The Brussels Post, 1905-9-28, Page 15'
Vol. 84. No, 12
New Advertisements.
Ready—A, Stratum,
Looal—Oarey Shoe Co.
Solid Gold—H, L. Jaelseen.
When ill doubt—J. G. Jona.
Feeders for sale—Joe, Clegg,
Heifer al( etrayed—L. Frain.
Mare strayed—Wm, Rutledge.
Far exhibits—McKinnou & 00.
To ()entree:tore—John Burgess.
Fora for eale—tdre. 13.
Older apples—Jobn Ounniugbam,
Locket found—W. T. E. Wright:in.
Auction eale—Govenank & Simpeon.
Not toe late—Wingham Bus, ()allege.
Farm for sale -81e. John McKinnon.
Notice to oreditore—A. 13, Maadonald.
The gehapt mile are getting along
nicely with their drill for Brnesele Fall
R. 0. Davies will Bing at the Thumb
Boras eervioes in Beanie Methodist
Worth next fanday and Monday even.
The 1/Venue's Missionary Society of
Ethel Methodietchurob intend sending
e box of clothing on to Elittroatit, 13. 0,
to Rev. G. H. Raley, Mistionary. Any
persons having old °lathing, in fairly
Cidor Ali
The undersigned 11081003 n, ear load
of Apples suitable for the manufacture of
Cider, the same to be delivered at the G.
T. R. station, Betasels, on Tuesday :ma
Wednesday of next week, Oct. 8 & 4,
20 oats a owt, will be paid in cash
for apples.
Jno. Cunningham,
good repair, who aro willing to oontributo
it are ...eked to 101.10 it at the borne et
Aire, S. Ames,
Be,. Wne. Amu, of Woodetook, who
was visiting here last Sabbath, took the
service in the Methodist aburoh. Al.
though in hie 80th year be ie pone:teed of
a good deal of the old time are and the
people were well pleneed to heat him.
The rev, gentlemen is 1.1 brother to S.
Ana& of Ethel.
r war, r o o ic.
A Few Noente,—A new wing to being
erected by A. MuLotald on the Weet
side of hie preeent Mane house,— Mise
Maggie Calder is visiting in our villege.
She returns to the Mediettl Oollege at
Torontra—Oameron Bros. are buey filling
their silo Ibis week.
W e• oxeter.
Min Jena Robertson le visiting eels.
tivee itt Bluevale.
Miee Beatrice Howe ie spending a few
daye in Brunets.
13. F. Carr preached in Viateritt Hall,
Jamestown, on Sunday evening,
Mre. Palmer went to St. Marys tat
week to attend et Water wba is M.
Herman Morrison, of Owen Sound,
visited at hie home here on Monday.
James Allen leas pnrcband Ma. Wm,
Sanderson's residence on Queen argot.
Mrs. Hupfer and Min Maggie went to
Wiarton for a abort visit on Seturday.
Newer NOTEs.—The annual meeting of
the Bible Society wae held in the Meth°.
diet church Sanctity evenitig, a large con•
gragation being preeent. Rev, L. Para
pee a very fine edam:ie.—Elise Rithard.
eon of Toronto, le renewing sequeinten-
as in the village.—A half holiday was
given the saholare of the Benicia room on
Friday owing to the mbeenee of Prinoipal
Hartley.— Rev. J. B. Oeterhout epent
Sunday in Bon:eels. — Horton, a
Huron Oollege student, will campy the
pulpit in the Episcopal °bath Sunday
afternoon. — H. Wolfe, of Toronto, is
renewing aaquaintaneee in the village.—
Mee. A, McMichael ie on the sick list at
present. — Mies Jessie Gibson left for
Toronto on Wedneedey after spending
some montbe with he eider, Mrs, F. V.
Dieksom—Illre. Gray and two Whiten,
of Stouffeille, epent several dale of last
week with Pare. J. Etainilton.—Mise EMI
Sanderson ie vieiting her brother, Pone
Sanderson in Wallaoebag.—Mise Martin,
of Parkdale, will give an address at the
anima Harvest Thanksgiving tea given
When. in Doubt
Come to Us
Trade at Our Store
Never take unnecessary chances if you do not
want to suffer a loss.
A store you know—a store all this community knows—a store
that shows you the greatest assortment—a store that is famous for
dependable qualities— a store that always quotes the lowest possible
prices—a store that means to do the fair and square thing at all
times and under all circumstances.
We sell good goods at right prices and nothing else at any
Large stock of Dueber Hampden, Elgin,
Waltham and Swiss Watches.
laff"If your Watch is not giving you satisfaction being 11
to me, I will guarantee to repair it or no charge,
Tun LEADING ateacataft.
apoq't Scold
Your boys and
girls because
their shoes don't
stand the strain.
Maybe they
were not good
Inspect our line
of school boots
and shoes.
Made to stand the wear and tear—good,
stout leather, flexible soles, strongly
stitchedi good appearance.
Moderate in price.
Lasting quality.
Here are a few of our many convincing.
Girls' Shoes, 808 to $1,25 Boye' Shoes, 75c to 0.60
A nice assortment Of $h088 for Ladies and Gents at 'Lowest
talaotnfortable room to lei ova dors ; very convenient.
W. H. K.ERR, Proi;
by the Women's Foreign Missionary
Soolety In the brieemeut of the Preeby-
aria: 01108011 Tuesday afternoon.—Jos,
Cowan le encoding two weeke with
frienae ia Georgetown, — Stun, 13arlow,
aontraotor for the gamut walks, lintehed
the work here on Saturday end with hie
men left for their homes on Monday
afternoon. — large congregation wan
present last Sunday morning when Rev.
L, Perrin delivered a fine airmen to
olitldren.—John Earner will. in Brussels
on Monday, — Miss Janie Moffitt of
Owen Sound, 10 the guest of her brother,
A. 13, Moffitt.—Dr. 13. J. EfazIewood, 01
Bowmanville, is welting his parents and
tasters here,
Mu) aeate or tax .
Copy at Endorsement on reoord,
Bennett ve. Doig — The defendant
aye that all he etated or intended to
state was that Roee Doig and Cameron
Robertson told him that the plaiutiff
told them they °mild buen the old eobool
down 80 8000 as they liked. This sate.
menu the defendant aye he knows
nothing ot but what the boys told him
and that le all be alleged or intended to
allege. Action withdrawn, each party
paying Ms even Date.
Goderiab, Sept. 18th, 1905.
Thawrx Nose.—Mre. MoDonald, 24
con. ie building a aliment, bath reeidenee
on her farm. It will be modern in he ap,
pointnaents.—The improvemente to
Councillor Fraeer'e oedema, are about
oonaplete, Added comfort and 000080.
ienoe will be the result.—A, fine brick,
2 story pottage le being ereoted by Jobn
White, 0. Line, Boma. Mrs. White
See our stook of Solid Gold
Jewellery, consisting of
Tie Pins
Stick Pins
Long Chains,
It pays to buy Jewellery of gabby.
We sell the kind that wears and not
disappoint you. Ptioee are as low
as the lowest. Try us and be 004-,
H. L. Jackson
P, S.—Satisfaction assured in all repair-
ing, No work leo difficult,
bee been very poorly all Summer but le
making favorable improvement we aro
pleased to bear and hope she will 00013
be eonaleeeent.—The repairs to Soho%
heeee 8. S. No, 16, Grey and Ifowick,
ere completed. It wee veneered with
briefs, a new shingle roof, metallic oeil,
ing, new windows and darer Gement
platform, new obimney, new outbuild•
Inge, the very beet, and a new Rag pole
on the belfry, were among the improve.
mats. The whole building was painted
anew and looks fte epic and span AEI any
of them. A good job wee done at a email
price. Tbe grounds will be levelled.—
Ala. Martha Beldea, who hae been
dangeroaely 111, ie making favorable
progrees,—A euit to threaeened against
Grey and Howith townehips by a
travelling automobillet for damage
done to hie machine on a bed culvert en
the Someday. Tbe plata complained of
boa been eet to rights Mae the amident.
—Hugh Patrick in learning obeeee mak.
ing at the factory here. John Patterson
is the veteran maker.
S. Snell and David M. Millar abipped a
oar of cattle to Toronto recently.
Mies Oora South was away, on a visit
to Clinton and Goderich and spent an
enjoyable titoe.
The Marrisbank steel bridge ie coneplet.
al and the appear:bee will soon be toady.
Bridge ie 100 feet long.
Mre. Whilaw, of Elora, bee been visit-
ing Mee. juo. R. Miller and other friende,
She came from the same tonality ae Dar,
and Mo. Miller in Scotland.
Mies Mabel Lake of Mauietique, Mich.,
is visiting Mies E South, 3rd line.
Mae Lake's father was a former resident
of Morrie, moving to Michigan about 10
years ago.
We are sorry to hear that Tboe. War.
with, 2nd liae, is not enjoying very
robust health. He is 80 years of age go
has not the old time vitality to fight off
physical ailments. We hope he will soon
eObldetttiemne Morrieitee in the persona at
Wm. and Mrs. Anderson, of Cheeley, are
renewing old friendships here. Mr.
Andereon'e health has not been good but
we hope the change will be beneficial.
He wee a, man of over 225 pounds in
weight when in good health.
Acon,B4T AT BEZonevz.—An unfortan.
ete accident canoed at Belgrave station
on Wednesday morning of last week. An
the freight train feom Wingham to Lon-
don wag paseing through Edward
Bryan& of Morrie, wee approaohing the
eraseing, with a fine team' and a load of
camp in the waggon. The train having
no freight to take off, was passing
through Belgrave without Rapping.
Whether Mr. Bryane failed to bear the
whistle, or expected the train to stop or
whether hie horeee became nnmenageable
a not known, bat the engine Barak hie
waggon, knocking it to eplintere and
throwing Mr. Bryans a dietancelof nearly
fifty feet. He was pinked up unceninione
For Fall and
Winter Business
We are now ready to fill all your require-
ments for the Pall and Winter seasons. Our
business has grown by selling good goods and
selling them right. Clomparison is the only
true.test of value—we court it on every line we
We aim to Please
For the best advertisement we can have is
a well satisfied customer. We look to the fut-
ure as well as the present—our prices must be
Dress Goods
A cordial invitation extended to the Ladies
to have a look through our Dress Goods Depart-
ment where you will fiud all the new and de-
sirable materials and shades. •
Our Dress -making Department is giving
the best of satisfaction. Everything made up
in the latest 0* styles and best Workmanship.
We hid for your business on the merits of
our Merchandise and the lowness of our price.
Ootober Patterns and Fashion Sheets to band. .
One of the Sheets tree be those Who call for them.
bet le IMPrOvInff, The hind whale of the
waggon were found a hundred feet away,
and the borne ran away, with the re.
naainder ot the waggon attached, It
wee a most nnfortanate
Harvest Horne sermoue will be
preached by Rev, E. Jona, of Bel.
grave, on Sabbath, Oot, 8, et Brovrntown
oburob, Brel limaat 2 $0 and 7 p. m,
Spate) mato by the choir. Monday
evening following a eared ocsacert will
be heist at Meath the following talent
will eteeist in vocal and inetruneental
music, reeltations, addreesee, eta. :-11,L,
Jaekeon, W. A. Grewar, Maas 011ie,
holm, Jean atelieuablin, Minnie Mo.
Naughton, Janda and Elsie Straohar,
Maggie Taylor, R. Moses, Mee, Jacksoe,
D, Streoban, L. Rattan and compeny,
Jas. Jones, Rev, A, E, Jones and Mare.
Chair will be taken by W. H. Ear,
Rev. Mr. Baker, of Bluevale, is the pro.
tor, An energetic: Committee bee tbe
program arrangements well in hand.
A, thank offer.* will be taken on Sun.
aunt e SILO VVII •
Mae Annie and D. 0. Straohan attend•
ed the wedding of Miee Lynn, of Ford.
with, Wednesday of thie week,
Burars.—The David Moffatt farm will
be offered for sale by publio auction on
Saturdayafternoon of this week at
Johnston, e hotel, Blnevale, by the
Exeautor.—Lat Sabbath evening Mr.
Oarr, of Wrozeter, preached in the
Hall here and neat Sabbath Bev. Air.
Perrin, of the same plea, will rionduat
the servioe.—alanday morning of next
week McDonald Broe. assume:is:tarot of
the Bare itnd postthae here as ethaesers
to Walter Inas. We wish the young
men encorree and believe they will treat
every °catenate honeetly and obligingly.
air. Innes and family will remove to
Moorefield and bake over the busineeetthe
has purchased there.—Job Ring, let
Oen, 11118 enlarged and veneered hie
dwelling with cement making internal
ohanges that will effect a decided im.
provement.—Invitations are out for the
marriage of Miee Maggie Wright and
Fiodlay, of Howlek, the tame to
take place on Wednesday of next week.—
A. baby girl arrived at the home of
Christopher Moffatt's last Sunday. She
to the nioeet baby in Tnrnberry Obrie.
Mon SueonfiertM—Friday, Sept. 22nd,
will long be remembered ea a special day
by the notion people, pupils and tea:Aar
of Ea S. No.10, Morrie. Tbe weather wee
ideal and notbing seemed to interfere
with the arrangements of the day. The
examination in the forenoon and after-
noon was witnessed by a large number of
people, almost every family in the notion
being repyeeented. All were greatly
pleased with the drills, recitations and
°lames. Every pupil awned to know
hie plaee and to be glad to fill ib to the
beet of hie knowledge. Dinner wits eery,
ed ea the Bohai, a imolai rig having been
eent around to gather the beekete, labiate
were well and tastefully filled. In the
afternoon tbe epeoial teabing took piaae.
Tea:Mere present were aliases McKee,
Milligan, Hogg and familia and Messrs,
Gillespie, Hartley, Roes and MoDonaki.
Short addressee were given by fill bert
Shaw and Mr. Straohan, the teaoher.
All expressed themeelvea an specially
pleased with the eXt1191111111011 and the
program of the clam& The entertain.
went at night was all that oottld be dash.
ed. The eohool was orowded to its nt.
most oapeoity. Talent came principally
teen) Brut:sole and gave a olean, high elan
program, intereperned with speeches and
jokes from Mr. Hartley, of Wroxeter, the
°batman. The prooeedo were a tidy
sam and will be devoted to improvement&
All concerned are to be congratulated on
the Boum of both examination and
e npe saui ntahrTnti a
Thursday evening of
last weak Victoria Hall was filled by a
happy ampany bent upon doing honor to
Walter and Mrs. Lines, who are removing
to Moorefield, after it reeidenoe here of
the put 5 years. Rev. Mr. Perrin, 01
Wroxeter, took the chair and the follow.
Ing exoellent program wan well rendered :
—Chairman's eddreee, in whit% be spoke
of the pleasant remembraneee he would
have of the times be had met Mr. Lines
and family; inetrnmental eeleotion, Mies
Ina Bryant: ; quartette, Mears. Eokcaier
and Straahan ; address, T. Straehan,
who dwelt on the good Par. Innes had
done since oonaieg to Jameetown five
years ego ; solo, D. T. Stro.than • epeeeb
and song from 11. 'Bleak, of `Wooster,
what% was very much appreciated; read.
log, R. Straohan ; inetiumenal, (guitar)
L. Rulten epeeob, Jae. Straohan who
said thatmoan that all the moathat had fellow.
ed Mr. Jena was due to Mrs, Lieu ;
quartette, Messrs. Bokraler and Strath.
an ; solo, Miss M. Taylor ; Staab Bolo,
Geo, lawman, Brueeele ; epeeeb, I. 0.
Richards, Brussel& who bad known Mr.
Tones and family for 15 years ae a neigh -
bee and laminae man and had Mame
found him kind, obliging and honest in
hie dealings ; duet, 0, Taylor and Mira
M. Taylor ; addrese, John (3att, who
Spoke of the dealings he bad had with
ear, Inure since coining to Wernestown,
the interest he had always taken in Viaa
Coria Hall ; of the proepeate of the young
men who were to take his plane and of
the good withee that would follow Mr.
Innen and family in their new bonae.
Tbe primeval event of the evening was
the preeentatiOn of two etas good gold
watches to the gnats of the evening, by
Pars. Alex, Bryans and George Balmier,
after Geo. Thome:on, of Beassele, htocl
read the following addrese
004 Mrs, Walter Irma r
DNA FittUrtue,—
We are assembled in VictoriaHell this
evening with mingled feelings—joy holds
a large place from the pleasure often
experienced of meeting with you in
owlet, business and religious relation.
ehips daring the pad five years, Ser.
row tinges the happiness when we resell
tbe tact that you and your estimate
family are shortly to remove from
Jameetown to a wider epbere of Mani.
nee& We have always found yen kind.
hatted, generoue, obliging and twee
ready to lend a helping band to any and
every good name, an feat we believe
Viiwtaitvoarlitti, tHe tablt4eyt aonudtuo 1)0 he rieIn itt;g90B1 yo 0 ubryi 1101
the building, Ron have done 13131013 10
vitt in the betterment of this neighbor.
hood *ad your mune, helpful deride and
enethraging words will long hold a plain
10 the mem:aye! your many friends in
Otte aommuntty. "Kind worde will
never die" le a cream but we with to
pretreat you both with moretangible
evidethee of our kind regard 80 Ms yone
aoceptauge of these Gold Watehee an
mementoes of the hating friendships
formed for time and eternity, May they
mark off may happy year.. and es y00
sea tbe diale we believe you will often
be reminded of may incidents in your
Mourn at Jamestown. Our united and
awake wish for you and your !orally
is that au Allwise Providenoe may pride
you and us so that when life's journey le
completed we 0257 03058 in the House of
Many Menelone where good•byea: are
never epoken and friendebipe are never
gathered. We hope to often have oppor.
tunities of meeting witb yea and artist
you may flud many warm and true -heart-
ed friends in Moorefield and vieinity."
Mr. Tunes made 0 neon enitable reply to
the kindneee ot the many old friends of
Jameetown looality and Brasfield. Be
said :—"Bly Dear Friends — This ane.
Dion has mainly taken us by surpriee, we
may well all it it sari:Ilea party. We
never thought of such kindness from you
and Edo not think we deserved it, We
only have been among our Jameetown
frieude for five years and indeed it eeena.
ed to me to be the shortat five years in
my life so fa. We began here with great
relootanoy, having bad no experience in
the busiuees at that time and knowing
aomparatively few of the people, but I am
pleased to any we have etheeeded in dib.
ferent ways and are leaving here with the
impression that we have made the lanai -
nen 111 0000888 by your aid, I thank you
all on behalf of fare. Linea and :layoff
for the very kind words you have said
about ue. I am euro they are pleasing
indeed. I also tintok you for the vela
able gifts you have just placed in our
trade. Tbeee gold watches will always
keep as in tenth with our Jamestown
friends.More espeoially do I thank the
paten who weet around and got antra
buttons for the same. 'Their labor, I am
sure we will never be able to repay. Now
le Providence it Me seemed wise for tie to
leave here and we are going away in deep
sorrow from the kind friends we leave
babied. One consolation is we ere not
going far away and hope to see you all
again. Anyoue who will be kind enough
to acme to see ue at Moorefield will be
made very welcome. I may %leo add we
are very grateful to those who have
taken part ia getting up enah a nice
eveninga: entertainment." Rev. Dr,
Rase, of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Innis'
pastor, was unable to be present but sent
the following note
Damian Taylor, Esq.,
Jamestown, Ont.
Dna Ma. Tiazon,—I repel: very ranah
that I shall not be able to be preeent at
the gathering in tbe Hall to -night to take
farewell of IbIr. Innes and his family. I
have no doubt bat the meeting will prove
a great entieees, and will be au evidence
ot the high esteem in which Mr, Innes
and bio estimable partner and family
are held by the whole commenity.
Their removal will be a lose to us all, but
we shall all join in the earnest hope that
the future will have moth Of happineee
and oontieued and increasing prosperity
in store for therm Again expressing my
regret at my inability to be with you to.
nigho, I remain Yours very truly,
Jona Ross.
After a tatty lunch was served the grab.
ering diepereed with many good 1010111113
expressed for the family going out and
Mears. MoDonald coming in as their
tar teaw •
The fly is very bed on the turnip aro".
Fred, Hanna Rout Sunday in
East Huron Fele will have the crowd
Friday of nat week.
The Oo. Valuators were driving theough
Grey during the past week in °emotion
with their work.
Mrs. Robt, Ornate returned hona
Wednieday from Bey fatty, Mitha
after a delightful trip,
In the abeenoe of the paetor last
Sabbath afternoon Robert McKay
preaolled at 'Union" appointment with
great acceptance.
'Mon Rozall, who has been in Miehi.
gen tor some time, is borne on a emit.
He intends going to Toronto where he
has a potation awaiting him,
The fast trotting mare "Lady Mato,"
hoe been eold by Robert MeDonald, 9tb
con., to J, Swata, of Winghean, for $200.
She's a fine beast with a big share of
We ere sorry to hear of the, innese of
Arohle Lamont, an old and well known
reeident of the 8th line. It ie of a
nervoue obaraoter. Hie many friends
wieh him a speedy convalesanae.
Mines Christiva and Apse Shurray
with their little Mae, Mtge Helen Oook,
of Eleneall, vatted Win, and Mrs.
Buttrey, Ilth eon., for the pea week.
°apt. and Mrs, Marton, of Toronto, vote
also visitor&
An elation sale of term steak, imple-
ments, &o., ie announced by A. Ceok, 4th
000" who rota his tam a short time ago.
Relies bought a bome in Brunets and
will be moving Mare :Meetly after the
Mrs. R. 0. Emile, of lieeparva, Han.,
is renewing 1314 friend:Mips here and is a
welcome eieitee. The principal 045104
for her coming and that of her brother,
Harry Cox, was the Meese of their mother.
Mr. 008'S little eon me injured by being
knocked over by a swinging barn door but
will soon be ae Well as ever we hope.
The flee 100 :late farm of Alex. Stew.
art, Bob eona bas been 00181 to Alex, D.
Grant, hie nephew of Morrie townehip,
for the eum of 57,000, lar. Grant get..
pOSSeesion this Fell, Mr. Stewart, who
hae anent te large Aare of his ha on the
farm, will take a well deserved rub and
may take tp his reeklence in 13ruesele.
We tape he will not get tar away anyhow
as be is toenogd a man a loge.
A Baobab at setae fethe bee been put op
along the Beet boundary of Alex, Mo.
Dr:halo:Pe form, !kb Ora
Judge's Vetere' Liet Ocoee will be
held at Ethel for Grey Township on
Wedneeday, Oet, 4th at 10 oasteele.
There are 20 eppeale entered,
The Toronto Fele Direotore waded
Mre. Wm, Armstrong, 9th owl., a Bihar
medal ae Per butter display eared 95
points ont of a possible 100, At the
Mateo Emir, London, the took let prize
aud two Ude,A good reoord with the
keen aorapetition,
Hawse Noorts.—Jonas Booker le 10
town, having Dome bath to remove his
family and affeola to Fletherton, where
be le engaged in the wood working Mai-
nees,—Parta Ballard Pollard is renewing
old ampattintathee in town. Her home le
at Yellow Graze N. W. T,—Harvest
Home services will be held in St.
George's obarch next Sunday.—Next
Sabbath the re.openiug of the Meth:that
church will take plata. Rev. Anderson,
of Blyth, will preall at 11 a. in, and 8.80
p. 10, and Rev. Jno. Rom of Bruesele,
at 3 p. to. On Monday evening a Bar.
vetit HOW feetivel will be held, gripper
being served in the basement from 0 to 8
and alter tbie a good PrOgrara will be
Bruseete 6e01o01 Board,
Spate' meeting of the Breasele Public
Sobool Board was bald in the Board
Room last Friday evening. Members
present—W. M. Sinolair, T. Farrow, D.
0. BOB, R. Leathardele and 3 0 Skene.
Minutes of last meetiog read and adopt-
The following teachers seised for an
increase of 525.00 oath of salary :—Aliee
Kate Whom Mies Dora Smith, Mae
Mary Downey, liaise Jean Ritchie, Mov-
ed by W. 38. Sinclair, seconded by Thoe.
Farrow that the Board take no action on
the matter. Carried,
Moved by W. 111. Sinclair, seconded by
Thoe. Farrow and mated that the Board
request the Ilannicipal 0onnidi of the
village of Benesele te provide by DAMS.
merit tbe sum of 52000.00 to defray oar.
rent expenses of the eohool for the year
Moved by W. AL Sinclair, mended by
D. 0. Roes tbat the account of J. G.
Skene of $6.75 for supplies be paid.
Moved by W. M. Sinolair, seconded by
R. Leatherdale that the Board renew
their note ot 51500 00 at the Standard
Bank for three months, Carried.
Board then adjourned.
Epworth League Convention for Wing.
12002 District will be held at Tee:meter on
001.11112 and 1211a. The first session
will he on the evening of the first date.
Good program of addressee and Daiwa,
Communion servioes will be held in
Melville °Introit next Sabbath. There
will be a preparatory service on Sauna
day atternaou at 2.30 a'ateek at wbioh
Rev, Dr, MaLean, of Blyth, will preech.
Lea Sabbath Rev, Mr. Oaterbont, of
Wroxeter, wee the preacher in the
Methodist ohuroh here end delivered two
thoughtful disothrees. Hie morning
theme wan "The power Of a good life"
and in the evening "Ohrist the gather
stone" 3800 the subjea,
The Junior League of tbe Methodist
oburob held a pio-nio it the /nab on
Saturday afternoon last and bad a big
time. They met Tueeday afternoon this
week instead of Wedneeday no that* Bert
Lott could be present, Be was a very
faithful member and gave the boye and
girle some good advice before the meet-
ing conoinded.
Rev. D. N. aildlamne, of Listowel,
will preaoh Havest Etenee amens in
the Methodist thumb, Brueeele, next
Sabbetb. Be is an 800,31103t preather,
At the evening eervioe solos will be
rendered by Miss Kate IbloKinlay, of
Brussels, and R. 0. Davies, of Ethel.
Speoial collections for the Trust Fund.
Monday evening after supper, which will
be served from 6 to 8 o'clock, addressee
will be given by Bads, Mears. Lang-
ford, of Brussels' Armetrong, of Ethel;
and 38000.0208, ofListowel. Sella Will
be rendered by Mies Nora Holmes, Mies
Vinie Cardiff and Mies McKinley, and
Mr. Davies and Rev, ller, Mo0amne,
A large itudienee ie expeeted.
The, 40th, Annual Convention of the
Ontario Sunday Bobool Asecthation, to be
held in the Oily of London, Ootober 24th,
25th and 26113, promisee 10 be of more than
usual intereet. Situated in the bead of
a district exoeptionally strong in Sunday
School eativity, in a city of handsome
tharabes, :model Sunday Schools, hapit.
able homes, and excellent railroad
failitiee, the prospeote were never more
hopeful. The programme, which is now
being Wad, includes the nainee of te
number of Canadian egeotaliets, in
addition to Mre. Laanoteano, a noted
Primary worker from Chicago, and
Marion Lawrence, the International
St:eatery, from Toledo, Ohio. Seven
parliaments and °enteral:tea have been
arranged, and will undoubtely prove an
attraotive featere, and will embrace
Primary work, teacher work, Home
Department, House to House Visitation,
Parents' Reeponsibility, and Deoielon
Day. Hones to Hauge Visitation will no
doubt receive epeeist doneidaation, 10
view of the inteeeet connoted with the
move:nat. Daring thie preeent year,
natation:I have taken place in Hamilton,
London, Belleville, Sarnia, Dnndae, ao d
Deeeeonto, with the Meet gratifying
eesults, and it is expected that Dimling
Movernente will be undertaken in Ring.
eton, Woodertath, Mglinlon, Prolbrose,
Port Hope,Berlin, aVaberino, the town.
fillip of Windbag, in Norfolk Othnty an it
Toronto, in the near tabard. Teach. r
'310010105 38111 also receive special atistintion,
in view of the faot that thie le the Mat
year the department Imo bad a seoretary.
EIs hoe already 7101184 name 88 mintier:,
organized 40 ohieses with an earothramt
approximating nearly 700 students,