The Brussels Post, 1903-2-26, Page 8Reba 1i.t Infor is what is needed by the Public regarding the use of Medicine. There are many Drugs that are ex- ceedingly good for common ailments, colds, etc„ and the intelligent use of which insure speedy recovery. Do not hesitate to ask our advice and we will at once designate the best remedies that are prepared for such complaints. S Druggist lc Bookseller, Brussels. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 805513080 EXTENSION W. S. & 8, 'trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Goma BODTH GOING NORTH. Mail 7:18 am I Mixed 10:00 a.m Mixed.........10 00 a.m I Mail 1:17 p.m m Express 8:26 p.Express .„... 8:17 p.m of l to % Nissl A ohiel's among ye fakir' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. 1 , Ann/4n weather now. uscm meeting next Monday evening. C. DA1n18 shipped a oar of toga on e 'day. I' 1'oeareof salt were shipped during the (last week. ifoB9E Flair Thursday of next week. Don't forget it, BARRISTER Bunt has disposed of his driving mare to Jno Lawson, 0th con., Grey. A load of young people from 8t. Jobe's church congregation drove to a church gathering at Blyth lest Friday evening. CLEARING Seize. —Our sale continues till March let. Mrs. Weiler won last week's 65 00 prize. GEC. E KIxn, Wingham. MRs. Trimmest intends having a 00at of cement put on the house she purchased last Fall from the Borne estate and will farther improve the interior by paint and paper. LAST Wednesday was Ash Wednesday; First Sunday of Leat, March 1 ; Mid Lent, March 18 . Palm Sunday, April 5 ; Good Friday, April 10 ; Easter Sunday, April 12. 100 Prro8 boles were eonnted on the 2i miles of road North of Brussels on Tuesday. The interested munioipalities should take notion on tbie main travelled road both North and South. NEW =Bloat loo per sheet. We are offering all the u New Ieeaee” received by us during the peat few months for 10e a o'py. They include a lot of the late Songs and Two•Stepe. Tna Poar Book Store. DnAA[ATIO Co.—The Helena Pelletier Dramatic Company gave three evenings en the Town Hall, Brussels, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, hrfore good sized andienoee. They pro- duced "The Better Half" ; "The Fire man's Ward" ; and "The girl from Alexi. e 1." In addition to the playa vocal select. tins were rendered, and diffionit joggling feats were performed. The company want from here to Wingham, HURON Boys "AT Hosts".—E. J. B. Duosan, president, wag chairman at the annual At Home of the Hume Old Boys, Association in the Assembly Hall of the Temple building, in the city of Toronton, Thursday night of last week. Among the honorary presidents seated on the platform were ; Ool. Otter, J.8, Willison, E, Floody, Dr. Sloan, Hugh MoMath, 0. D. Smith, W. R. Mister nod Alexander Muir. Alter the concert dancing wag indulged in. Lunch- eon was served at 11 o'otook, Wemszsnix of next week a Convention will be held in the Clinton Town Hall to discuss the advisability of Huron 0o. taking a share iD the million dollar Government grant for road improvement, Representatives are asked from every munioipality and although the towns and villages will not elate directly in the Ilenefite if the proposition is oarri,d we are nevertheleee largely interested in the bettering of our pnblia highways an,l should show our interest by having delegates at the meeting. Convention opens at 10 46 n, m, A. W, Campbell, Oommieeiouer of Highways for Ontario, has consented to be present and give an addreee and answer geeetiooe or explain the law. The members of the Oo. Council will he there and they will meat prior to public meeting to receive the report of the Committee appointed in tbie matter. KINDLY Rnt,nto REEED.—Following 18 a Dopy of an address presented by the Women's Missionary Society and Ladies' Aid of Brussels Melbodiet ohoroh to Mre. Hem before her removal to Looknow :— Peon MRS. HAtt,—We, the members of the W. M. S. and Ladies' Aid of the Methodist ohurob, Brngaele, desire to OOnvey t0 you our sincere regret and sorrow at the departure of one so efficient i❑ ahurob work. In the W. M. S. we will 00100 y0nr °heerfal willingness 10 comply with anything that would further the work. We will mins your genial ensile and kindly greetiog in our meetinge, In the Ladies' Aid we found you to be a seeking worker, telling some of the meet votive duties. While we mise you 10 these monthly gatherings, we will miser you in our homes where you were an ever weloome guest, and we know that in your new sphere you will, when permitted, be a Shelter in God'e vineyard, We hope and pray you and youre may long be eared to help advance the Matter'e Kingdom. We know that ono lose will be Lelknow'e gain, but we hope et tie same time that you will always look bank upon your stay in Bruseale with pplea80re. Signed on behalf of the above Societies, W. M. 13.—hire, J, L. Kerr, Pres ; Mre. J. Tait, See. ; Mre, A. a, Lowry, Corr Flee. Ladies' All—Mrs. W. F. 8'ower,, Prete ; Mre, (Rev.) Or ane, Viers•Pree. ; Mrs. Watson Ainley, Soo. Mee, linen thanked the lading tar that kind Werde, Fume. Ansate has put in e, tread mill power to run his pomp works machinery, aubetitating this fora horse power. I. U. RlonARDS ie asking for tenders for the erection of a new brink veneer residenoe on the 100 he reoeotly porahaeed from Jno. Hewitt, Toroberry street. The present pottage. will be moved to Atr. Riabarde' property on Thomas street and utiliz•d as a dwelling. Teodere will be received up to Monday, March 10th. Howes SOLD.—Gordon Mooney bas disposed of the house West of hie present residenoe to James Felton, of Morrie townabip, who will shortly take pester, amts.—This week Joho Currie Bold his dwelling, opposite the Cober Carriage Werke, 1d. Joseph H. Bowman, of Grey, who enema to it next week. The price paid was 8750. Mr. Bowman reoeatly sold bis farm to N. Cardiff, of Morrie town hip. Mr. Carrie and family wilt oon01008 to reside in Bi easels for a time at least, although they have to vacate their present home. DIED 021035 BLOOD POIeoNINO.—Balerday let Wm, G. Maok,em, of Boffsln, N. Y., brother to Mre. John Long, of Brussels, died from blood poieoniog, after an illness of four weeks, aged 37 years. Deceased was a carpenter by trade and received a oat or scratch from a saw on his band. Ie is supposed the dye from his mitten poisoned the wound and the resa't was es above stated. A wife and two children survive. The funeral took place in Kin oardine on Tuesday, the former home of Mr. Macklem, and where hie parents still reeide. The subject of this notice was a member of the Odd Fellows and Foreetera. Mr. and Mre. Long and children attended the funeral. Mr. Maoklem was an industrious, fine spirited man whose demise will be greatly re- gretted A NUMBER OF REaPONaEo,--Thio week we are sending out a notification °insular relative to arrearagee fn eubeoription to THE Pose and hope there will be a prompt response. Your credit may be Rest°lain but it does not aid no in paying our bills for paper, type, ink, postage, wagee, &o., The margin en runniog a newepaper at 81 00 a year ie email enough without having to wait years for its payment. After April let all accounts 3 years past due will be handed over for eolleotion. We are very thankful for the merry who have remitted bat there are hundreds who are not yet squared off, This is no "don" but straight baeineee and those who are away behind would likely not have waited as patiently on we if the debt was the other way, We dont want to pot oent of nnneoseeary expense On anybody so have atilt allowed 80 days before banding over the accounts. CURLING —Monday a rink of Brnasele curlers went to Kincardine and trimmed two of their medal winners. The first game wee played Moaday afternoon and was a9 followe ;— Brussels, Kincardine, H. James, Stewart, J. Hewett, Me Pherson, W. F. Soobt, Ryall, D. 0. Russ, ekip.,31 Murdock, ekip..21 Oar knights of the inane and beeom stay. ed over taking in a hockey matoh, the political meeting at which Premier Rose spoke, &e„ and on Tuesday forenoon bad a eeonnd and closer tilt, the aoore oard ehowlug 11 to 6 in a 11 end game, The rinks were :— Kincardine, Brussels, P. Shields, H. James, M. MaPhereoo, J. Hewitt, W. Harvey, W. F. Scott, R Rose, skip 6 D. 0. Rose, ekip..l1 An enjoyable time was spent. This will likely wind up the 8eenoa for Bruaeels unless some of them take a run out to Wroxeter by way of reoreation. ADMEN AND PEoeENTATtoN.—Before re- moving from Brussels H. and Mre, Ham were presented with a fine large framed photo of the Brussels Methodist °borab, aesompanied by an address, as a memen• to of the kindly regard in wbioh they were held, The addreee wag as follows To 111r. and Mrs. Kava. Dna BROTHER AND BI0Tan.—It is with ming ed feelings of pleasure and pain we now address you ; pleasure browses we have Chia privlege of expressing the good will whloh we all have toward you and pain because the ties that bind as to. getter are about to hoovered, Daring your abort stay in Brussels by your socia lenity, by your oheerfulneae and by your readmeee to join heartily in every good word and work you have won a Waris place in our affections. The effioieooy that has ever charaoterioed your labors ite connection with the different depart. manta of onr Obureb worst bas added very materially to the prosperity of our belov• ed Zion. We therefore kindly aek you to aaoept this framed picture of our oharob as a slight token of our high eeteem and regard and a., a memento of our appreoia tion of your Ohristiaa integrity and eta. ling worth. May your fatare year8 es a family be laden with pleasure, happiness and ueefolneeo and may the ensile of your loving Heavenly Father ever teat upon 7011 until Be ghat' reward yon in Hie Kingdom above. Signed in behalf of the Ohurob, Rpworth League and Sabbath school. T. WESLEY Comte, Pastor, W, o. Kenn, Reseeding Steward. Bruaeels, Feb, 28nd 1908. Appropriate words of thanks were 'pollen for this recognition nn tho part of the °hurdle acrd the manhunt, given that tie pleasant yeate in °barob Work here Would (levee be fergottenr 8. THE BRUSSELS POST THE Me(�o�uli(�u BANK f4 • CAPf'i'AI, . . Rh4EB}@: e Di reeler re A, 0, AA,ae, r - r'Rl:elnOWT May. It. n. wAal200, n, n., v ita•PlntefD1NT 0. D, 2110003', 8..1. 00001(E TR 9 B^AnstrAw 81,000,000 :01,000,.000 General Banking business transacted. Farmer's Notes Discounted. Salo Notes bought or held for Collection. IN 'x116 SAPINI18 IIANR—Dopoelte of e1.00 and u0werde raoelved anti interest at rho highest Bank rateallowed, from date of 001,0011M data of withdrawal, on the daily balance. 13"Partice holding important papers, notes, &0„ may depoelt them lit our bank vault for safe keeping—tree of charge, Prompt and Careful Attention, timid 'I ernes. G. F. BL.AIR, Bolioitor, A. E, MELLISH, Manager, BRUSSELS. BEE the advt, of the 0. P. R. Settlers' Exeureimn in this week's i6eae of Tan Posr. T. Furrow ie the local agent, A oar of huasehold effects for H Ham was shipped to Luoknow and a oar from Milverton received for Station Agent Milhaueen this week. Two new plate glace wiudows were placed in the Stretl00 block to eepllwe the damaged once Set week, The win- dows were °rucked by the settling of the walls some time ago. CONDOLENCE.—The following trots of Sympathy and aondolouce to Mrs. T Fee -ober in the decease of her hoeband speaks for itself :—DEAee Mas. FLe'rooea. —We, the members of St. John's Lodge, 284 G. R 0 , desire to convey to you and your family oar einoere sympathy in the boor of your sore bereavement. We too mourn the lose of a Brother who was at all times held in high esteem by bis brethren of this Lodge. Our lose in some measure enables tie t0 appreciate the mach greater toes that you have been celled on to bear. Oar late Brother, your husband, endeared himself to ne one and all by manifesting in his inter. aouree with ne, both in Lodge and elsewhere, those Masonio virtues which elevate and ennoble. We are .use that in an even fuller degree did be by the practise of the same virtues endear him self to those of his own household. While we Borrow with you, we also aek you to rtjoioe with 08 in the assurance that one who builded e0 well Isere under the gaidanoe of the Great Architect of the Universe has now taken a higher Degree and is new a Master Workman in that Temple not made with hands eternal in the Heavens. Signed ou be• half of the Lodge, JAe, Fox, W. M„ • 30B8 WRIGHT, Seo. Brussels, Feb. 18th. r L 1 >t alt' „hlt5il\AL PA t.11 KA b. A. M. Molhay was on the eiok tial thie week, Barrister Blair wee in the Co. town on Tuesday. Tony Sample and Ashley Lowry leave for the "Sao" in a day or so. Mies Aodereoo, of Ohesley, is visiting Mise Margaret MaLaaobliu, Mica Jean reoLaeobiin is visiting with !donde at Hamilton and Toronto. Mise Jeeeie M. Rose, of Guelph, is re. newine old friendships in Brussels. hire. McGuire, of Peterboro', is visiting her sister, Mrs. D. 0. Rose, in towu. Mise Little, milliner, is attending the millinery show r00me and Openings al Torouto. Mise Norma VanStone, of Wingham, spent Sunday with relatives and friende in town. Misses Roche & Hayoroft are attending the millinery ehow rooms and Openings at Toronto. Mise Nettie Grainger, of Moleewortb, was visiting the Miehes Grainger, Wil. liem street. Councillor and Mre, Plum and ohil. dren spent Sunday at Blyth with N. 13. and Mre. Gerry. James Irwin, of Toronto, formerly of Brume's, hae been on the eiok list but we hope he will aeon be o. k. Mies Mioufe Moore, who has been visit ing bet p058016 here, left for St. Thomas on Tboreday of last weep. Mile Polly Sample lett for Toronto on Wedoeeday for the Millinery Openings prior to her going West to Calgary. D D. and Mrs. Oampbell, wall known reeidente of Listowel, are the parts of 3, and Mre. Leckie, at Kelvin Grove. Jno. Howard, John street, who was a prisoner to the house from illness, i8 able to be about again we are pleased to notice. Mre. Ham and family left for Look now, their new home, on Tuesday of titre week followed by many good wishes. Wm. MoOall, corner of (Numb and John etreete, hue been on the eiok Ire( bat we hope he will soon he fully rector. ed, Mise -F,upbeenia, daughter of Jacob Wilton, has been ill with pneumonia but we trust she will soon be Teetered to good hea'tb. T. Tamblyn, of Mileta, Man„ 5400 vleiting Mre.Oampbell at R'beet Ma Naughton'e on Saturday and Sunday of last week. W. J. Goodwiu was in town during the past weak. He will resume his poeibion at Benefices cheese faotory when the see. eon opens. - Mieees Carrie and Annie Milhausen arrived f0 Brussels' on Thursday and will reeide, fora time at least, with their brother, the G. T, R. Agent here. 141re, Alex, Hunter wee nailed to Allis• ton last Monday owing to the serioa8 illness of her eon, Hilton, who wee down with pneumonia. We hope he will Boon be better. Richard and Mrs. Raneford, of Olin. too, are spending a few melte in town, Mr. Raneford is superintending the int. provemeote being made at the - Batmen Salt Works, Samuel Cantdon left for Toronto on Wednesday. If he does not tree what Baits bum there he will go on to Winni. peg, Mr. °notion re a baker by trade and a good hood loo, Mre, M. J, Campbell, who hag been visiting Mies L. McNaughton fat the past eight weeks, has left for the Eaet. She will visit Toronto, Peterboro', Ottawa and other placed before returning to her home neat leiliarney, Man. The Anton Free Preen geye of oar new G. T, R. station agent ;—John Millhae. eon, who was promoted froth the position of ticket agent and operator at Aatotl station tothe opens, et MSlvorton,. be. two n two and leer y lea aka, was last week tenant promreed 00 Brlte0el8 11111e re an important station on the Khmer. dine branch of the G. T, R., but with (tor. Milbaneen'e well known ability, experience end careful supervision he will eottefaotorily fill the position and grow in popularity with the patrons of the road, Jno. Carrie, who has been at Brandon, Manitoba, for some months, arrived beck to town Thursday evening of last week, hie wife and fatuity still being reoideote of Brussels. Mr. Currie has not deoided whether be will remain here or move Westward as he was well plea ed with hie stay in the Prairie province. H. J. Morden, formerly of the Stan. dard Bank, Brussels, who married Mies Wileon,of this town, has been appointed Manager of the Metropolitan Bank at Penson, Ont. He has been madagiug the $teoff+rhe branch of the Standard for the poet few years. We wish him e000ese, The Wingham Advanoe is reepeneible for the following :—Editor Kars, Warden of Huron 0on017 gave the Advance n fraternal pall on Saturday. He has not peroeplibly failed, einoe assuming the reeponeibil(ty of ohieftainebip of Ulla pruepero0e county. Re looks as though be time lit for many years of active news. paper work and public service. It would not snrpriee us tosses him legally gualtfied to write M. P. after hie name yet, end then in the evening of life retire to a comfortable Registrarship, or a seat in the Senate, if °Senate Reform" goes on ae it hes recently. It is understood that Valentine Stook, ed. P. P., will eeonnd the addreee in the Legislature. The Northern Paoino Railway is ap. plying for authority to build 2,500 miles of railway in Manitoba. The three year.old daughter of Samuel Cassels, of Brookville, was scalded to death by falling into a pail of boiling water. Thos. Cavan, the deputy returning offioer, was acquitted before Judge Mo• Orimmon, and Joseph O'Melia and David 0••hern were sentenced for person• anon bo'b being present. Friday afternoon at Windsor a Miobi- gen Central yard engine with two box ears was running along the river front at a good rale of speed, when Engineer Kelly noticed that a switch leading to one of the ear ferry slips was turned. Ba and Fireman Hoppe had barely time to jump before the eighty•ton engine went bottom, °Ver the a tp to the river the two oars following, and landing on top of the engine. •nn a Rx17ext, WALTER—NArLOR.—At the residence of the bride's mother, Mre, Ann Naylor, Bolgrave, on Feb. 11th, by Rev. A. 14. Brown, B. A., 13. D., Mr. John Wooley Walter, of Eget Wawauoeh, to Mies Charlotte Naylor, of Bel - grave, 91:foxo. Oo0T0.—In Clinton, on Feb. 22nd, Robed Costa, aged 74 'mare. PSBuffalo, on Feb, 21, W. G. Macklem, formerly of Kincardine, aged 87 veare. Ma0rA811.—Io Gerrie, on Feb. 16th, Nelson, eon of R. McGrath, aged 16 years, 7 menthe and 12 days. MARTIN —In Listowel, on Feb, 15011, Robert Martin, in hie 74th year. A.VCTxo1T 0A.t278I. TUESDAY, Marian Son —Farm stock, implements, &c. S. ee Lot 20, Oon, 14, MoKillop. Bale, unreserved, at 1 a'olook, W. Kneohtsl, Prop. ; Thos. Brown, Auo, WEDNESDAY, MAn011 4th.—Farm stock, implemeate, &o , at N* Lot 27, Coo. 5, Morrie. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'oiook, Sarni. Burk, prop ; F. 8. Scott, aao. Fiume, Melton 0th.—Farm stook, im. elements, &c., at E;} Lot 15, Con. 10, Grey. Hale, unreserved, at 1 o'clock. Joseph Knight, prop. ; F. S. Scott, 8010, Tonnes, MARDI! 10 —Farm steak, implements, &o , Lot 26, con. 11, Grey. Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'ol, ok. M. ilenry, Prop. F. 0, Scott, sag, Pili, 26 1963 Standard Bank of Canada �E.'S'.n,'r•x.x3x3D 187,13 ASSETS•--OVPI3 THIRTEEN ItIILLION DOLLARS Deposits Received ehQ .inters -t at IIighoeb Bitue rate allowed from date of Deposit to date of Withdrawal. int erest PAID ON TH10 Daily Balance Loans Made, Notes Cashed, and every a000mmudlt tiger afforded the roe. poneible borrower, This Bank offers Unsurpassed Facilities and Lowest Rates for the Transaction of every form of Banking Business. rgf-Every oonvenienee afforded auatomere living at a dietetics, BRUSSELS BRANCH F. H, GRAY, Amen. Pell wheat 67 68 Beiby 40 42 Prue 65 60 Oats . .. 27 29 Boller, tela and rolls ., 15 18 111gi'e :'.'r :i0/en 38 14 Flnnt isr owl. 4 00 5 00 P n l •. t °ell (I er brae.) 50 60 Apples (per bag) 40 50 kitty per tnu 6 00 7 00 dhoep skine,peril -•...., 25 25 Lamb skins eaoh 26 30 Balt per bb'., ,retail 1 00 70 Elides trimmed. 5 6 Hidee rough 8 5 Hogs, Live - 6 40 5 GO Wool 11 12 ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. OLEAN Beed oats for Bale. Wm. Bums, Lot 20, Oon.16,Grey, or Craobroo1, P, 0. Plea for sale, ready for weaning, at Lot 6.0ou,12, Grey. D. SHIEDI, 82.2 B ruseele P. O. Fon BALE—Nine grade heifer ; will calve about the lent of this 10011. Cash or time. WM. SHEDDER, 6th Liu° Morris. THOM,' BEER young SOWS for sale, all in farrow. Lot 28, 0on, 0, Aforrie, or Brussels Is. 0. BORT. NICHOL, Proprietor, GENERAL store for aide. For further yinttculare apply t0 J. H, THOMSON, Hen. DtnMIHG mit lost between Brnasele and Con. 10, Grey, or iu Brnasele. Pfudor will obl igu by leaving 10 at Tan POST as early as possible. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. COMFORTABLE HOUSE AND geed lot far Bole on Queen street, Brussels For further partioul are apply to MARY CAMPBELL, Brussels P. 0. 8811 ROBE LOST ON SUNDAY syening between Wingham and Jamestown. Mutter will be rewarded by leaving ib at the store at Jamestown. WOR SALE—LOT 207 AND dwelling thereon, Nort11-west coruor William and Albert etreete, Brussels 49-50 J. LE07518. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE on Turnberry street, Brueeols, known as the Somerset property. eligibly situated. Immediate poasedefou. For further portio• tilers as to p,ice, terms, &o., apply to D. 1W$O17T0H1nON, Lot 18, Con. 12, lualiillop, or Leadbury P. 0. 88.10 3 THORO' BRED SHORT HORN Bulla for sale. Ono is 1 year old and the other two younger. Also severalregtat- ared Cows and Heifers. Apply to JAMES BPEI10, Lot 80, Con, 0, Morrie Twp., or Brue- Bela P. 0, 82.01 COWS FOB SALE.—A NT�1lI— DRlt of good milch cows for sale. All young and Id to choose from, Will come In shortly. ALLAN SPEIR, 1,0014, Don. 4, Moria, Brussels P.O. Also have two young horses, a mare and gelding, for Bale, VOR SALE, -5 SHEARLING anon ; 1 two-year-old and 2 Ram Lambe. Pore bred Lehaestera. Good 01108 at low prices. Also Short Horn Bon8, Cows and Golfers at very model'ate prices and espy terms. D. MILNE & SON, Ethel. TOTIOE —NOTICE IS HERE - .L11 by given that monies In my kande as Executrix of the estate of the late Mrs, Mooney and monies belonging to Joseph Bnrteu, have been paid to the said Burton, and Iand no Innoer responsible far lights oou tl'aoted by him, and 1 pelt the nubile to govern themselves a000rdl»el 8811 MARY CAMPBELL. Notice to Contractors. Sealed tenders will be received by the un- dersigned, up to Si arch 10th, for the erection of.a brick veneeled dwelling. Plans and epooifloablone may be seen at my store. The Inweet or any tender not neoess ltly s000p ted. Sraesele,Feb, 9.0th,1503.0, $IOHA SDS. New Spring Goods for all Departments Now Constantly Arriving. (Cp a We have ,just passed into stock some vory special values in New Carpets for the coming season, Why not , make your choice now P We can supply you with yard wide Unions in New and Pretty Designs at 25e, 40e and 50e, and All Wool at 75e and $1.00. In Tapestry Carpet we can show you a good range of lovely Patterns and Special Valves at 60c, 65e and 80e. And should you wish something butter still we will be pleased to supply you with a Brussels or Velvet at the Lowest Prices, Also Linoleum and Floor Oils. All Orders promptly and carefully attended to. te'Moroh 51andptd Fashion Sheet; and Patterns just raoelved. Now ideas always waiting for yen in our Pattern Department. 1 0R SALE. — VALUABLE property at Ethel known as the Methodist Parsonage, Apply to JNO, CODER, Brussels. Special Meeting. The Connell of the County of Huron will hold a special sleeting in the Town Hall, in Olinton, 0n Murch the 4th next, at 10 o'clock a. m„ to meet representative men from eaeh munieipatity in the Comity, and consider the question of a good road eyetem in this Oonnty. Any other county buelness may be consideredat this meeting. W. LANE, County clerk. Dated et Goderioh, F0,1011,1908. NOTICE I To whom this may concern t The small -pox, at Preeont, to found in malty parte of the oouatry, we therefore consider it necessary that all Who have not been vecednoted should be idrthwlth. The Trustee Board of the Public School will please note this. RICHARD PAUL, Chairman Board of Health RE•1LED TENDERS addressed to the un- dereigned, and endorsed 'Tender for Heatiue, Clinton, Ont.," will be received at this office until Wednesday, 11th Murch, f0• oltleively,for the 0088trindion of a bot water beating evstem at the Post Office Branding, r'lin1ont0nt., according to plane and speot- Hoatiousto be aeon at the office of Henry Stevens, Clerk of Woke, Clinton, Ont., and at the Department of Public Works, 0 tlawa. Tenders will nil be considered unless made on the form supplied, and signed with the Retest signatures of 1, nderere An accepted 01,eg0e 0n a chartered bank, payable to the nide, of the Minister of Pub. 110 Works, equal to ten per Dent ('0 p. o.)of the amount 0•1 the tender, must aeoompauy each tender. The cheque will be forfeited 1f the party decline the oontract, or fall to camel to the tarok contracted for, and will bo returned in ease of non-ecoeptanee of tender. The Department does not bind itself to aoaept the luweet or any tender. By order, FRED, GELINA8, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, 23rd February, 1008. Newepapere inserting this advertisement without aa.bority from tiro Department will not be paid for it, 88.1 if I OH QUA.LtT'Y FOR LEAST COST TIIA'1 IS 0515 Pure Cream Tartar Baking Powder W e find a constantly increasing trade for our Baking Powder. We guarantee it to be pure and always fresh. We would like to have you try it. 25o. per pound at ' Ss DRUG STORE. STOCK FOR SERVICE nTTLL FOR SERVICE.—TRE undersigned win keep for service on Lot 6 Cone, 10 & 11 trey, the thoro' bred Shorthorn Null, ' (htptam Forester," sired by imp cantata Mayfly," end bred by Jae. A. (betel•., Shakespeare, Ont Pedigree may be seem on application. Terms, Si.00, with privilege of returning if necessary. CHAS, 110Z13LL, 83 Om Proprietor, SETTLERS' CNE -WAY EXCURSIONS To A nniteha and Canadian North -weal win leave Toronto every TUESDAY during March and April, 1003, if sufficient bueiuees offers. Passenger's travelling without Live Stock should take the train leaving 'reroute at 1.40 0,m. Passengers travelling with Live Stools should take the train leaving Toronto at 9 OC p. m. Colonist Sleeper 0011 bo attached to each train. For full particulars and oopy of"Settlers' Guide," Western Canada" or "British Col- umbia." apply 00 your nearest Canadian Pacific Agent, or to • A F. NOTMAN, Assistant General Passenger Agent, 71 Yooga Bl„ Toronto. EY OPE ERS FOR-41Pin.-- Satu.r ay Mon .'aY and Tuesday For those 3 days we purpose giving our profits to our patrons. Stock -taking the last week of February and all odd lines must be cleared out by that time. In Clothing Our Prices will surprise the Shrewdest Buyers. Men's Odd Pante, regular $1.75 for the 8 days $1 85 Fine All Wool Pants, regular $2.25 for the 8 days 1 65 Men's Suits, all wool Halifax Tweed, regular $6 sale price 4 50 Men's Suite, all wool English Tweed, reg. $8.50 sale price 6 00 Men's Fine Beaver Overcoats, regular $7.50 sale price 4 98 Boots and Shoes 140Id1) LOA'NIEIt 41001/8 ONLY' MANI/E60 Men's Fine BE. Bal., regular $2.00 11 it it 1.65 Womens' G. G. Bale., " • 1.25 Women's Fine Dong. Bals., regular $2 25 41 41 1, ,f 1.75 Boys' Heavy Bf. Bats. regular $1 15 Gold Leaf Shoe Dressing, regular 25e, Dress Goods Bale pride $1 65 sale price 1 25 sale price 98 sale price 1 75 sale price 1 85 sale price 85 sale price 20 2' pieces All Wool Homespuna, regular 75e sale price 50c 2 pieces Heavy All Wool (;opting Serge; black and navy, regular 50o sale price 25e Linings and Trimmings marked down to Sale Prices. Some rare snaps in Linens, Towelings a^.d Sheetings. Come to the Money -Saving Spot. H. A. MATCHETT CAR,"/EL, ? BLOCK, BRUSSELS. ItS'Butter and Dggs taken ae dao ?.a