The Brussels Post, 1905-11-9, Page 1Vol. 84. No. 18
New Advertisements.
Local—Thee. MoGregor.
Farm for sale—A, J. Lowry,
Orpingtona for ea le—Jho, Wright,
Jamestown afore—McDonald Broil.
Men's Fu —
ra E.
0 Duuford in Son.
Ball (o v'
C ear wO-Donald ltoberston.
Readyto•wear Hate—Mian Straohan.
Carib Shoe Bargains—I. 0, Riobardu.
Anotia=sale—Govenlock &Archibald.
igxotxitt Stbas,
W roxretor .
John Hartley preaohed in Viotoria Hall,
Jamestown, on Sunday evening.
Mies Barton, of 13simore, visited re-
cently with her brother, Jno, Hartley,
Thee. Bowyer, of Killarney, Mien„ re.
newed Rognaintancea here for a few Jaye.
Several from here attended the Guy
Bros. entertainment in Winghem loaf
T. H. and Mra. Jarmy, of Alaeka, are
gueete of the former's eieter, Mrs. E.
A tales alarm of fire aroused a number
of oar citizen about 8 o'oiook Sunday
A number of young people of the village
attended a party at the home of Matthew
Sanderson, in Howlett, on Tuesday even.
$11.60 and $1.75 9. 00
Hats for
u $ 2.50 and $3.00 $1 95
Hats for
Miss Strachan
Just received some of the newest
productions in Watches and
Chains of the highest quality. If
your Watch was got from us you
have no regrets. We stand back
of the goods we sell and handle
the best quality. We invite your
H. L. Jackson
Earl Armstrong returned from Maal•
ton lant week where he hag spent the
John Faetnne, of Sault Ste. Marie, a
former resident of the village, palled on
friends here taut weak.
Hermann Morrleon, of Owen Sound,
owingto ill Dalt 's
b b r spending a aw
weeks at hie home here.
01111 ton.
In a fast game of foot ball, played here
last Saturday, between Seaforth and
Clinton Collegiate Inntitatee for the
Hough onp, the home team was agar
victorious, the eaore being 8 to 0 in favor
of Clinton.
Venn ale nrett.
Ohiet Vanuorman arrested Iwo men
here last Sunday, who, it is supposed, are
Wanted in Dramba in connection with
the theft of a horse and rigtrom a Dram.
bo livery..The pair have several timee
traded borne °inoe getting the rig from
the livery, and euepioion was aroused
when they offered to on the outfit for
860 to a man near Whiteaburab, ahem
five miles from here, asking a payment
of $10 down. Oat of the men le tall and
musoular, about 40 years of age, and the
other short and slim, about 25 yeare of
age. They are being detained here pend•
ing word from the Drnmbo authorities,
with whom. Chief of Police Vannormau
bas oommunioated.
FnAuoe.—Two women, apparently 80
or 85 years of age, well dressed and
heavily veiled, made their appearance in
this town Friday afternoon, and potting
up et the Kiug Edward hotel, represented
t etna lv maven
:ere e ee as cony ilea fur the Sick
Ohtldren a Hoa itul Toronto. to. T
soured about 820 from
the citizens
whom they interviewed. Scepioion was
aroused, however, in regard to their
method of eotioiting, at each leaf to
subscription book was filled they tore it
out.hief Vanuorman was notified. O fi d and
promptly pland he pair under
refused to give their comes to the
officer, and observed discreet aflame ea to
where they came from. The money they
had collected was banded over to the
obief of police, who at once forwarded it
to J. Roes Robertson for the Mak Obtld.
reh'g Rospttttl. No proceedings were
taken against them and they lett town
early Saturday morning. It is Bald they
have been operating in eeveral towns in
\neatern Outset°, and the 'oharitydie.
posed public will do well to be on the
look.ont for them and give them a wide
Jaurae e;towvn.
Mae. 0. Skion is vieiting friends in
Did you hear whioh of the store keepers
iv to have the "partner" Bret ?
Ed. and Chas, Bryano spent Sunday at
the home of their nnole, A. Bryano.
Ohara Lamont and Mies Lizzie Eok•
mior were vinitore at Goo. ilukmier'e on
Sunday last.
The abutments of MoDonald'e bridge
are now completed and all that remain
is to put the Iron work on.
A number 0f the young people of this
vioinity attended a party ab D. Mofratt's
last Thursday evening and report baying
spent a very enjoyable time.
A. 8'. McDonald and Mon Ina Bryane
represented this part of the world at the
party given by Mies Jessie Moffatt Met
Thursday evening. They report a very
enjoyable time.
Mr.0arr, of Wroxeter, is 80 oonduot
theservice in Victoria Hall next Sabbath
evening. Mr, Hurnley, of Wroxeter, gave
a very inlereating addroaa lack Sabbath
evening on "The Second Doming of
Dr. Ovens M. D., Surgeon, °oculist
Specialist, Dineen of Eye, Ear and
Nose treated and gi000ee8fltted ptoperly.
Will be at Smith's Drug Store, Braseels,
on Tuesday, Nov. 14th. Hoare 8 a. m.
We are pleased to gee that J. T,
Sbraohau'; applioation for oolleotor in
Melville abureh, Brunets. baa been
aompted. Mr. Straohan is one of those
young men who le not afraid to elimb and
we have no doubt willaeaoh the top yet.
R. Dnlmage. of Saskatoon, N. W. T.,
ie vieiting hie enter, Mee, Rattan. On
Monday evening he gave a talk in the
Hall on the Northwest .He bas been in
the Weet for a period of 23 year,/ and ie
in a poeitlon to give advioe to any intend•
ing settlers.
For Saturday
NOV. Ilth we offer some Shoes
which we wish to clear and we have
set the price to do it, as cost is.nat
considered in the 'prices:
1-25 airs Children's good strop Shoos laced
or buttoned, sizes 5 and 6, reg. 70e & 80e, Saturday r
PARCEL 2-14 petro Misses' Pebbled Shone,
laced or but-
alae 18 only, regular $1.25, 'Saturday,.....,,....
PAMEIL 8-4 pairs Boys' Long Leather Boots, sizes 1 OR
2/8, 2/4, regular ,a'1.60, Saturday oliIy.:.............
a weld for our Harness Department: A splendid stock of
JHarness read no , Se11 e our Nickel �'y
Single y w i
Single Harness, our own make, only
Also Robes, Blankets, Trunks and Satchels cheap.
( ;
Wo are pinged to ens Ward Caldbiok'e
smiling fano in out midst ono more.
Wonder who le going to 000k the bread
while be bolds down that "homestead"
out Weet ?
Lead ur
Ta . 'S'
Leonard., Yono a t on of Thoa.
Learning, ie very
oink at present.
Mire Minnie Dundee left for Boston
int week. She may remain there with
Mende all Winter.
Lloyd Dennis woo severely kinked by
a horse on Saturday. Be will be eon•
fined to the banes for a Jong time.
Mies Hattie Sibbone, of Stratford, a
former resident of this locality, is at
pregentrenewing old angnaintanoeo,
The Grey.MoKillop Beef Ring held
their annual meeting ou Monday 7th,
Everyone seemed satisfied and things
were put in shape forinaothor 0easo0.
Sonoon Raromo.—The following shows
the etending of the pupils of S. B. No. 9,
MoKillop, for the month of Ootober,
Olsen IV—Dora Forbes, Sam. Davidson,
Olara Davidson, Edna Love, Sr. III—
Aggie Clark, Geo. Knechtel, Mary Clark,
Wes. Baokwell. Jr, HI—David Baal,.
well, Sam. Love, Jenny Bneobtel, Sr,
II—Lisle Doherty, Emma Rae, Wm,
Bolton, Maggie Finlley, Jr, II—Della
Elaine, Lorne Roe, Alex. Dennis, Har.
Halley. Sr, Pt. IX—Levine Olark, Aden
Forbes. Jr, Pt, I—.Aline Kneohtel,
Albert Clark, Fernie Love. Howard
Doherty, Joe Bolton. Lanrenee Oem-
ming. JNo, Rea, Teacher.
7131ue vale.
Duff dr Stewart have completed the
eemant work of the new dam.
Don't forget the Harvest Ho n
a me Ani
veeeary is the Methodist ahnroh here
neat Sunday and Monday, Rev. Mr.
Armstrong, of Ethel, will be the preacher
ou Sabbath. A m¢eioel and literary
program, of a high order, will be render.
ed Monday evening.
Rev. J. F. Somerville of Toronto,
who wan to have breaohed Bloevale
Presbyterian ohorolast Sabbath,
to appear and not sending word the
congregation were without a minister,
Mr. West baying gone to supply for Mr.
Mnileu, of Pergne, who is work.
log in behalf of the Queen's University
Endowment fund, and will preaoh in
the Presbyterian dumb next 'Sabbath
at 3 o'alook in the afternoon.
John Leach, of Brandon, Manitoba,
brother ot Joseph Lenob, of Bloevale,
died Teat week after a lingering illness.
He woe 80 yeete of age, and died et the
general hospital, Winnipeg, October 81st,
where he wan receiving the X-ray treat.
ment for aanoer. He located in. Bran
don with the driving of the first tent
stake pine and hart ever oinoe actively
aeeooiated with the oommeroial and re.
ligione interests of that city. He was
one of the pioneer operators in the
oheeee industry of Eastern and West-
ern Ontario. In polities a life.long
()enervative, clad in religion -a Metho
diet. He is survived by six children :
Albert, Dominion lands imply t:a ; Dr.
George and Anne, of Brandon ; Hill.
yard J. and Ernest T., barrietero, of
Winnipeg, and Mn. F. J. Oaten, Bel.
mont, His wife predeceased him by
eighteen months.
Willie Long, of Cargill, was a visitor
under the parental root for a ebort time
this week.
This week Jacob Long is away to Cad -
Mao, Mioh„ attending the Golden Wed•
ding of liar. and Mre. Miser, former roti,
dente of Grey tawnohip.
Dr, Ovens, M. D., Surgeon, Conlin
Speoialiet, Dianne of Eye, Ear and
Nose treated and Waimea fitted properly,
Will he at Rmfth'a Dreg Store, Brueeele,
051 Teeeday, Nov, 14th. Home, 8 a. m,
to 1,80 p, m. eat
Mies Tonle Switzer has been engaged
to teach S.,8. No, 4, Elms. fur the ooming
year at a salary of -$400. Her many
friends et Fulton's school will mise her,
where she has done good work for the
past two years.
.A WoaTisY MAN DM.— As announced
Ian week Aleaouder McNair, eo long and
favorably known, passed away to Me
reward at 9 a. m., on Sunday, Oct. 290a,
at the advanood age of 80 yeare, 1 month
and 9 daye. He MIS o very femilior
figure in this oomma0ity for the poet 85
years in connection with hie general store
and poatoffioe and oleo the munioipal
treasnrerehip ot Grey township. Mr.
McNair watt born in Kintyre, Bootland,
being the mond eon of Nall McNair.
He same to Canada in 1850, living in the
townehlp of Vaughan ; about a year was
spent on the Notth shore of Lake Saner.
ior with. R mining Company. For near-
ly 20 yeare he 1004111 eohool with uo
email emcees, having aohoole in Morrie
and Stanley townehipe and Oranbrook,
in the latter spending 15 yeare and in
those yeete he not Duly demonstrated the
rudimenta of good Euglieh but by pre.
sept Bud example inculcated many pupils
under his oharge. Giving up the ferule
he engaged in mero0ntile life here, con.
'tinning at it with close attention until be
sold out a year ago 10 A. MoDontold. Hie
business integrity was beyond question,
In religion he wall an out and out Pres.
bytorian who delighted in advanoing the
interests of the chorea by employing hie
limo, talent Rod onbstanoe, suoh aa Sup-
erintending the Sabbath School, leading
she praise, .earibg for the finances Ile
Treasurer of the congregation and rany
other ways, Politically he adhered to.
the Liberal side and was Weil road on the
issues of both the old and new world.
Hie wife was Agnen Mulholland who
passed away 7 y06r0 ago. Five daweb.
tare (Otto. (Dr.) Turnbull, of Goderlab,
and Minn Etdie, Agues, Susan and
Dentine, at home) and one eon (David)
who Itis ben ranching in the West, 000.
viva, Jno, and James, of tine locality,
are the surviving brothers, The armee of
Mr, MaNait'e deanh wag alumna, hie
health being impaired for Dome tfineprior
to hie dories, He bad been a very
hearty man in big day cudtiering hie
Moen he wen very oheeeful and confident
that hie ltopee tor the tame were found.
ed upon the solid rook, Owing to the
absence of two members ot the family in
Manitoba the funeral did not take plane
until Tbureday afternoon, Rev. D. 13,
McRae, pastor of noosed for over 25
years, and between whom was a great
altaohment, oondaatad en appropriate
sorvioe after whioh the remains were
followed to the cemetery h
aro by
numberf rela6f a
v g and friends.
ander McNair is abaont in body but his
kindly manner, sterling manlinees,
etraighttorward dealing and ocn0iatenoy
of oheraoter will live fot many a day,
The membero of the family have the
sympathy of the oommanity in their
20lOalo el.
20th. nail will a tremble here on Monday
Some say there may be a wedding a
J. W. Sanders will have an amnion sale
Friday afternoon of treat week.
R. 0. Davies made quitea shipment
of live fowl to Toronto this week.
Bad roads and wet weather have Inter.
fared with buainona oonaiderably.
A 1000 bushel aar of Manitoba wheat
wan received on Tuesday by L i11. Henry.
Noble Milne lost a vainable now on
Monday, obaking to death with a turn
t5The good and bad pointe of Looal
Option are being freely discussed here
these days,
Mrs. Dan. Eokmiee was here from
Clinton for a holiday visit with relatives
and old friends.
Next Sabbath evening Rev, George
Baker, of Bluevale, will preach in the
Methodist ohnroh here.
Our whoa intends having a eonoert
iuo i
a o ape of weeks, TheP n iia are
nowr i
aeEia n for sae.
Inness we get m0om0 good weather soon
there will be a lot of turnips left in the
ground this Winter here.
James Lynn, well known here, wee ani.
ling on ralativea and frieode Iasi Satur-
day. He live in f
o ink now,
R. O. Davies has been a
ae W=ea=ns
a to
taste part in n Pablio Library Concert in
Brussels on Friday evening of neat week.
The neat meeting of the Womau'a
Institute will be held at the home of Hire.
G. F. Freeman Thursday 16th inst.
A letter from the Dilworth family
says they have reached Port McLeod
sate and sound. They have rented a
Monne for a month and Mr. Dilworth bas
taken a trip 60 miles further on.
Mre. Eakmier, ar., who hag been a
resident of this locality for over 30 yeare,
was quite ill during the peat week, two
doctors being in athenaenoe bat we are
pleased to state she is now oonaiderably
Dr. OvenM. D. Surgeon,Ocoae
Specialist, Dieaea
of Eye, Ear and
Nose treated and Mercies fitted properly.
Will be at Smith's Drug Store, B1000010,
on Tuesdey, Nov. loth, Hours 8 a. m.
tol 30 p. m.
Jae. LAIRD Daoiaaoen.—Thnreday morn•
ing of this week a fine old gentleman
passed away in the person of Janne
Laird. He was 80 yeare, 9 months and
16 Jaye old. The funeral will take plaoe
on Saturday afternoon at 1,50 &olonk,
Service at 3. p. m. Interment will be
made at Braasele oemetery.
A letter from A, E. Smith, formerly
teaoher here, to Tato Poe says :"I
read about the Brussels Fair. The
Ethel items nod school reports are very
interesting to me oat hare. I find
that the majority of the people around
Austin are either Engli:bmen or Haron-
itea, You may remember Jae, Elston,
who earn from near Brownie, lie
taught school ue0r here foe a time bat is
now one of our bardware merobante and
doing well. Last Spring I met a Mr.
Hall, who is "a printer by trade, and
°email from near Bruniele. Everything
is frozen up here. Threshing is fiuiehed.
I like time twenty fine. We have a nom.
fortable eohool hoose, I enoloae photo of
the snhool and aobotare " Mr. Smith
is teaching at Austin, Manitoba, and will
have the good wiebee of the people of this
'ooality for his 0000000. He is it good
Monday morning our villager0 were in
a elate of exoitement over a horse and
baggy Kerr idingoundwanrinaround by
g Indebuggy was a
man's hat and al once the supposition
woe tbat some one was drowned as the
water Is very high and the river open
owing to a new bridge being put up.
During the night a landslide had taken
plane bank of the new abutment and
oevoraiparties at o0oe dog it out think
ing probably there was some one under it
but found nothing. About noon word
came to the village that a man wag look.
ing for a horse and baggy on. the 140
con, and in the afternoon he arrived say
ing that his bat blew off and while be
wan looking for it the horse ran away on
him. However Rills well that ends well
but we would advise him to look In the
boggy the next time he loges his bat,
WOOING Ba=ne.—Wednesday evening
of last week 80 guests assembled et
"Riverayde," the oomfortabie residence
of S. S. and Mre, Oole, the mansion
being the marriage of their snood
daughter, Mies Eva Florence, to Joseph
Irwin Wenn, well known In this
vicinity. The ceremony woe performed
in the parlor under au evergreen arab
and wedding bell, the bride being given
away by her father. Mee. Alvin Barr
played the 'Wedding March in good
.tyle. Rev. Mr, Alfred, mete to the
bride, performed the ooremony, aeaiated
by Rev. E. 8'. Armstrong, B. 0,, of
Ethei. The principals were unattended.
A very becoming aoetame of white
crape de Willie was wort bythe bride
who carried a beautiful begun. After
hearty eoogratnlet•ions the company eat
down to an excellent spread. The wed•
ding gifts oomprieed many Metal, hie•
gaol and valdabfe presents, the bride
receiving a gold watch and chain from
the groom. A program of epeoobeo iron
the, reverend goma
g bl p above mentioned
and M. MtHa solos byiso e
Simpson andyl 05011041 nd R. 0, Doves,
intorep000ed with o,ioial obat andgamin
made ap a very pleaeaub evening, Mr,
and We. Welob left fot an extended
wedding tear among feinting and
Mende followed by the good wadies Of
many far 11long, bappy and pa/Amnong
life, TUE' FOOT is informed that fav
arable Imogene woe made that evening
toward the aon0nmmation of other matri-
monial allianoee.
Thee,n x 10 home trom oh m t he
Township Ooaneil ma Monday, 20th,.
A few weddings are yet on the tapie,
John McKinnon baa gone to Sudbury.
Mies Jean Doll ie visiting her friend,
Mr, lvloOourt, of Enna, this week.
Local Option le the oorrent topic of
oouverea1lon in this township just now.
Mies Mary Smith, of Bruneele, hoe
re.engagod with the neaten of S. S. No.
1 at au iooreaoed salary. She is a
splendid teacher,
The cement abutments at the Mitobeil
bridge, 12tb ooa„ are about completed.
Weather has been bad for peening the
work but good progress wee made.
The 0001100 sane of farm stook and Im-
plements at W. E. fiendere', 10th nos.,
will take place on Friday afternoon of
neat week. It will be without reserve
an he has disposed of his farm.
The Eruetnes of S. S. No, 8 will have
toget a new .teacher as Neil Rose hue
resigned, intending to pnreoe his studies
at Oli¢tou Collegiate utter New Years.
He ie a good teacher and did well in the
Thee, Fergneon, eon of James Fergu-
son, 9th non, who has spent several yeare
sheep reneging in the Western States,
hae purohased a flour and teed and coal
business at Eriu, Ont. The people of
that Motility will find him a most mart-
en,: gentleman. We wish bim emcees.
Donn os Mite. Jon BataNae.—There
died in Grey, on Monday Oot. 30th, Mrs,
John Beernee athe
t ear age of 80 n
g e and
27 days. Bina Blanes took soddenly in
on Thursday previous wilt a very aevere
attack of pneumonia of both lunge. Up
to 6bat time abe had enjoyed good bealtb
and excepting'a alight oold gave no in•
diaatian that anything wee wrong with
r di
her. Medina skill ill did all
possible to
save her life but nothing oo¢ld stay the
tall destroyer. The deceased was born in
Ireland in 1814 and when eeven menthe
old emigrated with her pareobe to Canada.
Tiny settled in Hayeville and remained
there for some time, atterwarde removing
to the 656 non. of MoKlllop, where 31
yeare ago she was married to Mr. Barnes.
Twenty-two years ago they removed to
lot 82, non. 8 Gray, where they have re.
aided ever oinoe. To them was born a
family of 4 girls and two boys, all living
and all married. Mrs, Biernee was in
religion a Proebyterian, though more
than a year ago abe joined the Metbodiet
oheron. Tho funeral took plane on Wed.
needay ot last week and wag conducted by
the Rev. Mr. Tiffin, of Trowbridge. The
husband and family have the sincere
eympatby of all their friends in the lose
of a loviug wife and a kind and indulgent
mother. Interment took place is Elma
Centre Cemetery and the funeral wee
largely attended.
PR$TTY WRDDINo,—Tbe Preston
Pregnant gives the following intereotiog
a00oant of the marriage of et nein of
lore. Doagold MuTaggart's, 16th ooa
Ou Wednesday, Oat. 18th, a pretty
Autumn wedding took plaoe at the home
of R. L. and Mrs. Scott, King Bt.,
when their only daughter, Jennie Lam•
bort, was united in marriage to W.
Kirkpabriok, of Toronto. The ceremony
was performed by the Rev. J. R. John-
elon, pastor of St. Andrew's Preobyterion
ahnroh. The bride, who given away by
her father, entered the room to the
strain° of Mendeleaob¢e Wedding Marsh,
played y Mies
Marguerite Elliott, of
Rookton. The bride was attired in a
gown of white silk organdie, trimmed
with pointe de sprite and valenolennea'
Dune, wearing the regulation veil, end
oaorying a begun of bridal roan. Her
going away gown was of blue broadcloth
end hat to match, The presents which
were numerous and natty, testified to 1
the popularity of the bride and groom.
Among the many gents 5000001 were
Mr. and Dire. Kirkpatrick and their
daughters, Mime Ag0ee and Franoie,
of Guelph ; Mrs. D. McTaggart, of Oran•
brook; Mise Marguerite Ferguson, of
Gnelpb, Mr. and Mise Pick, of Fergus;
Mr. and Mae. Elliot and daughter Mar•
gnerite, of Roektoo ; R. A. Boon, of
Midland. The happy couple • left by
0. P. R. train for p.untefn the East.
AnDRae,/ a0D PRto0RNTATION. — Wednee.
day evenieg of thin week a very jolly
oompany of about 75 aosembted at tba
home of Alex, Stewart, 8811 non., to en-
joy a sonial time before Mr. Stewart and
family removed to Brussels as they have
sold their fine farm to Alex. D. Grant, of
Morrie. The tollowing addreee woo read
and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Were each
presented with fine upholeteeed oak
attain and Harry and Mien Grace each
given a gold watch chain 1—
Mr. and Mfrs. Atom. Stewart :
Duan a aou0os.-- We, a number of your
neighbors, have assembled at your old
home thie evening on the eve of your re.
'novel to Bruning, deeming it a fitting
time to express our sentiments concern-
ing you and your excellent family. For
many long years you have re0ided here,
witneeeing the transformation of the
bosh lot into flelde of waving grain and
by your industry and thrift acquired s
oompeten 3' enabling you to enjoy the
evening of life freed from laborious Coit,
We are n0t hors to flatter but to speak
the truth and i0 doing eo wish to Bay
that you have proven yonrgolves to be
ideal neighbors ever ready in eioknese to
minister, or 113 health to answer all oallo
With a heartiness that woe refreshing.
Everything that tended to the moral
well being found ready supporters in you
and in school and oburob effete° you were
always most willing to employ and
improve your talents. Wo are sorry to
lose you dram the old bomeetead but
glad that your pines of reaidenoe le to be
so bandy to reae11 eo that we will have
the privilege of keeping up the old ties.
By way of a email token of well merited
teoognitiou we ant your aooeptence of
these eek upholstered ohaire and hope
yon may be aphid many yeare to enjoy
their amnion. We also desire to recog-
nize the wor0hinen0 of your eon and
daughter in them gold eluting, indicative
of the golden obain of 8'rieddohlp that
beeeo happily existed between as and
them. Tbe years fly away with amazing
vslooity but we tenet that the lives we
live will be of mob a oharaoter that the
Great Friend will bid ue woloome in the
Eternal Home bye and bye to part no
moreor. ve E
f e r. That Heavenly
t4 oF Pettier
will ooutinne to glue yon a targe shore of
Hie bleseing is the wish op your many
old friends la this locality,
Mr. Stewart and eon made moat appro.
priate replies. The evening was spent in
aoolel chat, gamoo and other amusements
and the company separated with the
lexpression of many good wishes for the
future boppineoee of the family and wieb•
'.. ing manna to the 0000Om000.
Hvutouaen. — The home of Mrs. F,
Killer was the 00ette of a happy gather,
ing of about 100 friends Rod neighbors on
P7ednesday, Nov, let, 1b0 event being the
marriage of her daughter, Mies Belle, to
John Bryene, of this township, At five
o'olook, as the atraine of the Wedding
Meath, played by Miss Ina Bryane, fillets
the home, the bride was esoorted under
an evergreen arch by her brothor•in law,
A. Took, of Clifford, where stood the
groom in waiting. Rev. E. F. Arm-
strong, B. D., of Ethel, spoke the myelin
words making them man and wife.
Oongratulatione and the tasty tea follow.
ed and the rest of the evening wee spent
in sooial obit, gamin and au impromptu
program. At the ceremony the bride
and groom were unattended, except by
Mise Laura Bryano, who acted ea Sower
girl in a very becoming manner. The
pregame were an exceptionally valuable
oolleatloo, thereby attesting the esteem
the young people enjoy, Mr. and Mrs.
Bryano left on Thnreday for Toronto and
returns e
d this week to t beom illsr home-
h e
etead whioh Mr. e Bryan ba a The
seed b
beet wishes of the om nit is the.
o ma with Y
young oonple, Among those from a
dietanoe were Mrs. Pierce and family, of
New York ; Min Tack, of Holstein ; Mr.
and Mrs. Task, of Clifford ; and W. E.
Bryan, the ha Toro to Medina College.
a 1 e
TED Pon throws an editorial slipper
after the eotimable young people.
lhf, °sorter.
Benda are very sloppy.
Township Commit Friday of this week,
Hugh Hanna, 6813 line, hag been
dangerously ill.
Farmers are hoping for better weather
to get root Drop np.
Jae. Bharpe'e auction Bale will be held
on Saturday afternoon of this week, 618
There was no service in Sunshine
oburob last Sabbath owing to the fact
that the quarterly meeting was held at
Alex. Olark, of Bambino, has been
dangerously ill this week with berm
orrbnge of the etomaoh but we hope be
ern! soon be better.
Pauriok Agin, N Lot 12, Con. 7, baa
announced an 000110n sale for Wednes-
day afternoon of next week. He will
offer hie farm, farm stook, oto. F. S.
Scott sono. tiSaT
FARM RENTED.—The 100 aura farm of
W. H. Manndere, 1 miles North] of
Walton, has been leased for a term, of
years, to Thos. Brown, now living on the
6613 line. He will get poeesealon next
March. Mr. Manndera has spent non.
aiderable money and pot in many a day's
hard work in putting the place in first
olase shape but ae his health has not been
good he has decided to take a well earn-
ed real. He will rent a hone In Brae.
eels for Dire. Meanders and daughters
and will likely take a trip to the Weet
himself. Hie stay in Montana on a
previone 000aelon in ebeep ranohing
agreed well with him. Mr. Maunders
will hold a sale of farm stook, lmplameote
deo next Spring,
MexnnsoNlw.—A pretty wadding took
plane In Johneton'e ahureh, let eon.,
On Wednesday, Nov. let, at 5 O'olook,
5. m., when Mae Sarah J. Johnetoo
was united In marriage to Junes 0,
Pee000k, The ceremony was performed 1
by the pastor, Rev. G. Baker, in the
presence of a large number of relatives
and Mende of the °entraining parties.
The bride was dressed is a green broad.
cloth gait and white silk bodice with
hat to match, and was led to the altar
leaning on the atm of her father, W. J.
Johnston, while the wedding march was
played by Aire, Silas Johnston, siee0r•i0-
law to the bride. After the marriage ea.
vice tbey all repaired to the reeidenae of
the bride's father where the oongratula•
tions were given and the regiatee eigoed,
Beautiful tables were spread and over six.
ty eat down to a eamptnaaa repast. The
presents to the bride and groom were
numerone and good. The home of tae
evening were spent in a imolai way with
games and a program of impromptu
epeeolteo, solos, °bormnn and instru
mental mueio, after whioh the buppy
couple left for their new home to the
immediate neighborhood followed by the
beet wisnes of all their relatives and
Mrs, Thou, Clark, of Morrie, spent
Sunday in Walton,
Mr. and Mae. Smith paid a visit t11ie
week to friends in Seaforelr.
Richard Hoy lett ou Monday for
Trout Creek where be will spend the
Dr, Ovate, M. D„ Surgeon, Ooottliet
Specialist, Diseases of Eye, Ear and
Nose treated and giaseee fitted property.
Will be at Smith's Drug Store, firassele,
on Tuesday, Nov. 14o11. Hoare 8 a. m.
to 1.80 p, m.
Finn LRoTona.-rTuesday valuing of
neat weak, Rev, James Livingstone, of
London, will deliver hie oelobrated and
papular leottire "The Haman Volpe,"
under the 00 i 0s
u sp o of the Young People';
Sooiety, Vocal seleotione wi11 Mao be
rendered and a pleasant time aeeured to
all who. attend.
On Tuesday evening a meeting was
hold at the Parsonage, combining the
business of this beanie of the Bible
Society and the Union Sabbath School
Convention. Provision was made for the
dolleotion of an Bible 500iety offerings
and for the holding of a. union Sabbath
Shoot 0anventfon, 00 be held in the
Methodist ahnroh on Nov, 23rd.
On,Monday evening, the membero at -
L, 0, 31.3o..252, with their families end
it few invited guoots, assembled, in the
Hail to oslebrate the anniversary of
Gay Fawkes Day, The feature of the
program was an inspiring half boar . ad
dress by l e
1 v, R. B
Z S ake r M. A
La t ks
t a WWI then served and the
sontai evoutng o'owed with a hearty
rendering of the National Anthem.
An eaooptionttl opportunity to hear
something real good ie pre00nted to the
people of Welton and e=me=nding country
on Tuesday evening, Nov. 1411:1 in the
Methodist ahnroh, when Rev, lite.
Livingstone, of London, will dive bia
oelobratod lemon, "Tbe Human voice."
Dirt Livingebone hat been oalled the
Demoobheuee of the London aouferenee
and the silver tougaed orator of the
West. It is safe to say that no public
man io more in demand fns lectures and
anniversary o00aeiono than Dr. Living-
stone. The W'Paltoo Methodist oburob has
been soma three months in eeeoring hie
services for Nov, 14t1r. Hie 1e01nee wee
recently delivered in Loudon to an
immature audience and evoked the heart-
iest aid moot entltnoiastio aommont.from
the Lonaco preen. A resident of Walton.
who lute beard the teotors saya "It is
really wonderful what Mr. Liviugotono
can do with that -vein of big, you may be
sure I won't mist this opportunity of
hearing him again." In addition to the
lecture, appropriate maetoai 0eleotion0
will be given and by special request Dire,
Baker will sing the "Cookao song."
Cheir will be taken et 8 p. m.
OHU1tt'li MIMES.
There will be service e oil in the Oabbollo
°bosh Brussels, nest Sunday at 10.30
a, ne.
"The beroietn of Christian 0000100"
woo Rev. Dr. Rose' theme last Sabbath
at both servioeo iu.Melville chorale.
Evangelistic. 00005000 will oommence in.
the Methodist 'et b
a arab rte b
next Sabbath.
They will be oonduotod by the pastor.
aliases Minnie MoNeughton and .Josie
Buchanan attended London Contemn)
Epworth League Convention 01 London
Ibis week. Rev, T. W. doeeaa is also at
the Convention.
At the special service in Melville
ohnrah last Sabbath evening Bolos were
well rendered by Mr. Riddle, of London,
who samg "David's lament for Absalom;"
and Miee Kate MoBinlay, whose ohoioe
was "The Holy City."
Rev. Dr. Roes, will preaob at Fergus
nest Sabbath. Bev, Mr. Mullett will
000upy Melville oburoh pulpit in the
morning. In Bate oonneotioo see page 4
ot this issue. Rev. W. J. West, of Blue.
vale will preaoh in tbe evening.
The following six persons were elected
as oongregatianal representatives to the
Official Board of. Beaune Methodist
ahureh for the matting year :—T. Moore,
W. H. Maundere, Thos. Curry, H. Bean
0. Razed and Jae. Cunningham.
Rev. T. W.Ooeena' subject last Sabbath
morning waa in keeping with the quarter.
ty oommanfon oosome=. In the even-
ing he gave a patriotic di:mourn bearing
on the eventf01 6611 of November, "Jao
hovab our banner" being the test ohoaen.
Mr. Riddle, of London, sang in good
volae at the morning eerviae "Rook of
At the Harvest Home Thank -offering
is aooneotionwith St. John's aburoh the
appeal met with a very generous reaponge
814400 being oontributed. Few oongre•
kation of their size ooatribate 00 freely
and as a result their fine property is tree.
from iuoambranoe. They are to be
congratulated on their eplrit and liber•
ality. They oould give pointers to many
other; along tbie line.
The Salvation Army is at work in 40
o00ntr,ee and ooloateo, speaks 31 Mowing.
ea, has 7,210 corps, "eirotee" and Boolean,
13,493 officers and oadete, employe 2,566
pergola and has 45,339 local Moore.
It has 63 peribdiaalo 10 24 languages,
with an issue of 1,208,000. There are
044 iuetitusono for ire Boatel work and in
12 months tbe Army supplied 4,578,399
beds and 7,213,606 mettle.
A ohoioe program of topics in oannec-
tion with St. John's obareh Young Pen.
ple'e Society has been netted, Meeting;
are held on Tumidity eveoinge in the
sobooi room, The officers are ; Hon.
President, Rev. H. M. Lang.Ford ;
President, Mrs. W. W. Harris ; Vioo
President, Mee, R. L. Taylor ; Beeretary,
Mrs. H. James ; Treasurer, Mise- Vinie
Oardtff ; Organist, Mise X. Haggard ;
Look•oat Committee, Misaee Oardtff,
Roggard and Taylor.
At the monthly Missionary g reen:a in
the Methodist Sabbath School last Ban.
day afternoon, in addition to the lesson
Pearl Beaker wing "The whole wide
world for Jeans "; Janie Cunningham
read "Traay'e Thaoksgivingletter" .; Edna
Speriau's Bolo wag "Ohtldrenof the City"
Mrs. Coning gave a Temperance reading;
Mr. Riddle, of London, sang "0 1 Oyes
Unit are weary" ; and Rev. T. W. Omens
gave a abort address, The collection
was $6.90 and the attendance 198,
The Woman's Miesiooary Society of
the Methodist ahnroh completed its
annual Convention at Peterboro, after a
very encouraging and satiefaotary review
of the Society's operations, It wan
Romanced that a lady in Toronto bad
offered $4,000 to extend the medical work
of the 6o0ioty in Mento, Obtmy as soon
so the board takers pia:teattl steps in this
direction. The following appropriations
were gubmitted and approved : Total.
for Jap00, 824,190 ; Mina, 88,685 ;
Frena r work in Qneboo,'J7, 598'; Chinese
and Japene0e work in British Columbia,
82,201 ; Indian work, 89,150 ; Galician`
Mundane, Alberta, $1,858 ; Alt People's
Minion, Winnipeg, 8400 ; literature
grant, 81,826 1 new buildings, Polo, $9,600
naw property and been at Datums,
Kanazawa, $400'1 new beildingo at
Ohanta, 83,000 1 slating, $2,000 ; for
French Protestant Home, Montreal,
84,000 ; Italian mieotnu in Toronto,
8812. It waa Mobbed to hold the neat
board meeliog in Be11evolle,
In the Kingston Wootton trial Juo.
tion Street amid the evido¢ee was Out.
Adient to void the eleotien, and Jaatio0
Teetr,al said -thee° wits iodination of lay,
lab urn of money on boat sides.