The Brussels Post, 1905-11-16, Page 7IIEALT11
A physician writes: "There are
three !mill causes of headache and
the first of these has to do with tl
rlervaus system, A headache is,
everybody will acknowledge, a very
natural result of nerve strain, 1n
the hurry and bustle and citrate and
stress of Me to -day our poor nerv-
ous St8tei118 have no Chance, no
moment of rest alul inaction from
the Line we arise in the morning till
wo go to bed at night. The pure
suit of pleasure, the scurrying cease-
lessly from one place to another in
search of anui`elnernt, the fact that
a certain close of people And i1fe a
bore furless they aro in a whirl of
excitement, will often account for
the fnshionablo 110adae111., the head-
ache of the 'overworked' society wo-
010n. Work, property so-called, will
never produce a headache; It is ono
of the best preventatives of head-
ache, Anxiety and Incessant worry-
ing over trifles will certainly cause
the headache of over -strain, as cue,/
harassed, anxious and 'worI'it'
household heat' of a largo family
will testify to. The headache of
anaemia, common enough aiming
young girls of low vitality, is duo
to a nervous system 111 -nourished,
with impoverished blood. Rally ob-
seuee neuralgias have thus a very
simple explanation,
"Tito second great cause of head-
ache is eye straln. Many a man
who is Suffering from oyo strain as -
se] •as his. doctor octor th
at titses
e aro
certainly not at fault, as he has
'splendid sight,' It is not his nlrveS
of sight which aro affected, but the
nerve and minute muscles of aca0nl-
molation which he is constantly and
unconsciously fatiguing in order to
make his sight as good as he be-
lieves it to be. The error is in the
shape of the eye, which requires con-
tinual muscular strain to rectify,
and proper glasses would immedi-
ately remove the need for this con-
tinual strain. This form of head-
ache follows close eye work, such as
reading, writing or sewing. It is
worse at night, and is practically
absent in the morning, differing from
other forms of headache. It may
be taken for granted that headache
present in tho morning is not due
entirely, if at all, to eye strain. All
sufferers from headache should have
their eyes exilmin00 by an oculist,
'ea very large number of headaches
coma under the third category-
n0tn01y, headaches due to poisons in
the blood, The 'throbbing head-
ache' is often caused by what medi-
cal men call over blood pressure or
too high blood pressure, duo to int -
purities or toxins elrrulating in the
blood. They generally arise from
disorders of digestion in the stom-
ach and bowels from improper diet,
the over -eating of meat and rich
dishes, imperfect mastecation, foul
teeth and lack of exercise. Relief
will not be permanent so long as
nee: t.Oxii1S are being produced -that
is, so long as We persist in overeat-
ing rich dishes and neglecting the
rules of health,"
Suffered for Ten Years, Cured by Two Troops of British Cavalry
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, Get 1111
Neuralgia 1s the king of torturers. There 18033 a rencu•kuble occurrc
A tingling of to tender skin, a during niunoeuvres at W,o Curr
a11a•p sudden stab from sumo ang';y Camp, JS.11dato, lr,l: i11, when
nerve; then piercing paroxysms ,f fslundrun of ille Nineteenth 11uhs
Pulp -that's neuralgia. The Cause of and Eleventh iluseers clashed 1
the trouble is disordered nervus due oath other. A Pnhal" !n the for
to thin watery bleed, Tho mum is regiment was killed, and ono
Ar. Wiliicuns' Pink Pills, which nm110 11111 his ankle broken, A levee0
10 Lieu', rich red blood, anti thug 50011113 den by !t e0reo•ai in the Rleve
aid streng'titen the disordered nerves nes killed.
mut cute 0011ralgia, Among. Una! it appeal's that two units of
thousundrt who have prevent that De, l Royal 11o1's0 Artillery were engn
1Villierns' 1'1111 Pills curl: neuralgia is manoeuvring to the of -en plain
Mrs, 1e. C, Joh11300, of Simpsons; front of the Curragh b.inrunny
corner', N S. Mrs, Johnson says:I leaelt unit was a•comealh•d by
a 0ecurren003 in the band That
ars llelgns Supreme 111 the Own -
tato ixlorctetl World.
they .At the village of ilotteslclyd, In the
rtd- Vale of ilelvolr, the Curfew hell 10
111 1 still rung uhle the day oI Lite
month and the mouth of the year
the Lire also tolled on separate bells
g'e'l every evening,
in, The Rochdale Education Commit,
• leu bile decided fin provide needy
0 scholars with Clogs and spectech:0
oei- out of the interest which accruers
cs" from the scholars' savings batiks at
0011 the elementary schools
3.t'" '''hero Is a, revisal in pillow -lac
ern lnalclng in the counties of Sucks,
' has b: en given to 1.he work of late
Any by oileeing prizes at flower -shows for
311 choice. pieces of home-made lace,
]rat The London cab business has been
ng lseriousiy affected by electric tragus
ha- and 'hales and tube railways. Cab
bio owners any they are lasing by the
0,1. reduc,:d awn new paid by the drivers
,+f for tho vehicles,. and the men say
our they cannot pey more. The masters
+d0e1030 that they eon, and threaten
ae to fix t.axcyuetors i11 1.110 cabs 00 reg -
t ister the faros and thus record the
an- men's takings. Masters and men will
of meet shorty Lo discuss the position
•k of affairs. 'The motor -cab is making.
'1- slow progress in London.
3.h -I Mich Amoricans In London are
Lit, ,having many appeals to their char-
ity from their poorer countrymen
vet and countrywomen who find thont-
acl'selves stranded in London, and want
V to get back to America. 'There
are man t
y lmertl;ane of both soles
Mho find it impossible .o mai,, a
hoped-for living in London, and who
ok cannot raise the money for 'hair
nd:fare to America.. Oors:quently,
they have either to face starvation
ndor ask for help from the holiday-
"' Americans. There are litcr-
11e ally tnlnch•eds of those luckless men
3.r and women in London. ']'hey haunt
the neighborhood of the big hotels
so, most favored by Americans. The
ex- approaches to the Carlton, Ttussull
of and Savoy are also well watched by
he the exiles, and there aro few Well -
!cis wl A r C
g, o t me n ons whose purses have
Perfect health demands not only
a lixod amount of sleep, but the ob-
servance of regular habits, says Dr,
John D. Quackenbos fu Good House-
keeping. And perfect sleep for man
can be obtained only at night, as
suggested by the rhythmical suc-
rt'Ss1011 of light and darkness. There
is point to the old proverb: "An
hour's sleep before midnight is worth
two after," Those who are in the
habit of turning night into day
realize this to their cost. The hour
before midnight that is worth two
aftor is from 1I to 12. And inas-
much as the human system is more
below par at 11 a.m. than at any
' other period in the 24 hours, sleep
should cover at least two bourn on
each side of this time. When lire
is at stake ill the crises of acute dis-
ease nurses are instructed to begin
special Stimulation at midnight and
to continuo it until 0 in the morn-
ing, in the hope that flagging ener-
gies may be sustained through this
period of supreme depression,
A clean and cheerful house mattes
a happy home.
Iliso early, retire early and All
,your day with work.
Frugality and sollr}oty form the
best elixir of longevity,
Cleanliness prevents rust; the best
cared for machines last the longest.
We ter and bread maintain life;
pinto air' and ean511in0 aro indispen-
sable to health.
ldnough sleep repairs waste and
strengthens; too 11111011 sleep softens
and enfeebles.
Cheerfulness makes lave of life,
love of life is half of health. On
1110 contrary, sadness and discour-
agement hasten ofd ago. .
Tho mind is refreshed ctrl invfgor-
citeci by tlis1t'ati0lns aid amusement,
but abase of theta leads to dissipa-
tion and dissipation to vice,
'Don't sit facing a strong light,
Don't stoop or bend aver While
writing Lit' reading. Don't,,, go too
long without food. 1tunger gives a
ei:ah10cl look to the face, Don't
worm hilt, if WOln,y you must, keep
the forehead smooth -don't, w111111tfe
it. 'Don't wear tight shoes'. Ia
time, they bring a permanent 0gon-
izocl evpreesioll that Is not be/MU-
NI to behold to- evah a young face.
Don't neglect ten 113111I1tes' rest dlnr-
ing Lho Clay It yen can manage it,
with the fsel raised, .It gives the
whole body a great sense of rep050,
311(1 weeks Woneee3 ill- s11100lltiu(
Mit the lines Of the fate,
"I'or upwards of ten years I was a' squadron of ravalry fro»] the Ni
sufr'erer from 111e awful pains of Meer- teenth and Eleventh hussars us
algia. Over-exertion or the least ex-' Cort, 1'11e Nina( enLtl Hussars
Pos1310 to a cold wave would set me said to have been concealed 111 a h
nearly 011c1 %seta tortures 1 doctored low when the order was given ti1
the Reeks, and Oxford, Encouragement
with two physicians, but they did' to charge for the 8133110 nhieh
not cure me, I then tried several ed- Eleventh Hussars were protecting
vertised medicines, but tomlcl no bee- 'Through some error at present
Wit. '1'h r ex>1 in•
The Al. a LC ti '
trouble 1 U Nineteenth to continued inter- •- I 1 n etoolntll l'
at t iP! Dues
vols that made life miserable, until ' dashed out into tho ellen plain, a
six ar eight 1110111118 alto when a IQ-Igalloped right Into the guns wh
111t1o11 of mine brought me a box of the Eleventh 13u0sars were guardi
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and urged In a moment Wren and horses
loo to try them. I used this box anal' 1133»10 entangled, and inclose/11m
UM gotta holt dozen more, (1011 i31»00nfusion ensued.
into 1)313)xtou
the time I had used them all trace of
the troublo had disoPpea•ed, and us: Panic, and all struggled to get el
I havo not since had the slightest at- of each other.
tacks I feel safe in saying that the When order was restored it w
cure is permanent." Mrs, Johnson is found that the occurrence was n
one of the best known ladies In the without-a•fatal result, Private S
section in which she resides, and is a dorsal'', attached to "11" squadron
prominent worker in the Corgroga_ the Nineteenth Hussars, had his no
tio1n01 church. Naturally her family broken, and was found lying unto
and friend:, are rejoicing over her ec10ns behind the gums, while ano
cure, and Dr. Williams' Pjn10 Pills er private of the same regime
have made many warm, friends in 'named lienslay, had his ankle hro
that sect3011 as a result of their good en. One horse wee killed, and se
work," era.1 miner accidents aro report
It is because Dr. Williams' - Pink among the men and horses.
male t
a new, pure, x warm t m 1 1 1
) 1
, T blood
that they have such great power to BABY'S AWAKENING:
euro disease. They positively cure
rheumatism, sciatic, neuralgia, St. It ought to he a pleasure to 10
Vitus dance, partial paralysis; kidney forward to baby's awakening. I
and liver troubles, 0110¢mia, and t'10 should awaken bright, smiling a
ailments from which women alone full of fun. refreshed by sleep a
suffer. The purchaser must be care- ready for a good time. Trow 1110
fel to leo that the full name, "Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Pee -
Pie," is printed on tho wrapper
around each box. Sold by all -medi-
cine dealers or sent by mail at 50
cents a box, or six boxes 103' $2.50,
by writing the 7)1•. 'Williams' Mccll.
cine Co„ L'roekville, Ont.
Englishman's Odd - Adventure on
a Mountain, cued we venture to say baby wi
all.. Charles It. Tfawos, who has re -wake up happy and stalling -an alt
turned to England after a tour gather different child. Dere is pro
months' scientific tour in Crete, bas from Mrs. John S. Sutherland, Blis
narrated the followingexciting in- held N.S., who says: -"My baby wa
cident: g terribly cross, and often Inept n
'134y servant anis I were with diffi-
culty getting the mules,down the pre-
cipitous side of a great gorge when
we were ambushed by two armed
tree, wild shepherd fol': from the nmilt, and wakes up bright all
mountain. I was absolutely unarmed fresh in the morning," Baby's Ow
and rather token 811/1510 when ]ny Tablets aro a sato medicine for chi
servant called to me in Greek, ""They Iron of all ages. They cannot d
up bare ehold tnwolnuizelcs po3inted at nnd u titomufrom)gout rdruggist 0u 00 mut
ata distance of about a dozer at 25 cents a box by writing Th
"It was money they wanted; a
hundred napoleons (.£130) they de-
manded; but as I was not Inclined t.)
negotiate and it was impossible to
Oxalic, I adopted the obvious alter-
native and continued the difficult de-
scent. It was slow work, and alts In the Amazon there are known'o
a few yards, s, calls, followed by owlet at least 2,000 species of lisp,
stones, and then bullets, were sent Judging by the insanity returns,
after mo. The liver four hots were sixteen eases in 1,000 aro caused by
wide, acid throe times they clambered love affairs.
down to get nearer Dim, ancl with Rolland is the European country
bettor effect, tor the last six fracture where coffee can be imported free of
ad rocks at my elbow, and the split- duty.
tors brushed my forehead, Their . A caterpillar in the course of a
shooting 'vas certainly bad, month will devour 000 thins its own
Finally, after sundry disputes and weight in food,
renewals of our journey, they brougat The biggest wheatlloId in rho world
rheic clematis's down with Oriental is in the Argentine. It covers just
suddenness to Li, which I met. with over• 100 square miles.
au offer of Ss. d:0, Unfortunately n,,, The Japanese strictly enforce a law
servant, who was ahead, was mark forbidding boys under twenty years
to disgorge his purse, the other' rob-
ber -
ber meanwhile covering me with his o� ago to use tollaeco•
ride at six yards and daring Lite to A Birmingham, England, matt nam -
move." ed;:.l131 lor has just married a
young lady named Widdow,
OLD FASHIONED FARE. ''•Sobacco seeds are so 1ninute that a
thimble will contain enough, to sow
Rot Biscuits, Griddle -Cakes Pies over an acre of ground.
and Puddings.•
It is estimated that eighty millions
of British treasure lie sunk along the
'lihe food that made the fathers route front England to India.
strong is somotlmes „Et ftrr the At Quito, the only city In the
children under rho now conditions world on the line of the Equator, the
that our changing civilization is sun sets and rises at six o'clock rho
constantly bringing in. One of Mr, 3'car round.
Bryan's lroighbol•s in the great state \Norkineu attending the pains in
of Nebraska writes: salt -works are never known to have
"T was raised in the South, where cholera," smallpox, scarlet fever, or
hot biscuits, griddle -calcar, pies and i11In nus
puddings arc eaten at almost: every In Austria a man and a woman ing
meal, and by the time I }oca:tecl int supposed to be1capable of .the conducting
Nebraska I found myself a sufferer a home of their own from rho age
from indigestion and its attendant of fourteen.
iIts-distress x141 In Iceland horses are short with
pales after meals, sheep's horn; in the Soudan a kind
111 almost constant headache, dull, of sock ntacle of camel's skin is used
heavy sleepiness by day and sloop- for the purpose.
lessness , at night loss of flesh, ixn- Trains 111 Spain aro certainly slow.
paired memory, etc., eta. A rate of ton or twelve miles an
"T was rapidly becoming ineapaci- hour is considered a good average
toted for business, when a valued speed for everyday travellers,
friend suggested a change in my In, over, 1,000 marriages in Eng -
diet, the aba33lonmelL of heavy, land, twonty-ono are solemnized ire•
rich stuff' and the use of Grape -''Tuts tweak first cousins, 'Among the nos
food. I followed tlio good advice bility the rate is much higher,
ancl shall always be thankful that nmountding to forty -Ave in 1,000.
I did so. Lion -tamers frequently perfume
"'Whatever may be the expe0.icnee themselves with lavender. There is, it
of others, the beneficial effects of the is said, no record of a lion ever hay -
change were apparent in n1y Case ah. fog attacked a trainer who 11101
mash imnnetdiatoly, Tvfy., „Lomax+, taken the precaution of using this
which :heel rejected other food for
so long, took to Grape -Nuts most An inhabitant of Tarmoutiors,
kindly; in a day or two my 11nad-
France, has loft a 1eg'aay sul001131 to
actio was done, I began to slaep 1.111) I e prizes of 25fry each$33h yearly for
healthfully and before a week was the two meat 1,110polite sahola 110 male
Dill the scales showed that my lost
and female -of the town, The wine
weight was C00)131g back. Idly room- hers 'are to 1)0 elected by ballot of
ory was restored with the renewed their schoolfellows.
vil;oe that I felt in body and mind. Roumania Would. anpear to be the
For three years nose Grape -Note most illi cerate country th in Europe. )-
foot' has Rept oxo in prim* condition The last f abouto shows that in a Stop -
and T propose ft shall for the rest 40fnnei er read
n )ready
4,000,000 can neither read nor write,
of my clays, and that only a littlo over 1,000,000
And by tlto way, my Dei year old have any education at all,
)ally 10 as fond of (mile -Nuts as I ]i",lepilant's in the Indian army are
a111, always insists on having 11. It fed twice a 'day. W11en meal -tune til.
keeps her as healthy aril hearty Its rives they are drawn no before piles
they maize them, Name given by of food. Each animal's breakfast "n-
l:"ostunt Co., Battle Creek, Mich. eludes 101b, of raw rico clone up 1x1
There's a reason, l3vo 211, packages, The Hee is wrap.
Read the little 10Olt, "The 'load pod 01 loaves aiul then died with
t0 'Wellvillo," lri pltgs, g1•amm.
parents dread their child's voice; 1
cause they know when he awakes
will cry and fret and keep every()
on the move until he falls astern
again from sheer exhaustion- The
crying fits make the life of the in .
perienced mother a torment, And v
baby is not crying for the fun of
thing -there is something wlon
though the mother may not see any-
thing ails the child. Try Baby's
Own Tablets in cause of this kind.
not heen opened to the demand for
"just enough money to get do bark
Ll A great -number of -cases of "word
0- blindness" have been brought to
of light since the London County Coun-
s- ell, as the education authority, in-
s strutted heat' teachers to submit to
lel the lniedlcel officer every child of the
awake half the night before I go
Baby's OWn Tablets for her. Sine
I began giving her the Tablets, s.
is perfectly well, sleeps soundly e
t !age of seven years who appeared to
10 • be suffering from this peek far sen-
'vr,!di.tion of tho e3e;. Calling al:fert-
11 ' tion to the silkier' 3,1 the "0phthul-
dlmoscop0," Dr. C. 3. :homes stales
nithat nearly one b1 two thousand of
1 -London elementary school 01111)h'e1
*.has "mord blindness" to a consider -
table degree. 1To instances the caro
11 of a boy aged seven, clover in alt
a handiwork and bright and intelligent
who declared that the written word,
"not" stood for "onto." "Duda" he
read. as "branch," and "horse" ho
could not read at all. as he mistook
the "r" for "b." ,.Tie recognized all
these words, however, when spelt
Dr. Williams Bllodicino Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
Bits of Information About 'Most
He Was so Bad He Rad to Use a
Stick to Walk and Could Not
Lace His Shoe,
Barwick, Ont., Nov. 0.-(Spec}al),
-These cold. wet fall days aro full
of Rheumatism and nothing .can be
more .timely than news of as efToettt-
al cure of that curse of the Comedi-
an climate, Such a cure William
John Dixon et this place is certain
he has discovered. in 1)oecl's- Kidney
"I had an attack of typhoid fev-
er," says Mr. lTlxon, "auf after I
got over it Rheumatism set in. I
had paints in any back and to my
right hip so bac' I had to use a
stick to walk and had.. no comfort in
sleeping. I could no more than
dress or undress myself for nearly
two months, and for three weeks I.
could not lace lay right shoe or put
my right log on my loft itnee,
Acting on my brother's advice I
began to use Dodd's Kidney Pills,
and after taking three boxes I was
able to walk around and do my
work. Now 1030 well and I recent -
mond anyone who has Rheumatism
to try Dodd's llrldnoy Pills,"
Though ho may never take part in
a marriage ceremony, the grocer
quite frequently gives a woman 3.t
OLD 50it85, painful end 31isl1 r
g nrin '
Colt ant linger long after sao, ono withbo blood
Comte 0110 re haulm 3 Also, ataanso the lrloa
with 1S'oovor's Syrup. d
3310, John Hughes, of rho Liverpool
firm of builders and 'contractors,
Messrs. Hughes and Stit9fng, has
arrived hi Liverpool 11'om. Spain, af-
ter arranging one of the largest
betiding contracts on record. Tint
contract is .tor the eonStruetiot of a
bottfevarct across the city of Madrid,
and will involve and expenditure of
three million pounds. 111 ratiliea-
tient of the contract, said 1(r,
llughes to a press represclltativo, 1033
despoeit next week with the Corp3lr-
abort of Madrid the stun of eighty
thousand p0uncl3. Tho boulevard,
e 3.t i„ 11 T Was Tommy
Jonas." MOLhm'-Why? You aro
stronger than he is, you move it bet-
ter home, more toss, and more pock-
et money." Johnnie -Yes, 111otvi
'tut be eau wiggle his ears.
means somutbur r to the in THE
I'igent woman: Wiled they unroll into
pauletty `o med fe2Ves she hnowe'it is mat stale, 113uci1
handled hulls ten, hilt B1l,.lASLe.
in sealed lead packets with its own Fine Natural Flavor.
Only one best tea, BLUE RIBBON S IT.
laity,: or nen03
Sand 335 roar maul arse address, ane rail'ill rneehe Pars on Ar,•narm ll, fared ,»n.
f4 ' , inn to Hine, ,Lid La •161 able. tear reed patterns' ,undo or teal 13,b
5,,1ld ob30
m 53
ifl-,xj1!.. rG4 .l i r,i'f i uta. 101;
u' 300 haeiur 3301 30,311,*r Lan crs1At1aor101nu10 ro
1(d, and near [s null.
WE TalliST YOU -010 RRONEY 31 QUlil�p. .
Ona 31,511 ara*Iet at a canto mve, c,akl0v 51.44 lareze1,ur,filch forward 10,10, and
we will amt oat 0m•n, „ - ward, a 1333010110411t Lever Vlai, h, gwu•auremi tar e
rmre, er uta Present. of nigh -class Jewellery, 01,35b ren nen ,owet 1r0,0 oar 33,1,
A.0 your 700.1*. SOLD di 00Do, 2, no 14,930!1 Mouse, Uslamoro 009eeent, London, vs. soutane.
.CtV-t.Sxa.%fa,+n .ice.i c2,;Ft•.
$5,000 R$lvAl0D win
b0 paid ro any
person who proves tint
;Suninjormue Sochop contains. any
tem ofa chemicals or any
form of adulteration.
is better than other soaps,
but is best when used in
the Sunlight way.
Sunlight Soap contains
no injurious chemicals.
Sunlight Soap is pure
soap, scientifically
Every step in its manu-
facture is watched by an
expert chemist.
Sunlight Soap saves
labor, and the wear of
rubbing which common
soaps ' require in washing
fabrics. -
Your money refunded by
the dealer from whom you buy
Sunlight Soap if you find any cause
for complaint ..
Lever Brothers Limited. Toronto
Casey -"Did ye hear about poor
Cassidy-"Nivver a word,"
Casey -."Shure, the big sterna -haze -
mar in the 10011110y dropped on his
chest and killed him,"
Cassidy -"Well, I'm not surprised,
for he always had a wake chest."
Nouns Gauen feverishness, moaning
and restloseness during sleep, Mother
and effectual. effectual Ln. 11. yourr drugglot pleasant,
none in stook, get him to procure it
-Air you. -�
Man is timid and apologetic; 110 fs
no longer upright; he dares not say
"I think," 'T am," but quotes some
sago or saint.
Strong words by a New York
Specialist -"After years of testing and
comparison I have no hesitation in
saying that Dr. Agnew's Cure for th33
Heart is' the quickest, safest, and 5111,
Mit 11.110iv13 to medical science, I useit
in my own practice. It relieves the
most acute forms of heart ailment in -
aide of thirty minutes and never fails"
The essence of friendship is entire-
ness, a total magnanimity and ti`unt
It =1St not surmise or provide for
infirmity. It treats its object as a
god, that it may defy both.
Piaklo's Anti -Consumptive Syrup Is
agreeable to rho taste and 1s a certain
relief for irritation of the throat that
c3031s011.hacking coughs. 1f us0d accord-
ing to directions it 0111 break the most
persisten6 cola, and restore the ab' pas,
sages to their normal healthy condi-
tfotl. There 15 110 need to recommend
it to those familiar with it, but to
th0so who seek it sure remedy and are
in doubt what to use, rho advice la•-.
try jl111,1e s Syrup.
X little girl of seven or eight years
stood one day before a closed gate.
A gentleman passed slowly, The
little girl turned and geld to him:
"Will you please open this gate for
The gentleman did so. Tbon he
said kindly:
"Why, any 0l1iId, couldn't you - open
the gale for yourself?" Y P
"Z3ecause," said the little girl, "the
paint's not airy yet.",
She -"Some people profit by m
takes of others." ]le -"Yes, like the
minister who got $5 for ma'ryi
13E EMS 1,017 CE1' TILE KIND Y00 FIA
ALWAXH 13,00, ," The D k 0" Menthol Plante
only by Dais & Law encu nothing is bolt
Prootloal Every day Loosens on
For 750, post fe3fd.
� y Dos 4e5, n9asltacu,Ont
01030109 end OurnoQ 1104 Kid elo'w 010nna
0330 bu seat br post, le L,, 0s. the Leal 311(3001.
Our spontaneous action is always
the best. You cannot, so'th your Lest
deliheratJot and lead, come so close
to any question as ,your spontanea.,s
glance shall bring you.
le there anything 3110r0 0711107•!•
than having your corn stepper' upon?
le -there anything more delightful than
getting rid of It? floiloa'ay's Coro
Cure 8111 do it. Try it and be con-
The heroic soul does not soli its
jIce and itsnot
nobleness. T3.
not ask to nine nicely, and to site,'
warm. The essence of greatness is
the perception that virtue is enough.
Poverty is its ornament,
"One Foot fn the Crave." --If the
thousands of people who rush to . so
worthy a remedy as South American
Narvino as a last resort would get it
as a first resort, how much misery and
1 suffering would be spared. If you have
any nerve disorder you needn't suffer a
minute longer. A thousand testimonies
to prove it -le.
Junior Partner -"I see you hale
engaged a. new traveller. Xs he a
good salesman?' Senior Partner --
Good salesman? Great Scott!
had to send for the police to preye1
him trona talking me into taking
him into partnership."
Just the Thing That's Wanted,- A
pill that acts upon the stomach and
yet is so compounded that certain in-
gredients of it preserve their power to
act upon the intestinal canals, so as 3.0
clear them of excreta, the retention of
which cannot but be hurtful, was 10n1;
looked for by the medical profession. It
whua In attfhloxrtich 3.hreweiomuhepe
study, 001,3 aro scientifically p001100ed as
IL laxative and an alternative 3n one.
Roomerton-"Guess I'll have to give
up dn
oing to get married?"
R.00mol ton -"No, but my ladlady
wants her money."
ALLEN'S LUNG 11AL5AM is especially intend.
ad to break lip negiected coughs and many ho d.
less c pP
oars have been Caved by its opiumuse, Oontnias
no opium in any form.
The nonchalance of boys who are
sure of a dinner, and would disdain
as much as a lord to do or 5031
aught to coneil1ate one, is tit -a
healthy attitude of human nature.
5olatic0 put him on Crutches. -.Jas.
Smith, dairyman, of Grimsby, Ont.,.
writes: "illy limbs were almost useless
from sciatica and rheumatism, and,
notwithstanding my esteem for physi-
cians, I. must give the credit whore it
bclangs. I alit a cured man to -fifty,
and aottth American Rheumatic Cure
must have all the credit. It's a nuts -
Nature is au endless combinati m
and repetition of a very few latVs.
She hums the old well-known air
through innumerable variations,
A Cute ter Fever anc1. Ague -Parma.
e0's Vegetable Pills aro compounded for
Use in any climate and they will be
found to preserve their powers in any
latitude. In fever and ague they act
upon the secretions and neutralize the
poison 0111111 has found its way into
the blood. They correct the impurities
w hien find entrance into the system
through drinking water or food, and If
used as a preventive briars aro avoided.
Susie (at }ler music lesson) -"I'd
liko to catch an old air I heard in
the music -room last night.' Profos-
sot•-"What air was that?" Suele
(dcnuroly)-"Oh, it was a million-
ilii iU MATl8lil) Min PARALYSIS.
Their complete home cure. Post
free to readers of this paper;
For limited period only,
A 1lalydseine illustrated treatise, giv-
ing toll deeert rtien et Nh3umatism and
Paralysis, with h,struotions for a own.
plea 11eme Duro, cleseribirlg the most
SUCerrslul treatment in the world, re -
00 mmended by the Ministry and endors-
ed by medical met, This highly in-
structive beak Was written by W. Ff.
1.ono, a ge1010man who has made• a
e1udy el those diseases. The preface is
by a graduate of the university of
WurLzliurg. Sen�ntl postal - to -tiny and
tturn.3.1Addrenniv'I'he Ve book
kDrug00 , 24
King: St-, West, 1'otonto
The practice common in Continent, -
el armies of mutilating or ,nutti3lg
off tho index finger' and thunnb to
render soldiers unable to fire a rifle,
and hence unlit to serve, is 00111,.
partitively mare hl our own army,
however, a story of self-mutilation,
comes from Curdle% Wales, A Pte.
Casten, belong' 1g to London, re-
cently joined the South Wales llor-
derers, and, tiring of the service, 11;
Is Said, tlellhcl'ately ettt ' off two
fingers of his left hand With a, ehop-
per. After he 11ad been surgically.
treated 11m w'es placed under arrest,
In the Army Aon this offense is
specially mentioned ns being punish-
able by a 101131 terlt of imprfsoll-
f9ACftYNE GO.uror
iF2tilEI(LT,Ctii l (14!
D, H. BASTED® el CO.
?9 311=Sacag• 3FStaterb,F 9r osoa•ban
',COMB' AND MEN'S run AND r01.
LIMBO 0OAS'S of every kind. __1�113�ryrythingg la
Furs at clone 1302030. 0.13BTEA
E 1)E SUP-
PLIED. Send for catalog.
Remington Typewriter
G' {
When the-RECd113IT01i TYPEWRITER
otter something new to the nubile
the public !snows, wittiest hoing
told, that
it's something
Ne will be grad to have you call at our
office and see the now models or send ler
illustratedbooklet describing the new
Remington Typewriter Co,
33 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, On nada
"You can't deny that he is a broad -
minded man." "Possibly he ie, Cut
if his mind has breadth It^certainly
has no depth.
TONS 031 IRON eensunred email year in medi-
cine. In "b'or,nvlm," the best tonal, it is so
cleverly manipulated that thewreak and sickly
get all possible nourishment, and benditt from it.
There is no luck in literary reputa-
tion. Gilt edges, vellum, acid mor,
occo will not preserve a book in cir-
culation beyond its intrinsic date.
Sunlight Soap in better than other neaps,
but is beet wines toed fa the Sunlight way.
Buy Sunlight Soap an$ fallow direotbos,
Mistress --"Are, you not rather
small for a nurse? Nurse -"No, hi -
deed, madam. Tho children don't
fall so far when I drop thein."
Kicirrey Cry. pain in the back is
the cry of the kidneys for help. - To
neglect the call is to deliver the body
over to a disease -00001, ruthless, and
fifnally life destroying. South American
kidney Cute hats power akin to mira-
culous in helping the needy kidneys out
of the mire or disease. It relieves in
six hours. -3S ..
11Ir. Nevvliwed-"Now that we're
married, dear, you hove a serious
task before you." Isfrs. Newl}wed-
"What's that, Tom?" Mr. Newi•t-
0001-'•You must prove to 131y sisters
that you are worthy of me.'"
Always a cloud Friend,-.Tn health
end happiness We need nofriends, but
when pain and prostration come we
look for friendly aid from sympathetic
hands. These hands can servo ua- 1,0
hotter than to rubbing in 110, 'Thomas'
Ecloctric 011, for When the Olt is in the
painis out. 1t has 'brought relief to
thousands who ' without it would be
indeed friendless.
The 131`idegroom (11.1 the first stop
ping-place)-"It'tf no use, Clara; we
cant hide it from people that
a1'3) bride and groom." Tho, i3r1tt io
"What snakes yon think so, George.
dear?" The 13ridegroom-(dejectedly)
--"Why, hero the waiter has brotrg),t
its rico puddings".
De& ': other 1
Your lidle 0nee are a constantcare hi
Fall and Winter weather. They will
tatch colt'. Do you ';now about Shiloh'e
Consumption Cure, the Lung ionic, 'and
what it hos Llano for to many ? 1t is slid
to ba the only relisblo :remedy for ell
diseases of rho air p5tsagea in children.
Itis absolutely imr 1110as and pleased to
Om. Itis guaranteed ((setae or ydat alone(
is returned, 'f'ho ptiee is 21c. per Bottle,
and all deaiers in rhmileino (3341 gs4
This remedy sllculel ba In every household.
ISSUt I3'0; 45 tom,,