The Brussels Post, 1903-4-2, Page 5Ak
APR. , 08
• •
J.. °eat. V.ii. SDOTT Bruaaelo,
AT lIOCItliari.EN-
Y • Denier of Marriage 1..10011905, Of-
fice at, Groeery,Turniaary 1 treat, Brussel%
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
TM, wooNNon,
for Annie of the bent and de f rot Companies
111 Cei.whi for Fan Accident and Plato
Waco. OlUoo over 1,, C. likiiiitrel'a store,
If resettle. lidint
ZE410..T.TZ=.07.1:43, 02•7"2.,
E. Estelle Orin).
TEM'asiest 010 'vows csiurcists
Piton of Miss Eva N. Itoblyn, of Loudon,
is net le pt (mated for noniron, More ex tria 1.
ill visit Bruntele every Tuesday.
Lefitione given at the home of W. IL I(orr,
Saha street.
MONEY TO LOAN AT D, 41, & 5 Per Cont.
Once over Hursloy's Drug Store.
Nov.Ma,100e. 31)43111 larussels.
Wellington Mutual
Flre Insurance Co.,
IteellarrAslinD 1840
Theoremic Wren 011 the anvil 11114 1111111111
note system at current 111 00, 13, fore Want.
int elsewhere call on the n irriereigned A g eu t
of the 00101111101"
110(.41ntS, Brussele.
-11. • unn, will tell for lirliser orient, to
better mon, in lest lime and lose (Merges
than 01111 other Auctioneer In East 1100011 00
he won't charge anything. Dates and ordera
oast always be erranged at Mill ofnee or by
personal applicotieu,
Tito undereignen„ who is well acquainted
throughout the most part of the County
anti who bat had bushiest with n, largo cir-
cle of formate in and around thle locality,
begs to Inform the community that be has
Mikan out au Auetioneer's Edwina for the
Comity of Huron and effete Ids 01003000 30
all purposing to held Ilea
'PROS. NEWSOME, Brussels,
• Tioner fi rt.hiato of Vim Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prenatal to treat all d I e -
Girlies of domessInated turininle in a ovimPet,
ont manner, Partioular atteution paid to
Vetroinary lleatletry, eel's pronliftlY at.
tol,dOO to, Chloe awl Infirmary -Four doors
North of bridge, Tornborry ei., Bruseele.
Barrister, Solicitor, Couvoyaneer,
Notary Public, &o. oftIce-Stewart's .Bloolc
1 door Nor th of Central Hotel.
Solteilor for tbo Standard Sault,
onus over Standard 13auk ; Solicitor for
Township of Grey, 11 °wick M 11 tool 01111, 1,110
UntrOnolltan Bank Private nod Company
money to 101.11 at Intrott rates.
at. 0., C, AI.,
Trinity University, Follow Trinity Medical
College, Member (lollop of Pliyelotaus and
Surgeons, Ont. Lieoutiate of the Royal Col-
lette of Myth:dans and Licentiate of Mid-
wilery, , Minh argil. &la -Telephone 130.11,
Residenee-Mill street. Brussels.
Graduate of the Royal Cortege of Dental
Someone of ()Marie and First class Honor
Graduate of Toronto University, Offiee
nest to Brower'o Photograph Gallery,
and Students may Qatar
at any time, seance TERNI BEGINS
MAR, flo. Two coureac-Counnoreial end
Shorthand. .40011 101 College Journal.
Preablent, A. L. MoINTYRE,
British Columbia,
Bed Cedar Shingles
North Shore
rine and Cedar
Brussols Namur Mills
Also Doors and Snob of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Shed Notioe,
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildioge. Worknion.
ship mid Material Guaranteed.
110 10111 31,101111,1, (01.' '111111 1.1113 Tll"3. 01.11,1
1111111(1, 1041') 11111111 I'llll, 01111, 11,1111,
Underneath a green ulicie, my tterdV was
A friend that long ha I him wn
Toe 111111 deeply totted,aud 1 thought le melt
Ware embodied the words, "Mr. Fierim Jo
I came to the church yard and ho weed Melly
o elgh,
I paused and looked on, while a tear filled
ray aye
I W111454.04 and said, while otanding alone,
Alas I uiy best friend, 111,. Welter, le gone.
1 behold him remains, with rovorenoe great,
Leid low in tiin depths of the tarty,
101111110rittlin Oho 'nailer of all elves tho
To annoar 11 11,10 groat judgment cloy
(RAI hope we will mett 11, 341,0 regions
And tit on the throne !01'0110101l love,
Where happioaBe le and will over tomato,
'nay we moot with our !fiend, Mr. Pleb:her,
I fool fur the widow who deeply docs mourn
For 11144.,„,,
1000of her husband, who inr w
But may she have Warmth in her prayers
to 111.14
"The Lord alone givelb and talcoth away."
-A 11,11istin,
T. J. alieholle 01110 111 London last week
attending the Grand Lodge of Chosen
Friends and other business.
L A, Mason and wife, late of Red•
grave but now of Ethel, were guests of R.
and hire. Faille on Tuesday and Wed-
nesdoy of la‘t week.
It has bieu rumored that James Lome,
one late miller here, was dead. This is
not the eater, as he is well and working
steadily in a 111111, 011 Guelph.
T. H. Darcey and Andrew MoOtement,
2,,10 con , left for Manitoba last week.
Torn will retnefo there and the latter will
return in the Fall and settle tap drhtire
or decide to remain in Ontario. 0.
Rogere, of Fordwieb, has charge of Mr.
Me0lement'a farm for the coming Bern
Mr. Holder was in Zurich in 001I11e0'
Lion with reorgauicsing Ole band of that
Bruoefield Spring Show will be held
on Friday, April 24 No prize will be
given for horeee.
Bob. alcOloy is home from Commer.
Mal College, London, where he has oorri•
plated his couree with dietinction.
There is thole talk of a firm ,t manu•
Nottirere purchasing 1110 Bell foundry
here to ms.eufootaire gaeoline engines.
Jae. Coxworth has rented hie place to
G. 0 Petty who intends turning it into a
pitattwe farm. Mr. Cosworth will retain
the reeidenoe and continue to reside
R. MoMorrin arrived here from South.
ern Illinois on Monday of last week, after
la visit of some weeks with Mende and
relatives. He thinks the country there
the finest in the world for malting money.
Carmel Ohuroh S. S. management
lanve adopted a oheep plan of separating
c'essee by the use of folder screens plaoed
between them. The idea hi an admir-
able one and the molt in better order
and attention will repay the outlay.
Fleury JOhnelOn sold hie horse in Lis
towel 01011110193 11110 far the anirnal.
Miss 101 Bonnett has left for Toronto
to resume her position as uuree in the
Siok Ohildrene' bospita'.
Robert Nesbitt, who was on the sick
list with 5 severe attack of appendicitis
is able to be around again.
Norval Hull, sr., who injured his foot
rather serfoualy 00E00 time ago, is able to
move around 00111 by means of 11. cane.
Mrs. Giddius is contemp acing selling
her property In town and moving to
Indian Head, N. W..T., where her 000
Baumel, is engaged in business.
Ivy Smith, al Eiralt, had the miefor.
turn to lose a brood mare' through 11
broken leg, ceased by a kiok from anoth•
er horee.
W. J. and Mrs, Oilkinson have the
sympathy of large circle of friends in
the death of their daughter, Levine, on
Thursday of Net week, from constunp
Lion. The funeral took place on Satur-
day at 2 p. m.
The lout lodge of 0.1elferows is ex
perienolng a period of great activity.
Nov members are being 11 Witted every
week or two. This society has now over
51) members and a tidy little sum of
mousy in the bank.
The Royal Tentplare met en Tuesday
00001093 01 last week and enjoyed a social
ev, ning after; transacting all necessary
beelines. The return debate with List°.
wet will take plaoe on Tumidity evening,
April 141h, Two ladies from each Coun•
oil will debate on the subjeot ttReeolved
OH,1 travel la a greater educator than
reading of books," The Al wood ladies
will uphold the affirtnative.
EX1 h.
Mee. W. W. Sloan has returned from a
three Wean' 1110111 141,11) Toronto friends.
The A. Y. P. A, of Trinity ehuroh,
Blyth, will hold it bazaar on the 12113 of
J. B. Efabkirk is at present I isitieg
with 10131111 friends. He hos given tip
his poeilion iu a Dongiannon hardware
etore and will take e, few holidays.
3. A.. Jaokson, B. A., who has been
pencil:Ong law in Blyth for the past year
and a half, hoe atieepted Horace Greeley's
advice to young men, and will go West,
He p111930000003411l11193 eomewhere fu Athos.
ta a Ntriat,
J &Mee Porter met with a painful Injury
0,11 Tneeday night of lalt week. He is
employed at Wm. Brosvn's farm in Sul -
lett and was feeding the (cattle wben they
elampeded and cruised him between
them, One of hie ribs wee broken and
he wag otherwise serionsly injured.
The annnol meeting ot the Blyth
branch fruit inetitute will be Iteld in the
Temperanoe boll, Blyth, on Saturday,
April 4th, commeneing at 1.80 p, m.
J. Corey, government fruit 10epeo1161, of
Ottowtt, will deliver an address on "Pack.
ing and Shipping of Apples," and
Sherrington, of Walkerton experimehl.
n1 station, will give a WILE on "Care of
Orobarde, Prening, Grafting and Spray.
About eight &ohmic on Sunday aright,
Morels 29nc1, fire wee dlecovered in John
Nermedy's hone on Mill area. Mr.
AMENT, Eennedy and family were away front
0080,1A6 POST
APRIL 2, 3 d 4,
Wishes to announce to the Ladies of Brussels and
sarrounding country, that on Thursday, Friday
and Satorday—First week in A.pril—she will dis-
play the Newest and Most Fashionable Styles for
the Spring of 1903.
A choice selection of Ready-to-wear Hats, Hu.,
trimmed Shapes, Flowers and other trimmings
will be found in stock.
A Cordial Invitation is given
to Visit the Ofiening.
Mi E. R. Little, Brussels.
•1•011,01•0011111,4•11.011iO NOV. ammaramaiM111
home at the time. .A. door woe broken in
and the fire pat out, whieli only proved
to be the kindling wood left in 1110oveu
to dry..The fire boll was Hounded and
the brigade willed out, but their &melees
were not required. The Heat"ing of the
fire bell math emptied the village
IA I CUE! 0 W.
The Fell Wheat in this vioinity has
emerged from its Wintery °favoring look-
ing fresh and healthy, and as green and
Moe as last Fall 1
The oongregation of Erskine °lunch
Dengannon, and St. Atuirewe, Port
Albert, hove ex'ended it hearty and nn
atilinell5 call to Bev. Chas. 51. Rather -
Mrs. Hugh Phillips, of Be fast, au old
and highly esteemed resident of the
township of Aehfield, died on Tuesday
iu the 68th year ofIter age, after an 111.
Inas of nearly 1010 years.
The following are the °Moors Meet for
the looal Laoroese club :-Ilon. Pres.,
Dr. dIlbioto; lion. Vioe Poe , John
Sproat ; Prea., Jae. Bryan • let. Vice.
Pres., A. 0, Lochend ; aud ViceePres ,
John Wood ; Manager, Ed. Lawrenne ;
Seey'W. J. Allin ; Treas., J. McDonald ;
Man.Com., A. alloOorvie, R. Thomp•on,
N. D. McKenzie and M. McMullen ; Mae
out, W. McCoy.
Lett clbatry.
Marmon Ootitnaro -0ounoil met in
Chriatopher White's, Leadbury, on Wed-
nesday. Marsh 18, as a Court of Revision
on the BoltotiDrain By law,. Minutes of
former meetiug read and adopted. Mem•
bars took declaration before the Clerk.
There being no appeals from assesamsnt
in Drainage Byelaw it was finally lassoed,
signed and sealed. Accounts were passed
end paid amounted to 9189.75. Louis
MoDunald's offer for oak and Min plank
1400000 pled to be delivered at the 0 erles
resideLee. L ,te 1 anti 2, 000. 14, were
taken fr..rie School Seo•ione No. 80,1111
added to No. 0 end Lot 8. port 2 was
token from S. otiou No. 9 and put in No.
8. Wm, J. Walsh'e 10(10801 10 have part
of Lots 10 and 11, Con. 10, taken from
Beetian No. 5 and put in No. 8 was left
tmtil 1 txt meetiog. The Olork s000
authorized to request the Collector to pay
the peroentage to the Treasurer on
11.1000111 of taxes not oollected on liich of
Deeember. A. By law was read and
adopted for appointment of poundkeepere,
fenceviewera and patinaeters. F. W.
Fan:Iamb's, 0. K., report was read on
the Dublin drain and Cleric requested to
notify all parties interested to attend
next meeting of Couneil at Dubliu on
April 20 to hear report read and a obanoe
given to withdraw or add names.
William G. Smith laid his resignation at;
Councillor on table and was aocepted by
Con oil, R eve to Nene Warrant to Clerk
to have Nomination to 1111 the eeat rant-
ed. The following are the names of
pound keepers :-Patriok Maloney, Tim-
othy Ryan, Conrad Eckert, Alexander
MoGregor, Thomas Davidson, George A.
Greig, James Dorrance, George Malice
and John Balfour, Fatten Viewers are 1--
Beroned O'Connell, Franois McQuaid,
James Davidson, Michael 0 Laughlin,
Alexander Kerr, John MoDowell, Gorge
Ne•thitt, Wm. MoGavin and Miuhael
Rowland. Those who will esquire pea:n-
atation should rememb-r the namea.
Council adjourned to meet in Huron
Hotel, Dublin, on Wednesday, April 22,
at 10 o'oloolt a. m.
Jur,. 0. Moamar', Clerk.
lien Cr vit.
Henry Fogel bee the contract of sup.
plying the Silver Corners cheese factory
with wood.
The village has a new resident in the
preen of Ben. Brandt. He is 000apying
the hones owned by Jas. Hamilton.
The old Maitland has 0000 100110 re.
turned to its former channe1, without
doing any damage, although the water
was higher than for 80000 3101.00.
J. II. Thompson has sold his store and
stook to Mrs. John Rowland, who for.
merry resided on lot 15, con. 13,Elms.
Mrs. Roaland took possesaion oo let of
April. Mr. Thompson will take up his
1100100000 033 his farm, lot 1, con. 9 Elmo.
1,1st vw (eh
John Jarrett lett for Guelph, where he
hae gone to follow hie ocoupation aa
rgineer was authorized to eda-
trtenders for the sinking of arteeian
wells arid prima of piping, tenders to be
opened on the Ord of April.
Theressa MoNeil, the 3 year-old daugh•
ter of James A. McNeil, of Buffalo, and
niece of James MoG 'email of this town,
died at the children's hospice] in that
oily on the 11th ult. from poisoning, as a
result of eating sugar•cmateci pills whioh
were left on the doorstep of her home,
Ida, 5 years old, a sister, 1000 also mode
dolt by eating some of the pills, but has
recovered. Mrs. IV1eNeil ie a daughter of
Mee. McGorman, of Elltna.
Wm. and Mrs. Olotbier left last week
to take up their residence at Ailsa Craig,
where their eon, W. E. Clothier, ie engag•
ed in the newspaper bueiness, being
publisher of the Banner. Previa:la to
their departure they were presented with
an address, accompanied by au arm chair
anti hymn book, by a number of their
friends of the Methodist church, of which
Mr. and Mrs. Clothier have long been
members. The presentatiou took place
at the home of Jamb Large.
DEATH or Raw. A. P. Mooaz -The
death of the Rev. Alfred P. Moore, who
until August, was rector of Christ :thumb
here and who left hot September to at.
tend the Detroit Medical College, came
as a shook to hie many friends here. He
underwent an operation for appendicitis
in the Harper Hospital, the operation not
being a auaceasful one on mithunt of the
accumulation of pee« His recovery 1400
hardly hoped for but he lingered till the
following Friday. His wife was pre.
sent before the end came. The deceased
was a son of George Moore, of Blytb, hie
father and mother Ming now residents of
that place. He was born in Ffullett town.
fillip in 1869. He studied at the Western
University, Loudon, and at the Baron
X dies' .77,ne
Handsome to the eye
Artistic hi design.
First-rate workman-
Made to wear and
keep their shape.
Beautiful finish, easy
comfort, very durable.
When you discard
them you want another "just like the last ones."
. Then our prices are not the least pleasing part of
the buying, .
Her are a few:-
-Lacliee' Dongoln, Buttoned or Laced Sheen, heavy soles, $1. Q5
Up -to date Lasts and Faehlon
-We have the Brussels risotto), for the Victoria Shoes, one of the finest and
neatest Shoot for Indies that made. Bee our Spring etylee.
DEPARTMEN'P.-Heavy and Light Harness
,1 at Lowest Prioee. Sweat Oollare, Lop Rage,
Rubber Itegs, "Pronto and Satehele,
-Some 13ARGAINS for them nutting Second fiend Single Harness.
-Itepaire in Harness, Collars, Mote and filboes.
Theoloci-s! Bohol, woe ordained 11 laird
and tr.., A', wor at Beryl°, Pia.eley and
Lioto v 1, . ,m1Ingabout three )0410 00011
p atte. 9... •.igned 1110 °hug) herelog
93111,1101, its g deckled to take a medical
tteltree en 1 went to Detroit in 1101, 100113301
for that purpnee. Ills wife who was for.
molly a Ali310 Oolline, of Prineown, Ont,,
was meantime living with a eister, Mre.
W. Pereln ill 0( 11,101 village, mid the fun.
eral took platte time tin Monday. The
serviette were tweettuned by the kleeocio
brethren, 11 v. Mr. Moi11Illoo, of /Moue
too, cffieleting, Resilient by Rev. Mr.
Buok'atol, of Lietowel. number of
Mations from Listowel arid other friends
attended the funeral, 13. F. Brook, joint
Watson, A Ste. Geo Hawkiee, Jim. R.
Greet, 93,8. Takele. J. 11. Onntber and
R. O. 13amford. The deeeaserl'e lath( r,
two of his broth, re attended the fuueral
and two friends from the Paisley copra.
within were else preEent. fieeldre his
wife he also leaves a 8011, Charlet:, about
fire years of age. Mr, Moore 1405 (1. man
093 )1111,19 than average ability, genial and
broad minded, and his death In the prime
ti life is deeply regretted by his friends,
(Ai (:011.
There seems to he oonaiderable sickneas
in town.
The thinbon gnu &rib will eend a team
to Brantford on Good Friday.
T. McRae left for Seafortit where he
has enured a podtiou as baker.
Jas. Atkinson, who has been managing
the forniture bu these of Rowe and Hol-
loway, has retuned to Ruder where he
heat entered into partnership with S.
Maul Othorne, ailed twrive yearn, 1408
accidentally shot by her main, Freddy
Oook, of about the same age, who was
carrying It 22 oalibre rill.. The ball
lodged in the thigh but was extracted by
the surgeono.
Dr. J. S. Evans, of Tiverton, has
bought the practice of Dr. Ball and le
0010 10 poeitesaion. Ile has been inactive
prootioe for thirteen 310 11110 and comes well
mod worthry recominended. The fact
that he is a son in law of Be,. "Father"
Newoome ia in itself a good introduotion.
The followirg are the (lucent of the
golf club which was organized here :-
Patron and Patroness, G. D. and Mee.
McTaggart Pres , J. P. Tierlall ; Vie°.
PC0B., C. Dowding ; Sem•Treattorer, 6.
D. McTaggart ; Aesoolitte, Mise Kelly ;
Ground Committee, N. Vale, 0.Dowdiug,
Dr, A,otiew.
W. Howey left on Monday of last
week for the Canadian "Soo".
The Carson, eetate, inoludiug the fine
reaidenee on the front street, is offered
for aide.
Mr. Lloyd, of IIarriston, was in town,
Tuesday of last week in reference to the
pavement he pot down last Bummer. It
10 expeoted that our pavements will be
greatly extended this Sommer and the
citanoes are Mr. Loyd will secure some
further contracts.
SHOT 1.1INISELP.-On Wetineeday after.
noon ot laet week the people of the mai n
ity of Orange H.11 were shocked to hear
that Jai. Warren had ended his life by
ehooting himeetf in the head with a
revolver. For some days Mr. Warren
'had beau of unsound mind, probably
caused by a fall he 9301 00 a barn last Fall
and his friends had been watching him.
Ou the day named Mr. Clegg, a neighbor,
was sent for to atay with the old gentle.
man, and came over, but when on the
road uear Warrell'e gate Mr. Clegg said
be would run in and tell his own folke
where he was going, Mr. Clegg, had
only got a few yards 01003' wben Worrell
pulled out a revolver and allot himself
behind the ear. A doctor wits sent fur,
but immediate anti oomplete paralysia
hod resulted from the shot. Mr. Worrell
died the same evening. The deceased
was a well -to do and ronob respected
farmer living near Orange Hill, and his
end end was no doubt due to mental
abberation. He leavEs a widow and sev•
erat of a family who have the sympathy
of 1111, 11) their affliction.
Wine:hum .
T. T. Field is ill with erysipelas.
3.10. Ferguson attended the Grand
Council of the Canadian Order of Chosen
Frienda in London, 00 repreaeutative of
Wiogham COUt3011,
The Organ fund of the Presbyterian
church 10 Wingham has now reached
the uespeotable sum of over 9600, and the
organ may soon be purohaeed.
Dr. end Mrs. Towler most pleasantly
entertained the officers, teachers aud or.
chestra of the Methodist Sunday &hoot,
together with other guests. The evening
was delightfully spent svith game:1,1310810,
recitation:I and withal °covet sation.
Word was reeeived of the sudden death
of 10 former Winghamite, Jas. Lootitt,
forrorrly clerk in Olegg's hardwate store.
About two years ago, he removed to
1331111,0 Creak, Miohigan. Re died very
soddenly On 'Sunday even ng, Mar. 22,
from heart failure with soaroely
Wingham has organized a lacrosse
club with the following offleera
Pees., J. Mortoo ; Pree., Geo, 13. Roe ;
Vioe..Pree , A, H. Onrr ; tiec..Treas , 111.
10, Wightman ; Field Oapt., It A. Doug.
las ; Managing Committee, H. EL 011ie-
hohn, 0, A. Campbell, G, 0. Hanna, W.
Clampbell. A mai avid be entered in
1110 0, L. A. junior series in this district.
OMP. -We are °ailed upon to reoord
the death of nos. James Maguire. De.
ceased was the sou of 0. and Mrs. Ma-
guire, ot Morris. Nearly two yeare ago,
he came to town and engaged in the real
estate and !novenae besineee'and woe
suoceeding well. Lost Antumn his
halal began to fail, and for the pad two
or three menthe he had suffered a great
deal. It Wits hie intention te have g.die
to the hospital for the performenee of au
operation, 31,11 1310 day before, hansom,
11134(10 01 the lungs oat in and it Wile evident
the end wee approaffiting, On Baturdoy,
alsb Ult„ lie Wee conecrious death wile at
hand, and after expressing his reatiloess;
he wanted to sing, 'There ie ennebine in
my son) to dtty," but hie etrangth would
not permit, and in the afternoon hie
von took its flight. The funeral took
930100 1111 Monday, members of the Gana.
titan Foresters, and a large number of
ftientie acmonsponying the remaine to
Wingbarn eetnetery. The beteaved
father, mother, brothers and sisters will
0111,00 theone who hae gone, but modally
keen ia the sorrow felt by the young
widow, bereft of a faithful pertner, and
the two little onee deprived et 0 1001000
00re, Rev, 10. Hobbs (tenanted the era,
9100 1111. the residence, Resisted by Rev. 41.„
' Swann. Deeettsed was 29 years of age. I
AmOug the frienda trout a distaste at i '011DDDSVD
50c SILKS FOR 39c,
Led week we were offered a gr) at bargain 1,111 N.w Moues
Since to Maar 001 8. large quantity for spot retell, Travellere know
we ore always open for nape, and when they have anything speolal
to t der, we gat the first obance 034 11. We accepted the rffer and
the goods are here ready for inepeotion. litre are the partioulare :
875 yards New Bloom] Silks, in heavy carded iffeete, in rangy
etripes, Pure Silk, in mime of Pale 131u”, Royal Bine, rink, 'Pile.
quote amiotrope, Mauve, Otd Rose, Meade, Rose Piuk, Oirece,
Salmon, Mats and Cream. This is a rare chance boot:mire oboioe
Pure Since at 95 per omit. less than regular prices. Y• u Amnia eee
them while the stook (0 101. its best, they are aellug like hot °altos.
B. & 1. CORSETS.
We are local agents for the celebtaled 13 & I., Patent 13ias
F111, d Corsets. They are laoed with three hates, mod lit perhanly.
We have them in all fuzee to fit elighl, medium and full figures.
Before you have your Spring Stdt fitted you sboukt have a pair of
thou: Covets. They will add greatly to the appearance of your
Lima. We oleo carry a full assortment of Orompton's 13. & O., 10.
da A. and E. T. Comte, in all the beet malree, from 25o to 91,25
per pair.
the funeral were Mr, and Mr. Beam of s
Sarristan, Mrs.. Fisher, of Toronto, A. vorraolis
Maguire, of Toronto, Mr. and Mre. Den'.
goo, of Varna, Mr. and Mrs. Ciymont, of
Giderith, Alex. Strung, R. Careen end
Miss Careen, of Howick.
In the House of Commons a motion by
Mr. Brook to strike out the vote for a
Imatioli of 'he Royal Idiot divided the
Oppmition, anti it was defeated. (loo.
William Patterson announced the intem
Oen to Appoint /oho Bain Assistant
Commissimier of Cuetoms.
Begins April let
Au excellent time to commence a
0018000 of study so as to be ready to
p take a good posit.ou in the Fall. ALL
I sonoobs ARE NOT ALIKE 1 Get
q'f our Catalogue REBORE 1:1 WOWING -
a TO oo nr..skrwatots. Mail Contact
iiii 01 Shorthand, Book-keetting, Penman.
I pin, lo.
19.3. ELLIOTT, Principal.
4;:it'i•-•'-'-.S1',ET-4 E-.e.v-,-•:=1
are never made agaieet feed enpplied by
Alf. Booker. All stook like 11 and thrive
on it, mat it is pronounoed by all into!.
ligeut breeders to be inoompariably the
best sold. Try a sample lot and yon will
never feed anything but our Hadar oorn
and mite.
Alf. Baeker.
,--trarastitio— --- • —
The Best of this Season's Productions.
We have made a epeeist [f9331. to swore designs and oolorings
of artletic merit not only in high grades but iu those as low as
BED BOOMS -We have Minty Flora's, producing oharming effeete, all Low
PARLORS-Beantiful D signs in Gilt and Creamy Tones, Blues, Greene, aire.,
delicate Shades.
HALLS, DINING -BOOMS, eta -Fine Effective Deeigne, in Magnifioent
Galore, giving Warmth, Mohnen and Beauty to an apartment.
DON'T WAIT till our stook is broken. Make your seleetion NOW.
If you have any rooms not recently Papered, just call and let Its
0 toll you how little 11 00018 to make home bright, attractive and happy.
Fred.'°0..4eCrac en
Papers displayed111 Sole Block, _Brussels,
1111 1
The Undersigned beg leave to notify the Public that
they have opened up a OHOIOE NEW
socir ani no?
OILS lot,
in the Simpson Block, Ethel, which will be sold at Reason-
able Prices.
We have also a Tinware Departmett and will keep It firet.olatis Tinsmith,
A. Spectialty made of Repotting and Havetroughing.
Our motto will be Good Goode and Gimbal Attention to Batraesii.
Best makes of
Stoves handled.