The Brussels Post, 1900-5-3, Page 4THE BRUSSELS
1~tii o Volt.
THURSDAY, 212-83.0 3, 1900,
OrrawA, Apri18O.-Members of the Op-
position have talked, s0 mn0h nonsense
about the Government's preferential
polioy that they appear to be hopelessly
mixed up among themselves as to what
that polioy really is. Various prominent
members of the party have placed them,
selves on record with views and con.
oluslons diomebrioally opposed to eaoh
other and the only point upon which
they appear to bo thoroughly agreed is
that whatever the polioy is itis bound to
be wrong, 'There fe one other point, by
the way, upon whiuh there is a fair nn-,
animity of opinion in the Tory .ranks,
and that is in persistently that the Ira -
pedal Government offered Canada a
reciprocal preference but Sir Wilfrid
Laurier spurned the offer declaring that
we would give a preference and wanted.
nothing in return. One would imagine
this absurdity would have been dropped
by now, for it has been obeolubely re-
futed so often, but 11 still appears from
time to time in the hope that It may find
a obance believer here and there. It is
therefore perhaps just as well to repeat
aid eration and will doubtless Iaasl to the parka pollo0,0eeretserviee Board of foa1t11
eay neceve,
suit 1 lits tora, where that labor
'ntroduotion of practioaIlegislation which
will greatly relieve the present strained
condtion of affairs,
can IN nAND,
In spite of a reduced tariff and a 25
per oent. preferential the revenues of the
r00(050 by th0 GOverum0rt h0low 0110
(Axle/ of the department Luna b5o01111od with
nativ00 and 00 far they have pxovel mati0(5,
The pollee Sapeclally hive shawu their
wn000 laths number of notable ca1Enres
they havo.otade putt Have had their pity
ralaed, owe that' know of and I have heard
that they have bad tt 50111 father adv,1000,
country are continuing to grow .with itieehtimodtact the Ftlipiuos aro nate.
amazing rapidity. The nine menthe 50 liable and that they win quit work suddonly
far 00noihded of the entrant fiscal year and go uud hay a oodlltime t lel tit lr
shows a gain of $8 791,000 over the same honey 1OO(O. Mf or 1 a e5ee dig oy
greturn t0 work- The Cbiuoa do 008 go 00
period of 1898 99, Tile expenditure in to that way hitt they are thio most pea
thesame nine mouths has in0reased less otsteullyy lazy eye servers it hasever been
than a million, 00 that there ie a not pin 7100110f001000 to kava to de ;Ylth, Dna
g Irlo11 laborer working for 9(0)o _day would
in the nine montho of $2,809,000. As the easily do ce introit as 0 of those slant eyed,
surplus last year was over $4,700,000 it Pit -tailed, stubborn 000lles and de !t more
tiefactoril But they mnllo aPlemdd
becomes apparent that unless there f oirat a8 drivers, ono bolog lie slow 'Harte Duey.
some abnormal and at present unexpeoas the other. .When working for tltomo vac
ea excess of expenditure over the revenue or another oeluetial 110005 t., they eau get
between now and atias 80th, Mr, Field- tb,rourho ens et tit0 850 t•eamount
p m6louf o 4h
ing s $7,500,000 Purdue is well in sight. Inbalil(auts are oouatruetod of bamho0 50100
Imperial trade returns are oleo of . 0. sot up like poste 001. the root 10 buils first
gratifying character, at least to those and mustachio on the pg108 which are Mod
who desire to ee0 the bond Of empire i1eu tied llo pluoo uu.l 41te �vullebtllumlOhe
more closely drawn, though probably the thee' split bamboo etrlee are tied down to.
"poundOf flesh pl•Bferentlal,.8. will the poles wbioh forty the floor joists, ant
of the imperial statesmen whose names
have been made such unwarranted use of
in this conneotion. The Duke of Devon-
" it
shire states While T congratulated S
Wilfrid Laurier and the Dominion of
Canada on the offer which had been
made to admit British goods on reduced
rates as compared with those on the
goods of other nations as an important
step in the direction of imperial unity, I
have no authority to offer, and did not
offer to Canada a preference in the
British market." Mr. Chamberlain from
hie place on the Y
Treagur be
nchee in the
Imperial House said :-'Q have never
done anything of the sort. It is one of
teagar el
'h am
Bo 1
h e mistakes of whit Iy
the victim, and which perhaps it would
be hardly worth while to contradict until
the =amen becomes urgent."
After all it should not be difficult to
understand very clearly the respective
trade policies of the two parties. The
Liberal policy is the eatabliehing of a
revenue tariff, to be secured, not by sud-
den and sweeping changes, which un-
settle and jeopardize business interests
and make the approach of the budget an
annual recurring, period of anxiety and
unrest in trade emotes, but by giving sub-
stantial reductions
thereby securing the good will of the
British consumer, and obtaining an entry
on most favorable terms into the vast
market of the empire. ' The working out
• of this polioy has not begun and ended in
frothy declamations of loyalty, but it is
an established fact, accomplished in the
. face of strenuous opposition from the
Tories and alreadyresultingin
trade with Britaito the Inatepeed
tune of many
minibus of dollars, annually.
On the other hand the Tory polioy is
to make no concession whatever to the
empire unless there is an actual quid pro
quo, which can be mathematica'ly check-
ed off,-ooucession for concession, -and
allowiug nothing for the sentimental
good -will which IS so universally recogniz
ed as a powerful factor on the promotion
of national as well as individual anity.
But Sir Charles Tupper having once
taken the plunge and turned the
no0RLE 50MnusA0LT
is not inclined to pursue any half
measures, and realizing that desperate
expedients are necessary to recover the
ground which has been so completely
loaf in the Province of Quebec he goes
down to the Ancient Capital and there
declares for Canadian independence as
against the ultra.imperialism of the
wicked Grits. Re conjures up terrible
consequences if this imperialism is not
checked, not the least of which would be
an attempt by the British Parliament to
tax the colonies; he had even figured
oat that Canada's share of that
taxation would be about equal to her en-
tire revenue at the present time and
much more in the same strain, equally
imaginary and quite absurd. Sir Charles
has taken some wonderfully sharp turns
during his long and checkered political
career, hut in his present endeavor to
pose as a strong anti-imperialist in Que.
beo, while still appearing as the star per-
former in an ultra -British oomedy In
Ontario, he excels himself.
get little comfort therefrom. The value rho Barbitone 0 I ett 0001 a pgrtloutur'
of Canadian products taken byEngland kind of grmms pad tied in p1100 and the
p g 80085 iteomplato 0x0856 for the ulpa mu-
test month was $750,000 ahead of the dor/ glutton] which can no pat up at any
total in March 1899, and the imports re. limo. All dwellings are elevated above the.
oeived from Great Britain also show a iii1 bia1100 poorrtuetpe0Nletnm05 ha their
healthy lnorea00. And yet Sir Charles boners are always looking eleau, though
say& Canada gets no benefit in return for the smell of burnt bambeo qud some of the
the referential. its a fi ht between Sir odorous cooking is 11100006.
P g Ne bod. such as ecu ,5:00.00,1,011.5 found but
Charles and the trade returns with the cane bottomed 0(500 are frequently let pad
people acting as referee. have the advantage ' of giving plenty of
(Continued from last week )
At one time there must have been a
epleudid system of highways in this
island - but years of rebellion and oate-
lee0ness in the administration have al-
lowed them to go to ruin oompletely,
mountable where
This is especially in the mo
the native rook has been worn into
trenches on the Inclines lead,ng down in-
toCes these trench -
eathe ravines. B. =times
ea were S ft, below the original slope and
had to be filled with anything we oould
lay hands on, then a covering of earth
over all for the mules audhoreest to climb
op. Approaches to bridges were washed
out by the rains coming down the roads
leading to the bridge, and we would have
to bridge the vacant space only to repeat
the operation before we get 5 miles away
from the last one. During our 23 days'
tramp fn January the engineer detail
built and repaired above a dozen bridges
and trestles with spans of from 15 to 50
ft., conetruoted more than 200 miles of
new road, and repaired more than 200
miles of road, sometimes it was but a few
minutes work and again we would delay
the paok train for hours before we had
the road in shape to carry the heavy
wagons safely. We met one stretch of
nearly 10 miles which was in the pink of
condition and fit for years, good maca-
dam, straight as a string and level us a
good floor, but within an hour after we
had our hands fall and it took uo 4 or 9
days to get 18 miles farther, gully after
gully, with a stream in 4he bottom df
each, bridges which had to be torn down
to make ,afe one°, roads to build to
avoid extra heavy grades, grades to out
downand lordu 10 clear, and after all
that help wagons to make the ascent of
the last hill. One thing which struck
me as being very peculiar is that the
left of the road is the right of way in this
country, but the drivers nearly always
bold the reins in the left baud and apply
the whip with the right.
There is only one street railway in the
city and it does not run its care with
very alarming frequency, half hourly be-
tween 8.80 a. m. and 9.p. m , the fare
from one end of the road to the other be-
ing 8 Dente Mexican. It is single track
with occasional turn outs to allow care
pass each other, and with a sealing
capacity of 24 in eomeaod 14 in otbere.
They are alt from the Brill car works in
Philadelphia, but are mere rettle•traps
now, though the track ie in excellent
condition. An eleotrio line has been pro'
jeoted,surveyed and at the opening of
hostilities part of the material was held
at Singapore. Recently an offioer was
sent there to investigate and probably
work will soon be commenced on it.
The route, es is surveyed, is to go around
the Southern end of the bay to Cavite.
A steam road, gnage 1 metre -89 87
inches-conneote Dagupaw With Manila,
paining through Calooewe, Guagua, Malolos,
()alumna, San Fernando, Angeles, Ram ban,
Tarlac, &c ,distance of 108 kilometres,
Through eervta• oe was interrupted in 800
bomber '08, and was not resumed until pea,
1811i,'80. who the first through train passed
North. The rebels had at first taken It
fercibly into their bands but In February
'90, our forces began to take a hand in its
operation and by little and little got up to
San Fernando in August, and in rapid eno-
ceseion all the rest of the way up to Tarlac
but it took a month's work to stet the track
in running condition hBtweea San Fernando
and Angeles as about 2 miles bad been torn
up by the rebels and a stream of writer led
a to the track, It is down grade from
Angelo to Sau. Fernando and the water
soon made a mese of the roadbed which
consisted principally of sand ballast.
Above Angeles a atretob of over 0 miles
bad been torn up, WeHeti burned and
then removed somewhere out of reach.
They were found during the advaood Sl.
from Tarlac in November neatly piled, up
about 0 miles from the city and right bo -
side the track, but between the N. end 01
the torn up track and the rolls was a big
washout and a bridge partly washed away,
while suet beyond where the rails lay was a
half mile washout with a river which bad
changed its course from 4 m,lee .father
North to that place. The engineers had
ebarge of the washout and a eergt. of oegi.
nears with infantry to do the work put In a
temporary bridge across the new river bod.
Not content with destroying the roadway,
the "guyso"dumped a number of engines
into rivers, wrecked bridges, burned care,
stations pumpingappointee, oar shops,
beside having several head on aollietone
between ergines, just to give u0 a little
1000 work. When the ofnoiale tool, stook
of damages they found tboy were not strong
enough to take charge of their property
when Gen. Otis wished to turn it over to
them so DOW 10 is being Operated by the
army, and le proving a source of consider-
able revenue, two passenger (rains each way
daily and freight trams as there ie demand.
The braille is inoreaeing daily and more
trains will have to be put on very soon to
beadle the rapidlyinereaeing volume of
r jelell t 10 tletuV1ictpett,bitmit yet Iso
extend down to the S. cod of the island and
which 15 conaldered will be a bettor payiog
investment then the one now In opera6tion,
It will eertaiuly go through ariober 0011)111i
and tap the virgin termite wbiob 00181 in
that portion of the Wand with their wealth
Of aabinot woods and afford a .quicker 0,511
More profitable market for the great (identi-
tiesolfruit whiuh grows than, Until ro-
eontly, sit oe American 000upatl*n of these
Wanda, Chinese 000(105 or Chinos, as they
are always called, bay o been,need an Utter
and bur don heaven and anywhere unskilled.
labor has been ne0ded,but a moonily honed
M(1(4.11118 caused thorn all to lie di0obsrgsd
r' Moes taken b Filipinos. Vila
e oontinuatiien Of a plan adopted home time
ago of giving employment to as many of the
natives as possible on rho principle that
Military gentlemen in the Opposition
ranks continua to profess keen anxiety as
to the administration of the Militia De-
partment and any absurd etreot rumor is
good enough to take notice of if the
momentarily impression can be conveyed.
that partisan considerations are given un-
due weight therein. A good instance of
this occurred this week in connection
with a newspaper report that cer-
tain recommendations made by the
commandant of the Royal Military Col
lege of cadets for the fourteen commis -
mons offered by the imperial war ofiice,had
been vetoed by the Mlnieter. There was
nob a word of truth in the story, but it
furnished a good enough text for an
hour's debate, including an impassioned
tirade from the leader of the Opposition,
upon the supposed fact that party politics
were being allowed to seriously jeopardize
the efficiency of the Canadian militia.
As a matter of fact thecountry cares
little for this ontory for its hollowness
and insincerity is recognized. It is
realized that Canada by her prompt and
efficient aid to the empire bae covered
- herself with glory that the splendid work
• of the Militia Department enabled her to
• d0 this, while not single cage of favorit-
ism has been discovered throughout the
whole. business, and in the absence of the
slightest evidence that there ig anything.
crooked, in the Department, Ede latest
Opposition mare's nest has little effect.
:Tett MIMS 00Mtn80100.
The grain commission appointed last
• Fall at the instance of the Minister of
the Interior has completed its inquiry
into the situation as it exists between the
farmers and the dealers in the North.
west, and has presented its report to
Parliament. The c0mmiesiOnere found
that many of oho complaints of unfair
treatment on the part Of the buyers and
rail a e were well founded and theyre.
port various r0commendatione lookng to
warn chosen Grand aou oiar,R Bev, fI.
rim 1r
a ee x ulama 1 k and
I 1 N u c
Allen, a ),
vice oouueillor, W, d. 111oCamon Belle-
ville (ecolamation) • grand reonrder, P,
F. Montague, Haniltod (0olnms010n)
• Livingston & 00.
Rave limited quantity of Bost patch Seed
or mere to Oho vicinity 0f Brnee0ls wile
intend raising Flax daring the eomlug Bea-
pan, wbtph they are prepared to deliver in"
qua0t1ttea t,1 suit Flax Growers, Onit he got
at the Brunetti Flax Mill. Seed given out at
88.50 per bushel and on the usual terms. As
the seaeou le well advanced 01 vers should bo
sent in at once. For Flax grown from this
$10.00 PER TON
will be paid, f f of good growth, harvested in
propprseason, and delivered at the Mx
Mill eo soon as lit for threshing,
N. B, -Farmers aro strongly advlaed to
row Maar Flax on good land, well plowed
and harrowed, not on low lands, and the
yield will be from a ton to a ton mad a half
more per acre, Flax grown on low land will
not grow there to give the weight.
P. 110014, LIVINGSTON Sc Co..
1110nag01, * Proprietors.
grand treasurer, 8, lirowifoot, Guelph,
(aoolamationl 1 srsn 1 medioal examiner,
Ur. Wolverton, fleollton (acclamation)
grand prelate, Bev,John MoLeod, Yank,
leek 11111. first member 01 ex outiv0, Dr..
3, II. Deli, Kingston , 9^0,n•0 mambsr,
Alex. 1114rris, I7alnbroke, Tun uuu401tu,
tion w to amended by striking out the
olease providing for a trustee board and
increasing the exeoativo from three to
four, The third ail fourth represents.
liven on the executive were elected tie
follows ; W. F, Miller, of $amilton, and
J. W. Frost, of Owen Sound.
They 5101151; It Bleb.
It was a grand thing for Ibis 001nman.
iby that ouch an enterprising firm all G.
A. Deadmaaeecured the agency for Dr,
Eing'e New Discovery for Consumption,
the wenderlul remedy that has startled
the world by its ,marvellous cures. The
furor of enthusiasm over it has boomed
their bushiest], as the demand to. it is
immense. They give free trial bottles to
sufferers, and positively guarantee it
Mire in Coughs, Oolds, Bronobitia, Aeth,
ma, Croup and all. Throat and Lung
troubles. A trial proves its merit.
Price 50o and 91 00 - -
ventilation, thong they also. admit the 'tFRAI`iCRSCO.'1
mosquitoes withal are fully as ubiquitous
here as anywhere. The majority ofthe
poor have only Inaba t0 use for beddlug and
when 8 or 4 are laid lit a pile it nukes qulto
a comfortable bed for a tired and weary
soldier. I know this from experience and
when in the mountains without blankets
the saute, though only of grass, proved
aplentil1 enbaiilntee for Dee woolen blankets
which were with the wagon train a couple
is behind: us.
THOS. i%iOLt0008IN, En Y.
This well bred horse will to lie the fol.
lowing route for the season of 1900 :-
Monday, will leave his o.r t arable,
Brussels, and go North In 2 id lice,
Morrie, then West to Chas. Forrest's for
The cooking faoilitloe are very simple. noon . "thenoe West via Brown own to
An earbhe:ware bowl ,.boat 18 Moues lit. the B.uevale hotel for night. Tuesday,
diameter with 8 projections equally distant
from each other in (os iuterioe cm which to will proceed a'on ' the 4th line, Turnberry,
set the earthenware p'i10 in which rue food to D. Mo pavieh's for node ;- th' nee South
all that is neaten en by
cooked and tint is a'
is uo
to R,1bt. Anmiltou a for nicht. Wednes.
fire atone time eo'the kit00eus are goner. day, will proceed South to2ad 0on,, Grey,
ally supplied with g lir 8 of th000 priwittva tb-n 111 set to Edward Bryan's- fur noon ;.
very house I MO i a t
thence via MoAllieter'a road to Adam
t urd souete in all about and cone
uzonea s x la Turnbull'e '7th con. for nightTheme.
the Filipino Only one pot Diu be set on a
'Lite removal of those grievances in the }latah llnuesome misehief,&c, All the em-
taturd, The report is now coder 000• Nevus of riteetrtot cleaning dept., dOpt,ot
mum that
garb ling in poet of 1ely In, lg -
51508 8881 gambling is pretty freely Indulged day, will proceed East. through Ethel,.
In. Shrines seen 111 almost every, hon
and at frequent intervals all along the road
we unveiled.
081008 SMITH,
(Ooutioued ntxt week.)
\Visit a Tale it Tells.
If that mirror of yours shows a wretob- Morrie, for night. Saturday, will pro.
ed, sallow oomplexion, a jaundiced h,ok, need to the 8th line, Morrie, to -for
moth patches and blotobee on the akin, noon ; thence to his own stable where he
it's liver trouble ; but Dr. King's New will remain until the following Monday.
Life Pills regulate the liver; purify the
blood, give olearekin, rosy cheeks acid
rich complexion. Only 25e. ab G. A.
Deadmao'e drag store,
then South t o t 9th con then East to
Thos. Steveneon's for boon ; thence to
the lath con. of Grey, and West to. Peter
Baker's, Cranbrook, for nicht. Ftiday,
will proceed South to the 17.h amt , then
West to Alex. Buchanan's for noon ;
thenoe. West to300. Shortreed'e, 911, line,
Walkerton may have a hospital.
Premier Martin will content Viotoria at
the British Columbia general eleotioe.
The Ontario Minister of Education has
deoided to adopt the proposal reducing
the period of eervioe before a teacher can
apply tor superannuation from 85 years
to 80.
The Grand Connell ot the Canadian
Order of Chosen Friends passed a reso-
lution strongly endorsing the British
position in the Boer war. The eleotlon
of officers took place and the following
The Business
Listowel College.
A thorough, complete and practical train-
ing in
rain•login all branches of Commercial work,
at ooasiderably less than regular rates.
For full information apply.
Rooms or College over Post 0111ce.
Binder Twine.
"Probs." say twine will advance
in Tice. Prudent people are placing
their orders for "Plymouth Twine,' be-
cause it eaves Labor; Twine and Money.
Binder Covers.
$8,00. The material alone would
coot more at present prices.
Ball Bearing Churns.
Our stook, bought before the
advance in price, will Boon be sold out.
Now is the time to get one.,
$85.00 and np. The heart of a
bicyole is the Hanger. The only perfect
banger is the "One.pieae" Fauber Bang-
er. Dominion, Garden City and Perftot
are equipped with the Perfect Hanger.
Barn Door gangers.
We are importing the latest
improved Hanger. See it before yon
hong your door. Steel track et 5o. per
foot. Hangers old price.
Pure Prepared Paint
850. per quart. New shades of
color. Floor Paints, dry in 8 honre,
Every can of'•Paint guaranteed.
Lawn 'Mowers.
See our 18 in. out for $4 00. Our
present stook only to be sold at these low
Harvest Tools
Purchased before the advanoein
price. Caine and share the profits.
.o MeKAY &'Co.
J, D. King's Shoes Always in Steck,
of a Substantial, Neat, Attrac-
tive Appearance are what we are show-
ing for the Spring trade, and the prices
are such that we have them to suit your
purse if it be heavy or light. We ask you to• kindly call and ex-
amine them and compare values.
'Harness Departrnent.
Fitted to Correct all
Failures of Eyesight,
and your Eyes tested FREE by
latest Optical methods at
Court Office,
Division Co
For 80 days we offer you Special Bargains
yin Single Harness, all our own make.
• A fall stock of Trunks, Satchels, Swoat Pads, Collars; 8e,,
at prices that cannot be surpassed.
Repairs in Collars, Harness, l3oots and Shoes
promptly :attendccl to.
C.. ichrards.
The Standard Bank
of Canada.
Money Orders
For amounts of FIfty Dollars and ander
isoced by this Bank, payable at par at
any chartered Bank in Canada, with the
exception of Branohes in the Yukon Die.
Under $10 . $0.08
$10 to 20 . . 0.10
20 to '30 0.12
$0 to 50 . . 0.14
Cameron eros.
Have a -limited number. of bushel, of the
BEST DUTCH SEED for farmers in the
vicinity of : Oranbrook who intend raising
Flax during the coming Benson. which they
are prepared to deliver is quantities to eine
Ilax growers.
Seed can be got at the Oranbrook Flax
Mill at. $1.80. per bushel .Order early and
secure a supply. For Ilax grown from Erie
• $10.00 PER TON
will be paid, it.ot good growth, harvested in
proper season, and delivered at the flax mill
as, soon as fit for threshing.
I13"We willrent a number of good god
fields for the purpo se of growing flax.
Proprietors Oranbrook' lrlaa 21111.
We have a Dumber now ready and
are getting up 510 Buggies fur this seaeou
Now to your time. If you want an A 1
Buggy call at the
Proprietor, Brussels, Ont.
Barred, Buff and
White Roos.
Eggs and Fowl for sale
in season
Eggs $1,00 per setting.
I'Correspoadencc Solicited.
where you will get the very BEST and
as °heap ae the best pan be got. We oleo
have Wagons and Half Trnolts, with any
else tires that may be required.
rims Rollers and other articles too
numerous to mention.
Rimming wheels, repairing, re
trimming • and re painting promptly
attended to.
Be sure and give ,lie a ad! and see
what we have before buying elsewhere,
is -4 or 5 Steers rising 2 years and
2 Farrow Cows for sale.
3310. Collar , Ethel.
MAY 3, 1900
the Hat .
Y»u can afford to follow the above
injuneti0n and then pall on
Who is clearingmlt the balauoe of a
Bankrupt Stock of
Hats and Caps,
ab unheard of Low Prioee.
Yon can get a good Cap 10
for the e
. .. .
small emu
E very Ona of chem must go so call early
and make your choice,
Canadian Express Agent.
roTir Ec y7
Tidying bought largely before the advance
a g
in prices we are' offering -in.... B
' R
.ea Dinner n
er ANll
r ri
Toilet SeVIJ .
at the Old Prices. A. large assortment of
Plain and Fancy China and Glassware.
The best Mange], Turnip and other
Seeds' grown.
Geo. Thomson, TGROCER.
Best Brands of
Is the best place to get your
Gristing done. We have
the best Chopping rig in the
County and we are satisfy-
ing everybody who comes.
First-class Flour in
Exchange for
Soot Wheat..
Manitoba 1"lour for sale, as well t s Ontario Flour
of first quality, and our popular Mixed Flour gives
great satisfaction.. It makes an excellent family Flour.
Oatmeal arid all kinds of Mill Feed
Always'on hand.
Best Dry A i erican Corn,
Oats taken in Exchange
for Oatmeal.
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles fi
North Shure
Pine and Ceitar.
Wil1011FOR''SALb; AT ';Hierussels Planin Mills
Also Doors and Seth of all Pat
tarns un hand -or made to order
at,Ohott Notioe,
Estimate° F7trnished for all
kinds of Buildisga, Workman. TllrllhJult.
ship and Material GuaranteedP. A1VrENT,