The Brussels Post, 1903-2-26, Page 3THE GOSPEL IMITATION
Should Be Addressed to the Sinful
1-lomes of Every Community.
%altered according to Act of the Isar- you not lenow that there aro within
11802801, 01 Thetissene Nine nila
:mma Three.
lay win. Bally, of 'Tomato, at the
Department of Agriculture, Ottawa.,
despatch from Chicago says:
Bev. Frank De Witt Talmage preaeh-
ed from the following text; John
tx, 16, "There was a division among
One day Lopaux, the great French
infidel, cameto Napoleon. He said;
"Your majesty, X have evolved a,
new religion which I call Theophil-
anthropy. I know that it is a. bet-
ter gospel than Christianity, but the
:remote people will not believe or ac-
cept it, What, is the matter'? What
shall I do?" The great Veatch Erne
Peror turned and smiled, Then he
raised his arm and placed his hand
kindly upon his friend's shoulder as
he answered: "Lepaux, there Is one
trouble about stou,r new religion —
you bave no witnesses. Go and
open a few blinded eyes. 'Unstop
some deaf ears. Straighten soles
crooked limbs, Raise the dead, Ile
crucified and buried, Rise again
from the grave. On the third day
appear unto them who put you to
death, Then the people will accept
your religion aeci believe in you as
they believe in Jesus Christ. Le-
paux, it is by your witnesses that
yoer now religion mnst Will 1e5 WRY
into the hearts of the people, not
by your theories." Napoleon was
right. The gospel or Jesus Christ
Is to be carried to the farther:nest
parts of tho world by the power of
gospel testimony, not by theories,
not by arguments, not by a brilliant
collection of metaphysical or pole-
mical dIssertationS.
An illustration of this statement
is furnished by tho scone of my text,
There was great excitement in the
ecclesiastical world ot Jerusalem.
The pbarisees, the members of the
sanhedrin and the priests had con-
clusively settled it with themselves
that Jestis Christ was a fraud, a
charlatan, an absurd pretender. But
one day these was brought into
their presence; seeing, a man who
had been born blind. In all prob-
ability they knew him, for he had
beep one of the beggars who took
their stand near the temple gate.
Every one who went to the temple
knew him. "Who opened our eyes?"
ono of tho learned doctors asked in
surprise. "No mar, ever lived 130 -
door, with at least tho same earn
fore who, hexing been born blind,
received sight on this side of the
grave." When the young man an-
swered "Jesus," the priests and
their hirelings NV01•0 beside them-
selves with rage. They threatened
him. They excommunicated him.
At last they entirely lost their rea-
soning faculties and common sense.
They practically cried aloud; "We
do not believe that Jesus opened
those eyes! Away with this fellow
called Jesus! Away with 111011
Away with him!" But some of
those learned pharisees could not be
put oh by any such superficial con -
delineation, Methinks I cm hem a
learned doctor say to sonie of his
friends: "I do not know about
this, Perhaps we neay have been
wrong. Perhaps this neNV teacher
after all is the promised Messiah.
Certainly no other human being
could ever work :tech miracles,"
"And there was a division arnoug
them." The same kind of a divi-
sion which will occer among world-
ly men to -day if the bombshell of
consecrated Chriselan testimony can
be hurled among thein,
A practical application of this
principle is now facing us, one and
all. Are we Christian 1000 wo-
/nen ready tO give our gospel testi-
mony wherever we go? Aro we
ready to toll what Jesus Christ has
done for us? Ready, even though
It may bring upon us sneers and
ridicule? Ready, though it should
involve persecutions and ostracism?
Ready, as the young man of old was
lonely, trim stood up and witnessed
before the priests and the Phari-
sees, when he made a division
among them?
Would that tho dumb spirit, would
coma Mit of tho lay members in the
Christian -climates! Everywhere we
hear the question being asked:
"What is the matter with our
chnrches?" Oh, no; the pulpit Is not
losing its power. There are rnore•
consecrated ministers to -day than
over before, Moro brilliant and even
developed heads and hearts are year-
ly being trained in our theological
seminaries than ever before. More
eloquent sermons are being preached
from the sacred desk on this Sab-
bath than on any Sunday of any
other generation that ever lived.
What, then, is the matter?. The
pulpit has not lost its old power,
but the pow has abandoned its
duty. The great defect of the
church to-cley is that the pew has
relegated to tee pulpit nearly all its
public duties, of preanhing118 ,cil
0.5 pnlilie praying, as it bas
pndcd on the choir for its stinging.
The result lo that \then the pow
CeaseS to Speak, tho messege of the
pulpit is negletted. The pulpit of
the Lord Jesus Christ ie to -clay
gemming ender the weight of tho
infinite load which the pew has piled
upon it. No church is to -day a
consoceated evangelistic ohurch 'un-
less it has in its pews mon who bY
life aed testimony are preaching
cseangCsts as wen as gospel 11)111-'
151.0111 who stand behind the Reseed
deek. 'Thetis Ofirist is to -day speak-
ing to the eileet pews he the steno
way as he spoke unto tho (holm
devil of old that was cursing tho
We of a yolleg C11.I1d, Ife. said =-
to lthe, 'Thee dumb cmci deaf epir-
it, oonto out of him and onto, no
More into bine!" It is not the
that, 18 dench it 18 the pow
rausee to speak and there -
a radius of three blocks of your
house scores and scores of families
who neves bear the name of Jesus
sPoken their homes except in
blaslehemy? Do you not know that
within a MIMS of six blocks of this
clumeh, every Sunday night while I
am proachinge noses and scores of
yolieg men and women pass in anti
out of the fatal doors of tho sa-
loons and places of evil resort?
Some of tts Imo foolish enough to
think that the haunts of Satan aro
open only slx days of the week;
that on the seventh clay Satan rests
ttnd shidtEl up shop and says to his
hiselings, "My .agents and servants,
Id. us all allow God to open His
Churches on the Sabbath, and we
10111 rest.'' No, The eleurehes may
be opened one day of tho week, but
the Satamic haunts are never shut.
Night and day the busy flegers
death are reaching, always roach-
ing, after more victims. Like the
quicksaeds of the far octet, this Sa-
tanic destroyer keeps swallowing
dowa tho unfortunate, and be never
5001110 1.0 have enough. Marc,"
more, morel" continually cry the
evil spirits. "Cii•e us' more human
blood to quench our unquenchable
NOW, my Christian friends, while I
rejoice In foreign inissions and would
not abate your interest in them I
want to amk you this pertinent ques-
tion : Do you think wo should allow
our concern for souls 10,000 miles
away to monopolize our efforts ?
While We are seeking them do not
let us overlook the danger or th.ose
who aro living in sin by our own
door. Do you think that the Sa-
moans and the Australasians and
the Maoris and African negroes
should be any more precious in
God's sight and la ours than the
man or the woman about whOSO p02-
80110111)2 you never case until you
see a black crape hanging upon the
oppoehe door ? Oh, man, if you
had the true love of Jesns Christ in
your heart, you would act differently
toward your unknown neighbor. You
would enter his home for Jesus'
sake, and with at least the same
intensity as a life insurance agent
hunts up men and women for his in-
surance company. You would. enter
the strangers' home, near to your
estness as if you had to sell a few
books in order to buy your babies
some bread. No man can truly love
his God with all his heart and soul
and neincl unless at the same time 110
loves his neighbor as himself, and
no Christian man can truly love his
neighbor unless ho is personally in-
terested in his neighbor's salvation,
Would thee we might bo willing to
enter the homes of our neighbors in
the service of Jesus Christ. Suc}1
an effort on our part not only is es-
sential to their salvation, but it
affects our standing in the kingdom
of Christ. Do you not remember
that he said, "Every branch that
beareth not fruit he taketh away ?"
Yot bow intlitTerent most of es are
in reference to the salvation of those
sinners who are nearest our own
doorstep. Soene years ago an Am-
erican missionary 10115 preaching in
the eLreets of Calcutta, As tho Am-
erican clergyman was talking a Mo-
hammedan priest stood near and
began to inveigh against the incon-
sistencies of the professors of the
Christian religion. Then the Mo-
hannnecian priest opened the Bible,
and while he read he pointed to a
drunken English sailor near by. ITe
read out loud those beautiful and
solemn words of Corinthians, which,
we repeat at the holy communion,
"And after the same madame also he
took the cup 1011011 he had supped,
saying, This cup is the new testa-
ment in my blood ; this do ye, as
oft as ye drink it, in remenlbrance 01
me." Then the Mohammedan priest
sneeringly and tauntingly said :—
"There is the white man's religion,
There Is the white man drunk. Will
ye have any such religion as that 7"
Oh, my brother, wo rightly send
forth our missicoaries into foreign
lands to testify of Jesus Christ,
Shall we not also try to carry the
testhnony of Jesus to the drunken
and diseipatell white men at our
own doors that they may be living
witnesses of the power cif tho gospel
and not a reproach to it, Shall We
not also carry the gospel to our
neighbors, to those who may be
living farther away front Christ
than the caueibals Or the Esicimos ?
Shall we not be willing to kneel in
prayer in our neighbors' parlors as
well as send Missionaries to preach
standing upon the muddy banks Of
the Ganges
Would that the clurnb lips of Chris -
then testimony Might be opened in
the store and cm tho street, in the
factory and by the cashier's desk ;
opened when you aro tying up a
btledle ; opened when you tire tak-
ing doWn tho goods Prom off the
shelf ; opened when you aro bidding
the little 00011g101 good night ; open-
ed When yott 010 giving the lett in-
structions to yout foremast ; opened
in the same way as Were the lips ofe
a poor old one armed black roan
18110, While lie cleaned 111y shoes on
Pennsylvania ELV011110, ill ellty nae
tional capital, taught 1110 one of the
neightiest lessons of trust and faith
in God T ever lemma I
Furthermore, you should een, hest -
tate to teetify for Christ in your
place of liesiness, becceuse yet; wou'd
not have dumb lips In reference 1
any physical cure which you rawer
about, 0.5 you now are silent In 0')'
(110000 In the diVine ettra or sill,
8111aPOSO that te-dsty ono or the
employeem of your ;dove wan nfilicts
years ago you host been cured from
the same disease by a certain 100(11'
01110 of a certain doctor, Woulki not
not immediately go and tell him
about the wonderful cure 11 110008-
8210)2, would you pot take thie pity -
51011111 to the sick inen's house and
theist that ho try this eure which
had cured you ? You would do that
yet among the blood curdling eine
and the blasphemies of your store
you do not think it is your bounden
duty to tell about the Olivia who
01e:w15ed you from all sins, Do you,
meare to tell me that you have 0,
right to keep your lips dumb and
not invite those sinful: einidoYees to
your church ancl prayer meeting,
where they eon 11000 the sweet mes-
sage of divine love ?
Would 1.1101. 1110 dumb lips of Chris -
thin testimony might be unloosed by
our own firesides 0111011g Our loved
ones, as well atnOng the strangers
dwelling outside the four walls of
oar home. r place this spell:nal ob-
ligation upon my own heart and
life a$ well as upon yours. There is
many a minister who is so anxious
about the souls of his congregation
that eomethnes he overlooks the
souls' destinies of his own children
ancl brothers and sisters and par-
My friends, members of Jeflerson
Park church, X hero and now conse-
crate nay life to a now work, I am
going back to the days and life
which I used to livo whee X first en-
tered the ministry. In those old
clays I did not seek so much to com-
fort and please tho members of my
church cis to win souls, Aly only de-
sire was to reach out for those who
were outside of the church and, who
1100e1' had confessed the name of
J0SIIS. Before I entered my pulpit X
would get down on my knees and
say, "011, (loci, let me speak the
right word tor that young man and
woman whom I may never see again
until I meet them at thy throne 1"
Such is my purpose now ; such is
the purpose of nly INOW assistant,
Brothers and sisters, we have 130011
too long dwelling together in selfish
fellowship. Wo have enjoyed each
other's society well. But to be hap-
py together is not enough. Will you
here and 11010 clasp my hand in a
holy purpose ? Will you here and
11010 111080 forward with me to seek
out the strayed lamb which is lost
upon the mountain of sin 2 Will you
go forth with mo out into the
storm, perhaps to battle against de-
rision and sneers ? Will you go in
the name of Jesus Christ ? Will you
promise here and now to carry the
gospel message to tho great un-
churched and to the shied 111011 and
100111011 who aro living under the
shadows of our own doors ?
Reasons Why the Boys NOV' Do So
Little at It.
Snowballing has gone out of
style. Why this is the case nobody
is able to say, hut, that it is true
is apparent to anybody who hap-
pens to think 0 the subject. It ratty
be that because tho mild winters of
the last ton years and the scarcity
of snow the pretent generation has
never learned the joys of snowbal-
ling. Or it may be that the grow-
ing tendency to regard a boy who
threw a snowball in the same cate-
gory with tho person who threw a
brick or any other kind of a missile
has had a tendency to throw the
sport into disfavor.
It is more then probable, howev-
er, that tee nest reason is the true
onein former years, when winter
meantsa carpet of white over the
earth from December to March,
snowballing was one of tho recogniz-
ed sports of childhood. In those
days flomiehed the snow fort, with
ramparts and outworks, and ninny
and fierce wero the battles that rag-
ed between the (1eeders of tho fort
and the attacking part)', and the
ammenition always coesisted of
snowballs. But during the last de-
cade the scarcity of 811010 has made
such a thing ELS ft snow fort an im-
It WEIS 111 the training to defend or
attac,k tiee fort that the boys of
other clays became proficient in the
use of the snowball, When they
wee° not actually engaged la battle
they would do target practice on
silk hats, eats, dogs, or anybody
who happened to pass by. But 11022'
While /It times during the winter
there. Is plenty of snow for the fash-
iotting of suowballs. the present day
boy is not trained in the sport, Ho
never saw a fierce snowball battle
that prevailed in the days 1811011 his
father was a boy, and 110 has wino
to fool that throwing a enowbell at
a passerby is about as bad as
throwing anything' 018e.
Staid old people rejoice exceeding-
ly well as Marvel that they can
pass by a school house at 000085
thee when tho onow is thick on the
round need not be greeted by a well
directed volley of snowballs. It used
to be considered absolutely fatal for
a man to wear a silk hat on a, day
When the 511010 101I5 of the proper
consistency to (cushion into a pro-
jectile, Now a silk hat con be WOrn
with ale:ohne impunity any clay in
the xvintor. Snowballing teas '0)100
the time honored and well establioh-
ed prerogative of the boy, Bet the
pendulum has Swung the other waen
it. IS 110 longer considered bright or
cute for a boy to IM11 a wet spher-
old of :mow into the left oar of e se-
date person walking quietly down
the streets And the sedate person
Is not oriel that bide is so.
Ho—"Do you remeneber the night X
proposed to you?"
Sho—"Yes, dear."
"We sat for one hour aud you 21,00 -
es opened your mouth."
"Ves, I remember dear,"
'"Ilelieve me, that: was the bap-
piest hour of 121y
fore hot Iost Its power to listen, NI with the drooled tlisonee of calls
• My brother 11eing in Chicago, do coe Supposing that ft stimple 01 1
Lady (onengleg a mai(1) -- "Was
our mistress satisfied with
Maid — "Well, 11121111, she said she
MS Very pleaSed when I lett,"!
9 4,04,
FOR 111 1101VIE
o 6,
0 *
Reelpes for the Kitchen.
011 end Other Notea
for the Houeekeeper15,
CITOIcE nitcarT]s.
Tioneycooth Gingerbread. — Six
ounces of butter, golden syrup, ton
ounces, brown sugar ton ounces,
half a, pound of flour, ground ginger,
quarter of an ounce. Rub the butter
Into the flour, warm the weep, mix
altogether, drop the mixtuee on to a
buttered tin in small lumps, bake
in rather a slow Mr011, take elf the
tin and bank over a thick etick,
when they will curl and go crisp.
These are excellent.
Pig's Foot jelly—l?erhaps Fenno
of the housekeepers will like to try
this recipe for pork jelly. Promo°
the pig's legs the sante as stewing
or pickling. Gook until the meat
drops Nom the bone. Chop fine, sea-
son well with salt, poPPer and
hots (or garlic If preferred). Re-
move all grettee from the licptor in
which the meat was boiled, and
which should be boiled (1011111 to
about. 1 qt. Add to it the chopped
meat. Mix well and pour into moths,
basins, or deep small, pa)1s, and set
away to cool, When cold, turn out
on a platter and cut in slices, Tins
is delicious for sandwiches.
Walnut Cake—Affx carefully toge-
ther six tablespoonItes of finely
sifted flour, five ounces creamed but-
ter, ono tableepponful castor sugar,
ono tablespoonful of freshly ground
almend meal, two tablespoonfuls of
blanched and pounded walnuts, and
the yolks of two eggs, working it
all to a paste with a very little
water. Pour the mixture Into a
"sandwich pan" or a round flour
tin, and bake in ft moderate oven
till of tt light golden brown. Mean-
while heat in a stewpo,n half -a -gill of
cream, half -a -gin of milk, the beaten
yolks of three eggs, and about three
tablespoonfuls of castor sugar ; let
this thicken over the fire, being eere-
ful not to let it boll, then stir in,
off the Ore, the whites of the eggs
and tour tablespoonfuls of chopped
walnuts ; cover the cake smoothly
with this mixture, and place it in
the oven to set.
Angel ledce—Sift together very
ccerefully one teaspoonful of crea20 of
tartar into two ounces of flour, and
sift well six ounces of fine easter
sugar ; add a pinch of salt to the
whites of six eggs, and whip these
to a very still froth, working in
lightly at the last the castor sugar,
then the flour, and, lastly, the
flavoring (vanilla, lemon, etc„ to
taste). Do not stop beating once
the mixing begins, and keep it all
very light. . Bake either in a paper
lined or a bright, unbuttered cake -
tin; ono with e, pipe in the centre is
bestleak° twenty to thirty min-
utes in a moderate oven. Bo careSul
not to move or jar it whilst cooking;
do not lot it color much, and test
it well with a clean splinter before
moving it. Leave it in the pan for
a few minutes • after taking it from
the 01,011, then loosen it at the sides
and lot it slide out of itself. It is,
in fact, a peculiarly delicate form of
sponge cake. Do not uso a, knife to
It, or it will sodden.
There is no bed covering that is
so satisfactory as woollen blankets,
and they have, to a groat extent,
taken the place of quilts and com-
forts. They are lighter, and can be
Weaned -as often as necessary, and
the prices asked for them place them
within reach of moderate purses, Wo
have Seen blankets that became
harsh and fulled up after washing a
few times, while others were soft
and fleecy until worn out. This was
not caused by any difference in the
quality of the articles, but becaese
of the Way in which they Wert Wash-
ed, for there is nothieg that is
ruined. so quickly by careless wash-
ing as 0 woollen blanket.
Shake the blenkets to remove tho
dust, an(1 wash the greasy os badly
sollecl spots in gasoline before put-
ting thent in the water, Have plenty
of hot water ready, and wash one
blanket at a time, for the quicker
they are washed ancl dried, the bet-
ter. Shave a bar of soap thin, put
it in a pan or kettle, cover with
water, and set it on the stove to
melt, If you have a good washing
machine—prefesably a boxed ono
with plenty of room—you will find
it a great help. Fin it half full of
water that is almost boiling hot,
add bell a pound of poweered borax
and half the melted soapstir
vigorously until it forms a strong
suds, put 0 blanket in, stir it
about meth wot through, then close
the ninehine tend la it soak five
minutes. Work the machine vigor-
ously five os telt minutes, put on the
wringer, and press the blanket
lengthwise theough it, Empty and
refill the machine with water 1)r00
1)111e01 just as the first was. except
Gent you will not 120e1! ciente so
much soap, When washed in this,
pass throtigh the wringer into a
tub containing clear hot meter, tend
rinse thoroeghly. If one rime Wa-
ter is not enough to even:etc every
trace of soap use a second, other-
wise they will feel sticky and dis-
a.greeable. Every water used should
be of the same tempo:Metre, for sud-
den clumges will make a blanket
sheink. The addition of borax to
the Water in Which ney weollon
goods met washed makes the work
easy and keeps it he good condition,
Never rub soap dieectly upon a
blanket, but melt it and put it in
the water, When it is letken flout
the last Water haeg upon the tine
whore tt good brow.° will :strike it,
nod pull and etroteh it in shape. Al-
low it to remain 0111.11 thorouelily
are, then fold sillonthly and leave
ender a 'heavy Weight 11, dny or tWo,
When It Will be ready for nee,
Black Coffec—Powdered coffee is
preferred by many people fer the
altos-din:en infverage. Where a pot
with EL tin Or Wire etrainer is weed,
much of tee line powder goes through
and the coffee Is not always clear.
A second straining through fin
Oath is sometimes necessary. Cs
from one to two tableepoons of flue
coffee for 00011 half -cup of boiling
water. Isilter it In a regular biggin
os common pot, EIS 1110st COnveniellt.:
11 desired stronger, pour the ligeici
through ttvice or even throe times.
ft should be served very hot, and
after the lust witter is poured
through set the pot where ft will
just come to the bulling point, im-
mediately before serving. Or, if the
coffee is to he oerved at the tuble or
in the parlor, a pretty way is to
Pour the made coffee into a kettle
and heat, it over an alcohol lamp,
serving it front the kettle just as It
boils. It Is customary to offer
erearn and block sugar with after-
dinner coffee, but those who aro con-
versant with the physiological rea-
son for taking it without meant, and
if their reason is stronger than their
taete, without sugar, also.
Coffee for Fairs — A. new or pre-
sumably well cleaned connium boiler
usually has to be called into re-
quisition cm such occasions, for not
every community can command the
stoma apparatus which is oftee sent
ont from large coffee houees or
caterers. On account of the diffi-
culty in straining such a large
quantity, the grateful coffee is usually
Pieced In bags, not mere then a.
pound in each, and put into the
boiler with cold water. Then, cov-
ered closely; heated slowly and al-
lowed to boil about 10 minutes. It
should then be kept hot, but not
boil, and clipped out into hoe pitele-
ors as desired, Ily allowing one-half
ounce, or one rounded tablespeon.
for emit half pint cup of water, and
ono cup for eaclt person, ono can
easily compute the amount required
for any number of people. At thls
rate, one pound df coffee, or 32 half
ounces, would make 132 half pint
cups, or eight quarts, and would be
sufficient for about 20 persons,
When matting is soiled wash it in
a strong solution of salt and warm
water, a.nd it will look like new.
Besides the thorough airing that
beds and bedding should daily have,
rnatifesses, bolsters and pillows
should be beaten and shaken three
times a week.
The making of the bed should be
the last duty in putting a room in
Pillows may be cleaned by putting
1110111 out upon the grass in a
drenching rain. After being well
soaked they should be squeezed and
hung in a shady place to dry,
To restore an eiderdown quilt to
its original 'fluffy lightness hang it
out of doors in the sumbine for
S01'441'121 hours.
Old newspapers are an excellent
protection agaiust the cold, and
serve ia place of blankets, if put
between the quilt and counterpane.
A tbin paste made of whiting and
cold tea is a splendid mixture with
which to clean mirrors.
Salt is excellent in removing dirt
Iran) marble -top furniture,
A. copper cent rubbed on the win-
dow pane will rid it of paint or
plaster specks.
Hot, sharp vinegar will remove
paint spots.
There is always a little water left
in the sponge.
Bad luck gets the blame for a, lot
of poor judgment.
Don't cry over spilled 1111111 — be
glad it is not cream,
Great actions, like great men, ap-
pear only at intervals.
A. Pessimist is v. man who is al-
ways looking for worms in chest-
The touch of kindness that makes
the whole world kin is seldom ap-
It is a great deal ensier to be a
good critic thaa to be even a, passa-
ble performer,
"Truth is stionger teats fiction,"
with sonic persons shoulcl be ron-
devecl, 'Truth is more of a stranger
than fiction.''
The man 10110 iS a fugitive from in-
justic0 must, often rem faster thun
would be necessary if mere justice
were on his trial,
repeat that all power is a trust,
and that we nee accountable for its
exercise; that from the people and
for the people all springs, and all
must exist,
• While shopping a little while ago,
a lady absontnetededly walked away
with another customer's umbrella:
"Excuse me," said the latter,
hurryin(1 after her, you've got my
"Why, so I have," wes 1110 cress -
fallen reply, "I am really awfully,
dreadfully sorry. Accept my hum -
Meet apologies." .
Slee apologies were accepted ; but
this incident reminded lady No. 1.
that she wished to purchase somo
eimbrollas for herself and daughters,
80 a little while later she took her
seat in the train laden with three of
these useful articles. Opposite her
sat the lad,y she had encountered
"X see," remarked the latter
sweetly, "that Mier n11, you have
had a most stexessful Morning,"
Irkutsk, In Siberia, is 00111 te he
a veritable city of padlocks, There
are more pecilocka on the 'shutters
/MEI doors of an Irkutsk shop than
ran be found In en Ifingliah city of
200,000, There are as many as three
pedlocks en some shop dome, and
every loteer-storey shutter beare
from ono to fives
Text of the Lesson, Acta xviiie
24, to xix,, 6, Golden
Text, Luke xi., 13,
24. And a certein Jeav named
Apollos, born at Alexandria, 21x1
eloquent man and mighty in the
Sceeptures, came to Ephesus.
After Paul's eighteen mont110 at
Corinth he started for Syria, taking
Priscilla and Aquila with ifi10 as far
as Ephesus, where he lef1 them anti
went 011 to Jerusalem via. Caesarea'
and thence to Antioch. After scene
time he started on his third MisSiOn-
ary tour vies through Galatta arid
Pimento., strengthening the dis-
ciplee, and in due time, as eve shall
see, came again to Ephesus. The one
great thing said of Apollos, whone
acquaintance we make in this verse,
is that he was "mighty in the
Scriptures," and if it coul(1 have
been. added "filled with the Spirit,"
there could be nothing greater said.
25. This man was Instructed in the
way of the Lord, and, being fervent
in the Spirit, he spoke and taught
diligently the things of the Lord,
1011010121(1 only the baptism of John
He was filled with what he knew
and did the best Ile could with what
he had, urging people to repent and
turn to God and bring forth fruits
worthy of repentance (Luke ii, 3,
8). It was all good and real as far
as it *went, and such an earnest,
faithful worker is sure of more light,
for his heart 11E115 whole towerd God,
and on behalf of such God will surely
show Himself strong (II Chron. sevi,
26. Whom when Aquila and Pris-
cilla had heard they took bini unto
them and expounded unto hi ra the
way of Cod more perfectly.
They had doubtless been greatly
helped by Paul at Corinth, and now
they are able to help Apollos from
Alexandria, So Alexandria in Egypt
and Corinth, or, rather, Italy, come
together at Ephesus on tho Lord's
business, and thus He works, send-
ing His messengers hither and thither
and causing lives to meet and touch
for mutual beneat in Ills service. It
is a great and comforting truth that
His good pleasure which He hath
purposed in Himself is over being
wrought out after the counsel of His
own will (Eph. 1, 0, 11), and there
is perfect peace to all who ebide in
that will. May we be as ready to
help others as Were Priscilla and
A.quila and al teachable as Apollos.
27, 28. IVho, wIlea he was come,
helped them much which had believed
through grace, for he mfghtily con-
vinced the Jews, and that publicly,
showing by the Scriptures that
Jesus is the Christ.
With letters fro20 the brethren st
Ephesus Apollos passed on to Cor-
inth and was greatly used of God
there. Being mighty in the Scrip-
Ettres when he come to Ephesus, he
was more mighty when he CE0110 to
Corinth because of the increased
light received through Priscilla and
Aquila. He became a prominent
teacher and after ward a great. friend
of Paul. See I Cos. 5, 12; iii, 4, 5,
(i, 22; iv, 6; xvi, 12; Tit, 13. But
both he and Vele woulcl have us un-
derstand that 1121100801' the teacher
might be, Cod alone could do the
work to be done. "X have planted,
Apollos watered, but God gave the
increase" (I Cor. iii, 0-9).
xix, 1, 2. Have ye received the Holy
Ghost since yo believed? And they
said unto Him. We hay° not so
much as heard whether there be any
Holy Ghost,
Compare ii, 4; iv, 81; x, 44, 40,
and mate all through this book the
Spirit's place in the church; how all
is accomplished by Hine in the name
of the Lord ,7e1018 and nothieg with-
out Hine There can be no hind-
rance on God's part to ally believer
being filled with the bIpirit, for He
is more willing to give the Spirit to
those who ask Pim than parenie aro
to give good things to their child-
ren (Luke el, 111), The hindrance
nest bo in us, that we in some way
141 E21111118 01' do not ask le faith
ens, iv, 3; i, 6) or do not sock
ith the whole heart (Joe. eetx, 1/3)
r are not willing to be filled bo-
nnet; not willing to hew ITis will
relight in us. Let, 118 pray honest -
Y Pn, exxxix, 28, 24, 1111(1 110' wilt
ot fail to 8110W NIS the difTietllty, Ho
1120 will make 118 His willing people
11 trSle AU Of Ws power (Ps, ex, il)t
'We do net; read of ane reeult from
Paul's testimony at Ephesus or his
way east except that they wished
him to tarry longer (chapter .x)'ill,
19, 20); lellt 71010 through the
preaching of Apollos and doubtless
by the help of Priscilla and Aquila
he finds on his return to Ephesns
that some leave believed, but they
have not been taught anout the
Holy Spirit, and they evould there-
fore be lacking power in their lives.
There are many believers now who
manifest tile same great lace, for
while every believer has become a
temple of the Holy Ghost (I Cor. vi,
19, 20), it is a different thing to be
filled with the Spirit, as the tree
from root to topmost twig is filled
with sap or as the whole body is
filled with blood to the tips of fin-
gers and toes,
3, 4, And ho said unto them; Unto
what were ye then baptized? end
they said, Unto John's baptism.
The Holy Spirit testifies of Christ
and glorifies Christ (John xv, 26;
xvi, 14); but probably these discip-
les were like many church members
in oar own day with whom the Holy
Spirit seems to accomplish little or
nothing, beceuse the word of God
does not dwell in theist richly (Col,
ill, 16), and. they soon never to haVe
heard much, if anything, about tho
Holy Spirit, All will acknowledge
that it is a sitt to be drunken With
Wine, but not many count it Et, sin
not to be ft110d With the Spirit, yet
see Eph. v, 18.
5-7, When Paul had laid his hands
uPon thorns 1.110 1101)2 Ghost, came en
them, and they spoke with tongues
and prophesied.
OF THE vvoxa,D.
The Terrible sIbi—Beariratt.11." of Central
Asia and the 11Purga" et
In mountainous countrie$, Stich ma
Scotland, a fog usually forms at the
lop of a hill end works dowmeardes
The cold mourrteen top cooling' a
warm current or wet air, readers its
moisture visible, encl this cold log,
being of lower temperature than the
air below, ana therefore beariere
drops gradually to the valley, easte
P0008011'8 Weekly.
Colorado, however, can show fill
eXeeptiOn to this generai 02110. There
in winter the frost on the low
ground iS so intense that a fog often
forms in the valleys and works 010112-
ly Up the mountain side. Thls is
known by the India11 name of
Peru has hundreds of square miles
along its coast of raleless countse.•
In this tract rain is never 31110100 10
fell from one century's end to an-
other. Yet the region is not entirely
barren of vegetation. Some parts of
it, indeed, are comparatively fer-
tile. This is duo to the extraordin-
ary fogs known as "garuas." They
prevail every night from May to
October, after a summer that is sul-
tr,v, and extend up to it level of
1,2110 feet above the sea. Above 1,-
200 feet rain falls,
The "canine" of Spain is a fog we
may be grateful that we do not
have in Britain, though it is not to
be compared with the true London
variety. It is a dry, yellow mist
whicli sometimes hides the sun for
clays 012 a. time over vast tracts of
country, and makes the sky look as
though covered with leaden gauze.
Another peculiar freak of weather
we must be thankful to escape is the
"williwau," This form of storm is
confined to that far-off island, Terre
del Fuego, The coast is indented
with deep fiords, crowned with high.
mountains. Down from their gorges
drops the "williwau." A low,
hoarse muttering is heard in the dis-
tance. Suddenly, without the least
preliminary puff, a fearful blast of
wind drops upon the sea. The water
Is not raised into waves, but driven
into fine dust. Fortunately the
shock lasts but
and calm follows at one, for AO
vessel could stand such a wind for
even half a minute. During the
coming and going of a "williwau"-
the barometer may be watched to
drop a tenth of an inch or more and
rise again at once.
Similar ill name if not in nature is
the "willy-willy" with which Kal-
goorlie gold-diggers are acepseintel
to their cost. "Dust devils," some
people call them. Half a dozen may
be seen dancing harmlessly along
over the desert, when suddenly one
will dive into the city, and fill all
the shop windows in Hannan street
with dust and sand, blinding every
passer-by. Tho "willy-evilly" is 0
thief of the worst kind. It will steal
the washing from si line, or the roof
from a shecl. In some teuts of the
country wire ropes aro anthore1
over the roofs of huts to save them
from the attacks of these odd little
Most people have heard of the
"Men" tvind of Switzerland, that
warm, dry gale which comes over
the mountains and ill spring will
melt two feet of snow hi a. day. Its
00.1180 10 111001. peculiar. The "101111"
Miles from tho south. As it strikes
the Alps it is wet like most gales
which have crossed the sea. But the
south face of the mountains receives
its rain, and as it crosses the sum -
:nits it is dry. The moving air cur-
rent 15 0,180 compressed and, there-
fore, dynamically heated. As it
falls into the northern valleys is a.
cataract of air'it gaits heat at tho
rate of half ce, degree for everY 100
feet of descent. It usually blows for
two or three days, causing great
suffering by its dry heat and op-
pression. While it lasts the teMpera-
tare is about thirty degrees above
the average. The "chinook" of
British Columbia and the evestern
side of the 'MUNI States is very
I-Iere, in Britain, we have adosee.pted
the American word "blizzard" for a
gale with snow. Ilut the blizzard Is
a far worse storm than anything
ever experienced in this country.
Even it, however, must Yield to the
ferocious "buran" of the Central
Steppes of Aide, anti the "purge" of
Northern Siberia.. Te bo caught la
gales sucle as these imams death in a,
•ely few minutes, however warmly
clad, for the very air bec011les un-
breathable, so filled is it with spikes
of ice -drift.
"lehamsin" is the hot wind from
the desert which blows out of the
Sahera. upon Egypt. The Word.
notes "fifty" from the idea that it,
antn for tuts? days, The "Icharnsin"
s terribly hot and dry, and eomee
times brengs pestilence with it.
It is not, however, so land all the
desert wind of Kansas,. which blowe
n narrow streaks sometimes ouly
00 yards tvide, but so hot and dry
hat the corn crepe aro blasted, and
he green leaves of the trees wither
rid fall to powder.
:Red snow We iltll'e all heard of,
t caused by a microscopic in-
usorial growth, and only occurs 111
now that hae lain unmelted for. a
00g tittle. in repitebergen reeently
met unow 11118 been noted tinted by
intliar organisms.
"Gold tiust" 811018 hos often been
me but only in spring. At ono
11110 it Wns myeLery how the 0111,
me of the new 11111011 STEOW enme io
O strewn with a ehlning
rposit, No, it is known to be
tie to the pollen of pine treoe
We all know that ft le Mere bless -
d to give than 1 retail*: but sone:
115 3111010 it maly from heersa$,