The Brussels Post, 1903-10-29, Page 1Vol. 82. No. 16
W, H. KERR, Prop,
New Advertisements.
Legal -ht, E. King.
The Weekly Globe.
7luotion sale-Mre. Rath Jaoklin,
Perm for sale -N. M. Rioherdeon.
Keen oath buyers -McKinnon & Oo.
:i str",Ct ¥.Ch",
The many old friends of Rev. and Mre,
tOoeens, now of Brussels, were pleased to
hear the former preach last Sabbath at
Providence, Bethel and Walton and to
have the opportunity of greeting Mro.
Mogi-mop 000NOIL, °0000il met in
Christopher White's, Leadbury, on 20th
Oot. Members of the Connell were all
present and the minutes of the former
meeting read and adopted. Accounts
were painted and paid amounting to $850
inoluding $498 for three steel bridges.
Pascal Pigeon was granted until 1904
for completing Boltou'e and Canada Co.'s
drains. The Council adjourned to meet
at Leadbury on Thursday, Nov. 26, at 1
o'olook p. m. Joo, 0. Morrison, Clerk,
W oa.1 i.0 Yt .
We are still disoaesing the 0, P. R. and
the probabilities of it aiming here.
A young man in this looality was fined
65 by a Brueeele magistrate we hear, for
Making up a duet at the Walton for
This week D. Farquharson and wife
remove to Seaforth where they have
bought a house and lot from Jae, Beattie.
Mr. Farquharson's farm in Morris town•
ehip, near here, has been leased by hie
none and Mine Farqubarsou will keep
house for them, for a time at least,
While regretting the removal of Mr. end
Mre. Farquharson their many std neigh•
bore and friends wish them a pleasant
etay in Seaforth.
George Miller, of Brussels, was a visit.
or at Ethel Ieet Sunday,
We are sorry to hear of some oases of
diphtheria at Oranbrook.
15 cents will secure THE Pm for the
balanoe of 1903. Try it.
Mre. (Rev.) Welle has been on the eiok
list but we hope she will Boon be as well
an usual.
Our two teaohere, G. Dobson and Mhea
Shannon, bavo been ee•engaged for 1903.
The trustees made no mistake about it,
That wedding mentioned in last week',
POST is being passed round to several
couples who have matrimonial eymptone.
Sugar beets were loaded here this week
for shipment to Wiartou factory. Mr.
Forreet, of Wiartou, was overseeing the
Ripe raspberries and blossoms were
pinked here dtring the priet week but the
enow•etorm of Monday will rather put a
atop to further phenomenal growth.
Township Connell will meet here on
Monday, Nov. 9th. The MoLeau Drain
By-law will be finally paned and the
report and Byelaw of the Whitfield By.
law will be read.
The evangelistic (services beteg held in
the Methodist Ohnroh have attraoted
large andienaee end enjoyable meetings
have been held. Rev. Mr. Pentland,
ie a very earnest worker.
Lige TurKeys
The undersigned offers 8 cents per
pound, and the rise of market, for any
quantity of live turkeys between now and
the time of shipment, about the end of
November. Delivery at Broesel°.
Highest prioee will also be paid for
Live Ohiokene, Duette, Fowl and Geese.
The latter either alive or dry plunked.
For farther partioulare enquire of
It ie said David 13adgely will give up
the Slemmon farm and will be outmoded
by Alex. Lamont. The farm is a good
one and Mr. Lamont ie well acquainted
with the art of tillage so ehoa!d do well,
Sandy Stewart is moving into the
manse this week,
Wm. Brown has returned from a trip
to the West looking hale and hearty.
Mien McKnight and Mies Cornish, of
Stratford, visited the latter'%, sister, Mies
Ooruisb, of the "College". .
Edward Greenoidee is poing to have au
Aoatiou Sala on Nov. 4th, 1908. Mr.
Greeneidee lives nearly a mile East of
Molenwgrth on the Boundary.
Rev. M. McKey, who hag 000upied the
pulpit of the Presbyterian Ohnroh here
for the last three months, preaohed hie
farewell sermon on Sunday last,
The following ie the vault of the
Promotion Exam. held oft Oot. 22nd and
23rd ;-Promotion to Third. Total 500.
Marks required to pass 280. Clifford
MOKee, 418 ; David Preece, 368 ; Sarah
Leppard, 345 • Katie Hannah, 847 ;
Colin M'nrray, 387 ; Regio McKee, 317 ;
Hazel Malatoeh, 298; Sinolair Meikle.
j•,hn, 243 ; Nellie Stewart, 288 ,
Oaehborn Austin, 226,
amen erig Cowet.
A letter hes been reoeived from Mins
Oarrie Brydon reporting her safe arrival
at her home in California.
Last week William Brydou arrived
here from Morden, Man., and will likely
spend the Winter in this locality. He
is weloome baok.
Last Sabbath evening H, W. Avieon
took obarge of the servioe in Viotoria
Hall. The oongregatiooe o0ntinue good
and no emall intereet ie menifeeted.
During the poet week Walter Forrest,
2od line Morrie, has been on the eiok.list
from an Week of la grippe and other
ailments. His many friends hope he
will thou be o. k.
Saturday of this week Jas. Innen, the
genial young man of the store here,leav-
00 for Toronto, where he will take a term
at the Bueinesn College. He ie a bright
youth who will no doubt profit largely by
the expeoted oommeroial training. Tun
POST wishes him euooeee.
Boren B000ETY.-Sabbath evening, 8th
inst., the annual meeting of the Up er
Canada Bible Society will be held in Vio.
oria Ball. Addressee will be given by
Rev. R. Paul and A. M MoKay, of Brne.
eels, and Thos. Straohan will preside,
A epeoial oolleotion 10 behalf of the erase
wlii be taken.
%V roxeter.
Bert. Sage has returned to the village.'
G. Howe visited in Brueeele over Sun.
Mies Mary Smith ban returned from
Mine Cassie Harris returned from Hen.
Ball last week.
Mre. Jae Orr, of Wingham, is renewing
old acquainta0oee in the village.
3Iro. A.. Robertson, of Wingham, in the
goeet_of her daughter, Mre. D. Rae.
Mise McKee left for Laketield leen Fri
day where she will spend the Winter
with relatives.
W Townsend, of the Central Business
College, Stratford, visited his uncle B.
H. Townsend, recently.
Jno, and Mrs, Healey entertained the
soholara In the senior °lessee of the school
to a orokmole party Friday evening.
Peter MoTavieh, of the Belmore road,
returned on Monday from the West loop•
ing much better after hie three months'
Jan Brook of io
Wt ham spent Sunda
P y
with hie mother,lire W Woods, who h
.w s v o ae
been in a poor sate of health for some
Geo. Walker, of Gerrie, organizer for
tho0. 0. F. spent last week in this oleth
ity and anooeeded in eeoaring about
twelve applications.
Neil and Mrs. McNeil, of Howiak, have
now beoome residents of the village, bay.
tog moved into their pottage, Howiak
street, lately pnrobased from Jno, Harris.
The Editor of the Star takes exception
to oorreepondent'e remarks tact week
"that ib took him a week to spend
Thanitegiving Day". Our remarks were
based on the fact that this was hie seoond
holiday week this year and we were nn•
der the impression that country Editors
were entitled to only one week. Ye Edit
or, as be terms himself eaye that your
oorreepondenb has been having over two
Oak Leather Team Harness, all
our own Hand work and guar-
anteed to stand the wear.
Single Harness, either Hand or
Machine work at prices that cannot
be surpassed. We handle no Pao
tory Work so when you have our
Harness you are sure of a good article.
In Blankets we offer great Bargains. We bought
largely and beforeg
rg y a the advance in price, and offer them
Cheaper than ever. Also Robes, Rugs -plush or wool.
Q10 alQat Reduction Salo
for (lash begins Nov. let and continues to Dee. 1st. Keep
the date in mind and remember we will offer you great
Repairs in Harness and Sboes done promptly.
I. C. R I H aG R .
genre of a holiday. In this he le a little
off hie bane (although not annual for
him) fur your correspondent, in the last
ten yearn lute not had throe weeks holidays
and not being an Editor has to work
every day.
6i1•il.11 br 00 It.
Mre, R, K. MoDonald was vieitiog in
Goderioh for a few days.
15 00010 pays for THE POST to Jan. lab.
Cheaper than borrowing,
Albert Fox will bake a trip to Muskoka
on a deer heat and we bar a roant of
venison on bis return.
500 porde of soft wood wanted, at the
Oranbrook Limo Kiln. Highest price
paid. V. Cinema, 0ranbruok. 14 3
Next Sabbath afternoon the eerviee in
the Methodist obnroh will be withdrawn
us it is Communion Sunday in Brussels.
The tine 200 %ore farm of the late
August neither, near here, is offered for
gale by Mre. Fieoher to close up the
estate. It le a desirable property.
We are sorry to state that there are 8
oaeee of diphtheria in this Ioonlity and
the Medical Health OOiorr has placarded
the hoagies in which the trouble estate.
School hoe been closed to prevent any
danger of spreading the dangerous ail.
ment. We hope the metes need will
epeedly result in the wiping out of the
dangerous disease and that thoee effeoted
will be soon restored.
The snow of Monday made us feel that
Winter in at hand,
Andrew Henderson ie improving slowly
under the beet of treatment.
The fruit crop is almost gathered and
the farmers are bony with their roots.
Mise Powell and Mies Robinson, of
Turuberry, are the gueeto of Mies Eva
We are pleased to weloome Mr. Neth•
erg and family, from Belgrave, ea
residents of our village.
Don't forget the Box Social to be given
by the Westminster Guild on Friday
evening. Everybody weloome.
Rev. W. J. West, has announced a
thrice of sermons for Sabbath evening's
on "Young women, their Faults and
Ideals" and "Young men, their Faults
and Ideals," which we trust will prove
interesting and helpful. The aerial;
begins next Sabbath evening.
Quarterly Servioes were held in the
Methodist Church, Bluevale on Sunday
Oot, 26th. The day was fine and the
attendnnoelarge. The Pastor proaohed
from 1 John 8 2, and was assisted in the
servioe by Rev. W. W. Leeoh, of Toronto.
The official meeting on Monday atter
noon wah well attended and very
The Ebenezer Church on the Bluevale
Circuit has been undergoing repairs and
was reopened on Sunday, 18th inst.
Rev. A. E. Jones, of Belgrave, preaohed
to large and interested andienaee after.
noon and evening. The ohuroh was
painted ontside and painted and papered
inside and effect is very beautiful. The
members of the oougregetion are delight.
ed with the work. Williaam Stoneman of
Henaabl, had the ooutraot. The ooet wee
met by eubeoriptiou' without tbe usual
e .
L, McNeil and wife were at Goderioh
last week.
P. H. McNeil had a bee cutting brush
on Wednesday of last weak.
Township Council will be held on
Monday, Nov. 9th, at Ethel.
Damian MoNeir's health continues
poor. We hope be may aeon be better.
Mine Annie King hn
e been r -en
ga ed
for 1908 in
9 8S S. No. 1, She has done good
John Kerney, of Fowlerville, Michigan,
is renewing old aoquaintonoee in thie
15 ciente will eeoure Tnn Poem to Jno,
LA 1904, Now ie the time to subsoribe,
Salamis of year free to new subscribers.
Bible Society meeting in Bethel ahnroh
next Sabbath evening and addressee by
Rev, R. Paul and A, Moley, of Brussels.
Next Sabbath morning the quarterly
servioe will be held at Union Ohurah,
12th non., and the communion observed.
The pastor will preach,
Peter McNeil ie able to be around agein
after hie repent severe Mutes. Hie
daughter, Mies Annie, who went to Bete -
van for her health, bag improyed greatly
with the change of air, we are pleased to
Wednesday after000n of this week
Walter W. 131inoo and Mre. Atioe Ridley,
both of this townehip, wore united in
marriage at the Methodiet Pareouage,
Brunets. by Rev. T. W. Cowing, May
j•tyand fortune emile upon them.
Ouz'rn Boon8e, A matrimonial %Ilfamie
was entered upon Wednesday evening
when John Lindsey, a well known young
farmer of Grey, and Mies Berbera Pat.
rick, of the Howiok and Grey boundary,
were joined as husband and wife by Rev.
'r, W. Clones, in Brunie. The young
couple will make their home on Mr. Lind
say's farm on the 7th non, Their many
friends with them happiness and pros
parity iu the future.
Last Monday Peter Caution left Brae.
Bela for Deleeu, Man., where he and his
brother Sam. have leased an improved.
farm with stook, implements, &o for a
term of yeara. The proprietor, an an.
married man, will retire from farming
and live nearby. The boys ehould do
well end they have the beet wishes of the
people of this eommunity iu their new
enterprise, Either of them will hove to
get married now and we seeped that Pete
should have the preferenee although Sam
ie no new hand at preliminary arrange.
This week R. E, Conteh, 10th non,, i0
packing up and arranging for shipping
his household goods to Flint, Michigan,
where he purposes making hie borne,
He and Mrs. Coates and Aitken are
visiting relativoe neer Senfortlt now
preparatory to their removal. Mr.
Goatee was a beadier in Brussels Meth-
odiet Sabbath Sobool and a member of
the Oiiloiel Board of the (March and will
be missed. The people of thie momtnnn.
fby wish ho and his family health,
happiness and prosperity ht' their new
looatioo, W. Hommingway, who bought
Mr, Coates' farno, arrived here lath week
from Teeewater and ie now in poetess.
ion, We bid bit and hie family web.
some to this looality and wish them sae.
nee. no landed in a good township when
he came to Grey,
A few thrashings to do yet on the Soh
Miss Lettie Cook ie somewhat better
thie week.
Jae. Hall has an auction sale on the
4th of November,
Mise Ethel Pipe hoe engaged with Mre.
F. Martin, 0th line.
Thos. Russell, who was very poorly, ie
somewhat better now.
Robb. Clark started to work on the big
drain on Monday of this week.
Rabbit hunting in engaging the spare
momenta of some of our eporbemen.
The 0. P. R'e eorvey through Morrie
mute lotus of the fume in bad' shape.
Nurse Sharp is at Oranbrook looking
after the Hunter family who have been
ill with diphtheria.
Joeepb Clegg, Mb line, has 14 steers
for Bale, that will weigh about 1200
and are in good oondition.
Ed. Nichol has been bothered with a
sore hand from blood poisoning but it will
eoon be all right now we hope.
15 omits gete Tun POST for the balanoe
of 1903. Send it to your absent eon or
daughter if you get it yourself.
Mre. Jae. Coulter has returned to bar
homein Morrie, after a two weeks' visit
with friende in London and Sarnia.
Dant forget James Hall's auction sale
of farm stook, deo., at hie farm, 7th line,
on Wednesday afternoon of next week,
A big oontraotie being gone through on
the 6th line in the shape of road making.
It has astonished all who have seen it eo
John Sherrie, Miss Bradshaw and Mies
Aggie Bradshaw, of Morris township were
guests of Mre. M. Finch, Clinton for a
few daye.
Lyon Findlaterintende going to Tor•
onto to take ap the study of Telegraphy
nod other linea of railroad work, We
wieh him enaoeee.
The trustees of B. S. No. 6 have re•en.
gaged Mies Jamieson ae teacher for 1904
at an increase of salary. Sbe will reoeive
6826. We wish her 0000005.
John Bell, who bought the old Mie•
Rimming house at Sncshiue, has the
building all moved away. Sunshine ie
evidently going under a oloud.
Richard Armstrong and Fraser Dm.
bury will leave shortly on their annual
bunting expedition td Northern Ontario.
They take great epoch out of these axone.
A wedding on the 8th line in the near
future. We won't mention any names
just yet. Rumor eaye the 4th line will
see a wedding before long too and their
are others to follow.
We are sorry to bear that George Pipe,
of the Soo, formerly of thin township,
has been laid up with typhoid fever but
is getting along favorably and will soon
be able to get about we hope.
Peter Oantelon hoe got hie house all
finished excepting the plastering. It is
covered with metallic siding and all fixed
over in the interior. Messrs, Cameron
& McGill, of Blyth, had the contract.
F• Martin, 6th line, has parohaeed a
fine Durham bull, 10 months old, from
Mr. Harrigan, of East Wawanoeh, It
pays to keep the beet. This animal took
the red tioket at Brothels Fair against
tote of opposition.
John Jaokeon and family, Mb line, will
remove shortly to the Crazier farm in
McKillop whioh they have leased for a
term ofY ears. Mr. Crozier w 1 retire
will t'
and make his home in Beaforbh. The
McKillop people will fiod the Jaokeon
family firet•olaee people.
The snow storm on Monday put the
farmers in memory of the turnip patoh,
It was cold weather for the apple
business. Care are scarce and the apple
barrels are piled up outside at nearly all
the etatione. When the talked of 0. P.
R. oomee along perhaps we will see the
farm produce move more freely.
Next week Peter S. Roes, 8th line, will
remove with hie family to Elm% town.
ship. He has purobaeed a foe 100 acre
farm, lot 8, con. 16, from Jno. Ellaoott,
who intends going West. The pride paid
was $6,000. We wish Mr. Roes and tam.
ily prosperity iu their new home. They
will not be strangers there as a number
of relatives and old friends reside in the
same community.
After long and euooeeeful service as
eahool teacher Malcolm Blank, now teach.
ing in No, 8, inbeude baking a rest from
the profession for a time at the expir•
anion of this term. The trustee board
has engaged it Mr. Montgomery of Wrox.
eter, as hie suooeeeor et a salary of 8375,
His duties will commence the first of the
year, Mr. Sleek will probably methane
to reside in Morris ae be has a good farm
on the Ord line. We hope he may.
The Sandwiob Town Connell has ap.
pointed Geo. E. Smeaton Town Olerk in
plane of the late 0. H. Ashdown,
The local 3arbeodere' Union threaten
to appeal to the temperance people to
enure relief from Sunday labor,
The Nth auntie' convention of the
Ontario Women's Christian Temperance
Union is in progress at St. Thomas.
Stephen Prinoe, a thirteen-year.old lad
arraeted in Toronto, admitted oomplioity
in a large number of reoemt burglaries.
Clarenoe McDonald, an employee of
the Victoria Wheel Works at Galt, had
his eye torn out by a projection on a belt,
Mies Maggie Short wan hurned to death
by the explosion 08 a lantern in a barn
on Mr, Murray's farm near $agereville.
At Port Colborne the steamer A. E.
Ames damaged the G. T. Railway bridge.
Tritine are being tient around by the M.
0. Be until the bridge i0 repaired.
The annual meeting of the trneteeo of
the Chautauqua Assembly, was .held at
Chautauqua last Friday, Among the
vioe.preeidente elected was 0. D. Massey,
of Toronto.
The Wolfe Taland Township Connell
have ordered from the Bertram Oom.
pithy, goeon
tos n 425,000 eteattfer, to
rlin (80 a ferryboat between Mingabon
and the island,
Lord Alvereton denies that be ie to
pubiieb iu The Time a detenoe of hie
port in the Alaska oommiesioner'e award.
Judge aright*, of Elgin County, Judge
William Elliott, of Middlesex County,
Judge O'Brien, of Prescott and Russell,
Judge Deacon, of Renfrew. and Judge
Woods, of Kent County, will be retired
under the new not.
J. W. and Mrs, Eedy, of St. Thomas,
formerly of Bt, Mary's, have left for San
Diego, Oal. Their many friends hope
they will regain their health by their trip
and ebey in the South-West, They
will remain in California until May next.
The Manitoba Department of Echoes.
tion in endeavoring to theist the trustees
of rural eoboole by giving them ideas as to
the beet models of baildiags for use in
rural sobool dietriote. To this end they
have bad a number of model plane pre
pared by arohiteate familiar with school
needs, end keep these on file in the De.
partment for use of any eahool eeotion
desiriog them.
THE rate of intereet on loans 1e on the
inoreaee owing to the scarcity of money.
A Naw more bangs like the Alaskan
award Rod Canadian Independence will
be a live question iu the growing country.
k R
THE probabilities are Mayor Urquhart
will be re-elected by aoolamation for 1904.
He hes proven hininelf to be a doer not a
dreamer for Toronto.
HON. EDWARD BLexE'S health ie in a
very unsatisfactory state and oomplete
rent for months is advised. Hie ailment
is of an netvone °bar%ater.
Hog. G. E. Foseze has reached Eng.
land and will campaign with Mr. °ham.
berlain. He's n'olever man but snbjeot
to "moments of weakness" in his verba.
brae not always helpful to the eanse he
is advocating.
EXTENeivn improvements are being
made at Depot Harbor by the Canada
Atlantic ; an elevator is being built bo
aaoommodate 1,250,000 bushels of grain.
The Nortb.West trade bas the bulge on
all other sections of this Dominion.
• +
THE Ohineee of Montreal are taking
out natnralizatiom papers so as to have a
vote. They are on to the one and the role
of political oampaiging will have to be
changed as the almnond eyed voters will be
able to "wash the dirty linen" sometimes
talked about.
Lon Drawn, the queen of the trotting
turf, went a mile at Memphis, Tenn., in
1.68. That rate of epaed will never
become popular with the average young
man wbo pays hie "distregess" to some
fair belle. 4 miles an hour is good
enough for them,
Now that the Rugby football eeaeon has
'started and hookey games almost in
sight the drngginte are looking up their
arnica supply and measuring off
stook of mart plaster. Prize' fights are
not in it with teal rough and tumble
A Donkhobor riot 000nrred, North of
Swan Lake, Man., in which 800 took a
fiet over a Methodist missionary attempt.
ing to preach to them. Three were killed
and one seriously injured before peace
won restored. The Donke% are an eccen-
tric' lot and will have to be handled like
glass-thie side up, with care.
AT the annual Convention of the W.
0. T. U. in St. Thomas, a resolution was
passed urging that the franchise be ex.
tended to women holding the ne0e0eary
property gnalifloation, There should be
no objeabion raised to this by legislators,
in our opinion, as the women property
owners have ae good a right to be able to
express their opinion with the ballot as
the male Voters. Ae a rule a woman ie
nearly always on the right oldie of moral
questions at any rate.
IN the bye elections held on Tuesday at
Senit Ste. Marie and Muskoka the parties
broke even although the politioalrepresen.
tation wasteveraed. Mr. Smith, Liberal,
was eleoted in the former over Mr, Mis.
Campbell by about 200 and Mr. Mahaffy,
Conservative, will be the enaoeeeor to Dr,
Bridgeland, Liberal, deemed, by about
the same majority. Renfrew le the only
vaoauoy now. The standing in the boaee
will be as follows t --Liberals, 60 ; Comm.
vativee 46 withoutthe speaker and Ren.
frew, giving the Government a majority
of 4. Premier Rose will continue to do
business at the old etand with lbs prob.
abilities of Renfrew sending him tooth.
er backer.
It hes been decided to exhibit a colony
of live heaving in the Canadian section
of the St. Lade Exposition.
London Free Preto nye ;--At the
present bice grain ehippera in Ontario
are complaining of aaoareity of box oath,
and it is estimated tim t a ed t hat on the middle
division of the Grand 'bunk there in a
eh°nage of abort 1,000 Mg. This was
the statement made Tueeday morning by a
prominent Guthrie grain man, but et the
Grand Train's ofiioee the statement oonld
not be oorroborated. One G, T. 11. oflia
!al remarked, however, that freight tradho
is now very heavy. The railroads are mak-
ing every effort to relieve the situation,
and are outmoding so well that very few
oomplainto are beard. The Oanadien
Paoiflo in if anything more fortunate in
this reepeot than the Grand Trunk. The
movement of grain from the North -ween
has been remarkably light this season,
and consequently there is not enoh a de.
mixed for oath there ae formerly.
Morris Council Meeting
The Commit met e000rding to adjourn.
meet, in the Commit room, Morris, o0
Oot. 19th. Members all present, tbe
Reeve in the chair,. Minutes of last
meeting read and passed. On motion of
Taylor and Jaokeon the Connoii agreed
to fornieh 5 inoh tile for a drain on centre
sideline, eon. 1, providing the interested
parties draw the tile and do the work of
patting in drain, On motion of Code
and Shaw the bond presented by the Col-
lector was aooepted as eatieteotory. Mov-
ed by Shaw, seconded by Code that all
Pathmaetere in the municipality be in.
etruoted tor, have all noxious weede opt
or destroyed in their respective beats,
Oarried. Accounts were ordered to be
paid ae follows ;-Eli Elliott, tile on N.
B. $4.65 ; J. A. Anderson, Hall rent for
Voters' list Court, $2 00 ; Joo. Oololougb,
gravel, $176 ; A. Hughes, gravel, 61 25 ;
eeleotars of jurors each, 64.00 ; Mr. Hill,
plank, $6.76 ; J. McCaughey, putting in
oulvert, 6716 ; D. Pipe, cleaning out
dibob, $2.00; Joo, Wallace, repairing auk
vert. 62 00 : J. McElroy, underbroshing,
63 25 ; M. Kelly, ditoh, 812 00 ; M. Healy,
ditch, $5.00 ; J. McMillan, gravel, $2 10 ;
F. Martin, repairing anlverb, $2.00 . Wm.
Wells, gravelling, $11.00 ; Jae. Logan,
inepeobing, $2 ; D. Lewie, tile and work
on Patton drain, $7.10; S. Jobneton,
repairing bridge, $20 00 ; Jno. Miller, oul-
vert, $14 00 ; R. blathers, cleaning ditch,
$2.25 ; A. Clark, cleaning culvert on side.
line, $1.00 ; D. Farquharson, tile and
gravel, $8.81; J. Smith, gravel, 62,38 ;
Duff & Stewart, work and gravel on N.
B., $6 75 ; Jae. Hall, gravel, $7.66 ; Den.
bow Bros., gravelling on East Bdy., $81..
59 ; Jae. Bulger, inspecting on .E. Bdy.,
66.56 ; R. B. Alaook, repairing oulvert,
63.00. On motion of Taylor and Oode,
Mr. Shaw was inetraoted to have a needle
beam put in Somerville's brides an thou
as poeeible. Bylaw No. 7, 1908 was duly
read and passed. The Council then ad-
journed to meet again on Nov. 16th.
W. °Lena, Clerk.
Regular quarterly commnnlon servioe
will be held in the Methodist church next
Sabbath morning, the pastor preaohing
at 10 a. m. The testimony meeting and
eaoramental servioe will follow.
Rev. Dr. Johnston at the alone of the
evening servioe in St. Andrew's church,
London, on Sunday, intimated to his non.
gregation bis purpose to aooept the invi-
tation to the American Presbyterian
oharob, Montreal, subjeot to the accept.
aooe•by the London Preebytery of bis
present charge.
Owing to the removal of G. F. Blair
from Brussels J. H. Cameron bas been
appointed his 000080500 as Soperinten•.
dent of Melville Church Sabbath Sobool
and A. M. MoKay has taken obarge of
the Adnit Bible Close. Mr. Cameron
also takes Mr. Blair's place ae chairman
of the Managing Board,
Rev, David Perris, of in
W m no.
envied Melville 'thumb he oh pulpit. in thie
plane last Sabbath. His morning theme
wee "The power of the Gospel" and in
the evening the text was I Oor. 2 and 14.
Both dieoonreee ware interesting end in.
epiring, Rev. Mr. Rose wee at Wing.
At the annual Thank•offeriog meeting
of the W. F. M. S. of Melville Month,
held recently, Mre. (Rev.) Roes presided.
Mre. G. F, Blair read the lesson and Mre.
Jessie Kerr the Thank•offeriog Leaflet.
The collection amounted to about $44.00,
a very respectable sum considering the
unfavorable evening ae far as weather
was oonoerned. Refreshments were
served before the meeting was clotted,
The ladies deserve every encouragement
hn their efforte.
The Fifth annual Epworth League
Convention of the Methodist ohuroh,
London Conference, will be held in Vio•
Coria Ave. oharob, Chatham, on Tuesday
and Wedmeoday, Nov. 24 and 25. An A 1
program will be presented under the plan
of A Sonoon of Methods. Convention
was to meet in Park street obnroh, of
whieb Rev. G. H. Cobblediok, B. D., for.
multi of Brueeele, ie peter but improve.
mento being made bo the auditorium will
not be oomplebed in time hence the
obange to the other Methodist chetah is
the town. See apragram.
Mrs. Dwight L. Moody, widow of the
evangelist, died Saturday afternoon, Oot.
10, at her home in Eitel Northfield, Mage.
Mrs, Moody had been suffering for some
time from an internal trouble, but her
condition was not considered marina.
She soddenly became a0ooneciona Bator.
day mottling and paeeed away without
regaining her eeneeo at 6 o'olook in the
afternoon. Her young eon, Pant D.
Moody, wee with her at the end, bat her
two other ohildren, a son and daughter,
were in Chicago. The funeral took plane
Tuesday, Mre. Moody was born in Eng
land about 00 years ago.
Rev, Alfred Andrews of Walton, primate.
ed bi Centenary Missionary sermons in
the Methodist Church last Sabbath. He
dealt in the morning with the wont done
and the necessity for enthaeiaatio liberal.
ity to this great these, illustrating itis
remarks with most interesting personal
experiences in the Northwest. Ab the
evening 0800100 bill sermon wan based
dpon the text "He that winnetb souls is.
wise," Mr, Amdrewe is a pleasing speak-
er to Retell to, has good enunciation, clear
dub sentencee and well reasoned not di-
vieione. Sobsoriptione and eoiloetione
were taken and oollaotore will °all upon
those who were not preheat eolioiting
theft aid to Chin uplifting power,
Monday evening the annual meeting of
the Mebhodieb Sabbath School was held,
the pastor in the ohalr, Minutes of last
annual meeting read end 'poefirmed.
Treaenrer's report showed a betimes . of
8192 to oredib of Salmi, $36 00 of which
was Missionary money. Offioere and
teaohere were re•eleoted with the annotat-
ion of the Treasurer, It was deoldod to
have the school year close on April 80,
benne the following staff will bold ofano
until that date next year :-Superintend.
eob, W. H. Kerr ; aeeistant, W. J. Mo•
Oraoken ; Secretaries, W. Griffith, George
Cardiff and Mies Miele Buchanan ;
Treaeerer, F. J. Gilroy I Conductor of
Oroheetra, H. L. Jaokeon, Teaobers, B.
Gerry, Eli Smith, Rev. R. Paul, Mine
Kerr, Mies Minnie MoNaughton, Mrs. B.
Walker, Mre. A. J. Lowry, Miss Ethel
Stott, F. J. Gilroy, T. Farrow, Mise
Dolly Beaker, Mies Martha Smith, Mre.
(Rev.) Ooeene, H. R. Brewer, W. J. Mo.
Oraokeo, Mrs. Nicholls, W. H. Salter,
Miss Kate Ronal!, Mies Tharea Gerry,
Mies Maggie Bozell and Mies Carrie:
Hingetoo, Assistant teaohere, J. Oober,
Mre, Watson Ainlay, Mrs.FlotoherSpar'.
ing and Ira Parker. A hearty vote of
thanks was paeeed to the Orchestra for
their serviette, 625,32 was voted to the
obnroh Board as a donation from the
eahool. It was decided to hold a
Teachers' Tea in the Sunday School
room Friday evening of next week at 6.15
o'olook after- which it Round Table Aon-
ferenoe on Suggested improvement's for
1904 will be bald.
Canadian P8 e ws,.
Parliament was prorogued on Saturday
Dalton Ullyot, a retired lumberman,
died at Peterboro'.
Bishop Ridley College at Bt.Catharines
was destroyed by lire.
Judge Hodgins has ordered the Kitty D
returned to her owmere.
Parry Sound Liberals nominated R. J.
Watson for the Commons.
Sir Charles and Lady Tupper have er.
rived in Montreal from England.
The Northwest Legislative Assembly
meets on Thursday of this weak.
John Gerlio, a boy of fifteen, was killed
in Perine'e Woollen Mill, at Dover.
John OA, a proepero0e farmer, was
found dead in a field near Moorefield.
Almond Reid's naw and shingle mills
at Foxboro' were destroyed by fire. Loth
Brakeman James Armstrong, of St.
Thomas was 000 over and killed at Ba.
Four men were killed at Niagara Falls
and four injured by falling fifty feet into
the wheel pot.
Dr. Gideon Laroogce, formerly Serge.•Arme of the Quebec Legislative
Aeeembly, is dead,
Rev. C. 0. Johnston of Wesley Church,
Toronto, regneeted ladies to take off their
bate during the servioe.
William S. Russell, an old employee of
James °orietine & Co,, Montreal, eboe.
himself with a revolver and ie dead.
A strike ie reported among the servant
girls of the O. A. 0. at Guelph, and 10 ie
said Ohineee have taken the plane of the
The ateamer Sauber was wreaked off
White Fish Point, thirty miles from the
Soo, the captain and one man being
etaneil merobante in Toronto have
asked permieeiom to carry revolvers for
the proteotion of their property on Hal.
Frank Shortb, of 654 Palmerston ave.
nne, Toronto, died Tuesday from the
effects of a oollieion with a bicycle the
day before.
The bodof John
Gilbert,am arm vet-
eran, bad been given to te School of
Anatomy, Toronto, before his wife beard
of his death.
Exaavatore at the old fort unearthed
the bones of what are believed to be five
American soldiers, buried there in the
war of 1812.
The property -owners of Windsor have
carried the by-laws to raise $56,000 for
granolibbio mike and $15,000 to remodel
the Central School building and oonvert
it into a city hall.
Some clothing and valuables found on
the lake chore at Oakville lead to the be-
lief that D. IvloGregor, formerly manager
of the Bank of Commerce at Gale, had
drowned himself.
Mre, Gough, a widow of Stamford vil-
lage, ran to a neighbor's with her throat
out with a razor, saying a strange men
had tried to kill her. The polioe think it
an attempt at anioide. The woman will
probably recover,
The oensae bureau issued a bulletin
last Tuesday night dealing with the
agricultural resooreee of Ontario. The
province has an area above the bide levet.
of 166,961,680 aoree-141,126,330 land,:
25,826,806 water. Of the land, 16,18 per
oath is 000upled ae farms, Agrinaltnrel
values have been taken for the first time
in this census. They show for tame and
lobo in the provinoe a tete' for lands and
buildings of $747,962,5681 for imple•
manta and machinery, $62,697,786 ; for
nye stook, $181,827,702 and for grope and
animal prodooto of theoeneue year $196,
952,362. For farms alone the value of
land and buildings ie $745,598,892 ; of
implements and machinery, $62,263,988 t
of live stook, 6128,248,001, and of crepe
and animal produobe, 6192,866,303,
HOn, Richard Harcourt, who has just
returned from a trip through the Nlpie.
sing dietriot, over the route 'of'the Tem.
fawning Railway, states that 42 mites
of track have been laid on the new road
with 80 pound steel rails. Ont of the 42
milers about 30 have been ballasted and
graded, The grading work will be con-
tinued all Winter and the line aompieted
in the Spring. The now line will out a
Corner off the Temagami reserve, whioh
contains 2,200 square milers andit in
moat fertile land and very Valuable. Mr.
Latchford sake he bas •requested the
oommieeioner of drown laude to lay bat
a town sits, eell the lands to the Bout'h
and Best of the railway and devote the
proceeds towards extending the line.
Mr, Latobtord thinks Temagami Lake
will be the pleasure resort of the future,
The lake mutable' 1,400 islands heavilyt
covered with valuable timber,