The Brussels Post, 1903-5-7, Page 8SPRING GOODS FISHING SUPPLIES Bamboo Poles at 6 or 10 Cents, Lines, Hooke, Sinkers, etc. BASE BALLS FOOT BALLS LACROSSE SiTICKS & BALLS All kinds of Hard and Soft Rubber Balls, Druggist & Bookseller, Brussels. DRANO TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION H. O. & R. Crain leave Brussels Station, North and South, as foliowo: GOING BOOTH GOING NORTH, Mae 7;18 am I Mixed 10:00 a.m Mixed.....,...10•On a.mI Mail 1:17 p.m Espres8 8:1.5 p.m Express ...... 8:17 p.m Dag PinstE111. A ohiel'e amang ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll plant it. MAY. BEAUTIFUL weather. SCHOOL Board Friday evening of this week. Heave freight traffic on the G. T. 11. these weeks. EAST HURON License Board will meet hare next Tuesday. Meant your oieaoing up by the 16th and Le ready for the IuBpector'e vieib. A iMirs heading factory started work last week. They leave quite a nine stock. TENDERS for gravelling the streets will be received at next meeting of the Village Council. THE POST added another quire of paper to its cirou ation last week. We aim to give the news. Tins has been a backward season for bees, come of them not yet out of their Winter quarters. HORSE TRAINER ANDERSON is busy on Brussels half mile traok with a string of speedy young horses. A NEW well is being drilled at Jao. Oober'a residence, Queen street. Geo. Edwards has the contract. WALTER IxilITE's residence, Albert street, has had a new shingle root pot on it and internal repairs made rendered necessary owing to the recent fire. JNo. E000= has sold his rough oast hone and acre lot, on Thomae street, to Wm. Holmes, who recently moved into Brussels from Gray township. Loam. -On the 12th con. of Grey, a aide curtain for a baggy top. Will finder lseve at Cranbrcok Poet Office or THE Pose, Brussels, and maoh oblige the loser. 300N DONALDSON has disposed of the stable on hie lot, corner Albert and Wil - Baal streets, to Thos. Newsome who has taken it down and will rebuild it on Ws property on John etreet. A 20022880 of Bruseelites attended Kidd Bros.' horse sale at Lietowel on Taesday. Philip Ameut purohaeed a well bred abate of the lima but only one goal was brood mare ; Harry James a likely road• eoored for all, Lietowel worked hard to ster ; J. L. Walker a heavy team, and Wm, Bird another. Good prices were force the epbere between the flags of their opponents but referee Bamford's whistle blew the announcement of time being np before the desired object wee attained. The other juniors will require to keep a sharp look out on the Lietowel lade dun• ins the season however. The winning of Monday's matob gives the home team 8 nioe start towards winning this district, the soon now standing :- BARRISTER Bxiiii attended Division Oonrt at Blyth on Tbureday of this week. Hann BREWER Bold his driving horse and purohaeed a pony from a Beneall party. G in bracelet lost. The owner will be greatly obliged if the finder will leave it at Tam Poem. The new tar and gravel roof was pot on R. Leatherdsle'e block this week by Wet. son Ainlay. IT is said Joo. Beattie may go to Wiarton to join hie brother Sam. in hie hotel business there. SOME men are made by cireen:Menoee. They ate always in danger of beiog un. made when the oiroameta0oee leave them. ASSESSOR 000SLEY has completed his rounds for 1903. The Court of Revieion will be held on Monday evening, June god, at 8 o'olook. Im is rumored that another dental pastor may be opened in Brunie, by Dentist 3elOme, who recently disposed of hie practice in Blyth. Aar. BARxER is shipping abont 800 tone of baled hay to New York. This week 6 oars go from Brunets, 4 from Ethel and 1 from Blaevale. THE Other Carriage Factory ilea been rushing out the baggies thie Beane at a lively rate and have another new lot in p000088 of oonetrnotioo. A TRevELLING oign writer paid the tow0 a visit on Wednesday,. and deoorat ed several store and office windows. He was an adept at the baeinees. REPORT says tbat R. Williams Is bar- gaining for the Lott & Sturdy livery at Wingbam. "Dick" will hardly bo eatie• fied unless be has a string of horses to care for. TEE Onuooil is asking for tenders for a wire suspent•ion bridge to be built over the Maitland near the flax mill. They a.k a guarantee from the enccesefal tenderer as to the serviceable dander of the structure. IT is eaid that Dr. and Mre. Graham, of Clinton, will store their household effects in the doctor's block in Brussels while they take their trip to the Pacific coast. We hope Dr, Graham's health will be invigorated by the well earned vacation and on hie return that he will oonolude to make his home permanently here, JUNIOR P0`.T BALL. -L18001401 JonioT Football team came to Brussels last Mon. day evening and on Victoria Park engaged in a league matob with the !coal Juniata for the honors of tlti8 district. It was a oloee sod well conteeted game throughout with little advantage to either, The ball hovered round the viaitor,e goal a good paid. GEORGE BEST was sowing rape and grass Beed wiib is drill last Saturday afternoon on bis farm when he received an ugly bang in the eye from one of the levers. It was a olose call to serious injury to the optic but Geo. did not holiday over the accident. DEFAOLTEn. - Wingbam Intermediate Foot Ball team was to have played a match here with Brussels on Friday evening of this week, in the series arrang. ed for thie di,triot. Bills were issued and all arrangemente made bat on Thurs. day morning Secretary Beaker received word from tbem that they were not oomiug. Theca deoieione should be arrived at earlier. THE style of hair worn is an important factor to pro tuoe a younger and relined fade and a well shaped head to any Lady or Gentleman. Prof. Dorenwend, who will be at Brussels, oaa demonstrate this to anyone calling on him se his Show Rooms. He has Ladieo' and Gents' Wigs, Toupees, Bangs, Wavy and Plain Fronto, Switches in every length and shade, that he will gladly adjust on any Lady's head free of charge to prove tbie. Don't fail to see him, at Brunets, American Hotel, Weduesday, May 20. BAND UNIFonue.-Ab a meeting of the Band Oommittee, held reoently, it was decided to procure 80010 suitable uniform for its members. For the purpose of raiebog the necessary funds the Band intend during the eveiling', of the next two weeks to call upon the aitizene at their homes when a few eeleat1008 will be rendered and tbereby affording them an opportunity of assisting the manage. ment in making op the required amount. The Committee ainoerery hope and ex. peat that those who have the interest of ebie moat worthy objoot at bearb will cheerfully respond, OBITUARY, -Nanny Scott Grieve, relict of the late John Grieve, of lfloKillop, and grand aunt to Mrs, (Rev.) Conn, of Brussels, died at the re8iden00 of her daughter, Moe. Rebore Soott, Seefortb, en Saturday last, in her 05th year, Mre. Grieve was one of the early settlers in Rulon, having oome from Scotland in 1834. She had a large circle of retativee by all of wbom she Wae greatly beloved. From childhood she' wee a Oonaietent member of the'Peeebyterian church. In her last illness she was oheerfal and happy, never uttering one murmur or complaint, Bee death wag calm and triumphant, An appropriate funeral service Wag oondnotsd by bel pastor, Rev. Mr, Larkin, on Monday afternoon. The rrmttine welts interred in Harpnrhey cemetery. ft+v. and Mrs. Ooeene and eon attended the funeral. T 11RU13Si!)Lti 1'OST THE Meiropolitan BANK CAPITA L- Paid ftp $1,000,000 RESER VI; - $1,000,000 1►ireetOIN A. E. AMES, • - rnlet1DENT BEV. It, 11, KARDRN, 11, n., YIOE•IEt003DENT C. 8, MASSEY, B. J. 01000E Trite. 032ADenAW • General Banking business transacted. Farmer's Notes Discounted. Sale Notes bought or held for Oollectiou. and interest at � hevhighes Bank iota allowf ed f1.00 rom date of deposit to date of withdrawal, on the daily balance. t. -Parties holding important papers, notee, &o., may deposit them lu our bank vault for safe keeping -free of ohargo, 1'ruutpt and Careful. Attention. Coed 'I crime. G. F. BLAIR, Solioltor. A, E. MELLISH, Manager, BRUSSELS. AN At Home, under the anvpicee of Brussels Iodepondeut Order cf Foresters, ie on the program. A GERANIUM leaf from Mise Kelly's green house left at THE Poem measured 5s8j;'inchee. A great growth for this seneo0 of the year. BRv8eEL9 will supply the bride for a wedding, the date of whiab is said to be May 20. The groom hails from Lietowel bat we won't mention names. PIANO AND ORGAN TONING, -R. S. Shaw, tuner for 1181111zm0u & Co,, will be here next week from Toronto. Orders for toning or repairing may be left with R, Leatherdale and J Walker. LAST Saturday Harold, the little son of N. F. Gerry, was under the care of the doctor. He bad been indulging in some candies and it ie supposed the coloring or something else in oonneotion was of a poisonous oharaoter. He is all, right now, A meeting of the Fall Fair Directors was held is the Gounoil Member last Saturday afternoon. President Ferguson iu the obair. It waft deoided, after oon siderable discussion, not to ask for expert judges for the Fair. The prize list was revised and enlarging and several Com• mitten appointed to arrange for nttrao Moos, &o. Prizee will be given for beet plate of both mangolde and turnips. CARD of THANES. -To the offioere ',pd members of Court Maitland, No. 606, I. 0. F , I acknowledge, with thanks, the receipt of obeque from your Court for the amount of $2,000, being ineuranoe of that amount beld by my late hoaband in yoor Court. May your Order ever pros. per and long continue its good work is the earnest wish of your sincere friend, MRs. PLETCHER. Brunets, May 6111, 1803. REEVE WILTON and Oouooillor Thom. son interviewed Train Master Carroll on Tbureday afternoon of last week relative to a sidewalk from the depot to Tarn - berry street. He promieed to have a good gravel walk put dowu with the prob- abilities of a Dement oovering some day for which no definite date wee designated. The position of affairs could not be much worse than they are flow as any one going that street praotioally has to ditch it e11 the way unless they run the risk of being run over by taking the narrow roadway, We hope to ase a granolithia walk pot down to tally with the permen. ent improvements made by the towns• people in whioh the G. T. R. and its patrons are large sharers. LEG BROIrEN,-The Lietowel Standard of last week say's of a former Bruseelite -The Lietowel junior football team went to Milverton on Wednesday to play n match with the juniors of that pleas. A. hotly aonteeted game, in which neither aide had eoored, was almost finished when an unfortunate acoident oocarred whiab put an immediate end to the game. In to rush for the ball, Charlie Zilliex, one of the Lietowel players, and son of Ohrie. Zilliax of the Queen's, received a kink on the leg which broke the bone between the knee and ankle. It was purely en ani. dent, the kick being intended for the ball. Sergioal aeeietanoe was enured and the fraotnred limb attended to. Charlie 1008 brought borne Tbureday by train, and is doing as well as eau be looked for. His oompaniona and friends very cinch regret the aooident. Business Locals. Braesele..Won 2 lost 0 to play 2 Listowel.. " 0 " 1 " 3 Wingbam.. " 0 " 1 3 I0 Monday's game teams lined np as fol. lows : BanserM8 Goal LI8TOW Ceabel Ainley Bishop Brlokor Wtt Baoke M. Good f Gunther McLeod Gnnthng Backer dBacks �.,. E,Osbarne Backer 111 Osborne Roche Z Scott Rigge Eaymroft Forwards ... Willoughby S. Good .., .,..,.,, .,. E, Booking Miller,...... Bamford N. Bamford -Referee, The next game in the eeriee will be played on Monday between Lietowel and Wingbam in the former town, RIFLE ASSOCIATION LEAGUE MATOHEe.- At the meeting of the Brueeele Rifle Aeeooiation, of whiab mention was made in 001 let issue, bald at the offioe of W. M. Sinclair, the Captain, of the local or. ganization, on Friday evening, it was decided to plane a team of ten men in the league competition and that these ten should be selected from those who obtain. ed the highest 0aor08 at the last annual praotioe. There will be four matobes in the present competition, to be held upon the looai ranges and under the supervision of the local officers, the abooting to take plane on May 30 and Jane 6, 20 and 27, the distances to be 800, 600, 600 yde. The reealt of the Team and individual Score es well, will then be forwarded to the Secretary of the League when prime and obempionabipbadges, will be awarded to the enooesefnl team and First and Seoond olaee marksmen's oertifioatee be allotted to the individual members who are such easeful in obtaining reattain percentage of mane in the four competitions,. These obrtifl00tee are gotten np suitable for framing, are leaned by the authority of the Department of Militia and Defence and are signed by the Minister of Militia and the Major General commanding Hie Msjest'e foroee in Canada, 'I'be entry fee is 910 00 for the first team selected from any rifle association and 95 00 for any additional teams from the aeon or. ginization. A free issue of ammunition, fot the fear matoh0e, will be furninhed upon the forwarding of the Menai requl01. tion by the lionotable the Miniater of Militia and Defence. FEED corn, clean and dry, for sale at Roes' mill, Brunets. GOOD working horse for Bale. Apply to R. BeennaBON, Brussels. ALL kinds of garden eeede iu paokagee, 2 for 6o, at Joe. BALLANTYNE'e. Joel received, a oboioe lot of plover and timothy end, ' Ana. Menem. WANTED at once, a good smart boy to learn hardware and tinemithing trade, not less than 17 yeare o 6, and willing to work. . Apply 10 WILTON & TURNBULL, Brueeele. WANTED -Car load Potatoes, 052 per bullet for good stook, GEO. E. KING, Wingbam, SQOARE piano, Haines, for sale, in good condition. Apply to Mrs. J. A. Oreigh too. Barents for Fleury plows may be found at Dark's livery berm Sawa filed and put in good shape. Hewn WrLLIAMO. GIANT Intermediate Yellow and Giant Sawlog Mangels, beat varieties of Swedes, eeede end fresh Garden seeds in bulk et MoOraoken's, FLEURY Peows.-Farmers wishing to buy the best plow mode should call on John Long, agent. I will also keep pointe at Alf. Baeker'e office. CAR of cement from the National Portland Cement 0o., Durham, reoelved, $2 75 per barrel ; Speoial prioe in oar lots. 6.101. McKee & Go., Brussels, 40-4 Axe one needing lawn mowers and seinen sharpened and made to work easy can have same done at T. MoGreg- or's saw nod tool shop. All Gret.olaee work done here on Mill street, Brussels. Standard Bank of Canada mrerTAzS,9xa. ✓xo 10'712 ASSETS -OVER THIRTEEN MILLION DOLLARS Deposits Of one dollar and upwards received and tenant allow• ed in Savinge Bank at biggest rate from date of depoebt to withdrawal. Int er est PAID ON 1'810 Daily Balance Loa Made, Notes Cashed, and every a000mm0da- tion afforded the res• poneibis borrower. TAlUIERS' SALE NOTES Cashed, Collected ; 0r may be left for sate keeping only for which uo charge is mado. This Bank offers Unsurpassed Facilities and Lowest Rates for the Transaction of every form of Banking Business. ►Every convenience afforded auebomero living at a dietanoe. BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H. GRAY, AGENT. Mioe.Minnie MoOall left last Saturday mea :7ssehr-s ,8. 10 MT=• for a three months' visit with her brother at Luoknow. Master Elmer MoCell, who Pall Wheat has been visiting hie grandparents here Barley ,for some time, returned with Miee Ma. I?ean Call, Oats Mundy McLennan, of London, the well Butter, tnhe and rnlle .. known drug traveller, was in town cermet. 'Eggs par dozen ly. He bad been off duty for some weeks owing to Illness s0 his appearance among hie old time friends here was an 000051011 Mae. 1 of many congratulations,et 80 o or 40 potnde but as he wee still ab a to tilt the vales at 200, no ono wee abed. ding tinny tears at hie "fading to a shadow." People We Snow. Mre. Robert Fox was renewing old ao quaintauoes at Wroxeter last tveelc. Miee Maggie Soon, of London, is visit. 10g friends in Brunets and locality. Mise Maggie McNaughton returned to Kincardine Monday after a week's visit home. Edna Cooper, one of the twins, baa been oil the sink list but in getting better again. R H. Edmunds, of the Bank of Com- merce, Toronto, was vieitiog Rev. Mr. Webb this week, S. B. MaKelvie, of Wroxeter, has taken a position in Brussels woollen factory. Be is a good mechanic. W. J. Cameron has resumed his poet in Dr. Feild's dental office here, the Oo'lege baviug closed for the term. Wm. MoOull has been bothered f r some time with a sore band which is still an anooyanoe to bine. The danger of blood poisoning is apparent. lYire. Andrew Currie has been laid up daring the pain week with an attack of sotatioa. .We wiab her a epeedy release from this very painful ailment. Mre. Joe. Deubow baa been eerionely ill thie week with bronobitie at the home of her daughter, Mre. S. Carter, M01 etreet. We hope she will soon be better, Mrs. R. K. Roca was called to Lietowel last week owing to the itloeee of her mother, Mre, ()drilla. The old lady it reported somewhat better, we are pleased to hear. James Oliver, an old time reeideot of Brunets, was an ill during the pest week from a severe atteolt of bron- chitie. He is considerably improved DOW We are pleoeed to state, Henry Mooney bas had a very Bore hand owing to a species of blood poison- ing occasioned by a deep out inflicted while working at the Salt Werke. With hie obaraeterietic persistence he would not cease work, though somewhat Nandi. napped at times. F. 3. and Mrs. Soheak, of Toronto, are 01010015 with Mrs, John Wynn. They will sojourn here for a month or more and then po to Muskoka to their cottage for the Summer months. They expect to take Mrs. Wynn (Mre. Saheak'e moth: r) along for a holiday. Geo. Watt hoe severed bie connection with the Polson Iron Works, Toronto, to accept a responsible poeibion with a lunge cement company in Michigan. The works are located at Jaokson. It is understood that epeolai inducements were offered Mr. Watt as the company was anxioue to secure his servioee. Several graduates of Cornell University and a great number of others were applioante for the position but the offer was made to Mr. Watt unsolicited, The eatery is a good ono and he is promised t eubstan• tial increase, Our 000gretulotione are extended, e 0F01 DOREd1D OF TORONTO THE OUS rardad kIE GOO ARTIST FAM IS COMING! HE WILL 13E AT AMERICAN HOTEL BRUSSELS WEDNESDAY, MAY 20 18510201ST _ GAtirnELL,-In Brussels, on May 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Angus Campbell, a dangh• ter. It died the came day. DENnow -In Bravais, on May 4, to Mr. and Mis, Bobt. Denbow, a eon. SFEIn.-In Morrie, on April 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Speir, a eon. Wear. -Ab the Manse, Blaevale, on April 30th, to the Rev. W. 3, and Mre. West, a son. MA1222,X =• BIT0117E-GRAM01.-At the residence of the bride's pantile, Orenbrook, on May 6, by Rev, D. 13, MoRae, Mr Joo. Ritchie, hardware merchant, Ethel, to Mies Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mre. V. Gramm, of Cow. brook. Flour per owt. Potatoes (per bus.) Apples (per bag) Hoy per ton Sail ear 10b1., retail Hoge, Live Wool 11 Hides trimmed 8 Hideo tough 6 Sheep shine, each ...... 26 Lamb shine each 25 67 30 01 27 14 11 4 00 00 40 6 00 1 00 6 00 68 81 61 28 15 12 6 00 60 50 7 00 70 6 25 12 66 26 60 ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Cow for nate, will calve in middle of May. Enquire at THE POST. COMFORTABLE hone for sale or to root, Mill Street, West, Apply to 8800 JOHN BROADPOOT. WHITE Rook eggs, $100 per setting of 10. Pullets luv30, 0. Do� 4A AIAN, Btueeel5, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. O UMFORTABLE HOUSE AND =17.7.122_ good lot for sale on Queen street, Duoxoo.-In Winnipeg, on April 26th, Brosaels For further particMARY CAMPBELL, Brussels Fele applylytit0 Annie Lamont, beloved wife of W.A. Deafer, of Winnipeg, and daughter of Malcolm and Mrs Lemont, of Grey, aged 31 years. MODONALD -In Kerrie, on May 6, Neil McDonald, aged 36 years. With every kind and etyle of LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S WIGS, TOUPEES, BANGS, WAVY AND PLAIN FRONTS,' SWITCHES of all long hair in every length and shade. His ART WEYLBS are known and worn by all claeeee everywhere. Bo ears to visit hie Show Rooms at the Hotel and see bis new deeigne, • Be will, free of charge, demonstrate by fittingyou what ie tlte most suitable and becoming to you. Their use aide BEALTB, COMFORT and YOUNGER APPEARANCE, GENTLEMAN WHO ARE BALD should invest. ligate and nee his FEATHER WHIG BT. TOUPEES AND WIGS worn on over 65,000 beado. Please Remember Day and Date Brunel; American Hotel, Wonesday, May 20 YEARLING SHORT HORN BULL Port BALE. -Eligible for reaqle- tration. For price, terms and other nettle., Mars apply to ANDREW HISLOP, Lot 2, Con. 14, Grey, Brussels P. O. 42 4 MAY 7, 1903 BLUEST FOR SPFAfl AT NE Drug Store. yOUNG SHORT HORN BULL for sale. Eligiole for registration. Pm pries, tering and I other partioulare, ap- ply lo J. D, MaNAIR, Lot 22, Con. 10, Grey, or ornubrook P. 0, 20.11 3 THOBO' BREI) -SHORT HORN Bulls for sale. One is lyear old and the other two younger, Also several regist- ered Oowe and Heifers. Apply to JAMES BPEIB, Lot 90, Coh. 0, Morrie Twp., or 11 rue - sole Y. 0. 22.11 TZIOUR STRAIGIIT SOOTOH Short Horn Bulls, from imported stock, for sale. Also Rowe and heifers, lin- Irported and home bred. 72 bond to 'select om, D. MILNE & 80N, Maitland flank Stook Farm, 8tbel Out, :10.tf Painting, Paper Hanging, &c. The undersigned 10 prOps red to attend to all eiders for Paper Hanging, Raleomlaiog, Glazing and Painting In a workmanlike manlier and at reasonable rates. Carpen- tering also attended . to NI0H0LLB, 41-8m John street, Brussels. NOTICE! Tenders will be received by the Township of Maiillop for what 1e known aft tins 1301- tou Drain on the 14111 Concession of MoTiit- 1op and part of Grey Township. Plane and specifications may be seen at the (/lark's residence, DORY Winthrop, and tenders will be opened at Leadbury on Saturday, May 90th, at 1 o'olook p, In. Work to estimated at S1a88,00 The aunt of 823,00 willbe esktd until bonds are stoned.. JNO. O. MORRI80N, Clerk, 1 BY MAY 10th o z unds of Eggs utterzr ♦ e We have a contract for this amount of Produce to fill by NIay loth. In order to secure this quantity we purpose giving a Special Sale of Dry Goods, Ready- to-wear Clothing, Boots, Shoes and Gents' Furnishings. Stupendous Bargains will be offered in every department. A. word to the wise is sufficient. Look over this list of prides, these are only a few of the many good things we are offering. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. Linens, Towelings and Shirtings -54 inch Table Linen, Pure Line, regular 35o, Speoial price -60 inch Table Linen, Blenched all Linen, regular 600, Speoial prioe -64 inch Table Linen, Bleaobed all Linen, Satin finish, regular 90o, Special prioe -Letta heavy Linen Toweling,, tee. 10o, Special., -Heavy Toweling, regular 7o, Speeiel prioe.,,..... --Fine Glace Toweling, Linen, leu 7o, Speoial prioe -Extra heavy Shirting, regular 12,io, Speoial prioe Standard Shirting, reg. 140, Special prioe usl ns and Drapings A BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT. --Art 'Muslin, regular 80, Speoial prior, per yard,. -Alb Mdaline, dainty patterns, regular prioe 10o, Speoial price -Extra wide fanny draping, rag, 12i„ Speoial price, '-Oreton; very pretty'deeigno, teg. 8o, Speoial prioe -Oreton, very pretty designs, reg. 10o, Speoial prioe -Full range of Laoo Curtains at Import Mine. Boots and Shoes This department is making new ouotomere every day. No use paying old time prices when you eon cave money here. -Men's fine Bi. Bale., regular 91 60, Spacial pride..$ 1 26 - Men's fine Dongola Eale•, reg. 92 00, Speoial price 1 60 28 -Men's fico Bt. Bale,, regular 92 26, Speoial pride.. 1 00 -Women's fine Dcngola Bale„ reg. $1.76, " .. 1 86 47 -Women's fine Dongola Bale,,'reg. 92 26, " . 1 76 - Women's Glove Grain Bala., Woe everyday oboe, 60 regular 91 26, Speoial prioe 1 00 - Boys', Minn' and Ohildren's solid leather Shoes at eanle rednotione. 5 ,11 �Y /^V DRESS GOODS 11 5 10 11 -Pore Wool Eoglieh Coating Serge, 46 inohes wide, regular priae75o, Speoial prioe, per. yd 47 - Pare Wool Coating Serge, 44 inch, 00ld everywhere at 60o per yard, Speoial pries 26 - Light Weight Tweed Drees Goods, tegnlar 500 pet yard, Speoial prioe ' 37h 5 READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHING 8 Space will not permit as to give quobetione. We ask. 10 you to come and no for yourselves if we do not offer you better values than yeti earl get eloewhere, do not purchase. 8 In Men's, 13oyel and Children's Readyto•wear, perfeot fitting Clotbing we load the trade, Hosiery, Gloves and Corsets in great variety at Money Saving Prices Matched GARFIELD BLOCK, BRUSSELS,