The Brussels Post, 1900-5-3, Page 6rjj .BWEiSinati4 • O'S MAIt' 81 1800 D FO' THE C ISTI frlentle, your worldly fortenee will . ' halt l" hut (lett* ae important to eot Ittet, 3 will buy out etre all that hear It when lie says, "Forward I" ) Yee, Will he Worth In worldly estate ehis goepel Willa, made to pleltEll the seveaty-five yeare front Pow. L litive no at fifteen knots an hour, IS DOI the money in my pocket with which to ettikiug three. Sometimes it le Most do it,, Sere it 1st Tee cents 1 1 1 is it trudent to ride your boree slowly and largesum to offer for all yutt Will elek out the wey for he feet, and not puseese ut liiii Mose Mit seventy-five 41 like him with the epure; but when Ysars. Choose the world, if yea weal t band ,sf Shoshone Indiane are af ler to; bet, if not, then (Moose heaven. you in full Lilt, the meet prudent Thet estate Iles partly cm this side or thing tetty.ou to do is ,to plunge in the river, but meetly on, the other.' It , he rowels end put your horse' 10 a Is over atieutuulatieg, The preemie' full run, shouting " go 'long," until or it 011(113313 One independeut a earth. the Reeky mountains (w)10 it, The Toes ly misfortunes; so that Rogers, the ef Cloil are pareuleg us. Tee world, martyr, elept so soundly the night be- the flesh, and the devil are after no; fore his bernieg 'Met they viulently and our whee1 course is to go ahead shook him in order to gel hine awake at ewifteet speed. Win , the church in tirne 401' the execution; and, Paul if God gets to edvaneing too fast 11 exults at the tbought oe the "joy nn- will be time enough to use caution. No need of putting ou the brakes while . going aft hill. Do not let e.9 sit down ' o thi to -turn OP" Rev. Dr. Talmage Tells What lie Should Avoid. Some Forms of Food Affect the Moral Nature. - The Dr. Pays Its Respects to the Gossiping Woman—The Infidel and His Daughter 1 A. despatch from Waeniegton save soul. God itoti entity tba Jews 1 it It lives an earcasses; it fat- --Rev. Dr. Talmnge preached from the to 011. * speakable and full of glory.' h. ehoose earth or heaven, Make Lens among the deed; with leaden whig up your wind whether you will walk following text "And* these nre they and the bait Him, mad Filial he Lf erossing the. deeert terhen tbere is 01 heaven to jseol'a 7,1c°111gb Mt to positive sick - champion and the tinuil."-Levitieusee, tares. There are nun) woeessed ineertiemleeeeritebaount 18atilitith;efiteldsi lin earthly joys, or fly tvith heavenly Which yel shall have in abemination leeti,4 fit neith- antorig the fowls', the owl, the vulture, ed en vultures fl' ('0108338. eacageunnete, • (39.1180etwntatilreun3.01t17I "I! omut of the curavan, hurneaialee iChrist says that lour preemie eondi: things that creep upon the earth; the r begine to darken with vuf- ' (doe 0 stories J1 iny We never choose a peouliar subject tte'r B(41jS. upon ilhe I mouth IA preacher of the gospel, coming ito many them. Some rival In trade oX1 emotes-. I erturyianfEetiroillfd 111Yroommartlinwild' shit styead hundreds of tinaitS beeore the eanee sir falls, and the vulture puts out "pity, had spentrlier time in gathering d Zbese.people revel in the up her jewels. She seved neither her people, mud, seek a variety EA sub - 1110 no. (leer of wing in the air, Et comet oe eerld un to spoil hettiefite0 Glean ento you among ibe creepirtg 13, S, 30. Christiens who have tvia:Item in nor hot ef.4‘111,71 tizilp:NUV u°1'd e t fur che ruhle of Ponmeli there was stemly because, it Is peculiar. But th 11(ittielt ilellEde gilt 1 °atilleti; 'Chore are multi- jeets, on lose their attenlien; aud for told you) soi.l'?al3Theryumru. skirlIgtosarl'in'ile itluf'detelormbk:i2.6wels. and of illustration. We care not much Hai ha le 1Tread the earth like a lion,. 01' mount ;ref: .atilt7tIltiXd Inistake. In this reason the ISible offers every store and say., "have yOu heord the ' trying to n,eighbour has gone all to pieees!" Memmon." Be unit thing or the other I expected! Our "Rem both, "Ye cannot: aervaevanotitahneic possible variety of theme, of argument, newel 311" es' the air like the eitgIM tor my tette in whet kind or a pitcher the water That professedly ChristMn w Imam, I of life, is brought, %if it is only, the leaving heard or wroug F Agam, taking the suggestion of the God gave the Jews a list uf the all& (be sin with a mantle oe 1.110 • says "Ye shall have in abomination clear, pure water. biuug some sister in the chorale instead of 12°1°°4 the bowls, the bat," • i text, drive out tee therneleon irom charity, 'peddles it all along the your soul. There is some difference male that they, might eat, and 81181 streets. Kite tak-es that afternoon to of the animals that they might not make her long-negiected calls. She tit Tiregr ege0pinagmtehili n g1 5 ethw lute ntinrojne pro - eat. eat. These jeers, lived in a bot clim- 1.10111:0 1 hau t eaetee; tellttiemteesurfrrar.:;, , nounced unclean, but I shall take the ate, and, certain foetus of animal food Km Ashes IntoYthe parlurs to tea' it, opinion wind] seems best suited Wray corrupted their, blood, and (Reposed and into 1 he nursery -to telt it, and 'eureotte• TEE CHAMELEON them to scrofulous' disorders, deprav- Into the kitchens te tell it. Sim 1 ed their appetites, and berneaned 'Lair says.‘.,,ll, pai,(einalyds you htahreeeetheroatr stamite! 1 elluegteertureesL>nf . itonleuxrt tinting the tee a reptile chiefly known by its souls, di.man's food, when he has the thing wrong about her. Why, I her • times brown, sletimes rod, and and opportunity or selecting, sbould not speak to her if 1 See it, suggests his moral nature. The ibneithe street. Is it not horrible it ni : BIT- sometimes grey, but always the color reason Lim wild Indian is a$ cruel as ea utseer titre it.espaza ya vet lastanlEn boutamisealtete„. oie '!eof, itsneurroundings, a type of that the lion, Is because the has food that do not want my tame involved in the , .0,1°4 ifnernerdgstoinunanf3aviliti°3,narednw 0." other, just to suit eireumnstatnete$8, 1:1: gives him .the, blood of the Ilona A matter. 1 guess I will just go over enisseunary among ,the ludiens says anaavdeatkeatehdeott. al th.17uon. sestiattembeat.laterbothsey ! ways taking their color at religious that, by changing his style of food to 3101' Mary Ann says that her husban0d .e,:jaens ,u as n,z,ltmast• ea f i r sta.- ! Igliellfnreom the tuant the are talking correspond elite theirs, his tempera- saw a mau who heard from his Mud- i rate tfrilLfiOants0 19° anent was entirely chtinged. There neosisoponmcir, tlaat his Ittnnel ctilicitaigettionofti: man, but nothing. more." Tbey goto tire certain Rim= of food that heve end vers.. su'sdeeroattsliille Tbegmost loath- Princeton., and they are Trinitariens, a tendeney to affem the moral nature. some, miserable, God -forsaken wretch •,..1011re je:stu•tsv.illinAg ,0Len dile_bfealu. the eieiniuy iv:rnstaulliisst Many a Cbristian is. trying ;to do by on earth is a gossiping woman. I ea - - n ' they refuse thme isle Of futui prayer that which cannot be done ex- ,111vIerhersoenenthheerstlxj:ect,rethoute iwhosig . merit, and going among those of op- Iposite belief, announce that there is a 00111 through corrected, diet. For in- fast. and has her bonnet strings loose, hell with a gusto that makes you think atalleet he glut uses swine's flesh fur for 'she has not had time to tie them ' ore ille.adro:ifeLt.. fropjalvewti)rut siohap constant diet will be diseased in body since she beard that lest scandal. She it:I:La Itooksesebnontitty weIaiycsienaesespoer pLsismeas,v13toypallg; ,Do uot he ever changing tte coloruof mid polluted of soul -all his liturgies I your faith'. and catechisms notwithstanding% The the windows. I think that when Gadarene swine were eussessed of the Sata.n has a job so infinitely mean I My friends - Liberal Christianity devil, and trate down a steep; place 1te taitint in eaalnl tehne MI bo ctEtnnuicti L ofiAd all ,fittolra asno-ctilited, believes iic nothing. to the sea, and all the swine ever sinee bribes and thr°eat'sihave failed to get him. The I3iblengeoyloestlbewlienved in° suloufkale• seem to have been similarly euesessed. one willing for the infernal crusade, *as you like it. Heaven, a grand mix - f his ser eants "Go up ing up of Neros and Peals. . 0 my In Leviticus,. God struck teis meat off the table, of the Jew, and graced before hive a bill af fare at once healthful, nutritious, artd, generous. But, higher than] this Enlysical rea- son, there, was &spiritual reason why God chose certain forms of food for the Jews. God gave a peculiar diet to His people, not only because Ile twatue ed them, to be distinguished from, the earrounding nationss but because cer- tain birds and animals, by reason of their habits,. hese always been sug- gestive ef moral qualities. 13y the list of things (10001 which they were •Lo, ab- stain, God, wished to prejudice them Minds againett aertairt evils; and in the list, ot lament things giVell, lee wished to suggest certain forms of good. Mellen God, solemnly forbede His people to eat the awl, the vulture, the bat, this chameleon, and the snail, He meant to drive Gut of His, people all the sins that were thus emblemiz- ed. . I take the suggestion of the text and, say that one of the first unclean out of his soul is the owl. The owl, „inn, a spaniel, lesi, hike a pleased I yiet.r. knees hefore God to form your things the Christian needs to drive ci ei y e el . is the melancholy bird of night. It E deg. 1,, d ' waters but they also Were in sailing then slink to • t . ewe his dirty pew upon you. VP 1.1410° -ii opinion an hatches out whole broods of supessli- Throne back the shutters of your , and wits eitrieature, and the air crass- ships and del not get es bar south as tt, though business aompitnions scoff d • n Weddell etlained. The staunch steam - ill 1 the Scottish Geogrephieal So - waiting fel $ me ng but go ahead, In the 1101110 of God, and then It ma The great danger to tbe church 01019 Is not sensation, but etitg- tuition. Olt, that the Lord ,flod would send a host of arottaecl and 0038000001' ell Men to set the ehurele on fire and to turn the world upside down. Let tss go to work and catch the. last snail In our souls. With divine ve- b•emence lel us stump its life out; for my text declares " these also shall he unclean to you among the creeping things that creep upon the earth; the chameleon and the snail." I have thus tried to prejudice the Christian men and women against gloominees, and slander, and half and half experience, mad ehangeubleness, and teeth. Our opportnni ties for get- ting holier are being rapidly swallow- ed ulp ea the remorseless pest. 'This golden Sabliath is about to drop out of the (extender. This moment may we drive out all the enclean things from our souls -the vulture., and the bat, and the owl, and the chameleon, end the email; and in place thereof bring in the Lamb ef God, and the dove of the Spirit. The ease is urgent. A.rousel "Whatsoever the hand findeth to do, before it be eternally too late; do 11 1" NAINERS AT THE TABLE to Washington, and in such. a street, friends, let' us tryt to believe in some - liOW SOME NATIONALITIES PER- FORM WITH KNIPE AND FORE, The tierelete or litent wines nemoutiot Very nurassionabie-A RIM te Came -now tie Eat Seep. Curiously enough, gentlefolk ofoll nationalities le the world of Europe ella America observe very nearly the same table customs, bat those who lack breeding "bead themselVes " af- ter the rammer that obtains among their own elalie in their own Isometry, writes Mrs. Barton Ringsland, Some Italians hold the fork aeverely upright in the left hand, while 'they tiaW With the knife; Ouch Germane have a par- tiality for very large mouthfuls, con- veyed by preference on the knife, and swill French people are fond of sopping up gravy with bits of bread, and frankly euoking their fingers after- wards, remembering the proverb about their preeedence to forks, while their abuse of the finger -bowl for mouth rinsing should only be tolerated in the privacy of a bedroem. A.s every act to a sensitive •con- science may be °leased under the head of good or evil, so every dish imposes O certain etiquette in its serving, or eating, which those accustomed to good society observe naturally. At a. dinner, to which guests are bid- den, the gentlemen help to seat the ladies, before taking their own places, If cletgyman Is present, it is cus- tomary to requeet him to ask a bless- ing, One ahould sit so as to bring the body about a foot from the table, and say a few words at the earliest oppor- tunity to both neighbors, whether one has been presented or not. "The roof is 11.11 introduetion." The napkin should be folded to half its amplitude and laid upon the lap, and the ladies remove their gloves. It ta extremely bad form to Put these in a glass as some do, or their thein in at the wrist, leaving tlie arms eov- ered-a form of laziness that is not according to the tones of good so- ciety. The oysters come first, and Are eat- en, wiht the amiropriate fork, other- wise one may find oneself obliged to ask for another, the oyster fork be- ing useless far anything else, People sometinaes try to at only the loft part of the delicate mollusk, with EMBARRASSING RESULTS. If One does not bake wine it should be suffieient to say to the servant, "No wine, thenk you," but one should be on the alert to prevent its being poured, if one's prererence is forgot- ten later on. Out of consideration to one's host otui would not waste what is supposed to be choice and costly. One need not interpret one's °waver - fog enotigb ewe.) to enable others to wIthellt illeonvenlence, The etiquette isf the hereto table ei as well (leaned as that regulating " eamptiey " funetione, bet la infinite. Y more oompleat, beetles° here depots tion ploys WA part, its Manifeetiens not beteg as earefully ooncealed and Coal relied in the intim:toy 01 the heme eieele. Considerate nolutvlor ane m11100008 attention ere surely not Mee 8)11 at at the fatnlly table, foe itis there that we generally ref.:Give tete friends, end our aequaintances (1031 11111(1511 to the funnel tine dinner. Pueetualily la the first obligation, and ite eon -ole servanoe entalle mueh annoyanee 00 those who have to wait, It is probablY euneefluous to say that aste should not lounge at table, leaning on the elbows or sitting in an attitude that auggests a ereedom or manner unbecoming the event ONE MORE ANTARCTIC PARTY. The Scotch 11111 Also Participate fa Next Year's Explorations. The prograntree of the German and English Antaretio .expeditious that will start South in August next year 'mares an important part of the area uncovered. It has now been decided thet the Scottish Geographictal So - piety shall send a party to -work in this field. Researches will then be in pregutess on all sides of the south polar area - The British expedition will confine its investigations to the large region Lying to the south of the Pacific, while the Germans will work in the area south of the Indian Ocean. 11 18 there- fore left for the Scottish expedition to devote itself Lo the region south of the AA:tenths Ocean which is known as Weddell Sea. • The man who pushed fartbest into U116 part of the AmtarctIc area, is Ottpt. Weddell, wno with a brig of 160 tons and a cutter of sixty-five tons. venter - on such a oorner, get that gossiping thin.g. An infidel Ives called to the ed into these unknown waters. Though woman, and She will be glad im do it.' i beside of his daughter. The daiegh- LIKE A. HUNGRY FISH, I the religion of Christ and died in its he pushed fur south throu•gh a sea en- ! lieve, you or mothert Mother took she takes the hook in her mouth, and embrace. You say that religion is clambered by fleating nuisses of lee Satan slackens the line, and lets her a humbug Noet 1 ana going to die and icebergs. " On the etIth of F011111. ter a whiM, he says, "It is time to : believe you or take the belief of my d'eg* 74 deg., 15, south, and Mngitude 34 ary, 1823," he wrote, " our latitude Wag rtin out further and further, until 111- and ten very much perplexed, shall i heal in the line," and with a few motile 1" Th f th 'd "Ch f r e a er 16. The wind waS blowing front strong pulls he brings her to the beach yourself." She said. "No; I ain too the south and prevented what Imost sm. k oose or of fire. What do you say? That she weak to choose for myself. I want (1111 Three making progress in that was a member of the church? I can- you to choose for me." "Well," said Lae Three iee islands were in not help that. When Satan goes a. father alter muoh hesitaeion and ante' sight and or, one we penceived a great fishing, he does not cure what sehool, barrassment, "Mary X think '011 had number of penguins. I would willing - the fisb belongs to, whether it Is a t better take the religion of your moth- ly have explored the southwest guar - pollen ealmon. Amid the thunder- ; shall have to believe somethi tar, but taking into censkleration the Lateness of the season and that we had Presbyterian reaCkerel or an Deism). lees, The time wilt come ywhen We crash of Sinai, God said, "Thou shell cannot afford Lo be on the (10006 10 to sail homeward. through 1,000 miles met hear false witness agaiust thy 1, of oeettn, strewn with ice islands. X neighbor." And in Levitieus, religlion, Tem! and ar • • • 0n0t; coned not detemmine otherwise than to take advantage nf this favorable be !melte to eitent' otimr: "Ility3e.ec0II.0 "- says, "Thou shalt not go up and d,ow,n. infinitely right, and the other tenfin". wind fotr returning." your ear that scum of hell that Pe0e i must give an amount ofgehat tveY be? Admiral Ommenney, aementing oia - k not 'n1n 1 itele wrung. In the jed ment. da w as a tale -bearer I" 'ru a pie call tittle-tattle. Whoever wilt- 'loved as well at( ter what. We acted these words of tbe barfly whaler, ssAs, ingly listens to a slander is equally , The difference betwee. e.. teeing int 1 m 1 tr ' 11 1 that favorable pusition the extent of in Mk): "1(11141 a steam vessel beenin old writer says tb,ey ought both'-'"` research would have been much more guilty with the one who tells, and ttn. 1 end ,.,,,, . . evnig anor is the difference he bad only these sinall sailing vessels And. sure enough' ter said, "Father, which shall be - oetwteen pa ra.dtse and perdition. I beg ' • densiciarable " hung, the one by the tongue end the ysitt in the light. of the Bible, and on 04 bee explorers Ross Morrell and s n vis'ited the same HEALTH. NEIRVES AND NERVOUSNESS, Margaret 5'illigeter In a, talk to eervoue women apeeke dime pertinent teethe, She 1.0110 ne: "Hale our worriea going frern tionle (moult ocautelon, which we ma) 'ever - QOM°, and 411.1011 Of our sestet:11dt nem,. (Mimosa, It is utemowledged, 10 born In worry. Some of it dimes from sub, tle speinge whieb are twitted deep in the fountain of out being, and theee are often so Oneompreheusible to our friends that tbey 1.10801! Stireey our weakness with little pallet -me. "Generations of us, trom Mother Eve dowe, have elieleked 111 every note 0.1 of the dav. the gamut at tunth oe our pet aversioaa Noe:tile:3e and an evidently recent at- as have asasses aus pathway, and the tantion to one's toilet le are ,"tle rigu- 0ukeetteding 0, 5001-33 unwritten taw, ha her brain. the wayworn trades made it is not the ",proper thing" to be eor her by her forebears, helped to eon') more then once, IR the meats are carved upon the table the head oe the house, in a pure- oirrii;tenwhtuitte Lion Is unwise end incensiderate to Ode "ler001 knoWing that a course of no. Ihyo jourdignol likes,spir' to, oglyeeitir 1 yt o oestiophosowioliinot, iusatyviteodaetne etoos 0 latentt inisYt 1118 8o the visiting guest or the wife and oounta for most. Every time when mother are the only ones entitled to special consideretion. Where children We renUrin eilent, thougb the desire to are habitually given what be 10881 de- 1 „x lips, Arable, they eome to attach an exag- Knelt beats insieteatey at the door ot every time when, though are simply quiet, holde gerated value to the tidbita, arid are ,ealealecce we i ready to ilish or fly or es:claim with A. carver who selfishly appropriatee .ing missal es in with bit and rein, we apt to show it later in life. 1 the choice pieces deserves the eon- I make a real gain in self-restraint, And tempt of those who remark his me- • sole -restraint lis women masks the line time, as does any one who helps him- of divergence betweee the untrained salt over bountifully to. stoma dainty, peraon and the thoroughbred, betweea regardless of others present. Ono tate. - the gentlewoman and her of low eas ideating, and if addressed unexpect- 'dislike, exaggerated statements 02 Voluble self-pity, emphasized should not, of course, talk while nuts. edly one may not bet embarrassed to I 'emotion, unreaetining terms ell help reply if* the qua,ntity taken be not over large. to demoralize the nerves and make the woman o sort of nervous degenerate, There are some inaleganmes of ta- . and her power to control hersell-her ble manners that; sometimes escape power to shut off steam, to aidgtrack general observation. One should not an annoyance or coneuer a fright-, serve onesele or otbers while (tontine- grows as she przzOtleca it. By every ing to mastioate, the jaws remaining act of calinneee she guins in the es. quiet during the operation. An un- sentiels whieli keep her spirit ealut selfish consideration for others should . and tree from agitation. and attention. regulate our requests for service of a household is it not wise to set its "To sum up, if we are at the ,head hand, except when that member is oe- machinery in operation as smoothly One uses a fork always In rhe right . and as oupied with the knife. sible every . day and thrtn to let it judiciously and as early as pose Repose of manner is an evidence of 10 carry 'alenel Is it not seise to allow othera good breeding, and the restlessness their own burden and not that finds vent in toying with knife, . force upon them, with even gentle dem raisin, submission to out will in mats fork or glass, drawing on tablecloth, ors involving no prinelple 8 And ie absent-mindedly druMmtnng on the not selloontrol, after all, the mese table with a SP0011, or making bread as, winsome and beautiful accomplishment Pills is ineeil to be eendeemea' - which can ever be atteened by a human duck the head to, meet glass, cup, or being'?" woman of tlie ttventleth century has tion. IT IS DOLEFUL AND IliDEOUS, When it sings it sings through its nose. It loves the gleam et Ingle. better than the brightness of the day. Who has not slept in the cabin near the woods,. and been awakened in the night, by; the (Hemel "too huo" of the owl. Melancholy ia the owl Ilia is arched Many a Chrialian soul. It tri aini unclean bird, and needs to be driven away. A man whose, eine Etre pardoned, and :who is on, tee load to heaven, baa nu right to be gloomy. He says, "I have so ntany doubts." That ts becalm& "you are lazy." Go actively to work in Christ's eziuSe, anti yoar doubts, will vanish. You say. "I have lost my property," but I reply you have infinite treasures laid tip In heaven. You say, "lam weak end sickly, and going to clic." Then he congretulated that) you are so nen.r elernat health and perpetual gladness. Catch a few teeming larks for your soul, and stone this owl off your 3180' 330(5305. As a little child wits eating, the elm dashed upon. her spoon; and she eried, "Ohl mammal I have swallowed e spoonful ot sunshine!" Would io God that We migbt all indtedge in the same beverage. Cbeesfulness; it, makes the homely face handsonie; it makee the hardest mattress sort; it runs I he traim that wen yes leut ter ups, end rain- bows, and aueoras. God totsde the geese black? No, I hat would be. too sonebre. God made, the grass retil No, i,hat would be too fetidly. God made the grass green? Tbat by (this para- ble all the world snigete be, left to a subdued elieereulnees. Hotel the, window of thy sotel in this the, twelve nide* 'of thy spiri- tual night Put the ' gun to your Shoulder, end aim et the bleak jungle front whien the hooting (ornea, PULL THE TRIGGER, end drop) thet trekking, loathsome, hideous owl* of religious melancholy into the bullies, Again( taking the seggestion 01 tbo toe, delve out the vulture from yonr and see if there he within you a vul- i Idea with SOUL, , the fires of nuirtyrdom. Lure with filthy telons and cruel beak, I Christ died, and angels et God troop- wiel send. out under Pui leader- , Surely truths in behalf of. which , °ItY ed forth, and the whole universe is ship oe the experienced polar 1,0411e1.- 1 he most unelean things is this ever- 1136•1.11/10 rite. tliVcfeinatummogre, lisoruthethe'ert vleartyitluit, feet not this uneleae thing roost in your (tout, for my text says, "Ye sball nut rshelled are worth dying tor. Antid 1 elm ngiug chameleon of veligieue tbe- for steem is often most valuable in polar navigation when sails are worth - hold in abomination among the fowls, the vulture." Again, taking the suggestion of the e, ,, less. The expedition's chances of get - text., drive out the bat from your s"e• • ling far south will also be enhanced soul. No wonder ttod set this bit( among the unelean. lt iii an offentte to everyone. Let iL fly into the win- dow' of a $weiner night, and all the hands, young li MI old, arit a go 31311 it. seems ma (le pa ri ly to walk and partly it is On animal to be found everywhere ri Es halt bird, and half mouse. It your soul. God has &Oared il 'ancient'. I fee' Itself, — to fly, end dore neither well 11)11 Ile- bet wenn 1 In. co West north 11 nil the , COST OF NV AR HORSES. comes an emblem of. , hose Christ ho 115 hei tee: , 'Ali h. There a i.e fin v1,11 Itnn-t wini I ry .1 o cling t ii earl lo a tel heaven f red ape: ., e i Le tho snail, They have --- i i gay roe Them. AWAY WITII THE REPTILE I God ahltors it with. au altetonetuning abliarrence. Onee. snore take the suggestion of the text and drive, out the 'snail from by the feet that it well remain in those waters for two, and if funds are out - Event, for three yeare, during which 1101(3 dime exeeptionally favornble chance for pushieg soot teemed may ofs az the same t 11n4'. They want 0(1 walk ito beek lie .., e Rd 3 hey ere .133 , tow 1.118 "11°1°48 ewe' "1"ch Englinna 1111' their gout between feet end wings i t constantly zarillexed. Oh. my lireitt- . , , , . . 0 I p.ace lo -1111y; go to -morrow' and von will find it, has advanced onl5 Needless to say tbet such persons are a law unto themselves, but they Clan - On earth in 'worldliness, and set f s that their movement. is utmost. me- towarde heaven in spirituality ; and perceptible, You see a :omit in one I it tp diifieult to estimate the Liner - eon, be one thing or the other! i i., , tlamAeS, il beitomei ail enablettl'of that ,, t.• ase 13101111 expenses inearred by .the Eng- not prevent others classifying them Clioese the world, If pie. prefer it ; tame etaee 1,1 chisel ;an tiel, Government foe the transports- as ignorant of ordinary social usage, They eri-eg stepped by . ma 'erLa . uth Africa of neeesaary war if nothing worse. ss Fruit must never be bitten, but eat win .ind how tuurl .. .1 eledause you eau i its wonsiet ful. 'mode who tint; 10 So a it 11 see how many did la rs you eu ii 'go to W01'11 With a Mutt tidiness that I t ' I illid pe •tithr . tit • . gain, and hole large .1 business you 1 every lit Ole .obstaele become like the•ee- -el - se wi ' le- in email pieces and eaten in either Mtn eat abliette and how grand a house. metal 1 1 hey Inlet, ne haeklione. pent to the horses needed, the band or with ti. fork. , yeaz enn build, and how fate Et soan i Milian( up oit ettgle•st wing • i I 'l ey mils ss ! A Budapest nowspapet, styled the One dips only the ends of the fle- d horsea you 011 11 drive. You may lie I gs at. $leeve Item Sport end Hunting Journal, has cal- gars in the finger bowl, after Whieh, proripered out it you win fail for five I -$''. iti . '. ' - .e'elsi eel the nest Le the English for at a signal from the hostess, the Maus. hilluired thousand dollars. instead of 1 i 0 child of God, eronse, We ppo0 a 0- 1 sending to the Oupe 3,000 horses Met rise, placing tbe nepkine, thensized PrutierUte aild Cailition long still unfold - having the disgrane Of failing fur only I en„ugh,, P !Us 13 .1* h litl•ta. y Conmission has ed, ;IA the gide of their plates --es lin- e ri is 1. l r len thousand as same unenterprising , gs,,,e, Prudent% is it. beatitifel i Inst. bolight in Hungary. Plying. that they, of orgasm will not , titin genres I like lie r theY lea st, ter ' but stf 111 1 the farrill of Chris- ' Tbe average price of these, horses he used again, and withdraw retest tbe able for ten or twenLY Years to De She has been married so ofi ea La T 117-'1V1111 311310. 'They Iva" be embnrked at room. P13810811 1188 111111 renittin stancl- rolled one of the molid men of 'Wash- Fiume in the horse eteamer Mont- Mg, while the one neareet the door penple do. XL la quite 0 reWard t.0 be I ington or ifioston, end then to make itess, slat b and stupidity, we hltv'e • Lexie, especially arranged for the holds -. 0 a million idlers in 3(33 Lord's vi y rd eurlmee, 1 1 pen for the ladies to tams your fortune last aa long att possible, wbd „rid, 31 ; , ,, .,', and shipped direct. to Durben, through. if Me holed be a stmeious Ile prudent, ' mini the disciple:4 . daY,,a. min I .i,i A, i.in I beir.nepttd. The voyage will take from 33i to 40 one, and O. li 1 tie coreniony spend; 1.11 and you shall have pine, the men follow the ladies to we will give you a splendid funeral, ,,,,,,,,,s ,,, TWENTY-FIVE CARR (AGES f ) 3453(5) the drewing-room, find meats for them, sation a gesture of dissent will be 00- dertitood. It is not in good taste to reserve one's wine glasses. It is growing to be unfashionabie to serve many wines, and in better taste for ladies to refuse them alto- gether. Soup must be taken from the side of the spoon unattended by the slight- est sound, and the plate may be tip- ped away front. one, never toward one, if one is very rrixtons to secure the last spoonful. No one uses tsnife with fish un- less silver ones merle for the purpose, are provided. A bit of bread is usu- ally sufficient as an auxiliary to the fork. Entrees are eaten vetch the fork alone. The roast: imposes no special etiquette. :Cr a vegetable is eervecl as a separate course, aecording to French fashion, each has its own punotillio. Asparagus may be held in the fin- gers if the stalks are not too slender and pliant or divided and eaten with a. fork. In England one who would eel:pens with a spoon would be regarded as a barbarian. Artichokes may also he eaten vvith tbe fingers, pluoking the leaves to be eaten at the base of watt. The game follows, With the salad, which lost, if composed of lettuce, should be dipped in a sauce, and the tiny morsel eaten with a fork alone, which may fold the leaves to epoon, while the arm rests on the ta- ble is a form of had manners that is undeservedly popular, and to orinvey food to one' mouth on a knife leads others to piously wish that HE MAY CUT HIMSELF. A CONVENIENT SIZE. Ice cream is eaten with fork or spoon, as one prefers, never both, IL Roman punch. IA served, iL (tomes just before the game, and is supposed to be a preparation of the palate, for the appreeiation of new delicacees. A.t hol.el tables have seen persons make it the acoempaniment of the whole meal -a cembination of lea Wa- ter and wine and substitute for 110111, EXERCISE AND BEAUTY. I The greatest Impediment to beauty, and the one most csonstantly met with is a tendency to embonpoint. At meal times, when the family tees- Tbe luxury and ease of the lives they hag individual pursuits, are at leisure lead, the small amount of exercise to enjoy each other's society, while - - ' satisfying a necessity of nature -to either physioal or mental, which they which is added the grace of _appetite , take, the quantity of rich, indigestible Mate to the cheerful atmosphere of the d... which they habitually tionstiale, -all should make it a rule to contri- sew stook subjects of disputation, fault- natty tend to spoil the 'figure and fea- all these things and many more, gra scene, excluding personalities, teasing finding with the food, end complaint tures of women by burying them in about anything. layers el superfluous flesh. Yet It is Good stories, pleasant neWa, bits of treasured for such occasions, and tim correct and wholesome proportions to information, briefly told, should be comparativety easy for a et 'omen of serf enterLaining stands one In good Lazy, retain them. But she must not be habit formed at home of making one - stead with Mende and acquaintances. She nuist sacrifice some trifles Tbe memory is trained to retain inter- to the 'preservation of bar good looks. testing matter and hospitable doom It is no easy thdug to diet olf some fly open to receive and welcome one. of this "too, too solid fleih" when ones It is a curious feet that when we it gets a headway in one's systems do things front a right motive -more However, it can be done. Embonpoint; intent on giving than getting -we are . eau be treated succeesfully and health - never the losers by it. fully in but one way, all vaunted "re- --0-- ducer8" and patent medicines to the contrary notwith.standing. SETTING TIRES. That way is to adopt it correct sys- 1 tem of diet and to take a reasonable , -- land adequate emoualL of natural, The Ola /Tar or alweithitte Them On and ,' wholesome exeroise. Auy drastic, and tee modern Way er Pressing 'Mem !Midden treatment should, however, be v,.heel was to ehrink it ma. The tire The old wey of putting a tire on a leantoreofoulloyf afehooidegclr.eatoot magnates En r treating health is diet. But here it was made just a trifle smaller than must be admitted that "what is One the wheel, and then heated, with the man's meat is another man's poison." result of expanding it slightly. When The fat woman and the lean woman, the rosy teeniest and the amaendo see - thus heated it was orowded down over WO - 161111, the robust woman aid the weak the rim of the wheel, and then cooled woman -each one must adopt a differ- ., with water; to keep it. from burning enl reghnen. The •weman inelined to the wheal and also Lo contract. it ; cool- e.mbonpoint must eschew such fittien- ;,,,,d fl,,, Mg food as breakfast cereals, wheat, ing, it was shrunk on, to b'"' — poen and graham breads; meats, Soups wheel tightly. The modern way f 0- and gravies containing a superabund- putting a tire on. a wheel is with a anoe of fat ; fish preserved in ell, suoh i as salmon, sardines, unehovies, Ste.; hydraulie tire-settiug press. By this method the Lire ia made vegetables containing starch or sugar, just a trifle larger them the wheel, such as peas, 'beans, beets, oyster so that it will go over the rim free- plant, egg. plant, potatoes, turnips, dui ty. The bed of i his press, upon which carrots; 831'0018, pies, puddings, 03111" 1)10 wheel lies horizontallY, with an , dies and all farinaceous foods, such es openiug et the eentre ml the hub, ia barley, macaroni, spaghetti, noodles, ctimPosed of eighteen eections, radi- ' oderfnalkicieialloi,oro&,c1.rfoose:Itiosiuschoorulmdafinelivettyr. tiling froen the ceutre and in shape hike Use apaces between the spokes, of erIntgl3iss. not necessary to enumerate a wheel. The outer end -of each sec- tion is turned upuard, the turned -up Imre the things she wily ',ml ought eude making a continuous flange, tAr Nt'oery"11"htngTs118stenvneiussulggvint, 13' Ybeittlig2 collar, all around the bed of the press. Medi one or the sections has under it tbeir diametric opposites. a hydraulic cylinder, and the sections Zion% the lean women esti artd otter100;111,181, azirnzinugseed 111.00ww(rihicaetto is el:1%4100in, ionuggliutisti; sr,evale%Ivaizyi sallIeithlettenei. jerinitngp,0 011110uwe: the press with the cold tire around ever, that she must never indulge le it, within that turned up culler or anything that taxes her indigestion, flange, aeound the edge. When the 110 matter bow flesh Prodeelete and press is set in operation the collar temptieg it may be. or Range is irresistibly eontracted. When it comes in (tont act with the tire aeound the wheel it. does not bring up against it, but keeps an nontrect- ing just the same, now contending the tire as well, and setting it Upon the wheel, the pressure being eantinu- ed, untia the wheel itself has been breu.ght to the requiaile degress of dishing, Christ, " and May awny rom jor- uselein," but Ife 13e prudent," said Ito Iasi friends, " and leak oul for what you. say to ("ells," hut he thun- dered !sway lint if (3,33 re18rti 'kures kit oeked together In I he oyes of he world the Must improdeni loan the t eVer lived were 111arl in Lel he r, 'Iii'l Nolin 01 d ea s tie, and Ilo ityan, and Weeley and Knox. My opinion 18 3311)1 the ninst Imprudent end rerkless t lilng is to stand stl 1 1. ft it( well to hens. nut. Commander:4 volee, when Ile says, it p • hoeses amotinte to S480,000. And 10 ! this the expenSe transmit...Ling, eus- Ugly an(1 food as far els Teitune, ant ollii t ing 1,, nbou 1 $10,000. lite ve- t pensee Miring the mea 3'113'(I 3131 as (1)r :as Iturben, including the Maintenance 1, of lite animals, pasturage purchased l33 calling (notions, kee., aggregate 1 $956,1011, (1(1111 1131 all thech me arges, you hove 33 total 11101 10(11031es that eeery horse err( vi rig in Durban 1108 east, I litigle nil $3,000. how rind retire, If the hostess has taken the trou- ble to provide her guests with any trifling sauvente-a pretty menu or name eurd-they should not appear to slight the al tention by forgetting to take it as they leave the table. Marty are thoughtless to this matter, and the 1) 081085 naturally IfIftELS TITS IMSCXATItTESY. 1.1 is customary upon Leaving the table to set one's ehair closer to Riot following you, with ewe:body in the most et them, and your soffin 1u1i 11 haVO silver handles on the sides, and we will mourn for yoe in splendid poeket handkerehlefs hound 1811 11 crape, and with bombazine teventy full yards long trailing half morose the parlour, 80 that all the nottipttny may Stand upon it, and we will write OW letters for the next Aix menthe on paper edged with hlook. Out, my MORALS 1.011 WAOHEIIWOMPIX. To 1 he institution of orders, medals and diplomas ha France, there is no Hia- tt. The intetst is It diploin.a for wash,- erwomen. The washerwomen, to be save, oecupy a conspieuous position on the Seine, and have played, an import- ant part In the life of Paris, especially in revolutionary periods. They ere seerly as formidable 118 the market women. The Government Itas estab- lished thie now order, and awarded 12 modals, Mho important duty of dna- tribttting the dlplumas to the prize wnsherwomen Is disehergeti by. the Miniatry of Commerce, GOleel Mfg IS BEST. There are blessings in abundance!, to be had from the Almighty hand, hut we cannot expeet to get than before the fit time moues for '!ht recepeioe Of them. God knows what is best tfor 1.18. lie intend8 that the life of mute one of his children should be filled with gcmd and noble accomplishmente; Olaf' it ehould tte a period of blessed -4 nes% tO merge into a Still More b1e855 ed eland( y. Trust him and you wilt be happy here and hereafter. 10011 YOUR PET DOGS. Icor pet doge that inherit a tendon% to watery eyea, a wash of cold, oleos rein water followed by a lotion oi( three grains of Itochelle salts, (HS:401VA od in four OMICOS 01 (1150111811 water, 10 recommended, The lalter shotild hit dropped into the eyes with a rnedicinei dropper. About three drop" mica" st dey should ho used. '1",, P., th • Mt re.