The Brussels Post, 1903-5-7, Page 1t. ti Vol. 31. No. 43 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1903 W. H. KERR, Prop. BREWER'S RELIABLE PHOTO. STUDIO. We are still in the same old place. Photographs, all sizes and styles from the small card Photo. to the 14x 17. Family Groups a specialty. Don't fail to give us a call. We guarantee our work to be the BEST and Latest Finish. H.R. BREWER ART1 S T, New Advertisements, Bioptic—A. (Joueley. Omreete—McKinnou & Ca. Notice—John 0 Morrison. (Doming—Prof, Dorenwend. Turnip seed—Welter Linea, Harness talk—l. 0. Richardo. Photo. Studio—H. B. Brewer, Drees Muslin, --J, Ferguson & 00. 1Fjiztritt Itetos, 131 neves les, Rev. R. Putil, of Brunie, will preach in the Presbyterian ohuroh next Sabbath. The quirt, riy eaoramental service was held in the Methodist ohnroh at Bluevale on the last Sunday iu April. The weather was perfect, the recite good and there was a large turnout of the member. ship, The pastor peached from the words, "Herein is love, not that we loved God but that He loved ne." There were many testimonies given in tbe Lye feast and a Targe number partook of the eaorament. The Oliioial Board met the following. Monday eveuing to close up the business of the Conference year, There is a healthy Newness ht Missionary sienna and the amount needed from this uirooit for St. James' ohuroh is paid. A very bearty invitation was given to. the present Harness Talk for Users Harness FOR the next 80 days we are offering our own mike of doubled and stitched, nickle trimmed, Single Harness, for only $6.75, a better Harness than Factories turn out for $10.00 and $12.00. We make Single Harness at all prices and guarantee every set of them to be extra value, and will replace any part or the whole Harness if it fails to give satisfaction. We want you to see our Harness before buying elsewhere. We will consider it a pleasure to show them. We also carry a full stock of Dusters, Lap Rugs, Rubber Rugs, Trunks and Satchels. Repairs in Harness, Boots and Shoes proniptly done. REMEMBER THE PLACE FOR BEST VALUES IN HARNESS, BOOTS OR SHOES IS AT 1. C. Richards. STRICTLY ONE PRIOE 113 ALWAYS TEE LOWEST 1e,v DPBS� For the coming season we made exceptional purchases of Muslin direct from the manufacturers. We are now showing, the most artistic designs and colors of fine Shire Printed Organdies, Dimities, Batiste and Swiss Muslins that we ever had the pleasure of showing, The Muslin department,of this store is noted for the large stock and variety of Muslins s displayed. This season's offerings g are Larger than ever—more artistic, finer . qualities, the latest patterns at prices that cannot be surpassed. Won- derful values are shown in the different lines, There is a freshness, a soft, lacy appearance about these new Muslins that suggest warm weather add we are ready with the best in the land ; but now is the time to make your selections and secure the most desirablep atterns when the assort- ment is complete. Everything points to a'sefason of light dainty materials. Y Of o/ o e Tucked Muslins �y in white for Shirt Waists, easily launderedand just as effective as machine also flaked and lain Chambr . tucks, P Ys Linens, Cords, P. K , Ducks, etc. Our Muslin stock will be . an attraction for the next week. 3. FergusonGo. pastor of tide charge to reborn for a third year and many kind words Were spoken la this connection, Jeeeph Leech le ap• pointed to the May Dletriot meeting at tunkuow. YTrtnfryes. Ohae, Kerr met with a painful accident last week by falling r.11 the wagon on hie head. Fortunately there were no bones broken but a severe ahalting up woe the result. We hope he will soon be o., le, anonurltowed . Lending linea in turnip seeds at Walter Lees', Jamestown. 43-2 A letter from Wm. Dryden reports bis enfe arrival in the West with an abund. noon of work offal ing. Have you heard the Jamestown Bend ? If you have not keep on the alert for a treat ae the !oboe are at work. Thie newt) Walter Inure, merobant, is shipping all the eggs be reoeivee, from Braaeela station, ore hie own account. Bole quite a huetler. Will. Bryant; arrived home last week from Trinity Medici College for hie vacation. lie hes r000vered quite nicely from his attack of appendicitis. Leet sabbath eveuiog Robert MoKey preached at Viotoria Hall. His topic was "Abner." Jelin MoAllieter will conduct the servioe next Sunday. It is said that Ed„ eon of Alex. Bryan,, of this looality, who is a medical student, will spend the Summer in the Old Ooun• try in agency work along with other fellow etudente, It will be very enjoy. able uo doubt, VWis1eft os. Farmers about here are buoy patting in their roote. Owing to the delightful rain last Sab. bath there were not many attended on nroh. Wm. Pollard is gaining strength slowly after a long siege of illness. We hope he will soon be aonvalsoent. Next Sunday afternoon Rev. Rural Dean Hodgen,, of Seaford], will coodunt the serenity in 8t. George's mbaroh here. This Quarterly meeting will be held iu the Methodietoharoh here next Sabbath 10th Met., at 10 30 a, m, the Quarterly Official Board following Monday at 2 p. m. Rev. R. Hobbs' lecture here last Friday evening was a gratifying. oneness. The evening was favorable, the attendance large and all eeemed well pleased with the Lottery.. St. George's ohnroh at their annual vestry meeting eleoted W. M. Smith se Minister's Warden ; Jae, Bolger, Peoples' Warden ; Jno. Bulger, Geo. Hamilton, W. H. Sholdioe and John Soarlett ae Sideemen ; and Jae. Sholdioo ae repre• sedative to the Synod. Congregational finances were reported very satisfaotory, a aurplue of 916 being in hand at clo-e of year. 1Goadbnry. S. and Mre. McPherson were visiting friends in Wingbam last week. Bilreeter Stitt has taken a situation in a Dry Goode store in Stratford. Mise Aggie Campbell, of Gnderich, was vieitiug friende in this neighborhood last week. John T. Dennison has removed to Stratford. Heg ill o into the employ of w p y the G.T.R. . B. Forbes has bought a windmill. He will bave it placed on the barn but will use it for pumping only. The Latter Day Saint people ere mak• ing some headway bete. One person was immersed last Sunday. Mr, Darling is at work with hie abeam hay press in this 'entity. It is a simple trick for him to bale 25 tone a day with it, Jae, Rae has lri rohaed the pure bred Derham unll "Bhnrlook" —44027= from Geo. Calder, of Grey Township. It is e splendid animal, John MoPhereon haepurahased the 100 acre farm of Robb. Gray. The price paid was $5,600. We have not learned where Mr, Gray intends to locate now. At a special meeting of McKillop Conn• oil, held May 4th, tbe °entreat for 5 steal bridges was given to A. Hill & 0o., Mit. (hell, and oonarete abutments to Frank Guttridge, of Beafortb. J. W. llzowbray and wife are malting a ehort visit to friends bore. They will go West in a few days. Mr. Mowbray has parch eed a large J. I. Case threshing outfit for use in that oountry. Alf. and Ed. Dennison had a good brood mere die a low days ago. As the boyo aro jest starting into .busiueee a lose tfke thin le more severe. James Harris also loot a good wonting animal. - Ohae, Oase met wibb a very peinfnl ncnident a few days ago. His horse became frightened and knocked him down trampliug him. Nine etibohee were neoeseary to olose the wounds. e"da-oxesate r. Hormel Morrison, ofKinoardine, visit- ed at hie home over Sunday. Mre. John Hopter and children return• ed to Sault Ste. Marie on Thursday. 11lies MoDonald, of Grey township, ie the onset of her Dieter, Mre. D. Rae. Mrs, Lowry, of Fordwioh, spent a few days the guest of Miee 0, E. Lawrie. David Myles left for New Liokard last week where in a abort time be expeote to move his family, B. B, McRelvie left for Brussels on Monday where he hoe a good poeitiou itt the woolen mill. Mrs, Wm, Rowel, and children left for the "Boo" last week to join Mr. Howey who bad gone some weeks ago. Mre, R. Fox returned to Brnmeele oe. l3etarday after Cleveral days vioit with her many friends in the village, Mre. It. Miller lett for Guelph en Mon- day, where she will attend the annual meeting of the Women's Foreign Mission. ary Society. A meeting of the sports oommittee and all those interested in getting up a big day for July let 10 welled for Friday evening, May 8th, at 8 o'olock at John Douglas' ehop. Queen Creel is being m oh improved in appearance tide Spring, lire. Wen, Sanderson &tying ft noon wire Woe platted OYCLES E. & D. Bioyolee just arrived this week, will cell them at very abase figures for the next 30 days, The Ladies' wheel le a beauty, Call end see them, I expect to double the Bales of them life year. I have also Berlioe, Raaynlea and Ifyelope wlioh I will sell at a redaction, A. c0 SLEY. in front of her residence, and B. Kirwln has engaged Jno. Adams to brink veneer hie cottage. Robert White, now of Gravenhnret who while engaged with Aroh. 111001tt i0 the blacksmith shop here, was attacked with eye trouble and had to be sent to the hospital at Toronto, returned for a visit last week. We are pieced to note that he has recovered so as to be able to see fairly well, with proepeete of further im• provements. The Wroxeter Market Seale 00., held their liret annual meeting on the 90th ineb., when a dividend of 12% was dealer. ed. A second pig elide in to be oonetruot. ed at once which will make it more 000venient than ever. The following officers and directors were elected :— President, A. Munro ; Vioe.Preeident, T, A. Gibson ; Seo..Treee, W. M. Robin• eon ; Directors, Jno. Douglas and A. A. Esty. A lot of grain nipped with frost. Augur Taylor, of Hallett, was a visitor at Jae, Russet's lest Sabbath week. The rain of Sunday and tbe warm days have caused the grain to grow some. John Taylor, of Londou, is the guest of Miee Bertha Watson, 5:h con., this week. A new plank floor is being put down on the Sommerville bridge this week. It wee badly needed. Fred. Martin, of Hallett, was a visitor at Frank Martin's on Sabbath. The gentlemen are brothers. The "Davy Maxwell" grass farm, 7th line, has been leased by Geo. Best, of Brussels, who will pasture a lot of cattle thereon this Summer. As usual lots have live stook running 00 the road although the animals cannot get moan to eat, yet they have plenty of exercise and a good view. Ohae. Pollard ie building a wing to his barn, atone stabling being put ander it. He es also improving the farm with drainage, &o. He's quite a hustler. Mre. Gilbert Speir is visiting her grand daughter, Mre. Wm. Bowman, 3rd line. The old lady is 86 years of age but is remarkably active for those years. Mre. Alex, Nichol, 6th line, who has been ill since last November, continues very poorly and bee not been able to leave her bed einoe the stroke of paralyaie wee reoeived. Peter MoNab, 0th line, has added shelf are of new orchard this year to his farm. o Y Mr. eloNab has ale( Required quite a reputation as a borne dealer and not un. profitably so either. Dr. Roe, of Philadelphia, is visiting his parents in Morris. His mother nae been ill for the past few weeks. We under. stand that the doctor is one of the leading physicians of Philadelphia. Geo. Armstrong, 9th line, has sold hie farm to a Mrs, Taylor, of East Wawa. nosh, who gets poaeeeioo in ot. Prt oe Adam • ellida hoe Bold hie 100 5 COU. A Halliday Y aoree to hie neighbor, W. Armstrong, the price being $6,400. The oantraet fur the new horse abed at Sunshine, was let to Jae. Hill, of Blytb, at $380. The building will be 45 feet egnare enclosed. A bee on Wednesday of last week levelled the ground for it and work will bo pushed along. The old shed will be left', at least for a time. I. Kingswood, of St. Thomas, hoe purohaeed a large grocery business in Ingersoll. He bas been filling a position ac traveller for the pact year or more. Mr. Kingswood is a non.in.law to James Sharp, 6th line. We wish Mr. K. eaoaeee end have no dotbt he will do well as he has had a long end euooeeefui experi• 8008. We are sorry to report the incise of an old and well known resident of Morrie, in the person of Thos. Miller, 6th line, who on Monday was suddenly stricken with paralysis. Hie many friends hope he will soon be hatter, Mr, Miller bad been bank on the farm attending to different shores and on returning to•the barnyard fell at the strawelauk where he was die. covered by his daughter, Mre. MaArter, who ie visiting at home this season from the West. Mediosl help was Boon obtain. ed and the patient ie somewhat improved at time of writing. Onteuan.—The spirit of Neil MoDon. ald, lot 10, non. 10, took its flight from the earthly tenement on Wednesday of this week. He had been poorly for the past year,, nervous prostration being the oanae and for about eight weeks wee confined to bed. Deceased was born •a0 Argyle, Sootland, and gams to Oanada with hie lather's family in 1847,locating in Fllgin County for 7 years and then moved to the farm in Morrie in 1854 on Whioh be died, the old bomeebead. Of late years he had not farmed to any ex tent as the place was seeded down and oattle grazing was enbetitnted, Mr. Mo. Donald was unmarried, two sisters reeid. ing with him, He was 50 smote of 'hoe. The subject of this notice was it Liberal in politioe, a Presbyterian in religion and. a man of high moral type who was held in esteem by the oommnnity at large. He was an Elder in the Church at Blyth and was else a echoed truebee in the ago. tion in wltielt hie farm Wee located, Oat of the seven McDonald brothers who Dame to Heron there are only two sat viving now, via,, John and Alexander, both well known residents of Grey town. eitip. The funeral of tlto late Mr, Mo. Donald will take places on Saturday after. noon, eervioe to be held at 1 o'oloelc and funeral to leave for Brescia nernelery Re 1 30. lieu, Dr, McLean, of Blyth, de• oeaied's pastor, will conduct the servioe, The bereaved rslativee will be a000rded a targe share of sympathy in their nor. row. C' r 0 'V . Township Council will meet next Mon- day at Ethel. Jae Lindsay made a baeineas trip to Listowel on Monday. Next Sabbath evening Rev. D. 13. McRae will preaob at Bethel. See page 4 of this ieeae for several pnblio sobool reports from Grey township. Interesting and enjoyableabI a aarvime, are beld at "Maine" ohnroh Epworth League. A Meaoabee Tent be being instituted at Mrnarieff. The organization meeting was held last weep. Robert Blair, 6th con., bee not been enj.ying any too rggeed health thin Spring bat we hope the fine weather will prove beneficial. S. R. Greer is home from the Sohnol of Bdience, Toronto, for hie venation. He has been working bard so will likely take it easy for a portion of his vacation at least. Denotes —0n Thursday evening of this week a debate will be betel in Union Ohureh. The subjeob for discueeion will be "Resolved that intemperanoe bee been a greater immerge than war." A carload of grass cattle wee brought up from Toronto for Strachey) Bros. Geo. Best bought them, It seems they can be purchased there and the freight paid on them and etill be under the local price asked. We are well pleased to state that John Orerar, an old end well known resident of the 9th 0nnaession, is able to get about quite nicely atter years of undesired holidays. It is expected that even the walking ebiok will not be required to aid in locomotion if restoration oontinnee, Somme BEPosT —The following is the standing of the pops of B. S. No. 6, Grey, for the month of April. The names are in order of merit. Br. IV. -- M. Dunster, A. Smith, Sr.1Ii.—A. Close, 0. Ooatee, R. Rae, J. Mo0snh, F. Gid dine. Jr III.—P Flood, W. Clark. Br. II —A. Clark, J. Mo0usb, E. Clark, W. Ridley. Sr. II. A. Collins, B. Dunbar, B. Kleinsobroth, W. Oloee, T. Clark, M MoNeilaud, W. Ward, N. MoLsoblan. Pt, II. —John Ward. Br. L—E. Flood, 0. Smith, A. MoNeiland, Ettie McDon- ald, E Rae. Jr. I.—E, Rae, 0. Badman. Mesa Josue Ron, Teacher. Cee nbrootr. A Hammen was appointed a delegate to High Court meeting of the 0. 0. F. at Hamilton. Mre, McLanohlin has been in very poor health lately, Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Quite e number of good oattle wars delivered at the Union hotel here and want Beath to Dublin. They were bought by Mr. Sullivan. This week James Oalder left for Pitta. burg, Pen., where he expeote to take a situation as electrical engineer, He ar• rived home last week from the Bobool of Saiecne, Toronto. May suooese orown bits effurls. A big contract of ditching has been taken by August Gnhr, the well known oontraotor, in the township of Stanley. This week be bad 1.5 teams employed to take the dredge from hese to the new none of operations. The Stanley people will find Mr. Guhr "all wool and a yard wide," Jae. and Mre. Heddow, of Hudson, Wisooneio, U, S., who were visiting here for the past three weeks, were away on a visit to Mende at Laoknow, They will also vied at Ayr, Galt, Mamib obs and California before returning home. Mr, Beddow is a brother to Mre. Bobt. Brown. We see by the report of the annual examivation of the Sarnia General Hoepital that Mine Jean Calder stands first with honors. Miee Calder is now a full fledged nurse and has been appointed as bead nurse in that ioetitution and be many friends feel that they have made no mietake in doing eo, Souoon BaronT.-1935 following is the report of the Br. Dept. of Cranbrook eohool for the month of April : Olaae V. —W. Cameron, A. McQuerrie, A. Cun- ningham, W. Long, Sr. IV.—M. Men• arty, N. Sparling, E, Ht ether, A, Alder• eon, E. Hinter, F. Hunter and A. For. reef, W. Bmalldon, A, McDonald. Jr. III —H. McDonald, E. Hunter, M. Mo. Nichol, L. Baker, R. Aldereon, M. Fox, B. Alderson. Sr, III.—I. Sharpe, M. Mo. Donald, Mose EL1aanTe °ALDER, Teacher. Gear Towneaer BTaotsTroe.—Following footle oonoerning the townebip of Grey are taken from Assessor Raymann's roll : —Ohildren between 6 and 6, 767 ; ohil• dren between 8 and 15, 287 ; total aoree, 64,768 ; total aoree, clear, 48,690 ; value of real property, 91,774,226 ; value of personal property, 58,100 ; No. of male persons between 21 or 60 yea., 752 • total" population, 8,201 ; No. nettle, 8,988; No, ebeep, 2,432 ; No. hogs, 8,590 ; Na, of horses, 1,999 ; No. births, 48 No. of deaths, 20 ; aoree woodland, 4 721 ; acres swamp and waste label, 11,448 ; eoree of orchard, 58.1. ; horse Fall wheat, 3,264 ; steam boilers, 18, Mazntumeria,—A very pretty but quiet wedding tools piece at the reeidenoe of V, and Mre. Gramm, of this village, at 4 o'olook, Wedosday afternoon, when their daughter, Miee Margaret, woe united in marriage to John Alkalies, hardware mer- chant, of Ethel, The nuptials were eel- emnized amid the most pleasing earround• ings and ofraamebances that Cupid could wieb. The bride looked exceedingly well in a goirn of white Persian lawn, that in oxgnieite taste and effeot was, a credit to the modiste, and when she entered the. drawing room, to tbe strains of music rendered by Miee Agnae Calder, the con. gtetalatione reoeived inter by the groom were abundantly juatified. The brides• mold was MieaLaureOotne,ot0ranbrook. Het ooeturne wag in keeping with the 000asion infinite! booming and benati. ful, The bride end her attendant oar• vied flowers, appropriate in variety anti 6 calor. The groom was eapp ported by hisbrother, Thos Ritchie. Rev. D, 13. Mo. Rae, pastor of Knm:x Oburob, performed the 08rem00y in the presentee of 5008 twenty guests, near relatives and olose friends of bride end groom. The wed• ding luncheon, prepared with oars and skill, woe all that such important repast, (mold or should be. The wishee and felioitatione showered npoa Mr. Ritchie and hie bride were gracefully, sincerely and eaitnbly worded. Mr, and Mre. Ritchie left in the evening for their home in Ethel, the beide', going away gown being of navy blue cloth, with bat of black mohair braid, with plumes and jet pins, The best wishes of friends in Orenbrook and vioinity fellow them to their new home. 810 lo tel. Moses Henry ie quite i11. Hie many friends wieb him a apredy recovery. Alfred Barker, of Brussels, shipped 4 oars of baled bay from this station during the past week. On and after Monday, May 18th the Cores will o'nee at 7 80 .harp. Wedcee day and Saturday nights, also nighte before bolidays exoepted. HxxsnnAL—John Ritchie, hardware merchant of thie plaoe, and Miee Gramm, of Oranbrook, were united in marriage on Wednesday of this week. They have moved to their home in Ethel which Mr. Ritchie purohaeed from William Routisy. They were serenaded by the "48th High lander', Baud" of tbie village on Wed. nudity evening who furnished "exoellent music" with their &irenler saws, cow bele, guns, etc. We extend cordial con- gratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Ritchie and wish them a smooth sail over the meta. monist sea. Has PAeenn AWAY: The Peterboro' piper says :—"Peterboro' loses an old and highly respected reaidenbin tbedeeth of Mrs. Amen, of 181 Edinburgh street, whish occurred et 4 o'olook, April 15th. The d ceased was 72 years of age and has been ailing for some time. The muse of her death was pneumonia. The late Mre. Ames was a member of the Methodist church and was an aotive worker for that eaten. She was greatly beloved by those with whom she came into oonteot, and made for herself in her old age a very large oirole of friends, to whom the news of her death will Dome as a great. shook.. The funeral will take places to morrow afternoon at 2 30 o'clock from the family residence, 181. Edin- burgh street and proceed thence to the Little Lake Cemetery, where the inter. mens will bake place." Deceased was a eister•in-taw to B. Ames, of Ethel. Easement, Vxeov.—Last Friday -even ing a contingent of Royal Templar, from Atwood numbering about 20, paid a friend ly visit to our Temperance lodge here and a most enjoyable time was epent by all. The evening was pleasantly filled in with the following interesting program ;— Opening ode ; Prayer i obeirman'e ad- dress by R. MoKay ; selection, Orobes. tra ; reading, Mies Shannon ; instrument. al, Miee Steinman ; colo, Mise L. Turn. bull ; first reading of "Echo", Mise J. Close I Bolo, Mies T. Welsh ; reeitatiou, Mise Ida Penhall ; colo, W. Spatula ; reading, E. Daun ; solo, Mrs. Kidd recitation, Mise J. Close ; solo, Mise R. Spence ; nomad reading of "Soho", Miss Nellie Leird ; dialogue,g "Getting photo- graphed", Mises Diokeon and Johnston, and Mr. Dickson and John Lamont ; solo, A. Lamont ; refreshments I Closing Ode ; Benediction. The vieitore express- ed their: ,Hanks for the hospitality accord- ed. Ethel will be glad to repay the oom. pliment some time in the fnture. A for- mer visit bas not been forgotten. OmT.—The Winnipeg Telegram, of April 29th, in speaking of Mre. W. A. Danker, formerly Mise Annie Lamont, of this looalitY, says :—"The many fends of Mre. W. A. Dunker will be grieved to learn that she messed away at her late residence, 144 Smith street, at 9.30 last evening, after a painful illness of seven weeke,aaased by internal osnoer. Al. though a great sufferer, ebe bore it all with obeerfnloeee and Christian fortitude. Mre. Ducker, by her ohearfnl and kiudly manner and disposition, endeared herself to a large circle of friends, who will great. ly regret her early and utimely demise. She leaves a hatband and three little girls to mourn the lose of a devoted wife and mother, Mre, Duoker was a dangh• ter of Malcolm and Betsy Lamont, of Bruesele, Ont. Her mother was with her during her last illness. The funeral will take plaoe tomorrow afternoon to St. John's cemetery." The many old friends of the deceased will hear of her demise with regret and sympabbise with the bereaved. The Winnipeg Daily Tribune, of May 1st, says :—"Tbefuneral of the late Mre. W. A. Ducker, who died at the family residence, 144 Smith street, on the 28th alt., after en illness of seven• weeks of cenoer of the fiver, took plane yesterday to St, Job n's cemetery, and was very largely attended. The service at the hoose was oondnobed by the Rev. J. B. Silcox, who spoke briefly from the words "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth ; yea, eaith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors and their worka do follow them," The rev. gentleman spoke briefly of the high esteem in whbob the dammed lady was held by all who knew her, and said much as she loved her home, family and friends, and keenly ae ole telt the parting be never knew any one who met the future more calmly and hopefully and that through her painful illness elle was never fretful n.,r oomplaiuing, and endear. ed herself to alt who came in oontraot with her. The pallbentets wets P. D. McKinnon, A, N. MoOtitoheon, H. A. Jukes, 3, D, Black, Captain Stormer and A. Herbert, The floral offerings were nnmerons and beautiful, including a pit. low, trona the family ; spray, Dr, and Mrs, Oarsoalle0 ; spray, Mies Lennie Carson ; spray, W. J. and Mre, MoPhereon 1 spray, ILL. and Mre. Thomas star, J. D. and Mrs. Blank ; wreath, 0. W. Green ; pits low, Mre, G. MoNabb ; star, Mrs, Me - Mahon and Mre.Davidson ; Maltese arose, members of Sontb fire hall ; Maltese cross, P. D. McKinnon ; triangle, Prime Rn art's Lodge,R. A. M. •eprn Pero and Irene Meebb; sppray,Mree. A.N edeOntoheon t spray, Mro. H, Carroll ; spray, Mr. end Mrs. Bromley ; arose, H. A. and Mrs, Jukes ; spray, Mrs. E. Nut• tall ; spray, F. W. and Afro. Rueeell ; spray, Miso Monegemery ; spray, Mr. and Mre, Leckie ; spray, Mr. and Mre, Car. son ; wreath, (Moors and members of Ionia lodge, A. F. & A. M.; wreath, H. S. and Mrs, Griffith ; erose, E'. and Mtn. Rimer ; wreath, John and Mrs. Leslie ; wreath, J. J. White. The bereaved hue - band, children and other relatives have the heartfelt sympathy of a very wide sirole of frlonde in their sore bereave• mans, Brussels Council. The regular monthly meeting of Srus. eels Commit was held on Monday even- ing. All lb* members were present, the Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and pass- ed, A0000ute were presented as follows, and o0 motion of G, F. Blair and Alfiett Backer, were ordered to be paid :— Ed. Speiran, platform at eoelee, &o$ 2 85 Oanadiao Firs Engine Co,, repairs for engine 8 55 H. Deliou, hay scale blanks 2 76 A. MoLaaohlin, salary 26 00 Wilton Ms Turnbull, fire dept 10 78 R. Henderson, hauling engine, teaming and grader 3 20 Wet. Ainley, fire dept 8 00 Moved by R. Thomson, seconded by S. T. Plum, that Court of Revision be held Monday June 1st. Carried. Moved by 13. T. Plum, eeoauded by G. F. Blair, that tenders be asked for screen• ed and unaorsened gravel, to be in at next meeting, to be delivered ae direoted by Street Committee. Carried. Moved by G. F. Blair, seconded by It. `I'bomeon that tenders be asked for the erection of a wire suspension bridge over the Maitland and that the Olerk write Jas. Livingston as to right of way, to be completed to the satisfaction of the Coun- cil, Tenders to be reoeived at next meet• ing. Carried. The question of a uew sewer on Turn. berry etreet South was discussed at length, A petition will be circulated among those interested and if sufficient approval is obtained the work will pro. mead. Council thenadjcurned after dieooeeing the goeetton of disorderly oonduot on the streets. L'lii)ItL'li W1i3118. Rev. Rural Dean Hodgins, of Seaforth, will take the eervioee in St. Jobn'e oburob, Brussels, next Sunday. Rev. Mr. Webb will he in Seafurtb. Mrs. James Kerr was at Guelph this week attending the annual convection of the Women's Foreign Missionary Society ae representative from Melville church. Miee Beth Kerr accompanied her. Last Sabbath Rev. David Perrie, of Wingham, occupied the palish of Melville ohuroh and gave two fine diseoursee. He is always a welcome visitor to •Bracelets. Rev. Mr. Rose took Mr. Perrie', work at Wingham. Rev. T. Wesley Oosene preached two good sermons last Sabbath in the Metho. diet church. Morning theme was "Ooleb's better Spirit" and was followed by a testimony; meeting and the sacra. mint. The evening theme was "Quit you like men." The choir sang "Be a Hero" for the second voluntary, the verses being taken by the male members. *. An enjoyable missionary program was enpplied by the members of the Junior League last Sabbath afternoon at the Methodist Sabbath school. It consisted of a reoitation, a reading and two ohornsee. Rev. Mr. Come gave a short address. Mies Eva Denbow, President, presided. The eohoot has oontributed 3 3 during the year for the Forward $ 7.9 w R Y Movement for Missions. Erwosaa LEaaoo.—Offiaere for the Epworth League, elected at the meeting beld Tburedey evening of last week are ae follows :—Hon. Pres., Rev. T. W. 0050115 ; Pres„ W. H. Salter ; let Vfoe- Pres., Mite Mary Oantelon ; 2nd Vioe• Pree., Mies Minnie MoNanghton ; 3rd Vioe•Pree., Mies Emilie E, Kerr ; 4th Vioe-Pres., Mies Dolly Beaker ; Secretary, Chester Armstrong ; Treasurer, George Miller. The League has raised 5100.00 during the year ; 945.00 for "The For- ward Movement" iu missions. There are 100 members in the League. Orman Boom—Laid Tuesday even• lug a cordial and unanmoas invitation were tendered by the Offioial Board of Brace's Metbodiet oburoh to Rev. T. Wesley Ooseue to remain as pastor for the ensuing year, which he ao0epted. The work bila made good progress during the year now closing and edvaucee both nnmerioally and financially are reported all along the line. In Mre. Coeene the the church has found a good help. meet and next year ie looked forward to with pleasing antioipation. Local meal], era lioensea were renewed to T. Farrow, J. Grainger, H, R. Brewer, H. W. Avtaon, Eli Smith and W. H. Herr and granted to F. Badditz nod B. Gerry. An Ex. borter'e license was given to Ernest Manudern, who is now attending College. A resolabion of sympathy and kindly remembrance of the late T. Fletoher, who was a member of the Board, was ordered to be tient to Mrs. Fletcher. 10 was agreed to take native steps for the cele• oration of the John Wesley bi Centenary. A program is being arranged for Jane 28th by a Committee appointed and 9800 will be asked for as a thank offering o0 that 000aeion. W. H. Kerr was elected as representative to the Dietriet meeting to be held in Laoknow on May 21st. A delegation of ladies waited neon the Board relative to the proouring of an individual commaniou servioe for the °hard 1, the ladies agreeing to provide for the expense; After dieoneeing the question 12 voted for and 1 againet, Jno. Oober was appointed Steward in the plaoo of T. Fletcher who died tole year. Be- fore diamiseel the cremation of disorderly conduct outside the ohuroh hot Sabbath evening wag dealt with and a Committee appointed 00 look into it, 'The ohuroh membership wee reported as 286. An adjourned meeting of the Board will be bald on Monday evening 18th inet.,!ab $ o'olook,