The Brussels Post, 1905-11-16, Page 4marateuemateer.,....detatodnerettere.tr: mart8rdetelattialateeekeueseammetweeetreseleasemeresemeesereireatdattermseetadeedoeteteateeeetes.esee....emem C1,1,t xNxitootte4 Vost, .1s1u1,):;:i.:1,,rort,tuaorerf7.n:tie°,11',:"Al,`,T, _ , be shall also vacate hie oflioe, and be (liege% filed from bidding any such office THCIRSOAY, NOV. 10, 1905. for two 3 eltre. If an inepector or (finger appointed by the Goverment or oonzun lesion ere Local Option. proseentee an offender under this Act, i and a tine JEI imposed, anal) flue le paid at Onee into tbe license fund to be peed T iz Poor lute been aakad by a number of people to give the law on the roach dieouseed Local Option oueetion, We do so se follows THE LOCAL OPTION LAW. The enaotment giving munialpalitiee power to abeolutely prohibit the retell pale of liquor le frond in the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897i nap, 945, see 141, and le in the following terms ;- 141. (1) "The connoil of every town• ship oily, town, and itmorporated village may, page hy.ittwe for pro ng the sale of liqnore, by retail of spirituous, fermented or other manufactured liquore, in any tavern, inn or other plaoe of public entertainment. Provided that the bylaw before the final passing thereof, ban been duly approved by the eleotore of the municipality iu the man. nee provided by the seotione in that behalf of the Municipal Aot. (2) "No by -taw paeeed ander the pro. visions of Ohio Election shell be repealed by the council passing the same, DOW after the expiration of three years from the day of its miming into foros, nor until by-law tor that purpose ban been sub- mitted to the eleotors and approved by them in the same manner as the original bydaw, and if any such repealing bylaw (upon being submitted to the electors) ie not so approved, no other repealing by. law libell be submitted for the like approval within the full terms of three years thereafter." rostrivg PROHIBITION. The right of the Legislature to enact this law has been upheld by Ibe Court of Appeal and the Judicial Committee ot the Privy Counoil. Being a pert of the BO called "Licenee Aol" of the Provinoe of Ontario, it hoe no special machinery provided for its eeforoement. A Moit, option prohibitory by law simply pre vente the Issue of liquor !Menses. Ai, the machinery and authority of ehe license law are available under it for the prevention of any liquor selling, an they are elsewhere for the prevention of unlicensed liqnor selling. This is made very clear by section 143 of the Liquor License Act of 1897, whiab ie in tile following terms :— "No tavern or shop !Meese shall be is. sued or take effect widths any unaniolpa ity in which there ie in foroe any bylaw passed in pursuance of notion 141, or be pursuanoe of any of the provielone men. slatted in notion 142 o but the sale oi or keeping for sale of liquor without license in any nob municipality shall nevertheless be a contravention of sec Cons 49 and 50 of this Agt, and all the proviai ono of thin Aot respecting the Bale or keeping for sale of liquor in °antra. veolion of said seorione, and the penalties and procedure in referetioe thereto, shall be of full foroe and effect in each municipality, nothwithstauding snob prohibitory by-law." "Bectione 49 and 50 of this aot" re. tarred to in the °lease above quoted, are esotions 49 and 50 of the Liquor License Aot, and are as follow!" ; 49 "No person shall sell by wholesale or retail any spirituous, fermented, or other manafaottired Iiquore without baying firet obtained a lioense under this Aot authorizing him so to do ; but this section shall not apply to ealee under legal preemie or for distress, or sales by assignees in insolveuoy." 50.'1310 person 'than keep or bare in any house, bufiding, elsop, eating -house, ealoon, or house of public' entertainment, Or in any room or melee whatsoever, any spirituous, fermented or other manufac- tured liquors for the peepose of selling, barterieg, or trading therein, unless duly lieensed thereto under the provisions of this Ant ; nor shall the occupant of any such shop, eating.house, saloon, or hoes" of public entertaiumeet, unless duly licensed, permit any liquors, whether sold by hint or not, to be uonenmed upon the premises, by any perm" other than members of hie homily, or employees, or goeete not being cm:flamers." It will be seen from the notions (looted that a local option prohibitory by.law means abeolute prohibition of the retail eitle of liquor. The machinery for en. foroement has been in worse of develop- ment and improvement for many yeare, and is now very etrong and effective. PENALTIES. As stated, the penalties imposed upon persone who sell liquor in looal option munioipalities are the same penalties that are now imposed on pareoue found guilty of selling liquor without lieenoe, They are eet out in °lame 70 of the License Aot, which reads as followe. 72. "Any pereon who sells or hereon spirituoue, fermented or reanafitotured liqaors of any kind, withorit the liounee therefore by Jaw required, Mall for the first offenee, on oonviotlon thereof, forfeit and pay a penalty of not lees than 960 beeides mite, and not more thee 91.00, besides 00018; and in default of payment thereof he shall be imprieoned te the ihmety goal of the county in wbiob the ofienoe le committed, for a period of nos lees tban three menthe, and be kepi, at hard labor in the discretion of the oou• vioting magistrate and for the mond offense, on conviction thereof, snob persona shall be imprieoned in snob goal for the period of four months, to be kept at hard labor in tbe disetetion of the oon• vioting magistrate ; and for the third or eabeetment affinities, on conviction thereof anal' person shall be imprieoned in euoh goal, for a period ot six mouths, to be kept at bard labor in the dieoretion of the oonviating magistrate ; and in the evene of the 'imprisonment of any pereon upon severe.' warrants of commitmeut under different oonvietions in pursuance of this Act, whether issued in Mettle of dietretie for a penalty oe otherwise, Ibe teems of imprisonment ander elude warrante shall be cionseontive and not concurrent." The having oe keeping liquor for sale is also ited offenee ageing the tact, beiug a aontravention of notion 60 above emoted, It ie an independent offence and a pereon convieted of it, whetber totted guilty of selling liqttor or not, is punighable by a flee of not lase than 920 and coats for the first offense, not lose that: 940 and .0081e for a sewed offense, withlreprisort- meet at hard labor for default of pay Meet, and for a third or subsequent armee imprisonment at hard labor, without the option Of 8 fine, See. 80 of the Alt lists this 00, for paying the expenses of enforoing the law. If any other person ie the proseeutor, the line ie paid to the treaeur. or of the munieipelity lu wbiob the offense was committed, and the Munioipal council le required to set apart not lees than one•third of all /mob eerie received, as a fund to mune proevontione for violation of the law. These provislone are found in seolions 48 and 90 of the Aeo. 80400800240240 00 THE LAW. The provielons for seoaring enforcement of the law are very oomplete. The most important are contained in the following seotions of the License Act ; DOTIRS or OFFIORES 129. "Byery officer so appointed on - der this Aot, every policeman, or rion• stable, or inspeotor, ehall be deemed to be within the provisioce of obis Act, and wbeo any information is given to any snob effieer, policeman, aoostable, or inspector, that tbere is cause to suspect that acme person is violating any of the provisione ot Ibis Am, it shall be bus ointy to make diligent inquiry into the truth of such information, and enter uornplaint 1.1 snob vielation before the proper court, without communicating the zianie of the person giving Boob infer. inatiou ; and it shall be the daty of the Crown attorney, within the county in whiob the offense ie committed, to attend to the proseontion of all oases committed to him by au inspector or eftleer, appointed under Ilibe Aot by the LattatettRIIc Governor. BOWER OP OFFICES 130 (1) "Any oflioar, policeman, uoustabte, or insprotor may, for the purpose of preventing or detecting the violation of any of the provisione of tuts Aot WIII011 it is hie duty to enforce, to any time enter into any and every earn of any inn, taveru, or other bowie of public enterialunient, ehop, warehouse, other place whereia refreshments or glut:lore are [told, or reputed to be sold, wormier under lioense or not , and may make searobes in Every part thereof, and of the premises connected therewith, as he toRy think neoessary for the pnrpoae eforesaid." (2)"E very pereon being therein, or navies charge thereof, who refuges or .44i18 to admit mob officer, polioeman, or 000stable, or inspector demanding to enter in porenanee of tbie Emotion in the execution of his dety, or who obetruote ir attempts to °hornet the entry of each offieer, policeman, constable, or inspeator, any such 4080000re as toresaid, shall liable to thepenalties and punishments prescribed by eeotion 72 of this Act." PENALTY FOE DERELICT OFFICERS 134. (1) "It shall be the duty of every offieer, polioemau, oonstable o inapeotor la each maninipality, to see 1.1311t the 'aversl proviefous 01 11218 Aot are duly observed, and to prooeed by information and otberwiee prosecute for Ibe punish- ment of Any offause againot the provider's of this Aat ; and in ease of wilful neglect or default in ao doing in any ease, such offioer, polieeraau, Qom/liable, or inspeator shall incur it penalty 01 910 beeides omits for each and every nob neglect and default." (2) "It eball be Ibe duty of she board of aommiesionere of poitoe and of the (thief of pollee, to enforce Ibe provieione of this Genital, tied any oftioer or police. mad tionvietedof violating the provisions ;hereof may be summarily dismissed." EVIDENCE, ETO. Tbe law is very oomplete and dietinot in its provielone as to whim' shall eon. atitnte evidences of sale or keeping for sale of liquor. It is the rearm of long experience and careful study, and effeotively /deem up many of of the loop. boles throup,b which offenders have heretofore been able to escape from the penalty of their wrongdoing. Some of ,be moat important of theee alausae epeoify that applianotts for the sale of iiquor are prima facia evidence of keep tug for sale, that oonsuroption of liquor on unlioensed premises is prima faoie proof of sale, that that the ocoupani of any plane where illicit eale ie permitted shall be personally liable end Wet specific' details are nut necessary if there is reasonable proof of sale. WITNESSES MOST TESTIFE The authority and power of justioee to immure evidence in oasee of proseutaion 18 vevy Luny set out. Sections 115 and 115 authorize them to summon any person, compel attendance it ueed be by warrant, and commit for ooutempt auy person refusiug to give evidenoe or produce any bookie pepers or doenmente asked for, MOB BELLING Under previoes prohibitory laws a good dal of trouble W48 oaused by the formation of °Jobe, In which liquor was dummied by the members ao as to evade Me law, whioh from its wording did not aiways oover 1130 cage of an organization and distributed among its members, The law as it note untricis ie found iu aeotiou 53 of the Aol, It ande time :- 63, (1) "Any somety, association 01 olub heretofore or hereafter formed or in. ourporated tinder Ibe Aot respeoting Benevolent, Provident and other dometies, end any unincorporated suoiety, aesoolation or MIA, aud any member, officer or esrettot thereof, or pereon resorting thereto, that /mile or °adore liquor 10 11103' mertmer thereof, or 411 any other person, without the nowise therefor by time Aot required, shall be mud 10 have violated Emotion 49 of tine Aot, and shall incur the penelfies provid. ed lOr the Fiala of thyme vvithoul armee, (2) The keeping or having in tiey house or building or ID any plaoe 00. oupied or controlled by ouch Club, ee. aoidation or soolety, or any member or members- thereof, or by any person re• sorting tbereto, or of any liquor for sate or barter, dial] be 4 0101411011 of notion 60 of this Aot." (8) "Proof of oonsamption or Intend - eel onsumption of liquor in euoh palm. ins by any member of snob olub, innioeiatiot or empty or person who room therto, shall be eonolueive evi. denim of sale ot euoh liqaor, and the ocoupante of the premises 00 8433' member of the olub, assignable/A or society, or person who resorts thereat), then be taken eenoiueively to be the porno who has our keeps therein such liquor for 8030 Or barter I and any liquor found upon itIttoto bY 80,0b, 5j4., Titrksst MISS JESSIE IVINCLACFILAN The Popular Scotch Prima-Doilna In the picturesque little seaport town of Oban, Scotland, with its beau- tiful scenery and its inspiring historic associations, Miss Jessie MacLachlan, the famous Scotch prima -donna, was born. She was very young when she first revealed her unusual' musical endowment, for Nature gave her a voice of rare sweetness and power, When she was but twelve she joined the choir in her native town, and with a thrill of surprise the choir -master heard her sing. So pleased was he with the possibilities of her voice that he urged her to guard her golden treasure with care, to avoid indiscriminate singing until she should be trained and perfected under the best teachers.. He recom- mended her to devote her life to song, and told her, with a prophetic glimpse, that she would be numbered among the world's greatest singers. Under the enthusiastic teaching of Ildwin Holland of the Guildhall School of Music, and other /nesters, her training was continued until she was ready for her first public appearance. Her inter love of Scotland, a patriot- ism that seems the keynote of her whole nature, led her to realize the possi- bilities of the old Gaelic ballads, the heart songs of her people, and when Glasgow recognized her genius, her fame quickly spread through Great Britain, and the doors of conservative London opened in welcome. At Balmoral she was commanded to sing before Queen Victoria, who expressed her royal appreciation by presenting to her a superb bracelet. For nearly two and a half centuries no Highlander had been summoned to the throne—the latest one being a Macerimmon piper who, in 1651, had the honor of performing before the King and kissing his hand. Miss 1Viaclachlan's voice is a rich full soprano, vibrant with feeling and dramatic power. It is not the mere singing, the mere succession of pure liquid notes, that rouses her audiences, it Is the magnetic force of her per, sonality, her absorption of the spirit of the song that•carries the words from the heart of some Scotch poet of centuries ago to find their echoing note in the hearts of his twentieth-century fellow -countrymen. On her fourth tour of the world she is awakening enthusiasm wherever her voice is heard, and is now singing in Australia. In Boston, before an audience of 5,000, when she gave the stirring martial air, "WP a Hundred Pipers," men Jumped on chairs and waved their hands and shouted. In Toronto, encore after encore inspired new songs, until the singer grew wearied—a welcome typical of her entire tour. Entered emoting to Act or tte Fertlanteut or Ceuedn, letbe year 1905, by W. 0. Mak, et the Department et dteteultore. anoh premises abaft be liable to seizure in the manner provided by the Act." COLD SETTLES is TUE RACK. It hits people in a tender epot and makee it mighty bard to brace um Nerviline lakes that kink on* of your epinal °Mama in short order ; it eootbes, tbasei why relief comes so soon. Ner- viline penstratee, that's why 18 00088, Five times atronger titan ordinary retnediee, Nerviline oan't fail to 0008 lame bask, lumbago, soiatio8 and neur- algia. Nerviline i inetent death to all musenlar pain. For nearly fifty years it bits been the largest selling liniment in Canada. Better try it. The High Court, Brief Sessions before Chancellor Iterd en Tuesday of lost week, The non•jury sittings of the High Court, before Chancellor Boyd, which opened on Tueedey afternoon of lase week in the court hones, Goderiab, were very brief, being oonolvided the same after - 80011. Three 04888 were see down for trial and were disposed of as followe :— EfIlook vs. Roberts et al,, an aotiou for services and attendance on the late Mrs. Wm. Wilson. The plaintiff, Elize Hil. look, of Goderiob township, was a slater of Mary Ann WilBOtt, the exeoatora of whose will (J. M. Roberts and Henry Jones) are the defendants. Mrs. Wileon was for a number of yeare an invalid and her Bieber, the plaintiff, was in the habit of attending her. One one ommelot, it was alleged, a promfee wee mede by the decease that in return for each services the plaintiff would be left 91,000, but the will, probate of which was granted September 220d, 1905, made no nob bequeel. The tuition was broegbe to eeoure specific perfortnance of the alleged agreement, or in the alternative $1,000 for eervioes rendered by the piaintiff. The defendants olaimed that any serviette rendered bed been paid foil during the tife time of the &messed. Judgment was entered, by cment, for the plaintiff for 9200, without wide. E. L. Diokineon for plaintiff, W, Proutifoot, Z. 0., for defeudante. Oonnell vs. Connell, an notion for wages. The plaintiff ie Wm, Oonnell and Ibe defendant Martin Connell, The plaintiff claims 9625 for wages, from July 2ad, 1897, to July 24th, 1899 ; 975 for rent to two and a half years of the plaintiff's briek yard in Colborne, and 981 25 for nee of the plaintiffie :May. There were aloe othee olairne for poets, lumber, eke., end fox loans. Certain emountel had been paid cm so:mut, leav- ing, ES woe claimed, 9728.89 due. The defendant denied most of the claim and submitted that the olaims were barred by the MMHG of limitations. Judgment of reference to the master at Gonerioh to take amounte and dispeee of all Wanes, With leave to defendant to amend by 8618109 09 pattnerehip and the other gide to make euoh defenoe to the pleadings as advised. Oasts and further direotione reamed. M. G. Cameron, K. 0., for plaintiff, E. 1,, Dickinson far defendant tare of the will of the late Tobias Feltner, father of the plaintiff. The plaintiff alleged a verbal agreement between him. self and father, whereby the latter agreed to sell oertafn lands to hie son in ootisid. Bretton of 91,500 aud the supplying of certain of the products of the farms. The lends were later conveyed to another party and the plaintiff sought to remover damages for breach of contraot or in the alternative, to be paid for the work done and improvements made upon the said lands, W. Proudfoot, K. 0., for defend. anis, our appearing for the plaintiff on the ease being called, Hie Lordship directed the dismissal of the ease with coats, plaintiff to have leave to restore case, if so eilvieed, within len days, • ' WET THAT WEARINESS ? You're uneesy, tentless, witbont appetite Still worse you are thin anti fagged ma Work ornet be dune, but where ie the strength to (some from ? Make your blood nutritious and you'll bays Iota of strength. Your only hope is Ferrozone, 80 instant blood.maker, blood•purifier, blood eorioher. 11 brings keen appetite, clients food and supplies nutrition for building op all the bodily tissues. Ferri:meta makes mneele and nerve.fibre, inorenses your weight, infields a reserve of energy into the• body that defies weariness or exbanstion from arty cause. To have virility and healthy vigor use Fehrozone which all dealers sell in 50o...boxee. Perth County. .A, large number of repreeentative ratepayers of Perth and Oxford, Met at the Oily Hall, Woodslook, on Monday of lad week, and completed the organiza- tion of Ibe new Weather Inenranoe Compeny, under the aoli of 1904, which will make the second company of the kind in ()Mario. There were about sixty ratepayers present. °msty Commis. eioner Rebore Armetrong, of Perth, W48 appointed chairman, and W. T. MoMul In, barrister, was appointed ecorelary of the meeiing, The chairman announced that the neceesary amount of subeoribed insurence was secured to oomply with the 'requirements of the .Aet. The Area bust- ness was the naming of the Oompany. On motion, duly eeoonded, the company wee named The Oxford and Perth Weather Ineuranee Co. The location of the head offioe oanee next, and this wag not an easy matter. The people from Perth urged strongly that the head. quarter] ehould be at Stratford and the people from Oxford favored the oily of Woodstoek, A third party in order to get over the difflaully moved to corn promise, and have the head °Moe at Ernbro, After a meek exeiting 80118 101mbro oerried, but only for a few minutes es another motion for a reoon sideration of the queetion wan aloe (tarried. The objection that, Embro had no railway trinities wee strongly urged, and told against the plaoe. When a second vote WWI taken between Stratford and Woodeloek the letter place (nutted by a small mojority, and the vote was made he following directors were then appointed 3-31'or Perth -...'j', D, Fainter vs. Beaten et al. notion for Robeon, John Davidson,Jame Mallard- epeeitle performance of an alleged agree. 000, Patriot' Payton, Santee Donaldson, Mein for Bele of land in the townebip of GOO. Greets and Hebert Armstrong, rot Stephen. The plaintiff is Christian Fah. Oxford—Colmithus Rose, John liecLevor net, of Orediton and the tie:audit tb Ghee. Blown and Etenry 8lilber, oxcart, MoXay, W, B. Mtirray and 8, Wallaos, lil, L. Sutherland Wes appointed secretary of the company. After the ()barter is obtained the board will meek and appoint a Provident end Viers. Preeirlent, and a staff of agent% An executive board will lo all prohnbilltY be Waded trout the main hoerd. Try to Escape Bright's Disease Look Well to Yo."---nr kidneys—Keep them Stealthy and Thus Avoid Incurable tianetes and nrigheeMiseasc. It you would avoid Bight'a disease lake Dr. Ifittniltorge Pills at once -_ no delay about their action wbiob is swift and thorough. In every 00,88 comp etc cure attends their nee. Bead the following symptone — they ten if your kidneys are sick or well— whether or DO yon require a mediae Quell as Dr. lIamillon'e Pills :— E=starfttPzRt=ge.1 WATCH YOUR WATER! [I Does it smell bad 2 Is it red, bloody 2 Painful and too frequent? Does it drip? Disooloe the linen 1.1 After standing 24 hours, if the 31 urine is (dourly, highly colored, stringy, oontaina sediment like, briok duet, then YOUR KIDNEYS ARE DIS- EASED. To protect your system against the further inroads of kidney oomplaint re• ly ou Dr, Hamilton'e Pills. They give instant relief to the backaabe, those dragging seneations, desire to urinate too often or two seldom. You'll feel invigor. ateti and braced, your appetite will :rnprove, Bleep will bo motel. No mecli• nue on earth will do you more tastieg good. Price 25o. per box, or five boxes for 91, at ell dealers, or by moil from 17. 0, Polson 0o., Hertford, Ounn., U. S. A. and Megaton, Oul. 13I't*, Reeve Sloan will seek a third term. John Wilford has been appoint ed Justice of the Peace by Ibe Guthrie Ci()Rvaeirinwmayentsio'ne true ti o ra in the vicinity of Blyth is 01 44 etandstili owing io the bad weather and the refuel of the men ko work until they get their Net month's WRIteS, Friday evening Gilbert Summer. reoeived a great 80090185 when the pupile of hie room nailed itt his home and pre• limited him with a well worded addrees and a revolving office chair. Ou Monday of lest week Rev. Dr. No. Lean completed 89 years aa pastor of the Presbyterian Minnie. It was Nov. 6, 1866, Ohio be was inducted pastor of the °beech here. Hie peek:rate has been one of continued enotieee and harmony, the Presbyterian allure!) in this village being one of Ibe moat prosperone in the synod of Handilton and London. • dr,FrAnk Metcalf loss eold hie frame hoose Wellington Week to J. E. Taman, and bas since bought Aire. John Putland's bowie and lot opposite the Meshodiet °Much. The !atter hones has also been sold to Mr. Tamen, who will move it lo his new property and oonveri it into a stable. T, C. McElroy has sold his brink bowie on Wellington street, at preeent ocempied by Mr. Tamn, to Robt, Johneton, of East Wawanosh. The latter gentleman will soon become a resident of Blyth. The leather•otattere of Montreal are out on etrike Dr. W, D. Smith, eurgeon of the ?Lan. at St. Tbornite, is dead. Thos. Beaeley, City Olerk of Hamilton, had his leg amputated. The Quebeo Soethern Railway W813 Bold to b'enator Beique for 91,051,000. STOCK FOR SERVICE BRUIZ FOR SERVICE. — THE uudereigued will. keep for serviee oo Trot 8, COO. fl, Grey, the them' bred Durham bull, "Merry Amber," who won the sweep- stakes at Brussele Fall Fair. Perms -31.60 tor grade ootre and 35.00 for Durhams. Pedigree may be eeen on application. 01010.8410 RUB11182'110H, 18 Proprietor, IMPORTANT NOTICES THREE NEW COUNTER abow Oases for sale, eneh 0 feet long, walnut frames and doulsle thick glass, Ap- ply to THE Poem, Brussele. poR SALE -14 GOOD YOUNG Leicester Ewes, 4 two.shear Hams, 1 abearlIng Bans and Ram Lambs, Also 6 young abort Horn Bulls and a number of Cows and Heifers. All are of the best breed Ing and A inutility. Will be sold at lowest prieee and easy terms to early berme. D. MILLibl, Ethel, 1.41ARM FOR SALE OR TO Bent, con Lain ing 100 aurae being 1,01 0, Pon, 2, Grey. Thete is a batik bare and comfortable brick house on the premises, Farm Is well watered and there les good orchard. Gouvenleut to sohool and chetah. For further naafi:elan apply on the prem3 1808. JOS. 000008108,.3vn 0. 0. 10 1 Of)-11dF RTABLE RESIDENCE and aoree of land for sale 00 Walnut utreet, Brussels. Brick house, good debt°, bard and soft water, small orehard, &e, Property in good vamp°, lunnediate pollees - Won can be given, For lurthee particulars alielY52.001fthe prejrnaaisNesp.tzxruiptoz,i,niir.0.00. • Li/IRE FAR141 FOR , SALE BE. /2 lug Lot 12, Con, 14, Grey, containind 100 awes, 80 of which aro cleared and bal. atm in hardwood bush. name house, new hank hem orchard, &a., on promisee with abundanee of meeker water. Place Is well folioed ; fa in good condition and no wade land, miles from either Bruseels or Wel- ton. For further partienlare apply 011 the Prom leerier it bysitlititor tosOcrAanubsroot . 0. 1.81 Proprietor, GOOD FARA/I FOR SALE OR to renti,—The undereigned °Zara for sale 60 [tares of land, being south Lot 84, amt. Grey. There tire 40 mires aleared, fra1325 house with good cellar and Mona stable, Large epule and pear orchard and a number of email fruit, Good clay 1004O, 0011801.1101.1t to ober,* SON 11011001. Will WOO ttlettOrift of implements and stook with hum, If property is not sold before Nov,Isth, the farm will be rented r P• 4111, tgottroOtr, rttp apply on Me 31111teranici A. TYF.L10, 16.40 ?merit:trawl, onng, Dougall McDonald, George PI • .. C A .!.1) SIM Ming keelerteree For Saturday NOV. 18th we offer some Shoes which we wish in clear and we have set the price to do it, as cost is not considered in the prices. PARCEL 1-28 pairs Ohildren's good strong lihoes, laced 1-1 or buttoned, sizes 5 and 6, reg. 70c & 80c, Saturday •t..".1 PABOEL 2-14 pairs Misses' Pebbled Shoes, laced or but. 1-*/ toned, size 18 only, regular $1.25, Saturday • PARCEL 3-4 pairs Boys' Long Leather Boots, sizes 125 2/3, 2/4, regular i1 80, Saturday only towhovioloiotoo..1.9..Non JST a word for our Harness Department. A splendid 81001; of Single Harness reedy now. See our Nickel 11.00 Single Harness, our own make, only ••• Also Robes, Blankets, Trunks and Satchels cheap. a 0. RICHARDS. Auction Sale 51 HEAD OHO/OE STOCK STEERS -- AT— Dick's Yards, Seaforth ---.N.-- Saturday, Nov. 18th AT ONE O'CLOCK. Ten months' credit will be given on furniehing approved j Ant notes, A dis- conut of 5 per cent. poi' auuum will be allowed for oash, GOVENLOCK & ARCHIBALD, ZROPRIETOES, T. BROWN, Auotioneer, MONTHLY Horse Fairs _ BRUSSELS The Monthly Rom Faire will be held in Brussels for the season as follows :— THURSDAY, NOV. 8001, 1905 JAN. 41,11, 1906 FEB. let, MAR. 1st, APR. 5112, Leading Local and titukide Buyers will be Present P. S. SCOTT, CLERIC, WANT ED 500 Tons SCRAP IRON Sietals, Rags and Rubbers, Yard, corner of Mill and Alexander sts., Brussels. Drop a post card and a call will be made on you. A. HUGHES oerr 11W!—Ie—ur llats $1,60 and $L76 9, 00 Hate for $2.60 and $3.00 9, 95 Hats for A PLEASURE TO SHOW OUR GOODS. GIVE US A CALL. al....rtoot MissStrachan ----- JUMPS TANKS and WINDMILLS Still in tbe business handling Pump of all kinds, both iron or wood. The Marvel Windmill, oue of the beet makes, is handled by us. Water Taulte of various sizes made to order. Bepaire promptly attended to and at reasonable pi ices. M'OrderS left at THE POST, BRUSSELS) will have our prompt attention. A. RAYMANAI PUMP MAKER, CRANB ROOK ALT Farmers or Storekeepers by coming to the Brussels Salt Works eau get any kind of Salt they require. 1. Gordon Mooney, , . Foreman, Brussels. zabloblebbnamoss....baletibilmommomporb FALL AND WINTER tlitS and vercoats If you are thinking of buying a Fall Suit or Overcoat we will make it worth your while to call and see our new line of Scotch and English Tweeds and plain and fancy Worsteds. The most Stylish and Serviceable goods that can be bought. Our Overcoats of Fancy Tweeds, Beavers, Mel - tons and Cheviots are also on the move and are sell- ing fast. We have a large stook of Fancy Pamtingi, The price we know will make you buy. Call in and we will be Glad to show you what we have for Little Money. ervisawrIvieteenstevery Dodds & tabkjrk "14 14. Y