The Brussels Post, 1905-11-16, Page 6TIIE POWER OF HAPPINESS
It is a Fair, Refreshing Stream That Flows
Through the Busty Ways of Life,
The joy of the Lord is your
streng•W1,-Nei. vitt., 10,
Instead of the strength of your
faith being marked by the length of
your sighs, the genuineness of your
religion is to be known by its 10Y-
fuhivee, The same Loud who gives
tho sunlight and the smiling fields,
who males the brooks to laugh
of every glad, generous hearty im-
pulse and action they said, those
things must be evil bueau88 they aro
'rho old boundary line between the
pahl that was piety and the pl asuro
that spelt perdition has almost pass-
ed away, Men now know that there
is pain and loss in the way of sits,
through the meadows and the stars that thoway
f Lhehyansgressot
that the fruits of righteousness aro
joy and peace. The age demands
what the ruler of all has ever 11.1.•
tended, that religion should Head
men un their way with the vigor of
happier hearts, with the upwelling
love for men that should drive the
t squalor, misery, despair, and heart-
ehureh is not sacred because it looks aches of sin before it.
like a sepulcher; music is not sawed Life hay its work and it has its
because all the spring is taken out sorrows; but they ought both to be
of it. You do not keep a day sacred for its enriching.
to divine ends by making it dismal. THE BUSINESS OI' RELIGION
It is a religious duty resting on all is Lo teach us that understanding
to cul ivate happiness, to make this and adjustment of lila that will
world less sad, tnaleo it a feast of tat things, to
No matter how sincere a man may teach us that the God of all desires
be, if life sanctity results only in the good of all. The more true
sorrow to others its satisfaction to piety -the seeking for the loving' will
him must count for nothing. There of the all wise and loving -theme is
is a great tical of piety that needs in this world the more pleasure there
ilatd,• the hem
to sing at night, tent rather sue
smiles than frowns on the faces of
his children. Ills glory is not in
gloom but in gladness. Ile designed
world for happiness, n
is but the pursuing of his
plans for the good of his children.
That. which Is holy must be happy.
.Artificial sadness is always sinful A.
operating on to cut the hands that
tie its heart and reduce the inflam-
mation of its spleen. Happiness is
the very
If religion does not give right rela-
tions to the things that determine
the tone and color of life it is a
failure. against the possibilities of real
But true happiness can never be pleasure. If men might only hear
agate the call of him who bade the
weary and heavy laden to come;; if
they might but know that his way
of life can give strength, rest, peace,
Joy, what au enriching life might
find it who go with their own pitch- Make life happier and ,you will
ers alone. The reason so many make it holier. Make it full of plea -
would -be saints aro sail is because sure -not. that of a fool's paradise -
they will not be other than selfish. but that of peace 1vi0h heaven's
It is not strange that men who
love this heaven horn life of ours
$hondd turn -away from the religion
that represented every happy, joyous
human things as an enormous of-
fense against its God. Once men
gathered tog'ether every dark and de-
pressing thought and thing and said
will be in it.
This happiness is the euro for the
madness that some call pleasure.
Life is a mockery indeed to those
whose only hope is for the hours of
leisure in which to drink at the
deadening drafts of ex: ttement, the
lethal cup that only hides lire's mis-
by paralyzing the faculties
selfish. It grows only by giving. No
ono can eat a feast by himself. Hap-
piness is not found on lonely mounts
of vision. Its waters aro never so
sweet and cool to you as when you
seek them for others None over
plans, with the joy of knowing that
over all is infinite love, the strength
that comes from knowing right is
invincible, the tender and sweet joys
that spring up e,t the touch of hu-
man love. Ci o your ways to make
them paths of gladness, to show
love shining through sorrow, to give
these constitute the divine in this love in the name of the lord of love
world; they looked out through the and yours shall be religious service
smoked glasses of sanctimony and indeed.
NOV. 19.
Lesson 'VIII. Nehentiah's Prayer.
Golden Text, James 5.16.
Note --These word Studies of this
lesson are based on the text of the
Devised Version.
Ezra -Nehemiah. -The hooks Ezra
and Nehemiah together rcoord events
of two most important epochs in the
history of the Jewish people, Tho
first of these epochs covers the perlod
of the return from captivity and the
rebuilding of the temple; the second
embraces the period of reform under
Ezra and the governorship of Near
mioh. An intervening period of al-
most sixty years is passed over in
silence by both books, except for two
brief references to persons and events
of this period in Ezra 4. 6 tad Nell.
12. 26, respectively.
Verso 1. The first sentence of this
first verso forms a title or heading
for the entire book.
Words -Or, history (Rev. Ver.
Marg). The rendering "words,"
would seem to point to Nehemiah as
i.ho author of the entire narrative
-4t,rh follows; the rendering "his -
tor;,° " which with the known som-
posite structure of the boolc,
Nehemiah, the son of Hacaliah-
T'ho father's na.aso is given to distin-
guish Nehemiah from other (nen bear-
ing the same (name, mentioned in.
Ezra 2, 2 and Noh, 3. 16.
Tho month of Chislcv-Tho ninth
month of the Jewish calendar year.
The nam05 of the months in their
order were: Risen, Iyya.r, Slvan,
(annus, ;!b'Pi,lul, Tishri, Marchestt-
van, ICisloy (or Ohislev) Tohoth,
Shobeth, Adar.
Shushan -One of the three capitals.
of the Persian empire. It had form-
erly been the capital of the kingdom
of Elam, whose territory stretched
along the shores of the Persia gulf
east of the Tigris River, The king-
dom of Main is mentioned in Gen.
14. 1. It was conquered by Assur-
bani-pal who destroyed the capital
city of Shushan. Darius Hy -steams
rebuilt the city and made it itis royal
resilience and capital.
2. Milani, one of my brethren -
Probably a near kinsman of Nehe-
eho-miah, if not actually his real brother,
Certain men out of Judah -hien
who had conte from Judah to Shus-
han t0 eonlmbnicato ie Nehemiah the
news which they brought.
,Iowa that had escaped, that wore
heft of the captivity -Mon who had
reetuund from Bal)ylonie, to (lel'usa-
leen turd who woro now doubtless(
well atIveaced in age.
Cotteerning Jerusalem -Probably
also oncoming the temple, though
this 174 not specially mentioned.
3, Meet atlictiln and Toon:m8it-
'T`hie is not a reference 11tecely to 11.1,3
htnniliution el being saleject to a
foreign ruler, hat raer to the evil
plight 'in Whle,'h, on the tom hatth,
'tile t•estdente 01 set'usal0*0 W000 1770th-
in the cite/ Walls, and to the semen-
eate-al attitude, en the other.head, of
thc14' enemies without),
Broken donne -burned -At one tier'.*'
Oleo the calettelt5, the walls haul
3001101)1y bean Whole and the cite/
tihetlt•oc. NOW the 134119 woe* agada
broken down and the gates of the
city destroyed.
Sat clown and wept -Indicating tee
evil news concerning Jerusalem waste
to Nehemiah unexpected.
Before -Lit. "In the presence of,"
God of heaven -A 'title also fre-
quently found on Persian 105001p-
5. Verses 5 to 11 contain Nehe-
miah's prayer. In verso 5 we have
the opening address of that prayer;
in verses 6 and 7, the humble con-
fession of sin, and in verses 8-10, YOUTHFUL BURGLAR PROUD
the petitioner's confident appeal to OP HIS "BUSINESS."
the divine promise. Tho prayer -
closes, verse 11, with an earnest Prepares a Statement Relating
supplication for the people, and es-
pecially also for Nehemiah himself as
their representative at the royal
That lcoepeth covenant and loving
kindness with them that love him
and keep his commandmoots-(Comp.
Dent. 7. 9.) Tho expression "koopeth.
covenant and loving -kindness" is an
abbreviation of "keepeth covenant
and showeth kindness," To the Jew-
ish mind the rotation of sinful man
to God was that of a servant to b:s
master. Devotion on the part of man
could ho realized, therefore, only in
obedience to God's law.
6. While I confess the sins of the
children of Israel which we havo sin-
ned against thee -To Nehemiah the
scattered Jewish nation is still a
unit and as such God's people. It is
itself responsible for national dis-
aster which has come upon it. Wo
note also the sense of personal re-
sponsibility of the individual for the
sin of the nation which Nehemiah
manifests and which is emphasied to
the next clause, Yea, I and my fath-
er's house have sinned,
7. Wo -Tho pronoun refers again 1.o
the nation including, of course, Nehe-
miah and his father's house.
Commandments, statutes, antes -These three words oeone to-
gether in neut. 5. 31; 6. 1; 7, 11;
8. 11; 11, 1.
8. If ye trespass, I will scatter
you abroad among the peoples -
And yo shall perish among tho no-
tions, and the land of your enemies in Trois Pistoling, as well as in St, When Benoit told his story, asked,
((hall eat you up, And they that are Jean Port Jolio, Levis, Three Virus "You do not seriously want to say
loft of you shall pine away in int -I and a few other places. I made that ypu would have shot and' killed
quity In your onetoios' ]ands; and about three or four hauls a tvook, me if you had been given a chance?"
also le the iniquitian of their fathers; anti managed to get together aborlt "1 certainly wouldhave shot you,
shall they pine away with them," $6,000 worth of jewellau•y and other not because it was you, but because
valuable things, which I gradually I would have shot any man that
shipped up to St. Hyacinthe with tho tried to `capture me," Benoit replied.
intention of selling it whoa opportua- The roan who fired a revolver at
iL of erect to conte of the pimple ,n the youths to front of Chicopee's
Seitialgellelitetleielegetededeteletelefeet jlevel teaspoonful of carbonate of
soda ip a cupful of 001111 11)111C, beat
up in. this one 0)' two eggs ttml a
• cupful of sugar, rift in a 11111e 1)01217
. and. stir• till 0tuo0t11• Add a tit o-
}� 1 bl
F�q F jo i,{jt3spoon!ut of molted Iard, a little stilt
+ 0.121( enough door t0 uuthc a dti11
dough, (lave. a pmt full of hoUIflg
Occurrences in the Land That
Reigns Supreme in the Coiu-
laL, [rat its heat. by dropping in a mercia1 World.
pieta 121 broad; if 11 turns tt golden
1)11)01' at. 1)1)11), mole the dnu,;h•nu18. Iti'r. AI']ltur C1 1'k of 1{icld0t7ntn••
Throw In only a email tlluutill ,v 0f slut', [toe been appoltltud 1)001uu1sler
LIVING WITHIN ONE'S. INCOME% dough at a ki(((ln in tiny bolls; when of Lancaster,
"If there is any feat Otte is 411' , e0uked drain an thick paper'. bier A tea servIee Which. belonged to
Ocu11 of accomplishment in these : sugar over', and s1 t t'1), William Pitt, fetched Sufi 100 at a
days it is that of living trithip one's T'ulony Senus•1ge --•71101: thoruuphl.Y sale at •iigaivic+lC,
ieconte," writes Graham IDilute 1 LOg011111• these ingrodiunt5: 11 111 a 110 a ensu heard to,
AlargatO pgiieo
all -
"'the world is full of temptations, Pound of salt, one 0001.1' nnelt of 011- court. the Iltot three w'itnurses were
but the greatest of Wiese is the do- spice, black popper, and salLputt'c', named. Whiter, Frost and SnoW,
Biro to 1170 Just a ILLLlo hotter than all well pounded. 7'170111170 about six 7'he death. has occurred at Exeter
your neighbor, fur it is this aspire- pounds oC pnrh, bran and fel, and of 'Phomas Sltarland, who was um -
that is responsible for nuleln of rub rho p(cklu Into it daily On the ployed as a public lamplighter fur
'the crime told nearly all the failures
•sixth day, cut the meat small, acid iii years,
in Zile. i a little :-(helot truly shredded; when
r ilio
rul0lt Ila
The s
"'1'110 young than who takes a wife mixed thoroughly, Put the meat, bltilt 188f, at a coast 01 it%61.7 OUO,
Is anxious( to give her Just as good salt, etc., into an. of gut 071110)1 has
a home as that which rho has en- been well soaked, sailed, and scour- \waF removed. fromSheerness to he
joytd. 'Phe fact that her father may ed, Tie up the ends of the sausage broken up,
havo (aborad for many years to and hang It up to dry as you would Mr. (I. B. Burkina, a Well-km:we
amens the fortune which provides a hart. Tho stein should be t.t.d in naturalist and fellow of the Royal
for ills family so luxuriously does different Pieces, so as to r(a)te etll'll Society, flied tit 1118 residence, Woy-
not affect the situation, Instead of link. about Mee inches long, combo.Ila lmuotn.
111111 4• inspired to go out into the This year's 1•htglish hop Yield of
world and labor a0 Ito slid, the youth 'tA(,U AI3LL 111121'S• 14.21. cwt. per auto is the largest re
bkgins to look about him to discoverA, little lemon juice added to the turn since such information was first
S01110 111K11104 by which he may obtain water for paslty helps 1.0 make it collected by the Board of Agricul-
those luxuries of life without work- light and inipr0vc:0 the flavor.
ing for them. 11 ho is a elan of ret- Lure. Many seeding raisins -rah a (titin Many of tho boys educated in 1120
suitably good character, a man with butter on the knife and lingers to rural 01110018 in West Somerset eau.
Li g00(1 position and good prospects, prevent the feeling of stickiness. neither react nor write, roti a mgln-
he duds people who are ready 10 aide To collect deist while sweeping, no- her of rho Tiverton Board of Guard -
thing abut (tion in his project. The To
is better than old newspapers. fates.
commercial world is full of sten who Take n page of newspaper, wet it in Tho visit of the Icing and Queen
aro eager to speculate upon futures, hot water, and press it between the to 111ancilester in ,duly last cost
"le 114 not the newly tnnrriod elan hands until it, ceases to drip, then that city :1:9,000, but more than
alone who is tempted to live beyond tcar it into pieces and throw then( 4200,000 was spent in the city der -
his inco1110, however, for this scams aver the carpel, When 1400 0Wt'0 mg. the visit.
to have become a prevailing practice you will find that most of the dust A young (01101701. of Bedlam, being
in almost every walk of lite. Wher- gathers on the wet paper. lit a harry to join his companions.
ever you turn you meet those who Feather beds aro most unhealthy. (tastily con0uMec1 12 pleat tea. An
have accumulated debts out of all 'The body siiiks down it'd thecal. 110U1 later tv111181 racing in the
propoetioo t0 their i1100010 -men and Timis prevents the escape of perspir- street, 110 felt Brad.
women Who are if satisfied to rive from ation, and makes eatin atioa ali.1n Tho later
which since ,the 11th
to mouth if they can make 0 cult. They aro heating, and, 111
fat•orobla outwax'd appearance and ease of 0((111)00, make the duties of 'rhe
of the reigns of Ring G.•orgo IV.
keep out of the bankruptcy court. has stood in St, GoUrge S circu), S.
1d oc-
P nurse most difficult. If used, I hey 10. has nein bean removed and plac-
To keep up with the procession they should be thaken every clay. ed is the grounds of Bethlcm. ITos-
Animated by a spirit of economy,
Chard (Somerset) Guardians have our
cided to establish "dames' schools
in the village for children under ileo,
the expense of highly -paid teachers
being saved.
sink deeper and deeper into rho catsionally tho feathers should be
mire. To secure filer apartments,
(rein clothing, seats at the theatre, I cleaned, To wash embroidered linen make a.
and suppers afterward, they mort- strong suds of amine while soap and
gage their future to rho modern Shy- :lukewarm watereocastilo soap is
ulontltunron mwhaotser nheot wthmeyuchhavthyfameany, ' ihan stt-haat.nd Twhao hwntsllhobopaitdee08shoulrdenlol t
requires every penny they be used. Rinse them immediately in
can procure to meet the exorbitant lukewarm water, then in water
charges for interest upon the money slightly bluets, and theft hang them
which they have spent to 'keep up to dry When half dry lay then(
appearances.' I smoothly on a clean cloth, doubled
"There aro so many of these Per- or laid over a piece of double faced
sons in the world that young men white canton flannel, and press them
and women ought to take warning on the wrong side with a hot iron
from their fate and thus learn how until they aro dry, 11 the embruitt-
to avoid such pitfalls. They can a1'}cs arm 1'ringecl comb rho frittga oilt
000 what it cost others to `keep uP carefully wlch a Ooal•9C comb.
appearances,' when actually 110b0dy 7'110 value of small conveniences In
cares whether they aro 'kept up' or the home cannot bo planed too high.
not, and tbey can witness the and of '5.110 providing of these is one of the
all such efforts -the failure and the duties of the housemother or daugh-
1scanclul-of the debtor's court, ter.. Por instance, tin Matchbox
"From such experiences it should which is found empty in the dark -
be easy to learn the lesson that no- ness, causes, great dissapoinfinent.
for in the future, if yourt /Immo crucial moment, or the need of a
Itnnlg is cheap if tt has to be Patel. The want of a hall of twine at a
The Czar, who s
recentl•v 10 no us ' It sea's Magna Chart- as ho appears (prescribes humble faro, stick t° your box or bag of short cords prochthns
10 his Cor enation Robes, oaten soup for the Present. You the disadvantage of 111) ting small
will be all the happier when the day details. It is easy to' take a stitch
cones in which you can order htxar- in tiro( whop ot•rrythiun is in readi-
t I taped all right then, bot were caught 0170. ACoreover, rho world will think (toss, but oxwediugly riif)cult when
BOf BRAGS OF NIS Ui'Si1>1 .� aftcrn•arcls, 1 had nothing left of Oletll° hotter of you for ,140111. abstin- trio lieet1 1'l spool nC cotton is gone,
36,000 worth o1) stuff that I stole 1 mice, for you need not imagine that or the small scis2•ors aro not to be
pre' i0us to this," the betiggart con -:you can fool tho world. Everybody found, and so on through a long
Gimes, "because Goyctte, my partner knows when your attempt at 'keep- list of small accessories. A corer.-
told the police where sorra of it was Ing up appearance' is a bluff, and 89011de/100 is attracted when the
hidden, and I came to the conclusion society laughs at you quietly in its writing desk is wall stocked with
Experiences-Says He that I might Just as well tell whore sleeve, It may condescend to eat I stationery, penis, good ink, and post-
e y all the other stuff teas. Wo got outyour truffles but all the time it 'age stamps, and equally necessary
Would Kill. of prison on Monday evening by purl lenotvs 4012 arc a fool, and when the aro a definite number of Loilee m•ti'
Tho two boy t)Mg18178 Atburt ung' a hook out of the wall. T expect :day of your disgrace dawns it will cies,
Benoit and Rudolph C oyette,ag^.d to get out again bolore my time not hesitate to say 'I told you so.' I The spots of iron rust frequently
"After we left jail WO tramped for
about eoventeen years reepectivety,
who broke jail at St. Hyacinthe,
Q115., a few days ago, aro now 0111:0
more safely behind bars, but their
retaking has revealed a most remark-
able case of criminal precociousness.
While a Posse of police wore out
scouring the country the youth broke
into Chicoyne's store at St. Charles. into tho store of Zr.AL'hicoynu. Me
No clue Waa loft, but Detective La -
got in all right and Put on note
point happooed to be in the viila;o g
of St. 1l�athnis, when the clothes we found in the store. As we
camp ,walking up the strrxt and worn camp out of rho front door there was
placed under arrest botore they woro a man watching with a revolver in a
aware of the presence of the 011ioer. trembling hand, who told us, it we
After being taken hack to St. Idea- did not stop he would shoot us. 1LIY
cintho Benoit, who seems to have Partner (Goyotte•) laughed at him,
been the leader, made a signed state but he did shoot all right, but never
meat, in part as follows: -
us, Then I ran, while Goyeeto
burglar about g
."I'hc trouble is that too little deface the white elolhiag when it
stress is laid upon. the dishonesty of comes froth the wash, as every
debt. Children sliould be taught housewife knows, and often and
fifteen miles steadily, going in the; that they may as well rob a man 0t vainly has she oudeavorcd to find
direction of St. Charles, We were the point of a pistol as to deprive i the cause. Domestic science declares
pretty cold, and decided WO wuutd ]Tim of his goods when they Itava no it to proceed from the bluing,
have to got some warm clothing', so prospect of paying for them, and the, which, instead of being maria • from
on. Tuesday night we decided to break quicker parents and teachers begat _the pure ultra -marine, is sonutimos
to impress this fact upon the minds : ado of Prussian blue. There aro
of the little ones. tiny test tubes which will reveal the
"Nothing in this world le easier precipitate of iron tin. the ole case
A police sergeant was the only
man caught in a police betting raid
at Sunderland, and ho has been
bound over in 1=20 not to frequent
False teeth, ci'utalles, boat oars,
ravers, and electric fittings wore in -
eluded amongst lost luggage put up
at a north-eastern. railway sale in
In response to an advertisement/
for a porter over 250 men putt in a1).
appearance at a shop in Great. Pore -
land street, The post is worth 12s
a weak, with dinner and tea.
than to get into debt. • There aro
very few things that aro ]carder than
to got out of debt."
501)4123 DAINTY DIST:f 5.
I gave only been a ot- in the shadow of rho revolver,
Bachelor's Pudding. -One egg, its
throe mouths, but I have tratoll0d
for, did net
we each had a revolver, weight in suet, br-One mrhs, cur -
over the greater part. of America we aot want to shoot until it rants and minced apples, Mix well
since I left school S had alwaysbecame absolutely necessary. n yfocb with a little, milk; boil in a greased
been a great reader of dime novels, oesday night we mot some kind poo- mould for three 11.011'170, Servo with
pertaining to burglar's and highway- ; pie near St, Hilaire, who invited is stve0t saueo.
men, and the conviction gradually into their place for tlto night, Wo &feyof,naiso Sauce, to be successful
grow o1) me that if the business was started on our way to Richelieu, and shoulmade d be in rho (ardor, or in
properly conducted it would be a' stover waa there a more surprised a very cool room. 'leis saueo tray
very profitable ore, withwards in it and little chance of cap- groat 1'o- main than,a N , ,1.5 �itnn n , t,d. 141 an tmr,ilz� bo warmat! Lo sorsa with fish, but
it mast not be ttllotvod to approach
boiling point, IL should bo con-
stantly stirred.
Potato and Haricot Bean Salad.-
Take some cold boiled haricot beans
and slices of cooked potato. Mix
these together in a salad howl, add
slices of beotroot, and over all scat-
ter chopped parsley, Pour over a
nice oil and vinegar dressing, and
serve at once,
Bun Loat,=ra1Co two pounces of
bread dough and set it to rise for
an hour. Then work in four ounces
of currants, four 0)1)1008 of sugar,
two or three, 0150(es of melted but -
tor, and ono well -beater egg', Put
into a greased tin. Let the cake
rise again. Nalco as you would
Yorkohbv) relish 811001(1 bo 1110(10
as soon as walnuts 0511 bo gathered,
for once they aro hard ht the »hell
it is difficult to bruise there, Pick
tho wttbxttts in dry weather, bruise
thein thoroughly, scatter salt over,
0111' daily for three days, Preto out
all tho juice you Cali, and to every
pint of liquor add half a pint of In-
dlan son and three pints of good
vinegar, one ounce of eaehalots, half
nit 01100 of cayenne, acid half tin
01111ae of sari's' The dry ingredlarte.
should be pounded In 1'.silertar lre-
10re nelxfng all together. Stir eat[
pont' fate small bottles for 1100. clone
tiro. My start in my new business
was most sucres:fel.
time to draw my revolver, as I other
wisp certainly would have done."
Inspector Lapo}nt, who was present
Lev. 28. ale, 89,
9. But if yo return unto mo -Tho
promise referred to in this verso 's
given in Beet, 30. 1-4, from Which y
it is takes almost verbatim. M0nereal who deal in stolen proper- shorn wee the proprietor himself,
The place that 1 have chorea. to ty. I !tact ono great eisoppointmont
cause my name to 'dwell there--ile- in Three Miers beenese I could nae
tarring to Jerusalem and the tem- break fn a safe which co:ltatnod a
ple, The Tlehrow verb translated large amount of jewlliery, hue I have
"cause to 'dwell" is the same word not yet got up that high in my hoe -
from whieh has coma the later Seo- nese, although that will lama conte
brew word Shechinah, applied to the no donor 1 know that if is go to
visible manifestation .and glory cf
tho divine presence,
11, To fear thy name -Name hero
stances for nature and attributes,
that is, for God himself,
Cupbearsr-Aao61Co of exceedingly
high honor at an 'aneisut Oriental
court, though one which might i:e but I would not heelt.ato in the least a few days afterwards, 111 rho vil-
eld by antero than ohe,porson at the
hto shoot coven() ti t would do so if ]ago of St. Martin Vatufa, in the
rtn� t10110. t0
were. givenme." same Wslrict, an eagle swooped
i Benoit deseedbcs as fealty hie cap- down upon a brood of chiclions 1.1011
135 this tittle the ice-0rea)1.1 freezer taro as the reside of Breaking into to a eotta;re dome One was p0un0)
NM s departed for the cellar ori. a pro- the Convent of the Preciouv Blonr1 upon, and the itieuriated mother bee
v 10111, , and gearing thit plans, "They scrome ;(0 (11 the ooglo by one of its wings
loved a g n d de 00th terrible rank- and wee dragged along the ((t.reete Per
"At least, I can g0 down with d, t , I llnulcw the tubae• bird
e*(aria digiat4, said tin painter whul3
hie fake slt�t1d *tt kis ladder,,
The story of an mole attacking tt
1)enitentlary I will learn a greet boy near Gstoig, in. Switzerland, has
many inoro secrets and wrinkles brought to light many records of
about my buslucss then I know know, these 1)irdn even attacking grown-up
"I have, never killed anyone yet, be- pereone, In the spring of ].81)8 n
caus0 there has never ee'•n any oc- postman goln1 (tie rounds in the
castor( for doing so; no ono )las ever neighborhood, of 1100pe110, in the
interfered with my liberty in such a Riviera., wait attaekod by an 0e1gf�10,
nun on him and so seriously btjurmd that; he died
tvaY that T could use, a g
and tiro pure indigo in the other.
The test is a simple one, and each
housekeeper may make tt for herself
and thus avoid all brands of bluing
that do not stand it. The process
consists in dissolving a little wash-
ing sorsa ie water, mixing s0mo blu-
ing with this, and heating the whole
hot over the fire. Pour into :a glass
and when cold, if Prussian blue has
entered into the composition, there
will bo a distinct deposit of iron,:
which. will form a brown sediment in.
the bottom of the glass, and which
Wile he sufficient to account for a
largo number of iron spots if used
in the weekly washing.
Method should n1) used in dusting
a room, and before starting 1115
daily or weekly dusting all the
brushes and cloths' should he in
readiness. First the largest pieces
of furniture should have the dust
wipttl ole carefully, +ane( for the soft
carved parts a soft hair brush
should he used, Thea all the. 10dgee
and rims of the chairs should bo
dusted, beginning at the to,P_and
working downwards, I'utll a turner
of the duster through. any smelt
spaces. A feather brush is desirable
for the tops of pictures, also for the
tops and backs of books, and the
glass of pictures may bo rublaed
With newspaper, t19s11e paper, or. 1t
soft old.duste•. Alt old silk hand-
kerchief is convenient for dusting the
ornaments from the man;olp:e'cc,
which should ho placed temporarily
on the table to admit of the thoi•-
ough dusting of the o'orratentcl and
mantelpiece, after which the 017111.-
111011 13 aro replaced. Lastly wipe the
wooden mopboard with a damp rub-
ber and then with a dry du0tor, Tho
cereal housewife does not'' neglect to
dust the legs of tablee, all tedgr.0,
whitlows, chandeliers, wad glebes,.
skirting boards, the whole of the
door When open and shut, and the
is 00 and ria a 1141(tly, art the 8001)6 Will not arta.
of t,liat al] we eo1ld 1',n was, ter ye,. 0o- ora n... 2 " i' • '.' (ttlre under foul. or six menthe.
out as fast a9 110 could, and WO es- being Onalele to rieee 1 niltnple 1)ougli-*tithe-'i 3445si2*
There W01!0 n0 1earer' than 1,036
applications for the position of
caretaker at the Wandsworth town
hall, at a salary of 9408 per week,
with uniform, rent free, and light.
At Great Yarmouth parish church
tho offertories in August amounted
to £159 odd, comprising 10,91)0
coins. Of this total there. Were '1,-
330 halfpence and 10-932 pennies,
Dover corporation have decided to
apply to Parliament for an exten-
sion of time gran( ed in which to
(mile( a viaduct at a cost of £1.00,-
000 in connection with reariehno
The Rev, John Stephenson efoore.
headmaster of LlaudalT Cathedral
school, after holding a service at
St. Mary's Barry, on Sunday,.
seized with an apoplectic 111 and
A daughter of i1Tr, Thomas When -
man, parish clerk of Hampden Wiole,
who was married tho other day, re-
ceived 1,000 three -penny pieces as a
wedding present from her father.
Aa applicant for the (lost of eon,
vaunt at Pourith Workhouse said she
was a spinster 46 years ole), and ]teal
a perfect horror of Moo -therefore
thorn would bo no fear of any fol-
A police holism in Durham, named
the Claypatlt Gates Den, onto tho
home of the Hepplewhite», fanners
oarsmen, was
avv beiway, da and throe w !'ked -
the walls g
men Were injured,
• The statue of Charles Kingsley to
bo erected at Bideford, is ready for
placing on its foundation, and i.t,
has been decided to ask the Earl of
Rosobery to unveil the memorial in
For fifty years rector of Tilbrook
ICimholton, tlto Rev. Newton 1.1.
Young, tvho died in his ninety olghth
year, left two of his servants :01;0
each and one ,year's wages to each
domestic in his employ.
''As a protest against the boyrott-
(ug tactics of heal: builders, the Ver-
mouth Guardians solemnly commit-
ted to the flames a batch of tenders,
which they refused to opett.
With great presence " of mint(, a
nurse al; Bradwell eilanatorivm, Nortel
Staffordshire, whose dress caught
fire, ran into the bathroom, jumped
into a bath, turned on the water,
and quickly' put the flames out,
In six months, 133,500 bundles of
firewood, chopped by the inmates of
'Lambeth workhouse, were s01d lo
the public, yielding the guardians a
profit of nearly ee80. golf Cie
"1\ft', Balfour's Sunday g
cannot stop," said the Rev. H. Ver-
(oy, of Bowes Pat'k, at the Deeds
Congregational Assembly, "but, of
hie Premiership we may relieve hint.•,'
'Pat thousand jack taro at lead;
will spend next Christnuts, at 1)01117,
MI6 Ailaatio fleet, whose crews reach
this number, having been ordered to
England for the ptarp°00 of gluing
the men a holiday,
A. largo petrified toad, which WAS
found embedded in a brick dining
the lwilding of a neer manual 1u-
struction centre at( Southern, Was
forwarded to the British leueetun,
AIC, Richard Thomas Gill4W, who
died set Leighton 1101,1,0, Glentfortrl,
Lane5shire, in hilt tabu , anti• year,
Petite it�-iie Peace in
was the oilcloth j
;tire United Ititigdotu,
The fellow who Ilea ambitions to.
be a high flier doesn't Mat fog:ltig
Oriugsa sproiti)y a "