The Brussels Post, 1905-11-16, Page 51'
0. 0. .'F.
Oourt Princess Alexandria, No.24, 0, 0. 1.,
Brussels, meets in their Lodge Room, Blau.
- hill Block, ou the 2nd and last Tuesdays of
earn month, at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren
always woloomo. JAS. BIIILG.LS8, 0.1t.
A. I1. M1LLI8H, R. S.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
lo a Nlgh•grado oommorofnl School.
Three 1.20141'eea t
0ommere! al Stenography Tolegtmpby
1Yr4to OEO Sr 111"1'ON, Principal.
During Repent Months the
ToEONTa, Oryx.
Oon. YONon non ALEXANDER 8T0.
IA has received TaN, PrrTarN, TWENTY
(l;and even FIFTH liulae no many anile
ler Stenographers, B0011.lieepors, eto.,
tho same motu'tl , graduatingen to
dome ofthe salar-
ies offered were from 240 cul ouch to
11200 nor annum. Thio 010111'13' Indy.
11011:0 file hest. Se11u1N 2o, young men
and women to patronize, Later uow,
Magnificent oataloguo free.
W. 3, ELLIOTT, Principal. ,fl
eli5 5 5 $ Fri 2SAFt'.69
DR. R. A. 13URNs--
successor to lh'. J. A. 81eNuughlon
I00tissela, Ontario
Graduate of Polycllnlo Peat Graduate
Selma' of MIedicine and Surgery, Now York
Clamber of College of Physicians and Sur -
polio Of Ontario,
011ico and residence Hanle as formerly
capital by Dr. DoNaulbtoo.
Dioeaaoa of woreou a specialty.
'Phone No. 21.
F.B. 800922, Br'aeeale,
• Issuer of Marriage L i
fice at Grocery, Tumborry straot, Brussels. Brueaels.
Dnn010000 has several good Farms far
sale acrd to rent, easy terms, in Townships
of Morris and Grey, F A. BOOTT, Brussels
• 000, will anti for better prices, to
better mon, In lase time and leas chargee
then any other Anotieneer In Haat Huron or
he won't obargo anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this oMoe or by,
personal application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for
at the office of TnE Pon, Brussels, 22tf
. • Honor Ominous o1 the Ontario Vet-
erinary Collage, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domeotloated animals 110 a oompet-
eut manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry and Oilih fever. Calle
promptly attended to. Whim and Infirmary
—Four doors North of bridge, Tnrnberry st.,
13arrlator, solicitor, Notary, Eta.
8uceaner to G. F. Blair. Ol toe over Stan.
dard Bank, Broeaete. Solicitor for Metro-
politan Bank.
�' 1 e Barrister, Solicitor, IOouveyaneer,
Notary Public, he. Office --Stewart's Block
1 door North of 0e0tral Hotel.
Solloiter for the Standard Bank,
W. PRO0DPOOT, 02, 0. I1, O, HAY6
G. F. Bum,
cocas—Those formerly oacupled by Messrs
0ameruu do Holt,
002000001, ONTARIO.
Graduate of 'the Royal O011egg0 of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and Firot•olase Boum.
Graduate of Toronto Onivereity. Office
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
trTule email advertisement 0epre- �P
sante ono of the largest and beet hue. W
Ooliegee lu Comma, No Scheel
In the Dominion does m010 for its a
etudonta than we tin, To our know' •
lodge not one of our- gradttatoo'le un- i'
employed, Wo got far mem appl(on•
Pious thou we oan met. Yea may it
enter at ally bine.
t%ritefar our tree dataloguo. yy[[
Yrin0f pats,
The undersigned beg leave
to notify the fanning community
that they are now ready to do
all kinds of Grain Chopping and
Crushing at lowest rates, All
work will be promptly and care•
attended dee tG.
ThuelJ. Bros.
Mill at Electric Light Building.
t 4, -Leto s,
f.Vlo ieo'1 Y.
School, REPORT—Following ie the
report of S. S. No. 0, Grey, fur the month
of October, the nnmoe of the pupils in
the various classes arranged in order of
merit :—Sr. II—Carrie Schnook,
Wiuuie MaNanghl, Alex. Mann, Sr. 1II
—Alex, Speiran, Walter Noble, Edna
MoNaught, W,Il. Hislop, Pear( Harrison,
Melbourne Bray, Alice Maliay, Fred.
'Purr. Jr, III—Greoe Sohnook, Dave
Tarr, Jessie Manu, Sr. II—Beth Mo.
Naught, Claooy Flood, Beeeie Manu,
Bert Snelling, Olive Brown. Sr, II—
Florvey Noble, BeesieMtQuarrie, Leine
Speiran, Lily Harrison, Fred. Hodge,
Emily Smith, Harold Liviugetone, Pt.
II—May Livingstone, Nobe Schnook,
Lottie MoKtty, Gorby Snell iug, Average
attendance for the month 42.
ALBERTA MONAoanT, Teacher.
David gay left for Tercets where he
will reside in the future.
Alfred Petrie has taken a position
iu 1110 Piauo lavatory as 0aeie1al,4 book
Niro, J. W, Scott, t who has
been wen o0
010xt r
r e r led trip to Rusalued and the
Pacific Coen has returned home.
Joe. Boehmer, proprietor of the
Qooen'e, to having the grounds on the
North Bide of the hotel levelled up, and
inteode making R lawn and erecting a
bend entad.
A familiar figure on the etreete of
Listowel, Georgie Ford, left for Calgary
on Tuesday of last week, where he win
in future reeido with his daughter,
Mre, David Jones.
A number of the rre mbere of the
Ladies' Aid of Koox ohuroh, Listowel,
met at tho home of Jae. Morri0on, ou
the evening of Wednesday, Nov. let, to
bid goodbye to Mre. Jas, Boyd, the late
e eelned President of
with her husband, veined, members
and workers to Knox Church. Mrs.
Boyd was preeeuled with a silver thimble
and silver tern bowl, accompanied with
a short but appreciative address.
The Board of Railway Commieeicnere
met in Toronto on Wednesday of last
weak, and refaced the application of the
G. T. R. to pat a aiding into the Meyers
Niilliog Company's premioee, as it
would interfere with the Guelph and
Goderiob Railway, which line had been
[matted and approved by the Commie.
0200000 Kama time before the G. T. 11.
made their applioation, The Standard
says :—Wo have 14 on good authority
that the 0. P. 14, will oommenee at once
to lay the rails to the mill, and prooeed
'o build the road to the point of inter.
For all weakueee from which girls
and women suffer, no surer remedy exists
than Dr, Hamilton's Pulls. They mein•
tele that biauing health every woman so
earnestly desires ; they uproot dieeaae,
end bring strength that 1a0t0 tin old age.
"No mediaioe could be more beneficial
than Dr Hamilton's Pills" writes Mre
Mary K. Ayrton of Viotoria. "I have
beer strengthened, my digestion is better
I have improved in color and fool won•
sidorably better since tieing Dr. Hamiltons
Pills." Sold everywhere, 25o. per box
or five boxes for 000 dollar.
Geo. Beaman lost a valuable burse 00
the result of it stroke of paralysis.
Geo. Saudere hue returned from Mani.
tobet, where he spent the Summer
Thos, Johns has returned from a
prospecting trip through Manitoba and
the Northwest.
lvlre, N, D. Hordoo met with a painful
a00240nt by slipping at the top of a flight
of otaire and felling down over the steps,
She sustained internal and external i0•
juries, hot is now able to be about, al•
though moving with difii0ulty.
Floreuoe, third daughter of F. Trieb
000, Stephan, wail severely bnrnod on the
faceand weak by Doming in contact with
a pan of hot water in the beanie of her
slater, Miunie, She is, however, recover
lug from its effeeto,
The Wrought Iton Range Compeny'e
then under the management of 3. W. K.
VanNorman, who has been Killing ranges
in thie diatriot for the past eix weoke,
pulled out on Monday morning of 2020
week and went to Clinton to work that
dietriot. Some little diffio01ty was ex-
perieooed in getting out of town owing to
the men retaei0g to pay a poll tax which
was demanded of them by the town.
The matter was finally eettled by Mr,
VanNorman pitying $7 tux and poste of
52 50.
We made a posing reference to the
death of Jaineo B. Dinkaou, of Renfrew,
father of Lewis H. Diukeon, of town,.
particulate of whioh are now at hand,
Mr. Dickson wee in hie urinal health on
the Wednesday preoediug when Mr, and
Mrs, Dickson received many cougr01.
Mations from old friende upon the attain.
went of their 50th marriage anniversary.
On Friday be took sink and gradually
grew worn, pa00ing penoefully away on
Sabardey morning, Deoeaed wee 73
yearn of age. It1 private life Mr.
Dioissou combined striob purity and in.
tegrity with n geniality of ubartioter en.
12021204 him to all with whom ha came in
o00taot. For many yeare be was exten•
lively and oueoeeofully engaged in the
ntmber htteiness, enjoying the aon2deuee
end teapot of all those with whom he
22(04 bueinese relation°. Politically the
deoeeeed ons a Liberal•Cooeervative and
for many years was president of the As.
eooiation of North Renfrew, Beaidne rho
widow, lite wane 1100 four daughters our.
vivo. The body woe oonveyed by train
10 Pembroke, where the interment loots
A rel offerings nllace in Ohe lleetedllet the high eetplot,tee eti
in whioh deceased wee held,
thief in his yard, and be tried to get' Davison ; Captain, Robert Thompson
I k own apurtsmen to shoot
everts we 1. n
it, bot they deolined, He borrowed u
pile, and although he had 1,01 llaudlud
one for 20 yeare he blazed away at the
mioereaet, and nal/teed It. A second
obeli however, put the thief, a waattel,
t.:ii t ton. out of bueiueee.
It ie expvoted POM' the 11010 Ko itthrg ---
Factory will be iu full blast by the Tub 400E elATAttltu 'ruEA'ra0E,'r,
15th of December. It isn't euuff 0100 0 wash, neither ie it
t 0tolneoh deedeei05 medicine—We just
nntioeptio, balsamic vapor -10e name le
"Oaterrhozone " For lasting cure
"Catarrhozone" ie the one remedy,
Bir, Brundenbergor, formerly of the
IlLreou Houe, hue purobased the Porn.
m0reiel House in Arthur Ont.
At a meeting of the Collegiate Board
iluat e
ON the n I
Pi of er
Oanteino, for the penton of 0008101100,
et $250 a year, was aeoepted, John Joynt has pnrehneed Robert
Rex Obowen, of town, who haw been Moore's large frame dwelling near the
In delicate health for some time, bee 0tation,
been oeut to Gravenharet Sanitarium P. H. hloKoozie, M. P, and Mre,
as a quoin! ward of Willie °buroh, McKenzie have returned from their
The premises at pronto ()coupled by trip to the Northwest and British Col.
W. H. Newoombe have been lensed ambia,
by the Sovereign Bank, and as anon A young man named Durnin, 0th eon.,
al the present tenant v000te0, tbey Aeirfield, attempted eaioide by matting
will be fitted op in modern style for his throat with a knife ou Monday of
banking purposes. last week.
The propoeal to eat0blioh a canning D. 0, Taylor, has sold out his herd•
factory here, thoneb still in embryo, has ware bneileea to Mr. Mordie, of 8eatorth.
'ad to the appointment of a committee of Mr. Taylor has been in boldness here
live business men to look into the mate for twenty yeare, and le cue of oar most
ter, and if eatiefied of the feeeibiilty of 0uoaeeful merobente. His many friends
the proposition to carry it through, will be sorry to see him retiring from
Some discussion took plaoe oonoern- the baeineee.
ing the removal of snow from the aide• At the last meeting of the Board of
walks in the Winter at last 0ouooil Lienee Commissioners for Sonia
meeting. Two plows have been cion- Bruoe in Walkerton, the application
enacted, and it was suggested that two of Alex. McPherson, of Luoknow, for an
more be made, one for each ward. It extension of hie liquor shop lieeuee was
was finally deuided to advertise for ten-
ders for removing the snow, applicants
to state the prop per hour, and the
prise per season,
David Oanteion hue some ahoiee Min•
urea fowl and be was aaturaily annoyed
to fled the other day that three of them
Clad been killed by some animal. On
Sunday morning he saw the euppoaed
Luetieno w.
In dotug so, however, the
13oerd exooeded its powers, and Mr. Mo
Pber,on'e linen.° will remain in force
till the end of the preaeut liaenae year,
May let next.
Following are the offioere of the - Hook-
ey Olub elected for the current year 1—
Prl:eidenb, R. R. MacLeod ; Vioe Preei
dent, Dr. Elliott; Mvnager, Wm.
1905- 6
Our $tock of Men's Fur Coats,
Caps, Mitts, Etc., is now complete We
are showing a larger and more com-
plete range than ever before.
Mon's Coon Coag
$37 50 43 00 45 00 55 00 60 00
Con's 'Wombat Coats
$18 $20 $22 $25 $26 $30 $32
Men's Wallaby Coats
$17 $18 $22 $25 $30 $32 $35
Mon's Black Dog Coats
$17 00 $20 00 $22 00
We also have a number
of' High Grade
Fur Lined eoats
in stock at Rock Bottom Prices. Select
your Fur Coat early and get first choice of the
Best Assorted oolgk of Men's Furs in Brussels.
We are Ready 1 Are You ?
The only Exclusive Clothing and
Furnishing house in Brussels.
J'rcu0urer, Thomas S. Reid ; Secreta
yyr�ac�. r{�, q�na�cm�+c��oRy�a�+q� r�•p ori «•� ....... ......._.
0 y� XeYv,a' 'r'd'� XXW:'JvXXd-4om�N'.0 1'J+' J kJ l -•'t 41
ArObie Herat ; Managing Committee,
W, Burton, J. llabbiok, Ed, Lawrence ;
Mascot, Lee Horn. An 0 OK I Mt/ ry/ Ott /ty
/'V ,I V 6.A / Y CO„
Gundy praaahed Iniaeionar B"d•';T
Rev. D. y
eermone in Eiuoardihe'on Buoday,
Sunday 1000 Wingham 74pwortll League
Itally day. Rev. E. W, Edwards, B. A.,
B. D., of Tiverton proaohed.
Mr, Arleley received word That ria eon
George 1000 lying iu Winnipeg hospital,
ill with e
If ver
u very bad.
Gorge Mucron spout Sunday of Iasi
week and part of lust week in London,
Resisting in •rangelieti0 servloee,
A depntation from the Fire Go, welted
on the Connell, aekiog that they provide
the Fireman with rubber boote and rubber
W. F. Vanntone, hoe rented the office
formerly need by Jas. MgG-uire ae an
express othloo and will nee it ae an office
u ounueotioo with his bu•imoe,
Phos. Hill, late of the Exchange hotel
ae moved hie family to Seaforlh, where
hey will reside until Mr. Hill deoidea
where they will locale permanently.
Mre. Taogher received word of the
each of her eon In Edmonton, The
mane man was taken ill of typhoid fever
nd diad in the hospital early in Ootobm.
Word of bis death 1008 only received now.
W. H, Hale has dispoeed of hie property
n Catharine street and expecte to leave
SVingbem to reside in Toronto. aometime
n Deoembor. The purchaser of Mr,
ele'e residence i8 Robert Lockhart of
t. Helene.
W. E. Groves, a former resident of
Wiagbem end now principal of Church
rear eobool Toronto, 0Offered a sad
ere0vemetll in the death of ria wife,
bo passed away after an illness at
veral month..
At the meeting of the Wiugham cur -
re held in the Firemau'e Hall the slab
ae re.005002zed for 0138 eomiog eeaeo8,
oh the following °ffioers 0—Honorary
ee(dent, Mayor Bell ; Honorary Vise
esidenl, Geo, McKenzie ; President,
N. Grille I Vice President, C.
neohtel ; Sensory A. J. Alderson ;
eaeorer, k', Patterson. Dr. J. R.
aadolt al
d and
H, Chisholm m were
p delegate's to attend the animal
eting of the Ontario Oarliog Asso.
tion to be held in Toronto.
Geo. Glebe and family have moved W
Tbomae, William end Geo, Stroug
attended the funeral of a relative in
Maise Heinen has been re engaged as
teacher of 8. S. No, 6 Howlek, for 1206 at
a salary of 8425.
Dr. Armstrong spent Wednesday of
last week in town. He le nodeoided as
to where be will locate yet,
B. S. Cook has sold the Henry farm
on the 3rd con. t
$ fifty nor a
to H. Townsend and the West hundred
to R. J, (Where,
Evangelist Grigg lett Wednesday
morning of 1200 week for London, but
his short visit of four weeks has left
many bleoeingo. He way speoieliy good
•e 0work, visitor, and in private personal
While sawing wood at John Strong'e
Geo. Oielland bad the first finger out off
and the bhnmb of the right hand badly
ane In several pfeeee. The hand wag
also badly out between the thumb and
fire) huger.
Mr. Long, of Benmiller, has been en.
gaged ae prio0ipal of Fordwioh public
school for 1906 for 8450, Mr, Long has
had five yeare' experience.- Mise M.
Roadhouse has been re-engaged as
timber of the Junior department for
next year at a salary of 5310.
The Quarterly Offioiat Board of the
Methodist church met for the bra0aaalio¢
of bueioees. The following Stewards
were re elected for the year 0—Fordwioh,
B. B. Cook, R. Valli' and Andrew MoSeo;
Newbridge, Jia. Fetus end M. P.!drioh ;
Mayne, Geo. Magee and Smith Vines,
Mr, Cook was ales re•eleoled Reoording
Great eateries and sorrow was man.
,feet all 0000 oar eommanity on Saturday
4th i0et. when it was reported that
Atex, Barr had been found dead on bio
plane about six mile, West of Gilby,
North Dakota. Someone paeeing noticed
the baggy upset tn the yard and three
home Inose, while Mr, Bart was lying on
the ground. Tho news was brought to
towu and a party immediately went to
the 000010. On investigating, marks wets
found on hie body, supposed to be the
kick of a horse, which probably happened
the afternoon previous, ae Mr. Barr was
seen hitching one team to the buggy
eboat three 0 810012 Friday afternoon,
He bad apparently brought the third
horse to tie behind the buggy, and the
fourth stili remained in the barn. Mr.
Barr was man about 68 yeare of age
and had resided in this community for
over 23 yeare. He was well known and
nnivereally liked, ae he was one of those
jolly, large hearted men who are kind to
The policemen are no10 visiting the
ho¢oee of all the Minnie light and water
takers and oounbt0g the lights and
tape. Some of our oitizens take the
visit in go .4 part and others think 11
an intrneion.
While wbrking et the saw at his
mill In Colborne certainly, Martin Coo.
nett met with a serione aooidont. He
bad snowed, some of the workmen off
duty and had tom muoh to do, and ae
a remit hie rightrend came in eon.
teat with the dangerous circular saw,
the result being that the drat two fingers
were all bat severed through the palm
of the right band.
Seven tenders were received for the
lease of the Weet street skating rink
for the Doming season, the prime
offered ranging from 0316 to 04I8, and
even the lowest Conder wee slightly
above the price paid fast year. The
tendering were P. Bingham, D.
'Thompson, Starry Watson, Wes. Mo•
Lean, Tbos, Morgan, Norval Davie
ami J. W. ()rely, the fall nomod
making the highest offer.
The Deugbtebe of the Elmplre, who
since their organization in town have
made tho eetabliebmant of a hospital in
Godorioh, their main object, seem at last
to be nearing n realization of their long.
ohorialled scheme, As mentioned lain
week the Shepherd property on South
street has been approved by the board of
trusteed of the hospital, and the deeds for
the transfer of the properly have been
signed, the Flee agreed open being
52,200, or rather 52,000,1110,4 la donation of
v made ads.
v preparations arati n
P o s for I
Boot0, Shoos and Rubbers,p Our stook is n010 100 nplete nitrite ll r tads inr
t0eu, women, 1111ee and children, We make It point to keep'then beet
goods obtainable. We handle the following well-known high-olos goods
—The Kiog Quality, the Williams of Brampton, and several first-class
makors in Montreal and Quebec, Our stook of Shoes WAS all oontraotad
for before the sharp advenoe in leather, and will be sold at old prieee.
Below we mention a few of oar leading lines :
v i —Women's Glove Grained Shoes, now worth 51.25, for 51.
--Women's Plate and Pebbled Shoes, wool lined, 81.05.
—Women's Fine Dongola, in all elms, at $1.25, 51,50 and $1,75,
—Women's King Quality, in line dongola and vioi kid in heavy and
—Womou'e Commht on Sense Peat 52, l Gattore at. 881,
—Women's Felt Foxed Shoes, warm cad comfortable, 51,300.
—Women's Felt Slippers at 250, 50, 750, $I and 61.25.
n —Men's Heavy Plow Shoes ab 51, 51,25 and 51.50.
f —Non's Long Boots, patent laced legs, waterproof, 53,50.
—Williams' Patent Adjustable Shoes for men, waterproof, made of solid
vleather, special at $2 and 52,50,
_ —Men's Fine Dongola Shoes, new etyloe, at 51.50, $1,75 and $3,
—Men's Fine Kiog Quality, Shea at 52.50, 53, and $2,50
c'—Boys' Standard School Shoes at $1, $1.25 and 51.50.
•(9 —Boys' Fine Dongola and Box Calf Shoes at 51, 8.25 and 51,50
—Ladies', It:Hosea' and 01illrenel Rubbers at all priee0,.
—Men's Heavy Rubbere and Leggings in all the best makes.
v p —Women's, Miese' cad Children's Spate in great variety.
XXXXXX=Xxdo 0 XXXXXXxf. O=o adc
5250 to the hospital. A11 the mediae
men in town have examined the hone
and location and, without exception, hav
signed a statement giving their entir
torthepurpo purpose. Properties suitableon
this Is, bounded on three eidea by etreete
are not numerous and times interesed in
the plan think themeelres fortunate to
have sunned cob it property. L has the
further advantage of being convenient of
eooeee from all parte of the town, a great
advantage in ogee of aooidents when it ie
desired to take the victims 10 the
hospital, and a 000veni00oe to medi•
oaf men in making visite Eo the io •
stitation. Those wbo have examined
the properly any it fa in splendid won.
ditiao, boob pfeater and 5.1008 being
free of wracks, end the work that will
require to be done to fit it for a hoa-
pitalie not so great ao to prevent the
hope that the boepital oan be opened
before Cbrietmae. The wall -paper
will have to' be taken down and the
walla painted and the !bore coated to
oonform with sanitary requirements
and an entire now system of plumbing
put in. It ie proplaed to raise the
basement about two feet and as soon
as the ma0egement oan afford it it is
proposed to brink the building ap.
This may possibly be done in the
Spring. An operating room will prob.
ably be bailt where the present eon-
eervalory ie.
8 j On worthlese o¢ree tor catarrh. There
8 I is only one remedy that's( e0oceafal--
e i , U cures when the
motor eats your case is hopeless. No
dross to tette, no atomizer to bother
with, you simply inhale the fragrant
vapor of this uefatling erre and get well
4 Relief ' '
9 re uretanl,oureie guaran•
teed so you ran no risk with Oatarrhozone.
Don't experiment, don't pat off, get
Catarrhozone from your druggist today.
The Roman Catholic cemetery at
Bothwell was deoeorated by vandals.
The Ooroner'e Ingaeat has thrown no
light on the Kingsmill-obild murder.
Mark Robinson wag overcome by gas
in the vinegar works at Norwich, and
died before he would be taken cot.
Lahlioe, the Fiae, was found guilty of
murder at St. Johne Quebec, and son -
termed to be hanged Jaooary 12.
H, Blank end C, Howeie, two boys,
were struck by a train while driving
morose the he
wa at
Sherbrooke, brooks
and killed. , Que,i
Three Chatham school trustees have
resigned as a result of Mayor Cowan's
charges, but ib is understood they will offer
for re•eleotiou,
Coroelioe Nicholas is dead after drink-
ing whiskey bought in St. Thomas drag
store. This makes three Indians killed
presumably by this whiskey.
Do You
to have
If Not
Come to the
Jamestown -
and we will kelp to fortify you
against such inconveniences.
Some Prices :
Men's Home -knit Mitts, a pr., 85c
Boys' f 'y " 25c
Boys' Leather Mitts, lined 25e
Several other lines of Mitts and all
our Rubbers at Rock Bottom
Highest Market Price paid for produce of all
kinds. Dried Apples 400. per lb.
McDonald Bros.
Only a few words about your Fall Overcoat and at
the sante time tell you how to save several Dollars—Dol-
lars Saved are Dollars Earned, Well, we have
'75 Overcoats
that are going to be sold away below actual value. To
see and hear the price means you take the Coat. Mush
lower in price than you expected and the best bargain you
have ever been offered, g
It'They may not last long but you have first choice.