The Brussels Post, 1903-6-4, Page 5•4,4 • A 3trN4., 1003 ROSINESS CARDS, MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 l'ETI cont. 10,8. SCOTT, lirueselt, xr 11. MoCRACEEN...- T I`8 Islam? of Morrie ti Liooneos Of. tl at% roe et. y, Turiliwrry treed, :ruAsels. 'WARMS VOR E UN- DBUBION Ho line Bo Vurel good Yining for Pale and to rod, easy terms, in Townlhips of al rade and Grey, Ir 51. SCUTT ,Gritosel M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTQN, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLIN, -1.1eMMIlatt 010 - PIANO - AND - ORGAN, 30B11.-p*.am=7..,s, ROBERT CUNNING HAM2 IOSTSRANOB, FIRE AND MARINF., G U ELP El. E. Estelle Griffin. TEAciluelt 011 VOICE eillleting "Pupil of Miss EVII N. Ilublyei, of London. Pupils prepared for Consery artry exami. tart\ IS visit Brussels every TU99elay. Letulotle given at the howe of W. 11. Kerr, John street. LI, LECKIE, LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE, LOAN AND BAAL ESTATE ACIF,NT, MONEY TO LOAN AT ft, 42 d: 5 Per cent. °ince over Travelers Drug Store, Nov, 3rd, 1002. 00.21u. Brussels, Wellington Mutual. Fire fliettranee Co., =ABLOOM) 1850 Iusurnoca taken on tho cash rind premium note system at current rates. Br tore Maur trig eleewhers, call on the under.igned Agent of the Oompany, GEO01(4E 1100Elta, Itrussele. 199.9.9999.949090.9 AUCTIONEERS. B. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- S- EBB, sell for better mina, to better men, in less tline and Seim charges than any other Auctiopeer iu East 140(011 0? be won't charge anything. Dates and orders otut always be arranged at this race or by portioned application. TO WHOM IT MAY TONCEIIIN,- - The undereigned, who is well acquainted throughout the matt port of the County and who bee had 0810100011 with 510.150 c1. ole of fart -neve le end around tbie berm to Inform the community that he has taken out au Auetioneer's License for the County of Huron and offers Ma Berrien to all purposing to hold 91169. THOS. NEWSOME, llrufnds. VETERINARY. D. VARW101C- Of • Honor rtin.100,0 of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to trent all dlo- 0000005 domestleated animals in a compet- ent manner. Partilular attention paid to Veterinary Dentletry. Calle promptly at- tended to, °Mee mud Infirmary -Four doora North of bridge, Turnberry at,, 13 russets. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. AAT Ili. SIN OLAIH- ; v Barrister, Solicitor, Convoyan er, Notary Public, dua. OlDoe-Stowartls JOlool 1 door Nor th of ()antral Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Sank. G-• F. BLAIR, BAREISTHR, SOL- • IC/ITC/it, tto , BITOSSELS.- ulnae over Standard Rank Solicitor for TowbsbiP of Gray, Herrick Mutual mud the Metropolitan Bank. Private and Company money to loan 14 lowest rates. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON; M. J), C. M., Teen.), 'University, Follow Tdnity Modioal Oollege, Meunier College of Physicians mud Burgeons, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Phyaiotans and Licentiate of Mid- wifery, Edinburgh. Telephone 140.14.Reeitlevee-Afill street, Brussels. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, Dwain, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario awl Firat.class Honor Graduate of Toronto University, Ofilao next to Brewer's Photograph Galieres • situenklLs. IT'S ALL RIGHT and Students may enter zarowa (I0e/J PA any time. STRING TERM BEGINS MAR, 30, Two 009.0000-0oomere50l and Shorthand. Send for College Jou real, 0. A. emsmING. A. L. Itic/NTYR15, Prettitlenb, Secretary, 41 SHO LES British Columbia Bed Cedar Shingles AHD -- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT Txtz Brussels Planing Mills Akio Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Shoob Notice. 3113timates Furnished for all kinds of Elteildings. Workmaes obit) and alpinist Guaranteed. p.AMENT Ttr..-46-imv.%% ,4114 •••.T.1.±.16ZSE:."41't OurMottol"HighOroAoWorkOnly"ti CENTRAL /67.i&di THATFORD, ONT. Our Graduatem readily (mare good po0411000 because e01/110 grade train. Ku sug l/anis thou 1loteft J 'or rutuslis.19 uoryte 1411919900 IMO Wi00 1 110619 fif ly tibiae worker, and have no Num to ' wade upon the otherkind. COM - 11 010909 a (loam now and Ina ready for 5. positiortit, th, Pall, Write for 1:mul- 1 90100 091019590, W. J. ELLIOTT, Prinelpal. t5trict ftctils. II eel 41 -vel • A baby arrived at the home ot Wm. and dirs. 191009, on Me), 21st. Aroh. Foga' is still in rather poor health we are sorry to r'•port. Mists Kate Gaynor, of Brunetti, visited her nettle, John Gaynor, Solidity and Monday of last week. J. Longmire, S. Wright and O. flaw !embalmer have been improving the feint of their property by emoting wire fences, 3. K, Better wee called recently to Centralia to attend the funeral of his father, Wm, Baker, 91 110 Wee an old reei• of that portio . of the °votary and highly esteemed, - • .1, t v0'001(11. The local brenoll of the Bank of Elamite ton will be pen for hu-ineee every day now. Bide Rebert-cm, wh has recently graduated from Toronto Phermitoy Col- lege, is epending e few weeks visiting hie parents in town, David Dunlop simeeseftilly passed his senior pharm,oy ex•ine , and im now in Brooklyn, where he late obtained a good poeition in a large drug business. Geo. Mitchell, of Olarksburg, arrived in t .wn Tuseclay 00.1505 of Ian week, and will lake a situation in the Bank of Hamilton here. George le a brother of J. A., Mrs. George Swi.nr, of ;Mendocino City, filadforitie, to vieiting her brother in law, Juba Switzer, and other relatives. Mrs. Switzer left this part of the country as a bride, abort° 38 pane ago, end nos resided iti the Wen ever eine, 108. The MethoOist ()cigarettes is in 0050100 here +Lit week. Alex. Orr has had a wind mill placed at the rear of the Bruuswick House. Winghno iurosee team play a game with Liolowel boys in the last toned town on Friday. 0. N. Griffin received word of the mid - den death of liie brother, B twin, formerly of Wingham, near Mediolue flee The annual exoureion 05'? the G. T. tie to Sarnia via Hyde Park, under the en spina of Minerva Enoampment, I 0. 0 F., Wingliam, will thie year be run on Saturday, June 18 h. Mont Nioholson, a brother of our townsman, Wai. Nichol-cm'recently met with a serio0001001toed He la located hi the Northwest and one day recently hie barn and out baildiuge were completely de stroyed by fire, together with nioet of the in3plemon is. The bans oaneht fire from a prairie tire which was burning neat his plan, Rev. D. Perrie will attend the General Assembly rth Ming of the Presbyterian ohuroh and left this week for Venoouver. He expriee to be acitty for four Siolditys and supply 0111 be twanged for hie eitnrith daring his &become. Mr, Perr,e will take this trip in plan of his tient four weeka' mid Bummer holinays, 1 ;bore) 15' 5-81. Mr. John So 11 sold hie driving mare to James MoLeren, of Ingersoll, for 0250 She is a fine looker and a eplendid driver. Rev. Mr. Saundere, 13.91501 minister, has been given two months' leave of ab. senoe by his congregations at Lietowel anti Atwood. He purpoitte epeading his attention in Manitoba, in ooMpauy with his brother. Mr. S. Beckett 14 Qiieen's University will tette oberge of the s reline in Knox Church during the month of J nee, its Rev. dlr. Hardie purposea atteeding the 01005- ing of the General Assembly in V9110011 V- , or 13. 0. A. le01900 18 to be elven by Lieutenant. Colonel Ridged commanding the 22ed Ox ford &flee, on Friday the 12'h of Jane, in• aid of the formation of the Public! School Kindergarten clan. The ettbjeot of the Ottionet'e clinonne is "My Friend Pet," a tumorous Irish Monologue, Mr. Harvey, oontraator for sinking the artesian wells, emeseetted in striking a splendid flow of water at a depth of 180 feet. The water in the eight inch well rose to within 17 feet of the top, which in 11 test with the fire engine at ite full cepa. city was not perceptibly lowered. From tbie test it ie estimated that the flow of maior from this woll will be equal to 260, 000 gallons in 24 borne. Ties is an Ample supply for a town the eize of Lislowel; but to provide against nooicient or otherwise, the Council has deoicimi to 'sink a second well, whip)) will be located some distenoe from the first will, on theLivingstone lot near Main stem t. Swaim -J. Knox, & well to-do farmer about sixty years of age, living near BrItton, above eight miles from here'was found by one of his family near 1151 barn Omit 8 o'c'eolt Saturday in rising with his throat ant from ear to ear. Ile lout his breoltfast as nenal, quite enrly, end seemed in his penal health and spirits mod did his morning thorn, hie faintly not noticing anything wrong with him lt le tlionoht he meditated it for some time, as the knife with whloh he did the deed was au old table knife, winds be 11 tut to a sharp edge, and he bud made a Gabe from some heitey cloth, in whioh he had 'marled the knife in his peeked He leaves a widow and a large family. Last week's Standard royal -0o Settle. urday evening between 7 8 o'olook the engine and leech been at the tannery were dienvered to be on fire. When lint nen the Wan was a small one and wag eon. fined to the oupdia at the top of the bond. ins, used for hoisting the ground bark to the feedlot°. With the fire applianoee h wit TUB JIY3.000itliti, POT +.1.0•10.rthemol • D t I. tat ee amaaw,aserer,,ameoe.oan,...eem.wenerreaeumarseeraeenwolomaaramo.................w.....~....0.0, and got to work 11,,, 44. .01,1.1 be r to m the fti sum, tin 1 .. oive large ;amounts' 11( 1)(0y fere the Fire „I „ pose Prior to treeing town for Reitrrnton, he 10110 11 help, r hi Rdwey that the i„•,„r Isaild. 51 1,99 11 s- iso 1 Viss:s II sositiredele re. e tilt( I 11 s• . gifts are be ;dui. 1 atn, %YOB ineviteb 55 5s .tretsmil inem.,ered , twos1 I Court Tnift dy, front the hedraus it, Ma • el.!, vied other Stieriviort Porest, Ancieto Order '.r For W. 3. Ennis 1 ttro branehea item Oa 11 • 9115 i•SP, ale 0,9609, Of wI, 5,11 lodge Mr. Latimer hall Bre 5000 got under oeutrvi before spread. iog to the other buildinge. The leeches 411.0 1101,5 v demeeed, so woe 11.1110 1t10.011iiisstry in dm bonding. The 110i111, engine 'soil IPS my 00 .501 irjered. Tbe hollii lee and 110. 5'-,, 10 1,9000 inenred for 08,000, 5.1! itliely °over She headed (pule, IteentripitliWi by (010.10. Prob tb' v the most ri u result weeded ad d rose. of the ere to the Briethatipt Leather (lo. be the sieley lu Settlue out 1.110 0019 0011'9 HOlek 311u town the poseibitity of loeiou the tannery entirely ie a 5)011.134molter, hot, we laud. will not follow Se result rt the tiro midi the defect of tile eewerege riehmus. berm a valued member for number of °Oft el HA 111.11 't5 50V'e. years. Loarning of his 51150111100 to leave 100511, 1.110 rnembere of the ledge Look C. al in Hamilton has bean esivanoed advantage of the 000550)11')1,1 Allow their 40 lid 75 a too. 0410101 and reyeot fee Mr. Latimer by A. cjeMile did It la sI damage in Morn- preeentine him with 0. holt/dome gold ingloo, Perth County. C. H. Aandown, q:own Cie' k of South wioll, bus been suspended, Two ate„rner4 arrived at Halifax, bringing over 3,000 intigrante. Robert 0. Bulnier, oomm mdal travel. ler died suddenly at Woodetook. kit Holmes, oontraotor, of Oohing wood, hanged himself in hie barn. Obtain Irwin wed killed on the tracks at the foot of YOnge street, Toronto. P510 lighthouse at the entrance of Pita tam harbor wits burned to the ground. A. fire whioll netted one Merivele, in Clarkston Ootinty, hurried over three miles of territory. /four Ottawa firemen were injured by falling walte 01 a tire that did about 97,- 000 d a maga. A ex. Fraser, of Westmeath, one of the largest lunicer operators in the 0(11.10 Vso'ley, hi deed. The town Counoll uf St. Henri, Que., has decided to auk Mr. Ceruegie for 900,. 000 with which to build a public library, 11 10 reported that the Government in Lends to advances a loan of 98,000 000 to provide further [unities at Moutreal harbor• Glory Who, ma aged thirteen yeare, daughter of Mr. Henry Whalen, was found murdered in the woods near Col lingWood. & son of E. S. Petit and soother lad named 13ylie, of Lookpert, N. Y , were drowned at Port Colborne by their yaoht foundering. The will of the late R. Shaw Wood, of London disposed of an notate of 9094,000. The property is loft to children and grandolaildren. Thomas Gauthier, who assualted his brother in Jew Joseph Veillant, at Ma. sham mils, vent bo charged with murder o Voillant ie dead. Telesphore Mieband, who:was so ter. ribly mutilated by an explosion of dyea mite near Lebelle, Que., died at Notre Dame Hospital. Montreal. Christopher Smaliman, of London, wee run over by a train while emoting, tha Grand Trunk traced and lost both arms and a lig. He may not recover. J. Internee Sutherland, oontraotor, and Mr. hligueron '0000 1,11101 at Mahan, Quebeo, by au explosiou of dynamite, and another man was fatally injured. The Government will guarantee bonds of the Canadian Northeru Beltway at 018,000 per mile for a 500•mile Orem]) be- tween the Manitoba bouudary and Ed. montom Guy el. McCallum, clerk in the Royal Bank at Halifax, induced hie father to ace 011,000 in tbe bank on depoist. 'Phe eon drew the nab, and has gone to the etatee. A man who is supposed to be Obarlee Connor, alias Merin' Clarke, wanted in Detroit on a oberge of having shot and killed a man on Ootober 28)13 Iasi, was arreated at Stratford. Three miners fell 140 feet in the Bens mont mine at Oordova, Ont., through some aooident 10 5110 skip. Bleezer Yeo• mans was killed ; Thorniis Camay and a another man probably fatally injured. On 3501001,0 Day Mrs. Robertson, "Ferndale", Guelph, widow of the late Adam Roberteon, fonndryman and machined oreebrated her 91st birthiley. The agod Indy is healthy, hearty and as lively es most women at half her age. The divorce deoree obtained some time ago by Walter 13. Solomon, of Buffalo, formerly of Elemilton, against hie wife, Anna B. Soloniun, of Hamilton, bee been annulled by Judge Phillips, of Cleveland, and the deoision Invert the gentleman with two legal wives. A. sad aooident onurred at the G. T. 155. oroeeiug at Glencoe, on Tuesday at 8.20, wheu Gladye, the 12 year old daughter of George Reiley, woe instantly killed. Tbe east bound local was shunt - in the yard, and the little girl notwith• etandine the warning of her companions, attempted to arose, As her attention woe fixed upon the shunting train she apparently did not see the swiftly an. preaching weer bound exprees, which etruok her, throwing her anon the road. She expired a few minutes after the aooident without having regained nue ernotaness. Two Tavietook boys while out shooting mows in the woods owned by Leonard Wieder, near Tavistock Junceion, last fBeturday found the body of a man hang- ing on a tree. A. fanner neer by 010.0 aummoned and identified the body as that of Henry Hahn, of Tavietook, who had been miesiug sinee Wednesday. Hahn was about severity yeare of age and worked about the Elorotneroial Efotel. No motive con be ascribed for the deed ea Helm did not seem to hive bad any fi. nenoial or other troubles, In fent he was of a rather jovial disposition. Be was rniseed from the hotel on Wednesday and a enroll was made, bnt without etmeese. Deceased wae a widower and leaves one eon, John, engineer at the Tavietook or.ttortolt. h old stand lute been erected at the &mit east. 0..rter 513hn vourt hone, The contractors for the miner/ of the Puielo dibrery hive mimed 011 the fonndslion. 0 el. Elliot, and J. W. Variatt, r went to Toronto lards war h to attend the tneet lug of the Dominion Ailimire. The 0, H. !MI folloWsui the exempt() of Ilia Ex preen Company by lotrodneing baggage truck at the station. Robert Hiliot reports that the apple yle;t1 witl be heevy this year, mud that there is also good prospeote for email. fruits, J. J. Wright planted peal on lIeroh 2555015 had lietil in bloom on ;tiny '22, the earliest in hie long 0155.10051000 01 garden- ing. Rev. lel, 3, Nilson will preach a special sermon to young men on the evening of Sunday, June 7.13, in Victoria street ohoroh, Win. Venstone, of Beuntiller, was in towu the other slay the drat time for six mouths, ilinese hiving kept him in the hollow. Elie many friends were glad to have a bandeltake with The Gocierich Oigun Fernery is still far from being finished, though it is advenoing towards that state, bat from present rate of progress it Moho 00 51)01511 Dominion Dy will be here before the factory is in operation. Tneeday netting of tan week tile_ Christian Brideavorers of Knox ohnrcli presented chair pastor with a handsome volume of Spurgeen's "Eveeing by Been. ing," in memory of the fifteenth anni• smeary 01119 inclaation, and o-lebreted the event with 0 very enjeyalile social it the oh tine parlor, esiete toesrle. The Canadian Orrice of Forestera and United Wcolitnen will attend a apaoial service in the Presbyterian church the first Sunday evening June. Thinness MeMillian, of Hulled sold three golciinge, ttvo four year rods and a Ova year.old, to Messrs Arohibeld Ond. mere, for the nioo 00010111640. Rev. N. Shaw, of Egmontiville, was ntipointed iuterim Moderator of the see Mon end else to the treasurerehip of the Preebytery rendered 11550601 by the death of Rev, Mr. Musgrave. Fern! Beete-The first home genie it the NV. F. A. senior seriee WWI played here Friday night between Galt EMI Sett forth. Ion m the blow of the whistle, Gelb forced the play, anti in less than two minntes scored the first goal. Be. fore hail -time they added another tally, This ended the noring for this half. Finical) gingered up for theeeeond, and took the ham. goal. Galt took another ; the urst went to Se,forth. Galt ended the auoring m..king it 4 to 2 in theirfOVor, favoe. The Galt boys were in the pink of oonclition and played football all the time, while the home mum showed look of p 'toffee both in combination and elmoting, and appeared to atilt feel the effect of the Tomtit° gems. The visitors oame to town by special train and were manysided by a o,owd of admirers. WILL RUN liomosookors1 De fl) Y ENV giOnS 'PO '123130.CANADIAN NORTHAVEST AT 'RETURN 351513108 Winnipeg ... Workarin Tiletovitu Mein 0,00051aloosomin Watvauesa Miniota 13.11,0,3110h Grand View Straw River Regina 1. Mp Moose JaAV OU Vuitton , Pr. Albert... Macleod } pay Calory 130 Deor, Strath- 1840 onto - Going JUNE 411Ln:3411,11ns until AUGUST 40 (ail rah or 13 S. ACTA/ma) Going JUNE 38111, OW rti g uut.11 15001001 18051 (a)l rail or 0.8. Athabasca). Going JULY 4111, re- turning until SIDPTEMPER 01.16/1 rail or S.13 Manitoba) Tieketa aro nob good on "Imperial Limited," For tickets and pamphlet giving fell particular, apply to your nearest Oanadlau Pacific agent, or to A H. NOTMAN. Assistset General 0,50010001 Agent, 71 Yonge St., Toronto. Strenuous Objections are never made against feed supplied by Alf. Baeker, stook like it and thrive on 11, and 11 18 pronounced by ell Intel- ligent breeders to be ineortiperiebly the best eold. Try 0, sample lot and yon will never feed anything but mat Keifer (torn whioh the tannery is supplied tho fire "d ems, might molly have been extinguished by peompt action; but through the night wetehman, who isa now hand, ineomIng Alf' Baeker. excited, valuable time wee lost, and he. , • 'Porta ale let It. 3311n 11. Thompson Wee 14 59091 111 the home of James Hoe on Sunday of lasI week, The W. A. M. A. of Trinity church, Ford Melt, will hold their unmet' 0%40 on Wedneetlity, July let, at the reeidene of Wm Govt.'. Springoank creamery Made pment of 60 boxed of butter from Fordwieh station Tuesday moraine. They are Molting over 1000 lbeper day now. Geo. and dirs. Holt, enompanied by their eon Robert, retarriert home after having spent a week visiting 81,0010 50) and around Goderioh, Kinoardine and other towns on tho lake etiore. hire, Alex Johnstoe, h con. Howiolc, gay. the Record 0.0001010 of very large nee. One waned Bei inches and weiehed 4 mimes'While the other mem r. ell SW and weighted 1151 onnore, Arthur Crawford, who clerked in the drug etore here for a acieple of years, has passed his exams., and ie now a full fiedg. ed druggiet. Ark. lin a good situation in one of Gilpin, Field to Go'd drug stores in Toronto. t It. E J. Taman, of Torouto, was visiting with Myth friend& Frank Atelerson 18 oorfined to his father's bonito with the meastee. The regular monthly meeting of Blyth Donnell end court of revision was held in Induetry hall on Tuesday evening. D. Annie R1,13., house &Irene in the longue hospital, is holidaying et the home of her parents in Best Wawsnosh. Min Amy Elder, who is attending the Presbyterian Liiiiee' college, Toronto, is lying ill in that institution with the measles, Rev. W. B. Heeney, travelling seoretery of the St. Andrew's Brotherhood in Oen. aide, preaoherl in Trinity church, Bl)th, on Bandits, evening and bald a tileu'a tneeting afterwarde with a view of form• lug a branch 08 100 brotherhood here. MiV sOof our readers will ren3ember. Dr. Alex. -Meehan, who was immolated with Dr. Perdue for two years, end who is a brother of Mrs. Wrn Oreighton. The Mitchell Recorder contained the follow. ing reference none former oitizeu:-"Dr. Alot. Meehan, V 1:1„ of Paterson, New Jereey, has moved to Mitchell and wilt basin praotiae. on Monday next. At the Thong Lipton sale its Cleveland, Ohio, last week, Dr. Meehan pueolsased the noted atallion, Tennessee Pointer, for $2405 This horse made a record of 2.24} in hie &et race, and ie full brother to the world's champion, Star Pointer, reoord I 69i. Dr. Meehan left Teeuessee Pointer at the farm of U. D. Meet, Wan ifiltnn, Ohio, the home of the famous Hal Dillard, 2 04i, where he will remain daring the seseon. Another praoluiee was the etallou, Jim Kennedy, 2.00, which its at present at Brie, Pennsylvania, but will he raved daring the Fall. Dr. Meehan brought with him a handsome theemyear old filly, bv Hamlin's Dare Devil, whioh sold for 950,000. The filly won tho blue ribbon at the Pan American exposition. Her dam, Catharine Hamlin, is a daughter of Belle Hatnlin, ono of Hamlin's champion poletearn. He also brought over a filly known as Sillier Oup, and a brown colt by Rofero. All the above are standard bred and good individuals." '1,518 PRES 11081'11'AL FOIL OGISSIMPTIVES. An Ilrgent Appeal Nor 0101p. To tho Editor of Tan roam Dna Sta.-I take the liberty of solicit. ing your aid in raising funds for the maintenanoe of the Free Hospital for Oonsomplives. On amount of our need, we find it neoessary to make au urgent appeal to the publio. Permit me to state that the sem of 0150,000 has already been invested lo the two Gravenburet institutions aid prop- erty jnst outside of Toronto on which to erect a home for advatioed or inout able Okleee of 000mnptioo. The mainten- min of the exiatiug intitutione neon /limbo an expenditnre of over 950,000 per annum, and to day there is3 a debt of 973,000, in the form of an overdraft, for which the Bank domande eettlement, and go we need the help of all. Seven years ago ooneumption waao0m- monly believed to be inourable. The Toronto Globe, commenting editorially ou our proposition to erect 9 0011811alptlye santorium, said : "Elle oonsumptive is ender sentence of death." L ems 00051 shown, however, by tho auras effected in the Muskoka Oottege Sanatorium, that a, ing Clompanyes mine, An inquest was great field for useful work bad been oiemea tameeeeeary, emptied, But the demand for inoreaued anommodation, and theory for help from those ‚000 00051 not afford to pay,beoarne so urgent,. that the trueteee decided to open a eeoond home, which was looated within a 0)110 05 the parent institution, Since we first began oar work nearty eight hundred patients have been oared tot ; and the merlin' teoords show that of tbie number a large percentage have been oomph tely oared, and others sent home eo greatly improved that they were able to 'Mem to their reenter work. There le no other hospital (01000011nm tine In Oanada, The demande are, tberefore, Urgent, Our board of trmtees, who had already given freely of their thne and Money, having faith that the people of Meade would come to their relief, and pressed by the urg000y of the needs of the hospital, Matured this debt whioh moot now be provided fur. We have no endowment, not money with which to core tot the large number of patients' who are mow in the hospital mid not able to pay a single mint towarde their rneintertatioe and treatment. In (Janda alone 8,000 die of this !Baena° annnelly, and it has been abeam by experience and results of out work that the greater number oi these could be 80.34 if promptly treated, One hope - the only hope -is in the philanthropy of otir petiole and their knotvledge of our neetle, and WO 099015) 10 you (0 15019 110 to melte then node ao known that all may ALLAN LINE lblverpoot and Londonderry B,oyal flail Steamers VT= Faosr Monntuat Quell/xi Tunleinat May 23 0 a.m. May 20 11 pan Parisian..,.,,,May " Thlay110 " Prelim:tan Auto " Jane 0 " Bityarlan ,, 18 11 13 1t', BA'1•1611 OF PASSAGIO 1051 Orthin-Tunisiau and Tinvarina,$75 end upwarde ; Parisian, $70 and upwards ; Pre. torten, $05 and upWardt. Sud Cabin -Liverpool end Londondeery- TnnItstan And Bavarian, $40 end 814200 Varialan aud Protorian, $37.50. ;Lendon 8150 extra., ard O1ase-$25 and SW -Liverpool, Derry, Bollard, Glaagow, Londe*. Through tickets to South Afriam. Montreal to Glasgow direct. Sicilian May 87, Clorinteden Juno 17-105 Claes, 050,660 auti $75 ; 2tulOabin, 5081 Itrd Class, 328, 55'. 0. 111(100t, Agent, B1300010. GREAT S PECIALS, Oornmeroial travellere know we are always open for bargains if the geode and rine are right, and when they have any snaps to offer we always get the drat °hence to boy. Our trade is rapidly inerening, and we eau beadle lerge lines of goods that, the other fellows would madam to touch. Ws have mat closed a deei for four different travellere' eamplee, which are now ready ter inspection. Two Hite of travellers' samplee of Latin' Fine Whitevvear in Night Dtesects, Skirts, Comet Coverts, Draw, re, Elm. There are erne very high oleos goods in this lot, and nob a variety. Oar apace will not allow us to describe the different garments, suffice its to say 55 10 the finest stook of Whitewear weever 01,30W• ed, and if you get here in time yonoan nye from 26 to 40 per oent. on each puroliate. A menntaaturer's samples and over makes in Wrappers and Blousee, 00 Kink Mercerised Sateen, W rappers and Pennies and Prints. Yon or buy a eood Wrapper, fl'o'Tem, well made'fast soloists good value at 91 25, for 750, and Shioiteuteen or Percale Waists, worth 504 to 750, for 85e. A traveller's samples of Ladies,' and Gents' Rein. proof Coats, in 'reat variety of styles and colors which you 0011 buy at 25 per oent. below regular prioee. Mil lin ery Horne special Noes for the Jona trade, which ‚00 000 Amer - loan Millinery, in untrimmed and ready•to.wear Elate. A treveller'e samples of lateet styles in fine offering at from 25 to 40 per oent. below regular prioes. Wititewear Waterproof Coats ' K /VNON & CO„ Itlar..6.10•MMI.ffiet.e.14.4110¢100113311.04 B L. Y T H. ^-- gagEmEarEMEINSIMEISIEN HAVING PURCHASED THE Brussels Woollen Factory and fully fitted it up with new Looms, Spinning Machines and otber necessary Machinery, we are prepared to pur- chase any quantity of Wool for cash or exchange for goods. We have in stock a large assortment of- -All -wool Blankets, —White and Gray Sbeetings, —Plain Flannels, —Checked Flannels, -Fancy Shirtings, -Ladies' Wool Dress Goods, -Light and Heavy Tweeds, i -Underwear for Men and Boys, 1 -Men's and Boys' Stockings, 1 -Ladies' and Children's " -Boys' Sweaters, -Yarns, all kinds 8,nd colors. :WE WART YOUR PATRONAGE. & J. LOCKRIDGE BRUSSELS WOOLLEN FACTORY. •"' E nizaaammunktggamiga 50 CENTS IN ADVANCE Pays for "THE POS Until Jan. 1, 1904. • waffgagmarmsisasi 1....13nemsesieespip,mai 2 Buggies, 1122110/111•00041 *1*....eivosinaproacesavvecmnbaimmrewe.........., Must be Sold this Season. The Finest line to be seen in any town Carriages 0100000301101.100 in Ontario will be found at -4romm,--- Ewan & Co.'s Warerooms TURNBERRY STREET, BRUSSELS. —We have a full line, dealing with SEVEN of the best Manufac- tories in Canada, besides our own make of rigs. —You can save money by examining our stock before purchasing. —Satisfaction assured. Prices right. EWAN & Co., RRUSSELS.