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The Brussels Post, 1903-6-18, Page 5
1 66 1 '1 A. SC IUD 18, 1908 DUS6NESS CAlll•IS., /roNLY TO LOAN AT 5 PER _.. oent. 1'J3 BCOTT, lirnsoels, _> MOOR OKEN- 1 T • issuer of Mantuan I4QOUeoe, Of. flee at Grocery, '1'ernini r5 !from, l.ruaaols, i Ai MIzi OR: a .i4 -I 111 TIN^ D11nar0241t1, bee several good 10116100 sole and to Pout, easy tonus, la Tow0abtpe Of Morris aid Gray, Le n. 80O'11,liruoeol M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT, MiSS JEAN MAUDLIN, -TEACHER 010 PIANO - AND - ORGAN, ROBERT OUNNINGHAM) 114e131ANOlt, FiRE AND MARINF, GUELPH. ' E. Estelle Griffin TEACHER 08 VOICE CIILTIiltbi Pupil of }Piss Eva N, Rublyn, of London. Panda prepared for 000001vatn0y dxema. (:: Rill visit Brussels every Tuesday. Lessons given at the home of W. H. Kerr, John street, J. LECKIE, LIFE AND PIRG INSD0(ANOE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, MONEY TO LOAN AT 9.1, •ii & 6 For Cent. Office over Horsley's Drug Store, Noy, erd,16112, 804lm 81.000010, Wellington Mutual Piro Jnanrance Coy 1093A111Ie1Inn 1040 Inauranee taken on the cash and preminm note Byatem at current rates. Before inset. tug eleewhoro call on the aide signed Agent of the Company. GEORGE 140014It0, Brussels. AUCTIONEERS. 1.4' S• SOOTT AS AN AUCTION• J. • axe, will loll ter heLtur prices, to bettor mon, in lose time and less chargee than any other Auctioneer in Toast Huron or he won't aharga anything. Dates and orders can always bo arranged at this oMoe or by personalapplioation, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN,- - The undersigned, who is well ecgnninted throughout the most part of the County and who has bed business with n large cir- cle of farmers in and around 1010 l000110y, begs to inform the comruufty that be has taken oat an Aactioneee's Limner, for 010 Oouo by of Huron and offers bis services to all purposing to hold sa108, THOS. NEWSOME,Brussels. VETERINARY. D. WARW101{- 61- • Honer eradnas° of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domesticated 1/111 MOB lu a 00mpet- ant meaner. Partlanlar attention paid to Veterinary Denttetry. Calle promptly at- tended to. Office and Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, Tnrnborry at., Brussels, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. AT M. SINOLAIR- Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer, NotaryPublic, &c, Oflioe-8 tewart's Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank. G• F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, SOL- IOITOLI, eto, BRUSSELS.-- ufece over Standard Ban11 ; Solicitor for Township of Grey, Bawiok Nntoal and the Metropolitan Bank, Private and Company money to loan at lowest rates. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, 116. It., O. MN., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Physicians and Surgeons, Out. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Pbysialane and Licentiate of Mid. w1lery ladinburggh. rar-Telephoue No,14, Residfence-Mil1, fluent, Braseele. DENTISTRY DR. R. P.' FEi..D, (DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons°( Ontario and I! h'st.olaes Honor Graduate of Toronto 'University. 071ae next t0 Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. IT'S ALL RIGHT and Students may enter L/ST0WEL,/// • at any time. BPRCNG TERM B140I048 MAlt, 00. Two eour00e-0ommerotal and Shorthand, Seed for College Journal. 0..A. FLEMING, A. L. MoINTYI1E, President, Seeretliry, SHINOLES British Columbia „ Bed (cedar Shingles Atom- North Shore Phie IL11d Cedar FOB, SAL13 AT THE Brussels Planing Mills M8o Doors and Saab of all Pat tans on hand 04 made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildin(e. 'Workman. Ship and Material Gtmeanteod. P. At,..1:ENT il Our Motto l it igh Grab Work One CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT. our Oraduatee readily mere good p0014lens because our high grade train. ing Prepares thein to render hr0t•elaer services. 1lneil1000 men Want (Mat- ch -les workers and have uo time to waste upon the other Iilucd. Com - 0301100 a 0nar00 now and he ready for 14 position l)1 the Fall. Write for Pend• some catalogue, 1V, J, 0LLIOre, Prhmlp al. f)15tiiCt ijeto5. Iitarteert I1, H000all Band had three engagements this week, Mrs. James Murray is seriously ill with muscular rheumatism. The ladies of the Methodist churoh have deoidod to give tt dinner and oupper an July 18th. A deputation of oitizees waited on the 0000011 aalting for a grant to the fund to 0010brale the 12th of July in Henson. It was carried that the 0000011 grant $26. As D, W. Foss 0008 delivering breed on Tuesday afternoon of hist week be had the mfefurtn00 to slip and fall, dielooreting tie shoulder, It tool[ the united edema and etrength of four men to draw it into place. This is the sixth or eoventh time that Mr, Fuse has had his shoulder throw• out and -each succeeding time it Deems to take greater effort to replace it. err^ie, A garden party, under the auspices of St. Stephen's ohuroh will bo held on the 24 h inst. Wm, end Mrs. MtKea were atj,Millbank last week attending the !upend of a rel ative. G. W. Walker was in Hamilton last week attending the High Court of the 0 0. F. ae a delegate from Ooart Garrio, No. 67. Rev, J. W. Holmes will be the new Methodist mhlt8ter here. Ile Domer. from Port Stan'ey. Rev. Mr. Garbutt, who has opent 4 ,ucoesotnl yours here, will move to the town on Wallsoeburg. The many Mende of Rev. end Sore. Gar- butt will be sorry to see them remove from Corrie, Robt. Deaohtnan, of the 0. A. C., pee sed a very aroiditab'e examination at that ir^etitntfon in April, Prof. Mille ire pert soya ;-"0n the 20 difioreub 0001) ot0 upon which the students were regnired to write, he obtained bonore o0 iloar,y all of them and otood fourth in a plass of sixty nine in general profioionoy. Cal aoroan . Brantford Gun Club hoe been invited to O3inton for Dominion Day. Olinton lacrosse club has now got 0 very ro d cinch for winning out in 810tri00 No. 7, W. Glenn Oamebell kae entered upon his dntiea as musical (Orator and organ• idt of Willie church, The Sovereign Bark Trophy is now the property of J. E. Hovey who has Won it in five shoots out of eight. Rev. Dr. Gifford was called to Naw castle, the plea of hie birth, to bury hie aunt, who died at that place. W. 0. and Mrs. Searle were in Logan attending the funeral of a cousin of Mr, Searle, the only relative he bad living in thio Poultry, A swarm of bees dropped in on Mrs Whitely'} apple trees Wednesday of last week and made things lively for a time They belonged to Adam Oantelon. M. H. Peterson 1 0o, apple exporters, Toronto, hays assigned to E. R B. Olsrketon, Oeir townsman, D. Oantelon, is a very hoary loser by the failure, A. J. Grigg and T. D. Johnstone, of town, and Flu ler, Holmeeville, and Lee, Londooboro', were delegates to the Grand Lodge or 0. 0 F., which was held in Halriltou last week, CaOrtee-ieH. The Sommer Hotel opened this week. Ohne. E Shaw bete disposed of hie fire 1000reen00 business to Oswald Carey. Several of the Oollegiato cadet corps are among the Goderioh company at wimp in London. The Oanadietu Order of Fore#tore Will attend divine 8ervie0 at Knox church on Sunday, June 21st. Mre (Rev.) J. T. Rev. Legear and children, of Jaokeon, fob., were in town on their way to visit friends at St. Marys. Lake Huron and Manitoba Milling Company have been running continti- oualy day end night to keep op with their order lit b. Wednesday morning of last week about 8 o'olools fire broke out in the stable at the rear of O. Oonsigney'e laundry establishment and gnlokly cleinoliebed the frame building Wolter S. Turnbull, brother of Dr. J L. Turnbull, has oomoleted his med10a1 course at 'Toronto University and has taken the degree of M, D. We under stand be will be with hie brother here this Sui01mer. The schools were oloeed on Monday afternoon of 'last week on aoocnnt of the atoneand a good many of the faatoriee bad to'snepond' operations, the furniture factory, engine works, Bbahanans' mail and harbor sawmill among the number. Capt. Dan, McKay received a obrene for $26 from the owners of the steamer Pfohl, burned off this port a couple oh weeks so in recognition of hie articles in 'reselling the crew. Conan! Shirley had recommended the Captain for a eimilar recognition from the, Amerioan Glverninent, 0. P. R. °tureen 10 Gone mots, -It io now probable that tbe,0anadian Pantile Railway will extend the Guelph Junction Railway to Goderiob, The whole matter was dioouoeed in Montreal between a deputation collar/Mug of Wm, Bell, pre eident G 3, R ; Mayor Hamilton, Col, Macdonald, 00oretary G. J. 1h. ; and Col. MoOrea, of Guelph, with President Shaughneeey of the 0. 1'. 13, It is believed that should the different 01110!. eipalities through whioh the road pa0aee give soffioient encouragement the exton. Dion will soon be built, 14ir, Bell states with ooefldeooe, that the extension will be oommenoed within It ;year. The local d(reot0re are oxpeoted to tape the Nitta. live in ascertaining what th0 several muniolpoliNosWill do between there and 1004011001, Dr, Whitely's' Tahn Nolan took eras money in the 210 p ,,', 111 Now li nuhure nn Tueoday of leA, y 111, and h.lerhl,e Thompson's Pr1 nL trate took aeomud money i0 the 2 ly pin', or 2 16 trot, On Woduooday Lotan L.nA 1111111, ridden by Blackford, tool: first plane in the dye. eighths mile run, A .oh, Molten', la now nn '1. i) , (1. '7 , of AlrUnl, keying •u,'0eefoliv palsied for these Bearers; 141a!uoiln Sl„Donohl h,a passed his first year law cxaminauan with hnnot'a ; Alice 11. G. Straits, and af,le O 11.1. Bughanau have pureed the 2 d v0a0 exam, of ,ho Arts moron of 1'orunto Univ. roily, and Mine May Dunlop the first year of the 0,lm000uree; John S. Carrie al ,, was ea00,4;0nl ht hie fir0t examination 10 Toronto Gniveroity, Ouly 0110 00110 wee flown for trial at the seeeiou of the Comity Coln on 'Tues day of lost we. k, and it was not heard, to the defense were not ready with their W44100808, owing to the 0e90 not befog entered as early us required by .tatute, I0 appease the p(ah,tiff, Jae Belbaolt, had entered into a oontraot with the defend ant, Guy B Ree', 00 000 wonei for him on his farm in .the township of Moe. 'Phu plaintiff plaints that he had out 28} cords and woe prevented from completing hie contract by defendant, $200 damages were naked. The defendant olalme that ploint,ff had otased work and refused to eo on, and he sought the recovery of 248 46, said to be Overpaid to plaintiff for work done, J. G. Iitanbury, of Exeter, for defence, asked nn adjournment, ae they had not their 10(tneoses ready and as the ease had not been entered early enough. L. E. Danaey, for plaintiff, pressed for an immediate hearing, but Hie Honor Judge Doyle held that it would be tatting defendant at a die. advantage to exercise his diooretion in Prying the one, and therefore adj ,urned the case till the.Deoember session of the County ()oat. (1 It- e3 - Moore Keilon. -The following is the report of S. 0. No. 10, for tho month of May. No. on roll 65. Average atten- dance 44. Sr. IV -0eoil Coutts, Celia Bothwell, Leena Taylor, Clara. Rothwell, Sophia Sperling, Jr. IV. --James Coate. Sr. III -Ruth Engler, Grace Speiran, Loots Engler, Chester Baker, Andrew Doul', Irene Fogel, Mary Taylor. Jr. III. Plorenoe Whitfield, Eva Rathwo'I, Stanley Fl niobium, Oharlie Buttery, Mamie Denman, Willie Spoiree, Seale Oampbell, John f 'ollenbeok, Melvyn Ox why. Jr. II -Alma Speiran, Pearl Ox toby, Poroy Ward, Katie Denman, Mag sae Ward, Wilfrid Whitfield, ' Myrtle Speiran, Jae. Bonn, Blaaohe Whitfield, Bert Ament. Pt. IL -Iva Speiran, Irene Engler, Geo, Evans, Lily Evans, Della Whitfield. Sr. Pt. 1. -John Hyde. Marguerite FIulohinson, Alex, Hyde, Willie Ward, Mary Machan, Russell, Oau'te, Minnie Hanna, Freddie Onx. Jr. L -Hartwell Speiran, Christie Bugler, Lucy Taylor, Millie Oox, Milton Oxtoby,, Carrie Ward, Wesley Ballantyne, Gordon Whitfield. S. B. LAo;oop, Teaoher. 81 stir. Jo. T. Carter has been appointed engineer of the Fire Engine, salary $65. The new additions to the Commercial and Qneeu'o hotels are fast nearing Dom. pletion. John Moore left last week for Morden, Manitoba. He expecte to be absent for some time. Charles Frneer was attending the High Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters in Hamilton last week. A mr0ting of citizens interested in the street sprinkler was bold fn Dr. Milne'e office on Friday evening. A 400 gallon street sprinkler has been paratmsed by the Village Council for nee on the 1400010. 1t ie to be bore by July lot. At the last meeting of Blyth Coonan it was decided that non-residents be pro Whited from ereoting refreshment Waite on the streets of Blyth on July 13th, and any uon•reeident erecting a booth on any private property be charged a fee of $20 for each booth erected. army 12rn.-The 0ommittee in charge of the Orange celebration at Blyth on Monday, July 18'0, ie diligently working to make the affair a gigantio 0nooess Orangemen will be patient from far and near, and Blyth is likely to see one of the largest orowds to its history, Word has already been received from Orange men in distant points like Kincardine, Amberley, Bethel end Ethel Signifying their Intention of beiug present. The citizens of Blyth have eubsoribed liberally towards a 'oelebrarion fund and the fol. lowing prizes will be offered t -To the band furniehiug the beet music and hest appearance in the line of march, $26 eeoond prize, $10 ; best fife and drum band, 216 ; best fifer, $8 ; best piper, $3 ; beet dreesod lodge, $10 ; lodge ooming the greatvet distance, 210 ; lodge with the largest memberehip on roll, $10. Ad dreseee will be delivered by the following well known gentlemen ;-E. T. Eeoery, of London ; Rev. Joseph Philp, B. D., of Strenuous E3JlGJr PONT jeC i eery 10'', but the genie watt fo.at, never. ObS lie features of th0 Burne were are never made against feed supplied by Alf. Backer, All etooli like it and thrive on it, and it is prmlo0500d by all Intel. ligent broader} to be incompariably the beat sold. Try a }ample lot and you will never feed anything bot oor Kaffir oorn and nate. Alf. Backer. Highest Market Price paid for any quantity delivered at my Store- house, No. 1, Brussels, Also for all kinds of Grain. 45_4 serif ©b t. Graham. Kincardine ; Rev, Wm. Lowe, A, H Musgrove, of Wingbam, and resident ministers. Arrangements have been made with the Grand Trunk railway to issue single first Mese fare tickets for the round trip to Blyth for the Orange Dale bration. ]Lnc3L111O W. The report that there is a ease of diphtheria fn Ldaknow is not true. Jno, and Mrs. Elliott lett last week for Manitoba, where they intend making their future home. F. Malcolm de'ivered at the Luoknow station 6135 Ibe of hay drawn in one load from B. Murobieon'e farm. Harry Days has pnrobased the drug and fanoy goods busfneee of John Wood & (lo. and is again back in the old More. Rev. John R MacKay, M. A., of Divor- cees, Sootland, will preach in the Free Presbyterian (thumb, Loabaleh, ou Sab- baths July 5th and 12 h. On Sunday evening 7th inst., the large barns and stables belonging to Thomas Anderson, near Danga000e, were streak by lightning end totally destroyed by fire, together with their contents. The horses and cattle were saved hot about 15 tone of hay and one thousand bushels of wheat and oats, with all the implemente were a total loss. The buildings were partially oovered by insurance. WeO.lortts. Charles Aberhart is having loe oroam parlors planed at the bank of hie Ettore. Joe Stephens, of Calumet, Michigan, is here just now elaiting his parents, T. and Mrs. Stepheno, of the Queen's hotel. Mrs, (Rev) Musgrave left here on Wed- nesday of lost week for Wiarton, where she will spend a month previous to taking up her residence in Toronto. Mre, J. L Smith lute sold her store, o0 Main street, adjoining the hardware store of Chesney dt Smiley, to Mn. Talbot, of Exeter, who intends ooming here to start business. Mr. Smith purohaeed this store only a abort time ago and started a grocery in it, but, on account of failing health he was forced to discontinue business, and is now in Manitoba. Many here will regret to learn of the death, al Waterloo, lin Monday of last week, of Mrs. Minty, wife of F. 0. Minty, formerly manager of the Bank of Dom: mace here. Mrs. Minty had given birth to a little son on Snndsy, and died the following day. The ohild alto died; Besides Mr, Minty there is one little daughter, Foox BAbn -The Senior W. F. A. metal between Berlin and Seafortb here Friday 'night reettlted in a draw, each aide scoring one goal. The grounds were • 0 • • AYS are here and this means that Canned Goods and such Delicacies Will be in big demand, such as Canned Chicken, Turkey, Beef, Lobster, Salmon, Smelts, Shrimps, Haddie, Kippered Herring, Sardines, Lunch Bacon, Pork and Beano, Fresh Herrings, &e. • ICE CREAM and SODA FOUNTAIN DRINKS. Fresh Fruits of all kinds. All Goods in our Grocery Depart- ment are New and Olean. TRY OUR 27C. TEA. W. A. R_0.:A M 'PJ A^ . O 0 • O 1 O • •�A the , x • 1 't work of Seaforw, forwards ,2 sq and ,+•• responding good work of the 13,'r 1. t; it 10,eepeoiallytheir goalkeeper antl 1.•+1.,. 8eafortll Bored in !Eft 'trot half and Berlin eoorod width a half - minute of time. Llne.up sotto no follows Berlin --Goa', 13. W. Brown ; bake, L 1:. K'01 40, A 1'7 ltnrtell; half books, U. 1 •0)10, U, Selberl, (1, Cochrane ; for. svardo, C, Bohrllhlt, 0 Boehmer, B. Oulnarl, II. Ilymwer, 14. Kraemer. Sea^ forth float, 3, Graves I banks, L Miller, 3, Forgone ; half-baolo, 0. Sills, A. Cbarlesworth, D. McLeod ; forwards, W. Finlayson, T. Brownlee, I'1. liorrioon, G, Mollemald, L. McDonald. Referee -H. W. Brown, of Berlin, • ll;xeter. The Independent Order of Forestoro will attend divine worship in the Main Street 1'ietltodiet ohnruh, on Sunday. Little Jae. Fulton, the deaf and dumb mute who, a few y00re ago, watt sent from hero to the Deaf and Dumb Inoti tote at Oriliia, died there a few dale ago An aooidont whioh might have been et tended with 0erfpa0 reanitn happened on John Reda ffe'e term, Thames Road, ou Mondsv of last week. It appears Mr. Radcliffe, aeaieted by Frank 8ptnoer, Welter Kerslake and Edgar Gardiner, were erecting a o0ment olio and when about to place one of the iron tinge he place the scaffold supporting the four 11300 gave away, precipitating all to the ground, o diatenoe of thirty feet. All re calved a bad obaking up, but Mr. Spec der was the mast unfortunate, his it.jur. foe being lnuall more severe than the others, On Thursday evening the Trivitt Memorial church rectory wee the scene of a happy gathering of a few friaries to receive and welcome home the esteemed reotor-and his worthy bride, after a two weeks' honeymoon trip. After the usual lough/baking, greetings and oongrato lotions Bev. and Mrs. Perking were pre• rented with a well worded oddrees and .•a beaatifol oak secretary as a tangible token of esteem and a fitting gift for the oocaaion. The address was read and the presentation made by the People's War. den, J. J. Knight, in beha.t of the mem- bers of the 0o0gregation. At the 00110111 Dior of the presentation the reverend gentleman made a very suitable reply and aoaepted the marks of esteem with grate- ful appleofatiml. A dainty lunohoon was served and a very pleasant time spent eooially, LiaotONv el . The Town Band has recently been re- organized. During the absence of ltev. A. J. Saun- ders the Baptist pulpit is being supplied by G A. McLean of Woodatock Oollege. Duff. Campbell eon of D. D. Campbell, hoe anaemia ly passed his third year at the Toronto University Medical Oollegr, G. W. Slaughter, principal of the Lieto wet Publio School, will be presiding examiner at Mitohell' High School, de. partmeotal examinations. Dr, Lambert Watson and Mrs. Watson, who have been residing in town eines last Fall have gone to Chesaning, Michigan, where the Dr. intends praotioiog. The Iugereoll Co. have sent a gang of men here to complete their oontraate for putting dowo gr0nolithia walks. They will probably be employed here the great. er part of the Summer. Mies Jennie Coghlio, daughter of Hen. ry Coghlin, of the Wallace boundary who Me .beau teaching at Lumsden, Asea„ has returned bone her school be i0g closed on amount of an outbreak of eoarle1 fever. The community was ebo0ked Tuesday morning of last week upon learning that ,'ire. P. J. Livingstone had passed away during the night. She was understood to be making ealiefaotory progress after her ream confinement bot on Monday evening about six o'clock aha took a serivae turn and sank rapidly, death en. ening in a few hours. The deceased, whose maiden name was Alin Marie Jones, was a daughter of Griffith Jones, of Walkerton, and bad been married fleas than two years. Since 0000pyiag their oomfortable home on Waliaoe street, Mre. Livingston bad been prominent in soodal oiroloe, and the orating off of her bright yo00g lite is parbionlarly sad, Mr. Livingstone and infant daughter are deeply sympathized with. t. vs: 0O(6. Rev, J. H. MoBain, ofSfo0ey Creek, visited hie parents last week. The sidewalk built at the North side of Mitobell's block by Pathmeeter Ferguson is a decided improvement. The trustees of thePublic P b In e .oho0 I did a very sensible thing when they instructed Henry Johnston to drill a well. Rev. E. A. and Mrs. Fear, of Am- heretburg, visited friends in town last week on their way home from attending conference in Wingham.. 1lftee Bertin Wilson has returned from Stratford, after completing a Poll course in the omnmeroial and ehorlhand depart. ment0 of the Stretford Bnsiueee College, Dr. A, 8 Lengrill left on Tuesday of last week for the military camp at Nis- eare, where he joins his regiment, the 87011 Hnldimand Rifles, in the twelve days' camp of fnetrootion, The dootor ie Burgeon to the regiment, George E, Wilson is now a full fledged 11.1. D , having suooese(nlly passed hie final year in medicine in Toronto Untie varsity, He tools a silver medal and also stood drat ou the last for the .George Brown scholarship which Oarrie0 with it oonoiderable advantage to the winner. The entire oommunity wag greatly shocked when the intelligence spread that Wm. Nichols bad died suddenly abseil failure on Wednesday morning of Iaot week while doing road work near J. A. Mitoheh'o blooli. He had not been i0 good health for some lime and bad often worked when not really able to do so, Ile had engaged to do road work bat the Effort wa0 too much for him for while employed spreading gravel on Wednesday morning, be WAS seized with a weak spell and eat down on the sidewalk. Bis breathing was labored and while some endeavored to apply reotorativee he quietly breathed his last, The body was taken to his late reeidenoe on Main street front whence it was taken to the Baptist ohnroh on Friday at 1.80 p, m., thence to the E1ma Centre Cemetery. Mr. Nioholo was 01 rare old and had been a resident of this village for many years. Mee Ni0hols pre.doneased him more than a year ago. no was for soma years the faithful and edioieut caretaker of the Baptist ohuroh. He WAS A quiet and in. Offensive man, always oheery and willing to do his share of work. A family of ei>r sena and two daughters eurvivo, NEW 'It'audR 0 0 0 p This week we 0(10W several hoes of New Goods whi011 were bought be. low rognlar prices and will be eotd below their real value New Curtains, 3, 3i and 4 yards long, 60 to 30 inabea wide, look 0tltah edges, nf00 laoey patterns, from 60o to $8, Our new dollar Curtains are extra good value, Wo hove received another lot of those Fine Japanese Waal], Silks for Waiate in colors of sky, pink, cream, white, reside, mauve, eta., in heavy corded etripos. The regular pride is 60u, bot we got a bargain and we sell them at 851 Por yard. New Kid Gloves, in black and all the new shades, in Fuwne's and Pem my's, world renowned goods, at 76o, 91. sod 21.26. Ladies' New Summer Gloves, in pure silk, talk taffotta and Lisle thread, in laoe and plain, in white, oroam and blank, at 20o, 25e, 36o and 60o. We make a epeeiaity of Ladies' Fine Shoes. We keep a full stook of the "King Qnalitv,” 10 flue Oxfords and Laced Shoes, et 91, 91.26, $1.60, $2, $3 and $8 60. Men's Summer Underwear, in shirts and drawere, we show great value at 26o, 36o and 60e. Meu'o Fine Blank Oaebmere Sox, at 20a, 250 sod 930. Men's Heavy All -wool Sox, good value at 20o, 2 pair for 25o. Ivlen'e Overalls, in blank duck with bib, e. snap at 50o. Boys' Knioker Pante, in strong 01 rge, tweed end striped worsted, sizes 26 to 33, doable Beate and knees, at 45o, 50c, 060, 75o and 85o, We show a great range of all the new styles in Men's Fine Shirts, in fancy 0trfpe0 and spots, also White Shirts, in all geode, at 60., 75o and 91. McKinnon & Co., Blyth. 0 i 10110140011 HAVING PURCHASED TIIF Brussels Woollen Factory and fully fitted it up with new Looms, Spinning Machines and other necessary Machinery, we are prepared to pur- chase any quantity of Wool for cash or exchange for goods. We have in stock a large assortment of- - All -Fool Blankets, - White and Gray Sheetings, -Plain Flannels, -Checked Flannels, -Fancy Shirtings, - Ladies' Wool Dress Goods, - Light and Heavy Tweeds, -Underwear for Men and Boys, - Men's and Boys' Stockings, -Ladies' and Children's r` -Boys' Sweaters, -Yarns, all kinds and colors. ,WE WANT YOUR PATRONAGE. W. & J. LOGKRIDGF BRUSSELS WOOLLEN FACTORY. MEM 50 GENTS IN ADVANCE .Pays for "DE jos Until Jan. 1, 1904. 200 Buggies, ®tom® 3 Must be Sold The Finest lint's to be seen in any town this Season. S Carriages in Ontario will be found at Ewan & Co.'s Wareroom,s TURNBERRY STREET, BRUSSELS. --We have a fall line, dealing with SEVEN of the best Manufac- tories ht Canada, besides our own make of rigs. —You can save money by examining our stock before purchasing, ---Satisfaction fissured. Prices right. EWAN & Co., BRUSSELS.