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The Brussels Post, 1900-5-3, Page 5
i4. s!f MAY a, 1900 BUSINESS CARDS. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER £LL aunt, V. S, SCOTT, Brussels, H, McORAOZLEN-., • Issuer of Mmrlage Lfoonaee. Of, foe at Grocery,Tufnberry street, Brussels, RN. 13ABl� TT - • ToneorlalAr'tist, Shop,Next door North of the Standard Bank, Ladies' and Children's hair eating a spooialty, iARMS FOR SALE -THE UN - T1 nr4NE bits several oil Farms ier mile aad to rcnt, easy terms,in Townships o1 Morrie and Gley,F dQTT,Bruosels M. MORRiSON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WLT N ONT, O A , MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, -TEACHES, OF- PIANO - AND - ORGAN, R08ERT.CUNNINOHAM- INsoaaNell, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. MISS SARAH LOUISE MOORE, L. O. M.. Academic graduate of London Conserve- toryof Muele, aloe Member of the Associated Musi01000 of Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited number of pupils for instruction on the piano, Qualified to prepare pupils for the Erin0ip01'8 Foom iu the Conservatory of Music. Brussels, Ontario. A LEX. HUNTER- -Li Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron; Cenvey0neer, Notary Public, Land, Loan 'and insurance Agent ; Auction- eer. Fundo invested and to" loan. Collec- tions made. Oillee in Graham's'Bloclt,Brae- eels. AUCTIONEERS. S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- . •L, Eon, will eon for bettor prices, to butter men, in loss time 0nn lona (Memos than any other Auctioneer In East Baron or can always be arranged at this oIDoo or by personal application. DENTISTRY F. W. TWEDDLE, (80)800110 01, snewouTn) DENTIST. Graduate of It. 0, D S., Toronto :Paid Orad. unto course at ECaelcel'e School, Chicago, in crown and bridge work. i3•Prioes same 0e in surrounding towns. 21• OBlco over A.R. Smith's store, Bluseel0. VETERINARY. JD. WARWICK- • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vet - minim College, is prepared totreat all 111e - eases of domesticated animals lin a compet- entmanner. Partioufar attention paid to Veterinary. Dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. Office and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, Tare/017 at., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. WM. SINOLAI1t- • Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer,. Notary Public, &o. OiBoe-S tewalt'e Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. G. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Solicitor, &o. Ofilee over.Stand- ard Bank, Solicitor for Village;of Brussels, Money to Loan at loweot rates. G. CAMERON - • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron) Barrister and Solicitor, Godorioh Ont. Oiffoe-Hamilton Street, opposite 0o1. borne Hotel. MEDICAL CARDS. E. T. SNIDER, DI. D., C. SI ,t Licentiate of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Kingston ; timber of the Col- lege of Pbysidane and 8Urgeors of Ontario. Diseases of Women and Children a special- ty. Nino yoare' experienoo. Office and res- idence, opposite English, church, Brussels, J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M. 0., C. M , Trinity Uuiversity,Fellow Trinity Medical' College, Member College of Physicians and Sul aeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and Licentiate or Mid- wifery, Edinburgh. LS -Telephone No.14, Residence -Mill street, Brunets. DR. WM. L. HOLMES, PBx6IOIAN, 8018010080 AND: ACOOn00E7311, (Successor lo 1111..1f, H. I(ttlbaolseh) Tt, D. Bellevue Respite' Med. Col„ Now York ; Df D 0 DI Victoria University, Toron- to ; /dumber Of the College of Physicians and Surgeoue of Ontario, special attentionpald to dieensea of women, eye, ear, 'nand and throat. 10 E1 D. F. SMITH, M. !J. G. M., , Criminate of 2160111 College,'Monttcal, &„ &m. All specialty work ,otisfnotorlIs. treat- ed. Otliae upstairs iu the Strotten Block °Moe hours, 0 to 19 a, m., and 7 to 10 p, w, 8peoinllst work, 011011 a2 for eye, ear, throat, &o„ in the office at kis residence, Elizabeth street, Prem 2 to 0 p m, All lnadrolueo will - bo dispensed personally by the Dr. 01' under kis direct eupervISIOn. Write To -day for Our Catalogao CENTRAL in lr JJ ',lfi''1. SllIdents Ore fn attendnees this year from Canada, United State and New - .es fouudland, Our greduate8,ore,alwayo euCaeeefnl in getting good alit attune. 1V, J. ET.,LIOTT, PrineipaI. 1 ; 3xStr ct et'DS. 00PaW10111, I,trzt,!! Irf,oaa'ltas.-George Mallletott has poly moved hie barber amp into the front part of the Downey bloolt,-Jamas Young, jr., iahaviug tbe ereotion of his new nbog,a ou be rapidly dl forward, The Graaa Bro, have hare of the carport. ter work. -A new foot ball has been pur- chased and the agricultural ground° secured for proetioing purposes for tbo team, and the boys i It now gat dawn to Work end try and get into good shape by the 24tH of May, -011 Tuesday evening Jacob Reichard, of the 2nd con., reoeiyed a very severe Mutt in the faoe, wbioh will , My him up for some time, a nasty out extends over the left eye and the- aide of Lee lie 7 Oe is badly brue ed. 14e untort un• ate a ' e h um nt e° d while . d n e he was PP watering the home, which were running loose, down at the oreek. It is supposed that one o1 the home kinked at a colt which was running around, and etrgok him. When found some little time inter by the hired mac, he was lying 1n the oreek, bat was just regaining ooneoiaue• nese and had raised himself ou his elbow. Gorrille. NEwsx Graters. -A little child of T. D. Edgar, about oae year old, fell down stairs, reoeiviog many bruises. -John Elder opened the gardening season on April 21st. Although in his 97th year the old gentleman is etill hearty and able to read the tiiiest print without the aid of glaesee.-Geo. Nash gave hie thumb a bad gash while working the edger in Hammond Brea.' sawmill. -Mies May. James has gone to Orillia wbere she will spend a.month visiting her sinterMrs, D, R. Gilpin,. -The Fall wheal in this seotion has wintered well and is looking fine. -Phos: Dane disposed of his fine block driver to the Teeswater_undertaker for the enug sum of $100, -Geo, Ellie ie able to be down 'street again after his severe illness, -Bert Doan has secured a situation in the hardware store, -Rabb. Sharpen delivered a load of bogs at Gerrie wbioh brought him the snug little-eum of $140 -Albert Bowyer, eldest son of J. J. Bowyer, met with a rather severe meal - dent by which he will probably be laid off work fur considerable time. It ap pears he woe outtiag down trees on the farm of Wm. Finley, when a tree while falling swung around and pinned his leg against the stump of another, a very ugly wound wae inflicted in the fleshy part of the leg. E31.v tla. Newsy Barega 00 Monday evening of last week the Thimble Cmb gave its farewell party at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. Carder. Guests were present from Clinton, Goderloh' and other places, and a very happy and enjoyable evening was spent by a 1,-MLee Wiggins; lecturer and organizer for the W.O.T.U. gave two interesting and instinctive leatares in St. Andrew's ohuroh an Tuesday of last week. In the afternoon the subject of the lecture was "Child Study," and in the evening it was "The New Patriotism." Both lectures were well attended and it io expeoted muoh good will result.- Frank esult;Frank Metcalf has secured the services of W. J. Mitobell, of Lcoknow, as jeweler. -Myles Kelly, who has been visiting at the part otal home here for the past two weeks, hae left for Ohioago.-George Denotedt, who recently retired from the hardware business here, baa decided to take Horaoe Greeley's advice and go West. He purposes leaving for Brandon, Manitoba, where his brother Fred. is already located and ding wall. -The annual vestry meeting in Oonneo ion with Trinity ohurah was held on Monday evening, 16th inst. The church wardens presented their report and asked for two weeks to complete tbe fivanaiai part, which was granted. T. W. Scott and Frank Metcalf were re•eleoted wardens for the ensuing year. John MoGill and Jabez Walker were appointed aideemeo, and Mr. Scott lay representative- to the Synod. H. T. Ranee and A. H. Plummer were re appointed auditors. Rev. 0. L. Mills, who hae been rentor of the church for the paet year and a half, tendered hie reeigoation, .i Deep mystery. It is a mystery why women endure Baokaohe, Headaohe, Nervooeneee, Sleep- leeeoeee, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy spells, when thousands have proved that Electric Bitters will quickly cure euoh troubles, "I Buffered for years with kid• nay trouble," writes Mrs. Phebe Morley, of Peterson, Ia„ "and a lame bank pain- ed me eo that I could not dress myself, hut Electric Bitters wholly oured me and although 73 years old, I now am able to do all my housework." It overcomes Constipation, improves appetite, gives perfect health. Only 50o at G. A. Dead- man's drug store, Clinton.. , NE ex Cuseren.-Percy, eon of E. Helmet+, and brother of R. Holutee, (edi. for of N. -w Era) has gone to South Afrinn i, -The following hotels are granted litmus° :-J. 0. Miller, J. Rattetibury, J. J. MtOangbey, Reuben Graham, Chat+. Milne ; Lack Kennedy, slop, -Dr. G. E. Homes, L. D. 9., of London, bas par- obneed the dental prao1100 of Or. T. 0. lr uoe and he will be in full pones - El 1On osses=eion in about a month, Since grsduating in March '00 he has been aeoociated'aith Dr. Geo. J. Gibb, of Blenheim, (1 silver medalist of the 11. 0. D. S.) and has had experience in two prominent dowel practices in London. A eon of Rev. J. W. Helmets, formerly of Clinton, and al. so an old town boy he is well known and We believe Dr. Holman will do a large practice and give satiefaotiou, - There will be no celebration in Clinton on Nay 241b. -To ,celebrate and tviud nti the successful sea'ou•whioh the =Here en joyQd during the Witter a supper wae held at the It•tttsobury B:ouee.-An old, laud mark hae gone from the North aide of Fair's still. It was the run -way which was in connection with the saw' mid, taken away by Mt'. Doherty. We are told it was built there about 40 years ago and now ie no more. -.•Aire: Crich, of Huron etreot, who had a limb broken o few months ago by a fell, met with another mishap, wbioh resulted in a sprained knee, -At a meeting of baseball enthueieste held i11 the Council ()Um- ber the club was re•organized for the season, 11is not the iuteotdoo of the pre ant management to encourage pro•. fes0lobalisnl but toot u a bone' !Lie amateur game. • '1'h© election' of officers rosuited at. follows :-=lieu. Peed, W. Doherty ; Urea„ Dr, Shaw ; Tnir BBt15SXLS J'QST Was, Moore' See„ W, J, Axis ; Mana. ger, W, J, Harland ; tiQm„ Manager, Bee., Tiros, Wheatley, kv, McRae and Web. MoQonnell, ... Georg; Robinson, eoq'indaw of Robert Co'ta, of Clinton, and nephew of floe, 3, 51, Gibson, of Hamilton, died in Hamilton boopNal loot week front Bright's disease. 'lie wae it civil engineer and had been for several ygare in the Gonornment service. He wae oily in his 45th year and is slid, by those who knew him, to have been one of the most genital and sociable of men. - The o8ioere of the Boys' Brigade aro av follows ;-Warden, Rev, J. 71, Parke ; Bub. -Warden, 8, E. Hilton ; Drill In. etruotor, Oapb. McTaggart ; Captain, Harry Brewer ,• 1st Lieut„ Chas, Porter ; 20.1 Lieut , Ray Bowers ; lot Bergt., Prank Dayment; 2ud Sergi,: Geo, Big. garb; 8rd Sergi., Fred. Chant ; Bugler, J, Moffat. G'odevel o Is . Llrxoe G01408011e --A soldier with th-. Halifax .Battalion, writing to friends in Goderloh ways that Wm. Yule bite been appointed Colonel's orderly and promoted to lattice corporal, and as in all regiments the emgrtest soldier,ie eoleoted for the poeitiun.-'Che Odd Fellows of town wale. heated the 65th anniversary of the Order by attendiug St, George's obereb Sunday morning, when rector Turnbull preached a special sermon to them, -As: eesor Reid has completed assessing the town property and a glance at the roll, se filled up by that officer, above that the p.,pub.tion in creased 27 ; income for seseesment, $100 ; personal property decreased, $600 ; real estate increased $0,365 ; and the total osoeoementexceeds that of '99 by 98,865. Cattle are 2 ahead of '99 ; horses 28 ; and doge, notwithstanding the poisoner's work, are but 10 less than last year. -M G. Cameron conducted the Crown Mud - nese at the Assize court in Sarnia last week. -The staff at the knitting factory, inc'uding the few who do work outside, now totals 75, -Some one has stolen eleotrio light lamps from the Town Hall and as it is not the that time, a watch should be est for the thief. -Engineer Brough commenced blasting the rook on the Harbor bottom loot week, and judg• ing by the number of•mionows killed, the shots fired must have been etroog ones. The ruck where the blasting is going on appears to be as solid as Scotch granite, Wend'. Champion Mettler. "I tried many remedies to care piles," writes W. R. Smith, of Lanham, III., "but I found no relief till I aced Buoklen's Arnica Salve. I' have not been troubled. with piles since." Grandeet pile ours on earth and the best salve io the world. Guaranteed lea G. A. Deadman, drupgiet. roxeter. Newsy Wit/MMES.-Thos. Gibson has purohae0d the vacant lot on the North side of Mill street from R, Black. Mr, Gibson will probably build on it, _Mies McCollum, elocutionist, etc., will appear in the Town Hall, bare, on Monday even ing, May 7th, under the aoepioee of the Literary Society. The proceeds will be devoted to the Indian Famine Fuod.- Meeere. MaKelvie, -McLean, Rae and Mutate went up to Jae. Ritchie's residence, Dear Belmore, 00 Tuesday evening of last week and enjoyed a pleasant time playing aheokers with Dr. Russell, Jas. McEwen, Anson Due -nage and son and Jae. Ritchie. Our citizens (deign they beat their opponents by eeveral games. - W, C. Hazlewood is areoting a large new stable beside hie bowie on the East aide of Gibsou street on the way to the station. -Alex. and Mrs. Miller, of the 4111 000., lost their 13 months' old girl on Satur• day, 21st ult,-Geo. Harris, sr., is ant and looking well again after his long open of Matinees during the Winter. -The uew residence on the corner of Howiok street in oouree of erection fur George Bpotton, is being pushed along. 0. Smith will erect the superstructure which will be of wood with a flat roof and ornament. al minaret. -Thos. Sage hae left for Treherne, Man., where he expecte to en gage in building operations for the Sum- mer, -Crosby Leckie went to Elora to take a position in a hake shop,-Robt. Ireland has gone to Winnipeg where he expeots to spend the Summer. -Mrs. A. G. Brown and family left on Monday morning of last week for Tilbury, where Mr. Brown has been for some time in charge of the eleotrio light station. Listowel. NEwsx Lrnxs: The council accepted the offer of $400 from the Listowel Fur. niture faotory for the old eobool ground. -D. D. Campbell is rebuilding hie reel• deuce on Elma street, wbioh was partial- ly destroyed by fire last Fall. -Tavern Licenses have been granted in town as follow° :-G, S. Kidd, Arlington ; Geo, 7rilliax, Queens ; Joint McDonald, Sta. tion ; T. 11. Rolle, Grand Central ; M. Upton, Imperial, Mused as to present applicant. Shop, Hy. Rapp. -Alf. Mn Dowell and Percy Field are home from Toronto, where they have beeu attending the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Mr. McDowell has atlases:to ly passed his final examination add has been ad. mitted to the degree of Licentiate or Den. tel Surgery. Mr. Field has just. 0010• pleted hie seeond year. -R. Goddard, comcneroiel graduate of the Listowel Buafoess College, has taken a position as book-keeper with S. Bricker, hardware merchant. --Thos. Male hae purchased 15i acres of lurid in the vicinity of Fairview cemetery, 11 from the Nichol estate, and the balance being it park lot formerly owned by Wm. Kellington.-A largely at- tended meeting of the Lord's Day Al. liance was held in the Methodist ohm oh on April 19. It was addreeeed by Rev. Mr. Shearer, hie subject being, "Our Im• pained Sabbath and how to save it," At the olose of Lie address the following officers were o'eeted : President, B. Ruth• well ; Vtoe•Presidente, the Clergymen of Listowel churches ; Secretary, Tboe. Hardin ; 'Treasurer, J. Cecil, Hamilton, Tee object of the Alliauce is to prevent the eucroaohmeot open our Sundays of all kinds of work, The meinbe,ehip fee i.1 500 per annum, -The Stunderd of lust week guys :-It, being 'whispered about that J. H. Stuart, the popular manager of the Bank of Ilatniltoo here, had appd• ed for three mouths leave of absence, dur- ing which_time he purpo0ed joining the noble army of benediots and take, a trip abroad, his Listowel friends with :mon. tonnes unanimity agreed that it would bo only right aid peeper to attest their kindly feeling towards hint by matting him a wedding present. AoOordingly a 'suitable marmot Was secured, and on Wednesday evening the rooms of the Listowel Club, of svbioh Mr. Stuart is President, were filled with his frionde, wlien the pres0gtatiou took pieoe, B. F. Brook occupied the chair, the petit baled at his right, U. .1, 1, Merphy read the ad re is s beautiful. engrossed 1 d ss, (wh h wit nt)GI t g d and oontained the autographs of tlto coq• tributore, The sleek lea bsae Wel ',Moe ofmeshoalsrn rthe case being oak,k ,Land !tamely carved, It stande about 9 feet et high, anti its handsome dial and fmmepse pendulum aro in keeping with the Mae - sae rouordons. In neatly ohaeed tore aoxidized plate the following le t is inscribed ; "Presented to Mr. 5, A, Stu. art by bis Lielowel friends on the occas, ion of his marriage, Apr. 28th, 1909." The cion was da ler r lr ma by Wa bu YOIOPk Co , and was pntobaoed through J, H. Gunther, jeweller of •this town. Mr, Stuart acknowledged the addre+e in ap, propriate terms, ape skin; feelingly of the friendship which' had prompted the gift, and of the many happy aesoeia. tions h'oh had beeo connected with Ii e ree'denoe of years in Listowel and he looked forward to many more happy days on hie return. rhe chairman called upon J W. Suobt, Mayor Watson, B. Rothwell, D. D, Campbell, R. B. Andrew and Rev. A. P. Moore, each of whom made short and pithy addressee, referring to Mr. Stuart's many excellent qualities of bead and heart. The prominan1 port he bad alwoye taken in promoting almost every movement tending to advance the town's interests and social enjoyment wae a leading topic of these geot'emen's re• marks and their tributes of appreoiation were most heartily endorsed by all pros. ant. Geo. Butt and T. Mali/well favored tbe company with songs, followed by. "He'e a Jolly Good Fellow" and "Auld Lang Syne," wbioh brought the prese0• tenon ceremony' to a close, The C'°b rooms were afterwards thrown open to the gathering and a very enjoyable hour wae spent, Mr. Stuart left for Hamilton where he will be married Saturday to ,Miss Osborne, daughter of the late Wm. Osborne. The ceremony took plane at the residence of the bride's mother, Ravenswood, Hamilton. Mr. Stuart and hie bride will immediately start for Europe, and after spending three menthe abroad will return to Listowel and take up their residence here. Aches Come. Old Basks, Young Backe, Weak Backs, Strong Backs -Few Escape, for Backache is Kidney Talk. Every mail adds evidence to the foot that Dr. Pltobee's Kidney Tablets aot on different lines from other medicines, and produce quick and permanent ogres from Baokaohe and Kidney troubiee. They aro a revelation to sufferers of kidney complaints, and bring oonviotion of mer- it because of the quick relief gained in ooexpeoted casae, The Baokaohe Kidney sufferer only doobte their worth before using, for a few doe -s imparts a 0e0sa• Non of relief that fortelie the story of acre. It did not take Robt. Menzies, William St., Brussels, long to find this out. It wae aeoompliehed with one bottle of Dr. Pitohet's Baokaohe Kidney Tab. lets and this be his report :- "Some time ago I contracted a heavy cold and it settled in my back. The pain and soreness was so great I could not put on my shoes oe bend over, the kid. nay showed trouble. I got a bottle of Dr. Pitcher's Baokaohe Kidney Tablets at Jas. Fox's drug store and before I had taken one half I was well but finished the bottle to be sure. I have had no trouble since, am as sound as oan be and otnnot say too muob for the medicine,. This the only medicine that ever did me any gond," If you hove the slightest symptom of Ihidney or Bladder trouble, you oar) test this great n edtalne free A rr nRemsnt o have been made wherebyever reader of Ibis paper Dan obtain a rial package of Dr, Pitcher's Iieekeohe Bidney Tablets absolutely freeby oloaim , en stamp for postage tthe Pitcher Tablet 00„ Toronto, Ont. When giving address mention tbie paper. If you are convinced that Pitoher's Tablets are what you went yen asp pur• chase regular 8100 for 50 oente per bottle. If not Obtainable at druggists, mailed free of postage on receipt of pries. Pump Works! Skate grinding attended In with neatness and dispatch. I also Sharpen Horse Clippers, Seie• sora, breed knives and other edged tools in ep•to date style. Saw Gumming and ruing attended to in a Workmanlike manner. Saha. faction aeeured. FRED. ADAMS, Shop on Mill Street, BRUSSELS. MONEY TO LOAN At 41,4 Per Cent. Costs of Loan Very Reasonable. Liberal Terms of Re -payment., G. F. BLAIR, SOLICITOR, &e. Office over Standard Bank, Brussels. McLEOD'S System Renovator -AND 0000n - TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita• tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Brouohitie, Oon• sumptioa, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De bility. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. MCLEOD, Prop. and Menufaoturer. sold by Jae, Fox. Druggist, Brussels Spring Prints P. K. & Ginghams All Spring Goods at Old Prices at.... Agent for Parker's Dye Works. SKENE'S. The Universal Favorite Noxell Disc Harrow, (OUT -THROW,) The only Disa Harrow that hae adjust- able pressure springs.. This feature is invaluable on bard or uneven ground. N0$011 Neer Sectional Cultivator Spring Tooth (fitted with grain and genes sowing attachments it desired) with reversible pointe, also t11iet'e cutters if ordered The lighteet draft, best working and most meetly operated Cultivator mania. f ante reel. The teeth wet directly under the axle and within the wheel line. See late New Spring 1,1r1: THE CELE BHA TCD Noxell Drills g1°el °alar au,t Spring Pressure Our old reliable HOOSIER Drills are so well and favorably known that they speak for tbemdelvos. There are now over 60,000 in use among the farmers of this country. We invite the closest inspection of our Farm Implements and Maohinery which WO are manufacturing for the riming amain. In addition to the above we gall epeoiol attention to our NeW Vieteria flintier No. 714 Oxford Clipper Front -cut flower, also oar patent Spring and Spike Harrows and Friction and Ratchet Dump Rakes. It will amply repay all intending purchasers to nee oar linea before placing their orders elsewhere., Send for 0114• New 1000 Catalogue. J'O'IIN LONG, TUE NOXON CO., .Limited, AGENY, INCiHRSOLL, ONT, ' �+ MCKINNON vaf Imo. Well oulrht is tali Sold Upon these four worde depends mercantile mouse or failure more than 0000 all the rest of the dry goods tame oombined, The busihose is buying and a fling, sed if the goods etre well bought the selling 10 en easy matter, During the Spring and Summer of 1900 we expect the ane• keit selling we ever experienced in our busipees oarear, because we bought our geode right, Everyone now known about the great advance in the price of Silk, Wool, Cotton, Linen, Boot°, Shoes, eta, Many menthe ago we anticipated higher prices, and as fag book as July and August of last year we pbtoed large orders for 1900 and now we are setlinR geode at old' which' ar prices, w o. a Fr m 0 15 to 20 oaut lower than market value to -d sDon'tpay advanced prima,some here where you have a large assortment < to eoleat from, and se aheop as you ever bought them. -New Prints, 34 inches wide, worth loo for 50. -Grey Cotton, yard wide, worth 5o for 3,}c. -Sleuthed Cotton, 37 inched wide, worth 8o for 5o. -Ladiee' Shirt Waiets, at 500, 75o, 91, $1.25, $1.50 and 92. -Ladies' Vests, Summer weight, 50, 10c, 15o nod 25o. -Ladiee' feet black C•ltton Hose, 4 pairs for 25e. -Ladies' heavy ribbed Hose, worth 17o, 2 pair° for 25o, -Boys' heavy ribbed Cotton Hose, 2 pairs for 25a. -Ladies' floe Cashmere Hose, worth 25o for 18i, -Men's Union Socks, 150, or 2 pairs for 25o. -Ladies' Crash Dress Skirts, 500, 75o, $1, $1.25, $1 50 and $2. 11Rc1CINlT Without DoWe are showing the very best $1 Kid Gloves in the trade. Black with two large dome fasteners, with black and also white silk stitched backs, sizes 6 to 7i. Colors -All the new shades of Tans, Modes and Greys, with two large dome fasteners, and silk stitched backs to match, sizes 6 to 7 • If you want the best value for your money be sure and get the Albertine ICid Gloves at $1.00 per pair. Crompton Corsets. ' We keep a full line of the Crompton Corsets in the Up-to-date" at 50c ; "Thelma" at 75c ; "Quebeh" at 95c ; Victoria at $1.00 ; "Magnetic" and "Zatisi" at $1.25. Also Childs' Waists and Misses' Corsets. A. Strachan. e Season EWAN &INNES The well known firm of CARRIAGE MAKERS, Opened are to the front with a Large, Well Select- ed and Well Finished STOCK OF Buggies, Wagons, Road Carts, Etcr, that they are sellling at CLOSE prices. Already they have disposed of 7 Buggies and the Prospects are good. Call at our Show Rooms and see for yourself. Special attention given to Repairs, Re -painting, Trilm mins, 4"e., and all Work Guaranteed. Ewan & Innes, - Brussels. GRANGE OF BUSINESS. Having purchased the stock of Groceries, Fruits, Crockery, Glassware, &c„ from my son I intend to carry on the business in a way that cannot fail to be both pleas- urable and profitable to the public. Grocery Stook Fresh and up-to-date. A Specialty TEAS. made of ..J The Choicest Fruits and Confectionery. "'CHINA AND GLASSWARE We take no second place. BATF, RY Continued as usual and Satisfaction assured. The patronage of the public solicited and our part to merit a continuance of your trade. we will do MRS. BALLANTYNE, BRUSSELS.