The Brussels Post, 1903-8-6, Page 41
"t utl yyyy .1 ! Iwo (mute par peered drawn weight. It le
t' 01 ?;; 11'11S-1'15. 11,3 OS,. l evident thee aniuoreeeed profit will be
TET CRS C)AP .41 VV. 6, 1908,
.A. LARGE Ooeveutlon ul Outario Oon- 1
eervativeete being arranged for to be held
at Toronto on Wednesday and Tbureday
01 next week. Huron Oounty will be
repaint:aed, The plan of campaign is to
be mapped out and the delegates entbueed
by the party celebrities. There will no
doubt be a targe attendance.
AT the Gore 13tey demonstration last
week Mr. Gamey, the now uotorioue,
reiterated his Blenders on all and sundry
who did not fall down and worship trim.
Hie language, ae reported by hie party
papers, wee neither polite, gentlemanly
nor calculated to ,hake friends for the
cause he so blatantly upholds. The bard
oommou sense of this Previews will piece
more weight in the jedgment of Judgee
Boyd and Faloonbridge than the clap.
trap abuse of a thousand Gemeys, who
by his own evidenoe ie anything but a
man worthy of either trust or reepeot,
Tan Provincial Goverumeot has by
orders io Council made important chauges
in the direction of commuting the fees
received by Surrogate judges in the Prov-
ince. The change is made to avoid
what Attorney General Gibson described
in the Houee ae an anomaly, where nearly
all the fees went to the senior Judge, and
this under a scale fixed in 1859 in the old
Legislature of Canada, amounted to a
very large sum. Under amendments of
recent years the Surrogate fees largely
increas. d, as mach of the work formerly
done by the Master-in•Chanoery fell to
the Surrogate Judge. The junior Judgee
each received $666 from the Surrogate
fees, so tbat their position is materially
benefitted by the new rule, while that of
the senior Judge is made to be more in
keeping with the original intentions of
the law. The balanoe of the fees, after
the allowances specified bave been paid,
becomes the property of the Province.
TOERE ie to be an extensive Bele of
timber on Clown lands in New Ontario
during the latter part of the Summer or
in the early &atumn of this year. The
rush of settlement and the nooeequent
surveying of dozens of new townships
has been invading the region of the
foreate of pine and otber woods of an
ignit':ble nature, and in aoneequence the
danger tbat eeotioae of them will be
wiped out by fire is great, and isoonetant
ly inoreasing, although the fire ranging
is as stringent ae possible. It is there.
fore 000sidered wiser po:icy to turn some
of the exposed timber into a oasb aeeet of
the province as speedily as possible. The
'mations of the townships and percale of
land off whioh the timber is to be Bold
will be announced by the Crown Lands
Department se soon as possible, 80 that
all intending buyers may have an ample
opportunity of sizing up the properties
for themselves, It is two years einoe the
Leet sale was held. On that occasion
between 91,600,000 and $200,000 was real.
ized by the Crown.
Poultry in Summer.
The following praotioal poultry edvioe
ie given by F. C. Hare, Chief of the
Poultry Division of the Dominion De.
pertinent of Agrioultnre.
It is moat profitable to diepoee of old
hens before the moulting period. There
is then a ready market fe.r fowl on
ac0onet of the scarcity of chiokene. At
the present time six Bente a pound live
weight is offered for hens by a large pro.
duoe company in Toronto ; eight ciente a
pound plucked weight ie paid in Montreal.
In several months live chickens eau be
bought fir the above rates, or for an
increase in them, If the bene are held
until the Fall they will not realize es
great a profit as they will this month
owing to the reduction of the market
price for fowls and the loos of flesh in
moulting. Hens should be Bold when
they are two years old. All male birds
should be sold in the Summer and nook -
orals used for breeding the following
The advantagee of retaining the early
patient for Fall and Winter egg prodao-
tion have been repeatedly elated. Early
pnllete will lay in their first year five
times as many eggs ae old hens. The
nost of feed will be preetioally the earns
for the pullets as for the hens. The
profit from the pullets will be oorres
pondingly greater. The most promising
utility.type pullets should be eelooted
now, ted liberally so that early Winter
laying may be enoouraged, and later on
planed in comfortable Winter quarters.
Transferring mature pullets to a strange
pen defers egg•produotion.
For poultry farming the utiliby type of
breeding fowl should be seleotod. This
type of fowl oan be had in the proper
breeds, Plymouth Rooke and Wyandottes,
Utilftytype of breeding foWle ehopld be
broad, blooky, end of medium size and
Weight (mature weight—nook 00000 to
eight and a half pounds 1 hen five and a
half to seven pounds.) The bread should
be full, broad and short, Waite or yellow
in -dolor end without leg or foot feather.
ing. The utility -type fowl o0rr08ponde
to the shorthorn type in cattle, a square
and breed bodied, lout -set fowl,
SALE. OF 01I011EN0.
Prom eleven Bents to twelve manta per
poun live weight is offered in 'Toronto
and Montreal for obiokeas weighing over
one and a half pontiffs each, The prices
correspond approxttrlateiy to fourteen
oenieand fifteen Ciente per pound plunked
a/aigit, and twenty Monte and twenty
realized by sellin5 the earlier and heavier
000kerele of the flock ett onee. This pint-
a oorreepoudsto the Inoreased revenue
derived by market eerdenere and fruit
growers who plane staple artioles on the
mtrket before the regatta eopply is avail.
The inureesed 000eamption of obiokens
iu Uanade is due to the improved quality
and appearance et the obiukens that are
offered for eale, This improvement has
been established through the bueinees of
orate•fatteoing ohiokene introdnoed by
this Department of Agriculture, end to
the methods of killing, plucking and
ehapiug the ohtokene before tbey are
marketed. Every termer in Canada
should to in poeeeesiun of the details of
the crate fattening busiueee, It is 0
business that oat be mauege d by any
member of the houerhold , the required
number of orates are easily oottatruoted ;
the ahiokene will gain from one and a
half pounds to three pounds eeoh during
the twenty four days fattening, and the
eoet of feed per pound of gain in live
weight will average from five cents to six
and a half manta.
Fowls that are to be exhibited at the
fall fairs should be shaded from the sun
during mon ting. Tbis will prevent the
new feathers haviog a laded or mottled
appearenee. Breeders of fanny fowls
are very particular in this reep.ot and
covet tope of the yards need by the
moulting birds with old carpets, lumber,
etc. The fowle are given liberty during
the late afternoon end evening only.
Auimel food and vegetables are necessary
fur moulting fowls : the animal food,
euoh ae waste meat or raw bones will
*reuse the supply of protein or albumen
for the growth of feathere ; the vegetale
lee are useful in regulating the system.
Letter from Edmonton,-N.W,T.
To the Editor of TELE Post
DEAR i1R. EDITORS I have got about as
far as I expecteo get out this way and
looking over the diene I fled we are
knit about 2,400 miles from home. We
certainly are ever so thankful to the gond
Lord ter having brought us safely through
tbue far and especially wbea we think of
having passed two wrecked trains since
we left Winnipeg. Have had a delight
ful time all through. Lended at Dido.
bnry on July 9, and was at ohurob twine
on Sunday end on the following Monday
went out eboat 6 or 8 miles to a very
interesting Souday School Convention
end enjoyed it very much. Daring last
week we drove out from Didebary about
18 or 20 miles to see a noted stook rauoh
owned by "Happy Joe," as they called
bins. He has about the finest herd and
best bred cattle I bave ,teen yet and as
fat as butcher oattle. There ie a fine
country round Didebury. Last Souday
the Mennonites had tbeir obureh dedica-
tion, a fine little °baroh that Boot about
$1800 all told, with an unprovided debt
on it of 9600, after about everybody bad
done all they thooeht they could. No
doubt the trustees felt quite doubtful over
it as to whether they could raise by col-
lection and eubsuription theetmonnt nee.
eaeary to fully provide for the debt.
What made it seem worse, ao0ordiog to
their Diosiplioe, they can't dedicate a
church till the full amount is provided
for in Dash or good eabaoriptions. How-
ever, after the Presiding Elder preached
a very appropriate sermon for the 0moas•
ion, from Psalm 93, 5th verse, the nub
soription and collection was taken up in
good earnest and after wanting, what do
you think it totalled ? Well to every.
body's surprise no less than $952 50. Yon
should have Been and heard the joy and
praise. They sang 'Praise God from
whom all blessings flows' twice if not 3
times. The question Wail what to do with
the surplus ? They had a debt on the
parsonage of $800 which they did not
think wing to include at present for fear
it world diaooarage the people but it was
soon moved and carried that this debt
ehoold oleo be wiped off, which it will
and then bave $52 50 to play on should
there be any bad enbscrietions which
they think will not be the onee. We left
Didebury net Monday for still further
West and stayed with a friend about 6
miles South of Wetaekiwio over night.
There le certainly a very fine country
round here. Next we got to Strathoona
and then to Edmonton whore we were
met by a friend with a rig who took tie,
after 7 o'clock, to his home about 16 miles
still farther Weet, I mast stop writing
We are in the best of health, praise the
Lord. Yours, &c.,
JowN Oonoa,
Edmonton, July 22nd, 1903.
The Kiely family will remove to Tor-
The gun olab'e eeoond annual bourns.
metol has been fixed for the 702 and 8th
of September.
Ilodgene Brea'. far store, C. G. New•
ton's old stand, i0 in charge of John
Crooke, of Clinton.
Fronk Munro, who graduated at tbe
close of the term at Toronto University,
bee entered journalietio work, being on
the staff of a hardware paper in Mon.
The returns of the births, marriages
and deaths in the town of Goderioh for
the six months ended 80th June Inst
sae t—Birtbe, 32 ; marriages, 10 ; doathe,
W. 3, Pasmore, who left for Detroit,
has decided to remain fn that city and
has resigned hie poeltlon in the civil
servi00 at Ottawa. He has secured a re.
munerative sitaabion in the City of the
There was quite a fire at the Hatbor
Perk on Sunday of last week early in the
afternoon, a atretnb of grass on the bank
overlooking the road to the harbor being
burned from the Sommer house to near
the entrance to the park, I8 ie thought
the fire mast have started from a match
thrown into Wagtails.
The committee of the Bowling Club
has dedided to bold a bowling tourna•
meet on the Weet street lawn, and to
give the Wiadeor and Detroit olube en
opportunity to be present flxrd There.
day, Friday and Saturday, the 138h, 14th
and 15th of /ingest, as the datee, so that
those Blobs could travel by the boats if
they wished. It is expected fifty olube
will take part in the Comment, as
promisee of nbtendenee from Louden,
Stratford, Mitchell, Wingham, Seaforth,
Clinton, St. Thames,Galt, Windsor and
Detroit have already ieen reeds/ed.
Tki1•i; BliGla,`3lollLS PORT
Mayor Lewis wee applied to for a
House to Bell it oatarrli ogre 01 some
medirinai prepereoion of the Sort on the
etreete, The Mayor refs eel to grant it,
the +e
On a kr llttld diet we have ealllh'I'i110d
druggists in town who are aloe to sepply
the ontnmunity with eve0111015 that is
neeee0ary in that line.
Judean/of was given by Judge Ferguson
In the 080ti0n of the Gnderioh Elevator
Co. ve, the Daminiou P evator 00. to
recover 92,250, the erne of oertaiu
storage plane int pletiot,fiu' elevator ab
(i0derich, alleged to have be, ti om,trenled
for but not Head by defendants, The
notion was tried here without a jury.
Held, upon the uorrespnrtdeion tend
evidenoe, diet there wen not a completed
contract for the spade in petirltilfa' ale•
valor at the 1•tttee of vertigo obargod by
pleintiffe ; that one Cavat.agh, with
whom plaintiff, oorreapended, stag 1 o' a
general agent of defendaute; and 'het
defendants were 1 of hotted by Cavanagh'(
acceptance of p'aintiffe' rates, and would
riot have been emend even if hoe rondnot
had been fres Bud vo:tentery and not
i'dune,i be the prumie" of p'ninnff, to
pr01e01 hien rf he 000epted,
13elr rv.vo.
East Wewanosh Oounuil will meet
Thursday, 20th August,
Rich. and Mrs. Oerley have returned
after an txtrnded trip to British Colum
bia. They report having a phasant trip.
Wm. Watson and family b ave returned
from Hie watha, Mich., where Mr. Wat-
son has been foreman for Lumber Co.
fur the poet 14 menthe.
On.Ta.tRY.—The death of Abreham
Proctor at his reoidenoe in the village of
Relgrave oaonrred ou Sunday morning,
28th ole , at the ripe age of 82 years,
]ler. Proot. r Iced been in poor health for
the past three months and hie end was
doily looped for by his Meads, 1•Ie and
hie wife settled on lot 7, con. 4 in the
township of M.•rrte, over 60 years ago,
%hen it wits a howlieg wilderness. They
t at up 0 shanty and commenced wearing
land, he being one of the first !settlers.
Very many enjoyed the hospitality of his
charitable home, which in those days was
very much appreciated by laud oeekers.
lIr. Prootorlwas Eugli,h by birth, haviog
left his fatherlaud when o young man 82
eare ago, drat setting in the to.vuehip
of Esgoeaing,.near the village of Hornby.
Ile was a devoted Christian, having been
olnneoted with the Methodist church for
over 65 years being class leader and one
rf the principal pillars of the church
His departure will be greatly felt by his
beloved wife, and hie two eons and ope
daughter. Among the friends from a
distance were Mr. Brownridge, of Bretnp
Erin, Mr. Howson, of Clinton, and cabers.
The funeral was the largest seen in this
part for a long time, serviette being con
ducted in the Methodist church by Rev.
Mr. Jones, aosieted by Rev's. Burwaeh,
Keine and Haetie. The works of a true
Christian, though !aid at rest, oannot bt
forgotten. There are two sone and one
daughter, Mrs. Thos. Steedrett, left
beeidee his bereft widow to mourn their
Wen. Wade, sr., has brisk on the ground
to veneer hie new house.
Mr. Loree, of Listowel, has been engag•
ed as finisher in Walkey's Furniture
Quaint furnish amusement for a large
number of men during these long Sum.
met •even loge.
Miss L. Grills, our former teacher, and
Miss Marks, of Listowel, were amoug the
guests at the wedding last week.
Hrs. Rogers, of the Parsonage, is en.
j tying an extended visit among friends in
Erin and Orillie. Her eon Fred. an.
nompenied ler.
Thee Downey oontemplatee hie usual
trip to Manitoba this harvest. Rio, and
Mae. McKee also expect to visit the
Prairie Province.
A. Rogers, sou of 0. Rrgere, who was
severely [melded in a railway accident on.
the Burlington Railway, is able to move
around again after spending three weelte
in the hospital.
Mies MoIotyre who taught in the junior
department of our public school for 2i
years, was euoceesfulin the recent pro-
fessional examination at the London
James Willis, jr,, end his gang of men
ere building the brickwork of the new
eohoo] n the 2n on. known a
o d.o aw a Uoo .roe
sehool, The stone work was built by Mr.
Henueberg and his men.
While tearing down a atone wall at
J. MaDoneld'e, South of Moleawortb, M.
Botham let a atone fall on his foot. He
is now nursing the injury, bat he will
soon be able to resume bia labore.
Oar Dement walk baa been extended,
gravelling done and other improvemente
add to appearance and oonvenienoe of
our village. S. Johnston has the over.
sight of the work and well deeervee the
commendation of our villagere.
W. i3. Downey, who has been teaching
in Belmore for the past year and a half,
has been engaged by the Board here, in
p'ace of W. Watters, who bas reoently
resiguad in order to aeeume the manage.
ment of the Fordwioh Record. We hope
Mr. Downey may have the seances that
cbaraoterized hie term at Belmore,
ee:eet forth.
Flax puling ootnmenoad in this vioin•
fly last week. The crop [s very heavy.
W. $. Willie has returned from Isle
trip to the West. Be enjoyed the outing.
A new boiler hart been installed at the
Dick woollen !eatery and a new and
enlarged engi0e and boiler house baa been
14Ir. McKenzie, of the firm of Kneobtel
& MoKenzie, has lettered the °hey rest
dance of Mrs. M, 13, Smitb and will
reside there shortly.
Miele Sate Bruadfoot, who has been 111
at Stratford for several weeke, was
brought home on Monday of last week,
She to very muoh improved.
John Habkitk, proprietor of the drays,
had the misfortune to get hie leg broken
Wednesday eight of last week, He was
n90108ing in unloading barrels when ono
rolled on him,
Tbureday, August l3tb, bag been pro•
claim d oivlc holiday by the Mayor, All
buaihese places in town will, therefore, be
closed on that day. The band will run
their annual exoureion to Goderieh on
that day.
The following persona were eaooecefol
in pausing the roeeet Toronto Conserve.
tory of Masio examinatione In piano
playing and theory '-•Jenior Theory,
Mies A, O'Brian, let clagabouors ; junior
plena, idles Mary A. O'Brien, Mtge Rae
Dickson 1 primary pone, !Oben Leta
Beet, honoree
Lt. Willie is having an addition made to
the verandah ott the (rout of hie hand.
some reeidenue nn Goderieh street.
Gob. Alvavu'gle met with a painted
aeoident et the enema smite en
I Wednes-
day of Inst week. He was hiring 0 ph 00
of timber with a metalline, when a piece
broke off, striking hent on be face turd
breaking Ilia j.w.
flux rasideinlo of 1t. C9 n'euloch, at flit
ver tetek lied All narrow esc.,pe front
deetruutiou tit are, A Rork from the
Move pipe lighted on the roof of the kit.
ellen, end when 'fret noticed was corn.
meneing to blaze up nloely.
A Mother and TwoDaughters, In Noddy
Olreue,tataucoe, Make tiro Jouuea9y
from Winnlpeg to Gr'avenhurst to
Seek 9,cinsIOaion to the brae Hospital
for Consumptives.
An illustration of the many distressing
oases constantly coming before the Man-
agement of the Free Hospital for Con-
sumptives at Gravenhuret is in point this
week. A week eiuco, the Secretary, at
the head office in Toronto, through whom
all applications should properly be made,
reoeived a long-distance telephone mes-
sage from the Phyeieian-in-charge at
Gravenhurst, saying that a mother, with
two daughters, both of whom wore af-
fiioted with consumption, had presented
themselves at the doors of the Free Hos-
pital, hoping to be at once admitted.
One daughter bas the trouble Only in a
slight degree., and from a medical point of
view is admissible, as soon as room can
be made. The other has the disease in a
more acute condition, and will need to
take immediate rest until it becomes
somewhat quiescent. Tho family aro poor,
their railwayfaros having been paid bye
friend, The mother has been given em-
ployment on the domestic staff of the
Hospital, and the daughter will board
in town until there are vacant beds
in the Hospital to admit them. They
came all this distance poverty stricken,
but in the belief that somehow they
would manage to get admission to the
Want of money is the only thing, the
Trustees tell us, that is preventing the
increase of a000mmodatcion beyond the
eighty patients already provided for. Up
to tee present no ono has been refused
admission on account of his or her
poverty, but we are told that the want
of funds is preventing the Trustees from
providing the inoreased a000mmodation
needed. Indeed, a heavy burden of debt
is now pressing upon them, and must be
promptly mat if this work is to be carried
on. s
Contributions may be sent to Sir Wm.
R. Meredith, Kt., 4 Lamport Ave., To-
ronto, or Mr. W. J. Gaga, 54 Front St.
West, Toronto.
Crt.naadirt.n N e wru-
Mrs. Sophia Johnson, a widow aged 45
yeses, oommitted soioide at Galt.
First exhibition of the Canary and
()age Bird Society was held Saturday at
The Toronto Stook Exchange decided
not to close in the afternoons during
Richard Gibbs, of Oshawa, woe killed
by a G. T. R. train, bia body being out
in two,
Col. Muotizambert, D. 0. C. of mill
Lary diettiote 8 and 4, has retired under
the age limit regulation.
The oereal crops in the Northwest
Tetritoriee are estimated to be the largest
in the history of the country.
Previous deepatohee reporting eoor.
mons deposits of steam Boal in the Peace
Biter D,strtot are 000flrmed.
Brantford will probably accept some
land at Ade and Brant aveuuee, offered
free by Burnley Bros. for park purposes.
Rev. FRtier G. Lyonnais, of St. Al-
bert, Ont., died of injuries received by
falling down an elevator itt Ottawa UnI.
The Provinoial Government have
decided to offer for gale the pine timber
off 900 square miles of 0oautry in North.
ern Ontario.
The body of Albert Fournier, the
defaulting uaebier of the Montreal
Recorder's Court, was found in the river
near Longueill,
Winnipeg defeated a by-
law to raise $00,000, for improvement Eo
the General Hospital, and carried 0110 to
raise $50,000 to purchase a park.
New and important regulation have
been made by the Ontario Government
affecting loan companies, wbioh will tend
to ble greater protection of shareholders,
Carl Anderson, Superintendent of the
McGowan popper mine near Parry Sound
was blown twenty feet into the air by the
explosion of a dynamite charge that had
"hung fire",
Jessie, the nine•year old daughter of
John Keel!, Macaulay township, while
sleeping, was killed by lightning. A
younger eieter in the bed with her, was
During the thunderstorm of Wednes.
day moaning ligbtniug entered the chim-
ney of S. Mitchell's hones at Atwood,
tore the stovepipes and passed through
the fieor and out without injuring any
ode or setting fire to the hones.
I. Stanley, of theOantrnl Hotel paisley,
is meeting with losees in one, two, three
order, A few weeks ago hie famous rage
horse Two Strike died from colic. On
Tuesday morning Lord Ferguson hie
most valuable atalliou was lost in the fire
at l5den Glove, end on Wednesday morn-
ing his heavy dtanght stallion, the well
known largeho, died in his own stab e
after being sink for two or three dere
Old Two Stripe wee worth half a thous,
nod dnliaro at any time. A buyer trent
Winnipeg wanted In pnrr.beee Lard Fer. 1
gasmt last week, and 11r. 81tnley ws9
offered $2000, hut reftteed to lake lot
h ,
than he paid, snma $280?, nud Hsrgwln
was valued et 9600, lair. Stanley's total
Tose on the three intoes may be figured
up at eegfud prioes—a tall $8000, poesibly
a few bund' ed (tonere more. The lose of
snob hfgb °less sires a0 Ferguson and.
Bargane mill elect be felt by farmers who
heti a to ,.:He ,bat Wane of Obeli,—
Paisley Advuca(o,
ala0nb n'kstable sfruit 1101000,1 &o.011101.
Property in good shape. JAS. • 9ROl81615,
nares of laud, being Lot 14, Oen, 18,
Grey. For further information apply to the
undersigned ou the premises, THOMAS
LL AI1MUN9', Oraubrook P. 0. 01.0
1. for sale. Eligible for registration.
For price. terms and , other particulars, ap•
ply to J. D,MeNAIR, Let 22,0ou, 18, Grey,
or Oren brook P. 0. 10.81
Short Horn Bolls, from imported
stook, for sale, Also cows and heifers. 101.
ported and home bred, 72 head to soteot
ttmu. D. IAtI1,NN & 001, Moltaod Balla
Smelt Farm, Ethel ant. 38.11
C. Q. F.
Court Princess Alexandria, No.24, 0. 0. F.,
Brussels, meets in their Lodge Room Mu-
llinHickok, on the 2nd and last Tuee,iays of
ouch month, at 8 o'clock. Vieitlugg brethren
always welcome, JAS. BURGESS, 0. It,
13u110 for sale. One is 1year old and
the other two yonuger. Also .several resist -
erect flows and Heifers. Apply to JAU100
SP10IR, Lot 30, Cott. 0, Morrie Twp„ or lins-
eeds P. 0. 22.11
situated 2•story frame building, 00 x 80
feet, formerly occupied by the °ober Oar
rine Works. It is suitable for ease and
door factory, planing mill or carriage f110 -
tory. A boiler and engine will also be sold
1.1 desired, now Iu building. A 5000 bargain
will be given. 5 acreof laud In connection.
For further particulars apply to
2-1.0 6, W. POLLARD, ]Ethel.
undersigned will keen for eervioe on
Lot 7, Cfon.0 Grey, the tho10' bred Short
Hort null, "Huron Member" Pedigree may
be seen on application. Terms, 81.00, with
privilege of returning if necessary pudor•
signed also has au Improved York Boar,
Terms, 01.00, with privilege of returning
2 8 1t. J. HOT, Proprietor.
Si Irate 18 and 17, Oen, 1, Grey town-
ship, Huron Oo.,0ontatoing 100 aoroe, 'There
are 05 acres cleared (and balanoe hardwood
hush, principally beech, maple, cherry and
ask; good timber. There is a bank burn 50x
00 feet, alrame'lhonse, good bearing orchard,
fences is good repair, 2. wells, Bo, Only:
mile from eohool. and 2milee from 7osteiine.
Brauoh of Maitland rive. crosses 050 end of
farm supplying abundance of water. Farm
is all seeded down. excepting 10 netee, Pos-
session on Jan. lot, 1004, with privilege of
patting in Fall wheat, For further particu-
lars as to price, terms, &o., apply to GPO.
MoDORALD, Proprietor, Wroxeter P.0, 40.4
NOTICE is hereby given that it Ry -Law,
Icemen as the Lemont Drain Iiy-Law, was
passed by the Township of Grey on the 15th
tiny of June, 1909 providing for tbe issue of
Debentures Ito the amount of $850792 for
the purpose of drainage and that such By -
Law was registered in the registry Bribe of
the County of Huron, on the 240h day of
July, 3000. Any motion to quash or sot aside
the same or any part thereof must he matte
within three months from the date of regis-
tration anal cannot be mad, thereafter.
Dated the 28th day of Juty, 1001.
8-9 JOHN Mc1NTOSH, Clerk.
N0TI0E is hereby given that it By -Law,
known as the Hanna Drain By -Law, wait
Passed by the Township of Grey on the 15th
day of Jane, 1008,. providing for the issue of
Debentures to the amount of 58808 00 for
the purpose of drainage and that moll By -
Law was registered in the registry taco of
the Oonuty of 110100, on the MU day of
July, 1903. Any motion to quash or set
aside the same or any part thereof must be
made within three mouths from the state of
registration and oannot be made thereafter.
Dated the 28th doy of July, 1903.
8.3 JOHN McINTOSH, Clerk.
141011 SALE—LOT 207 AND
dwelling thereon, North-west corner
William and Albert streets, Brueeole.
49-tf J. ,100111.
property at Ethel I
l known as the
Methodist Parsonage, Apply to 3150,
00B1111t, Brussels,
20, 000. 10, Grey There aro 100 asrea,
20 under oultivation. Apply to JOSEPH F.
itEDMONI), on the premiaee, or Monorieff
P. 0. 21.81
on Turuberry street, Brussels, !mown
ae the eomereet property, eligibly situated,
Immediate possession. For further partio•
utas as to puce, terms, &o., apply to D.
ltLOOUTU$140N, Lot 10, 000, 12, loIIlllop,
or Leadbtory 10. 0. 83-tf
TATE.—$3000.00 will buy the ItioOau.
ahoy Bluok in the Village of Brussels. These
two tine stores must be sold t0 close out the
ttoOangbey Estate, Intending parobaser'o
should ruyeetigete at onoo. Apply to 0', S.
SCOTT 01 G.1'. BLAIit, Brdesela,Ont,
Sept. Ilth to 19th, 1903.
Entries Close September 10th
An exbibltion of merit, Bigger and better than ever. A eplondid array of attrao.
Hone—Tony Ryder'° oelebrated troupe of performing Menial/it—Balloon aeoenaions,
a parachute drop from a parachute, and the beet Gymnasts, Aerial Attinta and
Aorobate to be had. Fireworks eaolt evening oonoluding with "Tee Botnbardmeat
of Alexandria," a great triumph of modern pyroteoltny,
Extra trams and Spadini veto over all lines. Prize liete end programme on
L'I'.oC"Olt. W. 61.(8Al I'SII0 1113e ,), A. N13Lbt1ii4-
Ai'G 6 1.06$
—6 pieoee large check Uushion
Giughatn, beet 12,}•t county,10
clearing pries
—6 pieces $6 inch Art Muslin,
worth regent 100 end 120,
clearing price
30.pieues beat English Print,
Ihie season's pettterne, worth 10
12,Io, for L
—500 yards Printed Drees
Mushue, good patt.erne and
oolure, regular value 124e, oleor•
ing Indite
—3 pieces 17 iuch Pure
Linen Toweling, reenter
prioe 9,, Speoial at 15 yds
—26 pieoee extra fico Printed
Orgeudie Muolius, good materna 1[]
turd oolore, worth regular 26 Bud a
850, clearing price
—12 pieces extra heavy Print (�
in light end dark colors, worth fI,IJ(
regular 10u, Special price
—12 only White Bed Spreads,
well worth 80e, Sp'efal price..
—12 only Bleak Satin Under.
ekirte, made from good quality
Sateen, bright Hnieh, wi11 wear
well, foil width, wide frill, worth
-regular $1, Special Clearing prime
-4 only Ladies' White Pique
100 l braid,,
trimmed �q worth
Clearing prime
e wet t colored 50
regular $1 90,
"White Waists at Sale Prices
6 only White Waists, worth 75c Clearing Price $0 55
12 1/ rr $1 00
6 t, 00 ,a 1 85
9 ,0 10 " 2 00
1 10
1 50
Dry Goods and Groceries.
S. W. P.
Before you begin to
Paint your house be sure
you get the BEST Paint
'possible for the money and
at the same time give Best
satisfaction and longest
TVe Slierin-!11iaM Paim
gives these results :—It's a pure Lead, Zinc, Linseed
Oil Paint, thoroughly mixed ; covers more surface- to
the gallon ; easily applied and gives better results
than any other. Try a gallon and see for yourself.
For sale by—