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The Brussels Post, 1903-6-4, Page 7
''l l'i11J BA KWASII OF /A It :SIGNIFICANT THINCT ABOUT Tan BUDGET. 'War Loaves Behind It 'increased Taxation in a Perma- nent Form. Mixed feelings were aroused In England by the now budget --• most peoplo appeared to bo pleased with the reduction of taxation by' 8011e $50,000,000 for the year, and 111x'. eIie, the (deet orllor of the Ex- chequer, gained a sn111owhat be- geudged popularity by 11.11,110 of Ids •0conomie4, The immediate sense of relief was a source of general satis- faetioli, But there is one phase of 'the general financial situation that will bear a rlosor scanning, As the London Daily Mail points out, the really significant thing about the budget is not rho amount takctl off the taxes, but the amount left' on. In 180:-0, the last year of the Liberal Government, the. total sten raised by taxation was $475,000,e 000. This year it is proposed to use $728,000,000, "That Is to say, with the Boor war over and the country again on a peace basis, the expenditure has gone to a perman- ently higher level," remarks the New York letTeing Post'_ "'Faxen that went up nearly 50 per cent„ as a result of the war, are to stay up about thirty per cent. AFTER TII,E WAR IS -O OVER. This phenomenon is perfectly famil- iar in -financial history, Taxation does not, after a war, flow back In- to its old channels, As Sir George Uorllowull Lewis pointed out alter the Crimean war, the inevitable ten- dency of ,any war Is to leave behind it an increase of taxation in a per- manent form. It is what John Worley has called the 'backwash of war.' "We have had ample experleee of it in this country. It is not ueees- alley to go back to the period follow- ing the Civil war, That ens an -era of extravagauce, in spite of the fact that the country was almost exhausted by the long anis fearful trugglo. But take a later and fresher proof of the old truth. The Spanish war did for us what the Boer war did for England - roaised Permanently the level of national, ex- penditure and so of national taxa- tion, "But this is fur front being tho worst of It The flnaluial sequels of war we could bear better than the demoralisation of public and private life which follows in its write. Na- tional extravagance produces extra- vagance all round. Let public fin- ance grow lavish and reckless, and you are su1'c to see people import- ing the saute spirit into TI -MM PRIVATE AFFAIRS. There, too, we perceive economy made the subject of sneers, and thousands tossed about as lightly 110 hundreds used to be. A disinterred or wasteful national :Muncie Is a 6017:0 Willi thing, but the most 1a- mcntablo part of it is the demorali- zation which it spreads through the public service and carries into pri- vate life. "A nation is like a men, it has 'lo keep itself in handl restrain its barbel is instincts, and (leder its 'life by rules drawn from experience. lint war breaks up this habit, and lets loose dormant passions - just as some men go to pieces when removal •1'1•00,1 familiar surroundings. The loose temper 01 war passes front rho actual time of strife into subsequent 1'(•0)8, Everybody wants to get on rapir'1y. Every public official hopes to draw ono of the gdlateting prl.08 in the lottery. 11 he secs 1as su- pe:fos using their power for selfish ends, if 110 sees all society filled with a matt ambition to attain wealth, no 111011ter by what means, Ito is powerfully tempted to us0 ifs OW11 ofticc for political advantage and for private gall." MIGHT OFFEND ILT;LS, "Well, mum," said Lite cook, a5 she entered the parlor with hos bun- dle in her hand, "I must be after goi)' away this merrily," "What do you moan? Why aro you going?" asked her astonished mistress. "1 am goin' to bo married next weer•" "But surely, Bridget, you. won't leave 1110 so Suddenly! You 1001st ask him to wait for to few days." '"Oh, I couldn't,. 01U10." "Why not, pray?" "Sure, 111.11.111, I'd like to oblige ,you, but I don't feel woll c;lough acquainted with him to malt ,hint such a thing." ARRANGED BY WIND, In Sumatra the winch decides the length of time a widow should r0• main single. Just after her bus- band's usband's death she pleats a flagstaff nt her door,. 1117011 which a flag is raised. While the flog remains u11- tol•n by the wind the etiquette o! Sumatra forbids 1100 to marry- ; but at the Pest rant, however tiny, she atilt lay 001(10 !ler weeds, a5801110 ler most bewitching senile, and accept the first 111011 who presents himself, AN AWFUL MOMENT. It happened iii a little cltarch whore the 111.01.100 power for the ors gait (1011105 from the strong arms of nn industrious Irishman, At a recent s(rvico the elude 'got Nth trouble, anti while confusion feigned the organ -suddenly stopped, The situation was not relieved when n, hoarse voice cane from behind the nrgnn and floated out into the a.udi- toriutn, It said: "Sing Bike thunder, mo hoysl The boilers is busted!" i,AI)Y WARDERS FOR, rItISONS. ('ho Roumanian Minister of the inlc:tor 11a5 recently deckled to place prisons tor women entirely 10400 tho itlanage n.0nt n3 vaance. A beginning is to he ma'cio with the iprison at Platareshi, albd a 1cmh1-a ns staff IMO t'.M0a aeleetod, The 11�tembers ate al" Wendt) 3119'3i13 withcteds - OQULII NOT WAL11, A Young Lady Tells the Torture , She Suffered Front Rheumatism, M'IA S Myrtle Major, Hartland, N, 11., is one of the thousands who have proved that Dr, Williams' fink 1."i'ls will eure 111011m/wt.lrnn. lfisrl Major says: "I sufforod from the, trouble for nearly a year, L hod the ods lee of a doctor and 'took 3115 Medicine, but It did not help me, The tronl'le was located Oddly in my ankles, and the 1711111 1 1101100011 at times was intense, As a matter of fact at' times I WAS (111110 unable to walk across the room, and for some els. months T. Was 0011(1ned to the house, I used 111n11(14N118 and 011101 1110dlcines proylcn•ibed for eked, nudism, but they did me no good, Then some of my Mends urged m0 to try Dr, 11'111ilalels' Pink Pills, I nled on their advice and before I 1111,1 used three boxes 1 began to feel better. I took nitre boxes of the pills altogether, and before 1finish- ed t1m last box mot a trace of the trouble renlnir.ed. It is DOW nearly two years since I took the pills and ns there has not been a symptom of the trouble strum It proves that the pills male permanent mires." 11hoente1(,au Is a clocase of the blood aunt can only be cured by treating it through the blood, That is 1111y lh'. Willianls' Pink Pills al - Ways cure this trouble. Good blood testees every organ in the body utroug and healthy, and as every doso of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills (Hake pure, rich blood, it follows that they cure such troubles es 01100- (11a, neuralgia, indigestion, heart trouble, kidney ailments, erysipelas, the niter o(0111et of 1a jelfri1)0 and (et'' - ern, etc'. They also relieve and cure the ailments from which so 1110tny women sou 1 antty 8111101, Se0 That 1(011 get the l0'n)line piths with hire run name, "Dr. ll'illinma' Pink Pills far Pale People," on the wrapper tomcod every box. Sold by all me- dicine dealers or salt. pandit }rnicl at 0 cents a box or sax boxes for S2,- 50 2-50 by writing the Dr, Wl(11ia1nrl' dtAinc Co.. Drockvillc Ont. L--- NO CHANCE Ob` DYING. Patient --"Toll lee candidly, doc- tor, do you think I'll pull through?" Doctor -"01,, you are bound to get well, You can't help yourself. '1'he Medical Record shows that out of tl hundred cases like yours one recovers invert ablyr.'' "('110(5 a cheerful prospect." "What more ch) you want. 1 1'1'0 trended rine cases, and evu'y one of thein died. 'lily, num alive, you crul't die if you try ! 'rheru's no humbug. about statistics 1" Dashaway - "You don't mean to say stir jilted you:'" Cletretou - "She did, old elan. That girl has She heart of a 111Ato1'Illan." SPIRITUAL DYNAMICS, Encourage Good Deeds, slut Don't Flatter. (live 0, man a word of encourage- ment when 110 is 1n a particularly hard situation, and you at once charge 11101 with new energy, fell men frankly what you like In then as well as what you dislike; -don't ]latter, but recommend what the,Y rho web, and you will not only make warm f•linds, but add greatly Lo tile mental and moral energy of yo111' t+nvirolullen1, A writer in the 11rooltlyn Engle makes these honey but very helpful and suggestive re - Werke ' "A little encouragement is so easy to give end may be so blessed to re - 001).0. T don't 111e11u indiscriminate taffy -that 0 disgusting. 1 mean ,honest encouragement of that which iseems good. Afoot. of us are free 0110(1 11 with our tuWerse criticisms, csperitllly of persons 10110 occupy plans in the public eye, but we seldom tako the trouble Lo pat these persons o,1 the back even for those things of which tee most heartily ap- prove, if lin 1u1Lhor or an editor oj°ends 0Vr11 by the smallest slip 01 the pen WO 1110 ready enough to pounce on him, but he may please us 1111 the COWS 001110 home Wiahout ex- citing us to tell him that we tore pleased. "I once asked Prof, William Earl Brown, of whom I'amperti says there is no better vocal instructor, how ho managed to make so many good V01105 from apperentle ilnpossiblo nett( rilll. 'Why,' said he with that quiet modesty 0011ic.1) marks ell simple greatness, 'the pupils do most of it, themselves. 1 merely stand by and tell then they do a thing well. That encourages them to do other things well, and by and by their errors are crowded out by multiplied perfec- ti0ns.' " 't- Deafneas Cannot Be Ccred sly local applications as they cannot roach the riiso0ned ponder of the re r. There is only one way 10 cure deafness, nail that Is by cons(11 utinou l rani:sties. Deafness 1a caused by all inflamed non. (1)1 )1 of the 111ae0114 lin hug of the!dus- tnchian Tube. Whom this tuba fa Inflam- ed you have a rumbling sound o1' Im- perfect hearing, nod trier it Is entirely closers, 1110100as Is the result, and 0n - (',as the Mee lnmat. ion 1',•.11 be talon out and this tube ro,a hind 10 1(.1 (1000101 condition, ltnariug ,^)II he 11r01rnyed for- ever. Niue arisen nut of 1'•n ere causal by Catarrh, wh to 11 (4 not tins but 1111 In as mad condition or the 011)1101)0 4tH- Vm'04. w,1 will foe Una Hundred I 'oilers for any 0000 o111eah'es4 (caused by catered) that cannot he aired by Hall's catarrh Guru. :heed for clrellt r4, (roe. 7•'. J. it ENVY h UU., '1'olotlo, 0. .)old by Druggists, 7511, 1 u,u'e R,.ulily 1-111s Urn the bout. 1`t IS computed t.het the. average mat! 01'1•nitn in the course of a 31101 11,0011,000 words. FINDER TALK. A SIMPLE SHEAF OR BUNDLE CARRIER, is one of the many good features of the MASSIIY-ISARRIS Binder, You can sea by the cut how very simple and light it is. It has groat capacity, nevertheless, and is strong and well Made. It. drops hack froiu under the sheaves when dumping, without damaging tiro heads of grain. FOLDING DIVID11RS--Sfulplest of all. A child can tullatcll them earl turn them in. luny outer manufacturel'g are trying to copy 'this (01(11ng de- vico because it is so good, But MASST1Y-HARRIS patents prevent them duplicating it. II7.1i1 REEL on the,MASSEY-1i3A11,. I1IS has a splendid range. It will handle short grain, long grain, ex badly tangled and laid grain. No. thing escapes it. Remenber, it is the MASBEY- 'tT A T)1,1.r53 • .Nanny - "Tell me candidly, Char- lie, don't you begin to feel sorry that you gave up your old life of freedom?" Charlie - "Not a bit of it. I find married life s0 delightful that if anything aero to happen to you I'd get matrs:Lod again inside of a month," "Wanted reliable mon," read Mrs. Bascom from the " advertising 101- tunns of 4110 paper.. Then she raised her glasses open her forehead, look- ed severely at her ltusbald, and re- marked, "And tho W01'111'11 wait a tollsid0t'1blo mtrnb01' of 0011tm'100 vet Were it gets 'Etiy TITOUSANDS OF 'MOTHERS, Reronlurnll 12a'by'8 00/11 Tab luta. "1 W011111 1(01 be without theta " is a very 10.01iltar sontcnce In their let- ter's to us. The 'Tablets get this praise :Amply because 110 other 010111 - Ohm has eves done so trach in re- ( 01(0g mad curing the minor 11:s of infants and y01ts1g children. airs. Levi .Perry, ltoseway, N. S,, says: "1 take great pleasure in rerurnuue,Cing Daby'5 Own Tablets for roll, and con,'1(1adion. I have never found anyth!rg to equal them for the; e troubles." L'esh'aes raring coli", 101181iration x1111 indigestion, Baby's Own 'l'ala01s (1rmcrlt croup, break up cola;, esite1 Worn!5, allay the irritation accompanying to cut- ting of Meth, sweeten the :nomad) and prom ote health giving sleep. (7uaranteect to contain neither ales nor other harmful drugs. Sold at 25 cents a box by all druggists or may be bad by witting the ih', lliilliaurs' Aledirjne Co'., Brockville, Ont. little Boy - "Weil, that's the queerest thing I ever saw'." Mo- ther - "what is?" Little Boy -"I just saw our school teacher at alio corner of the street a-laughin' just Jiko other pooplel" Ilrldosnrn!d-".t lope you 10111 bo NIPPY, my dear," Bride -"011, T r1110 sure 11.0 will, You see, his mother died when he lyes very young, nut he doesn't remember anything about her crooking," 9lnord's LI1!ln911 Cures Coiti hi Cors. DIIAGC;ED DOWN- BY A SHIP. How It Feels to Be Sucked Under by a Foundered Steamer. In the Edinburgh Medical Journal Jauos A. :Lawson gives an interest- ing description of his thrilling ex- perience when he was dragged under grater by a sinking ship. When he 0108 far down in the swirling waters he struck out for tho surface, but only went further down, This ex- ertion en8 a serious waste of breath,, and after what appoarod to be ten or Moon seconds the effort ofinspir- atiort could no longer bo restrained, and pressure of the chest began to develop. Thu most striking thing he re- nensbered was the groat pain in the Latest, which increased at ovary ef- fort of expirationand inspiration. 1t seemed its if he were in a vise, which was gradually being screwed up, until it felt 11,14 if the sternums 01141 spinal column must break. Tho "gulping" process became more fre- quent for about ten efforts and hope was then extinguished, Tho pressure atter these gulps seen0ed unlbea'ablo, but grathially the pain seemed to ease up, as the carbonic acid was accumulating in the blood. .At the same time the et -torts at inspiration, with their ac- companying gulps of water, occurred at longer and longer intervals. The writer's trental condition Was then such that iio appeared to be in a pleasant dream, but still had ea- ough will power to think of friends at home, etc. Before 110(0113 losing consciousness the chest pain had completely disappeared, and sensa- tion 101.8 actually pleasant, When consciousness returned he found him- self 011 the surface of the water (probably from the action of the life boat), and finally managed to reach shore, Unless the soap you use has this brand you are not getting the best Ask nor the Octagon Bas. 841 tf. DAIRY1 A FULL COURSE BY MAIL, Including - 11.'n Dairy, Mils Tasting, Dalry eaumlm.y, Dalry ihitr er1lyry, AlsoSTOOK i s oars R A sill a;+ Sudg0, 0 0') ,'ng, rcedwlot'. g and Alamo mount 011 O:Ao a, ter ep and e,cu'n A, err 1011 p"cie ne n 0P them and other o,nrras : -Agrlh Science nem Canadian Correapondenoe College, Limited, TORONTO, OMT, EctaMini" c�,tt2Ear TIILE1'ITONING TO 1)00S, A French tourist relates that some Limo ago ho set out to cross St. Bernard's Pass by hituself, and got caught in the fog near the top. Ile sat on a rook and waited for one of rho dogs to come and attend to him, but in vain, and when the fog cleared away he managed to reach the hos- pice. On arrival he observed that he thought the dog a rather overrat- ed uu(mal. "There T waft," he said, "for at least six hours, and not ane cause 111111' mc," "But why," oxcluiited one of the monks, "did you not ring us up on the telephone ?" To the astonished tourist it was explained that the whole of the pass !is provided with shelters at short (listauces from each other, all in direct, telephonic communication with the Il:ospice.. When the bell rings the monks semi off a. hound loaded with broad and wane and other comforts. The dog on duty is tolyl what number has rung, and ho gots straight to that abetter. This system saves the hounds their old duty of patrolling the pass on ;the chnnee of a stray traveller being found, and as the pass is for about 'eight months of rho year under snow this entailed very hard and often lfruitless labor. a''5 Helmut Cies ui hiha• An old Scotch farmer, being elect- ed a member of the school board, visited the school and tested the in- telligence of the class by his ques- tions. His first inquiry was: "Noe, boys, can ony o' you tell me what 'naething' is?" After a moment's silence a small boy in a back seat. arose and replied: "It's what yo gie leo t'other day for beadle' yer horse!" The population of Sweden is 5,- 1 5 ,7, U00 or almost identical with that of London, tMillard's Liniment Cures Cistern eel Out of 757,000 strangers living in the German umpire 16,000 are Am- erl; eels. -f at the eart5 Let it fete Drip, 1VialRrla Fever ©r what not, ai- rways strike at the Heart to protect it, to strengthen it, to rure it, and you baffle every allot' ailment. Dr. Agree is Heart Cure puts new vigor into every heart, and ninety-nine out of a hundred need It, for that percentage are sick. 1 -laving put that machine in good working order, it has guaranteed the whole system against sickness. Every organ is soon sound. It al. ways relieves in 30 minutes. mos. EZRA 1:uo1101-1AM, Temple, ma, Canada, 1011105 " Have had heart trouble fol (ears 1 would have it as often as three times a week, .sometimes lasting tweety.four hours. Was persuaded to give Dr. Agnew's Heart Curd It trial, which I did, with the greatest results. 111 curtly is a peerless remedy, and would advisd say one who hns•heart trouble to try it," DR, AGNEW'S OINTMENT. He who would be free from piles and shin aurpttolus must use this cure, whu.b routs thm11 out nt once and for all time, The safest, quickest cure, because ccm ounded Ail correct principles. Fiercest foe 01 11411(04 kin diseases, Price, 05 yenta 21 ass Old 0adhley (hauling his son a clheque) - "Now, be careful, Char- ley; relnenl'bre', 'A fool and itis 1110100y are soon parted.' " Charley -- "Yes, sit; and thank you for oblig- ing mo so promptly." Just the same as ever t Jacobs continuo to 111 On sure cure of ithe an dot aildNe l� Wr300, laSccai betel „1Go. -f A 1BULLI:T IN ITIS IIT'1Al1T, The surgeons at Leipzig hospital have been treating a young man who was brought to thein with a bullet la his heart. The bullet, however, caused no bleeding, and did not injure the heart in a vital part, for, after twelve hours the pa- tient recovered and retrained well for three weeks. Then dangerous symptoms appeared, and an exami- nation with Roentgen rays showed that the bullet was being tossed about inside the heart like a ball bouncing off the sides of a room.. After six months, however, the bul- let became imbedded firmly in the flesh of the hea1t, and once settled in an immovable position the pa- tient.e condition rapidly improved for the better, 'Pito young man has now left the hospital, and the doc- tors believe that the bullet it 10 heart will give him no further trou- (,le. 4 - STONE SLABS FOR MONEY. Tho representative of a hu;',iware firm, seeking the other day 1" estab- lish a trading connection in lap, one of the islands in the Caroline group, found hi01501f unable to trade owing to rho extraordinary currency of the natives. The only money they use Is a huge flint or limestone slab, var'y'ing from the size of a dinner plate to that of a cart wheel. 4 WALKED LIKE AN OLD IAN, JOSEPH HAMEL SUFFERED LONG BEFORE 0.00.` USED DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS f3a1 Lost A11 Eis Energy and Was Discouraged - Tho Great Kidney R011100y Cured Him Completely. Nicolot, Qua, May 11, '(Special) -Of the many people In this neigh- borhood who Have been brought back to health and strength through the use of Dodd's Eidn,y fills few are in a better position to give the pub- lic the benefit cf their experience than Joseph Hamel. He knows both sides of the question -the suffering and the relief. "I suffered from ICtdncy Disease for three or four years," says Mr. HIamel. "For two years I would take two or three days off work a week. I was continually sick and forced to walk like an old mum. I lost all my energy and because dis- couraged. Anergy and became discouraged. 1 "After trying a lot of medicines that only gave relief for a 1011(10 I was fortunate enough to try Dodd's Kidney Pills, After using three boxes I was completely cured." Mr. Muriel is enliluslasti: in his praises of DOrid's 1CLiney Pills and there is not the eli;htrst doubt of the correctness of his state writ as dozens of people can testfiy to his Maas and euro. POPULATION'S I3'01U1ASE. In the last thirty Sears the pope. lotion of Germany has increased 40 per cont.; Great Britain has in- creased 80 per cent.; that of France, 2 per cent.; that of the United States, 100 per cont, MINARD'S LINIMENT is the only Liniment asked for at my store anti the only one we kccp for sale. All the people pralre it. ITARLIN FULTON. . Pleasant Bay, 0.11. 7'11 Tn 1110 Bay of Apia, 10 Samoa, a surveying party has discovered 453 distinct species of fish. Lover's Y -'Z (Wiso IIoad) Disinfect- ant isinfecTant Soap Powder Is better than other powders, as it is both soap and disinfectant. The proprietor of a beer tavern in Berlin has a largo signboard before his door bearing the inscription: "Anyone who gels (hawk in my tavern can, if he desires ft, be con- ducted home safely by one of my 111011 servants free of chage." iinard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc, "Seo here," cried the customer, "this hero snit's too tight for '0110." "Veli, ray friendt," replied the misfit dealer,, "pefore I'mild lot you lose so great a pargain I will t'row in a bottle of anti -fat mit it." t'nr O, r itlsir Years. Moto:Tama RRN,e1' --air, w nwl s sloo'oothlt RSy rel, has boon urea for over sixty tears by millions of :anthem for their 'hiirhw while testbhlg, wIth pert011 011.00. It ,00(1101 010 Childs 45(1011, .110 5tmae, allays at: pale, Corea 11101 code, and le )1,o'bas( remedy for elarrhaa. Is p15a.0 1 1,1 rho lama Sold 1.10 drngg6ls 10 11.0x), P501 5r Lilo aro0•d, Twenty-ayo0a0t5 n1101110, (15 10100 in leoa,mdnbl0. Bo aura and ask for hire, Winslow's Sosth,ng 8,101,, and take needier kind. 23-74 Dominion Line Steamships Montreal to 7dvorpool, 110010, to ]iter. pool, Portland to Liverpool. Vin Quoins. town, Largo and Peat St,omah,pa Superior accommodation for all Mona of gamma.. fluorineand Stntorooms aro amidships. ,�onl attention,hasnbeen elm to Lbs and soeond Saloon d Thfrd•0laas accommodation. Rar tato ofnons0aa and all partloulara, apply to any pioat of 1110 OSmpany, or Richards Mills R Co, D. Torrano0 to Co,. 17 Mato St..20slon. Montreal and t'ortland. 0-60 F00'1'La1F,S 21LN, A footless race of mots is said to bave - been discovered in Now Guinea. They lite in the midst of lakes, Moving about on little canoes and po5seesing a feta cabins built 011 W0041 11(108. '311011' feet are se imdevi,lop0d ars to be practically use- less Mess for walking, 22•--03 It is hermetically sealed in Ceylon and again. teali.ea 1 in i.ead pact ets in Canada. An e.ristocssltic tea at a moderate price. Black. Mixed. Ceylon Greoo. Ask for Red Labol, FOIRTY CENTS -SHOULD LSE, FIFTY fl r 1 r rr .w r. L.: 4 ILL .415-, m JLst4'. n.�NJt'�•�afl Good Paint not only beautifies but protects and preserves. Ramsay's Paints have brilli- ancy and durabi,ity which make them the most economical to use. Ramsay's Paints are good Paints. Write us, mentioning this paper, for booklet ebowiag bow some beautiful homes are painted with our paints. A. RAMGAY & SON, 0A4NT aldnene, MONTREAL. Esta. 184z. TH to RIGHT PAI NT PANT'»F :,; ��",s'brot"rL~S..vitr.Q: ,Rifle frailir. Vale+rEd;; @ PILLS AND INTMENT should be in EVERY CANADIAN HOUSEHOLD. (19 PILLS t 533,OX10IF FORD ST L0 244,STRA8D, LONDON. 1(111,.n�/"11 • REDUCED COPIES OF GENUINE LABELS. PHI: -Black on Green. Ointment: Brown and Green on White. ROLLOW.A.Y'S PILLS are of immense value to the weak and ailing. Although thoroughly searching, their action is so gentle that delicate persons need have no hesitation in taking them; indeed, they should never be without a supply. The Pills give speedy relief In cases of Headache, Biliousness, Nausea, Dizziness and Trembling Sensations. Females will find them highly efficacious. HOLLOWAY'S Olin TRENT is .pre-eminently a household remedy; once uaed it is sure to have a permanent place M the family medicine cupboard. It quickly allays inflammation and irritation, and is in the highest degree soothing and healing. Apply it to Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Wounds, Boils, Abscesses, &c. It also relieves and cures Bronchitis, Asthma, Sore Throat, Quinsy, and other affections of the Throat & Chest. . :.;„l;.'si,.er-.•s?a •, rs.. ,ct. !0i' '.01 A5,,.401401101100?? '• 13-33 Delicious Selmer Luncheons In hot weather things must look and taste just right. What more dainty and tempting ton Libby''s Melrose Pate n dolicntely sensoued combinotioh of Game, Hem nod Tongue; or more 'poetizing ler eupetyr or breakfast then L!bby sG tenth eef Mae 11, Lll et s Home•Nat uPork and )Flans Pro like allot ed re s (Natural Flavor)Put Pcod Products, cooked ready to sown, Yut up in convenient koy'opening 0080. Runs -oho booldot "mow to Widen Good Thing. to Eat" Sand ma ee summit for Libby's big Att. of Ella world, Libby, McNeill & Libby Chicago LAD pAR' BF`d WALLKK C;,.,ING Ak7 e e SUITS Uan b. dame narfeu1ly by our P05055 Process. Try 11 130110 a AtMI1SIIIAN 80.8IRR CO. KON'nted1o, TORONTO, OTTAWA A QUEAEO 1-44 133E MODS Latest Novelties, all stylus, Correspondence invited. l+ln. close 2c stamp for circular. fliE UNIVERSAL SPECIALTY 00.1 P. 0. Box 1142, Montreal, "11-e1uy, why iso you smoke cogs - lineally, from morning until night?" "it's the only time I get. 1 sleep ORANGES LEMONS' We have Mexicans, WE California Navels, HAVE Valoncias, and T1TE Sevillos. BEST Carload every week. All the above at market prices. We can also handle your Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Maple Syru p and other produce to advan- tage for you. PRE QAWSON COMMISSION CO„ Limited,, Cor. Wont Market St., TO0 ONTO. 1 45 2 i UR Savings Department 1 affords named. eel fa- cilities for depositing strait stuns where they will bear interest and masa you r anxiety. You ca') open an account with one do lax which w 111 bear interest at 311 PER ;'; CENT. Enquire about it. 't' i' AiVll WESTERN CANADA N CANP,I)' PERMANENT Or DA t y Mort(81re 0or,]oranon, - TORONTO 11 Toronto Street, T Permanently ourod by our entirely 000, and amnmo0 tonna method. euro guaranteed If Instruotlone ern followed, 1 u'l1ort aloe for promotive. The Belt and Truss Gilaa'fg Co., 433 SPA GINA Ave".. TORON'T'O. 22.471 Mistress - "What wages de you generally receive?" A I^ ant - Sure, multi, an' l'vo never stayed front nightUll morning." long enoughto find out." • a..,.�..,,sa.,{rsy�.ne....�,,...,,.. -�r - alia..d Page 'Woven Wire mnee 1(1(11(5 conbinuons 0011 (ant erlmpod) is the heat Wok:bolding fence mato. Page No. 7 wire Stara n n otlopnandg'etrnln--cemenom Na, 7 wire only 1,708 pounds, L'lmnlon wire will not coli• -it, straightens out arJin--lb hinsn't a spring temper -Page were has. Otto 110800 W7ro 7rodc0 00„ xdmited, QOwllrorOi110 0411. MOmtroni,i�d.rda,yF Soh AtcN7... i1 1