The Brussels Post, 1905-11-16, Page 3vsr
4+++++++++++++++-44+44-+ the old man, "We alma suon see senco, with a. pepor in Mil hand, "I've
WI'''I;htt,‘t77,, lit. jumps" b080 ,,,..„kod, ,,,.,... both a-thinklu' ovor what, you sail, .4 -
on' itelookin' ovev the share lien au' ...• 4-
[1()ll pft11)1.eicoill's 1 eeis,,len piecing nal' hand ti°11 als abotill i: ,e,aivihey_t ilenrct 31:007 sLalfaelsultraartiluiNivirur,en.1:: a.: Ain I In Horn +
a- "Oh, nothing ;noel:, Don't inaal with Immo elight hesitation. "iscio + b 0 +
4^ mo about, Polly, ' shaking olf nor ,oeft, bailie ore, so to speak., al, iso,- t
hand; ,,1 hate it, The fact is, (Mil sent underground, But wo aro serial- 1"
"IVhat-more?" asked. Pao Pepaes-
corn, In anmeement, "Mora?"
/' yes, dad,"
"Why, that
"Yos, J. Immo, dad. But one Mu9t
spaol numoy if (men: to got into
good socioty,"
'Seems to mo gettin' into onclote
is i pretty expenoive luxury, Filtoon
huntlt•ect pounds sinee--"
"My dear father, gold Is tit° Joy
that amine (ivory poetal. Already,
thanke ti Sir Guillaume, 1 havo
made many excellent. Moods. AIM no
bat; hinted that a preseittation itt
•Court, is aut.. altogotber impossible."
"County or Bankrupt -iv?"
"Well, you've opent no end o' brise
since y kilowatt hitn, awl how much
for'ardet• aro you?"
"Why, Ins has introduced rno to no
end of first -Wass peoplo, antl a WA
join tact boara of his new compan,v
I shall be certain to moot with many
inorn. Thero is a draft of the pros-
pectus, dad," ..uttd he, handing the
paper to o rattan.. "What do you
think of it?"
"Vell, 1 don't, know much about
prospectusos nit' shorcs an' siva
things. Pickles is moro in my lino."
"Dad, I wish yon woulda t drag
the shop up at ovary turn."
"Don't you despise tho shop, my
lad. It vvas the shop as dragged you
upaoloo't forget that,"
"That's all vet•y well, dad. Your
busim•ss WAS A success, and you havo
a right to bo proud of ft, But thore
is 110 S008071 that yout• mouth shoulcl
bo alwineo full of-"
"Pickles. ch? Irk hoe Well, p'r'aps
not. But it's natural, after all, to
think of old friends. 1 Loll you what,
lad; if your now friends stead by you
as well as my old ams have dono
you won't hurt. But lot's look at
your prospectus. 'hyacinths,
lImpht Sounds protty well,
"Phis company is formed to take up
8011.0033101113 for tho collection of bulbs
from the battieflolds of South
"Never mind the prcamblo, dad.
Coale to tho directors."
" 'Managing director, Sir Gullorn
"Guillaume., dad. Guillaume," cor-
rected Bob.
"Ala well, it's all the same,'' said
tho old man. "That's your fine
friend, ain't it? And where's your
"Hero at the bottom," said Bob,
pointing it out. " 'Robert Poppet, -
corn, Esq., Capsicum tLoclgo, Toot-
ing.Aren't you proud of that,
"Oh, yes; it nounds very flno. But
is it, any good? Will it. pay?"
"Sir Cuillaumo assures me there
is money in it."
"Yes; but will it come out? That's
tho point."
"lie tolls ma that in threo months
the shares will ho at a premium. Oh,
it's as Aare as the bank."
"Thiiphf flanks break sometimes -
and 'bulbs may go to pot."
"Well, Pao promised to talco two
thousand shares, dad, and the ob-
ject or the baronet's visit is to 10-
c1uco you to tone up El. similar num-
ber and Join the board."
"Two thousand Shattas at a pound
apioce--that's pretty well for bulbs,
ain't it? Bulbe in South Africy, too.
(1 thoy was onions, now, or evon.
gherkius, X could do something with
'em. But bulbs -no, they ain't in
niy lltio."
"Well, dad, You must pleaso yoor-
self. :Rut whichover way you decide,
X want you to bo especially nico to
Sir Ouillitumo and his daughter."
"You don't moan to say that ho's
bringing his daughter here'?"
"Yes; 'Alicia haft promisen to 1.41-
"Is sho in the bulb business, toot"
"Sho is A 01011 OhASSYlittg girt. I
want you particularly to make a
good impression 11p011 her. X may
AS well conlide to you, (lad, that 1
wisb to-"
"Keep company with her as well ito
hor father?"
'Dad, X with you wouldn't put
things so comniela. Romentber, Alicia
is EL lady'. r. love her to distraction,
and so will you whoa you 800 1101',
S1>0 is tho most boautiful--"
"Umphl "Aadsomo. is as quidsomo
does.' What about your old smut -
heart, Polly?"
"Polly?" said Bob, shifting lag
chair unettoily. "Why, of course -I'
lito sho's almost
liko a sister,"
"I'm afraid, Bob, she t•egards yoa
as something more than it brother.
I've noticed as you aitet been quite
the scum to her lately, an' I'vo been
a-puzzlin' my brain to know why.
Loverla quarrel, says X, but I 3105
mistook. Now lam socret's out.
Yott'vo foond out oho ate't good
tholigh fov you. liot X tell you
what it is, Bob, She's a girl in a
thousand -bless her! -end 3. won't
have bo r hoart broke tor id] the line
tho land."
"Look hare, father. you're A bit ma
juat, You mad° your MVO Ch.0100
whoa you mo,eried trar Mother."
"Umphl Well -yes. Have you
told hot' of this engagemont?"
"Why -or --no, not yet," said Bob,
uneasily,. "X have not had a chance.'
"You'll havo one of my 00803,
NV011'1 1/01.1 flunky., dear?" said Polly,
entoring from the garden.
"BleaS Yon, nsa gal, 1/011. Pin 'ont
all over ma till look Biro a Jack -
in -the -Groom if it pleases yon."
"No, I can't spate you move than
ono," she said, fixing IL "Thoro--
Isn't it a boa:n.0'
"Not heir so protty as you, mo
Mao, nor hall ae, Oweot."
"Unelco 'don't givo way to flat.
tory," oho, said, laughingly, adding,
"But What's the secret?"
"Why, thri fart to, my (hart' saki
law onele, with tome hesitation,
"Ilfb has OoMOtiihne famottent to
"fro Me?"
4",rit0 thre fiotula' eat," tautteoed
in expecting comPany, and -I dere log rapidly -growing laraor day by t
Hay hit will tell you all about it," fley. 'Ph° littlo tfruen heatto aro Ol-
and unheeding tho pained look upon rowly-'"
her Mat Ito horriod from the roma, "Tho groon 110348 moaning tha
"Whew!" Mastic/ft Voter; "00 shareholdere, eh?" HAW Paler, with. a
Young seill'egrace has mrt to opon Lw 111(10 In 11/0 eyo.
the lino (rico' itlt,
. ,. , /1, na,
"What lo tho 111111401' 311 E.11 1100" MI% Popperoind Very good. Just so. un faint Season to theta with sal
conaid itolly, coining 1.0 tho old (1(11(1 1> A 1 ready tho nember of psloot 4,1I1(1 popper, a dooli of oniou ILEEco
8100, "WI/111 IS 11110 81'0S1,1 1.1111 110S p1ientA008 for 811E101.E0 1E4 enormous, 1,1 and a Tittle minced parsley, To
so changerl him?" e, month, wEE $11011 burst, forto-in two cup of the ruincod chialton allow
"Why, the foot is, my door, Bob's ao Noon 1,0 nourishing, j0000lootiy- cup of eream into which a pinch o
rieh now -and -what tam world calls and Inaoro throe; Wive pannoll wo shall baking soda 10 th'nxi. Rub Lagoa)
a genticonati." • bo blooming. Booming 3. 111050, er 11 tableepoontia of Millar and on
"Yes, 11111:10----" bountingt" of corn stetroh and etir thorn, into th
110,1,,,?%11,(1-11olly, do you over think of "moor. oda pow, "As yon put heated cream, Cook for a minuto
it things scam pretto flowory. liot add tato minced chicken and mak un -
"Think of Min? Of course."
"Yen -of f0818(10001>0a1 rgmetinitsawltIt1101.,ja"tllen'lNl11°fr01nth
couroe, ism ieEjolis liko? iip111111get:1,clottrey?''Gro 0(181 beatitigractai1,Ytvoumil
Think of Mai as being. 0.1.11001. to 1(0,1 "My dear sir, 1 am curtain thot boaton eggs. Pour itito a bowl and
than ho (8 ,11031'? Pliewl Now Lho with proper. InsEing011100 0111'311CCOSS Het aside mita cold and stiff, 11)3100
11111. outitl"
"Why do you ask me?" she 481(0(1,
looking down.
"Because, my gal, I'Vo fo nciell-
Purhaao otter all it WAS (011y 111,1
aincy-that-that---- Polly, my gal,
du you lova him?"
Polly's head dropped, and she 1(11'
8310(0(1, )'r11 311(1117, "lion' 1,--tlon't
ask mo, unclo."
" Lambe, I ti I data' t think so,'
criod Peter. "1 know you did; I
tont him no."
"Don't misjudge lue, imele, dear,"
oho said, twining her arms about, his our success is assured." i until hot; add, gradua.11:.,, tho 0e8,71f11
neck and gazing' through her temes onalion, dadl" said Bob, entering yolks of two eggs, mix well and sot
into his face, "CES think 1110 ungrate- hastily; "here you aro. IIere's asklo to cool. Farm into ern/motion
ful. TI10EVO WAS a time, porhaps, 3111011 „in fur 701>.Buti before 1,00 0,ten and proceed 03 with chicken fillets.
I thought Bob might caro foe 'no 1 dad, congratulato In. 0, 'mks Fruit 'friflo.-Almost any kind of
well enough to make me his wife. Iiiiwasleigh 3158, consonted to marrsa fruit, can he used for this dada pro -
Dol," -with sIgh-"cireturstaticos
aro changed. know that he has a
right to look higher. After all, 1 am
only a poor girl who has been tarp-
ly dependent on your bounty. I do
love him -I lova/ hint Loo well to
stand in the way of his prospects. T
thought had kept my secret close.
But since you have discovered. it 3.
go away. And sumo day, per-
haps, when he is happily marriarl,
you will forgivo ino"; and, burying*
her race ia her bands, she hurriod
from tho room..
"TImpht )(mowed knowecl it,"
repeated the o/d man, peeing. up and
down. "Peter Peppercorn, you're a
haso-n, hass, sir! 1r you'd stuck to
your pickle -tubs an' kept him a -skin -
in' onions this wooldn't bave hao-
polled. But, no; out of the softness
of your old nand you must try to
make, hini a geotlemaii. A. pretty
hash you've made or it. Yott deserve
to bo kickod you old fool, you do. '
FilletS of Chicken 1)801101 .-'-1
tho witite 11188.1, of a cold rc)ast rhielt
ballby boiling nos, mashing Lilo
I yolks with a silver spoon and mix.
ing with ono raw yolk awl oaa Loa.
epoonfol of noun 800.80/1 with salt
anti peppor, mato into balls; drop irt
soup just before serving.
1311 ICIC',13
To Bake Applefe-Whin and (Mr°
sour apples. Put in baking clieh
and 011 cavities with augur and
oploo; Allow ono -half cup omear and
) oniatourth teaspoon chniamon
011 WOO tO 01 hi, EN 10% If nuttoog
t la used, a law drupe of 1emon Jules
aml few gratings from real of lonion
O thell aPide All improvemont,
a Cover bottom or dub with boiling
t water and bake in a h01, CVO) ((11111
"I Oat, beading ofton with syrup ia
'1 'dish. Servo hot 01' cold with cream,
To Bake Banonas.-Remove nkins
. from six bananas awl 011 to below;
longthwiso. Put in a shallow gm, -
its pall or on an old plotter, oli:_c
two toblearoons inoltod buttdr, tOW
third con 80(.111S, and two tehlo
spoons lemon juato Daste Oananao
with ono -half the mixt Ilas Bake
twenty ruhrutos in a slow oven, boot-
ing during baking with remaining
'l'o li31ka Pon.elion.-Pool, cut, in
holy/tit and remove 811111,S1 from eix
moieties. Place in (1, Si10,110W granito
PAO. Fill each cavity with one Loa-
opoon sugar, ono -half tiotopoon but-
ter, few drops lemon jllit'Et, and a
slight grating nutmeg, rook twen-
ty minutes anti servo un circular,
piocos of nutteritl /ley toast.
To halm Pears. -Wipe, quarter rInd
tore pears. Put in a deep pudding
filth, sprinkle with sugar or add a
small quantity of molasses, then
add wator to prevent poars from
burning. Cover and cook two or
threo hours in a slow oven, Small
pears may be baked whole, Sookol
pears 1111.1 (IOU:10113 when bakod,
'l'o Bake Qu [twos .-Wi pe, quarter,
COSO and pore eight quincoo. Put la
a baking dish, sprinkle with three, -
fourths cup sugar, add ono and one-
holf cups water, cover, and cook un-
til i,seofat 1111,7
sa titilmotov orli,,i)ninge,os
will be abnormitl, It 11)111,' requiro a. into cutlets, dip oath cutlet first
Melo pushing at first, But 1---" i In cracker dust, then in beaten og'g,
"Bolo' a baorow-knIght ought to be ' thon 111 more erctoker dust, Sot in
a push& man, eh•? 1M, hal Soo tho too for two hours, thon fry in
ito" chop boiling fat, Servo with a
"Hal Just so, Veav goofl-capital' white soma
sail] Sir Clultiomme, adding undor hat '
Chieton and Nut Cropteittes.-Into
1 a tl , '"1'10lis • o111 • IX I"
"Of course," said leo, stesonlIng hio a cupful of cold minced chicken stir
tonvot.sational tone, "tai you suggest, 4 113111 8"i) °t binlhthed "4 "11 0"0(1
my Lillo will no doubL give the thing Engl ish wain: 1 1 1, Melo, a whit 0
impetus, And 11 WO ea» but add Oni 8"80 ar batten cornotarch, and
1090,11 co hs cal fq 071100010.810'11tWl\oirprormoi11130,nretorniti/...u. lenrelsatuu.reanindiosttiititisthomothiirek,cnorainhtle nut
me." Ivided the fruit Is quito ripe. When
"Ilas she?" mutterod Peter, an Bob fresh fruit is used -bananas, straw-
it,yton joitc(11,, towards Ms fiancee. "Poov berries, raspberries, cherrie.e. alad.-
• loots, and peaches are most suited.
"You Sir Guillato, I 1101 SOSO Prepay° the frund
it aou
wt tho ba -
will ion
th rae joa," continued Bob, lianas and other large fruit, into 0011-
"1 caunot toll you haw happy Alicia ventent pieces and place them in a
ilas mad° me." ,glass dish. Preparo• a custard with
"nom 'old 011, Bob," sold hie; a quarter of D. pint of milk, Ono
rather, eruesing to him. "P'r'aPs mime of sugnr, and two eggs, flavor
It with vanilla, and pour over tho
fruit whon mato cold. Stand tho
dish on tho ice till want 'I for tablo.
Just before serving whip up a lit-
tle cream, swot/tan •1, al,: 113111' it in
a forcing bag with a rancy tube.
and then road slowly, eat though on. Clover the top of the dish with this,
able to undorstehd its purport:"In-
ternational :impended payment. Utter .arnudt,(100orato to taste: a :Lit glace
('0118.1010.Hop° you havo with- dwell" "(1 'ng°
Looking from one 1.0 the other, ho
asked, "What does it mean?"
- Peter, who stood with his hood
afore you say any raoro you'd bettor
look at this.'
"Why, what is it, dad?"
"Road It," sald Peter, thrusting
tho telegram into his hand,
nob looked at it for a moment,
Chicken Golatine.--Select a good-
sized fowl, put it L.Or • he tiro in
cold water, with a bun h of coup
herbs. Bring gradually to a boil
atel cook slowly until 1 li- meat is
sunken upon his breast and 1)11> 11011,113 To omphasize his words he sent tho Talc° it from iho firo ond
thrust deep into his brooches pockots, tendco.
footstool flying across the room as
, accompanied by answorod, slowly, "You 0(110 what tb.) let it get told in tho ligoor. Cut
Bob entered
Sir telegram says. `Uttor-' " Um meat from th: tut 0'. rejouting
Guillaume Hawksleigh and his ,,Collapse!" gasped B013.
daughter, "That's what, it mottos."
"Mellott, dad!" said ho, "what's "you have not withdrawa?".
Um trouble? Training for a football "Not a petty."
match 01"-.--" With a. supprossod oath Bob °rustled
"No," said Peter, still pacing to the telegram in his baud and stroclo
coal fro. "Pm lettiai off steam. I
must, or the bilet"11 bust. 1-" ,
"Hush, deal" said Bob, soothiag
him, "You flo not soe our visitms,
Lot noo introduco you. Alicia -Sir
Cuillausno--this 18 my father."
"How d'yo do, miss?" said Puler,
shnking heads with his guests,
"Mew aro you, Sir Cla Pretty
bobbish, eh?"
"Delighted to moot yoo, Mr. Pep-
Poraurn," said the baronot. "10° "Looka bad for me. 13u1. it nood
bavo hectiel a great deal or vim
mak() no odds to the young folke,
though tro have never had the pima- Aftor all, braes ain't everything,
aro of mooting you before." ' Where lova is, money don't count."
"Hoard o' roe? Well, yes, - se-- -- "Why, sir, you surely cannot thine.*
you have. Peppercorn's Pickles is in that I should permit my delight:1r t
everyono's mouth," contract- Comy e Alicia. mdear,"
Bob shot an angry glance: ab his said ho, moving toward tho door,
father, but the old man failed to ni-
x think we had better withdraw."
tic° it, for Sir Guillaume, 1001117114
"Alicia!" criod Bob, stretching out
round, said, "You hero a nice ploact
here, Mr• Poniatreorn," adding aside,
"Everything in execrable taste."
"Yes, I flatter mysulf it Is," said
Peter. "My own taste too,"
"Really? It dime you credit."
"Tito pictures are uice, ain't they?"
said Peter. "Real ile peantites,
overY 000 of 'em. "Andpoanted, ton."
"Is It posaible?" queried the bae-
onot, eyeing the paintings quizzically.
"You have, not gone in for tho old
school, I see."
"No, thauks; none o' yer shabby
old masters for me. Give ate 301110-
111111' area' spankin' now. A.nd thoro
you are," he added, proudly,. with a
sweeping gosturo that took 111 the
four walls, "Now, I dossay some o'
ern nobs don't boast pictures like
them "
"I should imagino not."
"What d'you think' o' talent dogs
an' the cat's -moat letterer? Cloud
ain't it?"
" %Tacit-ill-0111cm' after Lamle
'Aftor what?''
"Not a hit of it. They're arbor
tho cabal -meat. Why, 3: should ha'
thousbt anyono could ha' seen that,'
said Peter, half contemptuously,
"Tho old man's a foot."
"Dad," said Bob, coming to his
father's side, "Sir Catillatene, X bo -
novo, wishos to have a littlo private "„,,,"ay lotion Peter, crossing to las
chat with you, Sir Cluillaumo, with
son'S .tido, sent, "Bob, ain't your
your permiesion Miss Ilawksloigh and "" open yoo,,
T are going to atroll round tho gar-
"Yes, dad, they are," ho eriod,
t don. 3. have promiso(1 1,0 ahoy( apriagiapt ).
'"7110.7 are, to oty own'
mu roses,"roily. I have been bliocled hitliorto--
"Alicia will bo dolighted," said tho datttact y
I), outward show, l'olly,
dear, can you foogiva mo?
"Forgivo you?"
"Yos, chola I know I do not (M-
I/mat it, but 101.1 Mil X may hopo to
regain your lova and I'll thank For-
ttaatii;p01111011•110,,11;to hard 10.4S011 slut has
"f forgivo Bob, all 3. havc to
forgive. There's my hand,"
"May X keep it?" Ile asked, chow -
Mg hot. towards him.
"3:1 you Wish it," she answoroca
oestlime to las shim "Oli, Bob, is it
x1t1v0010‘t.v118701cil,et(p) 08,n;r31t
p081(01', ((11(001
111111)10aXIaltnnai11y.111.100vsot gylacmd
"Ilravol braeol" cried rotor, clap-
ping his hands. "11hat's as it ohottal
be. NOW that you'ao octant to o pro-
mo' undotstanclite we shall hone to
thinkoono Polly SaYS-ot rookin'
froith stool,"
“118011 MICE 0.0k10411113-011, dad?"
"Not a bit of it, my lad, Int
skin and gristle, and slice tho meat
11(10 1». 11011 11110or down to
ono quart, stvain it, and return it
to thy Oro with the white and crack-
ed shell of an csg. 13oi1 up once,
remOvt the scum, add a lieapini,.•
to the rollntelPievot whore 110 stood, tableep000nil or gelatine which has
his bead resting cm his hands, the been soaked itt a little warm water,
oiettiro of (Impair, removo from the lire, and strain.
Sir G'uillaume gave his daughter a SOAS011 with salt to taste, a salt-
eigniticant glance, and then, moving, spoothn of celery salt and the se.=
to Petor's side, tappod him goatly on of paprika, tellSO00111111 VELCh
tho stooldor. lemon juice and of minced 1)0r14107.
" 'hem! bo began, ',This is
bad business, air. Popporcora."
yas; 11 dun look pretty bad,
don't it?" said Peter, faciug roun 1
his hanclo to her as oho swept peat;
but with a faint inclination of the pot and covering tt woll with water
lot it 001110 to a boil, when it should
head sho passod out in front or hor
father, and tha door closed went.
"Ruined! ruined!" cried Bob, husk-
ily, as ho Rung himself into a chair.
Peter, with his hands still thrust
into his pockets, stood with his 'mak
towards him, whistling
"Who's ruined?" oaken Polly, en-
tering at that moment. "Why, Bb
-uncle-what's the matter?"
".Ask Bob, dear," said Petor,
"Itch, de'
ar what is it?" sho asked,
placing her hand affectionately on his
shoulder. "What is the mattor?"
"Nothing," he ansarered, huskily.
"Wo aro beggars --that is all
"Beggars!" oho rot/cote/I, in 'aston-
ishment. "Put uncle's rortuno-"
"Gone -all gone."
"But X don't understand."
"Stead it therc," said he, handing'
her tho crumpled telegram.
Slowly rale smoothed It out and
1`0.94 tho fateful words, Then, brusn-
ing tho tears from har ones, SIM
criod, hopofully, "is.lever mind, Bob,
Buttor o mold with plain slam pour
111 little of the jet v orange a
layer of the remit, at c then a lit-
tio more jolly. Put noxt a layer
of thin slices of cold bollecl ham
tongue, moro jelly, and then tho
011101(001 again. In tho erovicos be-
twoon tho meat place blanched al-
mond:1 cut In strips, a few pistathe
nuts, truffles, sliced olives, and a
few callus.
Beef (1t)op.-To mato English boat
soup tato tho cracked joints of beef,
and once putting the moat in tho
be well skimmed. Set tho pot whoro
the meat will simmer slowly until it
is thoroughly dome, looping it close-
iy covered all tho time. 'Iho next
(10,7, or whon cold, romove tho , fat
which hardene on the top of tho
soup. Pool, wash and slim three
good -shod poto,toest aad put them
into tho soup; out up 11>111 1'! head of
whito cabbage in shreds and add to
this a pint of Shaker corn that has
boon soakod over night, tw'o onions,
ono head of celery, and tomatooe tr
desired. When those aro done, mad
thoy ehould siainter slowly, caro be-
ing taken that they do not burn,
strain (01. not, as proferred) the
soup and sorve. The digeront vani-
ties of boor soup aro formed by this
method of seasoning, noel tho differ-
ent vegetables used 111 propariog it
after tho Joints havo boon well boil-
ed,. Besides onions, celery, cabbage,
tomatoeo, and potatoes, many 11110
O few cart•ets, turnip, boats and
_ force -moat belles seasoned with spice.
'You aro young; you term mato 0.
barley will givo tho soup
fresh stet% I bavo a littlo monoy 'no or
pos_istency, and are to be palmed
-not inuolt-ouly tho two hundrod
pounds 148011117 Ioft 11)111 out is is to now for the purposo, Pot•eley,
yours 11 you will take it -every thyme, and sago are tho tovorito
herbs for seasoning, but 911001(1 1)11
1>011117," herbs
man vouchsafed no a,1» usod spariagly. To mato foeco-meat
swor, and roily 3108 titruing stapy balls add to one pound chopped boor
One ogg, it small lump or hnitter, a
cup or loss of bread crumbs; soaeon
with salt and poppot: and moiste13
with water from stewed meat; malto
in balls and fry brown, or make egg-
bnronot. "Will you not, my dear?"
"Very," she answered, coldly. ,
"By tho way, Sir Guillaume," said
Bob, bave already spokee to my
fathor concerning the----"
"Yos," replien Bob.
"Abut'' EISACI 1010S. Of
bulbs, Mita '21.Wkslcigh, whilo youtim
to the garden just you make Bob
show you our onions. We've got tho
nobbiest lot of-"
"Unions," !mid Aliela, with 8. shuta
der, "M8108101'0818, abomina.
tines, 001110, Mr. Itobort,"
"Ocliouge" said Peter, under his
tweatil, 08 the young pooplo (Mated
tho room, "Why, the girl's as big a
fool es her father. 'Anti a cheesed -up
doll likes that le to take the place o'
1)17 Pollyt"
"X StNiV, titir 011110Oir" said Pate,
eateeing 1,10.0 080111, Ott*. held ab.
since Polly's gorte to bo misthosa in
1(0111 0411`11031. she must have a better
hone(' than thio, ancl-""
"Bot yptt forgot, dad. The tete-
g171101:17that's en right," miswrote'
tad old man, with a chuckle; "sent it
"Thott you had withdrew -re-"
"Not a pennv, my bOy. NoVOr 11(01
a coppor ilt lam concern."
"Yon Moen that----"
""nhero, Pally() 1110, llola it Was a
entabby trick, 1 know, but it toes
tho only way. X could think of to
show you the truth. It WAS11'1, you
oe me, Bob, ea thoy wanteki. 11 WEIS
our braso. Why, bless 31011, thoy was
snooring at Ito ati the 3>11110. MOW!,
givo 1110 your head an' oily you for.
Bob grippon the obi man's band
mut wrung it, with ft heorty
youdad,"--,Loitdott 'InteDits,
3.1 you rub graos strains with ril0-
los ea ihrY will Come out without
difficulty in the oroloary wash,
Snots may lot vemoved front ging-
ham by being wet with milk aud
covorod with common, salt. LOAVO
for an hour or 30, and 811150 out in
soveral waters.
You can make a faded dross roe-
ftetly white by washing It In boiling
cream of tartar water.
salt dissolved in alcohal will oftan
nthove grettee spots from clothing.
Mud status can bo meowed from
11111 11' tho spot:: aro robbed with a
bit of flannel, or, if stubborn, with
o pieca of linen, wet with aleohol.
It tiler° is a deep-set door that it
io &Bitable to permanently olose,
,havo booksholves fitted in. Curtains
can be hung at editor side or not,
as ono pleases. If ono doee not
wish to MI tho entire space with
books, the upper shelf ran be set. in
rower down than would bo %visited
for books, and china or pewter and
brasswaro pl000d thoroon or a 1110-
1.1180 hung in tho spaeo,
These are the days when chapped
hands and lips begin to be in
dence, and, as usual we supposeanost
people will betake theineelvos 10
pure glycerine for EL remedy, It is
a mistalto to pvesomo that glycorino
is e, cura for such a con/MID/1 ns
this; quite on the contrary, it is' a
distinct uggravaiit.
Ono of tho best remedios for chaps
NVO know of is mato siumio, and any
one Could compoUnd it, in his own
horao. 'Fake ton grains or trage.
cath and placo thoso in threo ounces
of moderately wurn), not hot, water.
It must them ho 011031011 to stand for
several hours, when oae ounce of
glycerine should bo added. Wit is
desired ta givo the proparation a
pleasant perfmno, thiS 111317 be ob'
tained by adding a mall miantity
of oll of roses /1 tho &tato time. The
wholo compound should then be mix-
ed thoroughly oither by shakiog it
op well or stirring with a spoon,
arm: which it is ready for wes. This
remedy is soothing, pleasant, and
an almost infallible cone after two
oe three applications. As a rule,
unloss the cracks in the skin ASO
N'Ory 0111011 inflamed, an application
of tho compound just. boforo retiring
at tight and anothor ie the morn-
ing gm:orally havo tho desired
result of hoaling them, Xt Is also
a fine prcvontivo, and few will be
troublod wait ohapped bands who
riza it on' tho sIdn in Lho morning
after wathing.
Trin 113141311,13
Wincheeter, Finglattd, indeed, holds
00 much of interest that one can
only rotor briefly to the groat hall
or the palace or Henry 31, wherein Is
sits/yowled a curious rolio oald to ho
Eine Arthur's Round Table, tho
thine of tho mansion which entor-'
tattled Quoon Mary, whither She canto
to marry her txmally unlamented
noomrch, Philip Ito tho benutiful
tolva arose and tho ancient fortiliod
gato spanning tho Xtigh strect. But
in any caso, mom than a passtare
word must Ito given to tho Hosploo
of St. Gross, iit tho viciotter, as one I
of tho moot unamo charitable fotm-
dationn 344 130g1n1I, or elsowhote, As
far back as 1180 a benovolont !natal -
dual establiolted tho Hospice of St.
Cross as a comfortable refogo fcir
thirteen poor, 01/1 bachelors ot un-
blemisbed roputation. Since than,
la succession thirteno old bachelors,
hobnail in black. gowns, with siltrer
(Tosses oo tater brenots, have Mcleod
lotlgod foul fared well on their pro -
'tricots recited, To mountain 1.110
teii(lns Of 'Choir worthy founclor the
erotic:ciente old bachelors foregather
on certain fostivals to roast a fihoop
whole, and a horn of al0 with a silo
of bread ill givon by them to any
wayfarer who 1111179 00 11050100 11811.
ADULTEBATION 01' P0011 3.13
A British Xnvestifrator Presente
Soma Bather Startling
In an articlo "How We (Inc Being
Ptwomed," writton by Itobort 31.
Mammal in the London Magazine,
the writer, after dealing with uclul-
torated COWS 111111E, says: -
Milk, V9011 810I1011 AOU110:111(41
50 per cent. of witIod water, con-
taths at hetet; Rome nutriment.. Aloot
of the chap condensed milk which 18
MOM 111 I..ugland conlains none at
all. 'ills milk 0011183 11110 OW rotate
try reran Ireland and front Holland.
It, molls at twoponoo and twoponoe-
halfponny a tin, and is inmally put
on ift gaudy' andaattraotivo labels.
On these tho purchaser roads
with outiefositton that tho coat:ids
ttro guar:Alit ood "mach intsk im led."
"MA (0 1 N 1//4-11/iLISIMED" MILK.
Ay, that it 19, anti with a, machine
so pitiless that every particle or
nouriehineet is removed. 1 had
nn in 1 01.08W With the pialmor of tho
rontlensed mill/ trade in this (11)0)1'
try, Ile naturally fisds concern at.
1.1111 •il •.; 1(111(111-I
milk is getting from the pronounce-
ment of crowners' rturals.
stud is proolically butter -
/1111k," ho //aid, spealtiag of tho 111a31
c10111011'i1111110(i 1,11111. In the 8(01 14 of
Now York the sale of it is forbid-
den It IS skimmed milk with sugar
atlited. '"Fhe stigar oftea causes
, diarrhoea, and helps to finish oft
'Um (11111 who bas beon debilitated
by a long poriod of st arvation."
Tho coot to tho inuatifacturor is
inothing more than the cost of the
Isugar and of tho tin. But for the
id.onand for this by English mo-
thers, the Datell, aerman and Irish
farnmrs would have to throw it
away. It Is what is not weintod by
tho ntalth, 001111A11, and Irish pigs
'that is amt. Into this country for
the Eriglieet cbildren. Its sale
should bo forbithlen in Engleml. It
1:4 a clangorous 'thing. The child who
is fod on it ales ,if starvation. Our
poor, 31110 IMO little other milk, can-
not distinguish, and murder their
children unconsciously. Tho borough
of Camberwell :mum wars ago pla-
carded the streets with a, poster
warning the women of the danger.
Provided that Gut manufacturer
=rise tho stuff o.s "suathine-
skimmed," if; matters 111.110 what ho
puts into Ws tins. And thet of lino
go»erally. There is Halo or no in-
spectioo of food 0( 11118 kind.
Ono r ads 01'011 day or people who
dia or ptomaine 1)01 01111114 from rat-
ing things out of tins, here also all
kinds of trithery is practised. There
is a brand of tinnoil lobster cni th0
musket which is made by an 11141011!»
0118 Frenchman out of devil -fish,
Muth of the tinned tunny which is
consutmx1 in England is .vettl. Truffles
fin bottles are often old kid gloves
jilt a 11088 form. Apropos des batten,
rum has been distilled from old
boot -leather, width has the peouliar
aroma of this cordial,
But whoa our children have been
hungered with diluted and starved
With machine -skimmed milk, tho
risks that thoy havo incurred in 'talc-
ing a natural food have by no
tams reached their tole. It is a,
very disgraceful thing that so miser-
ablo is the supervision of things in
England that quantities of tubercul-
osis milk are every day put on the
Inoch's 1800101101801 theorios lam°
been entirely discredited; and only
at the beginning of tbls yoar the
Permanent Committco of 'Do9ma:0
against Tuborculosis, actiug uridor
tho Ministry or the Interior in
France, placarded the whole country
with official pastel's warning 1130111"
1118 that cows sae orten subject to
outmost/Won, that constintation can
bo transinittod to children in the
milk of disomood COWS, and that it is
dangerous to food children on milk
that has not been thoroughly boiled.
How many English mothers know
this, and 3111011. shalt wo see suell pos-
ters ot the walls of our English
And this brings am to a part of
loy subject wine° I havo 1.0 draw
attention to a veritable Scandal. It,
is this: With Um exception of some
or the lAgiger towns, thore is in :Eng-
land no inspectio13 whatever of the
meat that is sold In tho butcher'
shops Thot•o aro qualified moat fa-
spectore In I,onelon and in about
twelvo °thee borougho in Um king-
dom. Elsowbero your butcher is at
liberty to sell yrou tit° meat of tub-
oreolotto animals, the meat of ani-
mals which 'taco had anthrax, or
soptio penitonitis, or netinomycosts,
or laver, or any other loathesome
diseeso. In Blom boroughs tho san-
itary inspeetor is supposed to Raper -
also tho hatchets. But Ito has nei-
ther net technieal knoWledge neceti-
sary nor the titno. Tho very most
that 110 Sall 110 is to seo that the
slaugliter-houses are ,kopt,
cicala llow ran room bo oxpocted
of 11101? Take anthrax, for instanco,
ono of the most dangesoue of dig -
08,808 Whit% 140001. butehors' moat. It
requires the knowledge: of a tsalued
veterinary surgeon, with a good
mowledge of bacteriology, to do -
loot this cliseato in a Move of moat.
"When tho vioceva awl ofral of an
animal which was sintering from note
Ora): heete boon destroyed, tho
them can only bo traced by micro-
soopal. invostigation."
'Tut.,'protested tho broker, tvim
had nelvortised for It conndoutial
clork, "yott want 1.00 1110011 calory,"
"I've bad a groat deal of expel,
ionco ht tho brokerage business,"
urged tho at1plicant.
"But you esk too much for it,'i
"My 1/05/. Sir, X assure you I'm
offering it to yOU ter Math is than
Irukop. 371021 Begand 'Their IratI)Calt
Once he tho North a Vein -
able Factor,
.411 expitlition.. ovarch of 1 110
North Polo' will start frOm Dowson,
Yukon Torritory, in the summer Of
000, if Vito plans ,01 the Intonate
tional Sooloty for Polar Rest:an:It
and Eoporineent aro carried out.
Govornar 17, 13, ilfcluneri, of Yokota
in ono or tho lenclors In the move.
MOS I., 01111 thenerul Oreely Waits 1110
Plans of the society feasiblo.
Tho main dine/Taco between 1110
pholS or 1110 Yukon explorers end
[fume of expoditions in the past is
that tho Yulson 111011 0241001: 10 usu
OA. knowledge or ways and means
of exiatetco and tt•iumportation in,
tho Arctic. They point out many
inietakes roam by persons ultimo:is.
touted to the Arctio olimato whO
have tract to reach the I'ole.
The Inte.natIonal Society for Pol-
ar Besmirch woo organized in Doty-
oon with 'EWE) hundred member/a
attended tho meeting, Among the
patrons wero Governor McInnes, Dr,
Alfred Thompson, member of tho
Caoadran Parlia,uont; 3 ustices nat-
gas, Craig aod Macaulay, the throe
hijrhost judges in the 'Perritory;
Major 'A 'I'. Wood, commander of
tho Northwest Mounted Pollee, and
tho foreign Cotsuis lu Dawson.
Tho schema for the expedition was
originated by Or. Anthony Vachilti,
who went to Dawson from Paris. Tet
a lecture, Charles MooDonald, clerk
of the Territorial Court oi tho N.ra•
kon, oxplained tho plans for tato ex-
"Expeditions of all former Pole
ðers," SAM alr. MacDonald,
"have been conducted on lines that
would .11,0101(1' be approved by north-
ern travellers of experioace." ]Io
continued: -
"Tho most familiar exaraplo ot
polar endeavor is the Neilson expedi-
tion. In that expedition it is
shown by Nausea s (ma book that
he undoostood little of equipping:
and handling long distance 020(13111.'
tions, Yukoners handle them with
much more simplicity, °age and skill.
Nanson worked in heavy skin robos
and WAS immorsed in swords then
citified in the ice thereof. Yalconera
-travel In
ainvatdrnever permit themselves to
"Neilson travelled with dogo
weighing fifty pouods, Yukontws
toyer 1130 dogs weighing loss then,
100 to 150 pounds. Neilsen drov11
his dogs with each hitched to a
singlo strand, and they always Wore
tangled and caused interminable,
trouble and eudloss delay. Yukoners
drive Doer dogs in tandem harneso,
and 110.1.0 searcoly any such trouble*
"Nanson had no Imodles to his
sleighs. Handles are a groat essoa-
dal to ilia Yulconer in helping right
tho sleighs.
"Nearly every expedition sent to
the Arctic thus for has been com-
posed ol sailors, men who aro usla
less anywhere hut aboard ship,.
Thos.) expeditions not military werte
largely somi-mililary, All woro
headed aud composed of men notl
aoquainted with tho North. It in
1 the object and plan of Dr. Varicie
to draw tho great contrast right
hero. llo will ban tone but ex-
periencod Northern numbers and
travellers and none but experienced
and trotted Yukon dogs.
"The question of fuol and sufaci-
eat supplios to carry tho expedition,
across the ice is the stickler. Variolo,
proposes to 01015'001/10 this with alt
auxiliary expedition of mulles. Ho
can make the mules last 180 diva
or more by killing a nude every few .
days for food for the dogs. 13' thus,
supplying the dogs with nude moat
each dog will have nothing to bout
but SUPI,LIES von Trim mmr.
-me knowledge of Nanson's SVIO-
coss with tho oil humor will be
utilized. No artificial 110311. 7111 ba.
needoti. Tho oil wilt be only for
cooking porposes. Yukonors ofthen
travel many weeks, steeping under
tho open sky, with the thorrnometer
40 to rio or more below, Wall only
a fur robo for a bed,
"Varielo plans to 121111E0 011 0X-
poriznent. of a ,trip 01 several hun-
dred nthos Imre in the Yukon bash).
this winter over rough ico with un-
broken trail. If he can average
only to11 miles a day ia the polae
wastes he will succeed.
'His plan is to .start front Grant-
X.,and mid to dash overland or over.
tho 100 7[10 miles to tho Pole, paid
thee continuo GOO more to Proem
ttosof Load, straight h0('011(1. tram
Matt Land, and make tho Jouraey
in about 180 days or less. Ships
wilt make ermaeotion at both tends.
"IL is the plan to try oil 020(1088..
1)3011113 in the Yukno, with Dawson
the headquartors, this winter, arta
to get the oxpedition started . ilextt
,ii, an1011:11511. yaltielic•oronatrat uasubdorsmatottyy0 ovtoltc,
unleered to go with Variclo.'t
Cam ghtnt hattio ship of to -day
stieh art made Junk of a largo part,
or ili0 RO3Sh1,11 110(1t ia illE1 batthe of
the Sea of Japan could destroy both
tho floots 01(14014311 11'! tho most pic-
turesque and ill amity respects loofa.
mernotablo naval battlo at 11101.017-..
111(01. of Troralger-atid come out of
1110 contost wahout even the paint
knocked from Ito armored oldos.4.
VeaSet that ran pour 111 0. deadly BM
at a distanco of from throo to nye
mitre woe orobablY 1101, evea dretatert
Of Oe dealer(' by Noloon, fla mo14
to close wiitt tho tnemy and tiO
real fighting,. hand to bond, 11 nee,
A. whitinying home is a, bad nigh'.