The Brussels Post, 1903-1-29, Page 3THE MARKETS
Prices of Grain, Cattle, etc
in Trade Centres,
11041/1-3'.P11 EFS.
• ,
!Niel:into, jam 27. -Wheat -No.
Tlitilitoliit hard offered al, 88e on.
0/1'.11. all rail, grinding in transit,
and n.1 85o Sarnia or Owen. Sound,
without bids. No, Northern Mier -
ed at, 83e Savoie, and No, 2 North -
era at 811e all rail, grinding in
transit, without bide. No. 2 On -
Toronto, Jan. - Al the call
market to -day the receipts were 84
cars, contenting 1,166 cattle, 1,320
sheep, 1,822 hogs, and 25 calves
Salem passed off skowiy in all lines
of cattle, anal L the close a good
deal of butchers' expurtere were left
There ago a good demand for
choice stockers and feederts, and
20 to $4.40 was paid for a, choice
lot of Giese of from 1,025 to 1,150
Bet The 'bulk of the business 1)1
these was transacted on a, basie (11
31 to 34.25, Feeders of 850 to 000
rbe. thought 33,50 to 34 per cwt.
Quite u. lot of butchers' beirera and
steers were sold at 33.50 to 34.25
ref. cwt., for gallium to choice stoek
of 850 to 1,050 lbs. Butehers' lsalls
tate° red winter offered at 71;c high were Rohl at 313.50 for heavy, and
freights, more offered at 70e high $13 lo 33.40 for light. Tbe butelhess'
freights with 70c bid, One ger of end exporters' bulls ofiesee
No. 2 mixed sold at 70c high
freights, with 6I-ne bid ; 70c bid for
No. 2 mixed middle freights, and it,
offered at 71c low freigh.ts to New
York, without bide,
oate-No. 2 white offered at 8111c
hig4i it•eights, with 111 3e bicl for 20,-
000 bushels', while .3110 was bid for
10,000 bushels now shipped,
Peas-bro.8 offered at 715,e high lbs•, was sold at 33.70 to 34.20 ler
freight, with 711)' 11111 011 0.3131, IMO,. Mich comes and springers were
Corn -No. 2 Canedian yellow of- in geed demand, and the (1)11 (14
fared Mg 451)c west, with 41;c bid, ranged from 800 to 3.1.1 each. For
met 310, e mixed wanted . 44e extra choke stock higher merge
west. would be paid.
Ilye-No, 2 offered et 5011 on C.F.I.?. Sales in sheep and lambs Men.
with 4.9c bid middle freight. slots, and Militia took another demi
Buckwheat -No. 2 offered at 51;c of 25 to 350 per 1.00 11,8,, the quo-
-middle freight on (.P.R., without tations 100W being 81 to $4.75 per
bide. cwt.; 250 to •800 were left in the
hands or the dealers, The receipts
were much larger than 118!.) al, and
this had something to do with the
decline. Ewes were steady at 30.50
to 311.75 per cwt., and bucks were
worth 82.50 to $13,
Calves were still seoren and 11' ant -
()41, and the pelves remained firm at
$8 to 310 each, attql '11 to Di put' lb.
}Togs - There were liberal offer -
ie.', unit the (11051101 continued weak
('11)1)15011 11)1)1(18 in :the nine
Sority of cases nt 33.50 to 31 per
cwt. Tim quality wits fairly good.
Canners were Retiree, and Gm prices
were 1)10111111111 at $2 to 32,75 per
Itoegh ',wieners' cows brought
from 33 to $3.25 ler cwt. There were
net ninny sold, A choice lot of
11)11)11)1115' cows of from 3)11(1 10 1 ,050
lleana-Tredgis quiet at unchanged
prices. Medium bring 31.65 to 31.75
per bush, and hand-picked 31.90 to
32. 111
Dried applee-Marlset quiet, with
prices unchanged at to 4ic per
lb; and evaporated at 6; to 7.
I-Ioney-The market is quiet, with
prices unchanged. Strained, 8 to ssc in smite! tee with the easy tone of
per lb, and comb $1.25 to $1,65, the I•Inglith market. Tne prices
Day, baled. -The market is quiet, Pa id were 86 fee select' bacon hogs
with no changes in prices. Choice of 1130 to 200 lbs., 35.87 for isidefs
timothy, $10 to 310.25 on track, lets end $5.87; for light.
and mixed, 38- to 38.50.
Straw -The inarhet is quiet, with
car lots on track quoted at 35.50 to
30 a ton.
Onions -The market is dull at 4.0e
per bushel for Canadian.
Poultry -11 arket, q Ilia. Demand
fair for finest, fresh killed, dry pick-
ed stock. Frozen and held stoek
only meeting with fair demand. We
quote :-Fancy dry -picked turkeys,
19; to 15, ; frozen and held stock,
10 to- 11c; geese, fresh killed, 8 to
10c; held stock, 6 to 7c per ;
ducks, .70 to 90c per pair ; chickens,
60 to 75e; hens, 10 to 50c per
Potatoes-Vtu•kot firm. Car lots of
choice stock, 31.10 to $1.12 Per
bag f.o.b. track here; small lots sell
at 31.25 to $1.30 per bag.
Matte -The market NVL1S steady as
a rule, with 1111001 showIng little
0110 n go We 50 0 e e-leinest, 1-11)
rolls, 19 to 20e; selected dairy,
tubs, 17 to 18e; choice large rolls,
17; to 38(3 secondat•y grades (r)lls
and tubs), 15 to 18c; bakers', 18
to 14c; creameprints, 23 to 25,c ;
solids, 20 to 21c.
Eggs-lvfarket is steady. We
:pole :-Cold storage, selected, 17
to 20c; ordinary, 15 to 17e; limed,
15 to 16e; splits, 12 to 13e. -
Cheest.-Meeket rules firm. We
quote :-Finest Septembers, 13 to
133e; seconds, 12; to 121)e.
Montreal, Jan. 27. -Manitoba min-
ers have raised prices of flour 15c a
barrel; even this, however, is not
equivalent 1,11 the rise in wheat ;
-since, counting four and a hall
bushele to the barrel, the grain costs
them 25c more the barrel of flour
than formerly. Cheese is scarce,
turd those who have it are' not
anxious to sell. Butter is rather
dull, the price quoted being for
fresh receipts, 1011i10 little is timing
in. There is a good deal of held
Mock, however, for which 22 to
11.114c is asked ; this pritte cannot be
got at present, but it -expected later
oa, Grain -No. 1 Manitoba ba.rd
wheat. 74;.c.; No. 1 Northern, 72e,
in store, Fort William ; peas, 721)o
high freights • oats, No. 2 in store
here, 851)et Bic high freights ; rye,
19Ic cos% ; buckwheat, 50e. east,
riour-Alanitoba patents, 81.85 ;
seconds, 31.05; Ontario straight
rollers, 33.50 to 33.05 ; in bags,
31,70 to 31,75e patents, $8.70 to
St. Louie, Jan. 27, -Wheat closed
-Cash, Mc; January, 721)e; Muy,
761)e; July, 7211e.
.1111realo, Jan. 27,-331011r-1)'irm.
Wheat -Spring, very little. business ;
No. 1 hard, 89c ' • winter, offerings
very light ; No, 2red, 79e. Corn -
Firm; No. 2 yellow, 64c; No. 9 corn,
52; to 55,. Oats -Strong '• No. 2
white, 42No, 0 white, 41c, 13a,' -
ley -52 to 65,. Bye -No, 1 in store,
Minton pol s,.)on, 27.-0108e -
Wheat -11,1 ay, 7811. to 181)c; July,
'feet.; on track, 1No. 1 flused, zov,. ;
Northern, Mc; No. 2 North-
ern, 77e,
Toledo, Jan 27, -Wheat -Dull,
flign; cash arid 301(111105, 75111-; May,
891)c, Corn -Dull, steady; January,
4.61)c; May, 4.4Se. Oats -Dull, firm ;
January, 1361e; May, 5710. Rye -
No, I), 50 1c. Cloversem1-Pairly
active, streets; January, 37,171; ;
March, 37.25; prime timothy, $1,00;
prime alsike, $8,85.
Duluth, Jan, 27.- Close -Wheat -
i'.10.8)1, No. 1 hard, 181)e ; No. 1
Northern, 771)11,; No 32 Northern,
751c; May, 701)o; July, 70;c, Oatte-
May, ;Mc,
Migvetikee, ,7e11, 27.-Whent-
Higher; close, No. 1 Northern. SG to
811)c; No, 2 Northern, 80 to 801e ;
MeV. 801 to 80 1,c; Hares, Rye -
Fatal Accident en the Grand
Trunk Itailway,
A Port Dope despatch Saya
lefathon collision between two
freight train); oceurred on .the 0.T.Ii.
at 0,1.5 OD 'Wednesday evening, lag
Lamm this place and Newtonville,
station 7; 11111014 Melt Of here. Two
livett were lost.. Um victims being
r'ireman Mat thewaS• of the pain-
t found t, real &Aso 3.11(1)' York;
lirakesman Everett, of the west-
bound freight, 1108)11111100 Little 'York.
Conductor l'reetoo, of the west-
bound tire 1 11. 1111114 slightlY 111 blred•
The neciclent oceurred about two
miles mud of Newthaville. The west-
bound train 11108 080011 ding a grade,
when the eastern freight rounded a
eurve, Ow engine evew of the former
train ('1115 the latter a few 50(11'
01)11)) before their own hencllight was
418) ),lo to the crew an the 0118t-
1/010111 train. This enabled the west-
bound train's speed to 1)0 somewhat
chec•iced, but the momentum or the
other freight on the down grade was
too great 1.0 allow of Its stopping,
The crews of both trains jumped
on perceiving that essoision sees
inevitable, but the two men killed
and the conductor were caught in
the wreckage. About a score or cars
14.01'0 0111118iled 1.111, 10)1111.' both engines
are but shapeless masses of twisted
it. Is stated that the COUSO of the
aecident With neglect of duty on the
pert of the operator at Ntevton-
ville. He hate it is said, orderg to
hold the cast -bound freight at hie
station until the west -bound train
hacl crossed it there. This order, it
is alleged, he failed to deliver, with
the result that the ertst-bound train
pi•oceecled and met the other.
A wrecking Creel was despatched
from Port Hope immediately uptin
the receipt of 1101101 of the accident.
The wreck took fire alai burned
fiercely, greatly increasing the difli-
cultg and danger of the work..
The reeponsibility for the accident
is at:coated by A. McDougall, 1.2
Per 100 lbs. station agent, who has had nineteert
higtiort ors' cattle -
Choice -35.00 35.10 years' experience, and has 110011 at
Medium ... .„ .„ ... 1.50 1,00 Newtonville for two years. Previ-
Heald „....... 0.00 4.00 ously 11110, at. Newcastle and Bow -
4.00 nutrevalle. He admits receiving an
order from the train despateher at
1.40 Belleville, instructing hint to hold
4.00 the east -bound freight until the
3.90 freigthe from the west had passed,
3.50 but with the confusion resulting,
3.75 from his muttiferions duties be f or -
4.25 got to deliver the order. In explan-
0.50 ation of his mistake, Mr. Mc:bong:W.
10.:11. "Every train is blocked at
4.75 Newionville until the preceding
8.75 train at Port Hope has either pulled
13.00 out or been switched. A train had
10.30 gone out just a sihort time ahead of
the east-boand and I had the block- The annual licensing ugeting shalt
signal out; then received an order be held within the first fourteen
rt•oin the train desitatcher at Delta-, days of February mid every adjourn-
ment within one,month thereof.
yille that a west -bound freight'
eller° the husband is a habitual
would meet the east -bound here: 1
put the order down on the desk and drunkard the wife shall be entitled
went ahead with my rep•orts, In EL to apply for an order under the
Summary Jurisdiction Act of 1895.
few minutes Port Hope notified me
A justice 41011 not be disqualified
that the preceding met -bound train
had cleared there. Then gulled in to act for any purpose by reason
the block and thought nothing of the only of being interested in a railway
cinder for trains to meet here. I SLLINV company which is a retailer of in -
the east-b,ound come in, the one that toxicating liquors.
was wrecked. Shortly afterward the If a person is found drank in any
tche vs" -
Choice ••• 4.25
stiodiam ••• •-• 8.65
ifleifors •.. ••• 0.00
Bulls ••• ••• ... 0.00
Feeders, .„ 4,00
Canners ... .•• 2.25
Sheep- e18
Torahs 4.00
Valves, each 3.06
Selects, 160 to 200
Thiek fats ... ..• ... 5.87; 0.00
Lights 5.37; 0.00
4 -
The Draft Horse Hen Will Hold
an. Exhibition.
Dlooleo, of years (htiotabko
1101*Dee Met With 11 ready mile el
good prives. mid thou 00311e a periOd
during which even the best Were
scarcely solvable, Doll inferior Flock
could hardly be giV011 away. The
importation of high class stallions
eetleed 0116 the trade heroine
geirtfrally demoralized. Iniring the
last two or three 5011r8 111181110118 11118
heel! gradually reviving and the past
year hits seen ti large number of
)l0)') 111)008 of pure bred stallions for
breeding purposes. The &aft horse
le undoubtedly the most satisfac-
tory type for 3110 0.1'011.1ee farmer to
breed, Coot! heavy horses weighing
from 1,iloo lbs. upwards ruul of good
quality are likely to mad Al 1t11 a
reedy sale for eonie time In come,
Such horses are tractehle and fusily
broken and while awaiting stile can
be readily used for any sort of farm
work, thus paying for their keOp
which the fancy horses t•arely do.
To produve horses at a profit it is
highly desirable that only the best.
class of registered startions by used,
In order o facilitate the selection of
such stallions arraitgements have
been made to hold at Urinal's Tice
pository, Toronto, on the .1111,
end (ith or February, DhoW of
heavy draft stallimie with a priest
Iist amomiting to some ,500, at
which an interesting programme of
educational addresses will be pro-
vided by export horsemen. 97he
breeders of heavy horsett have for
some time complained that the 'Po -
rout 1Torse Show, usually held in
the latter part of April 01' 11(0 1/0-
ginning of Alay, 1,708 80 late as to
broov,ffloot for both, buyers ant] person makes default in complying'
with the ordee he shall be liable to a
sellers. Therefore it has been
fine not exceeding twenty shillings
thought advisalfie to bold a show in
for every day during which the :lc: -
February so that private breeders. fault continues.
as well as stallion syndicates anti
An occasional license shall not be
o her associ al i on s may have ample
greeted except with the consent of a
*time to melse their selection for the Petty Sessional Court and unless
coming season. The dates twee been
fixed thus early in order to meet the
wis•hes not only of exhibitorst but
of buyers from all parts of the Do -
1011. 11/1d it th hoped that the
show will 130 liberally patronized
both by exhibitors and visitors.
Live Stock C01111111881 0 iler.
111 01the of every (theitin License
under which Intoxicating liquor may
be sold by retail to be eommined off
the premises. This section dUI/11 110i
apply to any 11001040 111.1011 out by
any spirit or wine dealer whose pre -
Ore excliteively used for the
Kale of intoxirating liquors and min-
eral waters or other lion-Intoxicat,
leg drinks.
When 1111 offender is convicted, no-
tlee of heel/ conviction shall be sent
to the police authorities, to the tff-
feet that ir the convicted person
within three years attempts to purg
chalet liquor he shall be liable to a
tine not exceeding twenty 81111111158
for the first offence, nud not exceed-
ing forty shillings for oath subse-
fluent if the conyucted be a license
holder he shall be liable 30 0 1100 of
twenty pounds for the first offence
ntid !arty pounds fee each subse-
\Viggo the wife im an habitual
drat-II:aril the husinuul may apply to
O Court of Summary Jurisdiction,
and may bo awarded any 011e. or the
following :-(o) A decree Oi
separation on the ground of cruelty;
Os) the legal custody of any of the
children of llie marriage ; (e) pro -
• 011 that applicant POO 11 pay his
Telegraphic Briers Front Ali
Over the Globe.
The population of VentlaaVer ie
1 bellied to be th1,070.
A new hotel, station, and subway
are projeeted by the Canadian Pu-
ente Railway tit 'Winnipeg.
Mr. A, Ir, AtacLaron, M.P., is head
of a company that will build a line Mon, who has had charge of the pros
new hotel at Stratford. paration of the plans for the new
The Niagara Falls Park Commis- ibranehea that will be buill, In order
slonera have favorably considered the that the Canadian Pacific may secure
upplieation of Toronto capitalists for a. Moro of tho rapidly increasing
Seek Permission to 334,m Intel
Washington State,
A despatch from Mouteeal says: 319
obtaill for the Canadian Pacific. Basle
way the .neeessary rights to cons
struct a. numbee or branch linea
down through the State of Womb-
ington understood to bo the okr..
1(111 of the present, vi#1. of Sill
Thomna Shaustinieigsgeto the Amnia
can capital. The trip was under,
taken at the end of a aeries of 1/3101,
011:100 with Mr. 11, Marpole general
muperintendent of the Divi -
o franehise rm. a third power crime
pony et Niagara Falls,
St. Catherine:I had a balance on
hand of $1.,762.88 at the end of last
St, Andrew's Soeiety, Hamilton, Northern Railway, whereby it was
contemplates the erection of a music decided to 'waive the rights of t01'
hall to Neat 2,000 to 3,000 persons..rthory that hod been respected by
Winnipeg Street Railway earnings' both companies for some time past,
for the past year were 319,0,728.80, any by which the Croat N'orthern
of which 5 per cent. goes to the city., was not to enter Canadian territory
'Phe greater part of the 1903 cot Inor the Canadian Pacific RitilwaY
wheat anal lumber trade. The action
of the gatesgetin company 10 thus go-
ing into Amerlean territory 15 the
outcome of the ultiunee between the
Canadian Pacific and the Great
wife a weekly sum not. exceeding of the Ottawa mills has been sold Americnn territory. By the wary -
two newels, according to eircum- to Britiali buyers, und prices are, leg of the rights of territory the
etancee ; (1) wife may be coin- fully 10 per cent. higher than lel& Cleat. Northern hes alrendy °slab -
Assistant Pollee Magistrate ltings-i eitic tit Ferule, Grand Portia 1(0140'
to E11111 detaimel In any re- yttur.
treat, listad lines to tap the Canadian Pa -
On the npplIcation for the renew- ford has decided that news agents I land, Nelson, in 13ritish Colundfla,
al of 114 Iicense, the lireneing jus- in hotels infringe the law by sellinf; and Crestow and Lethbridge, In the
Rees may direct -that within a time stamps to guests in the hotels. Northwest Territerles. The plans
lixed by order such alterations as Itim:ng the year 1911(32 Guelph's lire prepared by Mr. Marpole, and Which
rimy be reasonably noeussary to se- department responded to 34 calla, plans Sir Thomas Shavesbnerey Is at
cure the proper sonduct of the bust- only Fix of which were at. night. 'Bile neesent. particularly anxinus to have
ness shall be made ; lf such stria:- total loss With $1,955, covered by approved by thc, United States Gov -
Meal alteration is compiled with. no 81,630 insurance.
further requisition shall be nuale John Retrain, charged with the eelriiternaacletet,s sine! 1,110 gtiiNie-e sttliaeoconnflplevnaysaililwigo_
within five years ; but if the licensed murder of Capt. Prothero, formerly 'see, 000 111/0 1.110 Wheat territory ou
of Sandwich, at Snake island, Lake the east side, and one into the rum-
WillniPeg, has been cononited 010
011 tho 100101 sIde.
Tire Grand Trunk intends erecting ber districts
at Drantrord this stamper. They 'THE TIDE TURN/NG.
a cconmodious new passenger station
to make certain changes in their British Emigration. to Canada In-
usk from the corporation the right
twenty-four hours at least before tracks. A despateh from Ottawa says: The
applying for that consent tho appli- The Nxecutive of the Canadian Pa- official reeta•ns of the British Board
cant has served on the superintend- cifle Railway has deferred until. Feb- of Trade. place the number of ends
ent or police for the district notice ruary the decision regarding the grants who kfft the United Kingdom
of such intention with full particit- proposed extensions of branch lines, OurIng the last calendar year. at
lars as to name and address, piare double -tracking, awl reduction of 1387,116. This is an increase of 81, -
and occasion, and period for which gradients, for which 320,000,000 511. over ths previous twelve months.
license is to be in term Where there W119 passed at the last annual mett- 11Milgration to Canada increased in
is no sitting of a, Petty Sessional ing.
Court within three days consent
1005 be given by any two justices,
eotice of such consent to be sent to
the superintendent of police.
Any alteration in ney licensed pre-
mises for the sale by retail of in-
toxicating liquors, to be consumed
thereon, which giros increased facili-
ties for drinking, conceals from ob-
servation any part or the premises
used for drinkieg, or which affects
the communication between the part
of the premises where intoxicating
liquor is sold and any• other part,
shall not be made without the con-
sent of the licensing jestices, wbo
inay before giving their consent re-
quire plans of the peoposeci alterne
thins to be deposited with their
clerk. And. if any alterations are
othetetse made, the license may be
declared forfeited or the premises
ordered to be restored to their ori-
ginal condition.
How the English Legislators Seek
to Control. the Demote
Grand. Trunk Pacific Will Be Car-
ried Through.
A. Montreal despatch says
C. M. Flays, general me.nager, and
Mr. William Wainwright, general
assistaut and comptroller of the
Strand Trunk, re•turned horn Ottawa
on Wednesdny, where they inter-
VIONVed Sir Wilfrid Laurier. Mr.
Hays stated that he was not yet in
a position to make any very definite
statement, but it is generally be-
lieved that Um Orand Trunk Pacific
Railway will apply to the Federal
Government for 011.811 and land 5110'
01115, besides asking it to guarantee
Rs first, mortgage bonds. It is,
however, statjd by those in tbe con-
fidence or lits Heys, that the build-
ing of the new line will go theough
despatcher naked riio if sfie was horo; highway or other public place .and
I said. 'No, she's gone'; even then appears to be incapable of taking
I, did not think of the order. Ho care of himself, lie may be appre-
cased me tf I hacl received Um order. heeded end dealt with according to
I told him I had, it was an aver- law.
The licensing justices are at lib -
erty "in their free and unqualified
illscretion except as hereinafter pro-
vided," to either refuse or grant a
GRIM REAPER 41' WORK. license to such persons as they doom
Deaths in the - Province Last
Month Totalled 2,191.
A Toronto despatch says: The re-
port of the Provinoial Board of
MC/111th. 131V/tired by Mr. G. B. Lind-
. . 04, rot the month . of December
whether a subsidy is gi•anthe or not.
;shows that the total deaths in On -
In the event of no subsidy being .
• term from all causes were 2,101, as
compared With 2,111 for the c,orres-
plonding month in 1901. The deaths
from contagions diseases last month
were: Scarlet fever, 11; diphtheria.,
61; measles, 2; whooping eough, LI;
typhoid fever, 51; tuberoulosis, 185;
and front other causes 1,866. 311 De -
what part of Western Ontario anal maw, .1,901, the figures were:
the Northwest to send the engineers se„,:et 21; dightheeitt, 61;
of the company, to find the best lo- measles, 8; whooping 0041514, 15; ty-
cation for the railway. ;timid fever, 25; tuberculosis, 189. In
1.001 returns were received from 750
nuendeipalitics, and 1002 the 10"
110,1119 so fur recei•ved amount to 700.
granted, the projeet will be earned
out as Viet of a private corpora-
tion. It is on this account that Mr.
Hays is anxious to find out from
the Premier, as 50011 EIS possible, the
attitude of the Oovernment on this
subject. Re would then knew into
4 -
Abolishing Sta.tuto Labor in Fa-
vor of Now Systeme •
A. Toronto despatch says :-The
campaign Waged by Cioverttment
officials for the abolition of statute
labor has been particularly success-
ful during the last year. About one
hundred municipalities have com-
muted the system, and, 1110115 :more
have promised to do the same when
an opportune time arrives. Olie
seventh aunnal report or the Com-
missioner or IIIghweys, which is
nOw being preptu•ed, will 5100 an ea-
coent of the efforts made to change
the system of keeping roads in re -
Pair, 11(11) ether a general review of
the work that has been accomplished
during. the past year. '11110 report
contains, too, a review or the work
done in connection with colonization
reacts, During the year about 800
miles of such roadways were con-
structed, principally in the Tends-
icaraleg country.
Charged With. Maintaining Illegal
A Toledo, Ohio, desired:eh sayet. Af-
ter an in,vestigittion lasting a week,
the Counnon 'Pleas Oratirl ary, (111
Wednesday inslicted the officers of the
Toledo Coal Exchnsige on the ebarge
of maintaining an alleged llkgttl
combine to 101101/ np prices of coal.
'nese Were nercated in the arta/exam
end gn;Ve bond. The report, says
Viral ; No. 1, tit to 520, Barley- that forty other persons are lutlaw-
Lower, No. 2, 50 10 57ci sall1Pla 4 5,0111y engaged itt the alleged 0011 -
to 68c, Corn -Hay, .44le bid. spired,
Mob Holds Up S- even Cars and
Carries off Contents.
A Now York despatch says :-A
crowd of men, women and childrell
Otteeted. 1111d eapturecl a t110111 of
seven cars loaded xvith more than
200 tons of anthracite coca on Wed-
nesday at the Sutter Avenue 11r088 -
tug of the Long Island Railroad, 01
the Brownsville section of Brooklyn.
The train crese ttled to fight the
capturers off, but the crowd was too
big, and the railroad employes 411e10
forced to stand by while the people
idled their bags, baskets, carts,
Whecq11a1)'roW8. and 04'1111 41105501(14,
with coal, Many at those 11110 t00k
th11 coal say they are willing to
Pay for it, and that it was only
efter elrorts to buy had reeulted in
failure that they decided to raid a
Sentence Heted Out to 1Tarailton
A Buffalo, 14,17„ despatch says, :.--
Ernest Stanton, of tIonlilloo, 0111.,
the negro boy who shot and killed
h`retio, McGregor in the Badge Hotel
on the night of October OM lasts
11/08 I•Vadnestlay senteneed to lifo
inaprisoninent In Auburn Prison,
tinder the verdict of mertier in the
second degree, reported by a jury
which sat at Idttinton's trial, the
justice had no 0310011. 'The sentence
is fiXed itt life iMpriSoniuent,
Manager of Natural as Company
Has Narrow .Escape.
A Welland despatch says: Geo.
Coolc, local agent and manager for
the 11(11112.01 Natural Gas Company,
was pearly asphyxiated by gas in
his home on Tuesday. Mrs. Cook
worthy. and them nephew, Roy, were away
Where a license existed on the 251.11 'from home for the night. In the
day or June, 1902, aey application:morning Roy returnedin. time Dor
foe renewal shall not be refused 1111- 114(111,01, and, finding the doors lock -
less the applicant has beea guilty of ed, thought his mule 1)'118 at his
misconduct in the management of epee. At noon, when the little fel-
When any person is found in 0 Ilvoas (s*0tiLlIllnlle.41keldr°,1111Mgde11100011,Vet;11° 4.1 11d0°1.1°1111
hi business. w
state of drunkenness on the premises .o a. :
toe office. That, too, was closed,
of a licensed 31e115011, tile latter 1111101 mad the &ad, accompanied by a.
.,b•ove teat lie and all persons in his 1101)010- 03 men, hastened back, 1.1.111d
.300311 05 took 011 reasonable steRs to an entrance into the house was
prevent suchdru.nkenness, forced, aud Mr. Cook was found ly-
Where a persou is applying for a lag in bell unconscious from gas,
new 11004150 he shall not less than which had escaped into the room
tweety-ono days before the annual trent an open fireplace. it took soy -
licensing. meeting, deposit with the
clerk a plan of the promises in re- was restored. The doctor said that
eral hours' work before constiousitess
sped to which the application is 01 ten minalees more Mr. Cook would
made, have been pest recovery, as his pulse
Any person found drunk in 0.115 had already stopped beating.
public, place while having charge of a .--g----_.
child under seven years of age maY SPECIAL BRITISH COLONY.
be apprehended, ancl is liable to a
fine not exceedieg forty shillings or
Two Thousand Farmers Coming
imprisonment, with or without hard 1.0 Canada,
labor, not exctecding one month.
A 001)11011 despatch 141(50 :-It is
Any 3211.10011 who shall atteMpt to
procure any intoxicating liquor for in1111,111t0i4stiniceradmittleliast; antclintagt1t,vitoottitlici).tittimaratl_
any drunken person, or shall aid any
such person in obtaining liquor, borers Who are to Settle at Stiskae
shall be liable to a line not exceed- toon are to sail on March .91 -St, in
ing forty shillings, or to imprison- charge of ReV. Mr, Barr, Tho Can -
meat, with or without harcl hither, tidiest Government will give sufficient
land for 314 townships and foreigners
not exceeding one month.
A fine not exceeding one hundred will not be permitted to settle ou
minds, shall be levied on any solici- this reserved territory, The settle -
tor or other person being a clerk of Anent will Int called the Special Dell -
licensing justices wile shall by hint- ish Colony.
self, his partner or clerk, act, in any The report of the Crofter Ooloriisti-
application in respect of a license, tion Committee says the position of
except in so far as relates to the the settlement at Saltroafft in the
Canadian territories, established in
preparation or notice, etc.
For the purpose of preventing rc- 1890, has undergone little change,
peated applications, the licensing Sonuf or the homesteads which have
1)e8110e8 may, a.t the general annual reverted to the board have been sold
meeting, make regulations tletermin- n 116 an endeavor Is being made to
ing the time which must elapse after ihul,purchasers for the remniatlee.
the hearing of the applieation before -------.-- -
another application may be made in SEA YIELDS RICH HARVEST
respect of same premises,
Iti t110 ettell of an applicetion for a---
Herring Shoals Return, to Swedish
licettse, the person holding ,the 11- Ociast.
cense and the 110)80(1 who it iii pro-
posed shall become the holder of the
licensfe shall attend the sessions at
Which the application is home!, and
the egreement onder which Om , li-
Cense is to be transferred shall be
A 31 01)1)1) ietending to apply for o
rtoW license shall at least twenty -
mut days before the date of the
meeting' serVe notice af the clerk,
setting forth 11)8 name and address,
n, drscription of the Retinae, desired
an11 el the situation of the premises.
This Is in addition to the mole.-
tiolls or the Licensing Acta of 1828-
A jliStiee'S 1icen80 ellen be respired
Three new submarine noats will
EMU was 24,815 out of a total o
shortly be ready to leave the build -
67713. Emigrants of 1351t1s11 ori-
ers at Barrow.
coal taming the poor at Stockton gi11 to the States were 1013,501, an
Peat is now being substituted for inas
cree of only 4,808, while the
number of British emigrants to Cam -
and Thornby-on-Tyne.
011 1003 9(5,107, an increase of 10,-
Last year 5,130 failures were 650. Emigration to Cape of Good
gazetted in the United Kingdom cis 213314.8
071t1 Natal showa ed gain of
egainst 5,171 in 1901.
The Daily Express 'says that Brit-
ish army officers aro persistently
boycotting colonials who have been
granted commissions.
Peckham now possesses the first
English 'branch of the Anti -treating
League, founded last year in Ireland.
The first-class cruiser to be beilt
for the Admiralty, by the Thames
Shipbuilding' r2orapany will be mulled
the Black Prince.
It is said that the new subsidized
Cunard liners will cost 36,500,000
each, and have ft continuous speed of
25 knots an hour.
At Newcastle. the demand abroad
for coal is greeter than it has been
for many years, and both 311110(8 031(1
freights are rising.
A great saving is being efibeted in
the East Durham collieries by 11. me-
chaniesal coal cutter, which the min-
ers call the iron man.
tar greater proportion than to the
United States. The increase to the
States wits 137,200, the total being
232,141. while the increase to 0011 -
New York Doctors Perforniing
Cures With a New Drug.
A deseatch from New York says:
Medical tglence claims to have dis-
covered a means of curing blood
poisoning. Formalin is the name of
tile 0010 and wonderful drug, the aews
ly resented powers of which have
amazed the medical 1VorIcl. The dis-
covery was 311011e by Dr. Charles C.
Burrows, who found that formalist
would destroy the deadly bacilli. He
experimented on a woman suppr.sed
to be dying the hospital, anti she is
now reported to be almost well. Oth-
er doctors '11000 tried it with grati-
fying results-, and it is 110411 thought
that the drug may also kill the ba-
malaria, typhoid, diphtheria,
Tit° British Chambers of C°lumere° clIli yellow fever, pneumonia, and many
Say that the proposed Baited :Stales other 1110150101)8 germ diseases.
and Cuba treaty will bar ell other
eountt•ies from the trade of the lat-
The nturiber of lives saved by life-
boats and other means for which
the Royal National 1,0e-1)00,1. In-
stitution granted rewards during the
year 1002 was 456.
insM17111D STATES,
Six men were killed by an explo-
810)1 on the United States warship
In New York State during 1002,
762 geople 'were killed tied 1,868 in-
jured au steam railways.
The pesters of Lafayette, Ttrd„
have investigated charges of ofiicial
cot•ruptIon and protection of vice,
end found startling conditions.
The nesessed valuation of real ('5"
Old Woman of 101 Years Burned
. to Death.
A despatch from Rome says. Mar -
Mania Moroni, wile proudly darned
to have carried the Pope in her arms
10)1011 110 was 0 baby, has just died
in her 101st year. Iler death was
the result of an 00016001!.. She was
sitting at her fireside mono, 'when
her clothes ignited. 8110 With unable
to call Rm. help, encl. was terribly
burned. The Pope received hor in
11 private audience 131 October, and
they were mutually delighttel at see-
ing and talking with each other. The
old woman subsequently said: "Ile
is a fine old man, but he is not so
w li preserved 118 L" 1115 Holiness
tate in New Yorlc has been increased
sone' assessments, too, are corres- remarked after the interview: "She
,400,000,000, and per- 10141140)81 after the interview:nnnannn
more than 81
Pendingly higher, is frail looking for her years."
The authorities of Vineland, N. J., .---4.--
have inaugurated a, crusade against EXPLOSION TOLLS FIVE.
"curbstone prortteity," two persons - ,
having already been arrested and Twenty or Thirty In3ured in Iron
fined by the City Recoetler. Works.
Becanse the girls at an Oklahoma A thesslateli front Laudon saya: A.
Territory school appeared at a, has- boiler explosion in Tupper's Tree.
edict against bloomers in Torritorial Works. at litleton, Staffoed, 011
1 11' i fl • • d tl '11jur-
101-11011 game attired 111 bloomers
Oorernor Ferguson has issued art Tuesday afternoon, resulted in the
u mg 0 VO 1301 1.0110 1111 10 1
801101)18. Mg or 20 or 00 by steam and Pieces
President Mitchell has addressed a of flying metal, Tho explosion oe-
lot ter to the local unions in the an- curled while the 811011$ Were crowded
thraeite district, nsking them to co- with empioyes. The building was
operate with malingers of mines to completely wreeked. Severfil 01 1th0
increase the produetion of coal. injured 2)1e1.:20115 are not expected to
The Mayor of Stamford, Conn., live.
has forbidden the "field trial of 1511. -
tete," which wits to have been a --+---
feature of the atinual meeting of the 111.031 502. UNITED STATES.
Connecticut, Cat Club. The trial g -----
111118 1.0 c110)1818t of a mouse-killin,g J".5From
contest. Demand. f or Tonnage
British Ports,
Instead of preaching a cornea Nub- A despa lch from Liverpool saya:
dny evening at, the Ferst. Baptialt There 19 a. good demand here. for ton-
nage to entry plesiifon from Middles-
borough, and Hartlepool to the
United States. The chartering of
fatal (onstage on the Tyne and C15d.e,
and at Welsh ports continueS.
A. Si.orkludin despatch says :-- Church, in Ottk i'ark, Change, the
Shoals of herritigta are Wending ,pastor, 1107, 11r. Theodore (1. Soares,
th)cic outside the west coast of love 0. drametie rending of the
Swodee, affording a rich harvest to "Song of Salmon," reciting the
the fishing connnunities. These fish entire drama as if be were giving tt,
have not been scot for ageneration. play.
The intmenves that goVeell then'
migrations still belong to nature's
greatest mysteries. Dining the Mid-
dle Ages the herring 11811eriee of
Sweden produced greet wealth, but
the fish diaappearcil for three cen-
turies, reappearieg et the end of
the eighteenth century., and after
another interval of absence returning
abont the middle of the nineteenth
Hamburg grain dealers nth com-
plaining of the interior quality of
American wheat and corn imports.
There are now about 25,000,000
bead of cattle in Argentina.
Official figures show that 1,714
people were killed and 88,112 'houses
deStrOyed 111 the recent earthqunkes
ett Abelljan, RetsSialli Turkestan,
• Johannesburg's present pogulation
Is estimated at 1 09,4 52, itteluding
4.4,122 natters end 11,550 AsinticS.
The rapid spread of the insurtec-
tion in South Chinn, is due to the
excesses of the Imperial troops mes
dee Marshal Islu, Ile sent fr forte to
aveuge the deeth or tt general Who
was ambushed, and this force rms.,
sacred 1,20 Mneeent villagers.