The Brussels Post, 1903-3-26, Page 5f ,440 JA MAR. 24, 1908 BUSINESS CARDS. • 'r -ONE : TO LOAN AT 5 FEB .cont, F,S, SCOTT, Brussels, A,NTII, 111001 al,1?,N,- r it leaner of lIarriage L;cepeoe. Of - nes at Ot oc(ry, 1 ural •eery a tenet, llruseels. M. MI RR1SONI Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Wel-TON, ONT, T �r, O'OONNOtt, el • GENERAL. INROBat•ICI1 AGENT fur soma 01 the host and safest Companies In Canada for Niro, Aaoldeut and Pirate Glass. Mae over L C. litchard'a store, Brussels, 78 -Sm PISS JEAN Iln'LADCHLIN, • =1104.0BNR OI' - PIANO - AND ORGAN. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM: INSVRAnOP„ FIRE AND MARINE, • GUELPH. E. Estelle Griffin T11A('1111111 OF YOKE eitliftliiitti Pttpll of alien Fva N, lt„blyu, of London, P01118 prepared, for Coneerv'TtnrY axone. it ]lrussols every Puo4n . \t l -vie y r_ it Leonora given rat the -Hama uP 1} 1I. Burr, John street. , .. _._. J. LECKE, LIIrK AN 11 PIR11 1NSORANCE, LOAN AND NMI. lekT'ATI1 AGPNT, A[ON1;Y TO LOAN AT 4,1, 4!1 & Il Per Coat. 01)100 over Du slev's Brag Store; Nov, 11r0, 100)1. 80-8m 13rueoola. Wellington Mutual Fire Inkuranee R0TA2TAenhn 1840 Insurance taken on the nth nod prominm note ing elsewhere call (0thtnm deroigtsed Agen teurrent rtes. 'tilent of the Company. 011011010 11 OGEIRS, Brussels. AUCTIO E '11R. Lp S. SCOTT AS AN AITOTION• 0 nen, w111 sell far tailor prices, 10 better mon fu lees time find lona charges than any other AuctWuoer in Blast 001'00 or cchargeraeUnioolr on always rgd atscanoe oby Personal application. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN,- - The undersigned, who is well acquainted throughout tIn mutt part of the County nod who has had business with a Largo cir- cle of farmers in and around this locality, begs to inform the cotnuni» Ity that he line taken out an Auctioneer's (Anon for the Comity of Huron and offers his oervioee to all purposing to hold wiles. T1i08, NBWSOMH, Bri nes's. VETERINARY. T D. •WARWICK- . Honor (t rednn.o of the Ontario Vet• olinen, College, is prepared to treat all dis- eases of domeor1catod animals 1n 0. eomnet- antmanner. Pertiaular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry, Calla in•oinptly ate tended to. 011too end Infirmary -Four doors North of bridge, Purcberry at„ Brunets. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. ANT M.,SINOLAI1%- v lla1'rlotet•, eollaitor,'Callveyaneer, Notary Public, &c, udiae-Stowatte; Block. 1 doorNnrth of Contrail lintoh Solicitor for the Standard Beulr, F. BLAIIR,'BARBBI/ITER, SOL- . IGITOLL, ,1.a, BRUSSL'LS.- uniee ovor Httun0u•d Bau111 Solicitor for 'township of Croy, 11owick mutual and the liotronolitcn Rank. Prlvata uud Company money to loau at lowest rates; MED/CAL CrpUb . J. A. NI'NAUGHTON, 1111, U, II., Trinity 'University, Follow Trinity Medical College, Member College of Pbyoioiaee and Surgeouw, Out, Licmntloto of We Royal(1 ol. Icpo of Physiolan° anti Licentiate of 1'did- wiiory,l:di0bul•gh. N0.14, lteotdouoe-Mi)1 street, 73rnesols, DENTISTRY . DR. R. P. FEILD, DENTIST Geaduata of :the Royal College of Dental Rurgeooaof Ontario mid Firot•olass Honor Graduate of Toronto Vnivorstty, Wilco mixt to Brewer'o Phntograyn Gallery, BEU8810L8. 9.7 IT'S ALL RIGHT and Studeute coy enter LJ.FTO lilal at any time. SPRING TABU BEGINS MAR, 80, Two courses -Commercial and Shorthand. Solid for College Journal. O. A. PLPaa[IN°, A.L.MoINTYtt0, !'resident, Seere4ary, kCIES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles 4.031 -- North Shore, Pine and Cedar ]?OR SALE AT TRH Brussels Planing Mills Aloe Doors and Saab of all Pat tome on hand or made to order at Short Notice. E8timat08 Fn0niobed for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed, P. AME 1;eES ?.-.vi 91. 1171x; ' 11`r,o. £":9r1 19 1 I fl TERN' a r I3eitinn April let CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT, An 8xenilent time to commence a ' 00inim at .study as 0s 0o be ready to 1.01,0 0. 0000 O`owi10;, in too Moll, ALL S0IIn01.N AR7.1 NOT AI,1105 1 list our Catalogue 11111'OIUd ll .1010IN 0 To CO i;LbloYVrlleltlr. Mall (10,a -eon u1. thiiPutman,nrtbaud, nook -keeping, Putman, -p , &d, , W, J. ELLIOTT, Principal, 4 i ixl.Ct tet05, ILieicsirtl1. Geo. Mrliwen ie shipping a large quan• tity of tow. rhe Methodist choir is preparing epee. int mule for Easter. Rev. Dr. Medd hopes to take his pulpit work about the middle of Apeil. A little daughter of J. Elder, while o'imbine a tree ha the woods fell and into. tared her leg, Ae Nnrutan Cook wee soaping a belt running a pulley iu Uta grim mill, the laming caught his hand and carried it around t110 pulley, giving it a bad \vreuo13 and Itemising one of the small bodes near the wrist,. George Taylor, the veteran cattle feeder and•doaler,'of this place, recently 8o'd to Cronin & Biggin, deniers of Seaford), one of the beet Made of cattle that Over left this district. , These cattle were all sleek, tut and In firet•oiuso shape. They were shipped from Heneall. They averaged 1,525 lbs., while several of the number weighed 1,605 lbs,, and ono very choice steer tipped the beam at 1,0,10 Ibe, (4°0Ier10I1. The commercial dock in front of Wm Lee's hue bean nicely (leaned op by Robs. Cum pbe!I. lira, Pet8emo08 left town on d lame week, f�:r Seafcrlh, where will emend the Summer months. Oapt. A. 10. Macgregor, it ie has been retired from lerviee o gov- ernment survey etenmer Bayilsl Herring were 'Teen atonnd on y of last week, and should now b t In good number, as the harbor i ll of lively fry. The greater part of the foundationL the North wing of the Grgan fa m been bails, but on account of they of atone, work ie not belt g push The King Edward and another1 of similar type, hut larger will maize two calla a week at each way during the season of 1 The 0.E. o! Knox thumb have ed Thos. McGillicuddy, of Tor r the awning of Good Friday, A , to deliver his lecture on '•Horne• The agency of the 0. P. R. s town was transferred from Gordon• dereon to Joseph Kidd, tori t moved from Weet street to Mr. store. Thou. Beattie, of the 4th con - rich township, mo far hae the t sowing the first field of nate in t of Guthrie for 1803, bo having u t reoord breaker on St. Patrick's The Athletic Club organized Collegiate, appointed the fallow 0008:-flon.-Pree., H.I. Strap and Judge Holt •President, Ju ;, 01. ''hemp ou, B. A, ; Vice Preside . Allan ; Sen.•'Tt'eee , P• \V..Gdwa ager, 14. Merritt, B, A , and A Committee, Harold Tyler, Her tell and F. Sweet. The Tarn Leader Pttys 1 -Joh non, of Goderiub, brother of Iona non, is eeriouely ill with an sill the heart, Ile has been in poo for name menthe and has bad to to his office. I. Shannon, x000 byhis dal hter Pearl, drove g a a Goderieh before the snow ,vent a have cot been able to return. twine that Air. Shannon was not lug, and .laetSunday his illness d into a very serious aspect (nil d entertained for hie recovery. Tuesday 1 Om wJ reported n the d. 3001,80 e auogh enowfu e story has 800.0010 ed. .0000) oapOOity, (ind0righ 903. 10 900130 onto, fo Writ 10th y People.' in the Hen Ito office Kjdd'a Gods, honor o this par tale 110 Day. at the lug ofli B. A W,, H President, Geo Edward ; Man. foraging b,Camp• n Shan. o Sheen 01)00) of r health Lie driven mpanied 0000 to way and Word improv developed 0131)19 Ore root lttaism.• The Fall Fair will be held thio year on ThOt'eday and Friday, Srptember 24111 and 25th. Rev" War, Lowe administered the Holy Communion last Sunday in Tees- water and Le.keleb. N. 3, Kerswell has decided to go West in a few weeks and has ceased to do bud: nesein Whlghnm. W. D. Pringle, formerly of Winghem, hat, removed from Georget0wu to Sarnia; where he has charge; of a large tannery. Dr, J. 331. Tomlyn was in Toronto lest week attending the Grand Lodge meeting of the Au0lent Order of United 'Work. Hien. Moot, Smith and W. J. Ramey, two reuidentu of this vicinity, have decided to remove to Zion, the city founded by Alex. Dawie, on the shore of Lake Michigan, between Chicago and Milwaukee. The death of T. H. Manuel oocurred al his 000140nce here on 'Thursday, 12th Net , shortly after hie arrival home from the North Weet, He leaves a widow and family to mourn his demise. The tuner - al took place on Sunday to Wiegham cemetery. E IT, Kaiser 1,300 with in aooideet in one of the factories that nearly deetrpyed hie right hand. go woo wo01110 on rho ehaper, and by some means his hand mune fn ountaa1 with the 1lnife. The sad'reeultwas that the thumb was split MO plena taken off the fingers,' Wiugham Football train orgenlzedfon the scaler. The following oflidere were elected :-/don. ?reg., A. B. Mttegrov8 ; Pres., Dr. Irwin ; Vice Pres, A, Crary. ford ; Seo,✓.Ureas„ Garfield VanStoue ; Managing Committee, Elmer Peloore, Peed. Rush, Sen„ Wes. Allenby, The boys report height proapvoio for the com- ing 8eaeon. Winghem will enter letter - Mediate and. Junior roam, in the Western Football 408001ati on. The congregation of All &tittle Church, London, has, through the thumb wardon8, extended a coli to Rev. Wm, Lowe, of 'Winghem, to become their Rentor, Mr, Lowe is highly esteemed by the people of Wiughorn, and popular with hie mops. getion, who would deeply regret hie re. 013cvnl. Mr. Lowe 11-10 500ided to remain in Win item, 80. Paul hag prospered under h1e p moral Dare in ail Jte depart. f"(1 menta, • Itcv, J. J. 1',ttt, r'',,,, 11.A„ of 10'(ng. 11130, 111,0 been Minium to be the new 11ae10r of the Emmanuel Baptist Chnreh w4 Rhode Island street and Normal entitle, Buffelo, N, Y , by n peanimone vote or the 0hnreit 11lt+te00. Ile will stuteeed the 11 v, 0. 1t. Storey, who resigned Jou, 1. 51r, Patterson will arsumo his net' pastorate in the immed. tate future. 1131V Ole. The next monthly fair will be held Jn Blyth on 1'oe,day, Mae, net. Aoar otfion s i a none t 1.c 1 sl 1 from the PI Blyth dour m'lls to Levin, (j0ahoo. T tot J. ilutlls ; sync attending the Spring 11001Ze0 in Ooderreh last week as a juryman. Alive Eva Kelly, nurse at St. Jos'ph'e hospital, London, is vie(dng her pureut8, Daniel tend -Wire. Belly. D.,vld Niohol was in Toronto lent week attending the Grand Lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen. 1)r. Lindnay and narriater Jaokoon at. tended the funeral of the late Dr, Frank Turnbull, of Auburn, et Milverton. Mies Stewart hae returned from her 130100 III Walkerton and is again in (barge of the inilliuery department of ills .io• non es Oa, Litho Barr, who recently sold hie farm in 1lu9ett, has moved his family to Blyth and they are 000upying 1110 house on King street formerly occupied by G. E Deuetedt and family, 0011 tvhieh Mr. Barr has pnrab110ed, F. D. 'talker has Bold is 1 0 e Stalker h 0 am farm, Int 42, con. 5;. Rost WVatvanueh, to Edgar Dexter,. of • Mullett, fur $5,000. Mr, Stalker hoe since purchased Mrs, W. 1. Taylor's 50 tore farm, 1,.1 42, con. 8, Leet Wewauoeh, for 'which he '' paid 52750. A gang of ,nen were repairing the rail. way bridges Est of the town Iaet week. A'es, Koine lett on Monday of last week for Algoma District where .he will teach oohooi. M' 1.11„ Riddell, formerly Miss A. R 01 tot a of Winghem and Gerrie, after having ate tended millinery openiu,)0 at Toledo, Ohio, and Toronto, left the latter oity on Tuesday of last week for Revelstoke, B. 0., where elle has taken a position with Mesere. Rear &Young of that town. IIowlok Agricultural S•.oh.ty reports as follows :-Total assets, $880 58 1 no Iia. bllitiee ; 101 members for 1008 ; 1005 entri990 ; 1nlan131 offered tor prizes, $888.• 45 ; amount awarded and paid, $252 70 ; total receipts, $816 64 ; total expenditure, 5349 91 ; balltuoe on hand 8110 53, Iaisuto W41). Elgin Roy of the Imperial Bank, Tor- onto, spout a few days at hie home Jn town, having beep eomewhat indisposed. He has returned again to Toronto. Wili.11, Martin, who hae been detained in town for the pale three or four months by the ilhleoa and death of his father, tbo tato Robert Martin, teff on Monday of Wet week to reenme hie position ao travelling salesman for a New York hoose. A delegation from Clinton, (loudening of Dr. Show, ohoirman of oitizeno' nom• mince, and 'W. Havllend, Jae. Stevenson and J. A. Ford, were in town Thursday of last week and spent some" time in in- vestigating waterworks and eleotrio light. They had jnet returned from Mt. Forest. Rev. A. P. Moore, formerly rentor of Christ Obnrah, is eeriouely ill at Detroit, where he want some m011111s ago to take a m0dioal course. On Saturday 14111 inst., he woe taken down with a severe attack of appsndioitie, and underwent an operation at Harper HfieI]t i on Monday, whi0h ode informant states was not Bao• aes•(ul,and he will be obliged to undergo another operation, if hie etreugth holds one. The boepital physicians consider his ease s 080), serious one, uud hold out but Plight hopes for hie recovery. FOOT0ATt, TRAMS ORGANIZED: A meet. ing of the Listowel Football Olnb was held at the Grand Central on Monday evening of last week for the purpose of organizing for the craning season. It wits deoided to enter a team in the inter- mediate and junior W. F. A. Following are the officers cleated 1-B, Foratyeth, hon president ; II. B, 1YLorphy, hon, vioe president'; F. W. (lay, president; G. S. Kidd, let vino president; D. L. Scott, 2,d vivo pre.ident ; R Caseei1, 8111 vine peeai. dent ; Mr, and Loire. John Patch, patron and patroness ; Secretory, P, S. Connolly ; Treaonrer, .R, N. MarRay ; Maeagel•, J. W. Rolle ; Captain, John Stewart ; 'Team Oommittee,,,A 13,103(00d, A, Oohing, J. Moorehead ; .Managing • Oonitititlee, Teylor,21I. Hamilton,. J. Collins ; Delegate 10 _Berlin, 3, Siewert; TIM junior team also organic. d, With the foliowing Camera : -Bort' prebidenb; B. Fnreayeth,; :pr.,osi• x 3%1 S. I4L »CS T dolt, 13, Johnetnn ; let vino-prooidnnf, IL, ter ; T't lion, rl, W. Campbell, f4 BN- B. ]liorphy ; 2nd vice preaident, D. f, exits, I. Peneer, A, Merman, 15, John - Boot!, ; Orli vioe.pre ideal, Jt. Osuoole ; e o•1., W J. J„Itne10n, Geo. l'ei000lr and Manager, N_ R. Bamford ; Captaitr, J'1. i L. Rat's. ; 2.td lino, Wm. Findleter, Willoughby ; theretary, M, 1Ldmka i Gen. O,gent ire, Wm. Elston, I,. Jowitt, i Treeenrer, W. Milliax; Math; ing (Join. I. 5'rrrand, 'ri. Pani, S. Caldbioll, 3. Jere coulee, D. O -borne, B. Teems, 10, Bon) syn and Wm, Keen; 8•d tine, A. ford 7 -Foam Committee, 13. J3a!nford, A. Brydgee, Geo, Ronne, A. Prootor, Geo. ltigge, C. %iNinx, Maxwell, J. 1'h nne Jae, M. ((410 H. Hallam Wm &Mare and Gen, Henderson ; 4 h line, 0, Praetor, W, 0. Proctor, 0. B. A..lWOOci. Wilkiuoon, J. Wheeler, O. Wheeler, R. John Knox bac purchased the who's of Hhnddan, T. Bradshaw, S. IV, Barr, Ii. the Wilson property which he now Molionaio and Too, Currie ; 6th line, 1.1. 000npie0, Jnhneten, A. Clookoy, S. Jordan, 51. George T. Rome, of Te G m i eawater hae 6 ,Watson, B. Wilkinson,'r. Clark, 1). Som. taken1.t situ, li ell e t 1 a n as, d It Ie n 1 to t G J. • mervilte W, J.Smhh J. Shur D. J r• R, station. Mtn and A, Adams ; 6%h Zine 1L, Craig, Mrs, John Pelton's brother, Norman A, Cole, Wm, Michie, J. Cook, J. Smit, Stewart, of Listowel, ie lying aortouely ill Wm, Robb, It Nichol and J. Aitken ; of brain fever. hire. Pelton has been 7th line, 11. Nesbitt, J. Phelan, M Kelly, helping nurse hien Wm. Cunningham, Jon, Hunter, Won. 3, A. Mitchell hae hod hie new gas Herder, A. 51001111, A. Button, R. Bow, machine inetslled end 10 tacit is giving ley and A. Aehtoo ; 8th line, Wm. Pol- goodsetisfs,otion. `It is of the 80. Thomas look, 11, Riohmood, A. Laidlaw, J, Wal - maks, the Fame as the One that exploded. lace, T. Biolby, Jno. Oololongh, Wm. MV, A. Peet hoe the atone and brick on Blotto'', G. McOallom, Geo. Kelly, Geo. the ground to erect a Ana new reoidenoe Ma0ol1 and Jas. Lawson ; 8'h lino, J. Snell: J. Parrott, 0. Taylor, J. Jn&ksnn, J. Shortreed, W. J. Shortreed, Wm 'l' -,y• tor, D, Fargnhareon and A. Mnrr0y ; South boundary, Geo. Grigg lino, h.:undary, A. Bryant, A. MoLnnuh'io, W. Maunders, 3. Bolger and L. McDonald ; Neel hottttdery, Jae. Golly, Wm. McCrea, 0, Graeby and N. Cumming ; Belgrove, I. '1'. Geddes, On motion of Jaoltevn end Taylor, the Conseil then edjlurned to meet Again 25 an 1.b do of Maynext, Rex for Y Owlet of Reviafon and other baeineos, 'W. 01x011, Olerk, thin bummer. Ie will be built on the lot 1)8(100113 01,ae, Reoo,o',, and Mo. Hudson's property. Tom Nesbitt has the oentree; for the atone and break work. Ben. and Mre. Oath/1r have the elnoere sympathy of the entire neighborhood in the nod and sodden 4' alb of their eldeet daughter, Louise, who died on Teeeday evening of lust week. Little Louise took ill with scarlet fever about five days before her tleatti. The following are the otllears of the looai seoisty of Chosen Frieude for the ensuing team, 1'. 0., R. M. Ballantyne ; 0. O„ R, Richmond ; V. 0 , Geo, ;Dump ;. Ileo., Mrs, Kidd ; Treas., Dr. Kidd ; Mar. (hal, 'Min P. Gordon ; Warden, Miae 111. &1)y ; Prelate, Mee. H. Campbell ; Guard Mra. George Sump ; Sentry, Sam. May, Ewa GO0N01L -The municipal Council of the township of Elms met 1n the Agricultural Hall, Atwood, on March 16. 1MIembere all present. Minutes of last meeting read and eignel. Oommunioa. tions were read 013 follows : one from Ma fah' bee & N mo an behait of Win. Baillie for d0ma108 for alleged flooding of big land, and from George Hart for damages for Fame. Council will see land oom• plaioed of. Mr. Morptiy wile present and presented a copy of the judgment, Wal- laoe ve. Elms, Stewart drain. Moved by Mr. Currie and Mr. Boyle, that J. Dao. oan be appointed Collector for the year 1903 at the same salary as, last year. Carried. 4031 taxes on roll 1902 were collected. Moved by Mr. Coates and Mr. Bell, that Morptiy TO Oaaribew be paid $45 61, octets re Hamilton alleged claim for finding of land. Carried., Moved by Mr. Bell and Bic. Corrie, that orders be hotted for payment of the following acaoan0e: 3. Broughton 68, repairing gravel road ; T. Jiokling $4, repairing eideroads 20 acid 21 ; D. Dewar $5, for gravel ; G. Gordon $2, repairing gravel road ; D, Bell 63, repairing gravel road ; J. Graham $13 50, gravel; R. Cunning. ham $1.20, , repairing gravel road ; D. Bell $3, repairing gravel road ; G. Smith 56, and G. Gordon $1 60, repairing gravel read ; A. M. Sweeten $2, expenses .meet. ing Provincial Auditor. Carried. Path. ma0tere, Fence viewers and Poundkeepers were appointed. 1Sloved by Mr. Boyle and Mr: Goatee, that the Council adjourn to msec wain on the 13Th April at 10 a. m. Oarried. Morris Council, Meeting. The Oounoirmet porn mit to adjourn. meet i13 the ()meth Room, on Mee. 16)11. Members allP resent Reeve i 1.h n e chair. Miuntea of lost meeting rend and passed. Moved by Taylor, seconded by phew, that owing to oomplaint9 having been made respecting 31r, Pieroe'd fence being built on road allowance the Clerk be instructed to notify him that he is requir- ed to have said fence removed on or before let of July next, otherwise the Council will be obliged to move in the matter. -Carried. On motion of Code and Shaw, Mr. Jookson was instructed to make arrangements with the parties 110. t r nod e es, for Etre annetr m UO On Of storm fences nbaertnin pointe on the Eastern boundary. A copy of the Engineer's report, plane,epeoilloatione &0 of the proposed Lemont drain, running through the Northern part of the Townehlpe of Grey and Morrie, 1.11100 handed in by the Clerk of Grey. On motion of Jaokeon and Code, the Clark was instructed to call a special meeting of the Commit as soon as oircurnstances will permit for the con- sideration of said report. Pathmaetere were - app tutted as followe -North boundary. 0. Henderson, J. Henderson, T. M. Henderson, J. MoOraaken, Geo; McDonald, P. Patton,R. Shaw, D, Mi1. cradles' Fine Shouse Handsome to the eye Artistic m design. First-rate workman- ship. Made to• wear and keep their shape. Beautiful finish, .easy comfort, very durable. 'When you discard them you want another f1 jt st like the last ones." Then our prices are not the least ple(isieg part of the buying', Here aro a fewr- •--Ladfoe' Dongola Buttoned or Lod Shoes, heavy solea, Up -to date Lasts and Fashion •- We intoe the Brueesl( agony ter the Victoria Shoes, one of the finest and neoteet Shoes for Ladles that is 11144. See our Spring etylee, pA�' '1 '1 DEPA I A11 - S.1 S Woo017ri000. oevy and 088, a ge, .L �I a.J 1.71J at ;;.;otveet I?irioes. Sweat G011ara, Lap Rnge, Rubber 11dgo, Trunks and Satchels, -Some BARGAINS for those wanting 0ocond Hand Single Hansen, --Repairs in Harem, Collars, Boot( and Shona. Le% 1° a 4 r"#'a ta!Nt a 4:t+.t Ancient Order United Workmen. (MA111) 1./.1110/1 81ESTIY(i. The queelioo of raiatng the rate of assessment was the principal item of busineee before rho annual 0880100 of the Grand Lodge of the Ancient Order of United WOT knell wl]1011 opened 'o AB• satiation /Rail, Toronto, on i Wednesday morning of last week, with about 500 delegates in attendance, After debating the matter till about 10 r.'olcolc p. in., the reeohltiou which had been introduced by the Executive Oommittoe was voted down on the following division : Nays, 21,679 ; yens, 18,900, each delegate casting us many votes as the membership of the lodge he repreeentod. It was decided after the remit of the vote had been announced, to re -consider the question, and the matter was re, opened at Thursday morui0g'e session. The proposal of the epeoial committee was that the monthly assessment should range from GO Dante at 18 years of age to $1.50 at 45. Some of the opponents of the resolution held out for a ten per cent. increase, while others favored the retention of the pteaenteohedute. At Thursday morning's meeting the first four principal officers were elected by aeolanlation, as follows: -Joe. Gibson, Ingersoll, Grand Maeter ; J. M. Pere. grille, Hamilton, Grand Foreman ; Ohae. E. Oameron, Iroquois, Grand Overseer ; and 1MI. D. Carder, Toronto, Grand Re. corder. For Treasurer, F. G. Inwoo d, Toronto, was Bleated with 213,863 votes out of 43,284 against '1'. M. Cornett, Gan0n0g00. J. T. Allen, of Meaford, was re•eteoted Grand Guide by acclama- tion, and R. Ingram, of Ottawa, Grand Watchman. Harry Barrie, of Guelph, d,feoted Hawley, Farman and Stone for Grand Warden. Wile( the next item of business, the question of rates, was reached, D. Carder, Grand Recorder, seconded by George P. Gresham, P. G. M. W., moved n eehedule, beginning with 60 oents a month at I8, up to $1 80 a month at 45, The sohednle which 0010.0 rejected rose to $1 50 at 45. Mr, Oardor's motion was almost unanimously adopted, only fift,•en delegates voting against it. Tba tariff is as follows 1 -Age at joining 18, GOe ; 19, 62o ; 20, 64e ; 21, GGa ; 22, 68c ; 28, 700 ; 24, 72o ; 25, 74a ; 26, 70 ] ; 27, 780 ; 28, 800 ; 29, 820 ;073100, 841 ; 31, 8130 ; 82, 8;94041 83 2a 9 84 as ; 35,9 ,9,9.30 1. 1• ,0 , $ 37, 104 8 5801.004; 3 1 11 �• 9 0 4 . ,$0 11S• $1 16 42, $1 19 43, 0122 ; 44, $125 ; 45, $180 Thlo new tariff will go into opera. tion July 1, 1908. James B. Nixon preeented the report of the Committee on Laws. The most warmth was exhibited over the elapse prohibiting all eplrit0opsand malt liquors OA all bouquets, eoeials and other public [motions :hold uuder Workman auspices: This came trout Stowartou Lodge, Ot. taws, and the committee reoommeoded that it be , not adopted. After several opeeohee the item was carried with lees than twenty diesentente. It was reeoly ed that if any person after initiation into the order shah change his employment for 00y of those prohibited ire forfeit hie membership and all rights and claims therewith. The elnendmente proposed by the Bolvmnnville Lodge, that total disability (deuces be inserted in the con. etjtution, were loot, as were also those making provision for sick benette and for the adoption of rates for a hozardone close. Tho 8nggeetiou to amend the constitution so that females be admitted wag postponed until the next eeesi00. Fred, W. Inwood presented a eerie( of regulations to govern the organization depsrtment dpri0g the ensuing year. The employment of organizers to to be aoodnoted with1 greater caro and super, 010)00 iu the future, and their remuner- ation is to be graded in proportion to the e1loienoy and results they attain. Following District Depttieg were in- stalled :- No. 1, H. Fheppy, Highgate ; No. 2, R. G. Mills, Yarmouth Centre ; No. 3, A. 0arrutllere, L0011011 ; No. 4, T. J. Lem- miman, Ouerio's Oroseiug ; No. 5, W. 3, Whitlock, Bltmi10On ; No 8, R. in. Boyle, Merritton ; No. 7, W. A, Boldne,Preetou ; No, 8, 14, A, Y"eater, Stratford ; No, 9, George Straub, Listowel ; No. 10, 11, 1:f• Bnreese, Owen Sound ; No. 11, B. Nixon, Kilbride ; No. 12, F. Saunders, Toronto ; No. 18, Rev. A. M. Rutherford, Sutton West ; No. 14, D. M, Willfam0, Totten. ham t No. 15, Alf. Hoover, Green River ; No, 10, F. II. Lazier, Brighton; No, 17, Dr. W. J. Bisons, Frank(ord ; No. 18, R. W. Longmore, Camden Nast; No, 19, E. Olint, Brockville; No, 20, W. H. Cassel. 111011, Oh00tervilto; No. 21, W. H. Mille, Coonan ; No, 22,18, W.lOaydon, Almo1]te ; No, 28, J, A. Stator, Orillia ; No. 24 J. J. 0nr000)0, Cbapleatt ; .No. 25, T. A, Bella, North Bay. The Grand Master appointed J. 3, Graig, Forgot, and S. B. Morrie Rodney, Members of the Exeoutivo, and Dr, J. M, Oates, Toronto, Grand 1I03iaal Exam iner, The Grand Lodge was then beenght to a oloee iu the repot term, 1 IN r q 11 rW w We have deoided not to hold 000 renal Mlliinery Opening Ibis season. Many of our lady Meths prefer to mine and viae our ➢iilliuery dioplay at their leisure, rather than when there 10 sttoh a (rowel that standing room le at a premium. A great deal ie expeated from this store in the way of Millinery dioplay, and of course their ie petitioation therefor, beotuee eeae010 alter ovum we've b,pught for you from the world's fsobion oentree, the choicest and beet product - lions poeeible to eeegre, Mita Stewart has returned from a 00j0u0n in the grin• afpal centres of fashion, and with a oompeteut staff of assistants hoe prepared for your inepeotion olarge assortment of the lateen designs in headgear. De. signers' views have taken a wider latitude tbie season, entering realms hitherto untouched. It is only natural then that our epeoial oreetiooe would refloat the now order of things. Aa with Millinery eo it to with Deese Goode, Silks, Dress 1'rimminge, 7. phyre, Mullins, Eto, A0 a matter of fact all the new things, ere charming, freed] and splendid looking. Come at any time and enjoy the showing to your heart's content. You Deed not (pend a Dent, exoepb you want to. .. • Our Drees Goode department requires more than a passing nolioe. The new linea we have just added to our stools in German Boxolntho and Broadcloths that stand anrival:ed for elegant tailor-made aatte at $1, $125 and $1.60 per yard, nr0 without doubt the beet value in the market. A)ao Venetians, Cheviots, Voiles, Crepe de Obene, Canvas Cloth, and all the newest weaves in high toned Drees Goode, . /1 t3aV i`/ It,/ NQP Myth. 9 y O OUR AMERICAN • IS NOW IN STOOK. • The Best of this Season's Productions. We have made a epeoial effort to secure designs and colorings of artistic merit not only in high grades but in those as low se 5 CENTS PER ROLL • BED ROOMS -We have Dainty Florets, producing charming efeots, ab Low Cost. PARLORS -Beautiful Dreigno in Gilt and Creamy Tones, Blues, Greene, &o., in delicate Shades. HALLS, DINING -ROOM$, &o -Fine Effective Deeigne, in Magnificent Colors, giving Warmth, 'liftmen and Beauty to an apartment. DON'T WAIT till our stook is broken. Bake your selection NOW. If you have any rooms not recently Papered, jest (tell and let us tell you how little it aost0 to make home bright, attractive and happy. Fred . . ...cken Papers Brussels. displayed il�. S male Block, 0 NE'; HARDVARE STI'RE manfamsmsmor The Undersigned beg leave lo notify the Public that they have opened up a OHOIOE NEW STOOK of SHELF and HUN' FAINTS, HAR D WARE Sly e I � Gc l i in the Simpson Block, Ethel, which will be sold at Reason- able Prices. We have also a Tinware Department and will keep a tr'et•Olaee Tinsmith, A Specialty made of Repairing and Eavebrongbing. Our motto will be Good Goode and Careful Attention to Business, A SHARE OF PATRONAGE ASKED FOR, Best makes of Stoves handled. KRATJTER 8 BITEEIR, STRICTLY ONE PRIOE NEW GOODS STOCKED OOKED THIS WEEK DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, ZEPHYRS, LACES, JIVIBROIDERIES, SHEETTNGS, PILLOW COTTONS, RIBBONS, CHENILLE CURTAIN'S, • CHENILLE TABLE COVERS, LACE C URTAIN sM U L s zN s GINGTIA.11'T. S, WITIT I WEAR, IIMMNIMENSISMINMEININ J. Fergus F_ dz, CO_ ALWAYS THLv:LOWES'C Co.