The Brussels Post, 1900-5-3, Page 7SM1 Ic Ar res 0,10♦ o 1w rat 1)i 1Y3. AY Bl 1900. J, k7,.:I,tl 13111,113$1114$ POEM ESCAPED FROM JAIL. THE CLEVER SCHEMC THAT WAS WORKED BY ONE CROOK. 110 Wanted n Cet;ruler nook, and lin etel 1t, 'l'llaritre to a eleuovolent llY, 04(1. lie 'title Pe'eve'd to no tae.. euliarly Appropriate. "The recent e0Cape fl•oni tbo parish. prison;" said it seoondhaud bookseller en tee aid side wee has ellnost as many reminiscences as be has vole nines, "reminds II10 of 0 very curloue of cane 1 deliver • rl Jell iy in wl 0h 1 was au accessory before the feet. I was Te9 never t( e at .41 for It, but don't qb.' jest to telling you the story, "Ono day in the summer of 1896 a 00 looking, well dre, sett I geed g, I s. 1 man strolled into theh elm ani! said he wanted t0 •get something that would interest his o*d mother; whom he described as very rel! 1 s and Pod of g ort uantique a i(lne books. "We picked out at dozen or so togeth- er, Fox's 'Book of Martyrs;' 'Pilgrim's Progress; \father's' 'rS ons i' Occa• g Pm O sign,' Pusoy's `Daniel the Prophet' and among others a quaint, massively bound volume called 'Tire Friend In AtiJietion. They !vete all interesting old copies, but my caller told me he , would 11ke to aulnnit them to, his moth. er before closing the purchase and of- fered to leave a :110 bill as security. "That was agreeable to me, and he carried away the lot. Next day be re- turned and brought back three or four of the books, among them 'The. Friend In AHIJetion,' which he remarked laugh ingly had given bis mother the blues. The others he paid for, and 1 have nev- er seen him again from that day to this. "Almost a week' after his visit, how- ever, a thin, print, precise, elderly lady, a typical spinster from head to toe, came In one afternoon and began look- ing' over the shelves, Presently she ran across' the sante old 'Friend la M- ention' that had fared so badly In the other trade, and, much to my gratifi- cation, she .purchased it on the spot. It was exactly the thing, she said, to give consolation to au unfortunate per- son Of her acquaintance who was then in great trouble. '1 was glad to get rid of the book and let her have it for a couple of dollars. "Fully a month afterward I was amazed to receive a visit from a big, burly man, who introduced himself as a detective, produced The Friend In Affliction' from a valise and asked me What I knew about It. 'The book had sutreredsince I' saw it last. One of its thick covers was rip-, ped open, nnil sticking inside was a' sinal! steel file. The story the detective told Ine was certainly extraordinary. ' "it seems that a noted northern crook i had been in jail in a small towu up the country on a charge of bank burglary and being a very smooth rascal hall en- listed the sympathy of a pbllanthropic old lady of the piece who had it fad for pristln retortn, He persuaded her that he had thoroughly repented, and she used to visit him regularly rind bring hint tracts and delicacies, ''Among other things he told her that while broke in New Orleans lie had sold all of his belongings, Including a keepsake from his mother—a volume called" 'The Friend In AUiiction: He gave her my address as the place where he had left the precious relic and worked on her feelings to such an extent that she promised to secure the, book for him the Brat time she visited the city. "Trow she discovered and purchased It, you already know. On her return she I carried It straight to the jail, and while or(lluili'lly all gifts for prisoners were closely examined, this lady's high char - actor made tub precaution seem un- necessary and she passed in the volume without question. "A Pew days later the turnkey found a barred window neatly sawed and the bird flown. He also found The Friend In Affliction' lying on the floor, and in olio of the massive covers were several saws' and the file 1 have mentioned. Of course the philanthropic old lady was Immediately questioned, and her hysterical replies led to the visit of the deeective, but nothing ever came of the quest. The Fugitive is supposed to have left on an outbound steamer—at any rate he was never caught. "What about my first customer, did you ask? Oh, he was undoubtedly the pal who planted the saws."—New Or - team Times -Democrat '"OW, For ((01.11 1 always say "1 bought it off Jones;' and up to now, through so constantly bearing 'people, my late father includ- ed (he always used to pronounce cof- fee as corlfeel,talk in this way,thought it was eight. Still this would be only In conversation, Writing to any one, saying 1 bad bought anything, 1 should put "of Jones" or "from ,loues" I suppose "from Jones" would be per- fectly correct. 1 have helled this form of speech in many different parts of the country, but most fregeently, 1 think, 10 and near Liverpool. The use of "or' for "of" and "off of" is common in the north of England.— Notes and Queries. A Dreary Thoroughfare. Of all dreary roads few have such des01610 surroundlugs as that lending trorn Jerusalem. The road wiuds among rocky hills which for miles seem destitute of every living thing Wive occasional flocks of long black haired goats .null Shoop, apparently Wing pebbles and attended by a youth- ful.thee/seed. The steep hillsides are doted with numerous (toles and caves out In the rock,—Indinuapolie News. For a linger nail to reach its tun length, en average of saver-twelftlis of an Inch, from 121 to 138 days t 10104,-- -• hVG4r 1111 Nf1 Oh the Farm. THOROOUGHNI'ISS IN SPRAYING, C do not; believe that spraying alone will mike us successful fruit grow - 01.11, wettest 1111. Van Alstyrie, Spray - leg won't, fertilize or oultivnte the soil or prunethe trees, The first year's sp'rayd'ogi is often disappoint^ ing, The 0111111009 0111 the ,awn did not half dol the job. We cannot expeet to "et the bet r it i; s analis the first year, dr, for s' the have cell a hoard .1)f ensam[s and dteeaS s already e e dY established, Per two peers buck Wet.liave had a great pest of the tent caterpillar, turd many u;Chat"s i n Utr l ghb iUo1 Imesvtl been.',eompletely defoliated. fn my large orchards C have not been oblig- ed to, take' auta.sln1gsnmst I n Liev years. The tent 0aterpiillars are on. i the l eau an !vile cherry , tress but rho orchard hesboon. !portio Y sprayed annually and there are no egg eluste.rs there. Don't splray unless you are fully cgtYtinte d thol. your treesC$ nee(it, and then' have some definite object in View in spraying. .If I had to eho085 between peeeon end Pungieide, I would take the oordeauX mixture. 1t wit protect the 'fres and 'keep It healthy and maleal it stronger to resist the u L- emke of Cnseots. A green, deal of the value of.bordeauk mixture depends on the way in wheel it is 'made. Thu Iwo stock mixtuires should be well diluted heture mixing, Spraying to a nasty job, in feet the worst jab o21 the Pavel. !spray with bordeaux mixture and Barts green combined, just as the foliage is 'coming out, when 1 can gel al horn trunk and neves al, the same tune. •..tiro nut troubled with the bud moth and other mse010 that, need an earlier erellca- L1en. Tits first application kills 00 ps cent of the ineecl and fungous Whit- ens. After the blosac*i s have fallen), spr1y for the eodlbn moth, whiah 1 the worst insect we heve. Then make f( third application about two weeks later. 'etas Will, give tits about 90 par - 10111 11t fruit free from! disease mud in- jury. We gee. the best results from spraying frown the middle -rot the tree rather than from the outside, t1: tapes -a little' longer but is much more thorough, We bavel been using 0118- ha,lf: peun(1 of parrs green to 1' gals teeter with' Lhe bord'ae,ux mixture. !ly using the stronger solution you can kill the lent caterpillars quicker. The worst. 1usects-we have to fight to -day awe the, scale insects. and those that suck. In making, the bordetcux mixture I Put the, copper sulphate la asphnt busker. and, suspend this in a barrel with the neeessaryl amount of water•. Take the lime, 24 lbs,, pee in avessel, fled a tittle water to start Slaking slowly, rend keep adding water so that it does not dry out and burn. Tilts slakes it therwagely and does not clog the nozzle. :deesur•e out the mixture as needed. Put .the copper suiphaie mixture. In, 1 Xask and the lime in an - ether unit dilute each to 25 gels. Then 11,0.1 11151 Iwo tooth r. lek.' a tan ck'rot Int and fasten a bakingLowder' eau, with the button) out. out, in then bot- tom. Cover this with fine wire netting end nee as a funnel to strain the mix - nue through; 1)t putting it into the spray tank. Use asLveinch[ leather washer to put under the nozzle on the exLentwron roll to keep the.drip from running down the roti. bottoite !Virg' relate this will then Jap over (*1. tele Side %WOg111 to held it from slipping Rip while packing. The cover, sporule not be 06g111e10d any moral than the tubs. but. shoud(1 be woollod, on both sides. Tabs are HOW ready fur peeking, which fs no lens important. la this !tea, t0 500110 extent, the 800101. of itl^ ways 11oviugAl, butter :more perfect an body, ll is terve that butter winch before .peeking 110e a poor) body ('hallo!) be perle*L by the moat curate( pack - Ing,, but ie is just es sure tlint butter' with a good pain before parking will, let+nretessly packed, scare off en body every Dime, .Place tube" near the worker where most convenient,Lu e k e! L' wit. 1s the butter 1 h ladles, not over ten Ilevgn<is for each Puking' and. place it in emuter of tub, being en refill that. it does not come In OOnlalgt with *ids lilting while putting C ln' 1 now, t molter, v with the lr (ker, fu'tnly peek nthat t w and he sure 111 no holes are left. any place. The finishing of the package must he neat ly done, so 0s to gripe, It an a)tratative appraa'anee. Break the lining that lyrojeets out of the tub in seveteet leaves and turn' it down over edge of ,tu'b, then with a 811('k abele .tWO feet long, Out pet the lop. There should mei be more than two 1)r three pounds 1 o cut. Cut it even with edge of blab and do not Metre n c .no an t many strokes ow, tarp N n 'Auk 1 the, lining It � I n end field aline f over an: top of butter, place 011 Y, e1u1h carol°, (nd sprinkle over this a prole water, then sift a fine coat of salt I all over, this and °1(1. on the cover;- fasten this wills. fuer tins placed the same distance apart and your tub is reedy for shepanont. ROW RELIEF CAE. A WELLAND COUNTY MAN'S'IN- TERESTING EXPERIENCE. fle 11101 Suffered for Years From Itdaey Trouble—Many Medicines }fere Tried, lint Felled—Dr. Wllllnms• 1'lult Pllla r Naval nun(. `A'Ir. James Upper, of Altenburg, is a gentleman „w'ell known in Welland s 000111y. Mr. Upper was proprietor of the village hotel for over thirty years, and no better landlord ever catered to ' a traveller's wants, Oar. Upper's ac- quaintance also extends over Ontario as a sequel tohis pa?ominenee in Orang and Masonic (sirelns. His present thea- ` ttpn is farming and in this calling The has been very successful. Mr. Upper has been a sufferer for years from kidney trouble and began to think that good health had altogether pass- ed him by; but the linnecame when he fouled a complete euro and. is nein 1 strong, balmy and vigorous. In regard to 112r. Upper's sickness and euro he sari " in December of 189? I was prostrated with a severe form of itid- -0ey trouble. Precious to this 1 was slightly afflicted in the same lvay,but at this time matters came to a clim(ix • as the result of exposure - and over- exertion. ?i soy that: 1 suffered does not express 11; the pains in my hack were terrible. I gradually grew Wol'se and was compelled to keep my bed and for months I existed as though in '& hideous drearn. f had eonsi(lerable nausea, and nothing for food, was greatly reduced in flesh. The pain daily grew more intolerable. I got Little sleep ; was left weak Ind ex- haunted. and despaired of getting wall. Different remedies were tried without benefit. Finally I wire per- suaded to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills and procured six boxes. This was about March 1st, 1898. I took the pills faithfully and ale the end: of two , months I felt' well again and able to attend to my work. The following autumn I experienced" a slight re- .currenoe of the trouble aur!. again used n few boxes of the pills and now consider my cure complete as a year has since passed and I have not ev- perienced a paint Or Itehe. I nm now able to follow fn.rming pursuits with perfect ease. My wife also speaks as warmly in Favor of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills es I do, having used them for headache, dizziness and lose of appe- tite, the pills always giving comfort and relief. Singe my illness I have learned that a good remedy is 110110 the less good because its host was so much less than Iexpected." ASK YOUR c°ROGI3t't FOR CEYLON GREEN TEA It le of the same flavor' Redefine only mora 00110101,1 RECOMPENSE. What lo the price of manhood? What sale. does honor erne? Inv untarnished diameter Does 1 t u pure, naught hl lifetime's deg/ Po btuhle eciwi) rile nal Pees r o rut reign, J e f t n r n Ln. The Detest, to tranvia down; To crush, destroy, rend ttvainf lather,' no troth 01' boi(or ' o us oink d to f cause mankind Ca stay The all consuming tided for lea Tint leas tient far away? Dees holiest labor ehcepan The mold wherein we're .cast? 1 black corrupt Impurity e t I y The flog tion; from ale's nowt? Puget not One Is watching Our ,(tion tiny by day, And rl(hcs gained at such. a cost He surely will iepar; Por trough mankind Is Judging App":m'ances, poor ary The God (11e Just, Ole righteous Jud e J Judge, ¢s 1'c� 1)r i t 1 f (tam inmost heart t. Coldenn, not, thou, 1 pray Dieu, For thou, thyself, some day May seek for mercy from thy Judge, Whose verdict none cut away. And tamper all thy Judgments With love and common sense. The end well merits- all 'twill bring; PI serves full recompense. —F.dwln N, Abbott In Pittsburg Dl.patoh, WILES OF THE FOX. Some Clever Tricks by Wlr lob Rey- nnrd Dadlee Mu ',steelier.. A fox is entitled to all that is said for its wisdom and sagacity, Not long ago the Washington Mint of Valley Forge started a young fox In the North valley hills, and the hounds were run- ning It across the open held tvben the hunters were suvprised'to see a 1)1u('h larger' fox come from the woods and run diagonally across the track of the young fax ahead of the bounds, and when they struck the stronger track of the bigger fox they took It 09,.young Roynard thereby being saved from be- e ing run down and killed by the honnds. Old bunters say they have frequently witnessed: this trick when young foxes were being closely tressed and in dan- ger of being run down and killed by the hounds. Another and an even sbarper trick was played by an old fox some weeks ago while being hotly chased by hounds. The fox had run some 20 miles, and while crossing tin ole'u stretch of country was in danger of being run down and killed. In a Beltl through which the fox was run- tfing with the hounds close to its heels Was the cellar of an old bouse, with a portio11.ot the wails stili standing. The fox made straight for the old cellar, leaped into it and made its escape through a nalroev opening In the walls. The hoods, supposing the fox was trapped, dashed into the cellar pell- 1ue11, only to and Reynard gone and themselves in a trap, as the hole in the well through which the fox had es - .caped was too small to permit them to get through, When the hunters rode up, they found the pack in a trap, with one of `the hounds wedged fast in the hole through which the fox- had made Its escape. By the time the hounds were got out of the eellnr the fox was safe in its hole. IMPROVE YOUR STYLI; O.1 FARM-, TNG. The farmer who is behind the tfinea: is afraid to grind his boa, for fear of wearing it out, or of putting ten cords of manure on en acre of land for fear of getting It too rich, so 'that his corn will all run to stalks. He is con- tented to out, half a ton of hay per Hoed and (thinks two tons a big crop and don't want to read any of our ep- rueulturai papers, for he says' they' p'rint lots of Muff that no common fanner ton li,raotloo, and no one bat the 1'ie11e8L mires to try them. Now .1 em contented, says the old fogey farmer, to travel the same road 111y father travelled. He 0Owld not .tel1 whet L1eesl. to. make one quart of milk or 1113011d1d 101 butter or cheese. Maus, have 111u idea thatif u man eannut do anythia•g else he eau be a farmer, but rt is 0 great mistake. Too few of Dur farmers keopl u debt and credit Re- eve/it with their farm, Pt1F'PAO1N1 Title PALIKAG1J, Tin first thing in the way of prepar- ing the. package is the soaking—a part of caeamery work too mime over-lobk- ed by ninny butterntakers, Emirates tubs to melee sure that it11 the hoops required are, there, also that they tare all in their; places; lieu fill each, rub with clean, cold water mud after baving soaked lhomi so they Will hold water, edit to each. tub enough salt to make a good, strong brine, 11111 tubs full to the edge and lot,' stand at least ten or fifteen hours, In the morning tubs should agate be soaked (flee and prepared Its follows: After all the water is dumped, put Into each tub a handful of salt and about a gallon of boiling ` wither, wash thvrougltly inside and outside in al heel lifts rltanges: of water, Then fill tubs with cold water, and, let stand fifteen or twenty minutes, empty bud nub a coat of salt all over inside of Lobe and they, are ready for linings. The peerhlnont should he of good quality and should also be thoroughly, soukod un brine before tieing. In ma- caw in the side lining care should bo taken that it fitstolosely to aide of tub, also, (flab 1t foliowws the bottoms of tub all around, 11. does not doolt well to have) LU project out et, tubi lour Inches et one side and thio' a1 the other. 1 bet% found it a good ;pian to pato in BELOW THE BOILERS. Tie 911511sty fonts, of Propnlalen of Ten ionilsrelle hhp•r,. Twenty-five years ago the Engineer, of London, the recognized authority on all matters pertaining to steam- ship tlavigatiou, made the prediction that: the crossing of the Atlantic) wean, by a steamship, at the speed of twenty-five miles an hour, was one of the things impossible of accomplish- ment. At that lime the At1n11US trail 0001111 been crossed by a 50rew steam er at as high a spend as fifteen miles an bout; the Llunarder Scotia, Lhe last of the big sidew'jleelers, ue0er doing bete ee than au average of fourteen and a half knots. Therefore the MO- phecy of the Engineer l 014 210t at all it w-ind one. But to -nay there are steamers that have teemed the spend of litenty-five utiles an hour, and others are ill course of oonstruotion whlrlh aro expee1ed l0 surpass it. The Lastest lifter of to-doy has done more than an average of twenty-five miles, Her enormous engines and powerful propellers, mighty powers of propul- sion, have ioroo1 .iter through the roughest waters at the Atinntic at an average speed of twenty-one knots, width is a f1110)1on over twenty-six miles in the hour. The distance of the $outhannplon-Now; York route is 3,060 miles, Which covers all the average of five days and sevenleee hours, eon- 3iderably over twenty-five miles an hour Lor the entire trily; her mighty engines—that throbbing, tbumping, heart drown boleow—revolve about eighty times per minute, or about 67a- 000 revolutions to cross the Atlantic. G Ill13OUn1=THI'N7 HAIR. Paris hoe given up waving the hair in front. It is worn very far forward and dragged to one side to shade the We, Some women affect that child's fashion of tying a smaller ribbon bow at the left side of the front hair. The Bonet and the Marla. "general Lawton." said an officer who served with that fearless com- mander, "once said to ale that the right bullet would always find its mark nu matter how small the latter might be, and then he related an inci- dent which occurred durlug the civil war. Io one of the engagements of Ms command -1 can't remember now whether or not he mentioned the place —a piece of shell hit the ground near where a soldier was standing and scared him so badly that he jumped straight up In the air 111te a rabbit. As he did so a mhlte ball knocked ot1•the crown of bis bend. "'That was the 000 particular bullet 'inteuded to kill bine' said Geueral Lawton, 'and be actually had to jump after It' "He spoke In a Tight, offhand fash- ion, but there w110 an undertone of seriousness 1n his voice, and 1 inferred from the story that he was. like most veterau soldiers. a pronounced fatal- ist" Cann 'balletic. Oliver Wendell 13oilues enjoyed that humor beet which was of his own pro duction. OU one occasion be was hold Ing 101011 at great length on the sub ject of cannibalism, and, having wound himself up to the proper pitch, he turned suddenly to Thomas Bailey Aldrich, who W1113 sittlug near bum, and asked: "Imagine! What would you do If you were to meet a canal• hal?" "I think," her. Aldrich sweetly re. piled, "that 1 shuuld stop to pick an acquaintance with him," This rejolnder cast such a gloom over Dr, Holmes that during the rest of the dinner his conversation was limited to monosyllables., ' HOW TO OA'TCH A GSTD, 'lie'i'ariollfe 'WayriIA Which It 1)18 y Be iAecomptieked, Tile verities 11078 le which a veld may be brvnght on aro thee describ- ed by D1'..1. 11..Kellogg: "A little knife blade of air blowing In through a creel( to a window upon 0011)10 pati of the body will chill that part,, add the bluo(1 vessels 0f that regleu will be- come centi'neted, affeellug 80mewbel'e i1) the interior of the body au area in reflex relation with tills portion. of the surface of the body, "For Instance, the blood vessels of the in of top t the 1 of the shoulders and the chest fie associated with•thti blood vessels of tbeun s t a 1•t l g , s0 11 t whatever bappetie to the bloat) vessels 01' the skis of the shoulders and chest imp - pees also t vessel* so tohe blood t•Lsa lh a' the e lungs, 11 there Is a contraction of the blood vessels of the back of the reek, there will h r e a contraction n 1 JO 0 f the blood vessels of the nose and throat, awl If there is a contraction of the blood wee o'the t h sets 1 o of the shoulders and p 1 n the shoulder blades there will also be a contractiou of the blood vessels of the lungs. When the influence of the told coni1 n ed, this is a nteaetl u is followed by cong0stluu. "When one mute hls hands luto cold water for a few minutes, they are first pale and then red. This Is reaction. The longer the application and the more intense the degree of cold the greater will be the contraction nod the congestion. So If the back of the neck is exposed for a long time to the influ- ence of cold one Is likely to have a cold in tbe nolo and tliroat, if the shoulder blades and the tops of tbe shoulders are exposed, one is likely to take cold In the hinge and suffer from congestion of the lungs. If the cold is long continued, 1t may cause not only a congestion, but an tnfiltmmatiou of the nose or the longs. "fig if the bottoms of the feet become wet or chilled a weakness of the blad- der may result 1f there has ever been a trouble there or a weakness of the stohnacb If there bas been a catarrh of Chat organ."—Good Health. CnrteAm Pacts About Coal, Australian soft or bituminous coal produces twice as much gas as Euro- peen or American coal. For this rea- son the Australian coal is Imported into Europe, although It le very costly. This is a case of the best coal going to Newcastle to cost an inferior kind. Pennsylvania anthracite weighs twice as much as European anthracite and takes but half the space. This fact enables it to compete on favorable terms with the European product be. cause of the advantage in railroad freights.—St. Louis Post -Dispatch, Clever Suggestion. "How shall I prove the sincerity of my devotion?" asked the young man who bad beeu so long Doming to the point that cleat had begun to accu- mulate against hien. "Call the person ih as a witness," suggested the young lady.—Detroit Free Press. The first In,' 1n tartans is that every stripe of whatever breadth or color's must be the same In both the length and breadth of the web. Men over 40 are prnctically proof against enteric fever, Only one man over that age fell n victim in the Snditn ' campaign.. EFFECT OF CLIMATE. The Great Lake% Influence in Weather Conditions on Southern Ontario. Variable Nittnee of Climate In Luke he- alon the Cause or Ifatlaey Disease —Mrs- it. Eltrslmmone, of Nelson. Dalton, Co., (lare(I by Dodd's Kidney f Ile. Burlington, April 23.—The County of Halton at the head of Lake Ontario is not the least fruitful field for Dodd's 1idaey Pills in the Upper Province. It I105 its share of kidney Disease like every other district in the north of this continent. leo vill- age, town or city in the northern zones has ever escaped. Climate Is the principal cause of Kidney Dis- ease, though of course there are vari- ous causes. In Ontario Kidney Disease in its many forms is the most common ail- ment, and the commonest cause of Kidney Disease in this province is the variable nature of the climate. These two facts probably explain the ease of AD'S. R 1'itysilnrnons of this place. Halton County being under the try- ing weather 0onditione governed by the (Wheat .Lakes. Mrs. Fitzsimnunns tells of her extrerionce with Dodd's Kidney Pills. "Some time ago I got a very bad !rain in my side. It was that bad at tines I was (hardly able to walk, and nothing that S took seemed to do me any good. As it seemed to be getting worse I thought I would try your Pills, and before iC had used one box I began to teal better. By the time I had used two boxes the pain all left me, and I felt better than I have for over a year, 1 tell all my friends of the good. Todd's Kidney Pills have done for MIR" , A ORLI 10115 CUP OP TM— p from nothing butt le !Ingot teas atm n0)10, Yon boot hull Mice ie. LEAD PAOKA059. $,05, 48, 40 and 401E l�f�,JNJ (('qty �ljy, „ There's a relined ' 3 `a `"' F elegance n ut til nintS 1)880-. g as orp , j(t(��,' 1Cq' 1py�� �i7J p��'jgp `',`��S�p l��C¢6 ' ciated with gentle uplifting sur: (t'+'e 10 "3'(t h9'8 i®uTn roundings and quiet good tasteo. &` til �r t . i A {,a l y's t , y . w� !'1 :.4 ••� - p8°11' Rsrb 1842, erepr"� ��U(\� a Sod MONTREAL. Pa 0 11.'•g. @•d Reeleetr.'ee",sWHAG'ren eatese tech r waa�O rY iv are ready for use and just about a grade higher than the best. ./TEL TRAYM4E ti t ON THE BEACH, AtlaI'8tlC City, New Jeta9e'jl. The World Teamed All the Year 13eltb 8 0(d $lpp use Resort •v " vieseetee- During the past four months has boon oatenehrely enlarged and Int.. proved. Over 8O Private Baths. New D1111n8 Rooms ordloeed ingla®e, dlrec(1yp facing the eooari, aid unaurp tµuned on he Atlantic Coney For decoration and elegance. Exchange and ®un Parlors doiubl'ed in 01np. O'apacity Roo. b - D. 8. WHITE, JR., °wryer and Prop's. 0111110 Citizens' band will camp out for two weeks this summer. Cure Yourself of Rheumatism. The application, of llrerviline—nerve- pain cure--Whiclr possesses such+ mare vellous power over all nerve pain, has proved a remarkable success Tie rheu- matism and. neuralgia. Ne'viline acts an the nerves. soothes them, drives pain out, and so gives relief. Try it and be convinced. Nearly all of the beautiful gowns worn in one of the bete plays are made without collars, witb simply a cord about the neck. —` THE VICTOR'S CROWN. Should adorn the brow of the inven- tor• of the great corn owe, Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. It works quickly, nerer• makes a sore spot, and 1)e ;fuse the I.hing you want. See that you gel. Putnam's. Painless ,Corn Ex- tractor, the sure, safe and painless oure for corns. Deoision and character will often give to an inferior mind command over a superior.—W, Wirt. O'KEEFE'SWO, MALT Invigorates and 8trengtben% LLOYD WOOD, Toronto GENERAL AGENT. Paillettes, exoept of jet or mother of Renal, have fallen into disuse in Paris. TO MERE A COLS IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if ie fails to ours. Ise. la. W. Grove's tlgnatnre le on each box. A fool flatters himself, a wise man flatters a fool.—Bulwer, How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ogee of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh one F, J. CHEONEEY & CO., Toledo, 0, We, the undersigned, have known F. Cheney fez- the lost 15 yenVR, and believe him perfectly honorably in alt bnsune,e lransaot time, and financially obis to Darr, out any obit. Ratn1 ion 'deby their arm. Wien & TRUAX. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0, WAt,n0Nel, PINNA1 & MARVIN, Wholesale llrngRtate, Toledo, 0. Hall.', Catarrh Cure ie' taken internally, not• hug dfrootly upon the blood and moue Dur• ?noes of the system, Price, 760 nor bottle. 9014 by all drur6 sl,(, Toobimonlals free, Halle Family Pills are the best. Half the work that: is done in this world is to make things appear what they aro not,—.Beadle. NONTRIAL ROTEL OIREOTOR5. ho 110 Balmoral," Free BUS V E� �1 D Hotel eareiake, 100001" a Mao. 210.21. r Instruments, Drums, Uniforms, Etc. Every Town can have.a Band, trn one mailedaever free. !Write us for anythingcatalogue 500 i11ug! Music or Musical Instruments. Whaley Royce & Co., ToronNfnnlpeaaald8, ioNTRost Stook Farm, 113 mores, 3 miles front Elmira, IB Waterloo, Co., Out, for agile by public) auction al pQpuenn 8 mese Galt, 0n Saturday, April 28, at 2 n'doe Galt For particulars appl1 to DAL%RLL k BAR FARM FOR SALE.Sevoutecn AOrerrnit Fa Hoar $amOton. choices WAIT le 00 1g11 and shipping ,.,,lanes, &at•alaa Umgnh,. seg outlier for 6,10 Stock and Fruit Fnn¢s. MILNE & LYALL, NnmlitoI , LMills, Mitis & Haise,f Berrleters,eto.,romov , A to Wesley Budge., Rio " mood 8t. W.. Toronto „ Catholic Prayer Dome, Reearlee,Or '1 affixes, Maputo I Religious Picture% Statuary, and Church(Mumma y, tatte F Educational Works. Mao orders receive prompt d oma le v m Nom D. & J. BADLIER & 00., Montreal: POULTRY, BUTTER, EGOS, APPLEO and other PRODUCE, to ensure bent results consign 14 The Iawson Commission Co., Linlited6' Cor Weet-Market & Colborne St., Toronto, Dyeing! Cleaning 1. For the very beet send your work to the "(151'1181) AMERICAN DYEING 00," Look for agent In your town, or send dim. . Ndontreal,Toronto, Ottawa, Quebe�t.. Linen Marker foretampint H¢¢d, k3ooks,s Clotheµ Boll)b1ela $omen thing very ono uee0n 10rrnnled indelible blank pt rod ink put up au, n Hent salon^ box wap n0m(, ink and Tads, e, completeShu each,f,3:60 par doe.6220for, e Try one, your money 11(01, 0, h not NG, 1 Adge -Dg. notEao sod postage etn,npn. U, G. 'YOUNG, l Atleluid Rear, Toronto. Michigan Land for Sale. lh MAIMED 0000 FARMING LANDS—AR1)S4A h Up Imo, Ogem0w and Crawford Counties. Title pot, Not. On Miohigao Central, Detroit & Mackinac, an Loon Lake Railroads, at prions tonging from 52 to per sole. These Londe are 0106* to Enterprising N. Towne, Churches, Schools, oto., and wl11 bo seldom oq reasonable terms. Apply to R. hi. PIERCE Agent, West Bay City,MIM. Or J.W. CURT 18, Whittemore. Mien, LADitS DRESSING MADE OC ►1)'l CK RD A IS UNRIVALED mimeos INE LEA?ANN SIMAND PUADl1 ➢4 MR MEMS SHIM MAY OGR f131130111,0 (001 0800SINe Ma MOM 0D OM'S A Min 01 ttrme10 022 A you. se 00811 o H.T.E. Btation, Montreal. Goo. Qir51I,rka40o ,1Prop'ip' '...'U. ftPAC' "� "D.& CO ,M'0�fftfAL.'� AVENUE HOUSE—h?*pui-oeuega A.%nun 1 bmultp Hotel rote% 01.50 ' JA$ A. ANNETT, Manager. Der day' JOIN d. MAIN, Supt. bud Trend 111'a JAiMES' HOTEL•-°jg at'i Depot, Leo — Ealiwey, IIS t•elau oomreeretal NounModem l,m. pro'wieste—Yates moderate, Renfrew High School has a compnny of cadets, W. P. C. 1021. CIALVE.RT'S Carbolic Disinfectants, 6oape, Writ Mont, Tooth Powders, etc., hero bosh awarded 100 medals and melanins for superior excellence. Their regular Mb prevent InfoPotl- one diseases. Ask your dealer is obtain a supply. Lista mailed tree en applieatlon, Fa Ce CALVERT & CCs, MANCHESTER • • ENGLAND, ' i, `OLio a tHaTO. ENCRA(viNG. ,til, LIE),N E.S-NsRI rine° ��- t3•IlI`'AbLI,'Aip[ SUC.V40lilVTti The Canadian Heine Safety BOILER splanade, TorontoOpp. 8herbourne High Claes Water Tube Stearn Boilers, tor All Pressuree, Duties and Fuel. moo FOR DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE, Toronto 0100 l0 Light Oo•, LimIltil References rhe1=12';41411144' M Ratting,., 1Jmeed, JThe 11O O .Hard n. L,n The (lotto P,rab. Willow 7, 0O0y. The Wlheo- Puh11bLing Or., L'esIeR 11y e/Tannto, when bsaws may he Cern �bwsj