The Brussels Post, 1900-5-24, Page 5oF'
MAT 24, 1000
.1.TX oent, k', 8, $OQ'1"T, Brussels,
• Issuer of Marriage Lieenees, Of•
ileo at Gr000ry, Tnruberry street, Brussels,
■-Il• Tonsorial Artist, Shop—Next door
North of the Standard Sank, Ladies' and
• Children's hair (tutting a specialty.
DE10IG11PP has several good Forme for
sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships
of Morrie and Grey. F S, SOOTT,Bruesele
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
TEewarR OF—
L, O, M.,
Academia graduate 'of London Conserva-
tory of Muelo, also Member of the Associated
Mu1iclane of Ontario, is prepared to receive
a limited number of pupils for iustrnotio0
on the piano. Qualified to prepare pupils for
the Principal's Form in the Conservatory of
Br0e°els, Ontario.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
Co. Huron; Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Land,Loanrand Inenrance Agent ; Auction.
eer. Funds invested and to'loan. Collec-
tions made. Oiuoe in Graham'alB lock, Brus-
• ERR, will sell for better prices, to
better men, in lase time and less charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
ho won't oharge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at tills office or by
personal application.
Graduate of R. 0. D S„ Toronto ; Post Grad.
nate course at Haskol'e School, Obiang°, in
crown and bridge work. IS -Prices same as
in earronnding towns, 21 -
Office over A. R • Smith's store, Brussels,
Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domesticated animals lin a oompot-
ent manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly at-
tended to. Omce and Infirmary—Four doors
North of bridge, Turnberry et., Brueeele.
• Barrietor, Solicitor, lOonveyancer,
Notary Public, &o. Oiflce—S thwart's Block
1 door North of Central Hotel,,
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
Solicitor, &o. Office over Stand-
ard Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels,
Money to Loan at lowest rates.
1.1 • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt &
Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderioh
Ont. Office—Hamilton street, opposite Col-
borne Hotel.
/II. D„ C. M.,t
Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians
and Surgeons, Kingston ; Member o1 the Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
Disoaeee of Women and Children a special-
ty. Nine years' experience. Office and res-
idence, opposite Jdoglish,ohurch, Brussels.
nit. D., C. M.,
Trinity9University, Fellow Trinity Medical
Collage, Member College of Physicians and
Surgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Itoyal Col-
lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery Edinburgh, i 'Telephoue No.14,
Reoittonoo—M111 street, Brussels,
112$I0IAN, 01111000N AND A0006011000,'
(Successor 18 Dr. F. 11. Halbnolsch)
111. D. -Bellevue Hospital Med. Col., New
York ; M D 0 M Victoria University, Toron-
to ; Member of the College of Physicians and
Surgeons of Ontario, Special attention paid
to dieease0 of woman, eye, ear, nose and
throat. 19-01
M. O. G. M.,
Graduate of McGill College, Montt eel, &„
kr,. All specialty work satisfactorily treat-
ed, Office upstairs in the Stratton Block.
Office hours, c to 12 a. m., and 7 to 10 p.111,
Specialist work, suob as for eye, car, throat,
&o,,.in the Office at his residence, Elisabeth
Street, from 2 to 0 p in. All med101000 will
be dioponeed portonally'by the Dr. or under
hie direct ouporvislou:
Writs To -day for Our Catalogue!
T rJ f€t
I'Z y"c Student° aro in attendanoc'this year
fretn Canada, United States and New=
foaudland. Our graduates are nlwaye in natural wood and the tvorhmanahi
auoae:eful in getting good situations, p is
W. J, ELLIOTT, Principal,
a ortdit to the coutraotors, Bamford
The Bus n s
Listowel College.
Tbo Listowel Furniture "Op, are ad.
601.110108 for tender° for the eyeetlon of
a furniture faotory, the plait and epeoi=
iloation0 of wit lob ran bo soon at the
office of the Sec, -Trent., ItloD,, Fleming.
D. Rutherford lett town On Monday Of
1001 week on a professional visit Io the
New York and Baltimore Floepitalo,
A thorough, complete and praotical train- gra, Rutherford apd Mies Trow, of
Stratford, a000mpanfed' him. They ex -
peel to return In about three weeks',
W r-o74.(atel,'.
Alex. McLeod, of town, is very low at
present, suffering from inflammation,
Wm, Reid, who has been engaged with
Geo. Leckie, tailor, tor some weeks, has
left to work in Brunie.
Rev. Mr. Wilkie, missionary from
India, preaohod in the Presbyterian
church hereon Suaday evening.
Mre. M. MoLeod, of the 10th eon,,
Howiok, accidently fell hitting her arm
on a atone and breaking it at the wrist.
Court of Revielon for the village of
Wroxeterwill he held in the Clerk's
office on Monday, May 28th, at 7,30
o'olook p. m,
Robt. Harris was over to Horrietoo
and brought home five or six good borne
which lis bought in the vicinity, of
Orangeville and had them delivered at
IIarriston and driven home,
The contract has been let for the
erection of the new Baptist oburoh on
the 3rd line of Howiok this Summer.
The moving of the old ohurob and the
exaav0ting will be completed tbie month.
lie Fooled 7110 Surgeons.
All the doctors told Renick Hamilton,
of West Jefferson, 0., after sofferiug for
18 months from Rectal Fistula, be would
die unless a costly operation was per,
formed : but he cured himself with Buck -
lea's Arnica Salve, the best•in'the world.
25 oents'abox, Sold by G. A. Deadman,
druggist. •
ing in all Wil s:hes of 0onameroiai work,
at considerably iesa than regular rates.
Por full information apply
11001110 of College over root Officer
10i ttiitt ' ;lets.
Mrs, Richard McGrath is on the sink
Mrs. Wrn, Doig hoe gone to Barrie
where she will visit friends.
Thos. Dane has purchased a driver
from Mr. Wright, of Morriebank,
Harry Day, the noted horse buyer, has
purchased a livery business in Walker
Rev. John Wilkie, M. A., of Indore,
India, addressed the congregation of the
Presbyterian oburoh on Sunday after.
The infant child of Jae. R. King, of
the 11111 coo„ a boy about 1 year old,
died of consumption. He was interred in
the Gorrie cemetery.
Misses Susan and Lottie Ardell have
returned from the "Soo" where they
have spent the past ten months and will
spend the Summer under the parental
We are sorry to record the death of
Mrs. W. H. Kerr, of this village, which
took plane on Thursday, 10th inot., at the
age of 29 years. Her remains were in•
tarred in the Wroxeter oemetery 'on Sob
bath afternoon. She leaves a husband
and n family of five small children—two
only a few weeks old—who have the
sympathy of all in their bereavement.
The Atwood Public Library received
their Government grant last week of
Court of Revielon on the Elma votere'
list will be held in the Hall on the 11th
June at 10 a. m.
T. J. Knox, for many years Reeve of
Elma and Warden of Perth, ie mention-
ed as a candidate for Oo. Treasurer,
The Elms Cheese Co. shipped 258 box-
es April cheese for T. Ballantyne & Sous,
at 110. per Ib., and 119 boxes May ohoeee
at 10fo, per lb.
The election of the following offcere
took place in Donegal Foot Ball olub ;—
Hon, Pres., Wm. Struthers, ar. ; Pres.,
Jas. Barr ; Vice Pres,, Thos. Barton ;
Seo., Chas. Montane ; Treas., David Har-
row; Capt., John MacFarlane; Match
Com„ Chita. Struthers, Jno. Seelboff,
Henry Beelhoff,
Whitfield ;McCormick has disposed of
his 100 acre farm on the 8th eon., Elmo,
to J. B. Hamilton, sr., for $5,500, poo.
session to be given on March let, 1901,
when D. Nichol's lease expires. It is a
good place, all cleared with a good briok
house and bank barn, and cheap at the
money. Mr. Mo0ormiok still owns 270
acres near Trowbridge, which is about as
moon land as be Dares to work. He will
take a pleasure trip to Manitoba and the
Northwest next month.
The young people of Trinity church,
Elmo, met May 100 for the pnrpoee of
organizing a Young People's liooiety.
After prayer and an opening hymn, bug -
mass commenced with Rev. W. V. Mo•
Millan as chairman. The following
officers were elected :—Pres„ Mies Sarah
Roe ; Viae -Pres'., Mise Sarah Struthers ;
Sec„ Mise S. V. MacFarlane ; Treas.,
Ephraim Irvine ; Look -out Committee,
John MacFarlane (convener), John Mo -
Kenzie, Thos, Barton, Hattie McMillen,
Nellie McMane, Rebecca MacFarlane,
Emma MoGourt ; Religious Service Com-
mittee, Chas. MoMone (convener), Re-
beccaRoe, Wm, Gilmer, Liza McMane,
Thos. Barton ; Social Committee, Robt,
Donavan (convener), Chas. Roe, Lizzie
McComb, Martha Barrett.; Organist,
Rebecca Rol. The Society meets every
Thursday evening at 8 'o'olook, sharp.
lite is a Wonder.
All who see Mr. 0. F. Collier, of Cber•
okee, Iowa, as be ie now, cheerful, erect,
vigorous, without an ache,"oould hardly
believe he is the same man who, a short
time ago, had to sit in a chair, propped
op by cushions, suffering inanely from
an aching back, in agony if be tried to
stoop—all caused by chronic kidney
trouble, that no medicine helped till he
used Eleotrie Bitters and was wholly
cured by three bottles. Positively aures
Backache, Nervousness, Lose of Appetite
and all Kidney troubles. Only 500. at
G. A. Deadnou'e drug store.
R. 13. Andrew, manager for the Listo-
wel Piano Co., is laid np at his home in
Bowmanville with an attack of fever.
Listowel Chair factory is now turning
out, 100 chain daily, and expect to
increase the output to 150 very shortly.
Listowel lodge A. 0. U. W. has voted
85 towards the relief of their brother);
who have been sufferer° by the Ottawa -
Hull fire.
The Gas Works are again in operation,
having been started up on Monday even-
'itig of last week for the first time since
the explosion.
W. J. and arra. Howe,- of Wiarton,
were in town for a day or two last week,
having come down to attend the funeral
of Art. and Mrs. Bamford's child,
Prey .Feild, of this town, paned euo•
oeoefullythis snood year examinations of
the Outarib Dental College, Toronto, his
name appearing in the list of eucceoeful
junior students.,
Will. E. Burgess, one of the brightest
of Montreal's newspaper men, has left
111e Herald, with which be has been s
oonneoted for thirteen years, to; join the r
Star editorial staff, Ile was made the
recipient of a handsome preeontation, t
Mr, Bargees wag at one time oonneoted is
with the Listowel papers, and lila friends
hero aro pleased to hear of big advance.
mens on the Montieal press. w
H. B. Morphy and family are now 00- w
oupying his handsome now resid0090 on L
Victoria street Eaet, It is built of rod o
pre&eedbrick, with out atone foundation B
and Ohio frenatone sills, elate roof, etc., t
and is one of tbo $nest modern built li
houses in town, The interior is finished b
131-1, t h.
The Blyth Alerts play football at Luck -
now on May 24113.
John Denholm ebipped three cars of
hey to looal pointe last week.
St. Andrew's ohuroh has so far con-
tributed $65 towards the India famine
Mrs. Frank Metcalf ono in St. Mary's
last week attending the funeral of an
A new and modern fenoe has been
erected in frout of the residences of F.
Metcalf and J. Walker.
John Roger, 0. E., of Mitchell, was
here on Tuesday of last week in conneo•
tics with our new granolithio sidewalks
and sewers.
Harvey Shane received a nasty fall
from hie bioyole on Tuesday evening of
last week by striking a stone and is now
raining a sprained wrist.
Frank Metcalf has rented his frame
hou-e on Wellington street to a London
gentleman, wpo purpoeee residing, in,
Blyth during the month.
Alex. MoOreight has lately purchased
through 0. Hamilton, agent, a new Har -
dill compound steam engine, made at
Mitchell, and placed it in his chopping
The Ladies' Aid Society in commotion
with St. Andrew's oburoh intend having
an."A.t Home" on Friday evening, June
let. It will be held in the basement of
the ohuroh. Lunch served at 8 p. m.
From the assessment roll for this year
we take the following partioulars : Real
property, $197,845 ; personal property,
818,875 ; real and personal property and
taxable income, $218,020 ; number of
acres, 429. The population is a little
lees than last year but 'still keeps within
sight of 1100.
Rev. Nathaniel Leech was born in the
year 1832. He was one of a family of 10
eons, out of which three entered the ranks
of the Methodist ministry and became
competent and effective workers in the
ammo. The leavening power of the blase•
ed Gospel, together with the hallowed in-
fluences of a Ohrietian home had a re-
straining and also a blessedly °enatrain-
ing effect upon this family of boys ; and
though Nathaniel' re.ieted the Spirit and
the influences of home till be had grown
to manhood, yet Truth prevailed and he
was oonverted to God at a oamp•meetiog
held in Howiok, Ont., in the month of
June, 1859. In May. of 1860 he was put
on the local preachers' plan, and though
he wars engaged in the milling business in
Howiok yet he never was so absorbed
with secular matter° ne to be forgetful of
or indiffereut toward spiritual things.
Be wee always ready to take an appoint.
ment, and ae a local preaoher was accept-
able to an extraordinary degree. Bro.
Leech had an experimental knowledge of
"the) Truth," he loved "the Truth," he
had been "made free" by "the Truth"
and he had a burning desire to be Matra -
mental in leading others into this blessed
condition of spiritual rest and freedom.
In 1865 be went to United States and
entered the "Tennessee Oouferenoe" as a
probationer. On Oot, 51h, 1867, he was
ordained a Deacon, un31 on Oot. 4th,
1868, he was ordained Elder in the same
bouference. During these years God
greatly blessed his labors in the salvation
of many eon's. In 1870 his health failed,
and in 1871 he took a trip to Eoglaod to
try and renew hie strength. Having re•
gained physioalstrength he returned to
America in 1872 and secured a transfer
to the West Wisconsin Conference, in
which he labored earnestly and success-
fully until 1882, when beoauee of failing
health he was oompolled to give up the
active work. Be then returned to Canada
where he spent moat of his time from
then till his death, -He assisted several
of our of our minister° in the Man. and
N. • W. T, Conference in evangelietio
work and considering hie age and the
condition of his Health be was a real euo-
oess. He lived near to Gad, had a strong
grasp of Truth, clear and sound on
doctrinal teaching, a mighty man in
prayer, an earnest, foroeful and per.
uaeive GosPel preacher, and for these
neon he was an effective Christian
minister. It
s the writ
was er'erivlle e
o have his 0eeintanoe on the Kenmay
irouit, Brandon district, and Mao on the
Wpeoana circuit, Regina dietriot, where
we spent severm
I weeks together
here to day into living many y persona
ho oborieh fond memories of Nathaniel
each. He died at Calgary, N. W. T.,
n July 26th, 1899, and was buried at
randon, July 31st. Bro. Leech had
rue and broad conceptions of life. Ile
vett not for what he could get out of life
nt rather for what be could do in life,
° asked no remuneration for the
esietanoe rendered in evangelistic work
nd in toot would only go to the weaker
mitaign 401410 where it was a bard matter
to raise 11100 per year for the missionary.
Not only did by ask no remuneration
but would not twelve it, and I welt 60•
member the people at one partionlar
Pine insisting upon presenting him with
a nicely bound ogpy of the hymn book
we need in our meetings, $o ,did not
look for eve this much, but received it
as token of the regard of the people,
He bad a Christ -like spirit. Lie is now
happy in'"Father's Eoaae."
VV1n.I oe,n.
John Agnew, sr, wits severely kicked
by a enc.
.Wm, Dixon, of Lloyd's faotory atoll,
is off work nursing a finger badly out
with one of the,maohine',
A. Roe, of the Queen's botol, is now able
to take an occasional drive, bat still hue
to be carried in and out of the buggy.
The proposed exoareion to the Forks of
the Credit under the auepioee of Miner-
va 13noampment, I. 0. 0. F., ie likely to
take place about the middle of June.
The oontraot for laying'granolithio
sidewalks in Wingham nae been let to
Arable Graham, of London, at llo a
a foot. Mr. Graham hag oommenoed
W. J. Chapman has an order from a
Winnipeg firm for $7,000 worth of gloves
manufactured at the Wingham Glove
Factory. The are as bogy a0 bees at the
factory all the time.
A two-year old grandson of Wm. Camp-
bell, Lower Wingham, wee badly etruok
by a ram. As often as the little one got
up, the animal butted it down, until the
child was badly bruised about its bead.
There have been a oouple of changes in
the Bank of Hamilton staff here during
the past week. Mort. Morton le promot-
ed to the position of ledger -keeper, ren•
dared vacant by the removal of W. Clark"
to Toronto. J. B. Doyle, eon of Judge
Doyle, of Goderioh, takes the place vacat-
ed by Morton's promotion.
Brakeman Campbell, who had hie arm
taken off at the ehonlder a few weeks ago
is recovering. nicely. George's father is a
resident' of Wingoam. Wm. Bother -
land, the brakeman who wag so seriously
injured at Wingham station some time
ago is also recovering and is now able to
walk around a little.
Will Work At NIgkt.
Countless thousands have found a bless-
ing to the body in Dr. King's New Life
Pille, which pooitively care Constipation,
Sias Headaohe, Dizziness', Jaundice,
Malaria, Fever and Ague and all Liver
and Stomach troubles. Purely vegetable
and never gripe or weaken. Only 25o. at
G. A. Deadman''e drugstore.
Clio ton.
James Stevens of the Base Line, sold a
half dozen cattle last week which bad an
average weight of 1350 pounds.
S. J. Andrews, who purposes embark-
ing in the manufacture of cement tile,
ran off a oonple of lengths last week.
Rev. J. J. Patterson, of Artbur,'eon•in-
law of John Leslie, of Cli nton, has been
palled' to the pastorate of Geneva thumb,
Chealey, at a aelary of $1200 and a free
—The remains of the late Do..Macdon•
ald, who died at hie residence in Detroit
on Wednesday May 9113, arrived in
Clinton on Friday evening when they
were taken in oharge by Undertaker
Chidley and conveyed to Willie ohuroh.
At 1;80 Saturday afternoon e o
on the funeral
service began. It wasoondnated by Revs.
McLean, of Blyth, Goldsmith, of Sea.
forth and Musgrove, of Winthrop. The
following reverend gentlemen were also
present:—Aoheeon,of Bippen, Render.
son, of Bewail, Sawere, of Bracefleld,
Rose, of Brueeele, Hamilton, of Londee-
boro, Fletoher, of Tbemee Road, Shaw, of
Egmondville, Hodgins, of Seaforth, Ole-
ment and Park, Clinton. At the oonolas-
ion of the service an opportunity wag
given to those present of looking for the
last time upon the face of their old and
esteemed friend and long-time pastor,
after which the cortege wended its way
to Clinton oemetery wbere the interment
took place. The pall -bearers were :—
Three sone of deceased, William, David
and Robert, Rev. Mr. Diokie, of Orange-
ville, James Fair, of Clinton and John
Wilson of Seaforth. The late Rev, Dr.
Macdonald was born on the 9113 of Nov
1832, in the Citadel, Quebeo, •and was
thus 68 years and 0 months old on the
day of his death. Hie father was band.
master in the 79th Regiment and was
pre0ent at the battles of Comma and
Waterloo. After leaving the army he
received a pension and a grant of land in
the county of Durham and died shortly
after the ologe of the rebellion when
the subject of this sketch wag 8 years
old, On his father's death Alexander
lived with a farmer nntill he wag 18.
He then began study and attended the
Toronto Aoodemy, then under the oharge
of Prof. Gale. He alternated his studies
by working on a farm and taught school
in Blenheim in 1853 and 1854 and was
employed as a student oatechiet M3855 at
Westpoef and Newburgh and in 1856 and
1857 at Collingwood and i3rad1ord. After
completing; his theological studies at
Knox College, Toronto, he was aseietant
to the late Dr. Bayne, of Galt. Having
been duly licensed by the Hamilton Pres.
bytery, he was ordained pastor of Willis
ohuroh, Clinton, in 1859 and 1869 he was
ettled ars pastor of Knox oburoh, Elora,
and in 1879 inducted as pastor of ,the
Presbyterian ohuroh in Beaforth where
he remained until a year ago when he
etired and took up his residence in
Detroit. .For eight years he was Cletk
f the Huron Presbytery, wee Moderator
t the Synod of Hamilton and London in
883 and has also been Superintendent .of
nbiio School Board in Clinton and
uokeremith and Chairman of the Sea-
orth High School Board. In 1880 Mr.
Macdonald travelled extenoively in Great
ritain and in 1882 and 1887 in Manitoba
nd tile• Northwest. Mr. Macdonald
as married June 28rd, 1859, to Agnea
avau, daughter of Jas. Cavan, of Paris,
ho survives him together with their
ne daughter, who lives with her mother
n Detroit, and their eons, William and
avid,of Detroit, Robert, of Windsor,
ouglao, of Winnipeg and James, of
eepawa, Manitoba. Hie assistants
bile in the Seaforth charge have attain•
d. eminence in the ohuroh. They are :
Rev. W. Diokie, now of Orangeville ;
ev. J. W. MoMiilan, Lindsay ; Rev.
maid Guthrie, Baltimore, Maryland ;
ev. James, Wilson, Glencoe ; Rev. W.
Clark, London ; Rev, Hugh Maophor.
n, Acton. Ire was adiligent, laboriona
nd ettoceseful pastor in all the °bargee
whiob he bac labored and greatly be.
ved by his people,
P, I7, Papier, ex•Mayor of Barrie, le
Robert Johneton is the Conservative
nominee for tate Commons in Cardwell.
Premier Macdonald promisee a pro•
hibltlon bill in the Manitoba Legislature
this week.
The De Beers Mining Company
voted 8500 ao a euhooriptiort to the
nova fire relief fund.
At 41x; Per Cent,
Costs of Loan
Very Reasonable.
Liberal Terms of
Re -payment.
Office over Standard Bank,
Fitted to Correct all
Failures of Eyesight,
and your Eyes tested FREE by
latest Optical methods at
Division Court Office,
The standard Bank
of Canada.
Money Orders
For amounts of Fifty Dollars and under
issued by this Bank, payable at par at
any chartered Bank in Canada, with the
exception of Branohea fn the Yukon Dis-
Under $10
$10 to 20
20 to 80
s0 to 60
J. N. G01tDON,
llIuji Works I
Skate grinding attended to
with neatness and dispatch.
I also Sharpen Horse Clippers, Scie•
sore, bread knives and other edged tools
in op• style.
Saw Gumming and Filing attended
to in a Workmanlike manner. Satia-
faotion assured.
Shop on Mill Street, BRUSSELS.
System Renovator
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita•
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur-
algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Dianne, St. Vitus' Danoe,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by Jat, Fox. Druggist, R0000eit
British Columbia
Ited Cedar Shingles
AND --
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at 013021 Notice,
Eatimatee Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman•
ship and Material Guaranteed.
P. A sf E .e. \ wa. r
st! ^37'T''Ea
Of the quantity of Clothing we oarry, ekoept you have visited our
Clothing department on the eeoond floor in this store. The demand for
Ready.tower Clothing ie rapidly inorea0ing, and to met the demand we
base bought nearly double the quantity this Spring that we ever did
before, The prejudloe against Ready to•wear Clothing ie last disappear.
ing. The time was when all wearing apparel woo made to moaenre, But
DOW all le changed, No one thinks of going to the ohoemaksr to leave bio
measure for shoes, the same with iodise' jankete and aoetomee, • Ail the
best dresser° wear them readymade, And Clothing is
making rapid strides during the•laet few years. Youlcan now get Clothing
readymade equal in quality, fit and finish to any ordered goods at about
half the pride,
for men, boys and children. Below we quote a few prices :
Men's Blue and Black Berge Saito, $8 50,
Men's Tweed Suite, in awoke and fanoy mixtures, $4.50 and $5.
Men's Fine Tweed Suits, new patterns, at $6 and 87.
Men's Suits, in fanoy tweed and overoheoks, extra good lining, Frenoh
fnoinge, at $8, $9 and $10.
Fine Blaok Clay Woreted Suite, in sacks or three button oat away,
beet Italian lining, Frenoh facings, $10.
B ,ye' Tweed Suite at $1.50, $2, $2.50 and $4.
Children's Fancy Suite, with vestee, 82, $2 50 and $3.
Binder Twine.
"Probe." say twine will advance
in price. Prudent people are placing
their orders for "Plymouth Twine," be-
cause it saves Labor, Twine and Money.
Finder Covers.
$3.00. The material alone would
cost more at present prides.
Ball Bearing Churns.
Oar stook, bought before the
advance in price, will soon be Bold out.
Now is the time to get one,
$35 00 and up. The heart of a
bicycle is the Hanger. The only perfect
hanger is the "Oae•pieoe" Fauber Hang-
er. Dominion, Garden City and Perfect
are equipped with the Perfeot Hanger.
Washing Machines.
See them.
They are Perfect.
Pure Prepared Paint
35o. per quart. New shades of
color. Floor Paints, dry in 8 home.
Every ban of Paint guaranteed.
Lawn Mowers.
See our 16 in, cut for $4 00. Our
present stook only to be Bold at these low
Harvest Tools
Purchased before the advance in
price. Come and share the profits.
• o McKAY & Co.
Noma— Large, Well Select-
ed and Well Finished
The well known firm of
are to the front with a
Buggies, Wagons, Road Carts, Etc.,
that they are sellling at CLOSE prices. Already they
have disposed of 7 Buggies and the Prospects are good.
Call at our Show Rooms and see for yourself.
Special attention given to Repairs,
Re -painting, Tri7n7ning, O.,
Ewan & Innes, - Brussels.
More Room
Having made a large addition to my Blacksmith Shop I am
in a better position than ever to attend to my Customers.
All kinds on hand, both for new work or repairs, and prices
the lowest.
General Blacksn ithin tt aaalto ewitgtlai hind satisfac-
tion guaranteed.
Horse ShoeingI have made a specialty of
• this line for years, and if
you have any horses that interfere, over -reach or troubled with
bad feet, bring them to me, I will relieve or cure them in less
than three months or will make no charge.
Wagons ScBuggies. I am prepared to supply the
above at the very lowest
prices, and best quality, either of my own make or from the
largest Factories in the Dominion.
Thanking my numerous customers for their very liberal support in the .
past, and hoping by strict attention to business and satisfactory prides,
tosecure a ooutinuanoe of the name.