The Brussels Post, 1903-4-2, Page 4g2i1A40,5teteAsP7 :fleeeeeateavrie.4.9
gin %mak 'post,
TIIVIRSDAY, APR, 2, 1908..
NAvicaTics hi already Opened upon OM'
lakes god in the inure° of 9 few weeks
the regular linee of steamers will be tale.
ley their usual eoutee and a lively season
iB entiriipeted,
politicians have been
heaves friendly game of and
are not very sure who ie in the asoendata
oy. They would do a wise aot if tbey'd
decide to oast their lot with the Domita
ion and eau:mate the leng talked of cam
f :aeration.
A. Bea immigration ie expected by
Manitoba and the Northwest tkb e season
the tide already baying sit lo, Great
Britain and the United Suttee will be
largely represeuted in the 1903 meets.
maul into the Westerly portion of the
Dominion and greet proepeota are held
out to the settler ae to climate and peat
reoorde, all favorable to a bright outlook.
Toe Commission baa beau signed by
the Lieutenant Governor relative to the
thorough investigation of the Gainey
charges against Hon, Mr. Stratton and
Judges will arrange an early date ter
hearing the evidence. So muoh has been
said about this oase that only the closeet
earcitiuy will satisfy the electorate. Wbo•
ever le guilty ehould be punished, for if
the Minister has done what hie mouser
says he is not fit for hie job and if oe the
other bend the evidence does not bear
ono the implication the traducer :should
be well rapped over the kuuokles. Clean
po itiolans are wbat this country needs
and should have nothing else.
Tim Redistribution Bill ie now before
the House of Comments and will no doubt
be a question of vita interest to both the
constituencies end members of Parliament
County boundaries, that have been so
reck'esely ignored, will be re established
and adhesed to, a prinolpale that should
hold good. By this ellange many oon-
stituences will be altered and a few wiped
off the map altogether, Referring to the
redistribution of Emma Om, R. H,Imes,
2I. P., for the West Riding writes to hie
paper -the Clinton New Era -as follows:
-Although the redietrilention hill has
not yet been lotroduceid into the House of
Cornatone, the folkway may be atioept•
ed as the probable re -arrangement of the
Ridint a :
East Efuron-Blytb, Breese's, Grey,
Myrick, Morrie, Tarnberry, Wingham,
Wroxeter and Beet Wawatiosh. Pop.
olatiou 19,227.
South Hurou-Bayaeld, Hay,
MoKillop, Searorth, Stanley, Stepben,
Tuokeramith, Ueborne anti Exeter. Pop
illation 20,081.
West linron-Aebtield, Clinton, Col.
borne, Goderich, Goderith townehip,
West Wawanorale and Hallett. Pop.
ulation 19 712.
Prom the foregoing it will be seen that
East Wawanogn is taken from the West
Riding and added to the Emit ;llulh tt is
teken from the South and added to the
West ; wbile Stephen and Exeter, which
are ab pleasant hr N •rtb Middlesex, and
Uaborne, at present in South Perth, all
o •me beat into the Smith Riding
If this arranaement ia carried out it
strengtbene all the Haim, from a Liberal
Standpoint, but still leaves tbe Want
Riding what it hag been for the peat
twenty yew, the moat diffioult one of the
whole three to carry.
April 'will be an
Average Good Month
So saes Rev. Mr. meas.
.April the Ist and 2od are reactionary
norm daye, on and about which may be
expected a decided riee in temperature,
falling aerometer, high humidity and
rain and 'launder etorme. The storm
diagram shows a Mercury period to he
central ou tbe 4th, so that eleurly and
tit:tattled weatber, with mow equals
very probeb'e in the North, will be very
natural for- eeveraldays at this time.
The mean at lira quarter on the 4th, and
in perigree on the 5.h, will aid in pro•
longing theme disturbances, extending
from the 6.11 to the 11111. About the
7th it will change to vary warm in Weet.
ern iodations, winds will shift to Eaeterly
end Southerly, and the barometer will
begin falling, and storms of rain with
some active hail, thunder and wind, will
pase Eaetwardly over most parte of the
country, from the tith to the llah inolu•
sive. Leak first for high temperature,
low barometer, rain thunder and bail,
followed later by Westerly gales, rising
barometer, With fitful squalls of snow end
sleet Northward, aud a very genera( and
depicted change to colder. Atter a few
mornings of chill and (rot, over all see
Mons central and Northward, change to
warmer, with falling barerneter, end
more April storm; will center about the
181 and 14th. A. regular storm period
is nutria/ on the 111.01, the mon being at
last quarter on the same date, and in
apogee on the 18th. An we enter this
period look for amigo to muoh warmer
00 set in from the West -gay about the
18 li. The barometer will begin tailing
in the eame 80011011 with the rising tem.
perature, and from Mint Saturday, the
Mb, to Tuesday the 21st, very decided
storms Will run their regular coarse from
Weet to East across the onuntry. Very
warm humid wet/eller, with low barometer
-thinga probeble at this tirne-may well
suggest storrde ut great energy and oenee
that degree of watelitulnees and caution
wallah the eireuncetances warrant, As
in other aorta periods in April look for
nigh ictionieter, Westerly gales and very
000l nights to follow at the °loge of this
parted -that is immediately behind or
WOE, Of the Mittel etortn area, The ruxt
period in which storm conditions will
deveaop and tun thir ooursee from Weet
to Emit, will be °entre! can tee 241, and
25t1L The 19. 09 ma'am Northward
morose the eelestial equator OtI the
and en and touching that date a melee of
eleotrioel atoms ere almost or.
Lain to develop, Showery, Wrote' eon.
ditiene will nut pees off until after new
mien on the 27th, alter whith date will
follow a brief, charge to muola cooler and
boats Northward. April comes to its
close in the opening dates of a Vuleen
dorm period. Hemp, falling barometer
and amege to warmer will be in progress
ea the rnooth gees out. Slamming up
tbe whole matter, we believe than April
will be an average good month for all in-
PALHERS rouK riensu CO.
The Pamereten Pork Peeking Corm
pauy is before the court on wiuding-up
proceedings, with liebilities 11 over 850,-
000 and aeeete ittinattedly inaullielent to
no et them, says the Toronto News of
March 11.
The petitionere are the Campbell
Shearer aleniPatiY, of London, England,
oreditora to the tallontit of $20.000, The
petition mateo that the Paltnereton Com-
pany was formed lo 1898, with a capital
of 99,U90, in $10 ahem, of which $75,
000 hale been eubeoribed, $57,000 paid up
in cash and $18,000 in note& Simla in.
oarporation and up till a month ago the
oompauy carried on ite business at Pa.
merebon, Out., ot buying, selling and
Maine in hoge, but since that time it has
only been disposing of the stools on hand.
The immediate reason of tbe oompany's
taming down was the refusal of the Bank
of Hamilton ti heuor cheques given to
druvere in payment for hoge parobaged,
bat some time previously it heti been de.
aided at the aonnat meeting of the share.
holders on the 8001 of January, 1903, to
wind up the company. Thie motion wen
taker), iu view of the statement then pre-
sented, thawing that the business had
been carried, on at a loge far the peat 19
months. Shortly atter the meeting a
chattel mortgage was given to. the Batik
of Hamilton for $10.000, and a Bele of
the oompany'e plant and real estate ar.
ranged, the cull realized from which
e27,000 was to be paid to the bank. -The
tote' Maim of tbe Hamilton Bank is
$33,000, it being the largest creditor.
The petition !tillages that the bank is
not secured an any way, and should nut
have any preferenoe over the other oredi.
tore, therefore 11 10 asked that the oone-
party be wound up under the direction
of the collet, and that all ereditore ehoold
ehare rateably in the distribution of the
The officers of the company are 1 -
President, W. T. Falooner, holding 240
tames; Vice -President, John Burns, 100
shares ; Seoretary, John Oiiver, 100
shares ; Directors, James Seiler, Scott
Oowan, Thomas Walton and W. R.
Grove, 100 shares eacla, and Jam, Anker.
man, 30 shares.
The petitioners propoee that E. la 0.
Clarks...a bo appointed liquidator. The
hearing will take place ou Friday, the
Slime the above was printed we under-
stand the mattenhee been arranged land
the salt withdrawn, and that the sale of
the company's plant arranged for will
now go on. The details of this arrange•
mint are not given oat.
Qui ew number of local drovers are
losers to arnonnts running from $500 to
$1,010 each for bop shipped to the tam
tory, The drovers hold the company's
ch• qua but the bank would not eitah it,
'he drovers claim tbe bank bad agreed
to °ash the cheques brit this ie denied by
the manager.
Spring Assizes.
The Court opened on Tuesday March
17th at 1 o'clock and concluded its 511.
tinge on Friday.
Macpherson et ad. v. Brown -An nation
for recovery of datnages for the false
representation of a threahly engine.
The plaintiffs, of Clinton, had purohaeed
a threshing engine from defendant, who
Hem in Pelerboroa giving in payment an
old engine and notes for bateau's. The
plaintiff claimed the engine was not as
represented, and sought to thoover
damage. W. Prondfoot, 11. C., for
plaintiffe ; Dennistourn, Peak & Steven.
sou, Peterboro', for deteudant. Counsel
for defendant oonsenting by telegram,
Hie Lordship Admitted judgment to be
entered for $800 without meets and for
delivery to plaintiff uy defendant of the
notes given in payment.
Jewitt v. Jewett et al. -An motion to
set Rai le an alleged freuduleut oonvey.
Retie. W. Proudroot, K. O. for plaintiff ;
E. L. Dickinson for defendants.
The defendants, Jobn and William
Jewitt, had beet) iu partnership
tit Bayfield for several years in the
hoot liminess and also in the saw mill
busineea. The partnership had been
dissolved on the 17th of Jannary, 1901,
the defeudertt, William, taking over the
bueinees. Die plaintiff, Mary Jewitt,
was married to detenclaut John, but she
sad her husband had not got on together
and he bad gone to the States, She en
tared the tiotion to (mare atimoey, but
before the Court met she withdrew it.
The only queetiou left for the Court wee
the qtlestion of aoete to defendant Wil.
Hain, E L. Dickinson evened that be
should be given outs. W. Prondfoot,
IC Ca, contra. Hie Lordship dlemiseed
the Ration without poets. As no other
cam °mild be brought on owing to lack
of wi,tnesses and other (muses, the Court
seij named at 4 20 to meet at 10 o'clock
Wednesday morning.
Olson et al vs, G. T, Beilway-An
aotion to recover damages for injuries to
Mrs. Olson, by the midden etoppage of a
train at the Ctoderioh station last Sum.
mer, was settled out of wort the eolstinto,
we believe, being $1250. Prondfoot &
Hays for plaintiff, and John Bel/ for
diays vs. Swarlz--An action to reoever
darnagea for the removal of timber [tone
laud on whioh the plaintiff held a mono.
ge, The feetbeing that Swartz bought
the lumber from one (tontine, of St.
Joesph, who had mortgaged the land to
Heys. The 00.30 Wag I djeuroed throngh
the absenoe of an important wittiest',
Proudfoot & Haye for pleintiff,
eon & Garrow for defendant,
lIlilIer vs, Miller et el, an action to set
aside a will as fraudulent, was postponed.
It. Vanetone for plaintiff, and P,oudfoot
& Haye and G. F. Moir for delendante.
Smith ve, Late Erie and Detroit R. R ,
an cotton from the Comity of Bram for
riarnegee for non delivery Of a cargo to a
eeeeel, was referred to blas Moister of the
High Court at Walkerton.
amebae v. Meleteil.-W, Prondfoot, K.
C,, and G, V, Blatt; DrtiseIs, for
13 R Ett3 PO6
tff; J. P. Zane, 8tratfOrd, and W. 01.
/Beulah', Breese% fur defendant, The
plaintiff in this °sae le a married woman
Grey townehlp, a aster Of de.
fondant wed of Jelin 141eGail who died in•
testete. Lettere ot attininiatration of
the deoeneettat persona Witte were taken
pet tent Doodler by the di Om aunt, arid a
farm Haiti by plaintiff to belong to the
estate bat &aimed by defoliant as hie
own property, had bean in artgeged, The
pialutiff eought to bate the title of the
farm dtaared as vesting in the eetate and
to have the whole estate atimiuletered,
Couosel diecusied the form of notion end
the absence of neee'eary parties till 11.e0
wheu the case woe p elemaed for a few
h ars.
Dinktion v. Wimp e -Ata eatiou for
trespass to lends in the town of eaeatortia
Prou Hoot, K. 0., and F. II•ematead
for p'aintiff ; J. P. altthee, S'ratfurd, end
It S. /Jaye, Seeterth, for defendent.
Peintiff is postmaster nt Settforth and
the defendant Mrs Mary Gillespie owns
land adi 'Wog the poetoffice. Defendant
James (11 bcopie ie her anathema Action
dismissed as against defeutlant Mary
Gillespie with its and judgment enter.
ed against defendant Jas. Gillespie (he
biting ooneentea) with coats. Damage
not being aithe.1 mod the leev implying
da the damages were fixed at
05 ole. So far as Mary Gillespie 10 oon•
oerned promediuge stayed thirty days.
Sinclair v filoNeil.-Thie (unarm was
resumed at 3.45. Hie Lordship decided
that in view of the farm in which the
motion was framed and the absence of
parties he would not object to ad•
purnment. After the expiration of
two months either party may apply
to His Lordship upon nothie for a
diapoeition of the come His Lordship
reserved to himself the right to prononnce
at any time such judgment aa he may
gee fit.
Goderioh Elevator Go. v. Dominion
Elevator Go et al -An action to recover
the price of space retained by plaintiff's
for defendant's lu the pleintift'a elevator
ab Goderioh aud not taken by detendente,
W. Prouifoot, K. 0., for plaintiff; 0. A
aloes for defendants. Thi, action was
commenced on Wednesday afternoon and
was not concluded till 1 o'clock. on Fri
day. Judgment re•erved.
The Brotherhood of St. Paul have en.
gaged the former Masonie Hioll, of East
street, as their meeting rooms.
Redeems Bros. have the contrast for
the furnishing of the steamer alanitoo,
now being completed at the Goderieh
We are sorry to learn of the serious
Mums of J. Shannen, of the Kensington
furniture faotory, from au affection of
the heart.
The probabilities are that the G. T. IL
station will not be open till near the end
of April, as the front will all be platform.
1, before the doors ars opened for
A couple of mean armouries, while
standing in doorways on Monday night
of last week out the ropes attaohed to the
awning of the stores at the eutranoe of
which they were tresp teeing.
O. J. Harper bas sold kis reetanrant to
Thos. Pringle, of the Goderiah E,evator
Co.'s staff, end the new proprietor will
take possession the Ooh of April, It is
Mr. Harper's intention to open a above,
plumbing and tinstnithiug estebliabinent
in a toy months.
The erection of the publio library, the
new briak ward school and tbe alterations
at the Central, the new Bank of Montreal
probablealteratiene at the North
Le Methodist church and the poesibil
ity of the :hospital being built, Mei&
private houses aud alterations and p.ddi•
Hone, foreshadow a good year for the
trades tiourierned,
Of the grain shipped from Port Arthur
in 1901 the port of Gotierioh received only
134,688 bushels, while during the year
19132 It received 882.568 huehele froni the
same place. From Fort William, in 1001,
Goderich got 1,170,182 busbele and in
1002 it got 1,806,788 bathe's, allowing a
large increase from both places in 1002.
The 51111 brought by Mrs 0. 0 ••Orl, of
C intou, against the G. T, R. for Wades
received at Goderieh station last Bummer
has been settled, the railway company
paying $1,250 Mrs. Olson had oome up
from Clinton and was about to leave the
train itt the etatiou hero when it was
suddenly shunted, and elle was thrown
Realest the end of the oar. She brought
1101108 for $2,501 damages.
There wag a large and enthuaiastio
meeting at the Hotel Bedford on Tuesday
evening far the re -organization of the
Goderich baseball olub. Joseph Kidd
was called to the chair and the foliowiug
oflieers were eaeoted :-Elon, presidet,t,
W. T. Wash ; hon. vice presidents, Wm.
Proudfoot, K. 0,, A. 0. Hunter, M. D.,
Thos. Tilt ; president, Fred. Davis ; vioa
president, E. C. Maid ; secretary.
treasurer, J. A. MoDenald ; manager,
Harry Watson ; managing oomtnittee, 11.
Munro, A. Hiegineon, 2 L, Walton, la
woss,,,e,wo•te.,,,eants:c. rewtes,p,,,Aesww,
1101-d11101119f flatly ladwerite, The slab
le to be eat ed the Goderlati baseball club.
The seoretery was instruoted to write to
Dalton,, feeeforth, Bruseele,
Lutaltuow and KillOardine With it Viet -9 10the fortnation of a league,
The Retard nitetine a the Goderiela
Bowling Ulub wee held on Wednesday
owning of test work. The 4, 0, 'armour.
crei report ithoweci a stie0eSsfel year, aud
ite emotive and itdopm .i the ehmtion
of °file ra k elites as fit lune :--
ltev. Dr. Meldrum ; Hon. Ptoo„ Mr.
Juetioe °arrow ; Hem ViomPresident,
Dr, Taylor ; Preeicient, Wm Lane Vioe.
President, Judge Holt ; See...Treas., Jail,
(nonuell ; Committee of Manage.
mold, W. W. MoViattr, Dr, Taunter,
Fred, Davie, W. L. Elia After 800)5di•enesion the fee for 1903 WW1 placed at
$4, and the meeting adjourned,
When Judge Ferguson was tiers for the
Assizes he objected to the upholstered
oh Or in which Judges have sat from time
imtnemoriee or nearly se, whiee hearing
(Mee in (MB county. Caretaker Mo
Oreath, who is alwaye obliging in the
extrem weut down entire awl got
another alma %hie otm had a twirling
seitt, end the Judge found oonsideralae
deal:luny in adjusting it to snit him, and
ae be twirled the seat 110 found fault. He
tanked which wee the right way to twirl ti
and received a number of suggestions,
the Clerk of the Court volunteering, Lite
information that bo shetati turn with the
ann. After more twirling end more fault.
lidding the judge w,te family stated -for
that day at least. Next morning still
another °lump wee made.
0,11 it el 1
SMOOT, RUN= -lieport or Senior
Dept. of Ethel Pnblio Sokool for the
month or March ;---V Claes. laxamiued
in Hist., Enolid, Arial , and Drawing.
Tnial 400 -D. Davits 21)7; E Hamad
215; G. Imlay 228 1 M. MeAllistet- 185 ;
E. Mason 161 ; L. Simpson 126. IV
elan. Examined in Hist., Spell., Arith.,
and Drawing. Total 350 -M. Elliott
300 ; B. McKee 283 ; 0. Reynard 251 ;
W. Coates 235 ; G. Gilt 221 ; G. Wenner
217 ; W. McAllister 309 ; S. Dueller
176 ; W. Bade'ey 148 ; (8. Dunbar 88 ;
H. Straohan 18. Sr. III. Examined in
Hist , Spot. and Arab. Total 280 -51,
Stemmer) 216; M. InikY 2015 E8Ia'
Eder 204 ; N. Simpeon 108 • IL Costes
1.98 ; L. Etatinier 185 ; T. McAllister
181; 11. l'ailbee 184 ; I. negate]) 160
L. Chambers 158 ; B Freeman 151 ; M.
MoOallnin 93. Jr. III. Examined in
3114 , Spell„ end kiith. Total 230 -E.
McKee 158 ; K ;Paced 148 ; Ci McKee
141 ; D. Wanner 136 : E. Eolunier 100 ;
J. MoArthy 95, Se. IT, Examined in
Spell., and Geog. Intal 230 -P.
Bremner 183 ; 1' Imlay 357, B. Bate-
man 157 ; J. late0allorn 156 . E. Dunbar
153 : G. McAllister 149 ; W. Pearson 127 ;
L. Cooper 91 ; W. Barr 79 ; N. MoAllie.
ter 52, Gum D0138011. Report of the
Zanier Department of Ethel Peale
eohool for the month of Marsh. Jr.
Leictlaw Stream', Levine McLeod,
Russell Love, Ross Fraser, Anoie Cooper,
Charlie Hamad, Roy Ectimier, Harris
Barmier, Clutha Devideou, Jneeph Pea.
son. Part II -Clelestina Dane, Ir•ne
Heath, Elwin Thompeou. Alvin TlloKee,
Aisle Pletcher, Boy Gill, Joseph Cooper,
Rossini Wilbee, Allen -McAllister, Lizzie
MaeIntoela Sr. Part let. -James Brem
mar, Josepb Routly, Wblfrid Eolimier,
Vera MoGall, Anbrey Dobson, Pearl
McKee, Hermen Fogel, Feeds reeroan,
Alice Barr, Robert Thompson, Jr. Pt,
I. -Florence MacCallum, Annie Mae.
Allister, 0101ird Dunbar, Pearl Gill,
Elwin Dobson, Verde Palard, Chittlis
Davidson, Waley (teal Eektnier,
Rose Coates., Stanley Strauhen, It/amend
Miati LAURA SliaNNoN, Teacher.
CJ it is ett lila .Ne tie 14.
George Rede, ex 55. 2, P., of Keene,
is dead.
Milk producers ot Hamilton propose
to advance p•ieee.
'Phonies Hudson wee killed near Max
well by a falling tree.
It is reporterl that the Fertile coal
miners' strike hoe been settled
James Campbell Taylor, a well known
Hamilton bueinese Mau, is dead.
Freels MoDerrn ,tt, watchman th
on e
0. P. R. at Gravel River, Watli struck by
a freight train and killtd.
Teasel Gunnell, of Kander, found a
0200 gold nugget in th • throat of a pig
that he kilted last week.
Hon. Thos. Greenway ie fighting the
lumber oombine in the West and will
ask the Dominion Govertiroeut to ineta
tete 11100110113 inquiry into its methods.
Two lade have been arrested charged
with stealing frona the Bell Telephoue
Company's pay efationg.
The Robert Simpson Company will in.
crease its =pita stook from five hundred
thousand to mae million dollars.
Kni•x Onllege will confer the degree of
D D. on Rev. Alex. Gilroy of College
Street Preebyterian °heron, Toronto,
11^11.0111.00.,0pr1.1,0111.-60.110,00...10154, ..1.1.00'.1:1•11d11a01 '.14110146.71,
Thus, & Fri.
extend to all a cordial invitation to visit
our Show Boom on the above dates when
all that is now and beautiful in Spring and Suannor
Millinery will be there for your inspection.
at Money -saving Prices,
estraistoeirestenteasecremaiew sesireetweiseto
tt hi:i drove of borers were arose.
ug ibeti Itivsr itt Wint (pun the los ellae
way and 55 Mete plunked into the wilder,
.All but two were reeoued,
The Sonth Ontario Onneervetivee held
their amnia meeting ea Whitby, .11.
L Borden, who was present, WKS
freed the nomination for tbe riding, and
vomited to 001 am it.
To wham that may eeneeru
The emataloma, nreeent, le tonna in ,
tnauy paete of the vouutry, we ilicif °tore
eopabler it 080501 1,13 all who have 001 1
been reeetnitte,1 should be forthwith. Tho
Trustee Board of Public School wilt
please note this, MORA itD PAUL,
Chairman Board of Reath.
Unaerhign.d will keep for service on
Lot 0, Con, 8, gray, two will bred hoge,
immortal bred by II. George ,b Sons,
al , % rim 'el, 91=
istrialyensh, or 81.00 If not so paid, with
privilege of returning if noreseary. Perth.
Pri no"). bAeltnal'11411111111.r,Tropri etor.
undeteigned will Imp for service en
Lot 5 Celia 10 & 11 (-trey, the lhnro' bred
blhirdlorit Bull, ''Captain Foreater,” sired
by lmg. "Captain neatly," and bred by JIM.
A. llrerar, Shakespeare, 1)nb Pedigree may
be soon on application. Terms, $1.60, with
privilege of returning 11 necessary.
93 8m Pro wietor
onuenenetna luta several gime Farms f or
salt and to ront, easy terms, in Townsiripe
of Morrie aud Croy. R. SOOTT.Brassel
-up-011 SALE, — VALUABLE
_L property at Ethel known tie the
Methodist Parsonage. Apply to 31010.
COBBR, Brussels,
Oen. 10, Grey. There ale 100 acres,
SO under cultivation. Apply to 100E9l10 F.
REDMOND, on the emulate, or monerieir
0, O. 21.10
A SA011010E iN ill:AL ES–
zum.-88000.00 will buy the McCau-
ghey Block in tl,o Village of Brussels. These
two nue stores must be sold to oloso nut the
IleCaughey Botate, Intending purehasers
should investigute at onee. Apply to lh. S.
SCOTT or G. F. BLAIR, Brussels, Out,
Notice to Creditors.
In the Surrogate Court of the Cloupty of
Huron, in tbe matter of the eetate of
John Wynn, late of the Vitlege of
Bruesele, in the County of Hilton,
Gentleneen, declaimed.
Notion is hereby given pursuant to the Br-
vised :shames of,1597, mem, lea
Soo. r8, that all creditors and others having
claims smiths() the estate of .Tobe Wynn,
late of the Village of Brussels,18 the Coon-
ty 01 Triune, gentleman, deceased, who died
en or about the 201b ilay or January, A. 17
1002,111 the Village of Brussels, aforesaid,
are hereby requested 10 sled by nett, pre -
not d, or to deliver to Elisabeth Wynn, of the
Village of BrusSels, Widow, the Exeoutria of
the eitate, or to 0. LP. Blair, of the Village
of Mussels, tar Solicitor, 00 00 bolero the
31 th duty of April, A.D. 1903, their full »ewes,
addressee and dotcripti on and the full par-
ticular', of their claims and the nature of
the securities (if any) held by them, And
notice Is farther given that after the said
last 0211-10 l0003 dote the said Mae/nit-0x will
prootiod to d tvlbuto the assets f t be said
deceased emcee the persona entitled there-
to, having repo, d only to tri claims al
uotioo shall have been given as above
required, and the said Executrix will not be
rtsponsible for the assets or any port there-
( 1 so distributed to nay parson of whoso
claim notice shall not have .been received
tit the time of•eueli dastributien.
11.0', 901110, Brume's, Ont,
Solicitor for T0001111tri x,
Doted at nreesels, Match 251h, 1008,
Notice toOreditors.
In the lSoi mote 0. urt of the County of
Huron, in the matter of the estrete of
Ackbaret Taylor, late of llts Wave
nt termite's, in the (k unty of Huron,
Gentleman, ti. (leased.
Retie° is "areay payee pursuant to the
liovisod Stahl bus of Ontarin, 1807, °Imp. 120,
sec, 98, that aOl creditors 1nd others baviug
claims agalin,t bit, uslotta of Aelthurat Tay-
lor, late of the Village of %naafi's, 1,0 the
County of lluoea, Gentleman, deceased, who
died on or 'Wont the nth clay of February,
A. 1) MUM, at the Village of Brussele afore.
lend, are hereby reqmsted to sand by Poit,
prepaid, or to deliver to W. 00. Rorr. of the
Visage of Brussels, publisher, or It Loather.
dale, of the Village of Mineola untleetaker,
the Excoutors of the estate or to G. W.
Blair, of the Vette') of Brussels, their Sone.
!ter, ou or before the 01th day ot April, A. D,
1000, their full names, addressee and dee.
oriptious, and the tell particulars of their
olefins and 1103 nature of the securities (if
an)) held by them. Atli notice is limber
010e1, that after the ecid last mentioned
date the Bad Exeoutore will proceed to din.
trIbrde the uesets Of the said deceased,
atuoug the persons eutItled thereto, baying
regard only to the olainis of which. notice
sIlall have been given te above required, and
0100 801,1 Executors will not be respeuelnie
fur the assets or any pelt timing so distri-
buted to any person ot *whose Oahu notice
shall not have been received at the W1130 of
50811 distribution,
G. ELATE, 13rtrieels, Out.,
8711 &Bator for the /Simonton
Dated at Brussels, starch 20111,1813,
Notice to Creditors
In (110 Surrogate Coed of the Oeunty of
11110011in the matter of the estate of
JernelttoComb, title ff the Village of
lelyth, in the Comity of Huron,
Gentleman, deceased,
Notice is hereby 10011 pnranant to the
evleed FEW ntes 1,0 Outcolo, 1607, ohnelid,
fina en Lenten ereditoeg and octets having
01011.0 11.1011mit 1.00 estate of James 0l00611111,
late of the Village 00 111)911. iu the 0..tinty of
Buren, um:wooed, who died 011 Or about the
leth clay or aanority, 0,1) 1008, itt the Vtllttgg
00015111 aforesaid, aro hereby requested to
Bond by peat,propaut, or to eoliver to Wil.
nem Cameron, Cranbeenk, 'or John thane
Myth, the Exechtme of the iltidatei Or to,
M. F, Mahe of the Vallee° or 13 tussela, Weir
Solicitot. on or bel we the 11th day of A9111,
A.1), 1000, their full niteeeti, addressee and
deserlptiona, and the full particulars of
their elaime and the nature of the secure.
Dee (Ifalty) hold by than, And miles fia
further 010811 that after the said last Mau.
Monad date, Ole said Estionterit will proceed
to distribute the assets of the Bala damaged
among the prone entitled thereto, having
regard only to Woolen/le of Avilleh notice
shad havi, been given as above reonted,
Mid 1110 13011.1 Execu tcre Iviti 1000 118 lOspon,
Bible for the assets or inn, Part iholvals ha
(flaw gaited 10 any pertain of ailiOto claim
notice than riot have Mee received at the
time of awl; dietrilitttion.
G. la .131,0111,11xuseele, (Mk,
Holieitor for Exisouteril,
Litted at Itr00eole,Mareheeth,10,
A.rit. 3 11,108
Roche & Hayoroft
Thursday 86 Friday, April 2 84 8
- A -
liEADY-TO--WE'AR HATS are the flats for all roma,
general Waal: and are 1001 what are required for the
etylieh Tamed Suit for Spriog.
We tore pleased to be in a pasition to offer our many
Guatomers the most Up-to-date &aloe in this head %vette.
The !Meet imports of our loading Millinery Who:melee
from Enelieli aud Atnerioan designere.
E1'e4borly is Cordially Invited.
Conte and 850 the Latest D587.111t 8 in Niiiinery.
Roche & Hay -croft
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ea" EatTRA`P,
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,9 CRY57AL.
(40 oft.
hat arrived—Oue car load of PENNOLINE and SILVER
LIGHT AMERICAN OIL at 20o and 25e per gallon. Try our
Pennoline at 25o per gallon and you will buy it again.
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