The Brussels Post, 1903-1-22, Page 1�$t4
Vol. 81. No, 28
New Advertisements,
Notioe—H, A. Mntcltett.
Auction ea{o—Hugh itgas,
Notiue—W, S. MoKeraher,
Amnion sale—Peter S. Rasa.
Some for sale—Robb. Nio1 I,
Tenders wanted—Alex, Clark.
°leering sale—Molliunon & Oo.
Auction eule—.Jelin 13, MgLauohlin.
10s:tr tt :let s,
Ise malt, ursr.
, • Mrs. T. Barrows is, we are pleased to
say, recovering,
J, Crozier has engaged James Fulton
for a year. Jamee ie a good steady man,
Time, Young has had the enable he
• bought on the 12th con. safely landed on
his own farm on the 14th. Seven teame
were need to draw it.
Soma honey hunters felled a large
maple tree in Obae, Omee'e hush a few
nights ago, The proprietor feele pretty
sore !thou tit and swears vengeanoe on the
law breakers if he finds them out.
Crat etk)a•oolc.
Miss Myrtle McLeod ie vieiting in
Demme ?grannie bee taken an agenoy
r for Lite IDeuranae,
It is said that noel oil is to be reduced
in prioe. Will. Bays it needs to be.
John Ritchie intends building in the
future ae he was down purchasing the
Ben. Dark's auction Bale took place
Thursday of this week and was largely
Mire 4innie McNair has gone to the
' Queen Oi'y to attend the Conservatory
of Ma-io, Miss McNair has good tnusi.
oat talent and we have no doubt will do
• Who oomee next on the matrimonial
list 7
The etorm of last week put somewhat
of a quietus en busioeee fur a few days.
Some of the young men In this Iooality
may try the West on the opening of
Communion eervion will be held in the
Presbyterian Oburoh hare next Sabbath.
• There will be preaching in the eveuing
Mre. Iennn Lake was vieiting Mra. J.
E. Spereiu, of Bi navels, who has been
ill with erysipelas in her face, during the
' past week.
• The Sone of Temperance are talking
of holding a big aonoert on a date early
in February for wbioh the beet foreign
and local talent will be eeaured.
Arch. McDonald, of Paisley, has been
vieiting hie brother, J. McDonald, mer-
chant, of E bel• We would not object to
, tee the former become a resident aieo.
Justus Lake, who has been spending
his holidays iu this vicinity has returned
• to Toronto to oontinas hie studies. There
eeeme to be apeoial attractions in our
,village for all the Ethel, boys who study
'in Toronto.
` Ohrietian Enkmier has been re•eleoted
a Director of East Heron Agl.. Sooiety.
D. Milne and Robert McDonald are
Directors of Grey Branch Soofety, Ethel
and locality will no doubt be heard from
in exhibitors and members.
A rowbricl;: e.
R. G. Code spent Wednesday in Ethel.
Miss Maggie Sutton ie visiting friende
in Hamilton.
Miss Radial Code hae gone to Wing.
. ham to op, nd it few months.
., MiesWhyte, of Miveriou, ie the guest
of Mist Daley. for a few weeks.
Mina Etta Vernon, of Listowel, spent a
few days with Trowbridge friends.
W. H. Nesbitt and daughter, of Refund,
• Manitoba, are visiting Mende here.
Samuel Oliver ban gone to Stratford
where he has eeonred employment in the
'car shops.
• Wi'ddia Jackson, of Atwood, has par.
chased Jae. Wakefield's property on the
'-2nd don., of Eima.
The Ladies' Aid held a very enoaeeefnl
At Boma in the basement of the aherob
last Wednesday evening,
• Rev. J. E. Hunter dealt very ably with
the •Forward Movement nabjeot at the
' League Convention held in. Lietowel on
The annual meeting of the Trowbridge
Cheese and Butter Co., was held on Bat
tirday. The Co, bee had a very "naoeee.
'tel season.
All the oheseemnkere of the village at-
tended the Dairymen's Oonvention hold
in Brantford last week and report a good
time. R. H. Green carried off e000nd
.prize for white September oheese.
W i•oxaO'er .
, Mr. and Mre. Baxter returned to their
borne in Joliet on Monday,
Blies Lulu Hemphill is the guoet of her
sister, Mre. 0. Cook in Hensel!.
Mre. Stoker', of Kleinburg, ie the guest
of her daughter, Mre. J. Forsythe,
W. Trench shipped n oar ot cattle and
a oar load of bogs tram thit station on
0. Egleetrome, of Toronto, the veteran
piano -tuner, paid his annual visit here
last week:
Austin Morrison ban gone to Peterboro,
where he hag neared a attention in a
beim °bop.
Mitre,,Ketie Bazlewood hits returned
from a three weeks' visit with relatives
at Clifford.
.A load of young people from here at.
tended the aeeeTbly given in Brueeele
Tuesday evening,
Our booltey team goes to Kincardine
on Wednesday, where they will pity a
team of that place,
Mines B. McDonald and bI. Tayler, of
Grey, visited the former'° sister, Mre. D.
Rae, oh Friday last.
In the absence of the rector, Rev,
A. Bali, Wm. Watters, of Fardwiolt, 00-
onpfed the pulpit in tbeEpieeopalohareh
BBunday afternoon,
JANUARY 22, 1908
W. H. KERB, Prop,.
Mise Mabel Patterson in spending a
few weeke with relatives at Zariah.
A masquerade Oornival and ekating
ranee were held in the rink last Tuesday
night when prima were awarded to the
following :—Beot droned lady, Mies
Maude Lofton ; beet dressed gent, Oliver
Smith ; beet droned girl, Mies Zelme
Bleak ; beat dressed boy, °be9ter Smith;
nomio, R. Mutoh. In the open rade there
were four entriae, Waldo Millar having
an easy first, and G. Rae taking eeaond
p•aae. lu the couple ranee W, Miller and
Min Nellie Black dame liret, with J.
Barrie and Mies Millie Harris snood,
Owing to the stormy weather the et
tendanoe was somewhat smaller thou
El e Ig•retv'e.
We are pleased to nee tbat J. M. God-
frey, a one time resident, bas beeujohoeen
Chairman of the Toronto School Board.
He has taken an active interest in aohool
effalre for yearn,
Iu the Belgrave news of Jan. 151b, I
noticed that the W, M, 8, of the Ikletho•
diet Church wan poorly attended owing
to the inclemency of the weather, In
that reaped your correspondent was
very far mistaken as the attendance war
as large an usual if not more so, there
being ladies from Brink Ohurob appoint -
relent, no emelt dietaeoe in roade and
weather Such as that. I also may elate
Mom the said Society in in very flourish
ing condition, financially, intellectually
and spiritually. Yours reepeottnlly,
A Memnon,
Amuse AND PnEoeNTATION: —On Wed-
nesday eveeine of this week the congre-
gation of Trinity Church in this place
waited on their Rector Mr. Edmonde, of
Blyth, and preaeuted him with the fol.
lowing uddreee and a fine fur ooat :—
To Bev. Dlr, Belentartde.—
DE.tR MR, Euuribme,—We, the members
of Trinity Ohurab, Belgrave, wish to
express our gratitude to you, while you
have been amougeeus this' abort- period
of six months. Snowing the inoonven
Men it is to you to travel inthesnow to
act as our spiritual advieer and perfo.m
other du in and ae an evidence of the
esteem in wbioh you -are held by the
member! of Trinity Ohuroh, we aalt yon
to aeoept thiefur coat as a small token
of the kindly feeling existing between us.
Our prayer is that in the Providence of
God yon may be long spared to enjoy it
and that you and your good wife may be
spared to leach other for many yeare
to come. Signed in behalf of the Ocogre•,
RODT.' MOMURItAY' l Oburoh Wardene,
Riobard Prootor and Archie Bridges
anted ae a Committee to purobaee the
coat, which was bought from 91. 0. Dort -
ford & Son, of Brussels.
W nil ton.
Thos. MoFadzean, an old and well
known resident of this twenty, has been
bothered with a acre throat for a time.
The Dr. pronoauoee it an alder. We hope
he will soon be ae well'as ever.
The Barrieton Tribnue of last weelr
nye of a former Waltonian :—Dr, Arm
strong baa almost tally recovered from
the effects of his repent aooident. He bad
three ribs broken by being thrown from a
rig while moving from Walton to Her.
Lawyer Daniel MoFadzean, formerly of
this locality, a nephew of Thos. MoFad
zean, of this notion end a brother of
Wm. MaFadzean, of Bruseele, has been
elected District Attorney for Tulare
county, California, with a majority of
498. The appointment bolds good for 4
years witb a salary of 38,200 per annum
and a free offing. It is 14 years since he
went there. Visalia is the name of the
city Mr. MaPadzean lives lu. His old
friends here will be pleased to hear of his
Vanx Suconsme'un —The anneal meet-
ing of lloff'e Oburoh was bald on Thom
day evening of last week, andpassed off
very bermooioualy and was- moat en.
m•nraging to bothpastor and people.
After sapper was served Rev.., A. Mao -
Nab, M. A.,•tookthe chair and buaineee
of the meeting proceeded. The various
reports were very eatiefmotory and 'showed
that energetic work had been carried on
during the pant year. Freedom from
debt ie one of the results and the last pay•
meet of 3180 was made. A surplus of
394 wan reported after all liabilities were
met. 36.00 was very properly added to
the annual salary of both the organist
and the ohnroh oaretaker. The old
Board was re•eleoted with three obangee,
R, MoGavin, R. Moore and J. H, Mo.
Laagblin beingthe new men, Rev. Mr,
MacNab has abored moat assiduously
for the advancement of the congregation
and has been very cordially eeoonded by
many of hie nook, We are pleased to
bear that a new verandah ie to be added
to the manse, painting done and ether
necessary improvemeute made next sea.
William Bennett, who had reached 84
years of age, pasted away from the home
of hie eon to the Better Land. Be wan
born in Cornwall, England, in 1819 and
cause to Canada in the year 1848. After
a residence et Oobonrg for 4 years he
moved Westward to Trtoheremitb, 3 miles
North of Brimfield, where betook up a
a bush farm and transformed it into
arable aures, Here the family resided
until 1880 when they name to lot 2, eon.
17, Grey. Mre, Bennett, who died about -
5 yeare ago, .was a Miss Clark, whose
home wag also in Tankoremith. The
surviving children ere Mre, Jam, Jamie.
eon, of the Huron Road ; Mre. Lloyd, of
Wingham ; William, of11[ioiaigan ; Thee.
neer Clinton ; Jno. and Joseph, of Grey ;
and Simnel, of Wingham. The tubjeot
of thie notion was a man high.
ly esteemed for hie honesty, indosiry and
integrity. Ho was an uaaesuming person
and neither sought nor desired pnblio
honors. He was it Methodist in religion
and a Liberal in polities. There was no
apparent dieeage in Mr. Bennett's case
but just a wearing ont of the wheel(' of
time. The funeral took pleas on Tues.
day to Brunetti cemetery, Rev. A, Mae.
Nab, IVI, A., eendttating an appropriate
service. The pall bearers were W.
lard, D, Campbell, T. Mopadzean,
Berry, A. Johnebon and H. Lloyd.
PoI. On Tuesday last Chas, Rozell, 10th
R. inn., vieited the stook farm of Jae. A.
Orem, of Shakespeare, Ont., and par.
abased a fine Shorthorn bull salt from
imported stook.
Next week en N ek W. A. and
Mre, Shaw, of
we Rat Portage, Ont., are expeoted here on a
visit with relatives. They are on the
as return trip from Baden, Sweden, where
by they have been visiting Mrs. Shaw's
ng relatives for the past few modbhe.
A letter from H..1. MoNeil, of Oakville,
a Man , formerly of the 14t11 eon., says.—
nd We are having a beeatifui Winter. All
or this Western country le developing very
rapidly and ie bound to be the bub of
e• this o'd earth anon. Enclose find sub.
or eoription to THE Poor. We could not do
without it.
9: Jno. B. Moletuohlin, a well known
oyoung farmer ot the West Boundary,
inteode taking a buaineee trip to the West
and, making Salt Coate, Asea., hie head.
goartere, may invest in Northwest land,
Owing to hie deoieion he hen engaged 1'.
S. Boots, auctioneer, to clouded an
emotion Bale of farm stook, implements,
&o , en his farm on Friday afternoou BOth
inat. We wish Mr. MoLauohliu aocoese
in hie expeoted undertaking.
The fine 125 aura farm of Jno. Smith,
tot 8, Con. 6, has been purobased by
Thomas Straohan jr., of the 3rd con„
who will gat poeeeeeion next Spring. The
prioe was 36,000. Mr, Smith, who is an
old and highly eeteemed resident, will
retire from farming and will probably
take up reeidenoe in Bruaeele where he
owue property. Be hoe announced an
Emotion sale which will be held ou Wed.
needay, Feb. 11th. It is card hie sou,
Oliver H., will take a coarse at a Baai-
neee College and pursue a oommeroial
MATRIt0ONIAL.—Ott Wednesday Of last
week a pretty wedding took plane at the
Ethel Parsonage when William A. Miobel
and Mies Matilda 3„ youngest daogbter
of Hartwell Speiran, were united in mar.
riage. The bride was gowned in fawn
ladies' oloth trimmed with white silk and
appligae and looked charming. The
happy aoupie will take up boneekeeping
on the 12th con, Mr. Miobel is a
do young farmer end respected in the
oommnnity, The bride ie highly esteem.
ed and has been organist in Union abarah
since rebuilt and also held the position in
Bethel church for a number of years
before the uoiou. It ie hoped ehe may
oontiuue se organiet for needless to say
she will be greatly missed. The oongre
gation oongratnlate Mr. Michelin his
ohoioe but we are pleased to say if lost ae
organist will not be ae a member. Rev.
0. P. Wali°, B. A., B. D., performed the
aeremooy. Many good wtebes are ex-
tended to the happy young couple, in
which THE Posl heartily joins.
Y Lawrence Wheeler, 4th lice, has be
on the eiok list with la grippe bat
hope he will soon bo ae well ad ever,
The,White term, lot 10, 7th line, b
been sold to Geo. Readman, of Morrie,
P, S. Boots, of Brussels, the prioe bei
R. J. Sbarp, of Crystal City, Manitob
hoe been vieiting relative(' in Morrie e
Brands. He will holiday in Ontario f
a mouth or so,
Last week Walter Sharp left for God
doh where be expecte to be employed f
some time. He ie an indaatriaue, stead
going young man who should do we
Mr, Sharp spent leer season with Jo
Sherrie, 4th line. ^
Owing to the storm the lecture anomie•
oed for last week was not given.
Silas Leppert, of Neepawa, Man., visit•
ed his brother, Oharlee, of this village,
last week.
The terrible storm of last week baa
somewhat dieooaraged trade and mom•
meroe around our burg.
Thos. Mason, 2nd eon. Wallace, passed
away on Sunday morning after a linger.
ing illness from that dreaded diseasenon•
Scarlet fever has visited the home of
Iaaao Auger and taken away his oldest
little girl, Sarah. Ahhongb the nature
of the dinars prompts neighbore from ex.
tending the needed precbioal sympathy
yet the bereaved and eifiieted family have
the sympathy of the neighborhood.
This week Andrew McKee moved hie
ohettele to hie new home at Fordwioh.
We are sorry to lose such a good citizen
but whet ie our loss will be somebody
else's gain. We all join in wishing Mr.
and Mre. McKee and family many years
of prosperity and happiness in their new
The Publio Library held their anon,'
meeting in the oohool on Monday night.
The attendance wan good and the interest
maniteeted throughout the whole meeting
gave evidence of the iutereat the ,peop'e
take in this important avenue of literary
eultere and achievement. The Seore•
lary'e and Treasurer's reports showed the
library to be ou a good ikuanoial bade:
worth of bock! have been added to
Ole library this year and under the very
efficient staff of officers there is no reason
why this ebould not become one of tba
beet in the conntry. After thanks
bed been unaoiun uely extended to Ibe
librarian, Mr. Murray, the following
offieere were eteoted for the year 1908 :—
President, W. Thee, Mase ; Direotore,
W. T. MoKee, Geo. Spence, Wm. Murray,
E. A, McKee, J A. McDonald, Thos.
Gumming, 0.12. Leppard, Ed. Doan and
Jno. Patterson ; Secretary, Ohae. E.
Leppard ; Treasurer, John Pattereon ;
Librarian, Wm. Murray. After lunch has
been mentioned and dieoaeeed for some
time the meeting adjourned.
r rts'.
What is the attraction ou the 14th
Sam 7
Ed. King, of Manitoba, in visiting his
friend, Juo. Hielop, 14th eon.
Mrs. C. H. •Love, who has been laid tip
with inflammation on the lungs, is quite
well again.
A young gentleman driving a gray horse
Went at Oranbeook attended Union
eburoh Sunday last.
Mies Emma Buttrey, 12th eon., has
returned home after spending two weeks'
with friends in Monkton,
G. Lewis and wife, of Brampton, are
visitors at Jno. Smith's, 18th con. Mre.
Lewin ie Mr. Bmith'e coaein. It is a
bridal trip.
James Jackson and Thee. Savage were
here on Tuesday attending Richard Rode
sale. Both are former well known
residents of Grey.
Mre. Robert MoLauoblin, of Brussels,
who was spending a few days with her
brother, Jno. B. Hyde, 12th oon., return-
ed home last Saturday.
Luke Speiran and his brother, Hartwell,
are at St. Mary's this week. They went
to attend the funeral of their sister, Mre.
Switzer who died Saturday.
Mies B.' Mo'1'aggart ie home from
Gravrnbnrot for a well earned vaontioo.
She bee been in the North for the past
two yearn end speaks very favorably of
that enation especially of the Summer
The auction sale at Riob, Roe's, Ord
moa., on Tuesday attracted a large orowd.
F. 8. (Mott was the auctioneer, Prices'
ranged good. Mr. Roe sold his farm
recently and will be giving up poeeeeeion
This week Jae. A. Frain, wbo has been
holidaying with relatives in this notion,
left for his home at Stonewall, Man. He
will dolt at London and St. Thomas
en route, with the families ot W. Lowry
and I. Kingswood.
On Saturday of last week John, eldest
eon of Wilson Evans, had the little finger
almost severed from his right hand when
working around the a$onler saw of Jno.
Brown,lOth non. We hope it willgniekly
improve so that he may return to bin
A sleigh load of young people from the
12th and 10th line drove over to David
Ounoingham'e, 18th don„ on Thursday
night of last week. All spent a moat en-
joyable time until the wee emu' haute of
the morning when they began the journey
bomeward but the reeds being in a very
bad state, the young men did not fi nened
in getting all of the fair sex to their
deetlnation until after daylight.
Joseph H, Bowman has rile/mend of
hie 100 sore farm, lot 8, don, 6, to Rioh.
Cardiff, wbo recently mold hie farm in
Morrie, and willl-give -np poeeeseton fn
March, Mr. Bowman received 35,150.
He will hold an minion gale of his entire
outfit of stoop, implements, &c„ on Mon.
day, Feb. Otb, with F, 8. Scott emotion.
ser, We understand Mr. Bowman wilt
take a look rotted before buying again
end may move lei Bruaeele in the mean
time; It ie 5 years einne lM bought the
farm in Grey and he hail done well with
it ee it ie a good plaee,
of the old treads mud neighbore of Rich.
and Mre. Roe assembled at their home
on Friday evening of Iaet weak and
enjoyed a See time as a sort of a farewell
to the pleasant associations existent for
many years and now to be neared awing
to the sale of the farm. The addrese was
read by Joseph Baynard and Samuel
Shine presented two splendid upholstered
attain to the host and hostaee. Addreee
was as follows :—
Dir. and hire. Roe
DEAR Feresee,—Ae we gather here
this evening we have many regrets at the
thought of oar pleasant aeeoaiatione,
which have existed for so long, being
severed by -your removal. We ask yon
to aooept these easy obaire as a small
token of the love and esteem in which
yea are held by neighbore and friends.
They are given in the spirit of love and
we troet tbat the blessing of God may
rest upon you wherever you may go.
Signed in behalf of the neighborhood,
The reoipiente made very editable replies
thanking the donore very heartily for
their kindness and expressing 'regrets at
severing the old ties but hoping to often
have the privilege of meeting again. An
interesting program was presented as
follows :—Chorus, "All hail the power of
Jeans' name" ;, ohairman'e address, J.
Baynard ; solo, Mies McQaarrie ; reoi-
tatioo, Mies Oarr ; instrumental music,
Mies Uriah ; speech, - Henry Bateman ;
solo, 3. A. Frain ; recitation, 8. Shine ;
°borne by the ohoir ; speech, L. Frain ;
solo, Alex. Roe ; epeeab, Joseph Amee ;
duet, Mise Miller and J. Frain ; speech,
R. Carr ; speech, J. A. Frain ; ohorua,
"God be with you till me meet again" by
the company. Many commendatory re
marks were made by the speedo makere
ae to the well known boepitality, liberali-
ty end heartiness shown by Mr; and Mre.
Roe and family in the years gone by not
expressing many good wishes for their
tutors bappinese. The fatally will re
move to Brunetti ehortly where tbey will
make their home for a time at least.
They will be greatly missed hare. '
Morrie Council Meeting.
The Council elect for the current year,
namely, Wm. Iebister, Reeve, and Masers.
Code, Shaw, Taylor and Jackson, Conn•
oillore, met according to Statute mod eab-
Beriberi the neoeeeary declaration of
oMoe and qualification and; the Council
was duly organized, the Reeve oabupied
the chair. Minutes of last meeting for
1902 read and passed. On motion of
Taytorand Joolteoo, Wm. Olark was re
appointed Olerk, salary 3180 ; on motion
of Code and Taylor, John Watson wan
re appointed Anterior for the ourrent
year, salary 370 00 ; on motion of Jaek•
eon and Shaw, ei. Sleek and R. Johnston
were reappointed Auditors, salary 38
nob ; on motion of Shaw and Taylor,
Geo, Hood wan appointed member ot the
Board of Health, to notalong with Menne
Laidlaw and Jobneton, Dr, MnAeh wee
appointed It/edictal Health Otioer, On
motion of Jooltton and Taylor, W. H.
Kerr was awarded the printing for the
current year, prioe the same ae last year,
viz. $27. On motion of Code and Shaw,
the Clerk was insinuated to send fee eight
eopiee of the Municipal World for use of
Oonnoil. Moved by Taylor, addended by
Code that 35 be granted for 039'0oe to
Jas. Beide to be in ohergo of 13, Proctor.
—Cerried, Adequate were ordered to be
paid me follows :—R. Prootor, Oollector'a
eatery, 385.00 ; Jae, Logan, tile, 38 87 ;
°operation of Hallett, B line expendi•
tura, 388 80 . Geo. Kerr, gravel, 32 24 ;
Daft & Stewart, lumber, 401; W. Clark,
Nomination expense, and posting Finan -
offal etatement, 35 00 ; W. B. Kerr, bale
ansa Rioting oontreot, 317 00 ; Mies
Fleming, refund statute labor tax, 3100 ;
E+f Flliott, tile and work on Weee Roue -
dory, $7 80 ; Mueioipal World snbeorip.
tion, 36 50. On motion of Shaw and
Jaokeuu,the Commit then adj•urned to
meet on the 9 h day of February next.
W. CLAnic, Clerk.
The annual meeting of Etat Huron
Agricultural Society was held, at per
Statute, on Wednesday afternoon of this
week in the (Mutton Chamber, Presi.
dent Jae. Ferguson 000mied the ohair.
Minutes of last aneuai meeting were
read and adopted.
Auditors' Report wag presented by the
Beoretery which showed the receipt(' for
the year to be 3943, and the expenditure
3863, leaving a balance of $80 in band.
The prizee awarded oovered a wide
oirouit and the various amounts were ae
Horses $ 124 50
Cattle 115 76
Sheep 62 00
Poultry 1420 2560
Dairy Products 19 25
Grain and seeds 27 60
Roots and hoed grope., 18 60
Fruits and vegetab'es., 41 06
Implements and manf., 85 25
Fine Arte 18 75
Ladies' Work....,72 00
Flowers and planta „•., 18 50
Speciale 137 25
Total $ 716 05
3898 50 was offered on the prize list.
There were 1285 entries.
Prize winners of 35 and over were :—
W: H. Webber, Lakelet, 312.50 ; Jae.
Campbell & Son, Wallace towuabip,
Perth county, 310 75 ; Mre. E. Stewart,
Grey, $11 50 ; W. H. t14oCraoken, Brno.
eels, 325 25 ; Mies Lenin M. Fisher,
Newmarket, $10 ; Wm. Armstrong, Grey.
317 05 ; Jae, Speir, Morris, $25.15 ; Mies
Annie B. Roes, Brunets, 316 76 ; Thos.
Davidson, Grey, 31195 ; Jae. Evans,
Morrie, $11.95 ; Mies B. Carder, Blyth,
311 ; Mre. Hale, Wingham, 326 75 ; 0.
Hendereon & Soo, Morrie, 320.70 ; P.
Robertson, Grey, 326.50 ; M. B. Bard-
een, Ent Wawaneeb, $17 00; Rioh. Cor•
ley, Ent Wawanoeh, 318 25 ; J. & W.
Ovane, Elm, 310.50 ; Scott & Warwick,
Brunetti, 311 ; D. Milne & Son, Ethel,
316 50 ; A. Stevenson, Atwood, 312.50 ;
Harry Black, Wawaooeb, 38; Jae. S.
Smith, lbioKillop, 39 ; R. J. Sanderson,
Hot -dolt, 38 50 ; Geo. W. Irwin, Seaforth,
$7 75 ; Jno, 8. Cowan, Elmo., $6 50 ; W.
H. MoOatoheon, Morrie, 39 ; Jno,
Crozier, MoKilIop, $6 ; Jae. Moailom,
Mollitlop, 36 26 ; Thos. MaLanohliu,
Braoeele, $6 ; Jae. Bargees, Grey, $5 85 ;
Wm. Robb, Morris, 35 ; Mre. E. Diokeon,
Gray, $6 ; Oliver Fe. Smith, Grey, 35 60 ;
G. A. Deadman, Brussels, 36 I Mre. J. R.
Smith, Brunetti, $5 1 Mre, W. MnKen•
zie, Teeawater, 35 25 ; S. Hoegard, Grey;
35 75 ; Ino, Morrison, McKillop, 35.60 ;
P. Gibbone, Marnoob, $5.
The report was accepted and adopted
on motion.
Following were the officers elected for
the current year :—
President, Jamee Fergneon I
tat Vitae Pren., Joo, Shortreed ;
Ind Viae Prem., Jae. McCallum ;
Directors, R. Corley, Jae. Shedden,
Thee. Archibald, Chris. Eokmier,
Alex. Stewart, Wm. Robb, Thee. Mo.
Lauohlin, Geo. Johnston and Geo.
Thomson ;
Auditors, F. S. Boost end Alex. Stra-
W. H. Kerr was ro•eleoted Secretary.
Treasurer ed the same eatery.
An offer of 3250 was presented to the
meeting from the Grey Branch Agrical
tura) Society asking that the Riding Fair
be held in Brussels for 1903 and on motion
it was aocepted. The dates set are Them
day and Friday, Oot. 1 & 2.
President Ferguson ham been oonaeoted
with the Agrioultural Sooiety at Brae.
Bale for upwards of 30 years and Direotore
Time. MaLauobliu and Alex. Stewart
bane alto been associated with it for
many yeare.
Meeting adjourned after deciding that
the date of Directors' meeting be left to
President and Secretary to nx.
A lively campaign Miming mapped int
for 1908 and the intention of the Board
is to make Oat. 1 & 2 red letter days.
The Delhi oanning faotory wag burned.
Lies $00,000.
Sir William Macdonald hag made
another gift of 345,500 be the Macdonald
aohoole et Guelph.
Harry Teem, the Altoua, Man., school
teaoher who shot hie trustees and pupils,
died at the jail in Winnipeg.
At Brookville Henry Rath was eeoteno.
ed to five years in the penitentiary for
getting fire to the Catholic oharob.
A. writ hes been leaned for 315,000
against the Grand Trunk on bebait of
Thee. and Mre. Coote, injured in the
Wanstead wreak.
Stanley Cooper, who wee bronghe from
Portland to answer a charge of burglary,
wag senteneed to ten years in peniteu.
tiamy at Mooned,
Fred, Goodspeed, the St. John boy mix-
ed up in the Higgins murder one, woe
gent to the reformatory for three years
and three months for burglary,
Walter Herbert's ease was diepbeed Of
at the London Assizes. Tho prisoner by
conned applied for a new trial, pleaded
not guilty, and waeaaquitted, to evidence
being offered against him.
The Canadian Elevator Company will
build 70 now elevator] this year along the
lions of the Canadian Northern Railwet',
and will alto open 20 lumber garde in the
MANITona Legielature is °ailed to mea
on Thursday, Feb, 12th,
•e 1a
Two years ago on Thursday the to
Queen Victoria laid aside her earthly
orown and entered the Celestial Palade,
ExvtenrENTS are being tried with
proposed new oattle guards tor the rail
ways but up to the present a good wisp
of bay was sufficient inducement to canoe
several bovines to risk their units and
erose the barrier presented.
Some Ontario municipalities are adopt.
ing very stringent measures along the
line of vaccination and quarantining
owing to the prevalence of smallpox. It
is better to be sure then sorry with a
disease like emallpox.
Tuts appears to be the eeason for ban-
quetting public men particularly members
of the Government. If these spreads had
not a string on them from local view
points they would be counted in more
favor by both the bangaatted and the
outside public,
EDITOR WILLIBTON made bin bow this
week as editor and managing director of
the Toronto News. The paper is
putting on new vigor and we expeot will
take a front place in Toronto journalism.
The'morning dailies will have to look
after their laurels or the Toronto Star
and the News will be likely to curtail
their oiroulation.
Owneo to the enmity of farm laborers
in Ontario the Government has a plan in
view by which applications forwarded to
them will be filled by emigrants from the
Old Land. Thos. Bhuttlework, of the
Emigration and Colonization Department,
is the acting official. Blank forme for
application may be had from G. Hood,
Secretary East Huron Farmers' Insti-
tute, Sunshine P. 0. Early action is
asked by those needing help.
Hon. MR. HAaaouax has been receiving
e rapping over the knuckles from a num-
ber of people through the daily press for
statements made by him in a recent M.
terview on the Prohibition question. iIt
was considered unwise owing to /the
present condition of affairs and the ,near
approach of the session when the Pre-
mier asserted some motion would be taken.
The question ie bare to stay and will have
to be met fair and square and both the
private members as well as the Cabinet
will be weighed in the balances.
Soiti on A. T. Wenn, of the well known
hardware firm, of Wood, Vallance & Co.,
Hamilton, died about 10 a. m. Tuesday.
The demand was an Irishman, born in
1826 and bad been very successful in
buainese. He was a man of great enter•
prise both in hie private affairs and pub•
lie interests and wag one of the promoters
of the W. G. & B. railway, In politics
be wan an ardent Liberal and eat both in
the Commons and Senate. Mr. Wood
was a member of the Presbyterian ohnroh.
Funeral takes plane on Friday.
THE Grand Trunk Railway in certainly.
"getting it in the nook" in the continuous
run of railway aooidente tbia season.
Lose of property is bad enough but when
it oomee to the destruction of human life
the coneequenoes beoome infinitely more
serious. The lest oolliaion occurred at
Port Hope Wednesday night. Two
trainmen were killed and 88 oars of
freight burned. Rolling stook damage
will reaoh over 3100,000. Station Agent
McDougall, of Newtonville, failed to put
out stop signal. He pleads overwork as
the Dense of neglect. It looks very much
as if the station staff all along the G. T.
R. will bave to be increased and the
authorities should seethat this matter is
attended to without delay.
Canna:11 am News.
Labelle and Fournier were hanged at
Daweon for triple carder.'
Rev. Jueeph 13, Elide, a pioneer Mettle.
diet minister, died at Dundee,
Bon. G. E. Foster opened hie campaign
in North Ontario at Braoebridge.
The strike at McKinnon'° metal Werke,
St. Catharines, ben been settled.
Inglis Wigle, of South Goefield, wan
crushed to death by a deborned bull.
Samuel Patton, of Niagara Fella. South,
was thrown int of hie gutter and killed,
Remelt Qoion, of Obioago, one of the
Wanstead wreak victims, died in the
hospital at London.
A pulpwood concession has been granted
to the Rainy Pulp & Paper Oo., of which
Hon, Geo. E. Foster ie a director.
The Conservatives have entered a pro.
teat against the election of Hon, Ray.
mond Prefontaine, of Maieonenve,
Peter Hughes lett hie eider for a few
moments at the Windsor elation to get a
drink, end hag not been seen ntnoe.
A yonng woman has been arrested for
obtaining money by fraud in ootleetiug
for a distressed widow in Parkdale.
Ag a emit of dlootoetires of whateealo
robbery at the Greed Union 13otel, Mon
treat, Sidney Tomtineoe, one of the em.
piayeem, attempted enfold° by ebnoting,
and Thomas Gilmour, enetber employee,
to under arrest,
J. P. Whitney met a number of itie
supporters in nonferenoe, and decoded to
protest the three reedit bye eleotione.
William Brieboie, when wife wee
found dead and fn ztn at McGregor, hoe
been arrested on a obarge of manslaogh
George Douglas, of Dundee, wee edit
to the penitentiary for three pears fur
having a mould in his poeeeeeion for
making 25 cent pieces,
The Brookville, Weetport & Sault Ste.
Marie Railway was Bold by edition et
Uroakvtlle to Philadelphia and New York
oapitaliete for 3160,000.
Sir William Jtumak was unanimously
ohoien Preeldent of the Toronto Reform
Aeeooiation. 'There wan a contest for
the Treaeorerabip Duly.
Sir Frederick Burden has gone to Sauk-
ville, N. B.. to attend the ttnveoing of a
monument to his eon, the late Cspt, Bor-
den, killed in South Africa.
The Wlartonsugar (eatery is running
splendidly, sliding from 850 to 870 Mous
per 24 bourn. Two tboaeend barrels of
sugar ie now in stook. representing be-
tween 315,000 and$16,000.
BgUROB t;HI,Ulstt.
Rev. R. Raul will preach at Wingham
next Sabbath for Rev. R. Hobbe,
Maitland Preebylery will hold a apeoial
meeting at Wingham ou Thursday of
next week.
The resignation of Rev. Dr. Magee,
Principal of the Wesleyan Theologioel
Collage, Montreal, has been accepted, and
be returns to England iu August,
Rev. William Kettlewell, now of Mount
Forest, in the Hamilton Conference of
the Methodist Church, bee been invited
to the Central Methodist church, St.
Thomas, to suooeed Rev. H. Orem, whose
time expires next June.
Last Sabbath morning .Rev. Jno. Rose
B. A., took ae his Babjeot in Melville
ohurab "Obadiah'° Piety," I Kings 1812,
It was (1) Early ; (2) Eminent ; (8) En.
daring; and (4) Exemplary. "A half
hearted Diaoiple" was the tbeme in the
evening, the text being St. Lake 9 : 01 62.
Rev. R. J, M, Perkins, M, A., of Lind.
Bay, formerly a resident of Gerrie, has
aocepted the invitation extended him by
the Trivitt Memorial Oburoh Exeter, to
become rentor of the parish. He will
amine charge on or before Feb. let.
Mr. Perkins is a good student, and will
no doubt melte bis mark in the ministry.
Rev. J. A. Proudtoot, D.D., the veteran
Presbyterian minister, when death
000arred at London last week, wag a
brother of Robt. Proudtoot, of Goderiob.
For many years he was a Ieetnrer et
Knox College, Toronto, and bin oonoeo-
tioe ae a preacher with the Preebyberian
°hnroh dated bank to 1847.
Rev. W, McDonagh, who is well known
in Brussels, had a narrow escape at the
Stretford G. T, R. station. A coach waa
being attached to the Toronto train and
Mr. MoDonagh attempted to get on while
the coach was moving. His umbrella
gripped under the oar and he reeobed atter
it and would }cave been drawn ander the
train had not Yardman Cbippenden and
Operator Kipp pulled him away.
The officers of Melville ahnreh W. F.
M. S. for this year :—Hon..Preeideot,
Mrs. J, Barnhill I President, Mre. J.
Rose ; Vice President, Mre. Deadman ; -
Secretary, Mre. J. H. Cameron- Aseiataut
Secretary, Mre. T. Thomson; Treasurer,
Mre. G. Thomson ; "Tidings" Secretary;
Mre. Skene ; Met. "Tidings" Secretary,
Mre. R, K. Rose ; Organist, Mre. Holmes ;
Auditors, Mre. D. 0. Bose and .Mre, R.
K. Roes. A very intereetiug program
bee been arranged for the moutbly
meetings for 1903. -
At a meeting of the Stratford Presby,
tery, Rev. Dr. McLeod, of Atwood, was
elected moderator for the next six menthe.
A resolution was adopted on the death of
the late Rev. D. H. MoVioar, D, D.,
principal of Montreal Presbyterian Ooh
lege, planing on reoord the presbytery'°
high appreciation of the services Tendered
by bit to the Presbyterian Church -
Rev. Meson. Stewart, Haig, Hardie, mud
Leitob, Elders Meson. Leslie; Forbes,
Cords, Riddell are the oommiesionera
Morn thie presbytery to the General
Assembly for 1908.
The illustrated lecture by Rev. Mr.
Wilson, of London, was given in Melville
ohnroh on Monday evening asannonooed.
Dr. Paton'° marvelous work for 80 years
amongst the South Sea Cannibals wag the'
interesting story and by the aid of many
stereopticon views the -subject under die-
oneeion was made very realistic and will
not soon be forgotten. It is a very in•
tanning manner of awakening interest
in missionary work. Rev. Jno. Rose, B.
A., presided. Before eloping, the hymn
"Rook of Agee" wap sang by the audience
ae the changing views illustrated thio
well known eeleotion. Over $31 were the
receipts. The !nature was under the
Raepioee of the W. F. M. S.
Sermons in the interest of the Edna.
tional Seoiety annivereary were preached
last Sabbath in the Methodist°huroh hare
by Rev, F, Swann, of Blnevale. Hie
disooureee were appropriate and profitable
and were moat attentively listened to.
The morning text was "And men shall
run to and fro and knowledge 001 los
nesse" and the evening Boriptural inter.
rogation "Why sib ye here 7" Owing to
an nnexpeoted wood shortage both ser•
vices were held in the Sabbath School
room instead of the auditorium. Rev.
Mr. Onions preached at Binevale bn
DIED.bbath—Rev. Joseph Mite, one of the
pioneer minister' of the Methodist
oharob, died at Dundee on Saturday
availing. He was born in 1819, and
entered the ministry of the M. E. church
in 1856. Re was greatly redeemed and
very popular on the various cirduite of
which he had obarge, viz. ; Garafraxn,
Listowel, Teeewater, Lietowel (9eoond
term), Garatraxa (second term), Mount
Forest, Tam, Meatord, Thornbury, ; then
appointed presiding elder of Barna din
triat for font years, Hertford (emend
term), and Kincardine, from where he
Medved hie 9npperannnation in 1879,
Eta resided at Dundee for the lent 18
yours, ler. Biiha orae the author of an
intereeting volume be the piahaer days,.