The Brussels Post, 1903-1-29, Page 1Vol. 31. No, 29
New Advertisements,
Nance -Richard Paul.
Anabion sale -John Smith,
Hair Tonic -F. B. Henley.
Hance for gale -R. T. Hiogebon.
Change of business -D. 0. Rage,
January sauce -McKinnon & Co.
Boar for eervioe-Robs, Houston.
Auction axle -Joseph H. Bowman.
Aunual Stook takiug Bale -J, Petrone
W. H. KERR, Prop,
al en-» 1) ICS)014.
There was no preaching service in
Knox Ohurah last Sabbath owing to the
Communion being dispensed at Ethel.
It ie reported that Time. and Mre.
Ennio, old and well known reeidente of
thio locality, have decided so give up
farming and will remove to Brueeele
where they have purchased a house and
This Space belongs
to 1. 0, Richards.
We are Stocktak-
ing this week.
Watch out for Bar-
gains next week.
1. 0. R CHARDS.
take a well earned reel. Thie will mean
the installing of a new housekeeper on
the farm we euppoee.
Min Campbell, the new teacher, in
making nnmeroua triende and will be is
valued aesiate:it to Mies Calder in e0400l
*Ben, Dark's auction sale attracted a
big orowd Its Friday and panned oat
well. We with Mr. Dark noose as he
,eaves the homestead and weloome his
suooeesor, Mr. Carter and family.
Last Sabbath afternoon oommunio0
eervioe was held in the Methodist oharob
here the pastor oondooting it. Owing to
the atonement being observed at Brenda
next Sabbath the newel eervioe will be
withdrawn in Oranbtook,
W zLI 110111.
Communion will be obeerved in Duff's
March a week from next Sabbath. Bev,
Jno. Roes, B, A., of Brussels, will preaoh
at the preparatory service ou Friday,18t13
inst.,at 2. p. m.
Mien Belle Straohao went to Toronto
to prepare for the Millinery openinge.
Misses Marjory Strachan and Ina
Bryane are away to Toronto this week at
a musical examination, We wiab the
young ladies oontinued nooses in their
efforts to attain the first place.
Walter Innes is hustling for hammed
trade at the poetoffice store. Hie advt.
in this week's issue of Tam POST should
be read if you have not done so. It may
pity you to see what he has to say,
Last Sabbath evening Jon. McAllister
addreeeed the meeting in Vietoria 'Hall
and next Sabbath G. F, Blair, of Brue-
eele, will be in Marge, It is wonderful
the way the interest has been maintained.
A couple oli times whips have been
stolen from rigs in the shed at Victoria
Hall during service on Sabbath evening.
It is intended, if possible to ferret out the
imprudent intruder and if secured he will
be made an example of.
In Doming home from the Maooabee
oonnert last Friday night Wm. Lynn's
borne ran awee and the driver and
his slater were upset in going through a
0 ZEIMA COO 406.
Our Great Annual January Clearing Sale of Remnants, Oddments and Slow Selling
Goods of all kinds, A. time when we lose sight of cost or former price, and the only
thing taken into consideration is our desire to make quick disposal of the year's accum-
ulations of Remnants, Oddments and over stocks, no matter what the loss may be. No
Remnant Sale heretofore, no Clearing Sale to come, can positively equal in point of
Bargain, this clearing up of all odds and ends. You may come to this Great Sale ex-
pecting to find almost any kind of goods you need at or ' regular prices.
Quantities and. Prices as Follows :
-15 dozen pairs of fide all wool
Worsted Hose, mean 7 to 9e, worth
regular 85o, sale price
-55 ends Colored Taffetta Silks,
including all good shades, marked
75o, to clear at
-20 ends of . our beet French
printed Flannels, worth 60e, to
clear at
-60 Remnants of our beet quality
Homespaoe, Freizee, Cheviots and
Venetians, most desirable for Ladies'
Skirts and Children's Ooato, to be
sold at I of marked prioe,
-A clearing lot of Ladies' White
Wear, alightly soiled and crumpled,
intending 0oreet Omen, Gowns and
Skirts, eb Special Prime to clear.
-12 only black Coney Far Rafe,
worth reenter 91.00, sale
-10 only Fanny Cnehion Tops,
regular price 76e, sale price
Our $1.60 Wrappers at $1,25
• 25 -l2 only Wrappers, made of the
beet 1210 Wrapperette, in good
ooloringe uioely trimmed, with frill.
55 and braid, waist lined with good
cotton, our regular $1.60 Wrapper,
sale prise 1 26
36• -5 dozen Children's Ribbed
Drawers, eine 24 to 38 inobes, were
250, gale pries 19
-8 dozen Ladies' Ribbed Vesta,
some fleeced, worth 25o, sale pries19
-6 dozen Ladies' fine wool Vesta,
regular pride 50o, sale pries
-4 dozen Ladies' heavy ribbed
Vests, regular price 76o, clearing
70 `-•0 dozen Ladies' Ribbed Draw -
ere, a123o and 30o per pair, sale
7 dozen Ladies' heavy ribbed
Wool Drawers', in natural, worth
75o, gale pries
-10 deeen Men'e fine wool Drew -
ere, worth regular 75e, 85o and $1,00
We price
-25 piecesbeet quality 36 ioali
Flannelette, in light melded ebripes,
worth regular 120, talo prigs
Four Corset Bargains
-91,00 Bias Tilled Cordite, 13 and
I make, on sale at 75
-$1.26 Biae Filled 0oreete, B and
I make, on sale at 1 00
--1,50 Bias Tilled donde, B
and I make, on sale at 1 10
-92 00 Elise Filled Conde, 13
and I make, on sale at 1 35
-80 ends Wrapperetbee, all now
patterns, worth regular 12;}o and -.
15a, tale pride
-0 only Ladies' Black Cloth
Capes, ninety trimmed, new thio
season, sale price 3 80
-10 only Ohildren's Navy Blue
Cloth Reefers, worth regular 91,50
and 91,75, to clear at 1 20
-8 ends only Aetraohan Carl, in
(Grey, Cream and cardinal, worth
regular $1.75, to clear ab 1 26
-15 only Honey Comb Shawls,
in Blaok, Grey, cardinal and White,
worth 90e, sale prios 55
-12 only Heavy Cloth Shawls,
all new this enema, worth 91.75,
Wearing at 1 26
-20 only Ladies' Flannelette
Gowno, odors Pink and Blue, wotth
regular 85o, sale pride 65
-200 yards fine quality Amazon
Cloth, worth regular 25o, sole price 19
19 -Ladies' 95 00 and 96 60 Tailor
Made Skirts of Homespnue, all made
in newest stylet, gale prise 8 75
50 -50 yards 25 inch GIoc a ()loth in
red end white and blue and white
Meeks, worth regular 1270, sale
--16 dozen pairs Women's and
Ohildren'a heavy all wool Hoee,
eine 5 104 inches, marked 15e to
9 25o, rale price 10 to 19
--5 doz. Ladies' Cashmere Gloves
in Biaake end Oolors, worth regular
10 25o, 300 and 85o, sale pride,,,,..,, 19
Think k of the truthfulness of our advertising and come expecting � to
find everything exactly as advertised,
& CO.
piton holo before they were 1e milea from
Boososls. The horn turned in at Ara:,
MoLauohlin's lane and after a lively
parade around hie bern came batik to the
road and ran into Oounoillor Work's yard
where it was captured. The antler was
badly demoralized, Sometbiog should
be done by the townships of Grey and
Morrie to countered those danger spots
and by concerted motion at the proper
time the work need not oost mob. Some
Winters this road ie simply dreadful and
hardly gale t0 attempt to travel it even
with the sleepiest kind of a horse.
5i glia 5.
Township Commit will meet next Mom
day, Feb, 2nd,
A meeting of the Ladies' Institute will
meet at the home of Mrs. 13. S. Colo on
Thursday, Feb, 5113, at 2 30 c'olook.
Mies Belle Lamont has returned to
Feessrtou Thursday to resume dudes
after spending an enjoyable time with
her parson.
Aokharet Taylor hue been making hie
home here for a time. Hie health ie not
very vigorous we are sorry to state but
we bops a change for the better will
speedily en•ue.
GONG TO Hen Rzwenn•-Mrs. Lawrence
Dobson, aged 72 yeare, died in the village
of Ethel on Wedoseday of thie week
after a brief illness. Pneumonia and
heart failure was the Dente of death, a
farther notioe will be given next week.
Belt reeve.
Rev. A. H. Brown is preaching a reries
of sermons on the Lord's Prayer.
A very enjoyable time was apes! at
Robert Galtagher'e, being a farewell
gathering for Albert and Mre. Martin,
before their departure for their home i0
the Northwest.
The Ladies' Guild, organized in 0oa-
neotio0 with Trinity oburob, met at the
reeidenoe of Arable Bridges, East Wo.
wanoeh. The following iadies are the
officers of the Guild :-Preeident, Mrs. J.
Soandrett • Vice -Pres., Mrs. Archie
Bridges ; Secretary, Mre. P. Prootor ;
Treasurer, Mien Lillie Boandrett. The
ladies are making an autograph quilt, the
proceeds of which will be devoted to
some good cause.
The pastor of Belgrove circuit, Rev. A,
H. Brown, was pleasantly surprised on
Monday evening by the "Brink obnroh"
oongregation taking possession of the
Parsonage. A very pleasant evening wee
spent, consisting of oonvereation, games,
mesio, &o., after which an excellent
repast was furnished by the ladies. The
party dispersed at a reasonable hour,
leaving their welly/Wise and some
tangible tokens of their eeteem for the
pastor and bis wile. Among these tokens
the hores was remembered by an over
flowing bin of oats.
Bute ireel's.
Mrs, S, Clegborn'ison the sick list.
Mrs. Fred McCracken visited' her
parents loet'wee1t " -'•
Mre, R. Mnegnive is staying with
friends in Goderioh.
Min Sanderson has returned to Toren.
to atter a month's visit with friends.
Mrs, 8. MoLean and son, of Dauphin,
Man., are-vleiting at W. J. MoOraoken'e.
Jeok Gardiner paid a flying vieit to his
father and mother last week. Jack bee a
positiou in Rat Portage.
eiThe Womaa'e Institute meets on Wed.
nesday, Feb. 1816, at the home of Mre,
John Weems at 2 30 p. m,
Merles and Mre. Mann from near
Regina are visiting Mre. Mann's parents
Robert and Mre DOnoan. They have
been in the West for eighteen years.
Wm. Lindsay from Emerson, Man„
was renewing old aognaintanoee in the
village last week. It ie over twenty
years eines be took op land about tea
miles from Emerson and bag been very
encoesetnl having now nearly 1000 acres
of land and be has tide year resigned the
Reeveahip of Franklin municipality,
atter filling the office for seventeen goitre
and the office of council man two years
The Presbyterian Tea meeting last
Wednesday evening was a suonese in every
particular. The oharob and Forester's
Hall being crowed to the doors. The
ladies of the church provided an abun•
dance of good things to satisfy the inner
graving. While io the chetah a splendid
musical program was provided by the
Wingbam preebyterian oboir under the
leadership of George Cline, Rev.. F.
Swann and Dr. MoDonald gave .abort
addressee and W. J. West manipulated
the gramaphone. The proceeds amounted
to $78 00 and the following evening a
MOW was given to the , children of the
Praebyteriau S. S.
Wr-oxo ter.
W. Greer, of Walkerton, is the gueet of
friends here.
David Myles visited Bayfield a few
days last week.
Mies Effie Powell has returned from a
'vied in Michigan.
S. B. MoKeivie spent several days last
week in Teetwater.
Robert Miller ie in Goderiob this week
attending Co. Council.
Joe, Allan spent a few days in Toronto
returning Tumidity night.
Mies Alice Hamilton visited Maude in
Brussels for several days feet week.
Jno, Hamilton shipped a oar of cattle
and W. Trench a oar of hogs on Monday.
The annual congregational meeting of
Presbyterian cherohwas held Monday
Rev. R. 8. G. Anderson bag returned
from Toronto and is spending a few days
in the vintage.
Mies Elda Hazlewood hae returned
from Highgate where she has been clerk.
ing for the Met five months.
Be,, Dr. it ie areturneei
W k mss Dna
from Iodic, occupied the plpit in the
Presbyterian church on Sunday,
Mies M. Elliot Who has been the gueet
of Dr, and Mre. Brawn for some weeks,
left for Rinoardine on Thareday,
A load of young iadiee attended a gonial
in Blneva's, oo Wodneeday feet. We
hope the one favored gen
tleman who w
so fortunate es to be inoluded folly
appreciated the honor tendered him by
the young Min.
The death of bora, Thou, Pope at her
home in Howick on Wednesday removes
one of the oldest settlers of tbie section of
the Previeoe. Deceased was only sink
for about two weeke and suffered from
lung trouble. A hueband and large
family of grown up sons and daughters
are left to mourn her loss. The funeral
which took plane to Wroxeter now Dame.
tory on Saturday was oondaoted by Rev,
Dr, Wilkie,
The hockey team journeyed to Kinoar.
dine on Wednesday and met the team of
that town. The poor lights and boarded
sides bothered our boys during the tirid
halt but they improved their play and
held their own in the second the score at
hall time being 8 to 0 at the dnieb 11 2
fever of Kincardine. The game wag
friendly and the players were on the
beet of terms throughout. As a rernini-
00enae 0f the game Harry Brawn conies
A patob on his okeek, Jaok Harris reports
a broken collar bone and Art Robinson
bas an artistica limp nand by te skate en.
tering his foot.
119 orrieo.
Alex. Clark is getting home eand for
Mre. Agin and Mrs. Young are some
better we are pleased toatate.
Township Council will be held a week
from next Monday at the Hall.
Ales. Clark, Sunshine, is asking for
tenders for the erection of a new brick
A Parlor Social party was held at the
borne of W. Watson, 5th line, Everybody
Deemed to eujey themselves.
Mre, Mark Card ff was called to Wing -
ham Monday on account of her daughter,
Mre. J. Ames, being ill with goiusy.
Among the many from the Prairie
Proviooe, we again intim the once famil-
iar form of Geo. Miller who ie acoompan.
led by hie wife and daughter is enjoying
a reunion among hie many relatives and
friends of thio locality.
Albert Crooke, 4th line, is battling
briok for a new residence on his farm to
be built next season. Wm. Wilkinsan,
of the same line, will veneer his hoose
with brink. It looks like business to see
Mr. Crooke going in for a new house.
During the past week George Hood,
Secretary of East Huron Farmers' Iosti•
tate has been sway attending the series
of meetioge that were addressed by Meters.
Drury and Mason. They ooneladad on
Saturday. Mr. Hood is very anthnaist-
do over big work.
Morris farmers were largely rpreeseot-
ed at the Farmers' Iostibute meetings
held et Brussels Wednesday of last week.
The shortage appeared to be in the young
men it beteg remarked daring the after.
noon the preponderanos of grey headed
men. Exerienoe is good but the youth
should also be instructed.
At the anonal school meeting in con.
nection with the Anderson eohool, 3rd
line, Janne Bowman was Mogen true.
tee as encoeeaor to Q. Audereon. Owing
to the change in the law making it im-
poesible for a person to be either a mem.
ber of the 00, or township Council
and a sobool trustee be bas declined
aaoeptanoe of the latter and a new man
Will have to be sleeted.
We are sorry to state that Ca. Councilfor Bowman ie unable to attend the
present session of the Oo. Council owing
to having stepped on a rusty nail a week
ago which has given him a very painful
toot. His many friends hope he will soon
be able to resume his neuat routine of
lite. Similar aceidente have often given
serioue trouble but we hope this will not
be the case with Mr. Bowman.
OBIT. -The death of Mrs. Thos. H.
Bolger occurred on Wednesday of this
week at her home in Morrie, heart fail-
ure was the cause of death, her name wail
Treeeia Blanche Christopher and she
was married two years ego next March
to Thos. Bolger. A week ago she gave
birth to a.obild. The sympathy of the
community will be extended to 1ULr. Bol-
in hie affliction, The funeral will take
plane an Friday.
OnMr.-Wednesday evening at mid.
night the spirit of Luoinda Perrin, reliot
of the late William Conary passed away
to the unseen world, Mre. Conary took
ill eweek ago with a cold which t0rned to
inflammation of the longe, Deceased
was born in 1838 and has lived an the 6th
line of Morris for over 40 . years. Her
husband pre•deoeased her 29 years ago.
A family of six ohildren survive. They
are Mre. Herrington, Winnipeg; Jno., of
Wingham l Mrs, Parker, of Sunshine ;
William, of Hiawatha, Mioh„ ; Oherlee,
of Guelph ; Mrs. John Fowler, 'Hingham
Janet. The deceased lady lived with her
daughter Mre, Geo. Parker, Sunshine.
The funeral will take plane on Ftiday
afternoon the nervine will be held in the
Methodist ohuroh sommenoiog at 1.30
conducted by Rev. Mr. Brown, of Bel.
grave. Interment at Sunshine cemetery.
ADDAsee AND PRnetoxaxioN.-Last
Friday evenings large and representative
oompany of old neighbors and Mende
assembled at the residence of Wm. and
Mrs, Jaokeon, 8th Zine, and the following
address was read by J. R. Stubbs and
Wm. Taylor presented Mr. and Mrs.
Jackson with a magnifloient oak side.
board with plate glass top, purohased of
Jno. Welker, of Brussels. The address
was 00 follows :-
To Mr. and lira. Tl'ttb. Jacltson.
Mee FBI/MN, Were are assembled
here this evening as an indication 6f the
good fellowship existing in this neighbor.
hood between yen and us. For long
yeare We have enjoyed your friendship
and now have wady regrets over the fact
of your expeoted removal in the near
futurs. That you Will be greatly mined
is a oertainby and eopeoially will this be
telt in connection with the oharob where
in the Sabbath School ail Saperiadent
and teacher and in the %hureh serviase
to leader of praise you eo effioisntly faith.
folly and pnnotually presided for years,
We may not have spoken as many cheery
words to you in the pest at we should
have but we oer%9inly apprtoiated your
valved and earnest efforts and will carry
with nil pleasant memories of your devot.
ed work, An a
g proofofour
esteem we eek your a000ptanoe of this
Oak Sideboard and hope it will often re.
Mind yeti of the true friende you have itl
the Jaokeon neighborhood. It i0 a plea•
sure to know that your pew home will be
located near by thereby often giving tie
opportunity of meeting with you as the
yeare go by, We wish you many happy
yeare in Blyth and treat that wbeu these
earthly friendships are emend we may
have eo spect our lives here that the
happy flee will be re -united In our
l'ather's Home on High. Signed in be.
half of the oommnnity by
Wer. nuns
J. R. Smug
Morrie, Jan. 28, 1908.
Mr. Jaokeon made a very suitable reply
expreseiog hie and Mre. Jackson's thanks
for the kind words and beautiful and
maob anpreolatsd gift, Rev. Jno. Hol,
mss, the pastor Wae called upon and
spoke wise words. A bountiful repast
wee guyed and a very jelly and pleasant
evening spent by all. Mr, and Mre.
Jackson will be removing to Blyth, next
week, having Bold their farm. We are
very sorry to part with them from this
neighborhood bat with them moons.
Mr. Jaokeon resigned hie position as
Sunday Soiled Saperinteudentlast Ssb•
bath an office be oompetently filled, It
is said be will be emended by Wm. Tay-
lor, now assistant Superintendent.
The next meeting of Grey Council will
be he held on Monday of next week.
Andrew Turnbull, 1603 oou., was on
the eiok tie! but is better again we are
pleased to hear,
The dredge oompleted its work on the
14th con, drain lest week. It was a oold
job part of the time without any doubt.
Jno. MoOoeh, of Pine River, is holi.
Baying at James Tarnball'e, 4th eon.
Mr. litoOooh is a nephew of Mr. Toro -
Mrs. J. Oarr and daughter, Mre. Davi-
son add eon, arrived home Thursday
after a six weeks' visit with relatives in
Stratford and St. Pant.
Those who attended the Farmers' In
etitote meetiae at Bennet') on Wednesday.
of last week eay the epeakere did their
part wall mud there was a large atten-
plume have changed hande in this
township in 1902 and lhie year a good
start has already bean made along the
stimes,ame line, I1 is an evidence of good
GADD Or TRANxe.-Tbe family of Jos-
eph Bennett take this opportunity of
heartily thanking the many triende in
the oeigbborbood for their valuable help
and sympathy during the illoeee and sub-
oegaeut decease of the late Wm. Bennett,
wbo departed this lite last week.
An oyster and fowl supper was given
by Richard and Mre. Roe, Loo 11, Con.
3, to their old friends and neighbors.
About 60 gneots were invited. After
supper a firet class program was given
consisting of inetrameotal made, songs
and recitations. The party broke up in
the early hours of the morning.
Amnion sales in Grey of plentiful,
Thursday of this week is the date of
Peter S. Rose', 14th oon, ; Friday miter.
noon will be Jno. B. MaLaachfin's; Mon-
day, Feb. 914, is the day chosen by
Joseph H. Bowman and the following
Wednesday Jno. Smitb'e farm stook,
implements, &e., will be offered. F. S,
Scott is the anotioneer in nob ogee, All
are big sales and will no doubt be largely
St. Merge Journal says :-"1n the death
of Mre. Switzer, widow of the late Riob.
Switzer, Blanshsrd township loses an
esteemed pioneer reeideot. She bad
been in poor health for some months std.
tering from an affection of the heart.
Mre. Switzer, wboee maiden name was
Ann Spearin, was 66 yeare of age, and
was a native of Ireland. Her bcaband
died several years sines. She leaves a
family of one son, R. W. Switzer, with
whom she lived on the old homestead,
and two danghtere, Miss Mary, at home,
and Mrs. George Webeter, of Blanehard,
George Spearin, of Blanshard,,ie a bre
thee and she bee several liiiothere and
sisters living in Grey township. Mrs.
Switzer was an eetimahlo woman, loved
by her own family, and held in the high,
est reepeot by a host of Mende. The
!mere! took plana on Monday to St.
Marys cemetery." The deceased lady
was slater to Hartwell and Luke Spearin,
of the 15th and 14113 Oona., both of whom
attended the funeral. Mrs. Switzer was
a most estimable person.
Onm.-Roderiok Michael died Jan. 8,
aged 88 yeare. He wag born in Inver.
nesehire, Scotland, Oot. 20, 1815, and
when 22 yeare old was married to Obrie.
tinaMelobin, who passed away 9 years
ago last May. Re name to Canada when
25 years of age and located in Woodstock
and in course of time moved to London
township where be purchased a farm and
resided for a goodly number of yeare.
They then mime down where the land
was yet endeared in Grey township and
bought lot 15 and 16, Oon. 17, and lot 15
on the 18th Oon. Here they resided for
about 30 yeare and helped to oonvert the
forest into a cleared country. He then
Bold hie farm to his son-in-law and moved
to Osrmnuafok and there lived for a time
and then removed to the Humsioker
farm, lot 26, 11th coo„ Grey, where he
lived two yeare and thee removed to
Trowbridge where be parobased a neat
house and 6 agree of land. Hie wife
died there and he gave up his piece to his
son John, with whom he has made his
home most of the time gime. ..13e theh
removed to the 14th oon, of Grey, where
be lived for a while and went to Listowel
about 4 yeare ego where be lived till the
time of bis death. Deemed was a Pres.
bytorian in religion in wbieh happy faint
he died, with en aeeoraoae of heaven for
bis home. He was a good husband and
a loving and faithful father and a favorite
with ail who knew him, The funeral
lett hie late residence on Jan. 10th, at 8
a. m., interment wits made in the Bone.
dory Cemetery on account of the storm,
but be will be genitive() to the family plot
at Crenbrook in the Spring. Hie family
a of Mrs. WilsonM
c a Mre,
Iia h Melia of hIsr bo
rn, • Roderick
of gAlgoma;'Alexander, of Montana•
and John, the youngest son, of Listowel,
With whom ho Wm when lie died,
W. R. ib -Itis! ELECTED `eAItDI Y.
Tuesday afternoon the flret seaelon of
Huron Ooonty Cour.otl for the term el
1908 4, convened in the Court House,
Goderiob, at 8 o'Olook,
The roll was walled and the toliowiug
members' responded to their names :-
Masers. Bioko, Bpaokmaa, Lamont, Mc
Naughton, IIoLese, Gunn, Canteen),
Oouoolly, Young, Derain, Loolthart,
Patterson, Kerr, Miller and Ferment,
The only absentee WAS Mr. Bowmen, of
Div. No, 6, who was tumble to be present
owing to personal Blom.
One of the interesting features of the
January eeeeion is the eleebiou of Warden
and the honors this time fell to the lot
of W. H. Herr, of THa POST, Brasile e,
who was elected by acclamation after his
nomination wag moved by Mr, McLeau
and seconded by M. llillez.
Judge Holt, who was Warden in 1901,
swore in thetoew warped and nongratu.
laced Lim on MO promotion, The War.
den expressed hie thanks to the Opened
for the honor, reviewed some pointe in
the history of former o0o0paate, engges-
ted that a note of 0ondolenoe be gent to
Miss Lewis over the decease of her esti.
enable father, the late Crown Attorney
and words of congratulation to Judges
Doyle and Holt in their promotion and
elevation. A few of the probable mat-
tere of bgeinses to be brought before the
Connell were indicated and tbs conned
Laid of the members of the Board was
Minutes of last minion were read and
oonfirmed Striking Oommittee wag uomi.
noted as follows :-Messrs. Speakman,
Young, Ferguson, Lamont and Gunn.
Applioattons were read for the poeit.on
of Co. Auditor from Meesre. Robson.
Oliotoa ; Woods, Goderiob ; Rays, Sea-
fortb ; Clegg, WJngbam ; Soots, Bel.
grave 1 Lowery, Clinton ; Morley, Tee.
borne ; Lawreuoe, Clinton ; Morrieou,
For Co. Examiners W. Geiger, Zurich ;
3. H. Oameron, Brussels ; and H. W.
Anderson, Exeter.
On motion Council adjourned until
Wednesday at 10 a, m. so as to allow
Striking Committee to meet.
People We Talk About.
P. Hogg Sandayed in Listowel.
F. S. Scott mutat Walkertou this week.
Jas. Soott, of Seafortb, was in town
last Friday.
Abner Ooeene, of Wioghnm, was te
vieitor at the Parsonage this week.
THE Pod is glad to see Joo. Oober able
to get about after his recent illness.
0. P. R. Ticket Agent Dookrill was in
town last Friday on a business trip.
Jae. Govsolook, of Seafortb, spent Suo.
day with his sister Mrs. T. W. Omens.
Miee Hattie Murray, of Seafortb, was
visiting Mist Teeple Sample this week.
Miss Alice Hamilton, of Wroxeter, was
visiting with friends in town last week.
Rev. Dr. Wilkie, Miseiooary in India,
was a visitor et Melville Manse, last week.
This week Barristers Sioolafr and
Blair were at Goderiob on legal business.
Mrs. R. W. Matheson, of Luaknow,
is visiting with relatives and friends this
Mrs. Wilson, of Trowbridge, spent
Sunday with her daughter Mrs. M. H.
Mre, B. Gibson, of Palmed, is visiting
relatives in Brunets. She was a former
Will. Leatberdale and Mies Melville, of
Seafortb, were in town on Sunday at R.
Inspeotor Robb has been bothered with
a tomb of la grippe bat we hope he ie
olear of it now.
Misses Bessie and Minnie Moore are
beak from a trip to St. Thomas, Toronto
and other points.
Misses S. Forbes and Annie Stitt, of
Leadbory were visiting at the borne of
Jas. Dudley lain week.
E. Moore, brother to M. H. Moors, V.
8., bas become the agent for the Deering
Implement Company at Brueeele.
Mies Paolino McEwen, of Tbenalon,
Algoma, arrived in town 'Faraday. She
will spend the Winter with her aunt,
Mrs. Jno. Leckie.
Thoe. Richardson and wife and Joo.
Riohardeon and wife, of Se..9Iarye, were
the guests of Jas. Dudley and family,dur.
ing the past week.
Mre. Jno. E. Smith, of Brandon, Man.,
is a weloome visitor to Brussels. S be is
the guest of Mre. J. R. Smith and Mre.
(Dr.) McKelvey while in town.
Councillor Thomson has been laid 0p
with sort of inflammation in hie eyes and
has consequently been a prisoner in the
house. We hope be will soon be as well
as ever.
Mrs. Fred. Adams was called to Trow.
bridge last Saturday to attend the funeral
of ber Lather, who died suddenly Thing.
day of last week. Mr. Kelliugton was an
old resident of Trowbridge.
13. Gerry had the misfortune to slip on
the sidewalk and sprain the knee of the
leg broken last 12th of July. He was
waked to the house tor Moat a week
with it, bat ie able to be about again.
Alex. Donaldeon, 01 Fort Qo'Appeile,
N. W. T., was a visitor with bis brother,
Juo. Donaldeoo, of Brownie, The latter
returned with his vieitor to Goderioh for
a few tlaye' 'telt under the parental roof.
R. and tire. Jaokeon, 01 Petrolia, have
been elaiting J. and Mre. Leckie. The
gentlemen are musing, Mr. Jaokeon has
seen gains a bit of the world in hie quest
for oil wells and is gaits a competent
authority on the 900001on.
Mre. Alex. McCall, John street, hes
been 111 with an ettaok of plenriey but is
able to be about again we are pleased to
state. She bee had quite a fight with
various ailmente during the past few
menthe but we wish bar inoteasigg vigor.
It ie reported that G, r. Sehoffield, of
the Standard Bank, Chatham, who wag
the tine agent in commotion with Brea.
eels agency, will be promoted to the
head office,
ronto10 Mumma
the tee.
poneib a poeition of Resident Maua er,
If ceded it is aertatuly 0, damptiment te
Mr, Scholfield and hie nutty old friends
here will be pleased at hie deserved ono'