The Brussels Post, 1903-1-22, Page 4TII URS D A Y, JAY. 22, 1909.
Hormuz ;a having its innings this Win.
ter without any doubt and the dootor'e
and dreggiete ars reaping a good harvest.
The game ae often played ie a good emend
to a prize light although not so ranch
money is et stake,
MAYOR Urquhart, of Toronto is 0008108
a ['baking np among the oivia dry bones
that le quite enrprteing. Some of them
appear to be afraid be will ran oat of a
job before the °lose of the year at the
gait he ie starting out.
DRESDEN Sugar Fentory promoters are
offering free seed to the farmere of
Middlesex Go. to encourage them 10 cul•
tivate the sager beet. A delegation from
the East was up to see the Berlin taotory
at work, Whet about some action in
this tonality?
Tan wicked Sheriff of Sunflower Go.,
Mise., aalle President Roosevelt a "14
karat jaokaee" because he oloaed a poet.
offices at Iudianaola. There must be
something refreshing to the President in
being abueed in terse original terms. Its
a baby way of answering an argument
however, to Gall names.
Wnme Manitoba and the Northwest
has received layge accessions to their
population during the past year they are
not the only sections of the Dominion on
the boom, In the New Ontario territory
known se Temiekaming some 10 townships
have been settled in 1902, 1346 farms
were taken up, oovering over 915,000
aoree which will mean the locating of
probably 10,000 people. When the new
railway ie completed settlement will large.
ly increase without any doubt, The Pro.
vintner Ontario offers many advantages to
those disposed to make their home in the
Northerly section.
There is little doubt bat that the Good
Roads movement will be thoroughly die
ooeaed at Huron 0oonty Council in 1003.
TM intention ia, we believe, to invite the
Reeves of :he various Municipalities in
Huron to attend a meeting at Goderiob
during the June session of the Go. O0000il
and have the gaeetion threshed ont. The
Government Oommiesioner, Mr. Camp-
bell, will he invited and in addressing the
Go. Council in December he heartily ap
proved of the above meotioned proposal.
This matter of modern methods in
roadmaking is rapidly gaining ground
and cannot be any longer ignored by any
Manioipality. Already no lees than 97
townships have abolished Statute labor
and a large number of othere will follow
snit. Advance etepe have been taken
during the poet few yeare and old pram
tioes much improved upon by the aid of
road grading maohinee and a more
practical view of the work taken by Path
masters bet one greet diffionity is the
want of uniformity. We believe it would
pay any township to oall all the Path -
masters together for an afternoon's
dismission on this anbjeot. What do you
think ?
oes leading up to the unfortunate other.
ranee seem to be that some time ago her
hnebana sold hie farm sad purchased
another one. This did not pleeee his
wife and she worried to get the old term
back. Meanwhile the term had passed
into the hand(' of her husband's brother,
W. M. Gowan, end after some dickering
Jobe bought 16 bank again but a6 a Intra
of 0800. This lose aeeme to have pre> ed
on her mind and alas was very unhappy
Theradey ebe prepared an early dinner
for her husband, who went to Bt, Mary's
on haste ae, When he returned about 5
p. m. he found hie wife lyiug at the top
of the stairs fn mgoh agony. On gum
tinning her as to the cause she confessed
to haven taken amenia. He hurried
morose the road to where his brother, his
wife and daughter a000mpanied him bank
and he at once eat off ler a Dr. at Birk.
ton. The doctor arrived only in tinge to
see the unfortunate woman expire.
There was no inqueat, The deceased was
only shoat 82 years of age and had no
ehildreu. Her mother resides in Mani•
Elizabeth, wife of John Wiles, Water
street, South, St. Marye, died at her
home, Thursday evening, Jan. 811, in
her 75th year, Deoeaaed was born in
Whitby and was married in 1848 at Tor.
onto to John Wiles. After their mar-
riage they nettled in Fullerton township,
where they oleared two farms of one
hundred aoree each. Seventeen years
ago they moved to St. Marys, where they
have since 'Gelded. Her hueband aur•
elves ae well ae a family of ten children,
as followe : Richard, of Fullerton ;
Thomas, Lacrosse, Midi.; David, Gut.
teuburg, Iowa ; John, St. Marys ; Mre.
Ellerington, Oarberry ; Mre. J. Heard,
Aadereon ; Mra. John Pym, Toledo, Ohio;
Mre. Wm. Pym, Fullartou ; Mre. George
Bubyear, Toledo, Ohio ; Mra. Charles
Riddell, who lives in Oaliforniu.
COUPLETS omoial returns in connect.
tion with the Referendum of last Decem-
ber on the liquor traffic show that
199,692 Yee ballots were cast in the
Provinoe,108,482 electors voted No leaving
a elear majority of 96,210 for the aboli.
tine of the bar, The Prohibitionieta
only lank 808 of reaching the 200,000
which wee 12,243 abort of the expression
demanded by the Act. Last week alarge
delegation waited on the Government
and urged that advanced etepe be taken.
Premier nose' reply was as followa
"My duty in connection with this ques-
tion is to °meelt my supporters, and that
I than do at the earliest opportunity.
The earliest opportunity will be when
the house meets, when we shall gee how
for the members will support the Govern.
meat in implementing that vote. That
ie the only position I can take today. I
hope we will eeoare enoh legislation ae
will enure such legislation ae will meet
with the approval of the country. I
would feel humiliated if you thought we
would play fast and loose with this
question, cr any gaeetion•" The Govern•
meat may depend upon it that their
stations will be closely scrutinized sed a
record kept of their thither' and that of
the Opposition ae well. 200,000 voters are
not to be waived aside by either politioal
u they will find that ont if they
party ad th
attempt that role.
Perth County.
NOWA PERTH OoN000vATrvea.—The an•
noel meeting of the North Perth Conser•
vative Ara 'elation was held at Milverton
Thursday .nf last week and the following
officers were eleoted : President, 0. E.
Maoilharuiy, Stratford ; vioe president,
Julius Gunther, Listowel ; eeorotery
treasurer, S. J. Maliion. Stratford ; Hz
eontive, J. Reid, Dr. Robertson, Masers.
Makin[', Dtmpsey, Delhi and Freytogel.
The epeakere were Messrs. Monteith,
Magwood, Steele, Coughlin, Coulter and
Dr. Robertson. A good deal was Reid on
the quiet' in of a protest egainet John
Brown recently sleeted, end the matter
was left le the honde of the exeoutive.
Pofeognn HEttotons,-••tire• John Gowan,
who trued in the town line of Blaneherd
and l'ulbu ton, poinoned herself Tbureday
etfberneon with oreeno. The oironmstan.
Western Dairymen.
At the Western Dairymen's Aeeooia•
tion, R. al. Ballantyne, of Montreal,
attack a popular key when he asserted
emphatically that the portion of Ontario
West of Toronto, produced the beat cheese
manufactured in the Dominion, although
be had to ooutees that some poor ouea
were also produced. He pointed out the
great impurtanoe of improving the quality
of our oheeee, as illustrated by the foot
that an appreciation of one cent per pound
in value meant an inoreaae of $2,000,000
is the revenue of the manufacturers.
Mr. Ballantyne regarded the cool oaring
M. cheese ae the greatest advance made in
the 0oienoe of cheesemoking for many
years. He feared that the laotarymen
would not unite to erect cool oaring rooms,
and advooated the advantege of having
centrally located refrigerator statioue at
which cheese may be oolleoted and held
under proper conditions for export ship
ment. Oowpaoiee would probably have
to be organized for the purpose of ereoting
there refrigerators.
A. F. MaoLareo, M. P., was the Int
speaker at the evening meeting of the
Western Dairymen's Asaoiation at
Brantford on Wednesday of last week.
He expressed the hope that Prof. Robert-
son would condone in the work of pro-
viding old storage, and that the taotory
men would also join hands in order to
attain this most desirable object. He
armed a resumption of the efforts to ob.
Gain a redaction fn the coat of tramper.
cation upon dairy produote. The people
of Great Britain were not tree from
blame, for failing to provide the proper
facilities for keeping the butter and oheeee
in good oondition at the port of landing.
At Thursday's session the Nominating
Committee reported the following damn,
who were unanimously eleoted by the
convention : Honorary President, Hou,
Phos. Ballantyne ; Hon. Vioe•Pres.,
Anion Wenger, Ayton ; President, Jae.
Connolly, Porter Hill ; let vioe, J. N.
Paget, Danboro ; 2ad vioe, Robert John
etdn, St. Thomas ; 3rd vioe, T. B. Millar,
London ; districts : No. 7, John Mo.
Quaker, Owen Bound ; No. 8, Harold
Eagle Attercliffe ; No, 9, John 13. Soott,
Culloden ; No. 10, Thos. Ballantyne, lr.,
Stratford ; No. 11, W. K. MoLeod, Van
nook ; No. 12, I. W. Steinhoff, Stratford ;
No. 18, A. F. MaoLaren, M. P. Stratford.
According to returns published, armada
exported, vie Montreal, in season of navi-
gation just oloaed, 2,109.171 boxes of
theme, valued at 018,465,246, 0001001
1,706,613 boxes valued at 018,168,855, in
the season of 1001. This increase of up,
wards of $5,000,000 in the theme trade
done through the chief ['hipping port ie a
very oonaiderabte one. Canadian butter
also ehowe a gratifying increase. Our
ahipmeote last year vie Montreal, were
02,000,000 in excess of those of 1901.
There is still room for a great advance in
this trade, eeeiog that out of nearly
400.000,000 pound(' imported annually by
the mother country Canada only fur.
niehee 28,846,200.
Listowel hockeyete have struok a great
winning gait thie season.
Al a meeting of the Stratford Presby
tory held last week Rev. J. 3. Hardie and
R. W, Curtis, Presbytery elder, were
eleoted Comieelonere to the General
Assembly to be held at Vancouver, B. 0.
next June.
Thos. E. Hay has been appointed post•
roamer at Listowel, in ea0aeesion to the
late Mr. Hacking. Dir. Hay ie an old
°aunty councillor and ex warden. He is
held in high esteem in the Northern part
of the oonnty and hie appointment will
no doubt give general eatiefaotion.
James Martie of Gi me it Martin who
hoe been lying ill at hie borne in Tees -
water daring most of the Summer died
Wedneeds week at noon. He en!'
of last
in his 68th year and oonduoted the buei•
nen since the firm opened their foundry
here, He wee a bard worker and made
the firm's buaineea a semen, building op
a large and profitable trade. He spent
most of his time there though be did not
remove ble family to town. He was of
a genial kindly diapoeition and made
many worm friendships here. The fon•
eral took plane from hie residence in
Teeewater, Friday afternoon to the come
tory there.
Bylaw 422 to appoint town officers was
introdaoed and read ea followe t Wm.
Bright, galaxy, $150 ; Treasurer, W, E.
Binning, ealary,•0100 ; Oolleetor, 0. Tab•
berner, salary, $75 ; Constable, A. Kay,
salary, $850 ; Aaditore, B. McMillan and
01'. 0. MoDoweli, ealary, 015 eaoh ; tense
viewers, B, J. Bteveoon and Thomee
Seeman ; poundkeepers, M. Tipton and
J. V enetone ; btedioal Health OThoer,
Dr. L. W. Thompson, salary, $25 ;
Board of Health, 8, M. Smith, Direotore
I Pablie Library, H. I3. Morphy and G.
W. Slaughter ; Truant Officer, A, Kay
High School Trustee, J. Liviogetoue, Jr,
Assessor not appointed yet.
There was a good ettendRoe of farmere
and others at the mnnuet meeting of the
Lietuwel and South Wallace Agrioultnral
Sooiety. JaoobBray ooupied the chair,
The Iloanoial repoet showed reoeipta for
the year an 8080 47, expenditure, $621 97,
Mince on hand, 00. 50, A diseueemn
arose eonoeroing the rufe0 and it was
decided to leave them in the heads of the
direotora for revision. It was the feeling
of the meeting that the rules whatever
they were ehould be atrlotly o mplied
with. Atter discussion about grounde
the eleotiou of the new board wee under•
taken by ballot and remitted as follows :
President, H. Hemsworth ; Viae Prot.
dant, H. Goddard 1 2nd. Vice Preeideut,
Arthur Hewitt •, Direetore—Wallace, L.
Schneider, H. M dehiubein, W. Lander.
kin ; Listowel, 3. F. Wileou, J. Bray, A.
Brinker, and A. Riugler; Elmo, Wm.
Cleland ; Grey, R. Pirie ; Auditors, T.
Male, A. J. Oolline; lion. Direotore, A.
If, McLaren, M, P , J• W, Seat, B.
Fore.yeth R. A Ardell, B. F. 13rook, F.
W. Hay, Juo, Watson, A St. Geo. Haw.
kine, W. Ohmic, J. 0. Hamilton,
1311 tti,
J. E. Moeer, who spent two weeks visit-
ing at the home of hie parents here, re.
turned to Carberry, Mauitoba, on Man•
day of last we, k.
Mica Forsyth has mov,d.into her hand-
some new briok reeidenoe ereoted during
the past year co the lot where Dr, Sloan's
office formerly stood.
Peter Purvea, a former well known
citizen and heathen man of Blyth, was
'elected Reeve of Teeawater. There were
three candidates in the field and Mr.
Purees'' majority was 16.
The members of the Ladies' Guild of
Trinity Church met at the rectory and
elected the following officers :—President,
Mra. George Powell : vies President, Mrs.
J. Edmonds ; dearetary Treasurer, Mra.
T, W. Scott ; visiting Committee, Mre.
Hanna, Mre. Mason, Mre. Proctor and
Mrs. A. H. Tierney.
Blyth lodge, No. 308, A. F. re A. M.,
has elected the following officers for the
ensuing year :—Frank Wheeler, I P. M ;
P. W. Scott, W. M. ; Wrn. Emigh, S.
W. ; J H. Obedew, J. W. ; John YLoMil-
lan, ohaplain ; J. G Lrmigh, Treasurer;
J. M. Hamilton, Secretary ; Jenne Hill,
B. D. ; Robert Viet, 3, D. ; B. Irvine, J.
G. ; James Barr, tyler,
The following officers have been elected
by Blyth lodge, No. 145, A. 0. U. W , for
the present year :—Pant Master, D. Niool;
Master, N. Coming ; Foremen, Ohrie,
Johueon ; Overseer, A. E. Bradwin ;
Treaeurer, R;beet Milne; Financier, Dr.
Oarder ; Recorder, T. J. Hucketep ; guide,
Wallace Putter ; inside watoh, 0. Hamil•
ton , outside wotob, J. G. D' migh.
The annual meeting of the members
of Blyth pobilo library was held in the
Library roome ou Monday evening of
last week. The T'reaenrer'a and Score•
tary'e reports were read end adopted.
The Treasurer's report ['hawed a balanoe
on hand of $21.15 The following dire°
tors were eleoted for the sinning year :—
A. W. Sloan, Alex Eder, James Smith,
A. E. Bradwin, James Molilurohie,Albert
Robinson, H. V. Holmes, J. A. Jackson
and Dr. Lindsay.
The auuaal meetiog of the Orange
lodges in the Morrie district was held to
the Blyth Orange hall on Tuesday of
last week. The following offiomne were
eleoted ; Diatriot master, John Wilford,
Blyth ; deputy district maeter, R. Me•
hinny, Belgrave ; chaplain, N. B Gerry,
Blyth ; Reo. Secretary, Alex. Leishman,
Marnooh; Fin..Seoretary, Fred. Gibbs,
Londeeboro' ; Treasurer, Martin Arm-
strong, Auburn I director of ceremonies,
James Gibson, Blytb ; leotnrera, T, 0.
McElroy and J. E Taman, Blyth. The
next annual meeting will be held at
Blyth. It was also deoided to hold this
year's North Huron 12 h of July oelebra.
tion at Blyth.
The annual meeting of the Morrie
Branch Agricultural society was held at
the Commercial Hotel Wednesday of
laet week. Frank Retried, Treasurer,
presented the fi•ranolal statement which
wan adopted. Total receipts for the year,
01346 60 total expenditure, 01282 60,
leaving a ;alae of $114. The following
oflioere were eleoted :—President, J. B.
Tierney ; 1st vioe President, Robert
Ferris ; 2 •d vioe President, Wm. Jack.
son ; directors, George Taylor, Wm. Pol•
look, Wm. Taylor, John Armour, R. B.
McGowan, T. W. Sloan, 0. Ruddell, E.
Ruddell, E. Livingeton and Wm,Emigh;
auditors, B. Herrington and James Mo.
1%11 09E1,8 POST
Turnbull, R. 8, Ballantyne wee re ap'
pointed sideman and 0. G. Anderson,
Soo.•Treeourer for the year 1908 at the
mime ealerioe. The some auditors were
appointed, viz , T. 11. Shearer and Jas.
M, Dickson.
At the anneal meeting of the Maitland
oheeee factory all tho ntd olllaers were re•
elected : I3neinoee tL•mmittee, A bert
Quipp, henry Smith and Joei pti [lore ;
Sidemen, lough 1ferourt ; Reo.• l'reos,,
J, 11. Hammed ; Auditor, Thee .1. 1 0.
Court. .bion' the annual r, p• 01 the
gather the following facts ;—Pouude of
milk received, 946,053 ; °heeee manufact•
orad, 89,728& lbs. ; Beason's average, 10..
GG ; average price for ohoese, 9 974 ; total
receipts, 08,900 60 ; paid petr000, oaeh,
patrons, Meese, 8
paid for mae[ouring, $1031.4 other
xpenses, including
drawing milk,
Tho undersigned, who ie well acquainted
throughout the moat part of the County
and who boa had business witb a largo air.
ole of farmers in and around 11110 1000111,
begs to Inform the community that be has
taken out au Auetioneor'o License Inc the
County of Huron and offers his services to
all purposing to hold males,
TH08. N10W80M➢, Brueeele,
IAN. U2, 1909
As has been our custom in the past we will offer our entire stock of Winter goods
at Manufacturers' prices for 30 days only, commencing Friday, January 9th,
Ie the piece to get value for our money.
Opens Jan. 0th, 1000, Two nom nes—Oos-
moroial and Shorthand, Send for college
President, Secretary,
Clubbing Rates, 1903.
THE Pon and Toronto Weekly
(lobe (with premium platen of
Ontario Governore from 1791 1,
1902 60
THE POST and Toronto Week!),141ai1
till Jau, let, 1904, (with premium
picture) $1.75
Toe Ponand Toronto Weekly Son
- (the fermer'e paper) to Jan. 1,1904 $1 85
THE Poem to Jau. let, 1904, and
Family Herald and Weekly Star
for on year, with premium pia-
turee 01.80
Tna PoeT and Weekly Advertiser,
with Daily Advertiser 02.55
Tun. POST and Farmers' Advooate—
New subooribere $1.80
Old aubeoribere $1.90
THE Pose and Weekly Witueee01 65
THE PoeT and Farming World$1 80
Toe POST and Daly Star, Toronto 02 25
THE Pon and Daily Newe_ 02.25
Tam Pon and Daily Globe $4.50
Elgin Mamp lett for Paris where he
ban enured a situation with a butcher of
that town.
The Bonk of Hamilton branoh in At•
wood is now open on Monday, Wednes.
day and Friday.
The annual meeting of the Elmo, Agri.
culture Soolety was held in the Society'('
hall on Wednesday afternoon of last week.
There was a fairly large attendance, J.
B. Hamilton, sr., was sleeted chairman,
The auditors' report was read by the
Seoretary,ehowing a balance on band of
over 0180, wbioh is a very satisfactory
state of affairs. The year previous the
company only had acme 060 to the good,
no with a surplus on hand we may expect
great things of the direotora for the year
1908. The election of o0ioera resulted ae
follow; :—President, Jno. Cowan ; lst
Viae -President, Henry Ronnenberg ; 2nd
Vice•President, J. Horn ; Directors, A.
F. Dickson, Geo. Gordon, J. B. Hamilton
jr., Wm. Struthers, Walter Johnston,
Jas, W. Diokeoh, Tboe, Newbiegiog,
Arthur Robb. Seo. Treoa,, John Morri•
eon, Hon, Direotore John 13. Hamilton
°can Young Coulter,
er., James. Da , g r
Andrew Stevenson. Lady Direotore,
Mee. T. G. Ballantyne, Mrs. W. D.
Angus, Mise Maggie Diokeon, and Mies
Robena Diakeon.
The annual meeting of the shareholders
of the Elma Oheeee and Butter Go. was
held at the factory, and in spite of the
unfavorable weather, was well attended.
The meeting was very lively and interest.
tuft, much important iraeinees being
transacted. The auditors' report showed
that $6497 84 had been received for butter,
and 646712 12 for ohoeee. The patrons
received fur their milk from the butter
04616 10 and from (Meese 088985 93. The
Company monnteotured nearly 219 tone
of cheese and 14 tone of butter. The
average wholesale prioe of oheeee wee
10 18; for batter 20 60 ; average lbs, milk
10 1 ib. ahem 10 67 ; to 1 Th. butter 22 15.
The oompany le uow out of debt, a very
desirable eitnation indeed. The naw
board of direotora ie ng follows :-Preei•
dent, J. G. Diokeon ; Vloo President, Geo.
I T�odhet<d, D, Edgar, J. A.'1'ornball,,1, T..
IIae 1To Peer
in the West.
Great London Daily that
Leads all Competitors.
Tho Free Tress is the Greatest News
Paper In Western Ltnlnrlo — Some
Spoahtt Features—The Low Trice at
�1'hluh its Three Editions Are Sold.
The Loudon Free Preen Printing Com
pany, Limited, have entered upon the
new year with fresh' evidenoe of the abrin-
dant enterpriee whiob hoe always char.
aoterized that newsiest and moat wide-
awake of the big daiiiee of the Went. No
expense is spared to obtain the latent
The management of this important
daily have just eetabliebed a special corps
of vigilant news gatherers in every 9081100
of the western part of the Provinoe.
Theme special oorreepondente have bad
planed at their immediate service the
telegraph wires of the oonntry, and can
be relied upon to furnish• fn quick and
crisp style every happening of interest.
The great newe•oolleoting agencies of
the world will continue to supply the
Free Press with complete cable and tele•
gropbio reports.
The sporting events of the day, with
readable oomment upon past and pros.
peotive inoideote in all deportmente of
sport, will be given in oompreheneive
Ae an illustrated newepaper, the
FreelPraee leade in Canadian journalism.
Portraits of notable people, and repro.
auctions of eoenee of intermit, are raga.
lorly farniehed,
The latest and accurate market reports
are made a specially important feature,
Farmers and busineee men who have
experienced value of these reports find
them indispensable,
The woman's page ie a Feature of
Saturday's Free, Preen also the Lodge's
A oeriel story of engr08eing interest is
among the numerous other departments
of thin popular journal.
The Free Pres ie tr cw a ten•pnge news•
paper daily, with sixteen pages on Satur-
day. It is issued in three editions
the earl
ing, two 0 cluck andy
morning team coven the Wine from flue
to eight hone ahead of other oomp etitora.
It is oironlatod fn every oily, .town and
village in Western Ontario. The price
le $5 per year, delivered at any poet
offioe. The two o'o oak and evening
editions are anon 02 per annum at your
poet office. •
The ever•inoreaeing oiroolation has
mule it necessary' to . fnetall the very
lateet improved fael running premien, and
visitors to the city will alwayebe weloome
callers. The presses oan be seen in
operation at the house of 4 a. m. and 1
and 8.80 p. m. 27-4
undorolgned Will keep for 0orvien on
NI Lot 18, Con. 8_ Grey, thethoro'•bredd York•
°hire hog ',King Edward:. Pedigree may be
8000 on a»,piraatlon. Terme, 81.00,. with
privilege of returning If ueeooaary,
701.9 Proprietor,
Boys' D. B. Beefs •e,
Ir "t
It if tt
Men's Odd Pants that were 1.25,
$3,00, now 90e, 1.00, 1.25,
$15 00
16 00
18 00
20 00
22 00
Made -to -Order Department
Heavy Tweed Suits, Made-to-order,
$12 50
18 75
it II '" ....,,, 14 60
44 41 1 16 00
II 14 14 .. 17 60
Clothing Department,
6 Suite, now $4 60
Reg. $6.50 7.00 & 7.50 Suite 5 00
8.00, 8 50 & 9.00 Suits 6 00
9.50, 10 &'10.50 Suits 7 50
11.50, 12 & 13.00 Suits 9 00
5.00 ,Sr 5 50 Overcoats 3 75
7.00 & 7 50 " 5 00
10.00 & 10.50 61 7 50
11.50, 12 & 12.50 "r 9 00
16.00 Overcoats on sale 12 00
Men's Double-breasted Freize Coats,
' regular $5 and $6, at $4.00.
Men's Double-breasted Beaver Coats
regular. $6 and $6.50, at $4.50.
regular $3 25 for $2 25
" 3 50 " 2 50
tt 4 00 " 8 00
1.50, 175, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50 and
1.50 and $1.75.
Underwear Department
Men's All Wool Unshrinkable Underwear
Regular 90e and $1.00 quality on sale at 75c
" 75c quality on sale at 55c
" 50c " "" 40c
Men's Fleece Lined Underwear
$1.50 quality at $1.00
1.25 " 90
1.00 " 90
75c quality at 550
50e " . 40c
We also have a few Fur Coats left which will be sold at a bargain.
Terms Strictly Cash during Sale.
Leading Tailors, Clothiers and Furnishers,
& S0. h`
AA mmRemNE= hoe several good Farms tar
sale and to rent, easy terms in Townships
of Norris and Grey, F S. B0OTT,Bruesel
20, Con, 10, Grey. There ate 100 aeree,
20 under cultivation. Apply to JOBB PR F
LtIODMOND, on the premises, or Monarioff
P. 0. 21.11
land, eligibly located on Turnb airy
street, 73rueoele, .tor Bale. Will he sold eti
bloc or house and lots separately, to suit
purchaser. Good dairy business in commo-
tion. Poeseeeion could bo given any time.
Forprice, terms, dm, apply to NAIL Ma-
LAUGHLIN, Brussels.
TATE. -99000.00 will buy the McGau-
ghey Block in. the Village of Brussole. Those
two fine stores must be sold to alone out the
MoQaugbey Estate. Intending purohaeere
should investigate at once. Apply to -F. 3.
=Ant, or G. F, Ant, Brueeel'e, Ont.
L West 4 Lot 10, Con. 17, Grey, contain-
lag 00 nares. 47 sortie cleared, balsam) bash,
There ie a good flame h, uao, with etoae
collar ; gond burn 90x02 feet, with atone
etubllne, drained,
well, &o. well len-
eedand well drained. Onty i• mile from
school and 24 to Church and pont dried. The
tars is in good shape and now seeded 10
g,ase, eooeeaeion given on Jou, 181 1000
prion, terms, &o., apuly on the promises, or
if by letter to Walton P. 0.
17 -ti Proprietor,
ods au1ed
at Win gham
We are prepared to pay for
First -Blase Maple loge $14 per M
Pint -ohne Soft Eim lege 14 "
Fleet -oleos Rook Elm loge16 .'t
First -clave Basswood loge ,.., 16 n
First -clave Beech loge 12 "
All kinds and grades wanted.
Call end get our prioes.
The Canada 1t'urniture Mfrs.
Tle Button & Feslant Chair Factory
Spoiled a Good Baking
you have many a time by neing en .
inferior grade of flour. Your bread will
always be light, while and sweet when
using the Venne. It is alwaye of 'sup• or
erior quality, with no variation, and ,te,.
carefully made from the boat grown
Manitoba wheat. Try thin ootiefaotory"
brand for your bread, oaken and pies,
and you will never use any other.
�, ARIAN ,
C. 1 L .^/
E p
( SPRAY) 3
®1L rr�
S G .
5 .
61GNT ^ „
zb NADA`-v,
Just arrived—One ear load of PENNOLINE and SILVER
LIGFIT AMERICAN OIL at 20o and 25o per gallon. Try our
Pennoline at 250 per gallon and you will buy it again.