The Brussels Post, 1903-2-5, Page 51
LRxI, ii, IDDl3
1 neat, 1°,11, H(IO'TT, iirnoeele,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
:T. M. O'OON.t4Oti•,
for some of the -beet and safest Companies
14 Canada for Piro, A00al dant and Plate
Watts. 01000 00,00" C , ltlobard's at ro
B russets. 18.810
.-TSIAtiou1'llt OF -
.� ..
E. Estelle Griffin
Pupil of Mies Eva N. Roblyu, of Loudon,
P an prepared tar 0o" serv.,tory ex tree
1 '11111 visit Brussels every Tuesday.
Lessons giver, attheLome of W. H. Burr,
Jabu street,
MONEY TO LOAN ,1T 41, 4;i & 0 Per Cent.
Otgoe over Hm'elev's Drug Store,
Nov, 8rd, 1001. 80.8m Brussels,
Wellington Mutual
Fire insprnnee Co.,
Insurance taken on the oath end premium
note system at current rates. Before insur-
ing elsewhere call 0n the u nderalgned Agent
of the Company.
EER, will sell for better prices, to
- better men, in lase time and leas chargee
than any other Auctioneer in East Buren or
be won't charge anything, Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this office or by
personal application.
The undersigned, who le well acgn¢tnted
throughout Om moat part of the County
and who has had business with alarge Mr.
els of farmers in and around this locality,
begs to inform the community that he has
taken out au Auotinuoer'9 License for the
County of Buren and offers his services to
all purposing to hold s,le9.
THUS. NER'SOME, Brussels,
0/ . Honor Otadna,e of the Ontario Vet.
erivary College, is prepared to treat ell die.
oases of domeetieuted animals in a compet-
ent manner. Pertinlar attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly at.
tended to, ()Moe MILL Infirmary --Pour floors
North of bridge, l'nrnbelry st., Brussels,
1' • Barrister, Solicitor,'Couvoyanoer,
Notary Public, &c. 0111go-Stewert'e Bleak
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
`X• Boliettor, he. Odlee over Stand.
and Bank. Solicitor for Village of Brussels.
klpney to Loan at Ioweet rates.
111. n„ C. M.,
Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Madloal
College, Member College of Physicians and
Surgeons Out, Ltoentiate of the Royal Col.
lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid-
wlfery,Edinburgh. I 'Tolephoue No.14,
Iteeidenoe-Mill street, Brneesle.
Graduate of the. Royal, College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and Eiret•oluee Honor
Graduate of Toronto University, Oflloe
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
0)...LISTOWi Ls
Te the plane to get value for your mousy.
Opens Jan, gab, 1008, Two courses -Com.
merothl and Bhorthuud. Send for College
Preefdent, Secretary,
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingled
AND ----
North Shore
itob Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terve on hand ee made to Order
at Short Notion,
Estimates Furnished for ail
kinds of Bntldiuge. Workman,
Ship and Material Guaranteed,
• 4=8L "7. .- c= -..t 3 t. 5- gt.t -: 9'
Money -Making Educ tion
young xlerr and Wenttn, that.
tyre yen Worth ? That deponde ilpou
what you ere Werth to others, A bus-
111a01orshorthand education will al-
ways enable you to get it good poet Lieu
hot the education must be etrletly
Jli'et•otaee, Give us an opportunity t1
toll you what we are domg dor elbere.
Write toile), for our ec talogue,
Students admitted at any time,
W. J. ELLIOTT, Prinolpal,
VV tl is Q►r.
O1IT0ARY,-One by one that noble bend
of tumefy and honest pioneers, who, by
committee pereerving toll, have made this
their adopted country what it now is, are
being oal,ed away from theeceneeof their
earthly toil and were. Death, the stern
reaper, has again visited our midst and
taheu from our number one of the beet
known and most highly respected of that
noble band of putroite, who 1111 Sunday
evening, Jan. 18th, amend over the
silent river to that bourne from whenoe
too traveller raturus. The tubjeot of this
nottee Wtlitam Bennett, was barn in the
county of Cornwall, England, in the
year 1810. and spent hie boyhood Jaye in
working in the elute quarries in hie
native town. In the Year 1843, 'idled
with a spirit of ambi'ion to make fur
himself a home in a foreign land, he join•
ed himself with that tide of emigration
then coming to (Jamie. Bidding fare
well to the friends of hie youth and young
manhood, a000mpanied by hie sister
Mary, and hie nephew, ]:Cobert, now of
Ethel, but at that time mere child, set
sail for the new °oedem t and after a
tedious and storm tossed voyage of eight
weeks, they lauded et Oobourg, where he
remodeled for four years. In the year
184he directed phi 'outdoes til farthe
7 s e r
Wuatwnrd, owning to Tnokeremith, mak•
Ina the jnuruey all the way from Oobourg
on foot. He took up lot 89, °oncession
2, Omit three miles North of where
Hruoetieid now stands, The °enntry
th n was pretty much en unbroken forest
t um hope arid courage were strong and
wi h a strong young arm soon converted
the forest into fertile fields of waving
grain. Shortly after o, ming to Tucker•
emi It he was united to marriage with
Annie Clark, who as a faithful partner
shared hie joys and Borrows for 50 years.
In the year 1880 he sold his farm in
'1'uolteremith, and onmiug to Grey town.
ship, porchaeed late 1 and 2, 17th con•
0805(00, the property of the late, John Mo
Fedz-an, and on thie farm he resided
until hie death. Hie wife pre -deceased
him five years ago, and since that time be
has resided with lois eon Joaeph who, with
hie estimable partner, has watched over
an aged parent in hie deolining years with
e tender ooueolotte care. In his lest ill
neg0, Iliad friends and neighbors, who
had long loved and admired thie good and
kind oldman because of hie estimable
qualities, were ever willing and ready to
lend a helping hand to make things as
comfortable 15 pre ible for him during
the days and nights of patient watohing
by hie tick bed, and it he suffered pain as
he paeeed down through the valley of the
ehadow of death, no murmur or nom•
plaint ever passed his lips. The deoeaead
had long been a consistent member of the
Methodist oharoh, In petition be was a
Liberal, although he never took a very
native interest ti, politioal affairs or
eought publio honare,but lived a quiet
andretired life at peaoe with all men.
He greatly enjoyed the society of young
people, end by his refined aud geutlemau-
Iy conversation was indeed a fitting com-
panion for them, and as an emblem of a
temperate and moral lite which ended in
a ripe old age ; a type of bumonity wbioh
we should strive to follow as a fitting
example of truth and aprightneee. The
funeral was largely attended by many of
the relatives and friends who were anxious
to pay their last reepeote neored to the
memory of the departed. In time absence
of a settled Methodist clergyman, the
funeralaerviae wee condnoted by Rev. A.
MuNubb. Interment was made in Brute
tele cemetery, where the remains were
laid to rest alongside those of his beloved
partner, who had eo'oog shared with him
bis joys and sorrows in life. The
pelt bearere were David Campbell,
A. Jobntton, John Berry, Thomas Ma.
Fadeout), Wm. Pollard and Henry Lloyd.,
A family of live sone and two daughters
survive to eberisb with loving memory
the kindness of a considerate and loving
parent : William; of Weet Branch, Miobi-
gan ; Thomas, of Olinto' ; Samuel, of
Wingham ; John and Joseph, of Grey
township; Mre. Jane Jameson, of Huron
Road, McKillop ; and Mre Henry Lloyd,
bf Wingham. Of a family of three cis.
tern and two brothers only one brother
survives, Henry now living in Oregon.
What the Papers say
about the Warden,
Following are some of the expressions
tendered the Warded of this County in
onnueotion with last week's issue of the
County preee :-
"At the meeting of the county
council, which opened tut Goderiob
on Teesd;ay, W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, was
sleeted Warden, Mr. Kerr will make a
good Warden and we heartily oongrato.
late Lim nu the dietinotiou conferred on
him by his fellow oonuoillore. The
eleotion of Mr. Kerr tends 0nao more to
exemplify the trutbfalnese of the state.
merit that it is offer the unexpeoted that
happens. The general expectation .was
that John B. MoLean, of Tuokeremith,
the oldest member of the council, would he
honored by the werdenship, and what
turned the saelee we have not learned.
There will be much disappointment in
this district that the honor did not fell to
Mr. MoLean. Singe the above was in
type we learn that the Wardership wag
decided by the toes up of a oopper. This
your, of nurse, in accordance with the
Mending agreement, the poeition bad to
go to a Liberal. A000rdingly in the Grit
canons, three eandidatee were put Up, viz.
Messrs, Rer", McLean and Miller. Tee
vote was taken by ballot, with the under.
Mending that the lowest should drop oat
eeoh vote, Mrs Miller was the fleet to be
olanghtet'ed, and the peened vote being
Olen between Kerr and MoLean resulted
in a tie, It wag then dcoided that the
matter be settled between these two
gentlemen by the touting of a Dopper,
Mr, Yterr, whoring toe c, toseee out of the
Lime, was decemiel the L•rienate man,
and wax, aaunrdinkh•, °lotted SVerden
without oppoaitlun."-Huron 1 xpoettor,
There e were two lie Mien hull to n
o I t anti
there being no probability of settling the
matter that way, by agreement, iuetead
of drawing lute a 25 oent plow, pot a
copper, wax brought into rignieit!on,
1. B Wauleu cleat le the Renter m, mbar
un the L bell aide having eat for 9
yeere in that betty ue oomperud with ?
by .Mr, MoLevn. There aro positions
vacantln the Co, to day that we have no
doubt the etndidatue would be very
agreeable to allow the eamo prooedure ae
that adopted in the Liberal cancel to
Battle the motor.
W. 11. Kerr, editor of the Bnusepos
PORT, wan elected warden of Huron cone.
ty or, Tueeday. Oongratulutione, Bro. !
-Standard, B'yth.
W. H. Rerr, of TBE BRUSSELS POST has
been aimed warden of Huron. He is a
e000esefel newspaper man and will !here.
fore make en nooeptable warden. The
Neave Record extends congratulations --
News Record, Olfntou.
At the first seaeion of the Huron
County Coattail at Goderiob on Tuesday,
W, H. Kerr, editor of TUE BRUSSELS Pose
waa Wooed d Warden for 1
e003, Mr. Kerr
hoe been a very efficient member of the
Gould), Council for a number of yearn
and the Times is pleased to hear of his
eloutian to this important poaition.-
THE or, TY x6, -Th'
C N (.aIINa le body open
ed iia first session for 1903 in the Court
House on Tuesday afternoon last, Editor
being elected es warden. Bro. Kerr will
meet every requirement of the honorable
position, and TUE STAR coogratnlatee him
on hie deserved promotion. -Star, Gode
Shortly after 3 o'oolook Clerk Lane
celled the members together and after
some brief preliminaries coked them to
elect a warden for the preempt year. Mr,
Mole an, of No. 5 division, nominated
Mr. Kerr, and Mr, Millar, of division No,
8, seconded the nomination, Then ua
cording t
0 o theprooedure reacrlbed
gP by
statute,there wasa waitof half an 40u
although it was well understood there
would be no further nominations. At
the end of the time limit the °leek de.
clered Mr. Kerr elected, and the °onnoil-
lor from Bromide took the chair amid
the oppluune of hie fellow members
Hie Honor Judge Holt administered the
oath of (Moe and the newlyelcoted War-
den then addreseed the cannon briefly.
-Signal, Goderiob.
We oohgratulate W. H. Kerr editor of
Tis BRUSSELS PowT, upon his unanimous
eleotion to the Wsrdenebip. It was
moved by J. B. McLean, of Tuokeremith,
Seemlier! by Mr. Miller, of Ternberty,
both of whom had been mentioned ae
possible aspirants for the office. Mr.
Kerr hae been in the Council longer than
any other Liberal, and hie eleotion is a
graceful tribute to him. That he will
perform the duties to the entire satie-
'potion of all parttime, is readily admitted.
His familiarity with all public bneinees,
good common sense, and general affability
combine to make him a very aoueptable
Warden. The only thine we fear ie that
hie irrepressible fund of humor will Some
time break out, and he will so far forget
himself as to ask, "Why ie the County
Commit like a Sunday School ? " and
smilingly be will reply to the astonished
membere, who can see no reeemblanoe,
"Beoaose all its actions are supposed to
be Rem eat." -New Era, Clinton.
The new County 0ounoil met at Gode.
rich on Tuesday, It will please all Bros.
seines to learn that W. H. Kerr, publish-
Don't forget that we
keep a choice and well sel-
ected stook of Groceries in-
cluding ;-
in addition to the nicest Con-
fectionery to be found any-
by the dish, or quantity.
Your orders will receive prompt
attention for anything in
our line.
Try our Tea at 27o. per ib.
.Dartlilf's Old Stand,
BI -ass S.
dtlir &BileiNFEBBNATreiefeBre - sf-4-N teremee --"°"
et' f TOE P as anent coal a of d
o B POST, w m l0 e
y r na
U,lr N' nLI,, 1
1 ! ,l' +r In
the ardeu , We on u late
w 1, a
P R t F
A I A T8 n- r I'.
Mr.ILerr n[I!'ia app011,tnt0pt a"ft aro H. i4aflt 1,'.LI0ne0T,+bt�t9 GOBINI�1 116611'44)•
pertain 1111tt he elil pellet to the operons 11100511 I 1I:s nnderelgsed t0 orll llv ewe
duties cion emoted rna-Eh 'i a° ktitobl
lUoA mt 1rl
•'U t1 Da 0o40i S
iOro ,
manner and to the safuutlon 00 alb valuable pro,"fib : 1 working Agree11 MimeOur readers will remember that before J0001112vaers a1d, draught :1 mare pet t year
the nominations of eaudidutee for 001104 oftoK4uplu1'dtttdegyogw,0
i are nue to
ou, 8re
predloted that Mr, Kerr would beappuiob• mitklvelloJg ;ao. 1 27, Dur4ham00100 1n bull oa112 Yy,,e01srswbi001oh 4 Jupn,
ed Werdou.-Heald, Brussels, 1008, with imported crones of Watlaoe(275d1,
Tile Warden wilt make en earnest
effort to prove worthy of the kind words
emotion Rod returns thanks forlthe ngmer
cue lettere of oongratnlstion received.
Councillors were held, THE BZIALD
On Wednesday evening Warden Kerr
entertained the members and aflioittis of
the County Council at Blauketone's ren
teuraet. It wag not a new departure,
for iu older, dsye it wee as much the
ouotom to have a Warden's eapper ae it
Ivan to cleat the Warden. Whether
Warden Kerr's resuseita'ion of the student
eastern memo its eontlnuanoe, timealoue
will tell, but judging by the evident
pleasure of Mr. Kerr's eueste on Wednee.
day sysuing, the reeu0reation ween pope•
lar move. Shortly after eight the party
eat down LO 000 of 13 eoketone'a popular
Spreads, and woe.' full u i lanae had been
nova to nth d l' tl
e e Luau ea the Warden nom
msurel the meet het by giving "The
King," wniel, wee loyally drank in nom
ietox,osut5, as were all those that follow-
ed. The next toast was that of the "Legal
and Medical P,'ofe,eione," responded to
by County Solicitor R. 0. Hoye, and
County Treasurer Dr. Uolmee. The
solicitor made but a short epeeah, and
concluded by saying he would pat the
rest of it on paper and charge it to the
Couuoil, a oo0°tasion that ceased a hear.
ty laugh. Dr, Holmes claimed that he
did not represent the medioei profession,
having retired from it years since, and
admitted that be preferred his present
duties to that of travelling about in all
kinds of weather and at all times, as
doatore are called on to do. The next
toast was "Our Fruit Indnetry," to
wbioh Apple King Caatelou responded.
He dwelt at some length on the pease.
eitiee 0f the trade,high B
w were, he h,ld
better and cheaper transportation lend
sold storage anaommodution nearer home
that Toronto, where, said Mr. Caotelon,
I now have 9,000 barrsle stored at con.
siderable expense. The speaker held
that the people should memorialize Ebe
Dominion Government to look after
freight rates, and staled that he shipped
apples to Liverpool, both by Montreal
and Portland, at 65n per barrel, yet the
G. T. R. oharg,d 5271 oenle per barrel
freight for apples sola to be °ou,umed at
Montreal. "Uonnty Inetitutione" follow-
ed, coupled with the names of Messrs,
Lane, O'Oonnell, Miller and Griffin.
Thee the chairman handed the meeting
over to woe chairman Councillor Guar,,
who proposed the health of the Warden
in eulogistic terms, Mr. Kerr's health
being drank with mnsioal honors. The
Warden made an apt and witty reply,
recounting the story of the oauone at
which bis name had been proposed and
accepted. One of his best etoriee was
"that there to many s man in Goderiob
with only half a shirt on his bank" -end
after a peace -"because the other half
was worn in front," Mr. Kerr eonotnded
wish the hope That the members would
work together for the Ooouty'e interests,
"Agrioultural Interests," coupled with
the names of Meeere. Torrance and Look.
hart. "Fntnre Wardeae," the next
toast, was briefly responded to by Messrs.
McLean and Speakman ; "The Preen"
by D. MoGillieuddy and H. W. 13011 ;
"Tile Ladies" by Meseta. Lemont, Young
and Durnin, and "'.rhe Host and Hostess"
by Mr. Blaoketone, Daring the evening
the Blackstone orchestra played several
choice numbers to the evident pleasure
of the assembly, and the meeting ended
at a seasonable hour with "Auld Lang
Syne."-Goderioh Star.
British License Act.
New Law Contains Stringent Regale.
The New York San has the following
epode' from London :-The greatest
feature of the New Year is the lionising
Ant whioh went into operation on Jan -
nary 1. The newspapers printed oolamne
as to how the new law which carries
terror to the heart of the habitual drunk-
arde, was applied. The law keepe the
proprietors of °aloone from the opening
to the closing hour, in a condition of
nervous apprehension. It 1005515 the
police with power that even ' Carrie
Nation might envy, and promises to over-
whelm the Police Magietratee with a new
oleos of work,
The principal malcontent now perhaps
is the habitual drunkard. Formerly the
police could not toaoh a man or woman
no matter how drunk they might be un-
less they were disorderly. Under the.
new law, anyone found drank in any
public place may be arrested, prosecuted
and punished. Three convictions within
twelve months constitute "an habitual
d'unkard". Already from all parte of
England reports are coming of habitual
drunkards being blacklisted for three eon.
Odious, the law being retroaotive,
The following ie a typical example of
the applioation of the new law : "You
will go to prison for a mouth" said a Sal-
ford Magistrate to a men arraigned for
drunkenness yesterday ; "you will) be
placed on the blaokliol, and while in
prieon you will be photographed. A
uopy of this will be Bent to all license
beldam in Salford and the anrronnding
dietriet, Any publican serving you with
drink in the next three years ie liable to
a heavy fine".
A London magistrate in sentencing a
woman drunkard, today, said : "If you
attempt to get served you will be fined.
If anyone treats you he or she will be
fined. If yon get Bgoor in the next three
yeare it will be at your. peril."
From these expreeeioue of two differ.
tint magistrates to the moo of a man
and woman the fate of anyone who may
be oonvioted of drunkenoeee three timee
in a year will be understood. The act
also protects children. Anyone found
drank while in oharge of a child is liable
to a line of :82, or a mouth'e Imprison.
meat. Several women in London and
the provinces have already been punished
tinder thio oiauee.
The act ie wincing diemay 1n night
clubs, which abound' in Soho and the
Eaeb End. They ere bogne clothe, which
are rim merely for the purpose of evad-
iug the licensing law, Under the old
law the puniebmont was a fine, which
watt nbsertnlly paid. Now that imprison.
is provided many of these °tuba have
0,inet t2881, PrMooas(4101. winner of Fleet
Prise at ]tact Huroo Fair ; 1 two,year-old
heifer, 2 etear9 2 yyears okt, 1 etoer nems 2
years, 1 bailor rising caro, 2 yearling bet!.
berered, 0YY8priogorkshire eulvoo;0010with 0l 1"4111111100 0°0Vvoel ,12 1 pthigsorn,0'
plgo2 mealy] old, eutnber of fowl, 1 Monsey.
Barris hinder -.5 ft, cut, 1 Massey -13 arrle
mower, 6 ft„ with Talton pen harvester and
beseber attn./bed ; 1 ton.foot all-etoel rake,
new, Massey -Barns ; 1 M.,csey-RarTfs esed
5r111,0om0loed ; 1 DteseeN.Harrio cultivator,
new ; 1 three -horse p1010,2 narrow ; lamely
plow, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 set Iron harrows,
new ; 1 eeefller and moulder combined, 1
wagon nearly new,1 top btlggy, 1 Het double
barneee, 1 set single harness, 1 hay rook,
new, 15 ft.; 1 new cutter, 1 set Bob-elelgbe,
1 fanning will with bagger,nearly new; hay
fork, ropes and pulleys, nearly neW ; 1 tur-
nip pulper, 18et of settles 1000 lbs., 21og
obains, steel crow bar auk post hole spoon,
1 water trough 12 feet long, about 4 tope el
timothy hay to stack also quantity in barn,
quantity of turnips, 50 oath els seed peas a
nua,ber of cedar posts, 1 000k stove with
reservoir attaobed 1 kitcuep stave, robes,
bells, Plan] Sete, wbittietreee neck yoke and
num,0500 other erlieles. dale uureeerved
as proprietor has Sold his farm. Terms -
A11 sums of 86 and under cash, ever that
amount 11 mouths' credit will bo given on
Iurnlebing approved joint notes ; 4 per cent.
off for push or, art/Olt amounts
AnoEfooeor. ,Proprietor.
81008, IDIPLIEMENTH &o. -Mr. F,
S. Scott, auctioneer, has received Distrito -
Mons from the undone:road to sell by public
auction at Lot 8, 4)00. 0. Grey, on WED.
NESDAY, FEB, 11, 1003, at 12 o'clock sharp,
the following valuable property, viz ;-1
aged horse, l aged mare, 1 general purpose
horse rising 4 years, 1 heavy draught filly
rising 4 years, 1 heavy drau,bt gelding ria•
ing 8 years, 1 'fresh milab cow, 2 cows i0 calf,
1 heifer rising 8 years, iu calf, 1 .steers rising
8 years, 1 heifer ruing 8 yeata, 8 steers ria,
bag 2 years, 2 heifers rising 2 veare, 2 steers
rising 1 year, 2 calves, 1 York sow and 6 Pigs
n weeks u1d, 1 York cow, due to farrow Fee,
7111, 7 store hogs 4 moutbe old, 5 registered
Shropshire ewes, 1
eye, imported,
registered Shpebinr m
2 years 014,4 ewe lambs, eligible for regis-
tration, 80 bene, bronze turkeys, 1 gobbler
and 8 hens, 1 Prost & Wood binder, 0 ft. cut,.
with trucks and ehoat carrier, 1 Mc0ormiok
mower 5 E. cut, 1 'Lion' sapper, 1 mower
with pea harvester and bundler, 1 MaCor-
wick steel rake, 10 ft., 1 Maseey.Harris cul-
tivator,18 teeth, 1 Amon Mao barrow, 1
sand roller, 1 °Beaver Improved' seed drill,
10 hoes, 1 Oockehutt 2 -furrowed pieta, 2
single plows, 1 set iron barrows.' souther, 1
Biagio buggy, 1 Chatham wagon, 1 truck
wagon ,4 in. tire, 1 0emocrat,1 outter,1 set
bob•eleigbs, 1 set light bob -sleighs, 1 1000
sleigh, 1 hay raek,1 gravel box, 1 Belt's' 8 -
horse tread power with trucks and lilting
lank, 1 'Bell's' No, 60 Dotting box with 10 it.
carrier, 1 '1001)10 Leal' grinder, 80 ft, belting
1 turnip 'Meer and sneer, 1 hay fork and
slings with ropes au4 pulleys, 1 fanning
mill, 11200 lb sonles, 1 wbeelbari ow, 1 grind-
stone,1 feed boiler, 1 orosa out caw, 1 anvil
and vise, 1 set team hamate, l set plow bar-
ness, 1 set .single harness, 1 saddle and
bridle, 1 dozen Braine bags, quantity of tur-
nips, quantity of Siberian need oats,1 meat
barrel, 1 work beneh, 1 alone boat, 1 log
boat, wbiflletrece, neck yokes, grain cradle,
scythes, forks, chains, spades, crow burs,
shovels, hose, (devisee, ladders and other
articles. The implements are all in good
repair most of them being nearly new.
Salo will be without reserve as the proprie-
tor has sold -hie farm. '100010-411 enure of
26 and under cash ; over that amount 10
mo eths' credit on furnishing Approved Joint
Notes. 8 per cent. o8 for (ash on credit
amounts. Turnips and oats dash,
Auctioneer. Proprietor,
dizri�-" "
c.... inn ,n s sT E
PR(/t•I/ ,titbit ow M �r
Ir i
Our Great Clearing Sale will be continued one week longer. We
have Kot through retook taking, and find the last year has been a very
prosperone nae, and we can afford to be generoue with our ouetomere who
have favored ue with their patronage, - The lues week will be the banner
week of our great clearing Bale, Great bargei io will he Lound in every
department of our mammoth establishment. Our opaoe will pot allow no
to give a detailed statement of all the bargains we will offer, Below we
give a few quotation, which will give you an idea of what you may expect:
Flannelettee, wide width, fancy striper, worth 7u for 5U. -Plaid Glogham-,
fast colors, regular 7r, for 50, -Grey Flannels, plain and twilled, regular
15o for 1240. -Red Astrachan, 54 inches wide, suitable for children's coats,
1 good Value at $125, for 75o-Homespno Drees Goode, 40 inches wide, in
grey, brown and two toned, regular 25o and
80ofor 19o. -Heavy Navy
Berge, 54 inones wide, makes ale autnkrke,gnod value at BOo for 85o -
Bleak Korean Bkirtiog, 87 ioobes wide, worth 500, We price, 450. -Wool
Tweeds, suitable for boys' wearing spite, in stripes and Mheeks, worth 850,
Bale prion, 25o -Wool 13 aokobs, double bed size, worth 81.75 for $145.-
IBeuvy Woo, B•aukets, lofty finish, erns 54084, worth $2 50, Bele pricee while
they tact, 81 05. -Ladies' Aetraohan Jaekete, in fioe glossy earl, 28 to 30 re
inches long, regular price $80, Bale priori, $24 50 -Ladies' Fur Oaperioee, tie
Rolfe and Muffs at very low prigee during thea sale. (��p
After having read many advertisements of
towns remote from Jamestown, we were
compelled to think and say
Stop Loo!llg dor Trnuhle
and Happiness will get after you. Here are
a few directions and if followed closely
In all our Winter Goods we have made a
reduction of 20 and 25 per cent. for cash.
Come and see for yourselves.
The Jamestown Post Office and General Store
l er Innes.
We take Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples and Tallow as Cash.
20 ger cent. Discount
Change ofBusiness
On the 1st of March I intend to
make a Change in my Business
and from now till then everything
in the Store will be sold at 20
per cent. Discount.
as I must reduce my stock before the First of March. Time will not
permit me to give a list of prices but you can depend on getting One
Dollar's worth of Goods for every Eighty Cents you
pay out.
Do aaot Delay but Coarse at Once
and get in, with the Close Buyers.
AFew hr Soats Left to be Sold at 20 per cent. Discount,
D. r• pADDII\T4�"