The Brussels Post, 1905-9-28, Page 5erotr,0w,:c ...
BALL PAIRS, __.-_._,_........
Beylield.,,,,,..,,.,.,,,•,,.Rept .2829
Winaham Hopl. 28-20
atrriBton Sept, 28-20
Ai weed O a 9-4
Term 0 t 8-4
K t'ktou Oo. 6-6
1( elerwanit Ool.. 10
1,'leknow 04, 4-6
:0 tot Lintel', Brueeels Oel. 5-6
atonia 0,t. 7
1)o menu nun 00. 12-13
13,y tb Oee 10-11
1 wo Remarkable Records
Made by Ille Popular
.'1% 0011 YON01: ANn.1Lax(8N1 010 6'10
CA' the °ttendanee at flue onening of
aur Pall worm was my)) e'Itlas a8 gr, al ��ICCC
a6 that of it 00(80 ago 1,004 month we n'
hid TEN Tllnte as ninny calla R.1, b ,air•
keepers, eleiwgrupbare etc., 1B we 411
oouid fid, This undoubtedly iudtuatna ''
Itrogl'es.lvenoag ail shows til 40 this in
the beet satinet to pelmets.,, Bator
n0 V, Magnifieeilt atltal0ette 110.1.
W. J. 14 t,1,1OT'1', Priuotpal.
4ili tZ5.§-e6-te-,
sitz. R. A. BURNS—
Successor to lir. J A. 11otaiighion
Brussels, Ontario
Graduate of Polyclinic Post Graduate
School of Medicine nod Sorcery, Now Toile
Member of College of Physicians and Sur-
geons Of Ontario.
(YBue and reeide000 same as formerly 00 -
Minted by I)r. MaNaughtou.
Illoeaees of women a specialty,
'Phone No, 21.
mint, F.8. 1C0'1'L, Brunets.
V7 • El. 1Mo0RACK.EN
• Issuer of Marriage Licenses 0'
ace at Grocery, T uraberry t Crest, hruoen, e
I41A11MS FOR SALE—'i'li i U IN
oertemN110 has several good r 01.1.1,a 10
0010 and to rout, easy terms, to Powosnlp
of Morrie and Grey. N R. SO OTT. tiresome
C. 0. V.
Court Priuoose Alexao)Ma, No.24, 0 0. P.,
Bruoeela, moats to their bodge [town, G1aa•
hill Bleak, on aha 2ud aid last Tuesdays of
euou mouth, at o'olook. Visiting brethren
always welcome. JAS. 13USGSS3, O. B.
A. le. Mli6Ltd H, N. 0.
Issuer of •Marriage Licenses,
• nun, will °ell for better prices, to
bettor men, lit lose time and less charges
than auy other Auctioneer iu East Huron or
he won't charge anything. Datoe and orders
can always be arranged at this aloe or by
personal application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable, Sales anangnd for
at the since of Tnn Poem, Brussels. 22tf
Gr • Honor llradun,e of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, le prepared to treat all die -
eases of domoetfoatod animals in a compet-
ent manner. Partdeular attentive paid to
Veterinary Deutletry stare Milk Posit, Oahe
promptly attended to. Olaoo and infirmary
—Four doors North of bridge, Tnmberry et.,
Hnrrister, Solicitor, Notary, lite.
auoces0or to 10. 1. Blair. Office over Stau-
t1a*d Saul!, Brdesple. Solicitor for Metro.
• Barrister, SOilattor, l0ouveymtoor,
Notary Public., &o. OBloe—S towart'o Block
1 door North of °antral Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
W. Pa00010000, li, 0, R. 0, HAYS
G. P. BLAm.
Outlaw—Those formerly ocoupied by ltloats%
Oamerou & Holt,
0onnitIOn, O1t1'AR10•
DR. R. P. f= EIL.D,
Graduate of the Itoyal Oolleppe of Dental
Burgeons of Ontario and i'iret•dtaee Hnuor
Graduate of Toronto University, OMee
next to Presser''s. Photograph Gallery,.
BI4U1S1'tL11, ...
The largest.RIIOlceBO and Shor•t.;
'd -hand School iu
oetefu u�praOur.
eourees aro thorough adctical.
Toaohlug is done by experioneed -in•
2 in the Dominion o to no bettor 6o11001
Pss• et
y Write. for our fres Uatalagtlo. LU
.6- IML&IOTT.ih ttoI,AOHLIN,
to 1109C111 a 08111,x0 In Sook-Iteeplug, 8taa•
111l'aphy 01''l''o Ihogrlq lly nt the
Y 11 U U ti 111 o O L r. L+' q
Students are admitted any time and receive
i0div(dmo1 instruction in 011 subjoote norm -
Mary to fit thein to perform the work of the
busluxse otlioo in a sa1)0100tery manner
Begin Mitt work it 0 niVolllellt.
A postal will bring you full information.
000. 6rOT'roN, N, I0EO:NAnn 1olt'roroIR,
Prooldeu4, Principal,
12 yearsteaahing oxporlouoe.
1txC.Cl 1..e)s,
A. I.WO0(1.
Moe, Rod 8trauhan ie recovering from
her admits of typhoid fever.
The Council is improving our main
St. by plaiting a ooneidorable quantity of
gravel upon it,
L. and Mre,I
Pel on arrived home
alter ou enjoyable trip to Rook Falls,
Iowa, Ohioago, Port Huron and Loudon,
Rev. Mr. Renton, who is now condom.
ing revival eerviees lo the Metbo•
dist church, delivered bio was known.
lecture, "Prom the Barroom to the
pulpit" last Monday night.
Mrs. J. Ward and eon Neloon, of
Stratford, are visitors at the home of her
parents, J. W. and Mrs. MOBain. Mre,
Wardle health has not been very earls.
(eatery of late, but we ere pleuaod t0 hear
that she is now feeling eomewhat better.
The new Foresters' Hall is rapidly
nearing oompletiou and theformalopen•
ing will take pito° in the near future.
The lower peeks' will be ocoupied by
T. W. Thomson, barber, J. A. Roe V. 8.,
and Geo. Cox harueeemaker, all of whom
will have suitable and 00nveniont quar-
ters for earrylug on their several
Adam Gray, 10.b von., East, last July
shipped 1L0 lbs. of Donegal cheese to
friends in British Columbia. The cheese
woo :hipped by freight and in the course
of a month Mr. Gray received a letter to
the effect that the 0110ese had arrived in
0piendid condition and the parties deeir.
ed another 100 lee gent out at one It
was from Juue make et obese.
lit vett.
Frank Metcalf attended the Exeter
and Seaforth fade let week ae a judge
on fruit.
Hugh and Mre. McQaarrie have re•
turned bout° from their two menthe'
trip to Manitoba pointe.
Mrs. J. R.) Obellew is away on an
extended visit to relatives and friends
in Thorold and St. Oatherinee.
Mies Ella Meer bee returned to
Zurich, where she will have'ohatge of E.
8. Fauet'e millinery department.
Rev. R. Smith Better, 13, A., of Wel.
ton, will preach Missionary eermone in
8lytll Methodist church au Sunday next,
The anuivereary services of Blyth
Methodist °bush will be held on Oot.
22nd. Rev. G. N. Hazen. B. A., of Gods.
mob, will be the preacher.
J. A. Ja0k0on, 13. A., a former Blyth
lawyer, has been uomineted by the
0ouoervatit e9 to represent the oonetit•
nem at Ponoka in the Alberta legis.
Mise Jane Maine cut her left wrist
badly with a lamp chimney, which broke
wbile 811e w00 deeming it. It was found
necessary to put several etitohee in the
U. H. Beene has porahaeed the briok
reeidenoe at present °teupied by him on
the corner of Qum aid Westmoreland
8008010 from S. Herrington, of Saskatoon
H. B. Garter, who went to Toronto
a short time ago to attend the College of
Phermaey, has been obliged to return to
hls home here owing to nervousness. 130
has been ordered by hie doctor to take a
rest for two months.
Pubiio expectoration is against the
00133111011 110ty, agaiuet the laws of health
also. When the threat tickle, that's the
time you need "Uaterrhezooe"; it
seethe away the irritation, ante out the
phlegm and loosens the tight ((Alice.
You'll gniekly oure the catarrh end throat
trouble with Oaterrhozone. It positively
prevents new attaoka and 00169 0atarrb
forever and for all rima to come. Don't
take our word far it, try Oatarrhozene
yourself. One treed you'll be delighted
with eta pleaeaut and helpful influence.
L el to to -vv el .
Revival meetings are in progress at
the T.1. B. Ohurob.
Harry .i'hieie, butcher, killed a three
menthe' old Dalt that weighed 386 pounds.
Plums are such a plentiful orop that
growers find it d.ffieuh to get rid of
them at any prioe.
Miss Jimmie Norton hoe resigned her
position on the teaching staff of the Mete..
wet Pubiio School,
Chas. Zdii, as left town for Delmore,
where the family are [staying with their
grandmother while their father, Obrio.
Zilliax, is in the Northweet.
Mrs. J. W. Soots left on a trip to
British Odiumbire where she will visit her
son, Oswald Scott, who hi engaged in
mining engineering at Roseland.
Jonathan Kilgore hod a potato
stalk grow in his garden this season to
the mutual length of 7;} ft. As might be
expected, the tubera yt its root were
Oa the afternoon of September 4th,
the friends and relatives of the former
pastor of the Listowel U. 13. Oburoh,
Rev. John Franklin Durkee, gathered to
greet the olergyman and his wife at their
borne, Forks Rood, Maldimand County,
upon the =mime of the 60th anniversary
of their wedding.
Geo. Johnston bee sold hie house and lot
on Wellington street to J, 8ebarger, and
intends leaving for California, -Mrs.
Jobneton willaccompanyhim, also her
eon, R, J. Swan, and hie wife and two
dkughter0; Pearl and Ruby, lately of
Kincardine, They iotobded locating at
.Fresno, where Mr. Johnston reeid'ed'
none yen ago, and where ha has engaged
agate with hie old employer.
Andrew mid Adam Gabel, who were
awarded the entree for making gran.
elithio walke, commenced work iaet week
en Riobrgond Orem, When the 0orlt is.
fiuiebed in that part of the town they
will relay the walk at Biemarek etreel
bridge, and, will' also bttiid wal_ke on
rs ^a,`7eAvmvi~a'Aviwelgra kii a4E a4 +a`"F ires�C a?',Fili nl`PAveivr A m
Mrs. Mct inlay 1
Invites the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity to
visit her Show Rooms on
Sept. 29th and 30th
When her Fall Exhibit of the most Fashionable 4
Goods will be made, MISS MOFFATT, of
1,onlor has been engaged to take charge as Trimmer
r and comes very highly recommended.
West aide of Dodd street, from Main to
Inkerman, and Southeide of Iukerman
street from Dodd to Raglan.
The prettiest ohurob wedding that has
token plane in town for some time was
witnessed on Wednesday, Sept. 20th, in
Christ Church, whoa Mies Ida Marks,
one of Listowel'e fairest daughters, was
married to Harry Holden Bamford, a
prosperous young gentleman, of Meese
Jaw, Soekatohewan.
It rune hand in hand with poor blood
and weak nerves. Health rune down,
nerve get irritable, neuralgia torture
follows. For the moment applioatione
may relieve—but to thoroughly ware,
the system moat be strengthened with
nutritious blood.
Whet van equal Ferrozone 7 It iH•
crease the appetite, forms abundatioe of
rich life•giving b ood, supplies nutriment
and building material for worn out nerves,
Ferrezone completely cares neuralgia.
Every root and branob of the disease it
kills. Absolute miens in every ease.
Stop enffering—fifty cents buys Ferro
zone. Fifty ohocolatecoated tablets in
box Many drug store.
Gorr. ler.
Fall Fair here ou Cot. 7013.
Howiok Court of Revision will be held
in the town hall on Tuesday Oat. 3rd at
10 n'alook.
The exterior of the Methodist Parson•
age has reeeutly been treated to a Ireob
Dont of paint,
Robt• Match, who has o'lndnated a
eueeeeetcl butcher briefness here for the
poet eleven or twelve year'', dieposed of
it to Mr. Hiude of Harrieton.
John D. Moss, of Clifford had what he
oonaidere a narrow ewe from death
000 day recently. He was engaged at
Frank Dixon's farm, lot 38, con. 17, at
the aide of the lake in Howlett township,
in deepening a well, end appears to have
struck a vein of something of the nature
of Rae. He found himself being saffo
ceded, and called upon Mr. Dixon, who
turned the windlass, to pull him up.
Bele rave.
R. and Mrs, Owens have been on the
sick lice,
Rev. and Me. Brandon of Sweaborg,
were spending a couple of week's with T.
S. and Mrs. Brandon.
Mre. Moore hail returned to resume
her duties in the Guelph Sanitarium,
alter spending her vacation with friends
in and aronnd Belgreve,
Belgrave on Thursday, 14th inst.,
Mary Ann, beloved wife of Emmerson
Littletair, at the age of 78 years. Hrs.
Littlefair wait born in Penzance, Corn.
wall, England, and came to Canada,
'settling in Hamilton in 1800. There she
married her now Borrowing husband,
and moved into the township of Morrie
in its very early days. They took up a
Germ and soon made a oomfortable home
for themselves. The death of their eld•
eat eon (a young man) ueceoeitated the
sale of the farm, and they moved into
the village of Belgrave, 23 years ago.
Mrs. Lftllefair we a Methodist in re-
ligion but being in poor health for a
umber of yearn, wag unable to lake
no aotive part in church work. She
was a good Obrietian woman, a loving
wife and kind mother. She leaves a
husbandand two daughters, Mrs,
Gried0le, of Wingbam, and hire. Mae.
Wiikiuton, of Morrie, to mourn her de.
mine. The remains were interred in the
IlloOrao cemetery ou Saturday, the fun.
cool being largely attended. Rev. A. E.
Jones, her pastor, conducted the funeral
ervioe. Much sympathy ie felt for the
bereft huobatnd.
BTRDC1t BY LIGHTNING. — Ott Sale rd ay
evening, 16,12 inst., the large barn of Abe
Brydgee, 8rd eon of Morrie, was etraok
by lightning and burned to the ground,
together with ail thio year's amp. For
innately Mr. Brydgee was at home and
eneaeeded iu getting his horses out, bat
there won e. lot of farming Monello stow.
ed' away that were burned, The lees will
exceed $2600 with an insurance et $1300.
Mr. Brydgee has the sympathy of the
people in hie luxe, He le patting op e
large brisk house thio Summer and this
miefortuoe will put him bank consider
ably. He had about 50 tone of hay ; 20
aures of oats and and 4 acres eacof
wheat and barley. Mr. Brydgee will re•
The commonest ea tie of appendicitis i.
constipation. When you require a physio
don't use cheap draotio pills—get Dr.
Hamilton's Pills which strengthen the
stomach, regulate the bowels and prevent
any tendency to appendioitio. In one
day you'll feel the tremendous benefit of
Dr. Hamiltou'e Pills. By purifying the
blood and cleansing the system tbey
prevent headaches, lift deproaeion and
drive away weariness. No medicine so
euooeeefnl as Dr Hamilton's ,Pilin, sold
everywhere is 26o. boxes with yellow
cover; gel the genuine.
Barveot Home eervioee will be he'd it'
Wingham Methodist (thumb, ou Sunday,
October let. Rev. W. HoDonagh will
A abort time ago Dr. T. Chisolm, M. P.
left on a few weeks visit to the Wee, He
has purchased a quantity of land out
there and has gene t0 see t0 the surveying
of it.
The many friends of J. A. and hire.
Ftaok, formerly of Wiegham will einoerely
regret to hear of the death of etre. Flack,
which took plane on Beptrmber 13th, at
the home of her Bet1, it' Clareebolm,
A recent evening:was pleasantly °pent
by members of the•Baptist ohoroh and
a oeaple of hours peed enjoyably and
quickly by. It had been known for
some time that Ibe pastor wee about to
leave Wiughom, and this woe considered a
saleable time for the congregation to ex-
press their appreciation of the eervioee
rendered by Mr. MoLoan, during hie
pastorate, P. Fieber was called to the
Oldie, and at a suitable stage in the
program, an addreee wee read by Mr.
Browett, and Mre, Alex. Kelly on behalf
of the oongregation, handed Mr. MoLean
a beautiful Gold Watch. Mrs. McLean's
devotion to the intereete of the Chords
was also 0000907z d, and she was presented
W/013 a number of out -glee ware.
Rural Dean Lowe wee waited upon
et the Rectory by John Robinson, James
H. Kerr and A. E. Smith in a quiet and
informal way. Mr, herr, in web chosen
words, explained the object of their visit,
which was on behalf of the 000gregation,
to present Mr, Lowe with a puree of $100
On Sunday afternoon following au.
other evidence of the Reotor'e hold upon
the affeotioue of his people was manifest•
ad in the Sunday 8011001, when ma be.
agaroRir oloG a lei .11010 aR
The Misses I4ab
Autumn Display
Sept. 29th and 30th
To which they invite the Ladies of
Brussels and vicinity.
Everything that holds Popular Favor
will be found at the Show Room
They Invite Your Inspection.
lt0 f of the 8011001, Mr. Lowe was pro
veiled with a fie0 silk =belle with
Keel mounted handle, enitahly engraved,
mud tweeutptt-,tod by an addrees, Mrs.
Lowe lieu It 811 a faithful member of
St. Paut'o their, whoop members have
appre0iated her eanietenoe. They
reeognleed her melte by presenting her
with a bemire, and estimable broo0h ae a
memento of the pieaemnt rolatinhe that
have existed between them for the peps
ten year0. Mine Kathleen Lowe'e school.
Matte and Mamie met at the home of
U. Kneohtel, end presented her with a
handsets()ring. This esteemed family
lett en Tuesday of last week for their
hems In Loudou.
For<f yrInit
The °beetle for the last h l( of Aug,
from !Porde/Wit obese fernery was ship.
ped to L'mdon for cold storage last week,
prioe 11pc,
G T. illebe has sold his interest in the
Albion Dotal to Henry Otto, of Shake
peere, who will take poeeeeelou in the
111301 !Mere.
W. P. Dobson io spending a few days
at his home here pile to tokiog a
poe(tion on the Merriokville public eohoot
teaching staff.
Fruit marauders bare been operating
in and around the village thee neon
Not oontent with taking the fruit some
have broken the trees.
Mise Wilma Johnoloo, of Teeewater,
formerly of Fordwioh, le attending
Mount Forest Model School and wee
Bleated Secretary of the Literary eo•.
The Royal Templare will bold their
annual convert in the Foresters Hall
on Tuesday evening, Out. 3rd. Looml
talent will render the drama, "Dot, the
Miner's daughter."
Mr. Porterfield V. 8., of Gerrie, bas
purchased the Repinetall property and
will move to Fordwieb, The household
furniture belonging to Mrs. Hepinetall
were removed from her late residence and
shipped to 8t. Thomas.
If warmth and oirdulation are not
promptly restored, ohille result in fatal
pueomonia, This neosaeiiatee keeping
Nervitiue on hand, Token in hot water it
breaks up a chill in two minutes. By
rubbing freely over throat and chest it
prevents aolde. Nu liniment so strong,
eo penetrating, eo awl(: to kill pain and
inflammation. Nearly fifty yearn' record
has proved the value of Pelson's' Ner.
Yon should get a bottle today.
Illustration Fairs.
All the agrioultoral 0001011.0 in the
Province, including those in this oouuty
have been written to by H. B. Gowen,
Provluoial Superinteudeut of Agrioulture
Sooletieo mud urged to appoint delegates
to attend either the Beaobburg exbibi.
Con, in North Reufrew, on Ootober 5 mod
6 or the Simard exhibition In Norfolk
(Jaunty, Oct. 18 and 19.
Tbeee are two of the beet purely agri•
eoltural societies in the Province. Tbey
both have ep endid grouude and build.
iuge, the equal of any In the ?retinue,
and the grounds and bui dingo are
practically all paid for. The anuual
report of the North Renfrew Society for
1904 showed that its buildings are worth
$13,000, ha laude $3,000, total $16,900,
with liabilities of only $400. The report
of the Norfolk Uuiou Society showed
that the lands are worth $3,000, its
buildings 06,500, total $9,500 with, a
mortgage of only 0800. The Ontario
Department of Agrioultore ie arranging
for representative from the other Agri.
',ahem eocietlee in the Proviooeat each
of these exhibitions. Reduced rates ere
being secured over the railroads, partia•
Mars of whiob will be mailed your
society later. It le expected that dela
Kates will be able to attend at half rates,
The Department believes that the time
is coming when there will be a material
redaction in the number of 000180ien in
the Province and diet instead of holding
110 many smell exhibitions, fewer and
larger exhibitions will be held. Thin will
make ie possible to arrange the exbibi•
Wee lute aironita and tor the various
0dueatiou61 iuetitutione of the oouutry to
prepare eptotal exhibits and take them
from one exhibition to aootber, To
111001rate what eau be done in this dir•
adieu the party is arranging to have a
number of edaoatiobal [emelt at both
these exhibition°. Delegates who attend
will be able to gait hull iuformatinne es
to the Boge of introducing These features
and ae to the beet methods of oonduoting
them at their exhibitions, The evening
of the first day a meeting will be held,
when an opportunity will be given them
10 discuss the various featnree of the
exhibition and other matters relating to
the management of faire. The Riedel
features (if these exbibilioue will in.
1 -Demonstration° in women's depart.
moot nuder the direction of G. A. Put-
nam, Superintendent of Outeri° Womee'e
2 -Live etook competitions for farmers'
3-A epeeist exhibit prepared by F. 0.
Elford, Chief of the Poultry Division of
the Dominion Department of Agriculture
illustrating deoitable and undesirable
types of birds for fattening purpoeee,
showing &model poultry bone, fattening
orates, peeking epees, methods of pack•
Mg, trap nests, oto, oto,
4 -An exhibit of desirable ends undeoir•
able types of bogs, with aides of been
allowing injuries paused by the treatment
and methods' of handling bogs when alive.
5 -An exhibit ib the fruit department
prepared by Alex. 111oNeill, Ohief of the
Fruit Division, Ottawa, illustrating the
right and wrong methods of packing
fruit, infraotioes of the Fruit Martie Ant,
etre There will also be a smile) exhibit
of desirable and undesirable fruit for the
dietriot,fruit from sprayed and uuepray.
ed trees, oto. Thio port of the exhibit
Will be in charge of W. T. Maeonn, of
the Central Experimental
At the Simooe exhibition in addition
to the above, there will Mee bo a gym'
khana or oompetitiou on horse beck in
front of the grand etand, oompetltio0e by
eoheel Widen for the beet drilled squads,
and demonetralion plot, itinerating
methods of growing tarns orope and props
imitable for the dletriet.
As already stated delegates will be
le to obtain full information as to the
at of each of thee teaturee, ehonld they
sire le introdnee them at their exbibi•
n, and pointers in regard to the beet
ethode of managing them.
As biose have been for flume years two
the boat exhibitiono in the Proviuoe,
d these epeeialfeatureehave been added
uWA'' 0143
.�I 0
Fashions ?
If so accept the Invitation
extended by
Miks Strachan
to visit her Millinery
Show Room on
Sept. 29 & 30
Choice Goods of the Latest
and Neatest Design at
Moderate Prices.
,.1 Welcome will be accord-
ed to Everybody.
for the purpose of illustrating to fair
managers and direotora that tbey can be
pet on it ie earnestly hoped that every
000iety that can do so will arrange to send
delegates to either one of these exhibitions,
8-A oomplete eyetem of farm sewerage
each as nen be introduced into any
farmer's hoose al slight ooet will be
9-A epeeist exhibit in the Dairy depart•
mens prepared by the chew exporters of
Montreal, and N. G. Somerville, Superin•
tendeut of the Government Ooot Oaring
Room et Brookville. This will include
properly and improperly oonetraoted
oheeee boxes strong boxes, broken boxes
ae received at Montreal improperly,
peaked boxes showing the cheese much too
large or too small for the boxes they were
shipped in, properly and improperly
oared cheese, defective ahem, etc.
6- A epeoial exhibit by tale Seed Divie
ion of the Dominion Department of
Agriculture showing various weeds deeig•
natedin the Seed Control Aot peed at
the recent session of Parliament. Thee
exhibit will inolode what is known as
"Tete Noxious Weeds of Ontario."
7- Labor Saving Devices. This will
ieeled° a gaeolioe engine operating a
Dream separator, sawing wood, cutting,
ensilage, pumping water, ole, all at the
aeon time.
Without doubt the Iargeet selling
emeriti medicine in &merit's is Oatarrh•
ozone. Not advertising, but honest merit
has made the Nine of "Catarrhozone"
which is guaranteed to one catarrh in
any part of the system ; try it yonreelt.
9 Are
In Furniture
we have the most exclu-
sive lines on sale. Good
practical Furniture at
very low prices.
15 per cent. off
Moore Bros.
Furniture Men.
Good Lines Low Priced
East I-Iuron Pall Pair
Thursday and Friday, October 6th 86 Gth
GREEN RA.0E—Trot or pace ; hobbles barred ; open to horses that never com-
peted for public money in a contest of speed. $25.00, 815.00, $10.00,
2.50 RA0E—Trot or pace ; hobbles barred. $25.00, 015.00, $10.00.
FOOT RACE, } mile, boys under 18 yearp, let, 82.00; 2118, 81.00; 8rd, 75e ;
4th, 26o.
BOYS' RACE, under 14 years, 100 yards. let, 75o ; 2nd, 50o ; 81'd, 25o ; 4th, 25e.
BOYS' RA0E, under 10 years, 50 yards. 1st, 500 ; 2nd, 25e ; 3rd, 25e.
GIRLS' RACE, under 8 years, 50 yards. 1st, 60c ; 2nd, 26o ; 3rd, 25o.
OBSTACLE 13A0E, 200 yawls, foe boys under 18 years. let, 01.00 ; 2nd, 750 ;
3rd, 500 ; 431, 25.
FAT WOMAN'S RACE, 50 yards, contestants must weigh ab least 200 lbs. let,
02.00 ; 2ud, $1.00 ; 8rd, 500.
DRILL.—For the best Drilled Squad of 10 Pupils from any School. 1st, $3.00 ;
2nd, $2.00 ; 3rd, 81.00.
OLUB SWINGING.—For the Best Exhibition of Olub Swinging of not less than
12 Pupils from any School. 1st, $3.00 ; 2nd, $2.00 ; 8rd, 01.00.
RYRIE BROS., the well known "Diamond Hall" Jewellers, of Toronto, generous-
ly donate a fine Silver Media, valued at $25,00, for the beet hull on the ground,
any age or class.
—The same firm also offers a ohoiee Bronze Medal, valued at $10.00, for the best
10 pnnodo of table butter, salted for use.
The Standard Bank effete 06.00 for best Redeem, horse or mare, owned and driven
by a farmer. Style and speed to bet token into consideration, lot, $8.00 ;
2nd, $2,00.
Downing Bros. offer $1,00 for best pair of White Wyaudottee hatched from eggs
purchased from diem.
Jae. Balitntyne offers $1.00 for beet pair of Buff Wyandottls 11at01108 from eggs
pur0haeed from him.
Jno. Wright oilers a seleoted setting of eggs for the best pair of Buff sfpingtens
hatched from eggs purchased from him.
W. H. Ree will give Tito Pos'r for it year for the hest two loaves of home merle
bread ; TRH Pose for a year for the best 5 pounds of butter, both petioles to
become his property,
W, H, McOraokon offers to purebaeereof seed from him as followe ;-5 Swede
Turnips, 1st, 50o ; 2ud, 25e ; 5 Long Red Mengel's, 1st, 50e ; 2nd, 25e ; 5
Yellow Giant Intermediate Mangels, let, 600 ; 2nd, 25e.
Oil Painting, Original !natal), not leas 011an 1Gx20 in., from spot selected by the
Secretary, to be limited by metes and bounds, Intending eompetitore may get
full information from the Secretary, let, $8.00 ; 2nd, $9.00.
Four prizes will be awarded by the Society to boys and girls under 10 years of ago
who van name the tartest number of varieties of apples on exhibition at the
Fair, let, $1,60; 2nd, $1.00 ; 8rd, Tec ; 4th 50e, Competition takes place
at 4.80
Pm. on the
first afternoon of Fair. n No antra
[e . Reimer rizo
winners barred. p
Best half acre of Maugele, let, 82,50, donated by GOO. Thomson ; 2nd, 81„50 by W.
H. Mo0raolten ; 3rd, 81.00. There must be folio entries of no competition.
Entrance tee of 50e. to be made et the time of making entrieo, Entries to be
made before Show day and prizes to be awarded not Inter than Oct, 21.
Best 1101E iters of turnips, let, 02,50, donated by Geo. Thomson ; 21113, $1,50 ; 3rd,
$1,00• Must be four entries or no competition. E11tra1108 fee of .50e. to bo
mode at the time of making entries. Entries to bo made before Sbow, day and
prizes to be awarded not later than Oet, 21,
A. E. Mellish, of tine Motropolitan Bank, Brussels, will give three prizes, Viz. let,
08.00 ; 2013, $2.00 ; 8rd, $1,00, for the throe beet collections of Winter apples
Tho following prixos will be offered to bog 16 years and under for best judging of.
9 year olds or yearlings in exhibit of thorn' brad cattle on grounds, t3nditing
to be dole at 1 p, mt sharp on b'riday. No eutranot leo. lot, 80.00 ; end,
$1,50; 8rd, $(;00, Oompotitore tnit0t baud in names to Sonrotary before 10 a.