The Brussels Post, 1903-5-7, Page 4(tin Nrus5tis 'post, THURSDAY, a1L4i' 7, 1908. EAST HURON LIBER.1LS, THE aunoal meeting of the Liberal Aesooiatiou for the Ban hiding of Huron (Dominion Red Provincial) will be held on Tuesday, May 261b, in the Town Hall, Brunie, oommenoing at 1 30 o'olook. In addition to eleotion of oinaers and receiving reports, addresses ore ex. panted from Dc. Moudoneld, 1J, P., Deputy bpeaker of the Qommone, Arob. ilielop, 1rI. P. P„ and others, A Large turn out is asked for, G. F. Blair is the President. THERE wee quite a company of mets left-Tarento last week who "looked down iu the mouth," with favorable prospeots before them too. They were the gradaat. Mg class of dentists, Ir a new sewer ie. to be put down on Turnberry atreet, South of Flora and Market etreeta, the Cuunoil should put in water piping and hydrants and thereby extend the local system of waterworks as far as the sewer rune. It is a much cheaper and more permanent plan for fire fightingthan the use of hose and no taxpayer should find fault with this olaee of improvements, eepedially when done in a way that will considerably retinae: the expense by the utilization of the open sewer for the laying of the pipes, MEG EDWARD has been very hospitably entertained an his trip among the neighboring rulers. He ie adopting a sensible course in fraternizing with other potentates and familiarizing himself with the verities phases of public life ae evidenced in other countries. The lordly touch me not lite of even royalty is dying not and a more praotioal, strenuous ono tekiu8 its p'ace. President Roosevelt, of the U. S., is a speaking piotnre of this latter role and rather upsets some of the dreamy "I'm the king of the castle" ideas of men whose ambition is greater along the line of euttiug a swell than anytbiug else. INTEREST hoe waned considerably in the Gamey—Stratton case owing to the want of oorroborative evidence an the part of the accuser. The iuveetigation is coating thoasande of dollars but should be followed out to the end so ae to enable the Judges to present a finding that will be of some value. Is should be a warn• ing to politioiana on both sides of the house that dirty politioane are at a dis- count and that it ie Righteousness that exaltelh a Netioo. A week may elapse before the report of the Commission will beready for presentation. There has been marked ability shown by the noun• eel on both aides of the case and we hope their aoamen will enable them to fasten on the right shoulders the providing of the cash said to have been received by Mr. Gamey. LAST week the Doukbobore of the North Saskatchewan, N. W. T., were arranging for another trek and had gone through the preliminary stages, lead by a "loon" from a neighbsring settlement, hut the authorities stepped in and the Mounted Polios put a full stop to the crusade being mapped out. Those who had divested themselves of their clothing, so as not to be handicapped on the march, were compelled to don their apparrel and settle down to work. There may be hope of Oanadianiziog the yoong,,Doake. but some of the older laddybuoke will re• quire a good many lessons before they make the class of citizens calculated to build um a great country. If they are half as anxious to find the Great Master as they say, the likelihood is their objeot would sooner be accomplished by cheer. vauae of the law, following industrial pursuits, and bleeeing the community by helpful rather than, hindering ottitndee. Rownorsnr and profanity must not he permitted on the streets of Braeeele and the best way bo stop t ie for the aelhori- tiee to make an example of the offenders; Lawleseneee ie a plant, or weed, of rapid growth and requires early cutting down to prevent it spreading. A week day exhibition of disorderly 000dmab is bad enough but when, it comes to the open profanation of the Sabbath it becomes even a more serious matter. There are certain unalienable rights that every citizen tide a olaim to enjoy but they are not supposed to be insulted or their righte interfered with either on the Oren .or off it, The street is not nubile property in the sense that people con do what they please, Thie privilege ie only their's so lag ae- they lteep within the.bounde -of the law, Brunetti bag not had mnoh reason to complain of dieorderly °enduot nor should we be asked to submit to it in Ihle enlightened day. ' TUE Ooanoil ahouid pain a Bylaw pro- hibiting the very nasty and offensive habit of spitting an the granolithia side. vodka. In front of eome;'of the stores where young man congregateSunday afternoon, or,aveninge the eoene of their loitering ie•olearly defined by the defus- ing of the walk's, often neoessluat'ing dam fel washing an the morning hollowing'by the persona Wil 'sorra are Ideated near by in the attetupt to 0(10000 the. andcsin !At tibia teams of want of thought on the part of toba000 mere, Other towns have passed snob legislation and by the inOlo• tion of a good penalty, if the praotioe is 001 clopped, educate the oereleee as to the bouude over wbioh if people step they must abide by the oonaeg00uoee. We dare say "Didn't think" ie the excess that would he pleaded but if those who are leaders lo this nnieanoe were march• ed to the spat and made remove the evidenoee of their oareieeenees they would be in a position t0 nee that those who have tbia disagreeable task to pectoral might have good reason to oomplain. The oh aulineee and tidluene of the atria; ehou'd be a matter of thrown to every- body verybody and those who are not offenders in the f.rgebtiug of this should use their in tlueuoe to prevent othere from making themselves a nuisance. If loitering 00 the street were put a atop to the abate• meat of the matter complained of would soon cease. The praotioe of the Golden Rule would be a good thing for toba000 expeotaratora on the sidewalk. A Boy's Reformation. "Ws hare a bay of twelve in the jail here, couvieted of atealing, what would yen advise 9" was the message reoeived by wire from one of our county judges, The Reimer sect book was "Delay Mien and write partioulara." The par. tiealare Dame in due time, and from a police standpoint they were serious enough to warrant a long term in the Reformatory. The judge however had been studying modern methods in child saving work, and readily consented i thela aril osb of d to trauefer the a a tt p Neglected htid• tSuperintendentof Q to he neo, there being na Children's Aid Society orgauized iu the diorite). The boy came to the eiby under the close serveill0n0i of the local constable and was duly hand ed over. "Well," he was Baked, "where do you think you are going now 9" "The Reformatory", be replied without a smile, that being the only puniehmaot he could conceive of. He was soon ellight- ened, and he appreciated the idea the more be aompreheuded It. The past to be completely forgotten ; for the future, a nets life—to be trusted, renpeoted, aided and enoonreged in all ;bat was worthy and commendable. After a month's trial free from any nunsual re- straint he seemed willing and anxious to do right, and a farm home was secured for him far removed.from hie former en- vironment. One day he forgot hie good resolutions, and took some money be• longing bo his employer's eon and bought cigarettes and toba000. The young man ROOD discovered hie lose and treated the culprit to a downright good thrashing. The incident was undoubtedly dieoonrag• ing but there has been no more stealing reported, and in other direotione steady progree• has been made. The likelihood ie that this rational treatment and obange of scene will prove effective. The boy in stead of being an expense to the oommun• ity, with reform uncertain, is living amid normal surroundings, and is an indus- trial unit in a country where the crying need is for manual labor, and useful, self reliant oitisenehip. The same policy has been successfully tried with twenty other lade during the past year in order to demonstrate the poasibilitiee of this elan of work, and it is safe to say that hundreds could be dealt with in a eimiler manner, The so called bad boy is necally the resin of biou000ngenialsarroacdinge and tlneympatbetio relatives and what he needs is not confinement in an institution, but a complete change of scene and free ecope for his activities. With a little more co operation between magistrates and the Obildren's Aid Society many snob lads might be successfully handled under the foater•home plan. -3. J. Kelso, Toronto. Tide is but a sample of what might be none in almost every town or township in Ontario, and it ie part of the work the Children's Aid Society of Huron will be glad to twain in, where casae are brought to their notice. The offioere of the Soni• V in Goderiah invite correspondence and 00 operation from frieude of children in every part of this minty, Address James Mitchell, president, or Mrs. James Clark, aecretory, School Reports Felt TRU PIONTlll OF APRIL. E.. 9. N0. 9, OREY, So, IV.—L. Bray, N. MoNaugbt, H. MoNaught. Ir, IV. G. Mann, H. Mo. Kay, M. Mann, Sr. III•—J, Easton, W. McNaught, W. Mann. Jr, SIL—A. Mann, 0. Browne0. Schnook, sr, IL— M, Cummings, W. Hislop, R. (Cummings. Jr. IL—A. Speiran, G. Hodge. P. Har• risen. Sr, Pt. IL -0. Sobuook, B, Mann, J. Mann. Jr. Pt. IL—B. Snelling, L Speiran, B. MoNaugbt. Sr. Pt. I.—B. Smith, R, McKay. Jr. Pt, L—R. Snell- ing, 0, Snelling, H, Livingstone. Mose H, CAMERON, Teacher. e. e. N0. 1, ORE}. Sr. IV -3. Rands 75 ; W. Stevenson 71 ; M..Hoggard 65. Jr. IV—L. Blake 72 ; S. Armetrong 69 ; H. Rout! 65 ; L. Grant 62 ; G. Hoover 58. Sr. III—J. Dickson 96 ; J. Armstrong 80. Jr. III— L. Hoover 96 ; A. Grant 96 ; M. Steven son 94 ; F. Al000k 92 ; 0. Armstrong 92 ; M. Duncanson 82 ; J. Dtokeon 72. Seo and Olaae—L, Switzer 98 ; J. MoOallem 98 ; W. Hoover 98 ; B. Carter 96 ;13. Hoover 94 ; J. Garter 86 ; T. Dickson 84. First Claes—Arohie Engel, J. Rends, 3, Al000k, J. Stevenson ; E. Stine, W. Hollinger, Jessie Altook, W. Grant, Mtn ANNa0Jirum, Timber. e, 5. N0. 10, GM: Sr. IV—Oseil Charts 64 ; Celia Rath. well 62, Olara Rothwell 00' Linos Taylor 50 ; Sophia Sperling 45. Jr. IV— James Coutts 55 ; Roy Oxtoby 50 ; May O,xtoby 40 ; Sr. III—Louie Eaglet 65; Chester Baker 61 ; `Grace Speiran 60 ; Irene Fogel' 49 ; Beth Engler 48 ; Mary Taylor 48 ; Andrew bonll 40. Jr. III— F,orenoe Whitfield 80 ; Eva Bothwell 74 ; Jaseie Campbell 68 ; Mamie Denman 66 ; Stanley 1'ubobineoti67 ; Charlie Buttery 59 Willie 8peiran,58; 1Nelvyn'Oxtoby 56 1 John Hol'eotieok 48, Jr. II-- Abna l3peiran 74 ; Hada Denman 78 ; Peat! Oxtgby 66 1 Myrtle Sporran 02 ;' P0r13' Ward 57 ; Vtiilirhl. Whitfield' !6) Ja ;nee Dine 60; 13as;nolntS 6itliold49; itltist;ie Ward 46,, llert Arnont 82 P}, 1I Geo,, surto61; talc Sp6i1ian rid"; =ireno Eaglet. TRH BRU88II;l.41y i;'!iST 53 ; Lily Evans 50 ; Delia Whitfield 40. Sr, Pt, I—Marguerite Hutchinson, John Hyde, Alex. Hyde, Willie Ward, Reuel Matta, (Vary Maeban, Minnie Hanna, Freddie Cox. Jr. Pt I - Hartwell tlpeir en, Leo,'i eylnr, Millie Ons. Christie lleg'er, Wesley Brutality M., (Jerrie Ward, Mitt n Oxtoby, S. B. LAAI..N'r, T'caoher. ETI1EL, Sealer Dept —5t11 alma.—Examined in Arith., Wog, and (Imp.; 1n,e1 400 D. Davies 332, E. Henault( 289, L. Situp. enn 213, M. 9leAllieter 211, 13. Mason 191. Sr. 4th oiaee,—Examined in Atitb , Grog. and Comp.; total 410 ;--M, El- liott 295, G G14 283, Li. Melese 265, 0. Raynard 230, G. Wanner 166, W. Bede ley 78. Promo ion to Jr. 4th close,— Standing determined by promotion ex amination ; total 810 :-61. Slrmmnn 012, L. Obambers 61.2, N Simpson 592, II. Willies 578.61 Ino'ay 570, E. Free man 589, B. Eukmier 620, L. Eakmler 522, I, Hogarth 508, H. Coates 481, T. 8toAlliiler 475, M, ilio&llum 456 Pro motion to Sr, 3rd class ; total 765 :—K. McLeod 894, E Moaee 324, E. Eokmier 574, D Wanner 867, J. MoArthy 800, G. McKee 346, S. Neintoel, 285. Promotion to Jr. Std oiaee ; total 610 :—P, Imlay 442, P. Bremner 424, E. Dunbar 884, 13. Bateman 380, J. McAllom 359, W. Peer son 366, N. McAllister 351, N MoAllieter 851, G. McAllister 340, W. Barr 844, L. Cooper 325. GED. Donsoo. Teaoher. Jon. Dept.—Sr, and olaea.—L. Straoh an, L. McLeod, R. Fraser, A. Cooper, R Love, R Eokmier, 0. Haneald, J. Pear sun, 0. Davidson, H. Eokmier. jun. god does.—R, 0111, I. Heath, 0. Dane, E. '1'nowpooue R. Wilbeo, A, Molise, L. Henry, A. Fletcher, G. Badgley, J. Cooper, A MoAllieter. Pt. and class.—J. Brem- ner, A Barr, A Dolman, R. Thompson, W. Eokmier, F. Freeman, P. McKee, H. Fogel, V. McCall, J. Routley, L. Mo Lamle. San. Pt 1st ole s.— . M00 a l• tum 0. Dunbar, A. MoAllieter, P. Gill, E Dobson . PollardC. Davicleov 0. v kmier, S. Strachan R oatae W. I.o , Oman, Yeo, E McLeod. Jon. Pt. lit olase.— N. McKee, N. Addy, R. Gill, 0. Couper, 0. Balmier, E. Heath, W. Thompson, Mlle SHANNON, Teacher, ro Fight the Pea Weevil. A valuable bulletin on "Peas and the Pea Weevil" hes been issued by the De• partment of Agriculture from the joint authorship of Prof. Wm, Loohead, Pro- fessor of Biology, and U. A. Zavitz, Experimentalist at the Agricultural OM lege. The subject is treated in a simple manner, combating 0010000 and popular interest. The lose last year through deoreaeed acreage and deoreaeed yield is estimated at 92,000,000. The report in. Glades the following recommendations : "The remits reported in this bulletin of experiments ()included at the Ontario Agricultural College in growing peas and in combating the pea weevil, ae well as the information obtained from some of the most exteueive growers, merohante, millers and exporters of peas in Ontario, lead ae to make the following recom- mendations :— (1) That the acreage -of both field and garden peas of the very best varieties be greatly inoreseed in those sections of the Provinoe where there are no pea weevlle ; "(2) That the growing of both field and garden peas (to be ripened) in the weevil-iofoated districts of Ontario be dii continued for the next two years, and such orope ae Early Yellow Soy beano, Grass peas, Bmme (improperly called Spelt), ;nixed grains, 010., 10 be enbatit Wed ; "(3) That if airy persnl, eon ince to grow and ripen peas in the infeeted die. mote, they make the beet poesiblo 1180 of the fmnigatio method ; "(4) That headsmen, fu, mete and ot bare nevi no infrared pea. seta theca di8triots of Ontario where the pea woc%il does no. exist ; end "(5) that fainters, gatdeuere, seede. met,, millers, exporters, Importers, and all othere who have anything 80 do with the growing Or handling of peas in On - Oulu, oh operate heartily in the effort to eradicate the pea weevil Iran Outerio within the next two years." Mixed Weather For May z N/7 ANTI:II,--1Vt.ITIIGUI., PHU- T 'Y N to 1 ] 8U o trivet for well established house in a ten nineties, Loouig L ( 03. werobants nod ugeuta, Lmntl tnni.urv• 6119470 ya week�in a1 eh an t a(rece10 0 a Ic�u1u' ed, Poalttw, pur,mmeut. Bualusaa eu'u, Ko' 1014 and roahhlg, Nnolnee eelr•u,ldrnoee 1 84 velem,. STANDARD b10U80,015 040‘ Loa Bldg„ Chlungo 40.10 Iter. to Sticks (.1010 Rome Advice Ste• girding Thio 010111,'0 operation, Rev. Irl R. Hicks, the noted weather prophet of the South, foretells May to be it month of changeable days and not all sunshine and werinth. Re does not pre• diet any severe cold, however, although wild norms may now and then sweep over the country, Among his praotiosl hints he gays that in all Northern and middle seotiene pro• pie should not be 00 a hurry to plant bottom tondo, unless they are above high water, sandy and well drained. He fur- ther warns him readers to let nothing prevent them from making every pos. eible preparation for daugerona tornadio etorme. His predictions Recording to each storm period are given in tba following remarks: A regular storm period is central on May 1, having its first steges in the last days of April, and reaching to May 4. n eked and et rm Brea of B thYthe let the t o 0 period will be organized, rains will be CO"reg w the 1V d during In p c ' eat an du in the t 2nd to 4'h these storms will move East• o ward tonna the country. They will be preceded by warmer weather and falling barometer, the bygromett•r also showing above normal humidity. Rain, lightning and thunder will 0ao0py the middle eco. tion of the general storm movement to the East, while rising barometer, falling temperature and clearing skies will briug up the rear. For the second storm period wbioh the prophet predicts, wiude, mugginess, high humidity, change to =oh warmer end falling barometer may be expeoted at the out -start and storm clouds, rain and thunder will quiokly follow, paeeing rapid. ly Etebword norose the country from the 8th to the 8th. If winds do not ohange to Westerly and cooler, with deoided rise of the barometer behind these storms, daily repetitione of these storms may be looked for mobil these changes appear, If such changes Dome prrmptly about the 7th, frosts will likely follow in many places to the Northward. The third storm period rhos from the 10th to the 14th, and an unusual warm wave for the season will begin in the West on or about the 10th. Winds generally will be Easterly and Southerly, loaded with ninth humidity. From about Mao. day, the 11111, to Thursday, the 14th, violent storms of wind, rain and thunder will traverse the country from the West- ern prairiee to the Atlantio. When the general storm conditions break op, the barometer will rise quite htgb, winds will abetsga to Westerly and /SEMIS t 1 TO THE LA.IIES New, Dainty Stylish for Warm Weather. We bog to draw your special attention to our very extensive and select range of White and Colored Muslins, Organdies, Dress Ging- hams, Stripe and Flake Lison Toiles, Voiles, &c., suitable for Spring and Summer wear. We have paid special attention to this department and consequently are prepared to show you the Very Latest and most Up-to-date designs in the market. Shirred garments are the vogue for Ladies', Misses and Little Girls. Our stock of Standard Patterns is rich in all the Latest • and Prettiest Styles, Please note that beginning with the May output all new issues of Standard Patterns for Misses, Girls: and Children will be 10 and 15c.—none higher. A pleasure to show you our pretty goods for Summer wear, NO FANCY 1'RI0Ee. EVEI6YT1ING CIi1AP. rac%an. STOCK FOR SERVICE BULL 1+0R S.I,ItV1(:L,—THE undersigned wail keep for tarvluo on Lot G. 00138.10 tE 11 Corey, the thorn' flied Shorthorn 8011, Captain Forester,' tired by imp• "Oap tole ALtyfly,' and bt•ad by Jou. A. Crorar, 8hakesposare, Unt psdigr•su 1111}, be 80011 0n a])p110niien, Terms, 51.00, with privilege of rt turning if nocesnary, 01188, 180Z1a1,L, 99 9m Proprietor, REAL ESTATE. 100.11 SALE—LOT 207 AND dwelling thereon, North-west corner William and Albert streets, Brussels. 03.18 J, LL:ORill. 1-00B SALE. — VALUABLE property at Ethel known as the methodist parsonage. Apply to 3E0. OO f3B1t, Brussel e. 1..41ARM TO RENT, 13EIN(1 LOT 88, Con, 10, Grey. There a, a 100 noree, 20 under cultivation. Apply to J08121'11 P. REDMOND, on the premiu0e, or Manorieff P. 0. - 31.11 ThESIRADLE B UT L D I N Q' Lots for sale, belie Noe, e92 and 050 on Wast aide of 10110800 street, Brussels. Por partioulare as to price and terms enquire at Tun Pont. 00.0 T_TOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ou Turuberr street Brussels, known as the Somerset prop ' property, eligibly situated. Immediate possession. For further peak,.ll1R1'd a8 t0 111C0 terms, &e.,apply to D. 11 aall Y NLeC'CTt HAIL N 'Lot10,Con. 10,uhtllo ox Leadbury P. 0, 03.11 p' A SAORIFIOE 1N BEAL ES– TATE.—$9000.00 will buy the Malan. ahoy Blaoklu tb o 'Village of Brussels, Those two flue stores must be sold to close out the McCaughey Estate, Intending purehaaere should investigate ab once Apply to P. 8, 50OTP or G. F. BLAIIR, Brussels, Ont. Gement Silos. Au I am building Oeine,t Silos for Hugh W. 13(laKey, 9th Oon , Grey, and Alexauder MoLauoblin, Jr., Morrie, and any other persons de. airing to build would do well by corresponding with ate.' . 011AS. BARBER. OONT18AOTOR, Wlugham 0x0 Hutgrouudad ml the work, omen up for xaminatine. 610,ne : - l'.abre nee Exunlinatian begiue June 248n,tu d 15 a. In, Junior Matricu• Wren, 1liebrlot Cortilnatee and Dorn• menial Diploma, P,.o. 11, June 290, 8 45 a, 81. Junior heaving Part Il, Senior Leaving, Honor Matt imitation and Ocm'neraial Speecaliete, July 2•,d, 8 46 a,08 fronts will fall in many tonalities North• ward. Following this period, a sadden change to very warm will be noted. A low drop of the barometer, with blank, foroeful clouds, heavy rain and thunder and stiff squalls of wind will be natural on and about the 17th and 181h. A quick and sharp ohange to math coo'er will slap be n$tnral immediata'y alter these storms. 1 The filth end last storm period is cen- tral on the 24th, coveting two to four days on and after that date, -'This promisee to be prolonged time of din Mired and threatening weather, 0" the 214 the weather condition will break into electrical storms and the iudioatione are that a storm centre will gather In the West every afternoon and evening for several daye, eendiug a aeries of storm puleatione across the 000ntry daily for a number of Jaye. Sometime° these May oyoke bring two norms every 24 houre, and the culminating crisis willfall on or neat tin the 26th, the date of the HEW moon. Very oold weather, with poaelb'e frost in the North, will follow when the e1orm conditions break up. The last three days of May, continues the prophet, should in the regular order bring on • reactionary storm aonditione with more disturbed and stormy weather. Brit the reunite at this time will depend upon the nature of disturbance a44he last - regulnr period. If they prove to be too severe and long continued, the elements . will hardly reaot into storm conditions in the closing days of the month. Other• wise - the 290h to 8lst will bring low barometer, warm weather and more rain and etormlhett. ' Public 8ehooi and High School Ex. aminaltoas., The different examinatioue will nom. metas on the dates given below :— S. Entrance : 24th June, 8.45 a. In„ at Goderioh, Exeter, Zurich, I3ey. field, Hannah, Duogauuoo, iilntail, Sb. Helene and Crediton for West Huron ; and at Clinton, Seeforth, Wingham, Brussels, Wroxeter, Fordwiob and Blyth for East Huron. Junior Leaving Part 11, Senior Leaving, Matriculation, Paan and Honor, Om. meraial Diploma and Commercial Speoisliet Examiuotione, June 29th, at Goderioh, Exeter, Clinton, Seatartb, Braesels and Winghem, Applioatione for Entrance 10838; be sent to the Inspector on or before June let. The fee • is 91, to be paid 24111 of June. Apnitontione for Junior Leaving, Sen. for Leaving and Matriculation (High School Forms II, III and IV) moat be sent to the. Inspector before May 24th, acoompauied by the npoeeeary fee... No applitsation mato be received by the In• speotore ,after that date, Application forme may be obtained hem P. S. Inepeotore or Priooipalo of Collegiate Dietitian. Those who intend to write at any exam• ination centre in the Western Inepeotoral Divieipn of Enron meet send their appli- .oation, giving name in, full, to J. Elgin Tom, L P. 0„ Godorioh, and those who intend to write in the Eastern Division to D. ltobb, L P. 8., Brunie. Bootie containing writing or drawing are not to be presented RS in former years at the Entrance examination. Oandidatoe will be aopplied with paper and ink by Ilse prodding examiners ; but they must bring their own pens, rulers, lead pencils, 010. ' ' Teaabeue . aro .earnestly urged . 10 . hoe their lnflume° nob to let oandidatee Who; BURSAR nL 1'0081.0011 f; 4001111118,0• 11101''5, Thin well known Stallion will travel Milne the season of 1003 as follows:— Monday, May 4th -,Will leave his own !diode, 1(119, non. 12, Grey, and go Beet to Oranrook, then Stith to Donald Cunepbell's, lot 15, non. 10, Grey, for noon ; thence West along 16th eon, to Jae. Bolger's, let 30, Lieu, 8, Morrie, for night. Tuesday --Will to Ronth to Walton, ihenn0 to S. U'orbes', 14th non., BUMS,, p, for noon ; thence to Thomas Arohibald'e, eon, 12, McKillop, for Mght, where he will remain until Wednesday note ; thence to Jno. Shorareed'e, lent 19, oan.9, hlorris. for eight. Thursday— Will proceed North to Peter Month's, lot 10, arm. 6, Morrie, for thou ; theme North to Jas Shedden'a, eon. 4, Morrie, for night. Friday -47i11 proceed North 27y mil, e, then Easb to Walter hbrreet'e, lot '25, eon. 2, Morrie, for noon ; thence leant to the gravel road, then South to Ametioao lintel, Bruesola, for light. Saturday—Willrprooeed to his own stable where he will remain uutil the following Monday morning. MAI' 7 L903 It is repot'ted that ex Treasurer Sham. Henn of tient (launly i• to be prosecuted, ae his defaluatenn0 emounb to 0er 928,• 000, Strenuous • Objections 000 00001 made against feed supplied by Alf. Beaker. All stook ha° it and thrive on it, and it is prouomuoed by all Intel. ligeot breeders to be iuoompariably the beet gold, Try a sample lot and you will never feed anything but our "Who' Dorn and nate. Alf. Baeker. Spring i1llery ri 4 =9a��,��i��t s 00 dim ro x Oar Opening having been, a grand success, zve are ready with a choice selection of Millinery Goods, Trim- med, Untrimmed and Ready -£o - wear Hats in great var'ietzl and at Lowest Cash Prices. Special attention given to Mourning and Wedding' Orders. Call and examine our stock. MISS E. R. LITTLE, ��Qb�C�s°�tiaGle�`�AUQ�S`L�J,�d6`l, t"bd`id`Ld"i,d`Ld`L�•� S. W. P. Before you begin to Paint your house be sure you get the BEST Paint possible for the money and at the same time give Best satisfaction and longest wear,. be Sllerill-1Vi11iaMs Paim gives these results :—It's a pure :Dead, 'Zinc, Linseed Oil Paint, thoroughly mixed ; eovers'more surface to the gallon ; easily applied and gives better results than any other. Try a gallon and see for yourself. For sale. by— WiLTON & TURNBULL. WAGONS, CHILDREN'S CARRIERS, DOLLS' CARRIAGES, ROCKING. HORSES, W IEELBARROWS, CARTS, CROQUET, & AT KSTQR E1