The Brussels Post, 1900-6-21, Page 7.
_ t, .
, • .
[Aust.21l x900, TUB BBUSS)ILS .
v-_- _ t
,f{{g,, �i1 yj yy�7,( ]Farm,
Y ` n the A a dile `t�J,y,.
,4A' iVl�ly,�
T <r
Q LyrJtrC) m >•%'i,"D1'84- ^4Rv6s"tlW41,
DIDN'T FIGflfirv,
I have recently attended a sale ]n
)ray fawn whor.a Ilio Garan and Per. I
conal Irropprty ware sold to satisfy
•the UIRIMS Of the MOTtgag'eS writes
a correckpondeni, About five years be.
foals the farmer had received money
train hugs flither's astute to buy thin
Ivroporty, which is worth several
•t,hous'and dollars, '.Chis man's failure
in dairy forming, Lbs loss of! Ills whole
Property in 'so silprL a time, if,iv, can
aft rt to he for iUlo ssla, and ,especially THE INFUSION OV GOILN SOWING ,'14LW AY6 A v'f,1`1fYER........ �F^��
after the Cerrtltlo 1•otrattt ff•n1n 11'fas-
Paw a of tile o t i
, many i s 1 lerf of alio 'Little : ...� ITS .0 ;procl4ttin eundngted by lhr agency r• '
and was lying amougat the bettlm of elf light boats all the yearrqurad. earn a
bodies of the herein mea who porimbed ilio
it roulling (n best con(lucted through theRIn the attaok, Iiis death was rapart• {j a,g(9noy of PUtnam's PalnlesA Ca1•n Ex- Aed to ]118 relatives and be was malirn. i tractor, the only safe an(i sate lj - y ,�ed as loat; but within (4 few wasks oP s y , 1 core Pure Pul11 ttu's .Extractor 1a ` itM fit `ISO +Y:'t311LA I
1110 OUIiglUaiOn of 1110 War 110rrappOtXl'- "�- ,, -, , naw, tYid(•ly Lmllatpd, 13(?st'at'e Of. all ;� •�0Zq '-" =A. has bile rellutotion of he1Pg t170 7ngHG re [list' 111 P141
ad. Ile !bad bean taken prisonor by CEYLON GREEN 1"GA palsonouH and sorts producing substi- Lead 3,Pnoha
Plce'.vnu; onathe oc�pt6ulut on kOf l; ilio is sa error to tbirt of the finest Japan ttttOS.gest g 24. pq tO,QGpand Q-
P - - _:.s - ... ..,.•,fir,
h � P-
plaee be bad maxohnd out wiib the tea grown. i W. F, Ci 1010. �p
Turks1,utzm had ntars,lwho had
the d him of ! ^_ ___ . w,�—, .�...r 1 , H I RTI ��� 6 k � ,,, i�"� I t,I
the i1d,, WIiU 110.d hold him as i! la [dam f1 P,i,� + "{�,- jl
renegade. Ila only un undermost,
of h!H friend's bray gel SO, y�p n Pry+
,G 6AP1,,D WIIDU ITIS LIFE that it mi and \tfehJu to arrange d I 'la Di �� -- _,�
owing to tele kindness of a dial it might Ino the last to be paged oarpolic t)lelrowde ate, a,, have
blot• The Ontario Assurance
Ott/gyp pCom
Officer. Ilqumanlan !it that) trench, awarded Tooth Powders, see„ hasp bene E Mutual tl gp F AJ�UE (�IIC tY UllAllpany,
awarded 100 glad cls and diplomas [Or, eu porter � � "�a�� "'"1�� '-' +1
During the Napoleonic war such in- lbo earth thus filled in, hitt Lha excellence, rheirreguJar use proven Linteati•
Stances, as may be imagiilOd, crepe fre- e.omrttdc Only shovelled it lightly Over PUN dlsensas, Ask yOur dealer to obtrald ,t
queue. During the ill-starred at- aiterithe(sorrowing soldier r wentof lrback ours eapyly. F.ufPH CALVERlls On RPpilPiia taztnnor YM—Advancing all Along the [✓.Gale --A MoSt woo
�` CALVERT R& CO,,t $ 6t3T1Yi
Lessons PD • Ila, teals have some raa:+marca,_-1--;mom,,, ---S „ to the tranvia, impelled 1?y some in- Gathaaring--A Polloy-Holdor's� Company.
Learn the reason, sl
nq �l I{� (� (� �7 p p �I t>(fAHOHtsTRR • • t±NQLAND,
This young mon lead been brought INCIDENTS �1' THE WARS, d¢ftnablq Caplin and throw aside ilia
earth from the body of his friend. To i
4tp. an htis, Pnthsr's farm, and nus_ l(v- 'his dismay and subsequent ,jay, he The thtrtle+}� annual mocking of bb(gl;rowing Collapsewaswas bgldin its naw end slag's q'
ed Ona farm all his llP¢,; 90 ilia reason � i� D1dTLGTi:D SIGNS oil+ 1.111`1. pTg4'ee[I1 pOm Olt hl4 dAy ilay 24, 1BB0, AGl n.m, 'Ilia at 07144400 was,
4�a grno.l, la 1 Gild t
LAVING SOLDI'RRS WHO HAVE BEEN v The ;'e 301'G of the young go
ware I'll rizpd by the greatest barmen nn i s6 p R Yfr, o •
of his failure wars poi: a Lack of ox-' I y un moo's denil3 Y Tnea J! a "osidon
� ort ldiOlvin of Guelph. ogqupicd the cbmir, and' -among tilos- present to nd31t1on t Mr, R,
g g R1 POR'XED DEAD. reuohed hid hulne one day, and seas U7 EAr ul aFinl,aadent and iiia Companpv`s agents, wo notlaed - .at kloekla, p C,i , M, or
parieuce fly farming. T;bomorC a sten. �� ® contrad[cted forty-eight hours after- ler Bond
ton, t✓ V14�;.Tn.Ci,lirugo,J.liprr iHken,B,A.;'ID.P.C;emonU,FP.J I�Srld,l3,A.• Goo.
Somprv371e lion, J. T. Gurrow, @G! C.; Wm, Sntdor, Ja.. nape, Dr: Wabh Rqv. bac, 4ileprl
the personal protiorty was owned b9 wards. Instruments, Drums, Uniforms, Etc. ' Nil!Rrr�1.0,; George Moa•p, D, tlean, dear o Dlobol, MaYgr; Frank ialghL, L. Qrayla
tb'e g q'JLey I4Avq Turned Up After Long .4hsuncc g
Y;redo (eater in our village, who fp Aaftratat. '4hpq• l+prance-Tho I'rusont Is Uric Acid In the blood, For n cruel instuu0o of reported and cthws,
had send hdm gran on credit until (I, A to lfill T elt- Fr taus T SI Pres nt Unhealthy kidneys are the death and rapid eontrudletion, Ira herr Town can have a Band
Y Y i On motion, 1'vir, W. H. Riddell, Secretary -of the Company, acted as 15 rptary of the ansst-
this debt: had become so large, that the Also, cause of the acid being have only to turn to the present Lowest pricpa ovur i`uoEad. rina oatmogua 590 utas lag, and at the request of the President read
g there, If the'kidngys acted eumpaign to South Africa. The trauma nmilud Crap. Yritn ue for v'ra a,,gm
fafmar was unable to pay it, an was The recent incident of the reappear- as they should they would family of a sergeant in the Dragoon Misslo or Musical Instruments. THE DIRECTORS' REPORT t
Toromo,Ont, and
obliged to give the mortgage, ecce of cheat two score Highlanders, . strain the Uric cid out Guards Teu¢lYp[7 a letter from the Whaley Royce & C4.y WtOpipas,ldun Yolir0lreotarsren settullye(Ibmfttprycvrooasideratlonthelrroport of the huefnoea tog
undo had been reported among the of Lhe [am and rheurna. War Office to the effect that the the ear ending boa �1, 1890
The farm was 11 gond grass farm, Wa are pleated to Inform you that the business was of the most Lllying Oharaptep,Rnd
killed, _recalls several Similar In- ficin wouldn't occur. Rhea- sergeant had been killed in cellon nr1 FOR SALE, in veto me exceeded that of aby year in elle history of the Uompan , gr
bhL laclua s 1
and yielded good crops of hay( and but stances of past times. In civil life the mat]sm. is a Kidney .Uis- December 14th, unci the Official letter ATUx.AL Bax iNaunA'ron, too plat HA2'oH, to enable as to eoulinue ilia gains liberal sealti of auvolus distribution o o s e% boil
Li'f6e porn or sailing eras were sl N t polioq•holdogoasIN
g g p ppearance among his friends of a ease. Dodd's Kidney Pills espresAed, iu the usual aterealyprd TGR, coat.owy 82, pica of cocain otioa3l. tie pawl. Tha death rate was light and much below the ottpotlon; the lapses and Purread..
gronvn on the form. Grain was aur- man supposed to be dead Ls not very have made a great hart of form, Lha sympathy of the SOCroL'ury • AL V4U1tPuss, pRlgary _Aibprtu. Ore, in areae, ton to naw buHinens And that nlrondy in force, af011 oonttnvea to deoreaeo,
uncommon, but the vicissitudes of their rapuEaGon curing of $tette for \Vitt at the denfh of u 1 Apil( aailons mm"berinp( 3,319, Ear $6,48!,782 lueuranca were reoelved, of lrhi fi 2,888, tett
chlXaed for the cows n.onrLy; th,,\vholp Rheumatism. 90 at at Mium, Arllle 8r Haleq 8 731U:8,wgrpgaooptOpanapuli0iosieauod and 1,014 for $181,250, worod44'ol3aod. �pehumbor
warfare render such oases very much g brave soldier, -: After this ofricl l l Barrtetern.ote.,romoved of polfcla, in,.I'. f.18,810, Rmoun ting to $$8,848,441,20; tba Raegrve, AoGUarles' 4 per Haat. og�
yilar, except five or three .months in more frequent among soldiers, the corpse of those fearful document had been drawn up the War to Wesley Bldga„Ripb• amount atpollolan in fol cls to y4,32{,48a U4; Yramiuta and uauiCy iegomo, 8x63,3g1,13j Intaro p
shooting sins and stiff, and. b.1g.D JI I'.!...0a; I old
de,01.48, ''oral Inoome,.1,051,�98J8; Tote!Aeeots,Bd 088,4D9.4B. Thd
the sumntBa•, and the milk wits'sold at During the )ver between Itu.5Aia and g, g Office received Lhe inPormnldon that mond Ili, R'..'Pgronto^ hmounr paid to polleyJ-uldpta eras $863U01.8O, ,..b ,.I.
Ueatl Claims, 1 917I I • 1Uu ,r
ethic joints. There is ft lyy YY 7 tt ed
a eseamety whore the prise ]n the Turkey in 1877-8 several resurrections g') t31e sex'gount was not dead, but a .t L!' ,i I.ehis. X954,441,00; Purchased liolieteH, f(54,466.Ue; Surplus, 78,�5V;pp8; Anaui'I... d3,•
Of the kind were reported from both but one sure way- pr]snllet', and that he was wounded, b,aath�il� Prayer nopho Rgngrlee,pru pg4,15• 2
summer sometimes dropped to about Wages, Sorputira, The surplus over all liabilities on bile.Compan o pp
Ohalttrof ' but the itnosL• Singular was but doing 'well. t Insli a(s Of td the xraetW,, P100»res, ptotuary, Rua church Ornnlnente• 80.28; on bhu 0overnment Standard Hm. 4l per bent,, $401 ,,, 94-00a Aotnaries' 4 Dar cent,, 88061.
one cent per goes,'[, arid, (lulling Clue that Of a Russian nobleman - A y up the latter, the efflC10.1a added the �o�oslWnal tyo 0"& J a8ADdo,. & it friantl• alto' Af Oha laAt spsplon of the Domtr;lon Parliamoa b, the GovornmenL untended th1(ep Insur
winter months Lt did not averages over young man of about twenty -five -who 8 mora recent information as e, posC- Act, giving much larger scope for the investment of money, Iliad tubi�y� too a gdmrp at 1 .
-two gents psi quart. We know thist Iran distinguished himself in several � � � script, and sent it to the relatives. G?iDGlL�56y gg1TTEt3 G CCS APPLES serve from 0 Per cent. to 31 par omr. Hot., the latter amendment o�lea'rmoval and to pas
en a omenta; and notably in Strobe_ The feelings of the t s . r lccompllsheawithin Al aenyeArs. /1btalnendmants we ballay to bo intperjjggfif diratElon
making milk fair two den to pot' quart g g poor people on and other PRODUCE, -bo ensure beat results con:igo to cad in the boo total nate of paliayholders. W e have at py@sent a Alli l6 pr �@, t_i�g Db inion Par•
attack on Plevna. a1 reading lite letter and Its poststript, The DaWlen Commission Co., Limited, Yemenb.whiugourChbrbertobeamendedbyohanglng Via nameaTkhe(IATripany the M;Lt•
in the winter on a .bay and grain ra- Iia led a party of [nen to the attack wilt �i1r2�t and their admiration toy War Office 00r, Pleat-tdarliet & pathema St., Tgrgnte, Ills] Life Asfurancp OompRay of Cayadi and by obatto Ag the date of the apnual maetiag troth
tion, trnd¢r ordinary conditions; gives al.- a point which had seemed vulner- ,I}., „.37+Jd8R methods, mal' he eft to the imn ina- bho Afr.Pfmrth George
day in b ay to the rvt'icne of oy to Adit•urs
the former but Little margin if he, able, cud he appeared to bear a. charm- tion of our readers. g ed 4h0 d ribs of nir;dton who had been One ut out, attdiLura for not years, and la perfor{t .
:' , * t cities to the complete eabfafil-un of Lite oliryhpidars qgd tits 7 will" i,
M life, remaining unscathed in the tt Major Coventry, Wiao fuck port in 0 G n 0 + �� re•ign04 his posit'pnearly in the year, and the Board ap (liate� Mr. A. J, 1lrewster in Ilse
mast buy all the grain fed, and that '�j�j �l ' r ` stead, Ia eonsa uetioe of the steady mild ra kd growth a tpua Com Company's business. It bus ei
�y g mins.[ of A hail of: bullets whits his li, T'' ��� theJamesonJameson effort•, was at first re- a li 0 "4� r� •a come necessary Co have a monthly audit. Ties is now being Oona, andItis eubmtatedbli,
Cab poral in summer to keep up mon were dropping around him. mita' F� p Led killed; the ])art and Countess 5 �,�t r t f . as t LtteBourdA'enahm�eting.
ilia flonv of miticwhon the 1>asLurea When the bane [vas over be was of Coventry were shoat to hold' a Iutares�ohohrtnvoetmpnGswas�,�e11PIlli, net!out,t nda��rrorekpptf��w�ollinyoead(l dt,p
----- _ rato of intorast d'd noteur • materin ly from the[ of 1898. With the in6YpaeoB Belo hip va
becomb dsy and short, and lb Nn sell ora uuvAoa :rrnm.a:� funeral Service, when they received - `` mint whichGhaamended nAnrAttgeAgtg1Vtle we may for t{mgOgIIt1aS10Lgearn a ru
news that their son was alive, but y, ” (.. abode o uul to shut earned At
the millr at one and ono -half ry nes per d' $�a�t 1 S 8� I a present
YEARS,wounded. Mu'or Coventry after- ra �'Cirsd9q tJ,��ty071ttl�d9E a. + Nor tom"time tbo accommodation to the office has been gotta iugdpqubte, Aadan additioa
q�turt, do,s not ,pity. L chink that 'e�V, }e� i T�% Corporal were reported dead, but J has bean aline thereto, su6lome we think, to meotourre utramantn tar moo yeure,
l,l� 111'd x STRAGGLED BA.CIS INTO tIZA.NCL [herds stood 7pis trial. tvi.L]p TDi�. Jame- Mart,her<rybeeturudp-uurvarktuaha q y
It _or"' "I her
lose by death a n,uoh•valupd and I.- .aced mambas�gf the $pard, C7.
about 30 cows there kart on this farm, a to taro Ctrs grief of their relatives into aOII; he lvns mnrriwl Ln an American BRITiBli AMERICAN BYEt4IG C0." Tayi,+r, TtTr. Taylor wash membproL bho Board otDirdaEors Rnd 1eb Vioe•Prr.'sfddnt iroc, ilio
Lady a few weeks ago. Look for %gout In your town, or sand diesel, T. tion of the O.
au U till the time of hie dunth and Ila wits be mush rdleee$'bynle Fal:
and 1;1LAt they wore fed a liberal grain .,._- py, P C !1 y p
J iVlOntreal,-Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec IOw•OJm _o Is. ATr. ly"".an Sntdm•, tf 1VnLerlOo, was a1-1m...
pointed DtreoLar in hfpstead,
ration for about 10 months of the year RESULTING FROM SCIATICA IN AN Tho revulsion. of feeling caused by Y You wt l bo called of on be elect Epur Directors In L'bo peace of Han, F.W. 73organ, 7 ,p,
acrd i hat the price of mirk for the year AGGRAVATED FORK. seeing the forms of the loved ones The Trade Winds Kidd, Wm. S ldpr and R Meivtn, wl osa term of aAYae hga expired, but h}l at whom are el)p.
! FUR . FURS. FIS. tble for ...'.etidn,
darken Lke doors of their homes was Blow strong since Norviline's in Lha R. MsLvtx, President.
wnsa lees then two gents per ,quart, It - , in .mime cases Iso great that, death re_ !market. Nervilita Ls the grunt nerve- Importer and exporter of
will be n'nclel:at(x d how That the r0- l4i,ILy NIpUTA the aitaerer cnut(i ver, t,le in i suited, and iC became the soldier's pain cure. Its penefeeting and pain "• flaw Furs and Skene. Con. p' + PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS.
fits train this kind of. farming were tied, and His Lc� Was Fre.pu•atly turn to grI.".. 1 subaluing plower is sueh that relief is � signments solicited. Right• Io moving the adoption of the report, the President said the business wits in al res
Swollen to Twilee Its Natural size. It is not generally known that the atmos[. instnntan�eous. Try it land be - eat prices paid for gin satisfactory end exceed; chat of an otb a ear In chs bleier of tae o t p'@pl
very small and how that tb'ay would g g. ery y at ny. Y' Os»pq t
rant Napoleon himself was once xe- of now buripess i.Aund *as 5'4 751.02 00, an increase over the Rmourb i'fsudrl in 1 B9hhh E 81,
be insufficient Co any i:he running ex- I'i•am the Journal, St. Catharines. _g p oonvinged. 1 II, JOIINSOV, 872.00; the total;n(uranoo in troree 526,015.441.68, all increase of,$3,1141,482,20, a gala yr ohm t
ported dead. During a sanguinary an- �.. 1494 St. Paul street, Montreal be satlsfurtor to ererly y�
vwdtEes of tbo form, find for the farm- lIr. John T. Benson, Stationary en-, gagnmen4 with the .11ussians the grelit with otter companies ra iocoy-holder o1 The Ontario. and wi11 mot* than oomgarq tavorrgbf5
The only European country whiuh pectlotiteatnouutadd'ed. 1'h.011tofbtt¢lneae 1p not ilio pt{togn
or's living. In this instanes, the run- gloss' at the R.idwy College, St..00mmander teas suddenly missed lay :hn3 n (ower death rate than England oInew inmrancu!.eued, but this amount added in proper,ionto-sheA,inso to not hvmiliou e
GEI.j',hat`lll es, iA knotrn b the 'office ra Of his staff. Night r y g T�r� C�n�da, Permanent Year and thatllrevionAy In force. By this teib the pann year• was the meet aupposoful year Iqq
[Xing exp071 Sea of the fne•m were un- y mOSL of the g is Norway. ourhist'ory. Ilan svpry other rospeet that denotes prosperity rips aEublitt the canto Igns o8
residenhs of the cit , fell, and the fighting continued inter- i - Lha y'•
trsunlip Ln.rge. '1'o do Lhe. to rm work, y. For years 1•Zr• , initteuCt but Na oleos was Still tt0- y�� year were pra•.min,ut, Wu tactical to our inaoma Q4e 431.§3 ; t9 our raps1rve.9ds3,286.70; to Hensen suffered acute agony y' P�'�� Western snrpl ns 331 818.40; to a;so[a $x27.421.97 •and paid $7,830,_8 in surplus to m ley nets, an tn•
throe double Looms were sometimes g y from' AOR OVER p1trry YEARS oransegf Sl„ 19.58OYU?AmmmtPaidin 898.
itrher¢ Co be fauns. The officers kept Ganada i
Mae. w1NSLOw'S SOOTHING BYR 7P lane been Our d-uwh raze co :tti ua! to b^ much below the expeotat'Qn, and vyl%g more til n;pot by
kept, and for all of Ihese grain had acialica, and notwithstanding num- he wetter secret, us they kcal"v that use them itsooltoi In tboipterostonpuvestmantsbythe sumof$29,145.17;Was olishArrondarewove 76211 stla
to be pu•rchlaed, and Iban the farmer Brous fnrmsof treatment, fou.ndlit.11ei Lhe effect would tie demorulLsing to i alltccnnd Fatheba.lftoua h tt gunis. rllayro Pain,
i, cures vin Mortgage mn rporaation. in 1898, and laps*1'aboIn provorl,ion to amount Of insurance Issued and fit teras W is&IND mach
the soldiers, hilt they dreaded the re- 00ISold by au druggiata throegbout the world. So sura i loot-
ftiired two Or three men to do his u'Oa'Ir, (!r' no relief, until be begun the use of suit if h'e did not re -n tette' before .lid ask for" Lin, Meadow'.9goba .a Syrup." $HXb �, With regard to increasing the standard of reserve required under the new I auranco Aqt
ams he mode ver, fre uP.nL'vistiis to Dr. Williams' 1"Ink Pills. These ills p1 04MfUa- Canada Permanent Rialkilllg, from four aud:Lha'fp rtent.tothreeandahalt nor cent.,Ihave nohnsitaney �sasin8 that
Y q P• dawn, when there was ria doubt that i ��„ iG will net tron0lo'1'hn Ontario Jiutual Life mvoh co comply with the tarme o1 the in%lgtr(j
g g I, y that fighting I 'an.(xopt OrxzcYxoaoxxu Sx„ TORONTO. before !hn time given; in Snot w!re it deained advisxlb to ft could bo floao nt Duos, or tvttbia a
that wills e. With this mann ement speedily restored his health, us the ghtin would become fierce The damp, chilly, cloudy north oP vary At,, rt time, and stili have aver handsome surpiva,
thte income from the farm diel not t .have done that of thousands of again. AS alae night there on their winnfpeg, Man., Vancouver, e,U„ St. John, N.B. At iia and of the third doenle of she Company's history it may be Interesting to look bac
pay Eiurope, is healthier than the dry,
conjectures 'that he had been killed by __ crerthat period sit i note the progre s Lbat has been made and what the results hate boon t
his expenses, and the result was that others who have given them a fair a stray bullet while indulging In warm, sunny South. = m aa 67, our Uolicy.,oldel:.. On Fatbrunry i;, i971, the first annual Tooting -as cold, kb* report allow -
q$3,48 gait in debt to such an extent. trial. To the reporter Who inter- his habit of walking to another part �L'e�apiltal Paid UP, $6,000i000 Jnx ecs3Pte smannting to w¢,ai6.62 And expenditurpg6 $3;d82..i6, ing - g s old, the of para allow-
rf 81,172.90 still disclos,ug tiled as et+ of $4:7.13.37. What hm been atoelnpl"")abed -since me • be
that he was obliged to mortgage Iiia viewed him, h1r. .Benson said: "I
o> the field by himself settled into con- STATZOV01110 CITrcp•TOLE)IO,-ss. g®�ar�� �Wr�d i 5G3�B000'aanoafrom:n••foliowtngsumut+Lryr '1'otLIpromiunilaconlefrcm,87131
We ma. as that the taw certainly awe a debt of ratitude to vty me With the help of 1p`I t, iii,_ l J.
Aray rn. } ! 115099 O0atb olr,i4IllsPaid•81,782,347.1Lt andowmedtfl and annuities laid. OR 1,399,74: sur las Paid to
property. Y F g thy mea, they !nada rt S¢are11 Lor his Fnnxx J• C!atitxaY makes note that be is R e'llo,ere, *P38,247,61: Oval Pavment, to policyholders, 5,9,323,017,09• while on January i,
mann reasons of failure in this in- Dr. Williams' .Pink VIEW, for they body, baL without sueoess. In this amior par4ner of t he firm of F. J. C7rF.,rar tt President- Mone' to Loan �" the C1om Pany hold to resorva for the security of mud belonging to its policyboldera the
minae were buying top much Co., doing buiiaws in bile City of Toledo, 1 - eubetantial quill of R4,324,080.s4,
3 i3 grain, have released me from a form of tor- state of mind tho staff Officers passed County and Santa aforesaid, and climb said Urm Coorge Cooderham. In conclusion I feel nsm r,d thot you will agree with me, that The Onta fo Mutual LIgo
the ni ht, and a.nxiouS will ppay thoyum of ONE HUNDRED DOG lat vice-l+resideut nae Deposits Received has in itall the elements 0 t 4,•,+nm(ituto a strong and progrocsive Company, qt it hAe d,On
Instead of growing a part of it on ture that had afflicted me almost g ly awaited the LABS for each and every case of CA1•ARRn ahaimia,wf,Ezeonttre ms gil,ltnotbetter,inrLcs otic holderethnn Rn ocher Cam An andahnlL
S al Y y years. The down. h r y y, 9Ebes roe
tit$ farm, or aaitim crops to take ifs continuously for twenty ihRt cannot Le diced by the use of HALR'a Oenneetoe-- and Interest Allowed !nt opssE nod doservee in cha4u'ura the fullest POP ftdaOne oft sly, ane,
With daylight furious fighting thus C,tTARalr C•URe. J. Re. bert Mason.
pinc•e [m supplementing short pas- pain begun in my back, then Again resumed, but the rumour lend FRANK J. OIIENEY. 2nd Vieu•1•...idant- VICE-PIlN,EDEN'TS ADDRESS.
shifted to m' hip eb Sworn to before me one subscribed tit mYy Debentures Issued
tures, noel to not lysing economical iiu J' L, tut thence down got about that the Emperor wits kill- presence, this lith day of Dpeember. A.D. 1833, W. H. Beatty in t Ip tbnmotion the arst Vtce•President, Mr. Alfred ITeakin. Q. O„ eat thp t he
A. W. GLEASON ltanl t, n Sterling maid Cur- p
the [natter of Cunknong expanses, or, my lag. 1C became $O AavefO that :it ed, and the man began to show signs ""L g.,.. it Icor- g was Seamedli stilethat rib,hofund+ofLhaCompany have been carefully i lingo eat a8gare
i saAA : otarp Public. Walter S. Lea. arncy, at the best atauinabl. rib, ,% in claw of the Elim that nounba t o he CoI D&Jo s policyholder,
F S young g y of demoratisatiou whitch the officers seer Ltd, h moat be n saurus of groAr snliafuutton not onl t o the CotgPeoy'a policyholders,
in a ward, Iva mol ju • this Dun elan icemen as though the yea marrow but lo,.he au ants and ail eta ors httcrri?bed to Lis tuturp we are, Ea know Chnt the tavOa lit
did not have cod judgment. in m bones thus being scalded, and feared, h panic eO¢oed. Lmmhnent, actsdr altar Cure Is the
nlucoussur and I 1>�
g J g y 6 just Wt the critical moritent rota directly on bhu blood and mucous surfaces at tett floor „ 5latualldfe .to adulitted to be among thoverY bo5t?aid entest in the Dominion.
There are some lessolis here for the at times I could sciMely repress cry- THE ERWEROR APPEARED of the syeCatn. Saud for testimonials tree, Tho yen" L'99 ivaa a banner Yaitr ht the history Of the Compit� yp, and Ito c:ongr' Lmlated bhp
young 1naII w1blu is thinkingof buy- lu aloud from the agony I endured. charger; it seemed that Druggists, , 750. lY & CO„ �'olado, 0. ti'. + maaagement nod' lie A(Cet'OF statrupon the success aehieved. Ha bad no doubtt0iat It would
g g y on his white ebur Sold by Druggists, 75a. i9 A - o oonttnue to bu the R.mbition of All connected with thofnstdaulLou to lamintafn the high ehrtracto
!mg a farm• rXillis instance of afail- h tried all Norte of ILnimauts and lo- ha had wondered away by himself to Hail's Family PIMA are tile beat U 1t? whbh t he OrrapnnyunJ::ys for Patrandbonorablo dealingsnutrialy Wichita pnlioyholders,but
_ J,^ with all Ill liars Toing business with It.
[netts a survey and had loaf himself. •ii R@q � AIT. B, .12 Britton, QX, . M.P,• :nd Viee•Presideub• desirrd to congratulate the polloy-
lue allows him the kind of fnrtuing lions, but got no relief. 1 doctored He had been obliged to keep quiet dux- tA91eS ANo CM s [ 1� holders on ilpfs tLe 61st birthday of Our Most Graoious Majosty the Quads, and om wltnt may be
that (lose not psly, Now, I want to with several Physicians, even g E g MONTREAL HOTELDIRE0T0OY. t ours omr;ldoradthpSuthti,•thdnyottheOampanyy,which iRvorTgonerAilyadmtttedn, to Queen
p y goin in r l'he night teat b0 should fall Into Lii��1'���p @1 t� �+Ct ,. of All Cnaadtan l' ifo Upmp,(ores. This to fussed n owls thus In gaaadn, mod suecese
11dtlHaome Of OUs' young m0.41 llo are to Buffalo for b us acral_ ilia bonds of the enemy. It rt Am. Plan. 190�� RESSMC. P!G agomsttbeintheair. TitopragrnlsOf the OnkaT30 utuelifu durng1898 woe eminentlY
P' J p T_he Balmoral, Fres Bus Al -P u °
A British officer engaged in the p' eatdsAwiay, and with R n!iiV, apPropriale, and more ogmprehonalve name lm 1 wlbh oho new
Lkinlejug of making their isL there, but imnocuso did lever i'w Peninsular War had a strange ox- AVENUE HOUSE�Moc:m-•cotlege Aremte M COLORS n ImpulegLhnetharapidlydeveloping im'vetrtea ,and prosperlCy of Canada impart wo m Y
business, to learn some Lessons from ceive more than temporary relief. It.
-Family Hotel race. $1so L yl{0@ �nN reaaonAbtyexpeottbobustneseOL-thocnrrpntyasr Wfully tenet, it not arooed, that of 18®0
prisoner. IIs was wean dad inieraken per day. C and that the slemdy increRAo which hna mnrlted our cnreor in the est may oonHmte to bho gnrt -'
this failure mod to suggest to them may be easily imaginal that the pain prisoner by the Trench at \rimier[[ ; he .HOTEL-01"O'""cick$.I:a Dcpur, ty�- A � at Ihp ohs ter. lib notod•among other potato that the Company a ivaomo is over tt3,000 er
$T. JAMES ss 00—aA alf� y, p 1' y $ prsased hhc regret pt Dr. Borden is
tYns taken Lnto 1 panto and im 1•isoned aro flock. from C. r l �' sur laud [tint it a a qut:n leases peat• u0U a clay[ B:e e
a• turned
of farmreg Lha C etii d• have I endured told ansa Mein bihor ways P Roitlmy, s-Ratlaaa ideru,erdal Hesse. Lindero lm. a ting Abto to ba present•, Rad tmmhed antha hill bho ompany now hue hetero Porlinmonh
turner! out differently. Sometimes the and 1 became almost a phyalCal there, and for reasons which it is din provementwRaloa ,coders tn, I'llA I i Mr. Gtla. A. Somerville, tnAnnger of The Huron & Erio Loan and 9avinge Dampen honr0•
EiCult t0 understand, be remained in �� 11a®1 I Yly ooncurnd with all E' mE hod dieeli PRid by pp'0910Un B eaknrn is regard to Lha A anaT"er; tNm
most pe•Ofil:4ble. work a magi can do wreak. At Limesmy right legwuuld prison for fifteen years, not ,being Yorkshire has the greatest railway ,p' Co",
andlieadORicosafl*.110 peatntandOnLRndA eco a a8' an q
is ;to do a little fi rim It would liberated until .after Nepal had y t d thought drab Lhe
g'u' g• swell to -nearly twice its normal P mileage of any country in England; •. I Co+nanny had teases tq be proud oP such oi}icere And agou�a.
have taken this young man Only a size. Then Lit¢ nota and strplling heal) sent to Rt. Uelena. Of course, his next comes Lancashire. I
relatives believed him dead, and. when AIANAGER'S ADDRESS.
few minutes; with a pencil and paper ,yuutd shift to any left leg, and the he, arrived in England he found that n'':�Mr. Goo. Vi'GeamastAlan. or,statedthnbsathuPrOsid*ntltndrofarred to the '
B dation pt
LO hdVP, shown him I.h(it. list wits Parol- agatl,t' was something uwPUl. IAupposa his mother shad died rlttriplg his can- 1899Rflco[3ngrba Standard n.[ Vatuatd t t as
d President,
say a few words on thrtg�i atttj004
lug it al, a large 10.59, «nit Ithnt some. that during the period I waS afflicted finement and that his �ocesnarily the prgmhun riles q[ all companies taante requirod to be adjusted on this now
property lied siiudard, and nearly all Canadian comp.Lgkoe hlortldsod their tREea LO s0e0rd with this change,
wheTO be mast reduce his expenses or t have hundredm of timev laid ml my been divided, it. was no easy matter �p , • A , / ! No difIlcuh y „111• theroPnre, lie oxportouuod in colnpsod t err r the law, so for ms now b(hange,
fail, book an the floor with my foot And for hila to establish his identity, �/W of rlL�g 1r � concerned. As to thebuAfnanA issnOd aider to Jan. 1090, the change to the lilgllor bnsiu may
leg ebpyaLed oa a chaff in order to es eciPli,v ns hhs butt[ ar(i s &� be nlado fn Live attps:
obtain slight Ouse front tine P ppearance L Frnm ant atioc 1910 all such business must be valued on a 4.per boat. basis, and
g pain .[ had been considerably altered by his Front And after 79tban'm3Jporganb,basis.
THINKING P.10A.itS, eAdured. The luusrlen and sinews In long imprisonment, but after it time e}�� �`' �?�! The law, therefore; allows 16 Years In which to bring all the old business to the ull,lnlats
nn�' Legs tdukad its I bough they had he was able t0 Provo beyond a doubt �#/ m (/ f .rY4 � i "•'T�' .+ standard of 98 per cen.„ sad it is not auttelpatedthat any the exisLing Canadian eompaulas
ThwS work should b¢ done in Lha ca t•- twisted and tied in knots, The trou- tbatt he was himself and not tin im- �., — '�'�'� will havo, or aught to have, any justg�tround for oh eotinnto this import Chaugqo In tha A&
VIVO yaari ng) our'Dirooturs dseldell that, in v ow of the declining rate of intst street obtain.
ly ,Isa'rt of Che growing season, and bLa went an In this tvtty ttn'til finally poster. He thus avelrnmed as a hero; rhe on arat•clamseouriti,a, such a! Life comp 4nlsowere thou empowered toinvest in, our
wherever a tree is overloaded asuffi- n'o'thing but gpdalea .ttould daalden tin(' his property was returned to him, [ �/ d liabflibias should becaupuLedoA a4 eremb•la,.Is,whichlimsinu�thcntoes the Company%
rheut nmleunL of the fruit shouts be the pain. A feta, years ago f road of In one of the battles of the Austro_ y { �( a ? � Standard. We have Earefera,alrai lb tmt(en the first step in fulfil ti ; of the law, which we
r/ s"/ l� A,,fP //, _ 7 / would not be compelled to bate unity In1Q
u'uure in a.yimilur case Chndugh the German campaign of 18OG (t German Onrofa•ence:otheAbatraobof Statanlintsfor1809, I fine{ that out of bile IT Oompaniea
removed! to thoroup•illy relieve it, 7'ha ass ,at Dr. \Villimots' Pink ilius and sergeant was numbered among the � � reporting to theJ)amlintonInsuranceDeparbaruint. onlyr*van of tilgpi vahts their liabilities
money. expended in thinning is ytm- tlec.idgd Lo try theist, For aOlne time slain; there se0mo(1 l;q b¢ no possible �� QP' upona d per cath, ora higher basis, the others using • bhp proiont Go6trnment
g y p ,,(/ Fer cent, for the who tot, part of their business. Outof the raven r entail La, SthrOean o nit*
Ply ]repaid in the pt Olection of the oriel Illegan their use, Ir?aald lig4 doubt about the martRr, for one of 46 , , �8 Compantea, with very lU.tle boein0es upon their hooka, l0 vin but at• old , three ire new
brees, and the suli'erhor qudlity ofthe loci' but, Ihey were halpjdtg .tile, buil his man SM -01100 to the identity of a YFVLBi IntvovoluntarllyadoPtedthohighoi-amudurd. Our position In thisiespe-t is, thereforo, very
potlsfaotory, showing thnt•Lho ilreroatp of otrr policyhnHIorn ore elrofnlly aafegunrdOd,
eclded l'huC I [Neots give them n fair 1'H 1; BLOOD STAIN117 SCDSr. iytthrogard to kha Adoond step, nnlnely, !mm 4 to 3t nor cont., it will tic scan Nlat we
fruit. TP Over)pearfng is P'ro"n I nit. U.u- i real, By ilia [[alta filed used. n ball Of Upon "•bora to which this mar h, mmdu, end I stay say LhAt there vv
i11 De. no dtf%gnity to Aq-
7¢11111 ulrop:5 witl result, Nearly tttl kindA d020n i]OxeS, tlbat0 'Vas U dcutdad Lm- At keds n the cion of village
tear, he -- -- ecmphshtag it lorg berme the,U .,tion t Lhe b" aid time, ''lila could iononON etnoe
It av appeared in the Prussian village where r al
nndettll loevaB aabatanttal surplus uvor all 1labtliEfa.; but this I do .at
....idea• neoaseaip
of pcaws s'houl'd be gntbered Ill'
least i ' eima'"t iin my ease, and 1 eo.n- Ills parents lived, and so .great was the ,av,�4~,e`���'m'�'7�'&'W � vO'�'�a �'�.�..*%1%�,,
lmued tike use of the pills uuiil Iher! g d under extet". n4ar n,......
one week before Laney naturally .ripen hock to ,his clot hor that she fell EllI stn I. Lha I .'a n that in jnstLea tq bhoae Oli. It ,.,! whe etthpr b E e t-inis of by
alien twejva hexes, uhnn 1'f¢It may and !tar fife was deg aired of for sav- PAINTST cEa nee,inriydeatlaotoLhoi•w3ee,wlthdrawfromtlte, Va an fn tbnnlnrfntit, n Budd
on the tress. The unit: sitoutd', ba lrnncl" p�' IST P y a
s tit a ivaa e(smp}ot:e. Several years aper days, 'U On investigation, it e7 gas -the bust made : gis the Resorvoshould not bo made, ae those would n000aenrily be dppljvod O[ a la r
tact with the ut meal: cytt'e, ua al, paper have since tssetl unci I,have had no Y P g Phareof..,pl�n that they you dgtherwiao soap -
was discovered that the sergeant had They're ,pally handled and teal•il CHANGE Obi' NAME.
bruised or wick' a broken akin tvLll return of [•Ile trau9tlo, ao ilia[: I toe] beentaken prisoner, and that Lhamun �e� ����,'•� smoothly, evenly, without atrentt+l
•rdtpidly decay land is a detrilleaut to. wife, 5n A:tyrng that the cure has been who was killed. was a sergeant in au. Handled, • 0 ♦ Or dullness, If you want good E. p' Ole -ant, Esq.. barrister, Berlin• considered the time opportune for a change !qq the
this rest of the package. Pet'msnailC, other company, Paid that there was a name of the Company, when the curtain lsaboutto drop, oltca ag,llehtnd it tho i9th ton it
I !fatty also add that my wi'fo has striking resemblance between the two. color and paints that last through and when a now con ,cry Is about / dawn upon its witb,we hope, boundless opp"rtuuitloe tyro
Used the PLUS for indigcatian, head. oonWnuoAid-onlmrggothis Cmnpany'svporatipusduring�the Incoming eenturv. As pure well
But: joy far one Comity meant' sorrow sun and storm, (tee thsRrQAlubaolLttaCompan, chmrtoredbyCanadlar,Legislature,unit isstilltheonl purcIy
aches nu(t dfzzinrsS, find has found for another, for the dead Ulan's falnil y
FOR, RAIPPINP98, . great benefit from them, Words can- Y °? mnGua native life company n CR.Aaa, no mato agapepplat, name could bo aeloctiN tltnit
believed. him to be prisonor, and TheMvtuhlLifo dsauranon Company of CpDean.' and he had, therefore, great plonsuria in
expresA (he i'aaL• benefit Dr 9 - matin,eb000dedbyXl'.J.l�Jdd,Ii.A:,OEknwq,theollowingromilution;
Help same bus with a kind though(,, ,,g were eagerly looktilg forward to itis AM.SAV �.
g , 1Vi1] ia,ma Pitak I Ills hNve been t 0 me, :_1•oturih i `�R 'pmt thtH nnnttal gsgoral meeting of t ho pnlfugholders of the Unlarlo Mutual Lilo Aesar•
... onto Company hereby exproAsoe Itt entire coniurrehaq In the. provisions of the bill now before
n kind tvoi•d, n smile, a bright took, Anti I hone si,�ti.1911' sCttfar,is [vitt pro- The nearest approach to a recut•- '
bho Dominipn ParlinmonL. for Ehe O1tRggp fn tae name of the Company to The Antes if.
akind deed. .Look onthe bright side. tE, byAmy 6alfeflenge,.----H�•_' rection Which has Dome under our `r \•• 1�Lt'-'��,Ep� yp Ito AsalurnnceCompanynfCaneda,andtltoahangoOftbvdntoo[Lhoanoaalmootin,andrsquaata
Do your duty. Live ,your best. lie IJr, 9Vnliiams Pull Nils cure by go Motion is that of a German soldier ,... -, . • j A A N 1 thaTl,oarebirtngarDiruo eHandg�udtoril veleo ro lenbc ort the paa,nge of tLevipill.'
pnut Clio dose daily. lug fo the root of of iiia disease, T%cy after the terl;ible battle of Grave-
.. l 10 -' iaoh�eV SAW hints up the blood, Ant) elle, This young follow was very .. made with exaotneas., from years VOTEa OF THANItbt
r_,-, ,,,,,,t lela ` __ at rengthC4t. the nerves, flails driving severely wounded, anti, in the hurried Of e.zperiPnce, with just the pro-
dda'eeae frOan t1Po System. If At is nstomarY at Annual M,etift9% Alter a year Of great success, resolutions were posted
@1JiS7,IF IEA. J'ottl' examtuation on the kalLlefirl(1 be was V par prnpnrtidua of the proper ma- r ponvo,In* ilia mgstldearty [beaks of Eho }7olioy holders to him hoard Ot Dtreotors, Exec rtiv
den•telt does not keep Lbotn,'Ibey wil' d0elire.d by Lite army doctor 1'O be r}�, I .. emnmiLt,O, Mcdionl Dlr:O:Or,-_bialtAgOr-60CTotary Sitperintoudent of A�t{tanmios, Rnd thn I00
Do you know all4"IOut be neral. p i,t4-paid. yet'. GO pants It boS: dead, Who; ilia trenches had been dU QHrialel, 'OflitleandA�+OOq "[Alfa, for bhoOpry Ahtieand erl'itb,nf•htannorlh wlt4ah LItOy Dla(hnt'ga
g � .".. r6.pe00 p ditciAs<1vNhtg.thq pa•b ytlut•. THO Prgetdent, Mattngor,.and gGhpra h•tvin-
dir111ingt aerie([ the Sergeant. or six boxes for $',1.601 by addressong for burying the killed, the . e42 graaahillyRpknowiedgcrlLiwaompllMenLApaid, Gnd}3nv0the noon was nun Innb g
Tail.h, I know all alxtut'it, ;replied 1he'Dr. Williams Medirt+no C'a., Brock body of Iho young 4•HTnI Q g ursb
s01(licr was L %;��1Q�� Sodim
of pnErlotia ferret, af4or whfalt ib • nigattnR adJom'nod.
• � 11110O1I I'
kepi' ina oar- vi�lte, On L. kop•t. aside by n aomralic who fes' . i , RRORJANIV,ATION Or THE BOARD•
itis row morale " [ wul 4 nowhere to be seen, and in vlow. at Llpe formed one of lite but• iUR party P0101 �a
1y Cot aronny years laefoar I i!lned' t;h' y ' MONTREAL, Tht DfrootorppmotaubsequenEiyattd ra•otooto2 Mr. Robert Melvin Presidents Ift, Alfmd
part 1110 find played It 1Vaa Veti,y nR- this tVIIA (Iona a9 an aef of brDtlierly alk In , C arab VloviProaideht nod Mr, 10. At, Bll/ten. Q. C,. 2. F., aeeoad V ca-lirg9l•
Lural y concluded that be bad fftllall love, for the Comrade could not endure i' i meq► wQ m a ro W w' K o•tt. ,1?,*'�. off%,%-,% ,Mr ., %/O.%'Saa Xon1016 4 fJsmpahy tar the oslulnRyepa,