The Brussels Post, 1903-2-5, Page 3- IOUS Somethms ihey Are the Bright Dawn of a Day of Christian Usefulness. Hentered according to Act, et the Par- liament tot I.:mica:hi, in the year One Them:awl1 Inu 11(10(1100 and Three. by Wm. natty, ot Tore Ito, at the Department et Agilcuitere, mums. A. despatch from Chicago says :— Env. Frank De Witt Talmage preach- ed from the following text thew xi v, " j es us eonst rained his disciples to got into a ship." There it is 1 See 1 Yonder Is the disciples' boa, tossed about an the Wimis of Luke Ouillue, Those men Sum to be In as erltiCal a situation sr, Was the captain of an Atlantic coal barge Some time ago. The barge had been (caught in a storm ayouttg girl wk.) smug in a large and wee sluicing under hts Mee, Ths concert hall in London. One of 1100 rho wisdom and knowledge of captain signaled to the tug. Then, moues ,,Nuvik-1,06d noted 101,10,1 cdtio tltis great. personage are supposed to as it drew near, bo picked up first who present wind, he be reteined while ia this Mate, and one and then Lowther of his little thought of h, yokc. 0she the ebeillant therefore knows what, children. lle raised them above his Ittclui one element wIthth woo I d is laist for those around it. lts pre- ecrice thus preuts nationat eamm- by and promote:4 peace and prosper- ity. So it CUStomary when a white tilephant iS foUnd to deccemte bet' that you ore being fitted for your work, 11 you are faithful to him, as Arioniram (Judson was beim; lilted for 1119 work ; retnemeer11(11, in the (lark hours of your telals's- thous night 11101:41 1E1 watcbing (Lott caring for you as bo watched the disciples struggling on the waves of Lake ; remember that at the SIA111'S WLIITE ELEDHANTS. Mistaken Notions as to Plow They Are 13,egarded. "There It; 11 mistaken impression that the white elephant, the shang phoouk, 113 worshipped by the Budd- hists of Shim us a deity," said a elissionery Who lillti reeently return- ed 10010 the Orient. "The I ituldhis I do not retiognhie ct material. god in fortn, mid ore shocked at the idea that they worship an elephant. 'there is, however, some iipproach to worship in their ('0'.' (''01)00 for wnite animals, particularly the elephant, nenthey, dove, sparroW, stork sad swan. The reason of this reverence is that under the Buddhist religion each suecesshe Buddha Is supposed m011010100 itlsen., is the Christ, the goveGiziOlreitoeetactitewe'0901 111.7 OE TURPENTINE. Son al (Ind (Arts 20, 22; 1 Cur. UOME or in spirits, has a household value. THE n 5. And when Silas mid Thnotheus Fo pop A child suffering with the croup or W'O' (.0000 front Macedonia, Paul was it! any throe 1 or lung ei ty will be pressed. 111 1110 spirit, and 1..,S1 flied 1.0 0 Turpentine, either in resinous form 11, 2). f 11 otekly relieved by inhaling the the Jews that Jestim Was (Ittrbtf.. 0 Recipes far the tatehe„, 6 vapOr anti having the chest rubbed instend of "pressed 111 the spirit" 0 the Ittivised Version says "eon- * for the Housekeeper, Hygiene and Other Notes 0 until the skin Is red, then being t, wrapped about with Ilannel moisten- st 10 11(0(1 by 111(1 word." This re- f al ril with fiery spirRa. Afterwards minds us of .1 eremlah, 111/0 Lecaltso „,„,,,,, „, ,,,,,, of reproaches determined to speak ''''"' ''-'0 ' 0 ‘o 0':a a ID a 010 i?Wileltiterl l'weel."011 'will etwe the 61,111 from no more in ilia Dante but. Ine ward ia AKA ,,,71, Bi(ie,m) TN \v.! NerEjt. was such n lire wildit hint that la, 0,114 4,011,trobioo to 01,,,,,k (1,joi.. xx, Making bread in cold weather often A, 0). Wa think also of Peter and Vrol'''S an irksollm tusk becataie the ,1011,1, whom (11) threats could pee- bread is slow in rising, anil bread vent front speaking 'what they had that lakes its time to rise is seldom a 100 drops 11/.0 Mit 1 1110 closets rind coal at un average of $12 lot. ton arb arra and heard (Acts iv, 2te, and of good liread when baked. Denting 1(01111055 W/1011 left to their chests ; it will persuade miee to entirel,y Elilni, who said that he must speak the flour from 12 to 21 hours before 111,c1 Whet quarters if a little is own resources. that he might be refreshed, foe 11,1 mixing helps not only the rising pro - On such occasions the French Gov - MO/ like a bottle of wipe ready to C(.08, but the whitening also. This Poured into the 1/101150-li010S 1 1 011106110011r111 udded to tne water fourth wetch, or Juill. al, the breitk- to have passed through a sertes of "f3 eminent comes forward to tile aid of Mg of the dawn, Christ, as he did transudgeations anti In turn 0000- feet is now so well understood that of old. will appear to you walking pled the forms of white simnel:4 of a 1 arst (Job xxxli, I 8-20). upon the crystal pavemeat of the certain class. The while elephant (1, Your blood Le utem your own many millers add the advice 1,0 the in which linens are boiled will make its Impoverished citizens in a way lust& I ani chem. Front lience- printing' on the liolir Sack. It must the goods wonderfully white ; a feW that. has won the admiretion of ev- TEE MISERIES OF PARIS SAID TO Excnnp TITAT ANY canza CITY, Viteous Condition of the Poor in the World's Gayest Capital. Upon every occusion of extretne irritalmn. In the case of burns and told in Paris a condition results sim- scalds turpentine has 110 equal. It Dor to that which It was feared the is the best dreesing for patent loath- cities of thin country would face 'In er ; it will remuve paint from the event of a continuation of the artists' elothes and workmen's gar- coal strike. The poor of the eity. ments ; it will drive away inotris if suffer piteously from cold, and with prevent starch from ery stranger who has seen its work - forth I will go natto the gentilts, lat put into a bucket or pan wei set annlis wai deep, minks first becaUSe lt Is belimaid to " PITTING US F011, THE WOP.K. be the temporary dwelling plum of is was his sustain evai. ;miner to whete it, will get. just warm, and stir, lot, , Ittim t Wi t t.: . ((Id dSis Te111tioonueuT, efdoil,,ythtishelliuwettunnttielantt Tgcre Is a. sgiggenivo ,,,tory told or the soul of some greet. personage, a preach the gospel to the Jew first stay worm, nothing' more. To gut makes the best lloor polish, and the French hceirgeoise are considered king or greet general. (1.1010. i, 113; and then to the gentile. It, or the dough aft el' mixing tumid- mixed wit h swecit-olitilleilf ulisuitinuilol,iv_filtIcil3 the jeast vharitable as all trilding Compare their conduct at Antioeh ing Mit, is to spoil all life in it, and as a D°Iisb! for in Pisidla (xiil, 413, 40). When any block soggy bread is the oliteunse. latler mixture should be two parts classes of the world, and for that one is duly warned of danger and As 1 or yeast, the housewi fe who of sweet -oil to one part turpentine, reason the indigent would fare badly refuses to take Med, his blood is kceps the everlasting, or as sante PilYPIrialls recommend sPirits of if left to the mercies of unorganized on himself (lezek. xxxiii, 4, 5). call it, neighbors' yeast, knows well tarlientine, applied externally, l'"a charity. head anti hurled them through the make 1(00 the greatest singer lumbago and rheumat ism. It is also Those who obey not till' gospel shall 1100 to make bread with it. Ilut Add to the high price of fuel the Then he turned and fastene%1 a rope, "She lacks soul power, lf I were El, 110 mnished with everlaNtin , de. this yeast, must be used by more prescribed for neuralgia of the face. air into the a rniS of the reseuerS, Of h.:11101v, toisWO, e.. he et it IC• high prices of food and the con- struetion (LI Thess. I, 8, 0). As to then one family, or at the farthest, dition of the French poor is manlf- thrown to him from the tug, cround young 111,10 and could marry her and ' h WINDOWS OF 'FITE IIOUSE, the waist of his wife and auother ill 1(1(111 1101' arid break her heart, lt, bestoW preSents oil It and make shaking one raiment see hm., v, us, (1 three times a week to keep it festly worse. Meat costs two aud a at. its best. 11 here one lives Isolated To the passer-by there is probably half tines more in Paris than it (1101(11(1 11114 00(1 Waist„ and both then 011 000,0101 1, 01 her grief and ter it in every way a. favorite of the 1 34no one feature Which lends more does in New York. Other foods are leaped into the sea. Two Minutes talent ole would Le met of the throne. ,, B. And crispus, the chief ruler this yeast can be mode fresh each alter be and his wife had been drug- brightest stars in 1110 111U1410111 firma- ''11 hen an elephant of this sort ts °J. tnn sYnagdguet babarad on ' t, character to the general aSpeet of correspondingly dear, Consider that time as is hothia but old - god into the rescuing boat his own 1110 it " Tim. lassed on and tills discovered prayers ere ordered in Lord with all his house, and many fashioned potato yeast renewed With Willi:lows are. at once the eyeS and of employment and the situation' the house than do the windows. there are about 100,000 persons out coal barge made a plunge and dis- woman's heart wits boo: en Ly a all the temples, '4)'!))), tm„ 1(11(11 ('18 if the corinthians Navin believed the same amount of fresh stuff (melt Milting. and were baptized, the 801111 ninth light up the archi- can be realized, appeared. Every moment tho disci- cruel husband, Then came the true go (14!to capture IL The bearer of In spite of the organized charitable pies, like that coptain, expected , days of her power and fame. God, the message announcing its capture When one door Is shut, another is .'ro make it, put 11 cakes ry yeast to soak the morning r good teetural face of a dwelling. Through their boat to founder. Some of 00111 W11011 110 W1SLCS 1,0 III, us for great hos his mouth, the day before baking. This coin: the saving grace of well-designed ears e,„1 „stale sure to open and sometimes, as in a efforts of the French there 'is a dis- were veteran nshereien. Net they and true work, sends us a hurrieane }Allred with gold, and the one who and well-placed windows, the hum - this ense, next door to the one Boot field loft for the Government, closed against us. When the Lord Pressed yeast is all the better for being allowed to soak several hours. blest house may assume a charm all and cycry op.,,,t,nity to 1, ot oso At noon 'stir 1 cup mashed potatoes, its owii. They attract unconsciously in this lino 'is seizszd. The duties of charity are recognized by the Government as being as binding as any of its other functions, and the poor look to the officia,la for relief as something they have a right to ex- pect. An oillelal of the Government whose rank is almost that of a cabinet officer is director of the assistance publique. He is appointed El either by the president of the repub- th lic or by the prime minister, and he has control of the vast sums spent had given up all hope of ever reach- of trouble. Ile compels es to bat- first do coveved It is liberally le - opens, no power can shut, and V.f11011 ing land again. Ile with the Galilean tempests for a %voided. The elephant is received The censer of drowning In Lake whole night. Do not be weary of with great ceremony on the way to Ile allows a door to be closed it, is Olthee was not the only clanger well doing, my brothers, ou ore the capital, and a, path is mit because He wants es elsewhere (Bev. iii, 8; Matt. x, 14). It was a splen- did victory for the Lord and His servant to have the chief ruler of the synagogue and his household re- ceive the despised Nazarene as Israers Messiah, and possibly many wero helped by his example to do likewise, But the chief ruler can- not always control the other rulers, whether he be the president of a nation or the governor of a state or the nmyor of a city or only ruler of 11, synagOgue, ough flour in the kneading process. 13, 10. Then spoke the Lord to To stop short of enough is to have Paul in the night by a vision, Be not afraid, but speak, and hold nold much flour is to have the bread hard runny, dark bread ; to 1111:ti 111 too thy peace, for I run with thee, and and floury inside. This mixing pro- m/ man shall set on thee to hurt 1.11.0' indevd tha greatest clanger, ono of tlatrs favorites, There 15 11 through the forest. for its convenient which threatened the disciples, They 'great, triumph of gospel usefulness passage. At every stopping 1110,00 at'. 111100 in spiritual danger, Having for you ahead. 1 endents sing and dance, play 1111.181 - seen Jesus only a COW 110U1'S before 1 'Phe dark, tempestuous nights of cal instruments and give exhibitions feed a, tnultitude of 5,000 persons Illitanclal ruin ;lave often been, 111 of sltill for the entertainment of the with 111T loaves and a few llshes, 'God's sight, the bright, Wester], sun- ilephent. they had lost sight of his spirltual shiny days of "he niercihntit. I -Seventy miles from the %what mission and Were about to hail him I N TIIE DARK HOURS. I the liing, his court, priests and as a. temporal leader. 1,11co the mul- titudes which had been fed, they T1 (10.111, t ( , . 1 rh. u when gr,.at persoLages, with musietanS the :4110100 of the death t.tit,el $ and cannon, meet, the elephant., and began to whisper among themseives : ,,i,g, 110 0 ercd over the hung: have' condect him to his stable, which Is 'Why not nialte Christ OUP Ling 7 .0l1.011 ken in Clod's sitf.t the bright, a palace. The ceremonies continue Such a miracle winking leader as , shining (lays for (me brohen heartet for a week or ten days, and consist tills could not nnlY rend nn "'I :household ' circle. it W115 awfully of interesting details. ITe is knight - clothe us without any -work upon :11,,,,,f im, you to hear the doctor sav ;MI, anointed, his tusks are capped Our part, but he also could liberate i there wit's no lo i e. You felt thal With gold and he is given a title, us from Roman tyraney and ba t° !other people might. die, but sena:now i Festivities and entertainments eon - US another Moses, another J'ishilti the truth was neve!. fully brought ' Unite 0 11 this time in his honor and cess is one not explainable on paper. Canadians. Paris recently the aldermen voted a tit at In order to 11,1100 to yon until then that your at the expiration of the allotted thee, for I have nuich people 10 tins large sum of money to be expended or aeother D - " counteract this design of making 'Inollwr or tu1e. or eliticl could et or .. , , , , . .. lexperienee must be your guide. You One hundred and sixty-nine yen- , tune he is conducted to his meg- cat,. in placing braziers in the streets, him merely a tempted -11 king, whieli lbe taken. Sitee that moment; nut nincent apartments within the Ring's The Lord saw the weakness and will soon get to know by the feeling tenarians died last year in Ireland. would have brought hire into col- 'only thie life, but the next, has for palap141100. Attendants at; given him fear and much trembling of Ths 1 of the dough on your hands whand around these open air stovesen Litter for horses and COWS is to one may see hundreds of the poor lision with the Roman power anti you au entirely (lir:ere:it signiticance. end when he is given a bath he Is . 1 Cor. ••, (4), and Ily . enough floor hos been added. When be made from spent boys (11 Dublin. gathered on cold days trying to get have degraded his ullsoion tato a , Wliy did yoil place upon her 0011111 fanned with fans of gold. Purple special mresage strengthened 1;rim to ' the bread is put in a warm place to Ulster has Sent out 1,080,5110 0011 - ill Belfast cin the 13th tilt. tt gen- a little salt, and -t cup sugar in 1 qt hot water. When cool add the soaked yeast and set by until bed- time, when your quart of yeast is and, by contra.st, dignify even the plainest portions of the house. The successful home -builder must wisely consider the distribution, pigeing ready to make a sponge of by over, and character of his windows, More - stirring in equal rout! to make a every window should receive thick hatter. Put this in a place donble consideration in each of neither too cold nor hot, and let it these aspects, for it must look well work until morning Add enough both inside and outside. water or 01111 for the amount of bread required -1 pt added will make four ordinary sized loaves. Many young housinvives make poor bread by reason of not mixing en- FRP& ERIN'S GREEN ISL WHAT IS GOING OIS 117 TITE yearly in the relief of sulTering. Sub - LAND OF TR -F SHAKROCE. ordinate to his department are thousands of branch officers all over the country, who act under his Some Personal and Business Notes direction. That Will Interest Irish- When it became bitterly cold in d b rise, cover the top with a liberal grants during the last 50 years. mere insurreetion, he dam Mine ( Time the words AL rest? Ind robes ere made for him, and tnece is • 14, supply of lard or meat drippings. teach the disciples their weakness you illoall that her sleep was to be nothing that the ingenuity of the rem centuries ago when Ire saw and helplessness. Ile compelled them ,an endless sleep, which shall never magnificent Orient Can suggest 10 his fears (Gen. xv, 1), and all His This is to keep out the air. When tleman was discovered lifeless on a. to launch- their boat 1111(1 enter into have an awakening? You used to add to the glory of his surround- "fear nots" 11.1.0 to strengthen us, tngs that is omitted. but we must appropriate them ir we "These ceremonies, 110 doubt, have would enjoy them. See Josh. i, 0 ; crowed the impression to exist in ..Ter. i, 17 ; Isa. xli, 10, 113 ; Oen. Christian countries that the ele- phant is worshipped as a god. Sheuld an elephant die of indiges- tion and astonishment during tho period of carnival, as once happen- ed, there is deep mourning, and the 5 ; Jude. in, 16 ; Jer. 1, 8, 10 ; tests and skin are preserved as Hoe'. 1. 113 ; 11, 4. relies. During life the white ole- 1 1 . And he continued there a year pant ift the leading figure in all 01111 six months teaching the word of 51000 occasions and is stationed at God among them, trio Inner gate of the palace. At all li-Te had 110 hiq110r criticism, nor thnes his food is selected with the did Ile east any doubt or slight greatest care, rind he is given the unon any portion of Scripture ; but, most tender sprouts the country af- believiiu, all Scripture to be written terns, snags, sugar cane, plantains by insoiration of Clod and profitable, anti wheat made into calms, ancl Ins zrink is highly perfumed," a fearful combat. of at least ten 101133 hours with the Galilean tempest, So in order to compel you and me to look away from our worldly inter- ests, which aro absorbing our res'el in the theories of Darwm s evo- lution, You used to claim that the physical 11)1113 was only a, Mgher form of a developed animal. (01110 wee boon like a clog; he must die like a thoughts and desires, and lead Its to dog. Did you still cling to those seek from him the higher spiritual theories W11011 you placed U11011 1.00 blessings be has to bestow Clod coffin lid the words "At rest'?" Ob, clouds our skies anti brings upon 115 110. You immodiately went, back to a tidal. wave of crushing disaster, the sweet, faith of your father and that we may be driven to climb into mother. And so when the death his loving, protecting arms, angers wings began to flutter over The ohmic, tempestuous nights of the bed of ono of your loved ones religious persecution have often with one blow it not only struck been, in God's sight. the brightest yottr heart, but It also knocked your and the most blessed of sunshiny infidelity C101111 out of your life. You deys for the church. It was by 1110'.'- inunediately said, as you tooted into i0133'his eyes temporarily blinded the pale face sleeping in the casket, that Paul gained spiritual sight. It: "I know she lives. I know she is was by being lowered in a basket living in some other world for me." by a few friends over the Damascus Anti as you look up to see where wall in order to escape the 111110- that other world is do you 1101 feel derer's dagger that Paul was set that ('011 1vere being struck by a free to embark on Ills missionary Galilean tempest, as were the dis- career. It wa's by exile to it lonely elides of old? Do you not feel that 18111110!18111110!of the Mediterranean that through the dark shadow of the John was enabled to see his Inas- death angers wing you have been velous epocalyptic visions. It was able to see tile spiritual face of not until Item° had been burned by Jesus Christ, as never before? It the bloody Nero, who laughed and fiddled while the conflagration raged; not until the Christians had suffered under the false charge of being the incendiaries that the chnrch was purified and fully launched on its great evangelistic work, It. was when Martin Luther bad to face the diet of Worms- 011d had been; 103.- 1)11;4am:id for Month8 in the Wart- burg that the reformation was start- ed, When the pilgrim fathers on ac- count or religious persecution had both forms to the thieves who were to leave England, then the first crucified 01111 ,155u14, To tho ono fotIndation stone pi Christian Amen- mei the physic,' y wits mi- en, was laid. And in no time of sanctified trouble, tanning him to church history can you find that a. curse 011101 deride Christ; to the otter great religious leader has come it ran), ns „mewled 0.111,1e, forth without the 1,00010015ous roar 03 hint to plead for mercy and love, the Galilean tempest, as it yawned Unsanctified trouble comes to a 1111111 to destroy the ehurch and engulf who stands by his child's open cus- , Choi Wen faith. loot, .and it embitters 111111 1)101) causes TITI1015 OHF PITSBOTTI'ION. him .to st, ehis jaW in rebellion and What m tenestuotts struggles have SuY, "NO good God would have tale- aceomplished for the church as a en that child out of (1133 arms," whole they 110033 (0180 accomplish for Senetified tvolible Came to 11(he 1101111)100111101111)10 individual workers in officer of my 0101)10)0 101(1) caused him the ehtirch, God fits many of the to say to the visiting minister: "I humbler workers for 1115 V1110yR111 05 do not Want a pastot to Come into he spiritually prepared Ationirain 111Y siek roolin to make merely a so - Judson, the great missionary, for dal call. want hie: to 001110 in to his work, For Seeen long ,years Mr. Pray." In the midst of your sor- and Mrs. Judson seemed to labor in rows and trials are you ready to 33.urran, yaw seven 101133 years let your troubles become sanctified he testified for Christ amid almost insurtnountable difficulties ; for sev- en long years he end his %vire every four Weeks sat down to tho com- munion table absolutely alone, They had not yot made one convert for Christ, At the end 01. 111100 seven long years of scenting defeat the Itlissionary society Wrote to hint that he had better 34111000(1011 1115 1111S)11158i01( all 5.'failure Mid Start In an- other field. Adentram Judson, With his gospel spirit aglow With tho ftwful struggle from those sneen 10119' yeanth answered the Missionary So - clay in these Memorable words "No 1 No 1 T cannot and will bet surrender 11118810M ,S0(11108 10 11S Certain here LIS 1110, promise of a faithful God can make It." u Tho crone the great outpouring of the Iloly Spirit) ; then Dorms saAv its day or Pentecost. So, my brother, In the Christie/1 ministry or 10 the Christian 110e,, fighting against seem- ingly Overvidtelming 011501(01314 1't Member ,that ,0611 'IntS sent to you that 'tempest 61, I11.1)0111)004; remota. wa.s trouble, that did it — tempestu- ous trouble alone which made you use the hillock of a. grave fol. a. kneeling stool at the altar of moray and pardon and love, TWO RINDS Olr PEOPLE, Now, troul;le comes to us In one or I,Wo Ways, and it rests with OV00y one to decide in which of the two Ways it shall come to him. It may come as a sanctillel trouble or its au unsanctified 'trouble, It 0111110 11 005'))),xxi, 111 ; Dent. xxxi, b. 8 ; Mark v, 86. The great and all suffielent promise "I am with you" includes all others, for His presence insures. ell else. SE ee x. 10, 12 : Josh. 1, THE S. S. LESSO: INTERNATIONAL LESSON, PEE. 8. Text of the Lesson, Acts xviii., I- ll. Golden Text, I Oor., iii., 11. be taught: from all Scripture th 1 hines concerning the Lord Jesus _____ Christ. See carefully II Tim, iii, 16 ; Acts xxiv, 14 ; xxvi, 22 ; xxviii, 131. 1.1 would be grand if every believer was so 1111el with the Word as to be a living translation of the same. QUAINT AND CURIOUS. Speeimens of four, five, slx, seven, eight and nine -leaved clovers have been presented to Queen. Alexandra 1. After these things Pant de- by a Welsh lady. parted 3 eon Athens and came to Water is so scarce in the Japanese Corinth. island of Oshima that it is the ens - 11 is k•etlnioity vans not in vain at tom for the bride to take a. largo Athens, f., o some clave unto uuto tub of drinking water with her to hini ant inclieved, lie did not ex- her new home 0.8 a kind of cldwry. pect, nor are we taught to 001 41)11, that all OA seed will fail on good soil, but we !•000 tattlt 110 labor in the Lord 10 et Vai31 and that Itis word will n'ways accomplis,11 Ills Pleasure (I Cm' xv, 58; Net, lv, 11). The Church of Christ hoo made up of an elect, number eut of all nations, given unto Rim out of Otis woilti by the Father (Rev. v, 0; i, 4; Jell)1 XVii, 6; vi, 87); Intt WO give the On the south coast of Bright -Ltd there is 0 hotel in which a tropical temperature is constantly maintain- ed by means of steam pipes, The guests are mostty pensioned officials end officers who spent so Many years in 'Duna that they cannot endure the climate of England. The mos1 crooked railway in the world is one fronl Doswell to Fried - ens, Pa., the air line distance being (4033 (11 la ll'ogid fattAt to avotY aaaa, live miles. The road doubles on it: - Lure, for whosoever wiil rimy come, self four Limes, and at one point, and "'n 1)1113 by a'1 4meEtns to 01/41041 after making a Ioo(1 of about live ! some ( .1 Wm tit, 16; Rev. 0011, 17; miles, Ole road comes back to with - 1 Cor. ix, 22), in 800 feet of itself on it grade 50 2, 8, And found 21, certain Jew feet lower, nemeil bonn in Pontos, late- A peasant in the Swis8 canton of ly came from f tctly, with his wife Zurich, on 0, recent morning, found Priscilla, * * a"d bee"""" It" w"s In Ills stable a stork that had 0(1)'. of tIM same craft lie abode with thm p ' earently been left neninct by ins and wrought, companions ou their way to Africa. After all these centuries there tire 'Me bird which 50%111e t‘o feel quite still in force decrees that scatter Is- •-• " I C it 1 ,no, /bey oioso 01 t licune with the other amulets, goes out for a walk 1111011 the sun shines, returning. to the stable in the evening. 011ineSe doctors wro very particular about the distinction between phy- sicians End surgeons, A Chinese gentleman Was struck by an ttrrow which remained fast in Ills body, A surgeon was Sent for, and broke off the protruding Lit of the arrow, leaving the point. embedded. 11e re - 1115011, to extract it, because the ease 000.5 clearly one for 0 physician, the arrow being 11151(10 1.110 body, A Viennese engineer has construct- ed it small sailing yacht made en- tirely of sheets of an Austrian daily paper. The yacht is '1 5 feet long and throe feet Wide, is decked all 01Ier and IA provided with a centre- board. The Intl], deltic, masts, sails and rudder aro ell of paper, The inventor has made many trips on the Woerth See, in Carinthia, and has proved that, Ids paper boat CAM sail rapidly and Safely eVeit When Water: is rough and the Wind high. troubles? Chria,t (fjohn Kix, 35), end the One- ClarkeSt lion's of your night Christ 001.8' 1110 "rid rulers' 81 111 0101111.115" them; but "He that scattered Israel 114 Witutling to speak to 3(00, 'that he 18 reteny 10 aPPear untn you? Friend, to -day in youe tooubles eon you ilot hear the voice of Jesus Christ speaking to you? eat you not, will you not, tire that even in this clerk hour ;louts is 01111111:g to - Ward you, Stepping' 11g1 11,0 triton the crystal pavement, of the deep? Are you readY to feel that in the • Ilritish merchant ships can only fly the onsign it the captain and Ion of the crew belong to the lloyal Naval Reserve, About 4,750 tons of ilvitIsit 1(10- 1)033 are constantly In circulation, There are 0,201) private schools in Irhigland ; of these 1,058 ttre boys' schools, 8,1.713 girls', and 1,078 will galley him," and the time 15 oven now nt Mulct (Joy. xxxi, 10' Ekelt. xxxvii, 21, 22), The move- ment known as Zionism. although ievi ng, May Ise part of it. While Pout believed and tauglit that they who preach 010 3308I101. should live of the gospel (I (loo. ix, 14), he also took p1e11000.0 in working at his tondo, that Ilo might, minister to his otvri necessities and give the gospel freely (Acts zcx, 1)4; I Cor, tv, 11; 1. TheF:s, 11, 0; 1.1 Thess„ iii, 8). 4, And he 000811110d i» the syna- gogue every Sabbath and persuaded the ,letvs and the Creeks, Ile doubtless did as nt Thessa- lattice and reasoned out of the Scriptures, opening 111121 L11 10j411114' that Christ mnst. needs. have sneered and risen (gain (vole the dead and 'Pho average weight ot a, calf 11 that J08118 is the Christ, (Acts xvii, months old Is front 281.11h, to i1)38)h. fi, 13).' Prom the daY thot the 1:011d At 011e Vat this Weight has ht. ileffilit Mot, 111111. 0111 tho liOad fi31 Da, creased from 840111, to 750011. illaSelts his 01131 story 101113, that Jeans) baked, grease the tops and sides of tho loaves to make the crust thin and flaky ond keep it ball an hour In the open air without any cover, To put a cover on directly after tak- ing from the oven causes the crust to toughen. Biscuits to be soft and flaky after baking must he mixed with enough flour and kneaded ubtil the dough will not stick to the halide. Tr you make your biscuits from so Many recipes going the rounds, which say, "mix just as thin as you can easily roll," you will Iind that nine times tram ear. The establishment of a second bat- talion of Trish Guards is to he p(o- ceeded with. Claims for compensation in three 010)10(3CS of malicious cattle mutilation have been sent in to the Tullamore District Council, King's County. judge Adams, the well-knovvn Ir- ish County Court Judge, says that Irish. humor, which was at its height when Ireland had a parlictment of its awn, has greatly declined since O'Connell's time. The first determined action to stop fox hunting in West Meath was out of ten you have hard tasteless 1315C11115 to put on the table. To mix made at Willer% near Mullinger. A as thin ns possible may do for largo crowd, hecutied by Mr. Calvin, cookies, but that is not, the way D. G. assembled and prevented hunt - good old-fashioned biscuits are tag tbara• in Belfast district no fewer than 70,000 people are employed in con- nection with tho linen manufacture, and in the. numerous mills and ware- houses 110 less than Z13,000,000 is inv'e8tc.den ilhntpulottry Education Act is doing good throughout Ireland. Both in the cities and in the rural districts it has, wherever adopted, considerably increased the average made. DOMEISTIO RECIPES. Boiled Onions,—Peel and lay in salted water for hall an hour, then boil tender in two waters, hot and salted, Drilin, 800.11011 with pepper and salt, and serve with a white 901110 Belted Onions—reel and slice them, ter, then turn t110111 10 a clean cloth mt.. attendance. A Dublin correspondent learns au - cook Caeca minutes in boiling to drain. Either cry, a tow at a. thoritatively that Mr. W. E. IL time, ill a frying -basket, or cook in Leolev will not represent Dublin UM - butter in a frying -pan till brown, Fried Onions—Pecl moment -sized Spanish onions and boil in salted water for fifteen minutes, then throw into cold water and let stand half an hour. Drain on a cloth, cut with a sharp knife, into slices half an inch thick, place in single layers in a well -buttered tin, and bake in a quick oven, basting occasionally with butter till browned. Serve in a hot dish, Onion Stew—Peel and slice the on- ions, let, them lie in cold water half an hour ; put then) on to boil in fresh cold water, and turn off after they have boiled three minutes. Re- peat this, thee in the fourth water, let them cook tender, put through a colander, add hot milk, season with salt and pepper and a, generous piece of butter, and thicken while 1101131133, 1.11 a little dour wet smooth with cold milk. Old Plantation Johnny Cake—Sift one quart of Indian meal into a b001, Make a hole in the center and pour in a pint of warm watee, add a teaspoonful or salt and gradually mix water and meal into a soft dough ; then stir briskly for fifteen minutes or more until it is light and spongy. Then spread the dough evenly and smoothly out on a streight flat board ; end place it before the open lire and bake it well then cut into squares, send to table 'eery hot, split open, and hotter. This call be li, ',tad in the lower oven of 0 gas stove very suc- cessfull', bet must he placed low down from the fire, To Doest Turkey—'rake 10dile, lerge turkey, if too fat take part of It out. ; see tlint the insides toll all removed, saving the giblets (neck, heart, gizzard and liver), dor the gravy ; after it is thoroughly clean- ed make a dressing of stale bread crumbs, salt, PePPer, piece of bet- ter, 501110 sweet herbs ; it may be moistened with a little water or lemo11 juice, stuff the turkey wen with this dressing, both 'the neck 11410 tho body. Or, prepare a stuffing .of pork sausage Meat, one beaten egg end a few bread crumbe, versity in the next session of Parlia- ment. No eleetion can take place until Parliament assembles in Feb- ruary when a new writ will be mov- ed for. Not the least notable result of the Trish Agric,ultura/ Deportment's work is the revival of 'table glaSS making in Belfast, formerly a great Irish industry, hot extinct for meny years. Enrly potato growing for the English market has also been placed on practical lines. This year two great limns, Miar- land & Wolff and Workmen, Clark & 00,, have left the highest outpets of both Scotch and English firms about 1o,000 in the veer. Rarland & Wolff turned out six large liners, or 70,407 tons; Workman, Cinrk & Co., twelve vessels, or 78,01301 tons. ISLAND OF WREOES. Newfoundland is the island of W100105, more than 100 having oceur- rod on the Verryland peninsula alone during the past forty ;reins. Some years as many as cloven large ocean steamers have 33,000 ashore. The is- landers do n. good business in selling the old Mon, copper, lemi and por- l10014 of machinery which they re- cover from the 1)0110111 or the raw loeate the wreck. deposits a $ort of :1011, t descope is used. — a long tirt funnel with a glass bottom which is employed to ascertain the where- abouts a ithools ot risb. With there instruments it is p,onsIble to exam- ine the bottom of the sea in Silnutl water, The business is being ex- tended this year and the quantity of material to bo recovered is practical- ly inexhaustible, p.m, is the rainiest hour of the whole iventy-four. New Zealand luts tin ivy -tree which has a, thick, short Wink Ittni heavy britncheS. It is not a climbing plant. took the outside." 'he averege a.ge .al death of peo- ple who die by accjilaat is 85 1, yearS, warm. The public buildings are utilized to afford warmth to the poor, and during bitter weather are kept open longer than usual In order that protection may be given the destitute. WORK FOR THE UNEMPLOYED. The cabinet council also has been considering methods of furnishing employment to the needy and the un- employed. In many ways the pater- nal supervision which. the Govern- ment exercises over its poor has been observed and admired by foreigners. By some it is contended that the Government has been forced to adopt these measures owing to the refusal of the middle classes to extend private aid to cases of desti- tution which fall under their notice. In justice to the French it may be said that perhaps this argument is turned wrong side forward, and that probably the refusal of the citizens to act in their private capacity arises from a knowledge that the Government has super- vision of such cases and that relief can be obtained from the officials. Whatever may be the cause, the fact remains the same, A 'stranger In Paris made an investigatioo of his own along this line. Here is his story, showing what he found. "One bitterly cold night last win- ter," he said, "I was hurrying home through the Rue Honore. I was ap- proached at different places by men who wanted bread. After I had given to a couple of them without stopping to think of the matter I was halted by another. Then I be - Caine a little impatient. " I said. 'You 'don't want bread. You want a drink. Now, tell the truth and I'll treat you to a drink.' " 'I don't want a. drink,' said the man. 'I want something to eat. If 1. had a couple of cents I could buy some bread. That's what I want.' "Directly across the street was a bakery. I pointed to it and said ' " 'If you are hungry, why don't you go to the bakery and tell them you are ? You can get bread there,' " "Whey would kick me out.' " 'Rick you mut P " 'Yes, or call a policeman.' DOG TURNED ON HIM. "It seemed so preposterous that bet the fellow aci cents they would give 100 bread if I Wont in and told them was hungry. lie staid where he was and I crossed the street and entered the shoo, Two Wollien Were sitting behind the counter. " 'Excuse nie,' 1. said, 'but 3 am 111111gry. Won't, yult give 1110 a, 8011111 piece of breed 1' "The women never stopped clutt 'tering, bolt one of them told me angrily to get out. :".1:111e'tlIv11101811tlauli'vjwileg1'nt Itio8rtaia1side door and called to a dog, which sprang anOT 1110, (111(1 7 got out the door rapidly, The fellow on the apnoea° side of the street got his 10 cents and more, but my curiosity was aroused, and that night 1 Investi- gated eight other bakeries, making the same plea, that I was hungry and wanted just it little bit of bread. I 101011 ehased out or every sbop, most, instances the shopkeeper turn- ing a dog loose on ine. After that Made 1>11311111013 wheeercio I had 00 opportunity and found that the con- dition Was general. The traders will ,not listen, to 'tile story or a beggar. They Immo no toleronce for 111110 and will not glys bim relict Vi 34.1033 my.