The Brussels Post, 1905-10-26, Page 5•
A •
la a Iligh-grada.Conunercial HOW.
Three Courgea t
Comulrraiul Ntoeograpliy Toleernplly
Write 44110. MI'O'I"FO , P1.111lpttl.
gDuring Recent Months the
1?h�TiIO n
g Own YONat1 AND ALaCANnaa STD, ff
inrrnelvrd WM. 710'011110, TwIi'ITN,01.
and t v, a SOFTY limos ns many malls ll
lot 8tunogra piers, ltodt•It"rpnre, e'e, e
as it had Hl ud.nts graduating during
( tin Ramo 11101131119. -30101. of 1310 BRIM'.
inn rnnrod wars Irom 140 a month in
81910 par nun 001 This clearly Indi-
cates 1111` 34,81 Sellout fee young men
and n•omerin p/11.1.01117,0 Enter now. l
Atagnmoeut catalogue tree.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
R y50'�JJ
ilR. R. A. BURNS—
_ 1JS11c008H01' to Ile. J. A. 11cNaughion
Reminds, ()alert()
Graduate of Paly0Unlo Post Graduate
Reboot of Modioiue and Surgery, New York
M ember of College of Pbysioliue and Suc-
ga,uo a( Ontario.
Office and residence Dame as formerly 00 -
Mimed by Dr. McNaugbtou.
1)300neoa of women a specialty.
'Phone No. e1.
JAL omit, 7,M. SCOTT, Bro.oOle,
N —
b' a RAC.t{PN
H. I
e f t M¢r a e LicuuOua.
�•� I at o 0! ri g
fil'0 aG Gro08ry, TMrlberry ttreet, hIU80°ls.
l DE.n010NED has sov0ral gond Paru,a 101
Dale and CO rent, easy terms, in 'rewn••11ipt
of Morris and Grey. 6 ti. Bor."1"1'. Iirurs.r
C. 0. E.
Court Princess Al0xaedri a, No.24, 0. U. F.,
Bruseoly, meets iu their bodge Room,Mae.
hid 111001, nu the 2nd and last Tuesays of
each mouth, at o'clock. Visiting brethren
al ways welcome, a 14, BURGESS. i. 1B.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
• ran, will Ball for bettor prices, to
bettor men In 1000 time and lose °bargee
than any other *00111 ue011 in FanMoron or
be won't oharge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged nt this Melee or by
personal application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Tema reasonable. Bales arranged for
nt the office of Tun Poem, Brussels, 21 ti
• Honor t,rndnao of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all Me-
al/00B of domesticated animals ,i0 a compet-
ent manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry and Milk Povar. 010130
promptly attended to, Union and Infirmary
—Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry et.,
• dtarrieter, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.
dards Batik,
0, Rin 001Blair,
. l Solicitor for upord n eek,
politan Beak.
V 7 • Barrietor, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer,
Notary Publics, dao. 1.1.0ice—Btewart'0 Block
1.door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank,
W. PROOD800T, II• 0, R. 0, HAYa
G. 1P. BLAIn.
Offices—Those ul& Holt rod by Mears
GoDnnl0n, ONTARIO,
Graduate of 1110 Royal College of Dental
8urgoolle of Ontario and 0h'ot•OIa00 Honor
Graduate of Toronto University. Oleos
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
=3f; ai B
a,This a13 advertisement renro-
1 Mall sante ono of the largest and beet Ilua- a
inose Colleges in Canada. No School
in the Dominion dues more for its ��
atudente than wo do, To our know-
led80 not ono of otlr graduates is nu -
ampIoved. We got far more applies,.
(lobs than we can moot. YOU may 2
enter at say time,
N rico for our free 0ataioguo.
p 5th1.101"1 at MaOAOBLAN,
I t' 81 3 it5t iti= t=an
Still in the 1010inen0 handling Pumps of
1111 kiili10, both iron or woad,
TIM110arvoi Windmill, one of the best
Inak00, is handled by tis.
Water Tanks of various nines made to
order, Repair0 promptly attended to
and at reasonable prices.
fi'Orrittrn lett at Tun Poem, l3nasaoLs,
will have am prompt attention.
:1ncal 1ctuti aborts.
1An1110 Taumtor,h has tendered his roaig•
nation es 11 member of Bruea030 School
Board but the seat will not be filled until
next Municipal eleolion day. He wag a
faithfnl member of the Board and is at
present assisting Fred. Adams, of Ford•
TneClioton New Era soya :—We ander,
stand that H. Bertlifi hue rented the
t10hv store to be erected by J. Johnston on
the corder of Rnttenbury and Albert Ste.,
bet es thio will not be ready until Spring,
and he has shortly to amoeba hie prr0ent
premt000, he will probably move to the
empty store at the North end of the
briok block—nnleae some other store be-
comes empty in the meantime.
Ia1PORTAN'T 110 PORTA° S01:100L T1t1a11Eae
—At the Teacher's Cu000,1000 for the
county of Huron held at Olinton in May,
1905, ib was d,oidod to bald bot ono aa(
form promotion examination in the year
—this examination to be held at a con-
venient date just before Dilater:
The usual ootober examination will nob
be held this year. A oiroulnr has beau
sent to otwh oohooi by the public school
Inepeetor which fully explains the
limit of work and the time and mode
of making prowobious,
/1411031130 or ExaouTlvE.—A joint meet-
ing of the Executive Oommitteo0 of the
East and West Huron Teaoher'e & motie
tion met nt Clinton on Saturday, 14th
inst., when it was decided to hold n
two days' meeting of the Association in
Guelph next year. This will give the
1000110re an opportunity to visit the
Agrioulture College, MoDooald Ingtitate
end the Uoneolidabod Sohool The follow-
ing sub committee was appointed to melte
final arrangements :—Meaere. Robb, Mob
fatt, Tigers, Malley, Johnston and
Hartley, A resolution was passed to
request the Education Department to
restore the Public School Leaving ex-
amination eo as to Dover the work of the
Lower High School. Among those prem
ent at the meeting were :—Inepectore
Robb and Tom, Messrs. Mnogrove, Wing.
ham ; Tigert,' Goderioh : rolcKay, Ben•
call ; Gowans, Exeter ; Jobnebou, Kip.
pen ; Moffett, Beaforth ; Cameron, Brae•
eels ; Bummers, Blyth ; Hartley, Wrox-
eter, nod Mies Wilson and Mr. Lowe, of
Tint 0. P. R. Woaos,—Work on the
track from Blyth Westward to Daulop's
bridge ie progressing favorably, and it
will be in running order before many
months pass a a"—A Guelph dispatch,h
of Monday Bays: Thirty males of
have been laid on the Guelph to Godes.
Joh braonh of the 0. P.R., and the work
is being pnehed along by the work
ganga."—The South ohennel at the foot
of Waterloo street, Goderioh, is now
completely closed, the track at that point
bring op to the level of the 0, T. It,
areola, and the track along Squaw island
hae been raised and widened oonaider•
ably the pltet few days. The Guelph
Herald of Gob. 12th nye :—The new
steam shovel Lae arrived and will be'
pat to work on this emotion of the line on
Thursday. The inter -looking switches
and eomapboree are now being installed
at the crossing of the W. G. et and G. &
0, Railways near the cemetery. The
rails have been laid to a point almost
five miles beyond the city, and splendid
progress is being made.—"We are laying
almost one mile of trnolr each day," amid
J. G. Macklin, 0, P. R. Divisional
Engineer, in diea00aing the 00001000tion
work ou this creation of the Guelph and-
Goderioh Railway. Mr, MOoklin went
on to ray that n gang of 70 met) were at
work ander the formanohip of George
Corby,—"How far hove yon gone al
ready 7" be wag coked.—"A little over
bhree miles."—"Do you prop000 to put
a track laying machine In operation?"—
"Later on we will put one in service,"—
"When will the treaty be oompleted as
far ae the Grand River?"—By the 20th
of tbie month," was the response. --Mr.
Maoklin concluded by saying that the
Grand River bridge would be completed
two weeks later; the rest of the work
would be ranked forward and Goderioh
would bo re0o11ed early in the Spring.
For weakness of the lunge, brouobitie
and catarrh, it has no equal in medicine,
"Oatarrbozoue" is rte name end every
dootor prono0nooe it a marvellous enemies.
Oatarrhozone is eoientifio and clerked') to
aura ; try 16.
George Smith ie having hie house
veneered with red brink,
The personnel of the business men of
Atwood is oonetantly ohanging, the
late01 to do so being C. Ballantyne, who
cold hie gr000ry buelueee to Wm. Patter
eon, of 010 village, for lump sum. Mr,
Paltere10 30 now in p009mpei00.
John Inglis, eon of W, G. Ieglie, 8th
con„ bas been appointed m teacher of
oommeroial work in the National ' Beni.
mess College Night School in Toronto. He
teaohee three nights in a weeny, and
durhtg the day note an aeeiBtant boob•
keeper for J. A, Mitchell in the city.
An interesting event took plane at the
home of Warden Donaldson on Tuesday
evening, Oot, 10th, when hie parents,
James and Mre. Donaldson, 011„ oelebrat•
ed their golden wedding anniversary,
x31 fa110 to the lot of the few to celebrate
their fiftieth year of their wedded life,
but the worthy ooaple are atilt in the
beet of health and seem destined to enjoy
life for a number of yearsyet, Along
with tine children and grand.
ohildren they eat down to a
sumptuous rep0et, atter whioh the aged
oocple were presented by their Children
with a hand0ome gold bro,ob set with
diamonds and a 00rviee of (U1na to rho
bride, while the groom was praoented
with a geld headed walking ettue
suitably engraved. Atter this pleasing
oeremooy an enjoyable evening watt
spent in mottle, games, eta, 310 nutter. 1
one triende of Mr. and Mre,, Donaldson'
will join what a0 in heartiest Oungrttuula.
lions on tide 00ign0 event 111 then. 133300,
and in the hope that they may long be
eptt0011 to each other mod t0 their child.
ren. S0Oh event0 as these help to
mitigate much of the brittle and Borrows
,noident to human Ilfo. It moat be a
Bottrop of great gratification and pride to
p3retle when they 000 their family
glowing up to be useful and honored
"Torsi wi<t)l.
W. G. Ward injured his left hand with
a raw. Blood poisoning wee feared, but
all danger i0 now past,
1tov. A. B, and Mrs, Dobson entortnin..
ed the young people of the Gorrie Ptaeby•
torten (thumb on a reasnt Friday evening,
Pordwioh Lode, N o. 881,A.F. & A.
lye will I hold a grand nd oonoert in the For.
esters' Hall on Sainrday evening, Nov.
Amman Grltybiol, of Y410,1613011,, who
rade recently married to an American
lady, is upending a 0110113 honeymoon at
his old home here.
Thanksgiving serviette will be held in
Trinity ohuroh on Sunday, October 291b,
at 10 80 a. in. when Rev. T. H. Farr, B.
A., rentor, will preeoh special ser-
The epeeist services being oondooted
by Mr. Grigg in the Melhodiet church
are proving very interesting and will, it
i0 hoped, be prodaative of mao13 good.
They will be oonti0ued for Oomo time yet,
"I dropped all liniments but Nerviline
Immure I found Nerviline the qulokeet to
relieve pain," writer E. 13. Benton of St.
Johu'o. If my children are croupy or
siok, Nerviline aurae them. It a case of
cramps or !derma ache turns np, Nee.
vliine ie ever ready. We ase Norvaline
for uaoralgfa, rheumatism and all kinds
of aohes and pains ; it's as good ae any
doctor." The great Canadian remedy
for the past fifty years has been Polsou'e
Nerviliue—notbing better made.
ALTA eeiawevor CIL.
Mre. W. T. McKee and eon, Stanley,
visited Harrieton friends.
Medd and Furtney are patting Dement
stables under 13. Sangeler'e barn.
Hugh Patrick 0 running the cheese
fnotory in plane of J. Pactereon, who lute
gone Woot,
.Samuel Holmes, an old resident of this
vicinity, Ind a severe paralytic stroke.
He's in a very precarious condition.
The Direetore of the Molesworth
Cherie and Butter Go, have advertised for
a oheeeemaller RS Mr. Patterson has de•
aided to eta)] in the West.
members the t
The em a of ne Presby Brian
aharah have built a oemenc stable for
their minister. It makes a decided im-
provement to the (thumb property.
Rev. H. E. Duffle, of Moukton,ocaupied
,bo pulpit of the Methodist church on
Sunday, 16th, the pastor being absent at
the Nile taking annive11eary services.
A very sealable time was spent in the
Preebyteriao church wheu the Epworth
Laagoe of the Methodist oh0r0h and the
Guild of the Dalen Presbyterian ohuroh
were the guests of the Guild here. A
good program was rendered by home kith
ant and some visitors. Lu oh ae eery.
o n w
od by the Guild.
11Iies Roby Hay has returned from a
three mouths' visit fn Port Elgin and
Oargl I1,
At a meeting of the Listowel Lawn
Bowling Utah, it was decided to 300urpa11•
et0 111,1 take over the gr0unde, whioh
have been bald in lomat np to the present,
Henry Zinn, of Wallace, hair added to
hie laurel]] whioh he -hae parried off at
the Fell Faire, as reported in Timm Poor,
hie horeee taking eleven prizes at Corrie
Fair, eight late, two ands and a sweep
Chief Engineer Peterson of the 0. P.
13,„ who )0 in oharge of the oonetrnotiou
et the Guelph and Goderioh Railwey,
wag in town on Wednesday of loot week,
and brought with him a plan of the pro•
posed entrance into Listowel of the
branch line from Linwood, which he
aeenree ae the 0. P, R. intends build.
ingg next year. The Company le not
wetting the townships through whioh the
road passes for any bonito or right of
wily, and we have reason to believe,
though no olfiaial a0001100Bntent has
been made to that effect, that the
Company will not aoll fur right of way
for station grounds within the town.
Should this prove correct, Llatowel le
certainly fortunate, and will not only
weloome the road, but will be prepared
to treat the oompany in a like generone
spirit, and the Railway will be the sein-
er in the long ran. The Standard trays :—
We anderetaud that steps will be
taken immediately to 0eoure the right
of way both in town and townehip0.
Most ()Nita options have already been
obtained in town, whioh will facilitate
we liave the most exclu-
sive lines one Halo. Good
practical Furniture at
very low prices.
15 per cent. off
Moore Bros.
Furniture Men.
Good Lines Low Priced
the work ooneiderably, and it is gnito
probable that the remaining owne11e
ore prepared to make satisfactory ar•
r0ngemeote tvith'ibe Company without
having to resort to arbitration. '1'be
road through Elmo, roue at the baok
endo of the tarme in the first cono000ioo
so that no damage will be door to
them, and the farms will have the ad.
ventage of being draiotd and fenced
for all time to. come. 'Ilia forme 30
Mornington will for the moat part be
similarly omitted and benefitted. For the
present Lielowel will be the terminne
of the branch line,
At the haat Council meeting it was
moved by T. L. Hamiltou, seconded
by W. H. Helmka, that mamma] ae
the Grand Trnek Railway System have
token no dtfinite aotioo to build the
proposed Biding into Meyer'e mill,
although a year boa elapsed elnoe per-
mission wail given to build said aiding
and woes oar streets, the MoOioipal
Council of the Town of Lietawel here-
by resalnde the motion passed on Got,
28, 1904, giving the maid G. T. By.
power to build said aiding and arm
Main, IOkerma0, Elute and Alma
etreete.—•Oarried. Moved by A. St.
Geo. Hawking, seoonded by T. L.
Hamilton, that having reoeived plane,
also notioe of aerates, from the Grand
Trunk Railway System, of It pro.
posed aiding and spar in Listowel
over a portion of the grounds sot.
veyed by the Guelph and Goderioh
Railway Company for their proposed
line from Linwood to Lieotwel, the
plane of which survey we are informed
have been approved by aha Railway
Oolnmieeio08re of Oan,40, and we a0•
deretaud the said road will be built
within the next few months, the Matti•
eipal Oonnoil of the Town of Listowel
hereby enters rte objection to the said
plane of the Grand Trunk Railway
System, and requests that the paid G.
T. R. be restrained from entering np•
on the work of constructing said pro
posed aiding anti epur, or from. 000013ne
the streets of the town, and that the
Railway Oommieeionere of Canada be
requested to tike the neoeseary etepe to
prevent further lotion being taken Un-
til the Munioipal Oounotl of Listowel be
heard and ehall have (unbar ooneidered
the situation, and the Mayor and Cleric
sign a dopy of this reeolnbion and for.
ward same to the Railway Commissioners
et 0 tbnwa.—Oarried.
The Hones of Befogs got six new
inmates within the last few days.
Richard Rnneford was able to walk up
ae far as his offioe on Tuesday of Iaet
Fred. Ghent has taken a position with
a G. T. R. Barmy party, and left for New
At a recent meeting of the Public
Sshool Board, the metnbere of the teach.
ing staff were all re aimed.
We are sorry to bear of the serious
illness of Mrs. AIL Goodwin, who has
been in a critical oondition for some time.
It is iutended to run an exouraion from
all pointe in this Bastion to the Beet Root
Factory, at Berlin, some time in Novem-
Souday, Oat, 29, will be observed as
Ohoir Sunday la Wesley ahurob, when
Rev. E. W. Edwards, B. A., B. D„ of Tit,
erten, wilt preaoh.
It is said that Mayor Hoover has no
intention of again preeonting bitnaett me a
candidate, and the friende of Mr. Harris.
on Wiltee think be would make a suitable
person for the mayoralty,
Millinery Opening
A GIL n Suc+c >`. ss
UR Best Thanks are return-
ed to the Ladies for their
patronage at our Opening.
A splendid stock of the most
Fashionable Millinery is ready
and will be sold at Reasonable
Call and see before placing
your order.
z,ss otrachan
lie. Bevans had to go 400110, for n 0(031
3101 '=3 water at the Oommerofal, 111a11 at
any mbar well he hoe bored in lbl0
netablentierp. Ile went down 175 feet,
75 of wluah w w througb solid rook,
Time. Jooitouu jr„ of the Jar -1118011 Man.
ulaoburing Ou,, and Mre, E. (.bldloy, two
well known and highly esteemed re.idonto
of Clinton, were married in Toronto, on
Monday of last week, by BM A. Gluey,
Mtge M. Lough lett for Toronto on
Monday of la.t week, having been called
there t0 winter whit the 014000100 of the
Y, W. O. A. Before returning home rhe
goes to Berlin, to organize a branch of
the 410000iati0n there.
Mre, J. 1'.:t'iodull, who hag been a ivey
from town 100 several week's, moob of the
time undergoing treatment at Mt,. Olrm•
et10, 111,011 , for 011011matiem, returned
home an Frldsy, o. neidorably improved
In health,
D. 13. (Ialbiok, (..on•in-late of Robt.
Aeheson, Goderioh tawnohip,) who bag
been visiting in this section 0inoe hie
return hum Catgut), hats taken an inter.
001 In a patent window screen manatee.
taring bueine10 at Iroquois, Dundee Go,
Mr. Wheatley has otarbod out to col.
teat the taxes for the current year. The
heavieat, taxpayer in t e town is 111r.
Doherty, who
oontribntes several bun•
dred dollars to the town oxohegner
Fair Broo. are the .attend heaviest tax
payers. The roll represents game
The Dement work of the new Knitting
Faotory hese been oompleted, the three
atari00 being all ready for the tloere and
roof There i0 mime faoiug yet to be
done• It ie expected that in the course of
a few weeps all the machinery will be
installed and the !eatery be in fall run.
ping order,
Humphrey Snell, eon of Jag. Snell,
who went to Wyoming Territory with a
ear of sheep, returned last week, having
made a eaooeeefol and profitable ease of
the lot. I61r. Snell took all the prizes it
wag poeeible for him to take at Doaglae
(Wyoming) Fair, and found the demand
for thorobred Lei:oeters so good that he
will probably go book with a couple of
oar loads more, se 00011 ae they can be
7'1!30 111,1101) IS THE LIFE.
Owing to faulty actions of the kidneys
and liver, the blood beoomee filled with
dinette game that imperil health, The
fist warning ie' a baokeobe, dizzinees,
headache and leak of vital energy, Act
goiokly if you would avoid the terrible
ravages of chronic' kidney oomplaiub.
Get Or. Hamilton's Pills to day ; they
oars kidney and liver complaint for all
time. No medicine relieves oo promptly,
nothing in the world of medioine aurae
more thoroughly. For good blood, otear
oomplexion, healthy appetite, the proper
treatment ie Dr. Hamilton's Palle. 25o.
per box, at all dealers.
In the matter of news The Week'y
Globe and Canada Farmer covers the
whole field. All items of interest are
aolleoted,sifted, condensed and presented
In an easy attereeible and readable form
eo the busy farmer can keep himself
thoroughly posted in regard to the home
and foreign events of importance with•
oat wasting time. Every effort is made
to enure information at first hand to in.
sore its a0tbe0tia oharaoter. The
Weekly Globe and Canada Farmer is a
high n pap
Masa lnewspaper of national inter•
est, sympathy and outlook. It is read
regularly by people living in the United
Stater] and in all parte of the British
Empire. For widespread oiraulation it
is, perbape, unequalled by any other
paper pobliehed on the 3001i00111..
Two ab6rgee against Mr. F. R. Ocoee,
manngiug director of the Duncan Litho -
grabbing Company, of 'netted] of the alien
labor act, were dismissed by the Police
\'1agi0trate at Bawl ton.
Brussels Evaporator
On and after Got. Ot11 I will pay
from 30 to 85 cents per cwt. for any
quantity of Winter apples. No small
apples will be taken.
Jno. Cunningham
500 Tons
Metals, Rags and Rubber,.
Yard, corner of Mill and
Alexander 8ts., Brussels.
Drop a post card and a call will
be made on you.
Have placed in stock a
fine assortment of late
Songs, 'Waltzes
and Two-steps
All sold at ' price
25 C. EA C2
Great eleari
-----••Ar. TJT1J-_.._._...._
0'6'11,"1,"I,'11,'lli Ida 4"1,N,11011.II,
Not leaving quoted prices last week we tali° the liberty of doing
>3o in this week's edition, Come and judge for yourselves.
Shoe Department
Some orld numbers in Ladies' and
Mimes', your choice for. 65
Some odd numbers in Men'% and Boys'
your eludes for $i./p
e seam t
PRINTS aro going at a great Reduction
Regular 120. Printe for 10o.
10a, 8o,
1 8o, " Co,
—Also sumo Muelino left on nor mantle
wo offer below cont price.
--Flannelette Blankets, Regular 331.50,
fur 331,20
l.0 r for
Regular t O 7 .1
� 1F
Regular 1,511 for 1.25
Above are only a Few
of our many Lines
WE TAKE ALL KINDS OF TRADE—Hatter and Eggs for which we will.
pay the Highest Market Price. 40. per pound for Dried Apples.
POULTRY—Highest price for all hinds, dry plunked and undrawn,
/0'1,4 A4 Ft's~ d ?FA`M MAW2drra 1fAiFaVE:a? f',(9; I"•' ,c^a rv'e•'o )'
Pis' tii
`�+I''-47�b�W55=.^'W-6..ugJ 311 ko74Ci,9A�tWArA iuP ' •.
has much pleasure in tender-
ing her thanks to the Ladies
for their compliments, pur-
chases and orders in connec-
tion with the Millinery
A. choice stock will always be kept
and although the very latest styles the
prices will be within easy reach.
All who have not called are cordial-
ly invited.
Successor to Misses Roche & Hayoroft.
When 1k oubt
Come t gin. Us
Trade t Our St' Kre
Never take unnecessary chances if on do not
want to suffer a loss.
A. store you know—a store all this cominnnity knows—a store
that shows ,you the greatest assortment—a store that is famous for
dependable qualities—a store that always quotes the lowest possible
prices—a store that means to do the fair and square thing at all -
times and under all circumstances.
We sell good goods at right prices and nothing else at any
Large stock of Dueber Hampden, Elgin,
Waltham and Swiss Watches.
1a -If your Watch is not giving you satisfaction bring it
to me, I will guarantee to repair it or no charge.
J. G. J •
v reints
m.'l,,'t.'t,t,'1o't'v,'It'It nl.'ltile4,+'l,el,
If you are thinking of buying a Fall Suit or Overcoat
we will make it worth your while to call and see our
new line of Scotch and English Tweeds and plain and
fancy Worsteds. The most Stylish and Serviceable
goods that can be bought.
Our Overcoats of Fancy Tweeds, Beavers, Mel-
tons and Cheviots are also on the move and are sell.
ing fast•
We have a large stock of Facey ?cuttings, The
price we know will make you bny.
Call in and we will be Glad to show you what
we have for Little Money,