The Brussels Post, 1903-1-8, Page 1Vol. 31, No. 26 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1903 W.1-1. K.ERR, Prop, New Advertisements. 1!'or sale -Joseph Engler. Auction sale -Bou, Dark. Card of thanke-S. T. Plum, Card of thanks -Alf. Beaker. For 10 Jaye -H. A. Matohetb. Choice groceries -L. G. Kruse, Farmers' luatitute-Geo Hood. Boar for service -J N. Lamont. Dissolution -F. B. Huntley & Co. White Pins Compound -Jae, Fox. Clearing sale -E. C. Danford & Bou. Card of Thanks. To the E'eatore of Brussels : Permit me to tender my einoere thanks ae a small a.aknowledgment of your favors accorded me last Monday in my election es Couuoillor. Will make'an earnest effort -to do my duty daring the year 1908, wtebing you all a euooeeeful year, Yours truly, ALFRED BARKER. Card of Thanks. LADIES AND GENTLEtteN,- I take this early opportunity of recording my hearty thanke to all who e0 generously supported me at the polls last Monday for the office of Councillor. It will be my endeavor to domy duty faith. folly during the year end thereby attempt at least to prove worthy of year oonfi• denoe. Youre thankfully, 8. T. PLU'.I. Meetings of-m10004r Bast Huron Farmers' Institute For the dieoueeion of Agrionitnral and Kindred subjects will be held as follows : -Wroxeter Tuesday, Jan. 20 -Brussels Wednesday, ' 21 -Harlook Tboreday, 22 -Manley's Bebop] Friday ' 23 RiStritt tteb3s. Il/neve lee. TURNIDORBY TOWNSHIP ELECTIONS, -Wm. H. Oruiokshank, Reeve by acclamation, For Council :-John Moegrove, 294 ; Ala, Kelly, 280 ; John Conpland, 211 ; John Rutherford, 198 ; Peter Scott, 107 Arthur Megoe, 112 ; Wm. Bolt, 104 ; Louie II, Beeman, 74. The first named four are the Council for 1908. Speen] eervioee will be held in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Rev. Mr, Anil, of Palmerston, will occupy the pulpit. On Monday evening a Tea Meet. ing will be given. A good program will be rendered by the Wingham Presby terian choir and Mr. Skilling, of Tees. water. Addressee by Revde. Meeere, Anil, Swann and Dunn. 47 e• ei.iih it -41,01r, • A 0. 0. F. oyster supper ie on the lapis, The flax mill will commence work next week. Regular service inthe Lutheran Church last Sabbath. A. Booker, who ie over 80 years, is quite poorly with dropsy. Mre. (Dr.) Turoball, of Goderiob, was home fora few days last week, Mr. and Mre. Ballard, of Listowel, were vieitore at the manse over New Years. At the School meeting A. MoDooald WON elected Troatee. Geo. Reuther was the retiring member. School reopened last Monday with Mise Calder and her new assistant, Mies Campbell, In command, A. E Looking was here for a brief holiday from Galt He ie a valued am playee of the Goldie & Mo0olloeh 0o. and is in the fire proof safe department. The Atwood paper Bays; -George Kreuter bee routed the store lately noon• pied by S. Wateon, Atwood, and moved hie stook of tinware and hardware into the same. He will have room for a larger stook and better display. Rom BOLD. -Ben. Dark has Bold hie choice 100 sore farm, West of Oranbrook, to Albert Carter, who recently disposed of hie farm in Morrie, The prise was $6,800. There are good buildings and a tine location. Mr. Dark intends giving -Murdie'e Soboot....Saturday, 't 24 np farming and will hold an anation Bale Meetings at 1.80 and 7 80 p. m. All • are cordially matted to attend and take i an intelligent part in the dieeaeeione on • the varioae eubjeote introduced by the speakers. Thoe. MCMILLAN, Goa. HOOD, Preeident. Searetary.1 on Thursday, 22nd that. He will prob•. ably go to Brunets for a time at least. Mr. Garter will move to the farm as soon as vaoant. While eorry to see Mr, Dark remove we are pleased to bear a good report of the family moving in and wish all concerned 8000000. F. 8. Scott, of Brussels, made the farm sale. a®mmaS A BEE -HIVE OF BARGAINS TCHETT'S TAT a H. 7E,' For 16 Days Commencing Saturday, January 3rd, Wide-awake, Economical Buyers will have a great opportunity to secure Matchless Values in Dress Goods, French Flannels, Fveaid mto-rear Clothing, Oh Booii s Boots and Shoes. RP,. the next 10 Days we have determined to make the greate4 Clearing Sale in these3` Departments ever inaugurated in Brussels. Remember every yard of our Fine Dress Goods and Flannels, every garment in our Ready-made Clothing Department, every pair of Shoes, Rubbers and Overshoes in the he .h oe Department are now S o spa selling at Wholesale Prices, LOOK I For the next 10 Days you will get l0c off every Dol- la 's worth of' Goods, marked atthese prices, you buy in these 3 dspartments. This means, .gnod people, you can buy theseg oods 10c. on the Dollar less • than Manufacturers' Prices. . :Atitet Come to the Money Saving .Spot. GARP/ELBLOCK, BRUSSELS. Lao, Whitfield ie expeoted home for a vial. Hie home le at Oarrlevele, N. W. T., where he tins 09001 the peat three yelere. He is a eon of Thoe. Whitfield, It will be it matter of nnrpriee to many who Dee the latter pet about so lively to know that he ie in 82nd year. Few man retain their vigor as Mr, Whitfield. The new eteff of nilioere in aonneotion with the Ohrietian Endeavor Society of Knox Church, Oakbrook, for the owning term will be as follows •-Bon. Pree , Rev, D. 8. McRae ; Pree„ Wliea Etta Mc- Nair ; Vioo Pree., Jno. Uolntoeh ; Reo.• See., Miss S. Long ; Oor. Bea., Allan Cameron ; Traas., Jno. Ritchie ; organist, MleeAngie McNair ; Miee T McNair, convener of Prayer Meeting Oommittee ; Wm. Ritchie, convener of Look Ont Com mittee ; Jno. Ritchie, convener of Booial Committee ;,Jno. Molntoeh, convener of Temperance Committee ; Mre. M. Oam eron, oonvener of Missionary Committee ; Mise M. Brown, oonvener of Flower Committee ; Wm. Perris, oonvener of Sunday Schoot Committee 1 ]Vire, Wm. Ritchie, oonvener of Mario Committee. SAD DEATH. -It ie with no small re- gret that we ohronio'ethe death of Mug. eta, third slaughter of Geo. and Caroline Hautboy, of Oranbrook, which rad event took place at Listowel on Friday morn• ing about 1 o'olook. Deceased had gone to that town 8 weeks previone ae a domes. Ito in the home of A. Hermiston, forni• tura dealer, and 2 weeks ago took ill with diphtheria and in spite of the beet medi• oat aitd nuree attendance she paeeedaway ae stated. The funeral took plane here Friday morning at 11.80 °'stools, Rev. D. B. McRae conducting the service which was private. Mies Heather was a bright, native young woman, only 19 years of age and her early and sadden demise is einoevely regretted by a large circle of friends who deeply sympathise with the bereaved family. A precious one from earth hae gone, A voice so loved le still, A plane io vaoant in her home, Which never oan be filled. God in Hie wisdom hae readied The one Hie Love had given, And Omagh the body moulders here, The soul le sate in Heaven, Dared loved one they have laid thee In thy peaoefal grave's embrace, But thy memory will be oberiehed Till we see thy heavenly faoe. Yet again we hope to meet thee When the day of lite ie fled, And in heaven with joy to greet thee, Where no farewell tears are shed. 31lIoe1. Andrew and Mre. Eokmier, of Clinton, were vieitore here during the holiday term. School re -opened on Monday with Priooipel Dobson and Miee Shannon in their plaoee. The Sone of Temperance bald their lodge on Saturday evening last week owing to the 0. 0. 1'. Supper the evening before. The many friends of Mre. Robert Lind- say, of Neepawa, Manitoba, formerly of Ethel, will regret to hear that she hae been eeriottelyill bat we with her a speedy nonvelesoetoe. Township Couooil will convene here next Monday for the initial meeting. There is already 9. big year'e•,work ontiont for them but we expeot they will buckle into it heartily, cautiously and wisely. Joo. Maxwell has returned to hie home in the West after an enjoyable visit with relatives and friends in this locality. He visited at. Hamilton en nate. Mr. Max: well Ina many well wiehers in Grey tcwp. Quitenehta tittle company gathered here on Monday to hear the result of the Municipal elation although the return of one poli was wanting to mettle an im- portant issue between two local men that evening. The Bible Society Oolleotore, Mieeee Spence and Stemma), have returned their book with nearly $25 to the credit of Ethel, thereby dontinoing the good name of this locality for their interest in a great. anuee. An enjoyable Song service was held in the Methodist Chorob here. The pastor gave an address on well known hymns which were sung. Robt. McKay oleo spoke very opportune worde in a 20 minute address on the theme "What is your life 1" Geo. Hall, eon of Wm Hall, of Ethel, bee told hie farm in South Dakota, and has bought a half eeotion in North Dakota, He to making his home at Aberdeen and is travelling for an agrionl- tural implement firm. Mr. Hall is a shrewd, level heated man who known a bargoin when he area it. David Lamont, who has been vieiting relatives and friends here for the past few weeks, left for hie home in Melita, Man., on Thursday of this week. It was rumored that be was to wed while in Ontario but he left here a bachelor. He mayy have it all arranged with a fair damsel either East or Weet, We are glad to known that Mr, Lamont le push• ing a very atiomeaftil business in his town. Hie many friends wish him con- tinued and increasing prosperity. Goon Tanix -The annual supper and oonoertof Ethel Court, 0. 0. F„ waeheld' last Friday evening and was a decided amen, ' Supper was served' at the Royal Hotel and prepared in firet•olaee style by Mine Host, Longeway, There were no len than about 100 eat down to the well laden tablee. After this import. ant department the program was rev• 'tiered in the Eokmier Hall. Chief Ran- ger, R. MoDonald, oaanpied the ohair and performed hie duties with neatneeet and diepateh, Program wee an excellent one and those taking part were :-Mieeee and Will. Spence, A, Lamont, Miee Mary A. Slemmon, Will, Eokmier, Min Ida Dole, Miee Lizzie McKay, Chas. Daviee and Mies Alioe Davies, All did their part well and were heartily received and the next yeer'e gathering will be looked for- ward to with interest, The Committee to charge, consisting of 0. Eokmier, Thoa. Laird and Geo, M. Mitchell, at. tended to thele many datiee iu firet.olaee style. Jno. and Mrs, Lindsay end Peter and Mre, Patrick took in the ball at Pinker- ton on Wednesday evening. They also vielted friends in Teeowater on their wey home. They report an enjoyable time. At the school meeting held on Wed. needay forenoon of net week. Wm. Love was chosen troetee ae mama to R. McDonald who ix removlug from the eeotion and A. Molise was elected to thorned S. Ghanibere wboee term had expired. Thos, Obnpman was reappoint. ed as caretaker. He dose hie work very eatielaotorily, Mr, Chapman also oaths for the Township Hall. Tenders were considered tot high for wood and the Trmsteee afterward bought at 91 75 per cord for 20 porde $2 50 was paid per cord for 5 enrde of dry wood. Orrtaeae.-The annual meeting of the Ethel Methndtst B. S. was held last Bab. beth, R• ports of the Secretary and the Treasurer were of a most encouraging aharacter. The lollowlug eleotione were then made :-Supt., John McDonald ; Aeet.•Bupt., L A. Mason ; Seo., Miee Lida MoOallom ; Treas., Lawrance Debate ; Teachers, Bible elan, R,bt. McKay, Mise Annie L. Maenn, Mre. Jae, Ray, Mre. Wm. Slemmon, Mre. MoOal- iam, Mise Idepole, Mies M. Slemmon ; Primary class, Mre. S. Chambers 1 Or. :waists, the young ladies of Miee Mason's olaee. MATomaowa .-Oa Wednesday evening, Deo, 31st, a very happy event took pleas at the home of 0. and Mre. Baynard, Ethel, when Mise Erna, their fourth daughter, was united to the bonds/of holy matrimony with George Bernath, of Dakota. At 6 o'olook, ae the atraine of male filled the house, the Wedding March bring played by Miee Tea. Welsh, the bride beautifully attired in cream silk, trimmed with lane, chiffon and ribbon, entered the parlor leaning on the arm of ber father, who placed her •beside the groom beneath a beautiful emit of ever- greens and ronee, when the paetor, Rev. 0. P. Walla, B. A,, 33. D., performed the ceremony. After the usual oongratula• tiooe the company adjoarned to the din. ing room, where about fifty relatives and friends did ample justice to the good tbinge ret before them. A very pleasant evening was spent in mueio, games and social obat. There were gneete present from •Palmerston, Lncknow, St. Marys, Belmore, Dakota, Manitoba and other plans. The bride, who ie well-known and highly esteemed, was the recipient of many useful printings. The groom's gift to the bride was a beautiful gold locket Bet with pearls. .He also presented ber parenle each with a pair bt far gaunt. lets and Miee Olive with a baodeome ring. Mr. and Mre. Bernath intend to go on °'driving tour visiting friends at various planes and will leave in a few weeks for their future home in Dakota. They have the beet wishes of everyone for their future happiness and prosperity. THE Poen tbrowe an editorial slipper after them. Gree•. Good sleighing. Evangelistic serving are being held in "Union" ohuroh by the pastor. 0. Prost and eieter, Freda, spent Sun- day with friends on the 16th con. The new Council will hold its first meeting, as per Statute, next Monday at 11 O'olook. Robt. and Mrs. Carr, 3rd con., were vieitore daring the peat week with relatives at Stratford. Miee Margaret Cornell, of Tbedford, Ont., ie the gueet of her amain, Miee Florenoe Roberteon, 16th oon. The annual meeting of the Bethel Sabbath School was held Monday evening and the neoeeeary officers were installed. A valuable pedigreed Yorkshire hog, called "King Edward," hae been paella. ed by J. N. Lemont, 8th eon., from R. Niohol, of Morrie. Mies Winnie MoKinnon returned to Buffalo on Monday alter epending the Xmas and New Year'sholidaye under the parental roof, 8th oon. Leel Sabbath morning Robt. Pearson, who was home from College, preached an interesting discourse at Roe'e obareb. He returned to Toronto on Monday. Lot 24, eon. 5, known ae the Amee farm hae been sold by F. 8. Scott, for the Can- ada Land Investment Co., to Ohae. Rayleigh for the rum of 92,125, Albert and Mre. Took, of Clifford, were Oiling relatives and friends in this eeotion during the past week. Mrs. Took has quite reoovered from be recent illness. There was no eobooi in Monorieff, Turnbull's, Shine's, Dnke'e not Bryana' last Monday owing to the polling in oon. neetionwith the Munioipal elention in the etheel honeea. Will. McQuarrie, who returned to Edmonton, N. W. T., last Fall, bee given up teaolting and is embarking in bnetnese His many old friends in Grey will be pleased to bear of hie anomie. James Armstrong and Mies Beatrice, 101b oon„ were visiting the former's mother at Manchester for a few days, The old lady hae not been very well of late. She ie about 72 years of age. We hope she will anon be better. In eohool Bastion No. 8 Jamee Elliott was chosen trustee ae euooeesar to Alex. Stewart who hae rendered valuable ear• viae for many years but declined re. eieotion, Mr. Elliott will be the eeoretary- treeearer and will fill the bill, It is reported that Peter B. Ross, 14th oon., has diepooed of hie farm to a Mr. laieQuarrie for the sem of $4,000 and will give up pbeeeseion next Spring. We have not heard where be purposes locating bat With him eeleeee wherever It may be. At the annual eobooi meeting in B. S. No. 1 on Wednesday of last week Jno. Davidson and 1'. Al000k were eleoted trustees to take the pteoee of P. Botz and Jun. Grant, The latter resigned owing to hie canning for the townehip Council. A °entreat for wood to T. Al000k d $1.80 per onrd was let, In union S. S. No. 12, Grey and Me. ICillop R. 11faGevin erg was the retiring trustee, W. 111.'Deneaneon being eleoted. The other trustees are Ohae. Care and Alex, Buohaean, Miee Hattie Downing ie the teacher, Six Porde of wood, Q $1,00 per cord, were tontraoted for with Janne Dngeaneon, Ieaao and Miee Winnie Arkin, of Georgetown, have been visiting with Mre, John Aakin, l4th'tong and other relatives. Annual meeting of 8. S. No. 8 was held on Wednesday of laet week, Jas. Shiele was the retiring troetee. Jno. Whitfield wan elected, $1 60a cord was paid to James McLean for wood. Mrs. James Armstrong's, (10th non.) father, Mr. Clark was here on a-vielt. He hue jest returned from a trip to /dant. toba and le a emart men for one who baa justpaeeed hie 8 snore and 10 years. We notice among Manitoba visitors that W. J. Hawthorn, of Deloraine le re• vowing old friendehipe. It is 0 ve Pre elan Mr. Hawthorn was bare, He is doing well in the Weet we are pleased to hear. Several new bachelor reeidenaee in the Northerly pert of the township are nom• plated, so it won't be a earpriee If there is an annexation of some of the conoee. alone shortly. We won't mention names just yet. Thio week Alex., eon of Hugh Lamont, 7th oon„ lett for Obatham wherehewill take a nurse at the Balinese College, He is a likely student with Public school Leaving standing end should do well ae we hope be will. In S. B No. 6 Jno. Botemen was eleot, ed troetee following the old veteran Mal" eolm Lamont who haebeen a member of the Board for the past 12 years. Inc. Lowe gets $2 a oord for supplying the school wood this year, The townehip Councillors made a great run this year, the Westerly oatdidatee, for new mea, polling an unusually big vote. With Reeve Livingston at the head of the table good work for 1903 le loolted for. Ex Reeve Turnbull and ex -Council. for McDonald will be missed. We are sorry to state that Graem, son of N. M. and Mre. Richardson, 7th coq., who tree been laid up with a disabled arm, occasioned by a fall at eobooi in Brussels, is uot reoovering ae speedily ae his many young friends would wish. It ie to be hoped he will soon be oonvaleeoent. OAun or THANxe.-I wish to einoerety thank ail who marked their ballot for me net Monday for the position of Councillor at the Township Board for 1908 and hope to prove that your confidence was not misplaced. Wishing you, one and all, a prosperous year. I am, Youre very Truly, Wm Woax. Last Monday Obae. Roast' received a telegram from Detroit apprising him of tde tact of the deoeaee of A. Rozell, bis brother, on Sunday. Diabetes was the oaaee of death. The widow and two danghtere survive. Mr. Rozell was 52 years of age and resided in Elm and Grey before going to Detroit 6 years ago. He was a member of the Methodiet church. Fuoeraltook place at Atwood, Tuesday afternoon. 0. and Mre. Rozell, Miee Kate and Ernest attended the funeral. The bereaved are deeply eym. pathized with in their Badness. A daugh• ter of deoeaeed died 2 years ago. SUDDEN DEATH, -At 10.45 Wednesday. night Mary Ella, mond daughter of Arch. and Sarah A. MoLeau, lot 22, oon. 18, paeeed away, aged 9 years, 3 menthe and 3 days. Deoeaeed was at school on Taeeday bet was not feeling very well the afternoon Ordinary y hogee. bold remedies were need that evening bat the patient not improving the Dr. wan called in on Wednesday. He pronoun° ed it a case of appendicitis and rupture having marred the young girl epeedily sank to the surprise and sorrow of rela• tivee and friends. The funeral will be held on Friday afternoon at 2.80 p. m, Servide at 2 o'olook. Burial will take plane at Oranbrook. The relatives are deeply sympathized with, Moe- r. Wedding on the tapir. The 2nd line enppliee the groom. Mieeee Lille and Nina Iebieter spent Christman in Toronto. Chas. and Mre. Gamin entertained a few of their Mende last Friday. Miee Belle Fowler is visiting relatives and friends in Glenmorrie and Galt. Miee Lizzie Bielbv, of Braeeele has been vieiting ardor the parental roof. Herb. Wheeler, of Esoanaba, Minh., ie home on a visit with relatives and friends. Miee Lettie Cook is spending ber New Year's holidays is Olinton and Beafortb. Chas. Keys, of Vaughan township, hae been visiting the Keys family, 5th line. Charlie Hall ie home from Manitoba. He looks ae though the Weet agrees well with him. Alex. Clark, 5th line, had a bee drawing briok from Henfryn on Friday for hie proposed new reeidenoe. Miee Gertie Duncan and her omnein Jno. Davis left on Monday for a holiday vieit with relatives at Lindsay. Miee Coulter, of Morrie, was spending the New Year's holidays at Sebringville, the gaeet of Rev. and Mre, Finkbeiner. John Yonne has gone to Day Mille, Minh, kir, Young hae been working in a raw mill there for the past nix monthe. Thoe. Hogg and brother, who formerly resided here but live in Miehigan now, were renewing old friendships in Morrie and Grey. The trustees of S. S. No. 4 have en- gaged J. J. Todd, of Heneall, ae teanher for 1903 and he eommenoed hie duties on Monday. The young lady reported ae the obosen teacher declined to tomo. At the annual eoheol meeting held at Andereon'e eahool on Wednesday of net week, Jan. Bowman wee ohoeen trustee to eaoaeed Q. Anderson, who realigned after a period of 15 or 18 ' years' eervioe.' The oontraot for 10 porde of wood wept to John Mason 419199 per cord. John Cook, tr., received a New Year's gift from Lee Ham, Chinaman of Blyth, oame from China. The ourioeity being a box of onto. They are aelargeaswalnuts with a thin obeli and the fruit ie like a date, with a kernel inside of the date about the eine of a filbert, Be also received e white sills. handtterohfel, The 100 aore farm of Albert Carter, 8th line, has been purchased by Jno. Leweon, whose land adjoins, at 95,250, F, 8. seat made the sale. Thie will give Mr, Lawson 800 mires but ae he and hie SODS are worker(' they will be able to look "after it in -a proper maener. We *lab them amine ae they now have a very fine property, Morris Council is once more seated for another year. We hope to eee good work done in 1908. Mre, 8. Plastow (nee Miee Mary Yor. eton) of Rookton, spent Obrielmae at her old (home on the let line. Albert Mille, of Tottenham, wee vied• ing hie sister, Mra. W. Robb, 6th line, during the holiday Benno. F. A. and Mre. Carson, of Glenboro', Mao., are visiting here. Mrs. Carson is a daughter of Jno. Budd, 3•d line. It is 6 years since they were here. They are welcome vieitore, Miee Jenny Warwiok hae returned home after an extended visit to Calgary, Van000ver and other pointe. Jean looks One, and la gotta entbasiaetio over the merits of Western Canada. S. B. No. 9 pat Rose Stubby tato office ae Trustee in the plane of Wm. Skelton, whose term had expired. Mtn Stubbs will also be the Seoretary.Treaeurer. The wood ooetract was let to Allred Button, he to receive $1.83 per oord for 10 cords. A oream separator has been pnrohaeed by Jno. Manning, 5th liue, from J. J. Gilpin, of Braeeele. Mr. Manning is determined to run the dairy baeinees on the most improved linea and we have no doubt be will find it remunerative. Wm. Jaokeon, who recently gold hie farm has pnrohaeed Dr. Jerome's reei denoe on King street, Blyth, and will take poeeeeeion on February 1st. The prioe paid was 91500. Dr. Jerome ie looking for another house, either to bay or rent. When Will. Miobie, of the 8th Zine, went off to Halton Oo., last week it was mooted that he might feteh "Mrs.. Miobie" baok with him but he returned on Monday still travelling in Bingle harneee. The law should be amended to make pertain things compulsory. Ken. MoKenzte ie home from Portage- la•Prairie, Mao., on a visit, looking hale and hearty. It is hinted that this is a "baeineee" trip. Don. MaKeozie return- ed to Toronto thie week to pursue his mediae! °oaree and Miee Marion goes beck to the Normal college, Hamilton, next week. Same! Burke, 6th line, Bold 6 bogs 6 months old to George Beet, at Brussels, on New Year's Day that brought him $90.30. They waled 1670 pounds and were a fine bunch. Mr. Burke also die" posed of a 4 year old heavy draught colt to Adam Smith, for ehipmeot to the Wert, at a tidy figure. The fine 100 aore farm of Robert Arm• strong, Ni lot 16, ton. 4, has been die• posed of by the well known proprietor, to hie non Robert, now of Belgrade, for $6,000. He gets possession as soon as the lease of A. O. Demise expires. The latter has been grazing it. Mr. Arm- etroog took up this term from the Gov. ernment in 1861 and moved on to it with hie good wife, now deoeaeed, in 1853. It was all bath, in not the only clearance of any consequence was 5 aortae chopped at Blyth, Masan. Mo0onnell and Mo. Bain being located there. The Corbett, Brendon and Molrae families seared in the Spring of 1868, Mr. and Mre. Arm. strong name from Simone Co., revoking Hamilton from Toronto by bail and stag. ing it from there to Clinton. He eaye a fence rail wag carried along with the etage coach to pry it out of the mad holes. DOUBLE WEDDING. -Au unique and happy event took plane at 'Maitland View Farm," the residence of James H. Brandon, of the second line, in the mar. riage of hie two danghtere. The eldest, Mies Agnes E., entered into wedloek'e life contract with Jae. H. Lind, of East Wawanoeb, and the oeeond daughter, Mise Annie N., took the matrimonial vow with Walter Allison, of Belgrave. The double oeremony was performed by Rev. E. A. Shaw, of Benmfller, formerly; of Belgrave, in the presence of the im. mediate friends of the oontraoting parties. After the genal congratulations and a eumptaone repast the happy oonplee left Wingham by the afternoon train for a abort honeymoon trip to Toronto. These popular young people have the heartiest good wiehee of a large number of friends for the greatest possible measure of happiness and prosperity on the esu of wedded life. Avery enjoyable New Year's party was held at the residence of Charles Wheeler, 4th line, on Thnreday of last week at whit% 22 relatives assembled, made np prinoipally of Wheeier's, Wil. kineon'e, Proctor's and Andereoo'e. After a fine dinner that would gladden the heart of any Engliehmen, of turkey, plum pudding, &o., the young people went for a sleigh ride and in their absence a abort program was given and games indulged in. Supper over, Grandfather Wilkinson was voted to the ohair and although be plead that he was no publio man be filled the bill tiptop, oomplimenting the good looking crowd and "eagariog•off" the English in good style. Bongo, inetrn- mental music, recitations,' &t., were given a rule being laid down by the chairman that everybody had to sing a Bong, tell e tale or treat to candies. Unole Joe Wilkinson brought down the hoose with hie solo "You'll never mien the water till the well goes dry," A hearty vote of thanks was paeeed to the genial boat and heetees and the happy company eeparated after singing "God egve the King," Presbytery of Maitland. The Presbytery of Maitland met in the Presbyterian ohnroh, Wingham, on Tues. day. 10th Dec.. Roe, R. McLeod anted ae Moderator. The repori of the Com- missioners to bring in a minute reeptot• ing the death of Rev. A. Y. Hartley, wag adopted and the Clerk instructed to tend a oopy to Mre. Hartley. On motion of liev'e A. McLennan and Wage, the "Aide for family worship" eubmitted to the General Assembly was approved. A Presbyterian berttfioate was granted to oonneot with the North Presbytery. J. Nicholson was certified to the Presby. terian College Montreal, Rev. b. B. MnRae and hie representative elder wete appointed to nosier with Walton emigre. Ration regarding Augmentation grant, On motion of Rev's Raisin and Dunn, Ray. B, M. Whaley wag eleoted Moder- ator for the ensuing year. The Preeby. terythen adjourned to meet in Wingham on the first Tnoeday in March, 1003. 1Iunicipal Elections. BRUSSELS. Following le the Bet of candidates in Om Municipal oonteet is Brussels oft - Monday and the result of the poll ;- Reeve- Div. No. 1 2 .8 Total N. F. Gerry 44 68 27-4,29 S. Wilton89 59 61-169 Majority for Wilton, 90. QOuaoxenoBo- - G. F. Blair 09 87 69--225 Alt. Barker.,. 63 94 46-209 Thoe, Newsome 46 89 47-1111 S. T. Plum ... 64 95 51-210 Robt. Thomson - 53 77 55-186 The Connell will therefore consist of Reeve, Semi. Wilton ; Councillors, G. F. Blair, S. 'P. Plum, Alf. Booker and Robb. Thomson. Timm RECORD. N. F. Gerry eat at the Council Board 3 years and S. Wilton 6 years. The other candidates were new men so had neither municipal eine to answer for nor records to canvas on. . Samoa Bann. Ino. G. Skene, A. Gourley and W. M. Sinclair were re•eleoted by acclamation> and will be eesooiated with D. 0. Rose, Jae. Turnbull and R. Leatherdale for 1903 in oonetituting the Board. BBIIBBELe Bavaria'. Brueeele was incorporated in the year 1872 and the following gentlemen have. occupied the Reeve's chair since that date for the following terms :-- J. -J. Leckie, 1873 8 F. 0. Rogers, 1881 5 J. H. Young, 18861 W. H. MoOraoken, 1887 ,'2 R. Graham, 1889 ... 8 J. M. McIntosh, 1892......,. 3 W. H. Kerr, May 1892 - 7 Geo. Baeker, 1899 1 Geo. Thomson, 1900 1 J. T. Roes, 1901 2 THE LOOKRIDGE BYLAW. Voting for the Lookridge Loan By law, upon which only owners were permitted to vote was as follows Div. No. 1 2 3 Total For 62 68 61 -191 Against 8 11 7 - 21 Necessary to parry, 162. Several ballots were unmarked for either candidates for Reeve and one. entirely blank both for Reeve and Coun- cillors. A few baliote for the By-law were also paesed in without the necessary X although the persons doing this praoti tally voted against the loan. THEP= eupplement issued at 8.80 p. m. the even- ing of the election gave the results of the. day. years " MOS. years GREY TOWNSHIP. R. Livingston, Reeve by acclamation. For Counoillore, the following was the vote polled, the four highest being the membere eleoted Divlelon 11 No. 1 Lynn's .. 81 2 Shines ... 84 8 Turnbulle.. 28 6 Etthelm a .. 29 8 Duke's......... 88 7 Oranbrook.. 45 O 31 16 27 04 16 81. 74 70 10- 47 21 2857 94 46 57 42 29 28 52 884 850 let 240 867 CHURCH 11IIIMES. A meeting of Wingham District lip. worth League Executive wilt be held iu Wingham on Saturday forenoon of this week, Brussels Epworth League sent a box of clothing and some money to the Dee. mess' Home, Toronto, tor diotribntilion_ to Toronto poor. Leoeuao.-An illustrated Lecture, en. titled "Thirty years among the South. Sea Ielendere,' will be given in Melville thumb, Brueeele, on Monday evening, 19th that., by Rev. Thoe, Wilson, of London. ' "Caleb's heroin appeal for a forward movement," Nam. 13:80 was Rev. Jno. Rose' timely topic last Sabbath morning in Melville chant'. At the eveningser- vice the abject was "Asalt seeking, would. be Dieoiple," Luke 9 ; 57 58. An interesting "Watch Night" eerviae was held in the Methodist ohnroh on Wednesday night. Short addressee, saleable to the oeoaeionweregiven by the pastor, Rev. R. Paul, H. Ham and B. Gerry. The new year was welcomed in and oongratulatione exchanged. "Who then ie willing to ooneeorate hie service this day unto the Lord 7" was the text chosen by Rev. T. W.' Owens tart Sabbath morning at the Methodist church in which the congregation was urged to inoreaeed diligence. "Lessons learned from the Wanstead railway disaster" was the subject in the evening. Last Sabbath afternoon the monthly Missionary oolleotion was taken in the Methodist Sabbath eohool amounting to $5.93. The eobooi has now about $60 on hand no far this Conference year for Missions. An interesting program was given by the members .of the Junior League, Mies Eva Oantelon, President, presiding. The pastor gave a short ed• dress and Mrs. bosons, who is Snpertnteu• dent of the Juniors, spoke a few introdno- tory words. ME LVILLE Ouuhou SABBATH SCHOOL.- The annual election of offioere for Mel- ville Sabbath school was held on Deo. 31st and the following were .chosen: Hon. Supt., Rev. duo. Roes, B. A., ; Supt., A. M. McKay ; Aga. Supt., G. F. Blair Seo: Treae„ L. S. Duntord ; Aaet. Soo., D. Moore ; Organist, Mise J. Bab. kirk ; Librarians, Norman Smith and P. Richards ; Teachers, A. M. McKay,. G. F. Blair, Miee MoBain, Mise Lizz e Rose, Mre. MoGaire, T. A. Hawkine, Mrn. R. K. Bose, J. Ii. Cameron, R. B. Rose, Mrs. J. Kerr, Mine Forbes, G. A, Deadline, Mies J. Habkirk, Miee Georgie Rose, Mise Mary Roes and Mien Maggio Stewart. Aemietant teachers, P. Bitable, Miee Florence Armstrong, Mise McNab and Peter Watson. They have a good eobool in connection With Melville Ohnroit and are aiding in the spread of Bible knowledge.