The Brussels Post, 1905-9-28, Page 8TIME +.k-ar m ras ans: ai .,ars ;n. a>: r«Yrnmu,Awxa rmN+o:+,ea cs aa,+mwatia..w a x M ..," 4Wiw.vounrta. 1n lm ruumnmvst .r. ..ewmsa .,.u, Standard Bank of Canada T H-EMETROPOLITAN Got rid of the Flies and secure comfort for yourself by get- ting a package of Fly Pads or. some Tauglefoot. They will free your home of the pest in a very short time. Fly Pads at 10c and 5e per package, •Tanglefoot, 4 sheets fur 5o. FOR PICKLING Use our pure Spices. You will find them to give the beat of satisfaction. We also keep a large assortment of Corks for Pickle Bottles and Catsup Bottles, also Sealing Wax. DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOVTHEaN ExTEN2ION W. G. & E. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows; Gorse Booms Genie ?Totem. Mail 7:05 a,m I Mixed 8:40 eon Mixed ..... ....11:25 a.m Mail 1:28 p,m Esproee......9:G2p.m Expreee 8:51 p.m pal Bdus 1te t t A obiel's amang ye takit' notes, An' faith he'll punt is. BIMIANaiY openiage Friday and Satnr• day of this week. Mrs. F. S. Scott is visiting her son, D, M. and Mre, Scott at Hamilton, Mr. Chancy, of Rockwood, was visit. ing at S. Bailey's for a few days. PLAN of reserved nate for Fall Fair Concert will open at Fox's drug stare on Monday morning of Dixt week. AT Seatotth Fair last Friday, Harry Dennis, of Moliillop, took let with a year old Kaplan and 2nd ou a Costumer foal, in roadster °lasses. Wm. Anderson and wife, of Obealey, are visitors with relatives and friends in Brussels and Morrie. The visitors were former Morriaitea. Ax anetylene plant will be installed et the stores of Messrs. Ferguson and Rosa to be utilized in lighting their premises. A briok building is being built at the rear of the Garfield blook for the gen• erator. JUDGE Doxos will hold a Court for the pnrpoee of aorreoting Brussels Voters' List for 1005 in the Town Hall on Friday, Oot. 6th at 10 a, m. There are some 40 appetite. DR. Boma, epeoialist, will be at the American Hotel, Brussels,. on Tboreday, Oot. 5th, and Thareday Dee. 7th, when he will be pleased to have pereone de- siring his professional skill or advioe, halt and see him. INPITATIONs are 0115 for the marriage of Ira Gerry, of Fart William, and Mise Laura B. Peebles, of Morrie Man., both former Brnsselites, the ceremony to take plane at the bride's home on Wednesday of next weak, They will have many good wishes from this locality for a hap. pp and prosperous career. Gronaa N. Melanins, of Midland, a former well known Brasselite, was in town on Tuesday shaking bands with old friends. It is reported that Mr. MoLar. en may open up another Dry Goods store in town in the store reoently vacated by J. Ferguson & Co. He was associated with A. R. Smith in the Flame block when here before so would no doubt feel quite at home in the old stand. Mr. McLaren is a good business man, GOING TO LisTowEL.—R, K. Ross, a well known resident oftown whose flonr and feed mill was destroyed by fire last May, has purchased the hardware business of Howard & Go., Lietowel, and will take possession next week. While sorry to lose so highly and deservedly esteemed family from Brussels we are pleased that they are to locate so con- viently near. Listowel will be almost like home to bbem as Mr. Ross spent some time there and Mrs. Roes' parental home has been there for years. Their many old friends in Brussels and local• ity with them the beat of moues, Home Sorin.—The Bale at Thos. Ma. Lauohlin's took place last Tuesday after. noon, according to announcement. "Monbars," the bleak roadster stallion was bought by W. Kidd, of Listowel, for $1800, and the same gentleman par. phased the heavy draft imported stallion "Royal Park," for $700. The horses were shipped to Listowel on Wednesday. Robert Carrie, 4th line, Morrie, was the highest bidden for the brood mars and "Monbars" foal, at $225. F. B. Butt was the auctioneer. Mr, MoLanablin has been in the horse business for many years and has handled some dandies in that time. To THE PEOPLE OE BRUSSELS AND-SUE- R00NDING COUNTRY.—I beg t0 notify you that as the transfer of the Canadian Express busineee bas been made from Wm. Henry to myself that the office of the same will be at my shop. Goode for shipment via Canadian Go, I would ask you to kindly leave same at my shop for billing and not at station, Express paraela will be delivered to any part of the town and all heavy parcels of ship. mens I will oell for at your plaoe. Money Orders carefully attended to, Yours respectfully, J. W. KERNEY. Telephone No. 6. P. B,—Don't ask me to call for bnggage that work is done by Geo. Muldoon. J. W. K. CLEARING TUE WHOLE STOPS GUT,—Tbe Large Bankrupt Stook of the Ritobie Estate, W ingbam, has been purchased by a Toronto firm, at a low rate on the 48, and they intend Clearing the whole stock out Regardleee of Goat. The atoak, amounting to $25,000.00 le all np-to date, oonsieting of staple and fanoy Dry Goods, Cllotbing, GentsFurnishinge, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, neuae Feenishinge, ate., and tie they intend clearing the whole steak ons tem now until Xmas at Cost ?does and below, the people of T3rnaseie will save moony by tasting a trip to Wingbam and etook•up in whatever they may regain for the Fall and Win. ter, Remember everything mint be sold. O4REY 'SHOE Co„ Ritahie'e old stand, Wingham, T w®am EAST Honoat Fall Fair Oot. 5 and 6. Get a prize list and arrange an exhibit, hire. T. L. Hamilton and Mies Kidd, of Listowel, spent Wednesday visiting Mre. Leohie at "Kelvin Grove." Mime Nellie and Kate Harbottle are here from Barrie where they spent several months with their mother. Mra. Dr,) Holmes is having a most enjoyable visit in British Columbia, Washington Territory and other local. ities, Charlie Richards has gene to Toronto where he is taking a course at the Oon• servatory of music. We wish him 5000505, Da, Ovens, M. D., Surgeon, Ooculist Specialist, Jieeaeee of Eye, Ear and Nose treated and glasses fitted properly, Will be at Smith's Drug Store, Braude, on Tuesday, Oot. 17th. Hours 8 a. m, to 1.30 p. m. Rev. G. H. Raley writing THE PoeT from Kitamaat, B. 0. under date of Sept. 4th says ;— "With my family I arrived safes n y at the Mission, s o, wit b some minor miabape ou the way. Mrs. Raley is mach improved and we are looking for a good work among the people. I intend to write shortly. At present I am digging a will. Kindest regards to all our friends in Wingbam District." THE Blyth Standard says : — The photo gallery in the Cornell bleak has become inadequate for B. R. Brewer's large and growing business and be has rented the vacant store in the Hamilton bleak, adjoining N. B. Gerry's hardware store,whih is being over hauled and fitte up for a first-class photograph gallery, Mr. Brewer expects to be ready for bueiaees in his new gallery in a week or ten days. PoeT SCRIPS.—Chas. Sager, formerly of Brussels, but a resident of London for some years, has purchased a new home 728 York street in which Tan Pon hopes he will enjoy many happy years.—A party was held in the Town Hall ou Tuesday evening.—Alex. Stewart, Qaeeu street, bas cement veneered hie cottage, much improving it.—Millinery Openings Friday and Saturday at this week. Don't mise them.—A new stable, cement base- ment, is being built by John Smith, Turnberry street.—Line are very bad on turnips about here. Ita a wander tbe people dont borrow a fine aamb from Seafortb.—The Cunningham Evaporat- ing Factory is at work. If yon Save apples to sell asll there.—A new sailing has been put in the Manager's office in the Standard Bank.—Auotioa Sales are livening np. Ooneuit Tin Post list.— Heavy treat Monday night.—The 0. 0. F. are arranging for their annual ohurob service. Date will be announced later.— Several Brueeeiites attended Seafortb Fair iaet week and say it wsa a good one. — Apple buyers are pinking up all the fruit fit for shipping.—John Cunningham is anxious to get a oar load of eider apples delivered at Brussels 9, T. R. on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week, He is paying 20 dents a cwt. for them. —There were 85 tiekeie sold at Brussels etntion for Landau during the Fair,— liugeageman Fairweather has been remov- ed from Braeeele, after a brief stay of 3 or 4 months, and N. Holdenby, of Luoknow, has taken hie place.—Shipping is quiet jost now, A. 0. Dames shipped a oar of bogs to Toronto, and Geo. Best a oar to Palmerston, this week.—H. Ham, of Luoknow, is back from a trip to Manitoba. — The Teeawater News tae put in a new power press and gives evidenoe of taking a new lease of life under the capable managment of Editor McKenzie. We wish him good luok.—A department in P. Ament's factory is being fitted up for cutting beading. ANTHER PIONEER GONE.—Tbe Condor, of 0ooperetown, North Dakota, dated Sept 21st, gives:the following acoannt of the demise of Daniel Sinclair, a brother of Barrister W. M. Sinolair, of Brussels ; — At 1,15 a. m• lest Friday morning, Sebbember 16, Daniel Sinolair of Hanna. ford, died. The deosaaed bad been in poor health for a long time, failing very rapidly the past year. His ailment ie what is termed by dootare es Anemi—or the loss of blood from the system, gradually oaneing starvation, the sufferer being unable to eat anything or at least to retain on his stomaoh what little he did eat, Daniel Sinolair was one of the early settlers of Griggs county, owning here in the Spring of 1882 and settling down on a farm eight miles Soubhweet of Cooperstown with his family where he has resided ever ti008. He was a good man, a good neighbor and a good citizen and in ad• dition to that he was a Obrisbian man,, being;one of the (barter member of the Presbyterian church at Hannaford, and he died etreng in the belief that those who were faithful to the blaster would reap the reward when the final summons earth. In the death of Daniel Sinolair the County lone one of its beet citizens and times who have enjoyed his aegnain- tanos during alt the yearn, have lost a warm friend. Mrs, Sinolair and the other members of the family have the tymps,tby of the people of Griggs county In their deep Borrow, The demeaned was born at St, Andrews, Quebec', June 12th, 1887, being 68 years old lash June, He moved with bis parents to Bt. Mary's, °uteri°, later, and wee married at that pleas t0 Mies 'Mary Jane Bothwell, in 1803, hie wits surviving him, From their maim eevsn children were born and are now living ss follows; --Fred A, Bin. Clair, of Portal ; Andrew Sinclair, of 0oubney Wailaee J„ James 11,, Edith, mm'x'.A.esa-at3Tmazo 1$107P - SURPLUS, OR Bile1411VE FUND $ 1,(00.000 TOTAL 48820118 0VE10 10,100,000 A f„e1nera1 13anit:ing, 13usitx0RN Transgactod -'"° SAVINGS BANK '•°'– Accrued Interest is added to a000eets every six f menthe and Weenies principal. Joint Deposit Accounts—A sPEOL1L. CONVENIENCE to use 1u our Satins De - Pertinent le the "Joint Deposit" amount, Money may be deposited Or withdrawn by either of the two members of the household. This system is a greet (maven - fence to many restates in .town, but more partleolarty eo to farmers, as in the latter mase whether man or wife comes to town either can attune to the Banking. An. other feature of the system is that in MOO of the death o1 either party the money eau be wtthdrawu by the eurvtvor without coat. We will tell you inure about our methods if you will kindly call or write. Married Neaten and Minors may make and withdraw deposits without the in. terventton of any p00500, SALE NOTES CASHED, OOLLEOTED or may be left for SAFE•1EEPING only for whioh no charge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive our careful and oonrteoue attention. A. 0. MAOFARLANE, AGENT. William D, and Sarah Jana. About a year ago the family moved to Hannaford where they have eines resided. The funeral took pleas teat Sunday afternoon to Hannaford, Bev. Oscar D. Partnton, of this plaoe condaoting the services, In. torment was made in the Cooperstown cemetery. BY•LAs OARRIED.—The Oold Storage By Law whioh grants BOA. Thomson exemption from taxes on Lot 105, Turn• berry street, upon win* a cold storage building is to be erected and fitted out with modern plant, was parried last Mon• day, only 4 votes being recorded against it. Vote was as follows :— Div. No. 1— 68 For and 2 Agaioet „ 2— 65 ” 1 " 3-60 " 1 " Mr. Thomson will pay the Sobool tax ale( the speoial rates for sidewalk and sewer. Teams have oommeooed to haul gravel and the °entreat for the oement etraellate, 43x50 feet, will be let thio week and pushed ahead onb of the way of the the er otiou of a building 01weather. a bu ld cold on this corner, wbiah has stood vacant since the Teoameeh House was burned 1 years ago, will be oo ns' tdetab a of au im- provement to the town. We think the property owners showed their good sense in so substantially supporting the By law and baokiug up Oonnoillor Thomeou's project. He is thankful to all who so cordially worked for it. As be is a boob• ]]tor be may desire to express his grab. itnde to the ladies personally so we will say no more easy 10 wish him great en case in his enterprise, PEnsoxws.—R,:A. and Mrs. Copp, of Toronto, are vieitore at G. A. Dead. man's, Mr. Copp is a member of the old aud well known firm of Copp Ulark & Co., Toronto,—Ioepeotor Robb baa been called to Kingston owing to the serious inmate of his beetber.—Mise E. M. Avery, of Winthrop, visited Brussels relatives this week.—Mise Beatrice Howe, of Wroxeter, is visiting in town.— We are pleased to bear that Mre, Edward Speiran ie improving from an ;attack of appendicitis and we hope ate will soon be as well as ever,—L. mud Mts. Callan were away on a visit to relatives in Oxford Co.—J, D. and Mrs. Ronald have gone to Stratford to visit Rev. W. T. Cleft and family, From there they go to Califor- nia where they will spend the owning Winter in the interest of Mrs, Ronald's health•—Russell Zimmer was taken ill Thursday of last week with appendicitis bat by prompt treatment he is making favorable progress we are pleased to state.—Mies Millie Grewar is enjoying a holiday at Wallenberg and Chatham.— Robert MoNaaghton, who ie living at bis eon in-law's, Jno. Lowe, 5th con., Grey, was in town on Monday. The old gentleman is 91 years of age but• wonder. fully smart.—Jno. Barbosa, of Moore- field, wan renewing old friendships in town end vicinity,—W. H, and Mrs. Willis and eons, of Set/forth, were visit ore et B. Gerry']] Friday and Saturday of last week.—Fred. Frey, of Berlin, an old time Braeeelite wee in town for a few days this week. He obanges very little in appearance. Mr. Frey was in the Neat during the past Summer and enjoy- ed his trip. He is not in business at the present.—Rev. .5 17. and Mre. Jones, of Belgrave, were visitors et the Methodist parsonage on Tuesday.—Bert. Lott left on Wednesday afternoon for Brantford where he will attend the Iuebitute for the Blind. His grandmother a000mpanied Sim to Palmerston at which junctional point an attendant from Brantford took (barge of several proepeobive pepile. We wish Bert eacaees and hope be will give a good s000nnb of, himeelf.—A. and Mre. Sahnite, of Ohioago, ars visitor's at Mrs, Wm, Newsome's, Queen street. Mrs. Schulte was Mies Jessie Newsome before ber marrtoge and wee a former resident of Brussels. They are welcome vieitore. —Mies Lyle Weir, of Seafortb, ie visiting her sister, Mre. 0. H. Broadfoot, at the American Hotel,—Mre. 13, Carter and Myrtle are holidaying st Seafortb,—Geo. Hall, of Kinburn, was a visitor at Fletcher Sparling's.—On Wednesday Watson and Mrs. Ainiay and daughter attended the wedding ofjMise Mary Lynn, to W. H. Brown, both of Howiok.—Mise Margaret Beattie, of Wiarton, is the put of Mrs. J. J. Gilpin.—Mrs. Grit• man, formerly Mise Jude McMartin was visiting Braude relatives last week. —Milton MOArber has been off duty ow. Ing to illness but hie many friends hope he will soot be o. k,—Mies Annie Rose, of Guelph, was a visitor at Wm. Roes', William street, this week. EAST HURON FALL FAIR. TIIteIISD,tI AND FRIDAY OF NI15T 'VEIOK. Will you attend it Make year entries early and Rave your- gelf the necessity of waiting on Fair day and also aid the Beoretary, Wingham's tip top Band will supply GU mule for the day. They give a ohoioe program. Two wire caroled show rings are being put tip in which the horses will be shown and a eimilar one will be used for the cattle. The apebtators will stay on the outside of the wires, Piper McDonald, in Highland Oostume, will be present and bis daughter Mies Mabel, will give several Sootbieh dances on Friday afternoon and oleo at the don. pert, Expert Judges will award the prizes. No one 'should mins seeing the school children in their fanny drills. Bop will judge the young thorn' bred cattle et 1 p, m, an Friday, Tits home etretoh on the track will be kept clear and Constables will be there to see that the instructions of the Direo• tors are marled out. Every busineee man should make an exhibit at the "Palace." Matthaei program on Thursday evening at the palace from 8 to 10 o'olook, Baildiag will be lighted with eleotrioiby. Don't forget the date Thursday sod Friday of next week. Mise Clara Mountcastle, the well known artist and poetess, of Clinton, will very kindly plaoe speoimene of her art on Exhibition at East Huron Fair. Not for competition, Business Locals. Samna of fly mate at Dost,. JNo. DoNALDeoN. PANTDIAREa wanted at 0000. Apply to D. 0. Ross. aluero5L.—Miss Griffin, of Wingham, lose resumed her regular weekly vooal class in,Brueeele, and is at Mrs. Kerr's, John street, every Toseday. PRIZE BUTTER,—WB will pay 25o. per pound for the beet tub or box batter every two weeks, Mrs. Wm. Taylor. Whiteohurcb, won last cWontestiu,ham. G. I7. Km,g SAws.—We give you caws easy to wink and easy to pay for. Your °enrage will improve when you use oar nave. It Sen have slow, bard working same do not de- lay but come right away and have them toned to your fanny. T. Mailmen, Mill St„ Braesels. :momma GLARE.—In MoKIllop on Sept. 17th, to Mr. and Kra, John Olark,,a son. HEnuaNN.—fu Walton, on Sept. 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Louie Hermann, e daughter. MOMsarrts,—In Beneall, on September 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mo• Martin, a daughter. PENNalloxoN.—Io Grey, on Sept, 21st, to Mr. and Mre. Walter Pennington, a eon.; &mum,—In Grey, on Sept. 28rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Luke E Sperain, Sp rain, a daugh- ter. WHIToIELD.—Iu Grey, on Sept. lath, to Mr. and Mre. Levi Whitfield, a son. avcxxosr sa.m,a- SATURDAY, OotoaER 71b.—Hotel property in Londesboro, 150 aore farm in Hallett and farm stook and implements. Sale at one o'clock at Brnoe's hotel in Londesboro. R, D. Brame, prop. John Parvie, acro, TUESDAY OCT. 1O.—Farm stook, imp les menta, etc. Lot 11, eon. 4, Gray, Sale unreserved, at 1 p, m. Abram Cook, Prop,, F. 9, Soots, Auo. THURSDAY, 00T. 12. —Farm stook, implements, eto. Lot 26, oon. 7, Grey. Sale unreserved, at 1 p. m. R. Dil. worth, prop., F. S. Scott, Ana. SATURDAY, OMT. 14,—Farm stook, implements, eto. Lot 28, oon. 14, Mo. Killop. Bale at 1 o'olook. A. W. Dennison, prop. Thos. Brown, ane. TUESDAY, OCT. 17.—Farm, Farm stook, implements, &o. Lot 6, Con. 18, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 o'elaclo. Geo. Brown, prop. F. B. Scott, a0o. WEDNESDAY, 00T. 18,—Farm Stook, N. Lot 11, Con, 7, Morrie. Sale at 1 o'olook. Howard Hall prop. F. S, Butt an0. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ISS KATE MoKINLAY— A pupil in vocalranee of Mrs, Nor- ton, of Detroit, is prepared to give instruc- tion in vocal mueio and the violin. Terme on application, (.OLD LOCKET FOUND IN Brussels on August 24th. Owner may have the same by provingproperty and pay tog for this advertisement. 1 W. T. E. WRIGHTON, London. 'PEELERS FOR SALE.—JOS. Maori has about 40 choice Feeder'', from 1000 to 1200 lbs, eaob, moat of them 2- year.olds,for sale. BLACK HEIFER CALF strayed on the premises of the under- signed, Lot 10, Con. 8, Grey, some time ago, The owner is requested to prove property, payle pontos and take her. away. FRAIN BAY MARE, WITH WRITE face 0 years old, ran away on Wed- nesday o1 last Weelr at 8 °Week, on the arm - bre eideroad of Morrie. She had bridle, backhand and lines on her when she got away, Anyone knowing of herwhereaboa be will greatly oblige the owaor by letting him know. WM. RUTLEDGE, Si Lot 18, Oen,1, Morrie, Blueyale P.0.1 T "AIRM FOR SALE, BEING A. Lot 5,Oen. 8, Grey, Huron 05., con- taining 100 acres. About 07 sores cleared, balaaoe bush, Comfortable home), bank barn, windmill, good orchard; farm well fenced and in good heart • 2 milee from Brussels, Poseeseian mould be given let of ?lamb, next, Fall; plowing is done and 0 ao rax of Fall wheat in, For further partia- ulare apply on the premises to MRS, JOHN MaSINNON, or Brussels P. 0, 1243 FARM FOB SALE, BEING North half of 1.100 ,12, Oonoession 0, Morris, containing 100 neree, situated on the gravel road 43 miles West of Braeeels and !our miles from Bolgrave. Thoro ate 85 pores cleared, drained and 1n good state of oulbivation, at present Seeded to grave, The remaining_ 20 urea aro covered with good limner. Thorn is a good tams house With steno Dollar, good tram() barn WIbb stone stabling underneath and an abund- 0000 of good water. There Is a church end aoetofflee within halt a mile and a School within throe.quarters of a mile, k"or fur- ther particulars apply toOilOS, B. 8MILLIE, Hensatl P, 0, 12.10 CAPITAL—Pala HD $1,000,000 RI*3IiRVE FUND . - $1,000,000 Ilireetore 1191V. R. 11. WARDEN, D, D. 8, 1, 0800105, President, Vloodere old ant, Tnoa, 3RAD00AW, r I.A. nfa 005011 inn. w. 515)071D1En CLARE, 10,0, D, E, 50000005, SOHN 1^1Rs1nn00n HEAD OFRIOE - TORONTO W, D. 1;086 - - GENERAL MANAGER A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bought and Sold. Farmers' Notes Discounted. Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all throe of $1 and upwards BRUSSELS 0914elrelf A. E. MELLISH, Manager. ( OVENLOCK & SIMPSON Vf will eel] by Public Auction, at the farm of Govenlook Bros., Winthrop, (4 miles North of Seaforth) on Oobobee Otb :—Ono Hundred and Ten Stook Steers, about 0ue- halfofthesewill run 10001bs,and up; also a taw choice heifers. Sale will eomnteno° at1 o'clock sharp, Those 'wishing to per- ches]] should comb early to make sole( tions. Terms of Sale—la months oredit on furnish- ing approved joint notes; a discount of5 per cent. allowed for cash. 12.2 T, BROWN, Auctioneer. Notice to Contractors. Tenders will be received at the oMMoe of the Clerk of the Township of Turnberry, up to 8 o'clock p. m. of the 9111 day of October, next, for the enlargement of the Municipal Main Drain in the lath Concession of the Township of Turnberry. also for the dig- ging and Moine with 10 inch tile of a Branch Drain on Lot 20, Concession 12, The blain Drain is 33 miles long and the Branch ie 178 rode long, Plans and speai8oabions map be fii seen at the ooe of the Township Clerk in the Village of Bluovale, The lowest or any tender not nomeasarity accepted. Contract- or will be required to sign agreement sable - factory to the Oounolt. 13y order. JOHN BURGESS, Clerk, Township of Turnberry, Sept. 28, 1505. Bluovale P. 0. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of John Mc- Kinnon, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, farm- er, deoeaeed. - Notice is hereby given,pereuant to Boyle - ed Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Chap. 129, Sea. BB, that all creditors and others Levies any claims against the estate of the said John McKinnon, farmer, who died on or about the 24th day of January, A. D.1900, are re- quired, an or before the let da of November, y 1996, to send al poet prepaid, or deriver to boA. b Count of Huron,of Pillage 01 Bcnn 0o 4- getM Kinnoy of miniob atnlx 0!r for 00ats, Brid- get their Christia A and ummates tad estate, adChristian and summates. par ad cudressef and descriptions, tie statement tee full particulars mo of their claims, the statement of Choir any) b is and the nature; of the securities iif any/ hold by them. And notion is further given that after the said last mentioned date the said Adminia tratrix will proceed to dietribute the aesets off the deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the olaime of which she shall then have notice and that the said Admiuietratrix will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof, to 0.57 person or pereone of whose claims notice shall not have been received by her at the time of such distribution. Dated at Brusesla this 27th day of Sept. A.0,1005. A. B, MACDONALD, 12.0 Solicitor for Administratrix. (IOW FOR SALE. — WILL l 1 oalye about last of November. 10 8 T. NICHOLLS, llrneaole. poll SALE. — TWO GOOD Miioh Cows, four and six years old, to calve in Spring. A Igo three Spring calves, App10 to J. W. MORRISON, Walton. COMFORTABLE ROUSE AND 0 acre of land, eligibly located, dor Sala, Fruit trove, cistern,. cellar, &o., on the premises. For further iu10rmation as to prboe, tonne, do„ apply to 'MRS. J, R. SMITH, Brussels, A Word To Well People Wo have many thinga to eel! besides quinine and all ouch bitter things. Don't thinly we are moat happy when you are sink, Of oouree if you must be sink we should like to sell you your Medicines and fill your Pre - =Options, but we havo a thousand and one things that you need besides Medicine, Come in and see what we have for the comfort and oonvonienoe of the well- -AT— S DRUG STORE TtOR SALE.—TRE PROPER-. L` Tr upnu willob the Sober Carriage Factory stood ; also the standing walls and 60,000 brick For further particular]] apply to 3011N ()OBER, Brussels. Alco a rubber tired piano box buggy 1ugood repair, near- ly now, for sale. ! xxxxx x.xxx 4 xxxxxxxxxx d -t 14 QQ6 ? qk I N N O N & Co,, LYTH X x levevaeseasieteaueeowewespagavatesnoweeettre Ladies' Dress=making GREAT FUR EXHIBIT The recent arrival ab this store of nearly $1500 worth of Ladies' and Gents' Fur Coate, Fur Jaokete, Furlined Goats, Caperinee, Ruffs, Stelae, Muffs, Gaps, Eta., is an event of more than ordinary imporbanoe. A few years ago some people thought it wise to go out of town for their Fare, but that time has gone by and they now look forward for McKinnon & Co.'s Fur Goode Opening. We are now ready to show you the finest stook that has ever Dome within our doors. Buy Furs early. There is no °hoioe like first ohoias. Below you will find a few quotations, which will give yon an idea of the goods we marry. We will be pleased to show you the goods whether you are ready to buy or nob. —Black Coney Scarfs, cord and ohain fastenings, 8 tails, $8.60. —Marmot Caiterines, long front, chain fastenings, $8,05. —Japanese Monk Stoles, 8 silk tassels, very epeoial 65.60. Texas Mink Scarfs,8 tails,2 ornaments, mord and tassel fastenings, great value et $6.50. — Brown Bahia Ruffs, 6 tails, ohain fastenings, $7.50. —Isabella Sable Stole, 72 inches long, 8 toile, 2 ornaments, mord and tassel fastenings, a snap at $10, —Stone Martin Scarfs, long fronts, very stylish, $10. —Baltic Sable Scarfs, chenille trimming, 2 ornaments, $12, — Ladies' Astrachan Coate, fine glossy curl, 24, 27, 80 and 36 inches long, at $25, $27.50, $80, $35 and $45. — Eleotrio Seal Coate, 24 to 30 inohes loug, at $30, $35, $40 and $50. — Men's Siberian Dog Coate, $15, $18, $20 and $22. — Man's Brown and Black Calf Coats, $20, $22.00 and $25. —Men's Calf Coats, with Astrachan collar, at $22, $25 and $28.!IL —Men's Furlined Coate, Japanese mink collar, at $30 and $40. — Persian Lamb Caps, great value at $4,60, $8, $8, $10 and $12, i'a'WeYtop a the rice far Dried Apples. PP PP 6 1 Ig S`tp 1r F. & R. Men's Fine Tailoring Results are the Strongest Convincers Our advertisements only begin in the newspapers, the strongest part of them is in their fulfilment ; in giving values that force recognition as genuine bargains, that win appreciation and instil confidence. We do not buy a lot of worthless trash just to see how we can quote pricess in the newspapers but everlastingly use our might to sell reliable, satis- factory merchandise at lower prices than elsewhere. Facts are what Count, not Promises. The substantial test of time has proved our reliability and that there is no such store for results as this—a truth that spreads every day. IT'S THE PRICE —25 only Ladies' German made Jackets in color's Fawn, Tweed Mixtures and Black 26 inches long, tight fitting, worth 5.00, 6.00 and 7.00, Clearing at ..... $2.00 —1000 yards of Mill Ends, Flannelettes, in lengths. from 21 to 11 yards, worth reg- ular 5, 6 and 9o, Clearing at 4, 5 & 7 cts.. —40 pairs Men's Heavy, Dark, Striped Wool Pants, worth $2.50, Clearing at,., 1.25 —10 dozen pairs Mon's Heavy Wool Sox, regular 20c per pairs, Special,...., 2 pairs for 25c Tit 8Oc. 50 pairs Heavy Flannelette Blankets, white or grey, pink or blue border, med- ium size, soft, fine quality, special at per pair - .80 At 95c. Good Quality Flannelette Blankets, large size, grey or cream, pink or blue borders, worth at least 11.15, Special at per pair -• .95 —15 ends French Flannel, worth regular 50c, Clearing price ,25 —27 inch Japan Taffetta, in black, ivory, white, brown or blue, our regular 50c. value, at per yard ............:..:. .40 r us n The Leading Ladies' and Men's Outfitters. seGarfield .Block p0 a 1