brain.
Mre. Thos. Russell ie rather poorly
this week.
A. Cronin, 7th line, bas got hie new
house up.
James Smillie, 7th line, lute anew roof
on hie barn.
H. Healey, 7th line, had a barn raising
on Thursday of last week.
J. H. Hall will build a new been on his
farm in Grey this month,
Miss Bury R. Finakter has gone uo a
visit to friends near Belleville.
A good number of our Morrisites went
to Kincardine to celebrate the glorious
12th of Ireland.
The item in Int week's testae abant
moving two Imildioge should heve read
4 days instead of 1 day.
The ehower on Saturday and Monday,
and again on Wednesday did a lot of
good, especially to the root amp.
Leet Tuesday evening a suotansful
strawberry festival ander the auspices ot
the Belgravia Methodist church ahoir,
was held on Wm. Wray'e lawn.
Policeman Callatak, of Toronto, was
home for a week on a holiday visit. He
has been on the foroe for the past three
years and is working to the top.
elr, litoPhersou, of Prete:lett, who has
been teacher of Anderson'school, S. S.
No. 6, Brd line, has resigned and will
probably attend College after vthation.
Mieees Lille, and Nina Isbister are
spending their holidays at their home,
Burnside Farm. They have given np
their saboels and purpose attending the
Toronto Normal Sohool after vacation.
They are both good tear:hero,
In the burning of H. Bone's saw and
shingle mill referred to last week, there
were about 100 bunohee of shingles and
timber for ea many more consumed.
Rich. Mitthell, R. Armstrong, Angue
Lamont and Jae. Thyone were among
those who had thinglee burned. The en.
gine was a 14 horn power and was atil•
Ned in the Fall to rue a threshing
machine which 'Mr. Bone owned. .A.
wagon with tank and pump also fell a
prey to the flames. The barn bad a
narrow escape. Sympathy is Nit for
Mr. Bone in hie lose.
A plasm:at tittle teas spent at the lawn
party, held on Thursday evening of Ian
week, et the borne of John Mooney, Stli
line. The program consisted of a piano
Role, by Mise Eva Degge ; selection, Fife
and Drum Band; solo, Miss Lyda Crooke;
reading, Miss Jests Buchanan ; solo,
Miss Degge; selection by Band; Flag
Drill by 16 young ladiee ; pieno solo,
by Miss Lizzie Sample ; selection by
Band. Rev. Sao. Holmes occupied the
chair. Finanoial prooeede about 628.00.
Mr. Mooney's le a fine spot for Imola a
'gathering and he and his family were
most attentive and oonsiderate to the
comfort and pleasure of all.
Smoot, Batrone.—The following le the
standing of the pupils in S. S. No. 5,
Morris, for the month of Jane ; Sr. 4th
—G. Parker, T Hatliday, Itt. Prootor, 0.
Brinell, G. Oole, E. Maltese. Jr. 4th.—
P. Audereon, J. Cole, A. Cole, E. Watson.
J. Hamm Sr. 3rd,—M. A.rmetrong, J.
Olegg, M. Campbell, W. Watson. Jr.
2ed.—L. Parker, L. Armstrong, J. Ander.
son, N. Wheeler. Standing ot Sr, 2nd
a000rding to marks obtained or pro-
motion from Sr. 2nd to Jr. Brd. Pass
marks, 290 Clegg, 517 •, A. Galls -
ghat, 498 ; 111. Fidler, 486 ;L. Gallagher,
468 ; Ilwindleburet, 481 ; 0. Proctor,
426; A. Johnston, 391 ; 16. Preetor, 974 ;
Eaeom, 576; M. 'Johnston, 364 ; 13.
Ferguson, 32ee. E. Gallagher, 296.
Mess 0. HALlanay, Teather.
Leo B8001000,—Last Saturday evening,
Lizzie, the 12 year old daughter of James
Speir, was on top of a load of hay emulat-
ing the loading when she met with a
somewhat serious anident. The horses
stepped forward and her weight was
thrown against the stake that ie placed
in front of the rack which unfortunately
broke causing bar to fall first on the beak
of one of the hone and afterward to the
ground, starting the teem to run away.
Lizzie's right leg wag ()aught by the
wheel and broken between the knee and
'When Doctors Disagree
Consult an Optician,
and dizzineso, often puzzle
the bosh physiolans,
Niue them in ten eye attain is the
divot oauee.
Nothing can effeot a permanent euro
that dobe not remove the ranee.
Tliet fe what our scientifioally fitted
gingen do.
Alto elveduato of ItetInottoopy,
ankle,,both wheels runnieg over it, It
wee 8 miracle that the Hanley wag not
more 8001008. A physician wee speedily
neared and the patient ie making favor-
able progress. Hr. Speir was attending
an Agrioultural Boolety meeting at Bre&
sale when the aooident happened. We
hope the plucky Noah, will goon be
round all right.
(Intended for lad week.)
Geo. Sangster is dangerouely ill.
Mtn. R. Illitohell le visiting in Toronto
for a few cleye.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson ere vieiting in
Bright this week.
Some of our °Mean attended the
Stratford raoee on July 2nd.
A number of the fermata in Maio
vicinity have oommeneed baying,
Mrs. Welsh, of East Toronto, te visit-
ing her parents, Mr. and Mre. Lougbeed.
John S. Menzies has returned from
attending Stratford Buoblees College, ari
graduate of that institution.
Reg. Wood, ()era. Menzies and Roy
Wilson wrote on their Leaving Damn. at
Bruseele this week, We wieh the boys
every mons,
Vet r e.v
Cloned' minutes on page 4.
Mre. L. Frain spent Friday at Preemie
Miss Mary Ritchie is home from Tor.
onto for bar holidays.
Louie, son of Lorenzo Frain, 8rd oon.,
is quite ill with measles.
Miss Kate Henderson, of Galt, in visit.
ine in the Strachan neighborhood.
Luke mad Miss Tillie Speiran, of Mon.
orieff 'went Sunday at R. Pearson's.
Grey will be well represented at the
12th aelebration in Listowel on Thursday.
Mies Penny Malley, of Logan, is visit.
ing with her sieter, Mre. McKay, 16th
We are pleased to hear that Blies Kate
Smith, who has been vary ill, ia improv.
ing niooly.
Grey township Connell will meet in
the Hall, at Ethel, Monday of next week
al 11 a. na.
Mre.3, Horneaetle and daughter, of
Toronto, are the gnats of Mrs. Jamas
McNair, 161h oon.
Arch. Hislop, M. P. P., was one of the
speakers at a Roman Catholic piethie at
Dublin on July 2ad.
Thos. and Mrs. Thompson, of Trow-
bridge, spent Saturday at Monad eff Poet
office with Mrs. Lung.
Andrew Bremner possesses 8 curiosity
in the shape of a foutelegged duek. It
will be ell right for Christmas.
Miss Maggie Dunbar, who has been at-
tending Listowel High School, returned
borne for vacation on Thareday.
An 'need of gome kind ie damaging the
Fall wheat. Some say it is the Hessian
fly while others think it ie the midge.
Mrs. Jao. A. Lamont, 18th oon., has
gone to Mitchell where she ;will take np
tailoring. We wish her a pleasant time.
Blies Belle Straohito expecte to resume
her position in J. C. Green & Go's. store,
London, next week, having quite reoover.
ed her old time vigor.
We are pleased to state that Miee
Maggie McLennan, let wane who has
undergone a serione operation in Listow.
el, is improving under the oare of the Dr.
Rob.Peareon, who has spent the last
week at home, returned to Listowel on
Friday to write at the final exemination
for a and elan certificate. We wish him
The trustees of 13. B. No. 8, (Fultou'e)
have engaged the serving of Miss Annie
Waugh, of Seaforth, for the balance of
the term. She will oonamenoe after the
On the 27th of Juin Rev, H. Irvine, of
ListoWel, tied tbe nuptial knob between
Edmund Smith and Mies Kate MoIntosla,
both of this township. May their joys
be many.
The dredge is at work on Jas. Douglas',
lot 14, oon. 16. Digging Is more difficult
atong here ae more of a "hard pan"
bottom has been snook. It costs about
$26 a day to run the dredge.
Ilia reported that J. L. Hogg, B. A..,
formerly a timber in B. S. No. 8, now
of Toronto, was united in marriage to an
Orangeville young lady ou Wednesday of
lase week. His many old time friende
will wish him and his bride many yeare
of happiness.
Ginn sTua. 0010600 PRONT.—Wrn. Woods,
lot 16, coo. 16, has 8 three of "Walkee's
Reliable" Fall wheat. He counted ae
high as 82 grain in a single head, the
latter measuring a full 6 inches in length.
This rather baste the report from Morris
last week and shows that Gray oannot be
D. L. Straohan has been chosen by the
Christian Endeavor of Knox church,
Kincardine, as President at their laet
semi-annual meeting. D. L. is an
earnest thumb worker and bas folly gain-
ed the oonfldenoe of his fellow Endeavor -
ere. He is also a valued member of
Knox ohuroh ohoir. We wish him m-
ean in big new duties.
Don't forget the social at Duncan
Taylor's next Tuesday evening, under
the auspioee of the Straohan Sabbath
School. Proceeds to go to the Indio,
Famine Fund, In addition to looal
talent, Thos. Gibson, jr., of Wroxeter ;
Mee. and Miss Thomson, of Brussels .
Mies Maggie Oaldbiok, of Morrie ; and
others are expected to take part.
Bunnett MATZ—Mrs. Thomas Bayne
died quite suddenly at the family resi-
dence, Doveroourt road, Toronto, on
Sunday morning, July let, from a para.
lytic stroke, received the Thursday
previously. Deoeaeed with her hueband
and family formerly resided on the 4111
con. of Grey, removing to Hamilton
about 11 years ago. For the peat year
and a half she had been living in Toronto
where her husband had been engaged at
his betide. The family (tame from
Staffordshire, England, about) 26 yeare
ago, and Battled its Grey, Where they
made many warm Mende. Donned Wag
about 00 yeere of age. Her son, Bev. G.
T. Bitylitt, of Brecksville 013io, and
daughter, Mrs. (Gr.) Cole, Of New York,
Were prestmt at her bedeide when the
slamming name, for which ehe bad been
happily prepered. The retneine arrived
at Listowel on Tuesday of laet week and
the ftheral WRS attended by many sym-
pathizing trieede. Tee interment took
plan atm= genietery,Bev. Pdr. Bristol,
of Trewbridge, oonduoting the fallOORI'
nestles). The following eld Wends and
neighbors of deceased acted ae pall-
bearers; Ohara. Gonna, Wm. 'idling.
ton, Thee. 'Vines, John Whitnaore, Lewis
Heath and Stratton Rowell,
A barn raising was on the program at
Riobard Armetrong's farm, 8111 Ilona last
Friday afternoon. Last year he raised
the old barn and put atone, stabling under
it and now he hae added 20 x 56 feet to
the building, making a barn 66 x 68 feet.
Mr. Heaney, of Blueve.le, was the framer.
We are pleased to sae these evidences of
Mr, Armstron
g's prosperity.
VP alien le.
A new plank walk bee been pat down
on the Weet side of Main street.
Walton (Meese factory sold their
cheese to Mr. Booth -at 0* aente.
The Orangemen of Walton went to
Listowel on Thursday of this weeg to en-
joy the 12th.
McDonald% saw mill shut down last
week haviog completed the (tutting
of their stook with tbe exception of some
oustom ordere.
Careoane,—,On the 30th of Jane, the
spirit of A:tett:tea Downing, relict of the
late Franois Robbins, took its flight from
the boa of her son, Levi Robbins, who
resides neer Hanapton, Durham Co.
Deceased, who was a sieter of Mre. Win.
Pollard, of Mellillop, and the late John
Downing, of Brossele, was born in Devon-
shire, England, coming to Othada, when
a yowag women. Bile had been ailing
with etheumption for nearly two yeare,
Mr. Bobbin died 12 years ago. Two
aons end two daughters survive. De.
°eased wee a fine spirited women, with st
large oirole of Mende who esteemed her.
highly. She was 62 years of age at the
time of her death and bad been a eon.
eistent member of the Methodiet ohuroh
for irtany years. A noteworthy matter
is that her mother le still alive, although
about 90 years of age, and ie still quite
mart. Mre. Pollard only returned from
Peterboro' the day before her sister died,
the end ooming quite suddenly.
Township Cloonan will be held here
next Monday at 1I a.
Misses Young and Amee were viaiting
friende at Seaforth last week.
Meagre. Kreuter & Bitable finished
shipping their loge from Ethel dation
yard to Wingham. They had 40 °ere in
Noe 'farm—The item which appeared
in THE Poste recently regarding the
ladies on Mill street, brought two of the
most respectable ,young ladies of Ethel
into prominenoe. We do not know who
the persons ware 000upying the poeition,
or indeed if there were any, bat this we
do know, that neither on that night or
any other night did either of those !adieu
do anything of the 'kind. It is an absol.
uta falsehood, ot whioh the writer of the
item is no doubt aware,
S. or T.—Ethel Division Bone of Tem.
patinae, No. 140, have elected the follow.
ing officers for the current term ;—W,
P., Mise Rebecca Spenoe ; W. A, P.,
Mise Nellie Laird ; R. B., Mrs.E. Other;
A. R. S., Mise Alice Davies ; °that,
Jiro. Lamont ; Asst. Oondt., Min E.
Milne; F.13., E. Reichard ; Treas., B.
Chambers ; Uhaplain, B. MoKey ; I. S.,
Miee Ida Oole; 0.8, Willie Spence •, P.
W. P., Geo. Dobson ; Organist, Mies
Lanra Seethe. The Lodge mettle Fri-
day evening'e and there ie now a member.
ship of over 60. Good program et each
&nom IhrouT.—The following shows
the standing of the mile of the Sen.
Dept, of Ethel Public school for the
month of Jose :—Jr. ItI—W. McAllister,
W. Badgley, L. MoLeod, A. AL:Donald,
R. Dilworth, 0. Lindsay, G. Wagner,
M. Fogel, M. Pearson, G. Dunbar, A.
Henry, W. Brown. Sr. Hansuld,
IL Other, M. Elliott, L. Fogel, G. Gill,
M. Osborne, 0. Baynard, B. Dunbar, E.
Kerr. Jr. IV—G. Eokmier, L. Simpson,
M. McAllister, E. McAllister, 0. Lind.
say, D. DEIMOS, M. Bateman, M. Costes.
Br. IV—W. Freeman, 0, McAllister, M.
Badgley, G. Imlay, W. Lindsay,
E. Cole, H. Querrin, Ciao. Doesoe,
Mre. Fred. Howe and children, are
visiting friends in Wiarton,
Miee Nellie Rothwell, teacher 0? Shel-
burne, is home for the holidays.
Miee Eva Hall, of New York, arrived
in town laet week and will +mend the
Summer with her aunt, Blies Gibbs.
J. A. Gardner, of the Ilditobell road, met
with a heavy loss by the death of his
stallion, Elmore Jr., vvbieh succumbed
alter a few dart illness,
W. Wakeford and W. Adamstone left
town Monday morning for Toronto,
where they have accepted a situation
with the Mason & Binh Piano Go.
Al the meeting of the Publio Sohool
Board, Miee Nellie Campbell was appoint,
ed to teach Miss Briebin's room for the
balance of the year, it being Mies Brie.
bin's intention to attend the Normal.
While vieiting at her sistet's, Mrs,
Townsend, London South, Blies Tillie
Ayres, of Carrion & Mollee's millinery de.
partment, this town, reoeived an eleetrio
shook which rendered her unconscious
for several hours. She wee litiOOked
down end teas badly bruised.
Zollner, of Neweestle.on-Tyne, and
John Scott, looal cattle dealer, ehipped
from the G. T. R. station here, Mondity,
102 head of oattle for England. They
comprised Dome of the Mint export stook
that have ever been ((hipped from this
dietriot. Mr. Zoller will ship between
800 and 400 mere in a few weeks from
Listowel. He bee ehipped nearly 2,000
cattle from the Wellington and Waterloo
districts, It la noteworthy that Mr.
Zollner'e attention was attracted to
Canada with many large dealers in Eng-
land maiuly through the prominence in
whioh the oottntry has been brought by
the Canadian contingents in South
Tbe onetoros oollections at the ent
port of Listowel during the year ending
June 30th, amounted to 919,544,96. Woe
a large inorease over the previous year.
The family of John Atwood, of Listo-
wel, was notified of the death of one of
in members, John James, in the Braes
peninsule, above Wisner]. So far as
can be learned the young man dropped
dead the day previous+, at Barrow Bay,
where he had been working. Detmesed
wag in hie 24th year, and wee unmarried.
He was a member of the L 0. , having
joined Court Valentine, No, 742, quite
Wroxeter -
Thos. Hemphill took a bushman trip to
Seaforth last week.
Min Paulin, of Simon, le the gneet of
her grandfather, James Peulin, Ann
E. Elliott and family, Weet of Belroore,
were the guests of Mrs. Henry Allen on
Mee, Robert Fox, who bee been vigil:-
ing friends in oar burg, returned home
on Friday.
Richard 10.O12 has engaged a Mr, Hest-
ing, from near Wingham, to Nero the
Miss Bargees, of Lueknow, who has
been visiting at Neil White's left for her
borne laet week.
John Rutherford, who is working at
Wingham, is laid up and not able to at-
tend to his duties.
Amos Tipling, of Wingham, was here
on Monday evening on fraternal bushman
with the I. 0. 0. F.
John Bray le laid up somewhat with
a eore leg whioh got sprained on the 23rd
of June last, while helping to load up an
Mrs. Ewing and her grand.daughter,
Lillie Wawa, are the gueets of her
daughter, Mre. Geo. Allen, 0. P. R.
Biaan:Town, of Wingham, it is said will
take poseegion of the Gotten House.
Mr, Town 1189 the good wishea of the
Oliver Smith is to change the window
frames of the Methodist church for the
colored glass that is to be put in in the
near future.
Arose Forayth, who has been buying
wool in Mildmay for some time, hae re.
turned and in now in hie plan in the
woollen mill here.
J. Seburger, of Listowel, has the eon -
treat of painting and papering the Metho-
diet aharoh. Mr. Seburger is highly
recommended for decorating ohnrohes.
Mr. Friendship and family, of Brussels,
were the guests of Henry Allen, Gibson
etreet, last Sunday. They left their
daughter, Fanny, to spend a few weeks
with Mre. Allen,
Mr. Pattereon, the eleotrio light en.
gineer, has been engaged by Gaike &
Baiee and left in foil control of the plant,
to make bargain, oolleot accounts and
look after the plant generally.
The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
church met at Mrs. a. Brethauerei on
Wednesday. They have gathered enough
wealth to pay for the new windows to be
prit in the ohuroh in the near future.
Mr. Leppard, of Wallace, occupied the
pulpit in the Methodist church on Sea.
day last. Be,. Mr. Lake VMS preaohing
for Rev. Mr. Husking at Fordwiob, the
latter being abeent on a trip to Paris.
Mre. A. Robinson, of the Grand Gen.
tial Block, who has been vieiting in
Galt, wag telegraphed to oome home and
attend to her eoe, Wm. McDonald, who
is working for Robert .Earl, and is down
with pneumonia. Mre. Robertson write.
ed on the late train Monday evening.
Wm. Lawrie, one of our pioneers, pass.
ed away last week at the advanoed age of
91 yeare.. He was the village Treasurer
for many yeare and very highly respect.
ed by all who knew him. The village
Council and Clerk were the pall bearers
ae follows ; Thos. Hemphill, Reeve ;
Councillors, Bray, Paulin, Rutherford,
MoItelvie ; and J. Cowan, Clerk. His re-
mains were laid to reat in the Presbyter.
ian cemetery. The oldest person in the
village now is J. B. Voigt, one of the first
settler& He ie laid up with rheuma-
Nem but we hope he will soon lge better.
Perth 6011TIty.
Ferguson's Arcade, Stratford, will olose
every Thursday afternoon during July
and Augnet.
The employees of A. Borritt & Co.,
Mitchell, donated the gum of 915 to the
Indian Famine Feud.
The returns of birthe, marriages and
deaths for Milverton for the half year
ending June 80th, ehow that 6 birthe, 8
marriages and 9 deaths were regigtered.
The Canadian Societies, of Stratford,
were so well pleased with their
Dominion Day parade to the Gangrega.
Memel obureh that they are thinking of
making the affair an annual one.
A. movement le on foot to organize a
joint stook company, with a capital of
$2,000 to instal a plant for the manufac-
ture of acetylene gas and the laying of a
mile and a quarter of gae mains at
The Heselan fly is reported doing con-
siderable damage to the wheat in Ent
Nieeonri, Tlaie dangerooe little pest is
making havoe. It bores into the stalk at
the first joint and cute it almost 00112•
plebs'), off.
Chas. Talmage, who has reoently been
employed in the Stratford roundhouse,
has received latelligenoe from his mother
in Eng'and that he has fallen heir to 98,-
000. The money was bequeathed to Mr.
Talmage by an uncle who diad recently
in the tele of Wight.
W. J. Elliott, of Stratford, bits been
Mooted viocepresident of the Educators'
Anoreation of Canada, at a recent meet -
Nig at Ottawa. As the &eradiation ie a
very important one, Mr. Elliott le to be
congratulated upon the honor whioh hie
oonfrereg have done him.
A men, by the nano OE MOLOUghlin,
who got into a row with another citizen,
and, by aeoldent or design, struck a
woman while hie temper was up, appear-
ed ae the Stratford Polioe Court, °barged
with aseatilt, The aeon wart proved
and he had to pay a fine and the ante of
the nee.
fern. Botha Expected to Surrender.
PONTOOIO, July 10.—The British BOO
one at Bethlebem has considerably ira.
proved the proepeote of peen, it is said,
The whole ot the govethment of Preei 1, et
Steyr*, of the °nage Free State, fete
sarrendered, except President Steyn
Then Free Slate Offioiale, wt.° are
British prisoners, have been allowed to
oommeniciata with President Steyn for
the purpose of attempting to prove to
him the uselessness of a oontintutthe of
the struggle, whiob can prodnoe only
bloodshed, without any oonnterbalanciog
The wallapee of the forme of Gen. De
Wet is expected daily. The Boers here
gay that the men have taken a solemn
oath never personally -to surrender, but
that they are beginning to see the un.
fairness of sacrificing life to personal
wishes. It is expected that when Gen.
Botha learns of the defeat of his aollea.
gun he will gladly enter into conferee:on
looking to the establishment of peace,
Canadian INe wpm.
Robert Powell fell dead on the street
at Ottawa.
Myron Early, a Blenheim boy, WILB
killed by lightning.
Dr. Geo, Liddell, of Cornwall died sad.
denly of heart failure.
Two deaths occurred from ernallpox at
Montreal on Sunday.
Chao. F. Macdonald, ex•United States
Consul, died at Hamilton,
The Manitoba Legielature was pro-
rogned by Lientenant•Governor Patter.
Daring the month of June the inami.
greaten arrivals in Winnipeg numbered
4,268 people.
James Bell, a workman on the Simom
etreet sewer at Woodstock, dropped dead
while at work.
Rev. R. W. Rayeon, pastor of All
Saints' Anglican church, Kingston, died
at Viatoria rfospital.
Two little daughtere of William Brown,
of Brighton, aged five and seven, were
drowned in the Murray Canal.
It is reported that William King, B.
A., of Toronto, bas been appointed editor
of the Government's Labor Gazette.
Frank Porter, an electric, oar employee
01 Kingston, had hie back broken by hav-
ing a carload of balsa thrown on him.
Mrs. Richardson is urging the Govern,
60801 10 remove the duty of $2 a ton on
hay, owing to the shortage in Manitoba.
A. dead body, found floating in Niagara
River, haa been identified ae that of
Arthur Lockwood, formerly of Toronto.
George Elder, a well-totho Holland
farroer, was found drowned in a spring
on the farm of 8 neighbor named Innes.
A young roan named Pieber, of Lake.
field, fall between tbe oars of a train at
New Hamburg end bad both lege smash.
Pascal Gagnier, of Hull, same in 000.
tact with a live wire on the Hull &
Aylmer Electric) road. Death was in.
A man, supposed to be John R. Band,
of Toronto, jumped from tbe Peonsyl-
vania Railroad ferry boat in New York
and was drowned.
Big quartz strikes are reported at In-
dian River, 50 miles from Dawson.
There is an extensive area, and a large
stampede has taken plaoe.
E. P. Hanneford's suit against the
Grand Trunk .Railway for 96,000, one
year's salary at the time of his dismissal,
was dismissed at elootreai.
Robert PdeGregor' aged sixteen, eon of
W. 0. MaGregor, ofTilbury East, wee
drowned while bathing in the creek a
short distance from hie home.
William Penibleton, aged about 24
yeets, was engaged in shovelling bran at
Goldie'e mills, Ayr, when he fell into
the bran chute and wag smothered.
28 invalided Oanadians have eailed
from England on the Parisian for this
country. The Imperial authorities have
paid their passage as far as Quebec).
Leslie and Itelbutne Stanley, ten and
thirteen respectively, sons ot Samuel
Stanley, of Guthrie, were 'silted by light.
ning, while looking out of a barn window.
The number of emigrants sailing for
Canada from British ports during the
month of Jane were :—English, 1,449 ;
Irieb, 94 ; Soot* 211, and of other
The frienda of the Rev. W. W. Craw,
M. A., of Thorndale, will be pleased to
know that the degree of Ph. D. has been
conferred upon him lately by the Illinois
Wesleyan Univereity.
Prof. Robertson is going to Montreal
to confer with repreeentatives of steam'
ship companies in regard to providing
better ventilation on stearnehips trading
between Montreal and England.
Private Pfaff, who was at London
oarnp Ibis year with one of the Berlin
oompaniee of the 29th Regiment, and
who had his mist hurt in a burleagne
court-martial, held in the privates' mese
room of the regiment, hoe sent in a claim
to the militia department for 1.200 danaa-
G. C. Oreelman and Prof. Dean, of
Guelph Agricultural College'ben lett
for the township of Widdilleld, West
Niplegiug, A meeting will be held there
and then two Government representa.
Votes will look over the territory with e
view to establishing a orearnery and
°been factory in that district.
The following figura about a new
barn eroded by Henry Cargill, M. P.,
at Walkerton, the Ingot in the county of
Bruce'are interesting • It is 75x112 with
an L 40x50, the poste are 24 feet in
height ; the stone foundation ab One end
is 24 ft. in height, the average height
being 11 ft. The eatlinatei ooet ie $5,-
000. The time spent in franaing would
amount to 04 days for one man, seys the
oontracatot, and he estimates that it will
require the Deane length ot time te finish
up the work, exolueive of the work on
the stable.
General N Wet.
Sir Thomas Farrell, the sculptor, Pree,
of tbe Royal filberniau Ands:Tay, died
at Dublin,
President Kruger is reported to !nye
moved to Neleproit, the traneport
Hole for Lydeoburg,
R. A. Alger, jr., son of the ex-Seoretary
of War of tbe United States, hell hie
hand blovvo off by a giant maker.
The General oommandiug et Lady.
eolith telegraphs that 800 British pion -
808, belonging to the Yeomanry and
Derbyabires, have been put over the
Natal border from Seoretary Reltzhi ad.
venae party and have readied Acton
When ooming from Oswego, Captain
Oliver, of the schooner Elm Flatter,
passed oonsiderable wreckage of the
tiohooner Platen. He is of the opinion
that no traoe will ever be found of the
lost sohoonerea orew, the spot where she
went down being the deepest pert of Lake
Daring a severe storm on Lake Erie,
the yaoht Idler, owned by James Gorri-
gen, of Cleveland, went down with Mre.
Corrigan end five other members of tbe
family. The eteamer Pearl, with 900
Buffalo exoursioniste, ran on a eundbar
at Crystal Beeoh, Out., and her pitmen.
gem were resoaed with diffieulty.
PERSONA L P816884160VII&
G, Blair wagin Goderich over Sun.
Will. Bavninheimer is home for a
Mrs. Wm. Aldridge was visiting at
ClaleiderNora Modali was visiting her
father at Bluevale this week,
A couple of our Brussels boys took a
flying trip to Paris last week.
Robt. Scott was away for a holiday
visit with ralativee at Preston.
Alf. Denny, of Duffel°, ie visiting hie
mother and old friende in town.
T. A. Hawkins spent part of this week
at the parental home in Port Albert,
Alias Sere, Forbes is vieiting relatives
and friends at Stratford and looality.
Mrs. L C. Rioharde and eons are en-
joying lake Huron's breezes at Bayflald.
Mrs. A. M. Kay and son and Mre. W.
H. Kerr are visiting Mende near Bel.
NM se aggie Mottsuablia, of New York,
vieiting relatives in Braseels and
ua d etre. Dow were the gaeste of
blMrs. McMillan for a few days
la et week.
Mrs. With and daughter, Beryl, of
Seaforth, are visiting at W. A. Orioh's,
Hill str eet.
Willie, son of 8. Y. Taylor, Palle, is
visiting with hie grandparents, Geo, and
Mrs. Crooke, Mill street.
Mies Nellie Bargees and Miss Mabel
Oliver, of Bluevale, are visiting et M. G,
Rialaardeon's and Jas. Burgess'.
Principal Cameron is sway at Toronto
as enemata examiner inloonneotion with
the reoeut Tudor Leaving examinations.
George MoLatiolatin has gone to Little
Current, Algoma, where be has taken a
eittuttion as tonsorial satin. We wish
Alhland has been real 111 this
week, haviog taken a relapse. We hope
the good attention he ie reoeiving will
speedily revolt in hie restoration.
Chas, Beam went to Toronto this week
to attend the wedding of his sister
which took place on Wedneeday. The
groom ia a resident of the ;Queen's city,
Ina. Aldridge and Mrs. Borthwiok, of
Thedford ; David Aldridge,
of Platte.
villa; and David Murray, ofCaledonia,
&needed the funeral of the late Wm.
Aldridge on Wednesday.
Thos. MoGilliauddy, of the Depart-
ment of Agriculture, Toronto, is very
proud of the bravery of his little son
Donald, who, while speeding his holidays
at Goderich, jumped into the lake and
rescued a boy about his own size wbo
had fallen from a look. The Humane
Sooiety will present him with a medal
for saving life. Donald is a nephew of
G. A. Deadman, druggist, of Brunets.
The Christian Guardian of this week
says of the late Mrs. Gilpin, mother of
3,3, Gilpin, Brussels ;—A. oorrespondent,
who does not give any full name or
address, bas notioed in the Christian
Guardian the death of Mrs. Gilpin, of
Kirktou, and sends an appreciative note,
saying :—"I cannot let the opportunity
pass without paying my lent tribute to
the memory of the, who, when 6 wae a
poor 'oirotiit rider,' took me to her home,
and gave me the best her house afforded.
She was 008 01 the pioneere of Methodism
in this country, end when the friends of
Methodism were few and far between,
she stood by its prithiples, and upheld its
standards. Her house wee always open,
her table always spread, and her 'pro.
phet obamber' always ready for the
weery itinerant.' To her we owe the
plantiug of Methodism (fifty years ago)
at What is now known ae the Bethel
appointment, on the Granton Girona.
Ona of our early preachers need to say,
'You are always sure of a good oongrega.
Mon ten Miles up yonder in the woods,
for you will have the Gilpita family, and
there are thirteen of them.' Here was
at that time the only Methodiet family
for miles around, but through her untie.
big zeal, the root of Methodism wag
planted, and she lived to nett spread and
flourish until the whole neighborhood
beoaine Methodist. She was intensely
loyal to the literature of the church.
The Christian Guardian was looked upon
ae a member ot the family, and was
treated as thole. Aa a mother ehe was a
wonderful disoiplinarinu. The tainted
Campbell onoe said, "If all mothers were
like her we would need no Crap -oilers."
One or two of her sons ere Methodist
nainistere. And now, %het a pilgrimage
ot ninety,tWo years, eighty-fonr of which
ebe had been a member of the Methodist
°hutch, she hoe 'atoned the bar,' and
onr time will merely aortae,"
"And go, beside the silent sea,
I wait the Muffled faer."
Geo. Crooks has been bothered el 18
'mean:mole and on recovery from that
bed a :abort siege from poleon ivy,
111, A. Turnbull, of Clinton, 0168in tome. for it few days. Sim puma 10
attend the funeral of the little 4110611t10
of h er eon, O. E, Turnbull,
Mrs. Je L. Kerr and MOB E, E. Kell'
returned to Bruesele iast Betarday after,
noon. Mre. 0.13, Turnbull, of ()naive,
will epend a few weeks here reaaperatieg.
We are sorry to report that Alm.
Btotherre health is not neatly ati good
se her many friends would desire it to be.
A °huge for the better would be joyous
Mrs. 0. R, Vanstone, who has been
spendiog a POW weeks in Bruseele, return•
ed to her home in Southampton on Wed-
neaday. Minn Freda Vanatone end
Edna Good accompanied her.
R. W. Jewitt, Nether at Orotnitrty,
Perth Go., waa iu town this week. lis
will 9181 10 bis vacation In the hereon
field with his brother, Lewis, 201 0011 ,
Kerrie. Mrs. Jewitt is at the parental
home in Werwiak, Lameton 00.
Teeewater News dap OP O former
Bruseelite :—John Shaw hae been ap•
pointed by the Educational Commit as an
Assoolitte Examiner in the subject of
Grammar for Junior Leaving, Part L,
for the High oboe' and University ex.
%mileage:as for 1900. Hie services Ned'
be required from the 10th inst. at 2 p. ea.
till the answer papers in the subject are
completed. He Naves for Toronto on
The many friends of the family will
hear with deep sorrow of the death of
Josie, the 8 yes,r•old daughter of the late
Rev. Joseph Edge, which occurred at 5
o'clock Monday afternoon at Viotoria
Hospital, London. Josie was Milo ill
10 days ago with diphtheria, but with
the ben of medical care the improved
until Sunday, when she took a relapse,
and began to sink rapidly. She was an
exceedingly bright child, and her death,
following so closely upon that of Mr.
Edge, will be a severe blow to the familY.
Monthly eerviee in the R. C. ohnroh,
Bruesels, next Sabbath morning.
A granolithio walk has been pot into
the entrance of Melville thumb from the
The program of the Epworth League
next Sabbath evening will be missionary
in its character.
An enjoyable afternoon watt put in last
Friday at Melville Sabbath school pia.
nosin D. Stewart's grove.
"The Syro.Phoeneeian women's Faith"
will be the interesting aubjeot before the
Sabbath ashoole next Sunday.
Next Sabbath sermons will be preaohed
in Melville, St. John's and the Metho-
dist churches on the question of Sabbath
Last Sabbath morning Rev. Jab. Ross,
13. A., took "Dorcta" as the eubjeat of
hie die/mune and in the evening dealt
with the topic "How God gave the Holy
Trowbridge ohuroh trustees have de -
(aided to make some improvements in the ,
obureh this Summer. The Ladies' Aid
and Epworth League are joining bands
in this work.
Rev. W. V. McMillen, B. A., of Mil-
verton, has been appointed by the Bishop
of Huron to succeed Rev. F. Leigh at
Prineeton, and will take °barge about the
first of next month.
Jo. Dowding, reoently from Goderich,
has been appointed leader of St. John's
choir. A new orgau will also be par -
abased. The gentleman above referred
to ime had years of experiethe in the Oa.
Tuesday afternoon the Methodist Soh.
bath school pia nioked in D. Stewart's
grove. Between swinge, base ball, foot
rues and it plentiful supply of edibles
the time wee well occupied. E. Hart
took a photo. ot the othapany.
Rev. Jno. Holmes preached a dismal:tree
kat Sabbath evening on 'Summer." In
it were lessons of Divine Energy, Beauty,
Plenitude, Joy, Hope, Rest and Glory.
Next Sabbath evening the topic will be
"Should the Imagines plane of Brussels
close at 10 o'olook on Saturday nights 7 "
After next Sabbath Rev. Mr. Roes will
take big six weeks' vacation. The most
of the time will be spent by himeelf and
family 04 Presqne Isle, 10 miles from
Owen Sound, where they will make their
home with a lighthouse keeper. Mel -
vine pulpit will be that:pied by Mr. Mo.
Kay during Mr. Ross' absenoe.
A. great event has recently taken plaoe
in Scotland, which bas not received
moth attention from theGanadian pren.
We refer to the union between two great
branches of the Presbyterian Church in
Sootland, the United Presbyterian and
the Free (north, The movement, which
failed once before, has been going on for
some time, bot the final debate was held
on Friday, Sone 1, of the present year ;
in the end 592 voted for :mime and only
29 against. The debate is said to have
been of a very high order, thoroughly
permeated with the true spirit of Chris-
The report on Sabbath schools was
presented by Bev, John Neil, Toronto. at
the Preebyterian A,asenably at Halifax as
follows :—The Committee on Sabbath
sohoole reported that there were 2,698
ordinary eobools, an Munn of 280, and
120 home department schools, a total in.
armee of 880 wheels. In 1890 in the
3,668 ordinary aohoole that reported
there were 21,010 offioerg and teathers—
a gain of 2,025—and 177,798 scholars—a
gain of 17,548. Cetnatiug the 2,782 re-
ported in home department schools there
Were in the reported schools 202,496 in
attendance, an lounge of 28,856. Of
2,808 schools 087 report 8,777 Einholen
becoming members during 1899. Seem-
ingly from 1,020 soboole there were
none that wield be reported. The report
Mated that it was gratifying to beater+
to report that the oontribotions reoeived
in reeponse to the appeal made in oon-
neotimi with obildren'e day amounted to
910,844.05. Dedttoting the amount for
printieg and other acthunte 9675 98.
there rdmains a balance of 910,168.07,
which, with interest $55,70, hen boon
tznnotorrod to the oontury Lund.