The Brussels Post, 1905-8-24, Page 1Vol. 34. No, 7
New Advertisements.
Home to Rent—Mies Mitchell,
Farm for Sale—Neil Duneaneon.
Rams for Sale—Robt, MoDoneld.
Farm for Sale—Mrs. M, Kellington,
Direst Importations—McKinnon ee Go.
Ready•to•wear Hate—R, 0. Davies &
x1vZx C,etos.
X..19 taw el .
Enna—At three•thiety Sunday morn.
g fire broke out in the Oddrellowe' Hall
i" Ile top flat of the three storey brick
::look, known as Campbell's block in the
iraeineee ventre of Main area. The fire
*:rigade turned out promptly and in good
teen and in a short time bed four good
„realm playing from the water works,
I•,.ad with the splendid work done by the
Bonaid fire engine Which Lae always
i till in the bnoinees handling Pumps of
all kinds, both iron or wood.
The Marvel Windmill, one of the best
makee, is handled by us.
Water Tanks of various airs made to
order. Repairs promptly attended to
and at reasonable prices,
OrOrders left at THE POST, BRUSSELS,
will have our prompt attention,
Our Studio is
Special attention given to
Summer Visitors whom we
will be pleased to have call
on us.
We make a Specialty
of Out -door Viewing,
Homes, Groups, &c.
proved Italia brat class engine, and al.
ways ready to do excellent work, the are
was got nutter control after over three
hours of hard work. On the 28th of
June, last, thie eame block was badly
damaged by fire, which 'started in some
myeterione way as did thio one. Work.
men had just started to repair the dam•
age done by the former tire. The build•
ing le now almost mettles] and beyond re•
pair, Walter Bros., dry geode merohante
whoee stook was badly damaged in the
former fire, is mach worse damaged this
time, also the offices of J. E. Terbane,
magistrate, and W. E. Binning, architect,
are beyond repair. Walter Bros., who
carry a very large stook are insured in
the Traders, Metropolitan, Anglo Ameri•
an, Wellington eMntoal, Eaonomiaal,
London Mutaal and the Monarch, the
estimated loos of which will be $5,000.
The same oompaoiee paid heavy looses in
the former fire, Mr. Broadtoot, forni•
bare dealer, who wee a heavy loser in the
former fire, is again at quite a loos in
We one,
The Anguot meeting of the Women's
Institute will beheld at the bone of Mrs.
Robt, Mibohell on Thursday the 3let at
2.80. Mrs. J. Orerar will give a paper
on Piokliog. A good mnaioal committee
have been appointed to arrange for mus.
is for the meeting. The nutria Presi•
dent and Secretary will be present.
School commenced in Walton on Mon.
day last.
Rev. McNabb ham returned from a
month's vacation, looking fine and
A number from Walton took in -the
Summer Carnival at Seaforth on Wed.
Mr. Leatherland, of Seaforth, preaobed
in the Methodist Church last Sabbath
A few young men from this locality
will aid in the harvest of the West this
Mono Jaokeon and Mies Georgia Roes,
of Br eels. vent Sunday with frieode
in MaKillo .
W ruXe Ler.
Robert Miller was in Toronto this
Mies Alioe Walker left on Tuesday for
Mre. W. Egleson is on the sink list at
Mina Carrie Lawrie, la visiting Mende
in Wingham.
Thos. Lovell, of Whiteoharcb, called
oo frieode here last week,
Scott Blaok left for London last week
where he will spend some time. ,
Mrs. Keine, of Gerrie, is the guest of
her daughter, Mra. W. Johnson.
Mies Annie Walker, of Wingham, spent
several days with Mre. Geo. Allan.
Mise Lulu Hemphill has returned from
a month's visit with friends at Ayr and
Misses Letitia and Ada Morrison left
on Monday for a visit, with friends in
Mien Jennie Vogt returned to Detroit
on Monday baying spent a week with her
mother, Mre. J. Vogt.
Mrs. W. H. Epplet and daughter, Ella,
of Saniia° Centre, Miob,, are guests of
the latter's sister, Mre. R. B. Harris.
*OMR Rcc'
'WATCHES S which will pass
inspection on any railroad.
We have a well selected
ADAil stock of High Grade Wal•
tbams, Elgins, Reginas and
other celebrated makes. We
can assure yon by dealing
with us you will receive the
best value that money can.
buy and perfect satisfaction.
WATCHES P. B.—Our Repair work speaks for
Ralf. Satisfaction or no charge.
Xq� xqmaxq�xq,t�oxqaoxa�p:cXc ccx ` t Xeitbde xxxxXXX4
ptYa,W�at>+"bdybu'�ber'0e. tR �Q,�y
Direct Importations
We always do a large trade in Dress Goode and our constant aim is to
get the very best goods at the lowest possible prime. This season we are
importing a large portion of our
Dress Goods, Silks, Linens, Ribbons, Etc.
direct from the British Markets, Wo have the invoioe and advice that the
goods have been shipped on the "B. B. Umbria," and we expect them here
this week, when we will show the finest stook of Dress Goode we ever
offered, and by importing them we save the Canadian wholesaler's profit,
wbioh will maks a difference of from 10 to 15 per oent, which will put us
in a position to sell below regular prices.
Pall G
NOW Fa Goals
Our New rail Goods ars nearly all in and open for inspeobion, Our
orders were all placed before the, sharp advanoe in wool and ootton and will
be sold at old prroos.
n� e
New. Fall 11�a
old ask quota! attention to our large stook of New Mantlee,
o ete vand Gapes. Children's Cloth and White Bear skin Coate a
Price Paid for Butter and
sqq,�,�paqq��ttac���y,pe���,paaqq��pacp�appcq�,tppqr�,,�aq�a�rra�qq��tt q�.�pq�.r�q� q1p q�pe�
anyxxxtrabXXXXxx a�V'Wd'Wis 4214d'aatel�irebxealaiMt
Rev. T, H, Tars, of Wallaoeburg, has
been appointed rooter of the Episcopal
Cberoh here,
Mise Beseie Lovell, of Grand Rapids
Mich„ ie visiting her parents, D, and
Mrs. Lovell.
Jno. Hamilton and Robert Harris
shipped two mfr Wade of cattle and ooe of
hogs on Monday,
J.Oarmiohael, of the gravel road, is
In a glorious condition having taken a bad
tarn again this week.
13434a -rave.
The members of Court Belgravo, No.
48, 0. 0, F, intend holding their aani•
vereary service in the English Church,
Belgrave, on Buuday, Actg. 27th, Ser.
lee at 2.30. Brethren will meet in For.
esters' Hall at 2 o'oloak.
Craze tar cook.
Mies Mina MoRae is visiting at Olin.
Mies Gladys Outt, of Blyth, io a visitor
RI A. McDonald's.
Mies Silvia Beal has returned to her
sohool near Belgrave.
The fenos in front of A. MoNair's
reeidenoe bas received a drese of green
Dentist Cameron is gaining strength
and will soon be able bo resume hie
praobios at Palmerebon we hope.
Bird Broe. have parohased a new
threshing outfit, buying the engine from
a Seaforth firm and the separator at
Mr. and Mre. Hubbard, of Ohioago,
were renewing old frieedehipe here. The
lady was formerly a Mies Duoklaw, of
this locality.
We are sorry to say that one of oar
old residents in the person of M. Gaiter
is not enjoying very goad health but we
hope a change for the better will soon
Daring the past week Rev. B. Robin
eon, who is a Presbyterian minister in
Quebec province, and W. H, Robinson, a
former teacher here were sailing on old
friends in Oranbrook,
Joe Reymann, of the Forest City, will
enjoy a week's vaoation here. He is still
a bachelor but whether open for
engage -
manta we are not prepared to say as it ie
reported ha Lae made a choice.
Last Bnuday morning the pulpit of
Knox obarob was occupied by Rev. R. F.
Cameron, of Georgetown, who was visit.
ing here. The 000gregatton was pleased
to peer him. Rev. D, B. and Mre.
MoRae. were away to Clinton visiting
their daughter.
Alf. Reymann, of London, was visiting
ander the parental roof during the past
week, Mre. Reymann, wistaria health has
not been very robaat for 'tome time 00
visiting relatives in California fora while
where we hope she will speedily regain
her old time vigor.
AoomENT.—On Monday of lest week,
it team and variola belonging to Casale &
Carr, Wingham, oame into! Grey for
the purpose of bringing home Rev. D.
Peale and family. The driver was a
young eon of Absalom Taylor, and it
appears that when crossing a culvert in
Grey township, the horses stumbled and
fell, upsetting and breaking the vehicle.
Tbe boy was thrown oat and his collar
bone broken, so that he was obliged to
return on the train. Mr. Camels came
after the team and rig.
What about a telephone toJamestown 7
Mise Aggie Garr was visiting her
friend, Mies Maggie Snell last week.
W. H. Kerr, Brussels, ie to take the
service in the Nell next Sunday
D. Taylor is ill jab now with qufney
hops he will aeon be all right
but we p ht g
The store here has changed propriet•
ore same to come into effect some time in
A good many of the young men around
here are baking advantage of the exour•
sion to the West.
Lula MoDonald, Oreolirook, is visit•
iog at her onole'e, Geo. Combee, title
week. Elbe is a bright ohild.
John T. Straohau has again taken up
hie place at oar sohool, and also
Mr. Gillespie in Grey Saltine.
Rev. Mr. Robinson, who is filling Dr.
Roes' place, Braseele, will lead the payer.
meeting on Friday night in the Hall.
The threshing macbiae is again heard
in our neighborhood and reports state a
good result of grain, better than whet
was expected at one time.
Ib is expected that the Hayed Home
anniversary of Jobnston'e church, let
line, Morrie, will be on Sauday end
Monday, Sept. 1711a and 18th.
R. Simpson, son of J. Simpson, is
home. He bas been troubled with spinal
illness, but is improving. He bas been.
off work for two months. We hope he
will soon be o. k.
Tbe boys around Jameetown are an.
xions to abow their young Indies the
country on Sundays by taking them out
for a drive. The country looks fine they
Geo. Balmier is to begin his new
blacksmith shop in a week or two,
Peter McDonald bee the oontraot for the
complete building which is to be lament
with a flat roof,
Inepeotor Robb was visiting John] T.
Beraohan'e (school, Tuesday of this week
and gave lite ohildren a hell holiday,
Mr. John T. ie doing excellent work and
be will climb to the top step in the.
ladder. Keep climbing John.
BOLD OUT.—It Will n0 doubt be a mat.
ter of enrpries to many to bear that
Walter Innis, the genial and obliging
merchant here, bas dlepoeed of his buil.
Hess in Jamestown to McDonald Bros,
well known bare, who will bake poeesssion
on Got. let. Mr. Ionee has also resigned
the poetmaeterebip which will no doubt
go to his euoosssoro, The nailing
oat was not done on amount of want of
hominess but desiring a wider field where
he and his sons could engage together on
a larger male lead to the present con.
elusion. Tbe store will be run as nenal
until the above mentioned date so ae to
allow of settling ftp B000note and deeld•
ing upon another lavation. While many
agate Will be exproseed at the oonbem•
plated removal of mob estimable people
W. H. KERR, Prop
as Mr, Tuna and family we are pleaosd
to know that his ouoaossors are smart,
bueinese•lfke men who muse most highly
commended and who will no doubt look
after the intonate of the publio with
neatness and despatch. We will wet•
acme them to Jamestown end hope that
Mr. Innes will locate within easy aoceee
of bis many old friends in this comma❑•
iby who have dealt with him with so
much satisfaction in the past yearn.
TAE POST gives the news.
Russel Dilworth is visiting at Wing,
h am.
aGeorge Eokmier is home attar hie
holiday visit.
Mise Sarney, of Toronto, is vieising
Mise kloAllnm,
Ethel ulnae factory sold ,their cheese
et 11a cents per poled,
alias Addie and her niece bays return-
ed to their home after an enjoyable visit
at Mr. Addie'%, Ethel.
Our visiting s0000l teachers have de•
parted for their respective schools which
re•oponed on Monday of this week.
This week Rev. George Jewitt and
family, of Dutton, are visitors with Wm.
Hall jr. and hie wife, West of Ethel.
This week R. 0. Davie & Go. received
their Fall assortment of Ladies' ready•
to•wear hate and are °bowing good values
in all the new styles.
Oar congratulations are extended to
Juane Lahie a❑d hie good lady in the
arrival of a aon and hair. Justus will be
a proud daddy we bet.
Last Sabbath afternoon Rev. R, F.
Oameroo, of Georgetown, preached in the
Presbyterian ohoroh in this plane giving
an exoellent dieooaren.
Oa the first Sabbutb of September
Rev. Mr. Armstrong, B. D,, will preach
Harvest Home anniversary sermons at
Salem appointment ou the Wroxeter
Sabbatb Sept. 17th is the date eat
for the Metbodist church Harvest
Home sermons here. Rev. Mr. MoCam•
us, of Listowel, will preach. A thank
offering will be taken.
Sunday last Mrs. Wm. Cook was cum•
monad to Morrie to the bedside of Frank
De Wolf. Tbe•• old geetlemao died
Sabbath night.He was in his 83rd
year and was known to a good many in
this locality.
Tbe many old friends of the Badgley
family were very sorry to hear of the
decease of George whiob Bad event took
Mae Sunday at the home near Brussels.
Several from thio oommanity attended
thefaneral Tueeday afternoon.
Miss Jean Austin, of Listowel, baa
been engaged to teach the esaood depart-
ment of our Public sohool. Btu has
taught saooeeafully for four months and
this Summer aeaured her and Claes
aertifioute. Mies Austin oommeneed her
Manes on Thursday of this week.
Ha LAST Fem.—This week R. Dtl.
worth sold the Mat farm °weed by him,
lot 27, oon, 6, ;Gray, the purchaser be.
ing Frank Golfing, and will now be free
when his auction Bale of farm stock, &o.,
is held. The date will be announced
later. Mr, Dilworth and family will re-
move to Fort McLeod, N. W. T., about
Oat. Isb.
Gra. ev.
The early oat Drop ie said to be very
Mise Lengskaile, of Toronto, is a visit-
or at Robert Blair's 6th oon.
The minutes of Grey Council may be
read in this issue on page 5.
Joo,-sow, of Listowel, was a visitor
et Hiram Orowell's last Sunday.
Oliver Lindsay, of Listowel, is visiting
Dao. McKinnon, 8th oon. this week.
A wedding or two will take plane in
Grey before many moons wax and wane.
Mrs. Jno. Netheroott, of Elma, was e
visitor at Geo, Dixon's 4th lino, last
Tha residence of James Cardiff 7th
eon„ ie greatly improved by a new dread
of paint.
Mises Carrie Lawrie, of Wroxeter, has
been visiting with Mee. Thee. Straiten
jr. and Mrs. Joe Shaw.
We are sorry to hear that Mies Hazel
Roz°II, 9th oon., is o❑ the sink list bat we
hope she will soon be better.
Hiram Crowell, and eon Warren, 4th
line, are talking of going West on the Ex.
anion. It is a.proepeoting trip..
Mies Jennie McKay, of Toronto, and
Miss Minnie McKey, of Beaforth, were
visitor] at R. McDonald's last week.
Robert Blair and Irwin Raynard will
take the excursion Friday of this week
for Portage la Prairie, Man on a bola
day trip.
Malcolm MaNiabo!, 41b line, bas been.
laid up with plonrlay but is improving
we are pleased to state std hope be will
soon be o. k.
Dr. McLellan, of Chioago, was a visit-
or at A. Hielop's, M• P. P. for a few days
this week. He sieo called on other old
friends in this locality.
Some of the 4th line bachelors are
outs in looking after the interests of the
fair sex on the goiet, but the pnple o0
the fence took it all in Geordie.
Mine Mary Livingtone, of Toronto, is a
visitor muter the parental roof for a short
time. She bas been visiting in Detroit
and will ratter' to the Queen oity next
Walter Walker. and wife, of Aurora,
Illinois, are visitor° at Ghee. Rozell's,
9th con. It is 17 years since Mr. Walker
was bare. Mrs. Walker is a sister to
Mr. Rozell.
Mies Nettie Carr , and• her aunt, Mrs,
Wm. Roe, of Mich„ are visiting friend]
in Sbratfold this week. It is 20 years
gime Mrs. Roe was here, She is a eider
to Mr, Garr.
Quitea lively Waal interest has been
manifested over Bruesele races owing
abiefly to the taut that "Lady Minto,".
theepeedy trotting mare belonging to
Robert McDonald 9th coo„ will start in
the 2.40 trot on Thereby afternoon,
Last Booday John Storey, 4th oon.,
lost a 4 year old horse from sunstroke.
The trouble oame last Friday evening
while the animal was ab work in the
field in a reaper. The beast wag
worth about $150, wbioh will be quite a
Wee t0 Its owner,
The anneal Harveot Home oormoss
will be preached in Roe's oharob on
Sept, IOoh by the pastor, Rev, Mr, Arm.
strong, A thank offering will be taken
ioetead of the usual tea meeting.
Ieau: McKay and son, Wili„ of Niagara
Fella, N. Y., were visitors at Robert Ma.
Donald's, 9th von,, and hire, MoKay's.
It is 9 years eines be went to the Fella.
He has a good job and le well pleased
with hie location.
day °vetting of this week the 'silent boat.
man bore the spirit of John Savage, of
lot 29, eon. 4, over the river of death.
He was 06 years, 3 month° and 11 days
old. Tbe funeral took plaos on Thera
day afternoon to Brussels cemetery.
Mies Joan Stewart, 16th oon„ bas ar-
rived home from Guelph hospital. whets
she underwent an operation for an ail.
ment of the atomaoh. Tbis is the second
operation is 4 years, Sbe is oousider•
ably better and her many friends bops
she will soon bo restored to flret•olese
annual Harvest Home sermoue will be
preached in "Union" Methodist oburob,
12th eon., on Sunday, Sept. 3rd, by Rev.
Mr. Oeberhout, B. D., of Wroxeter, at 11
a, m, and 7 p. m. Special music will be
rendered by the choir. A Thankoffering
will be taken. Monday evening following
a tea meeting will be held. Music sigma
tions will be given by Mies Spence and R.
O. Davies, of Ethel, and the °hatch
ohoir, The highly reoommeoded Leobure,
"The triangular Mao," will be given by
Rev, R. Hobbs, ex President, of Strath.
roy. A big time and a big crowd always
go along with "Union" tea meetioge and
this one will be no exception. Take note
of tbs date, Sept Ord and 4th.
I am sending you $1.00 for Tun Pose.
We are very anxious to get tb every Sat.
arday morning aa we like to hear all the
Huron Go. news, i do not think that we
avoid do without it now. We are having
lovely weather. The days are warm
and the eveoiogs are always cool and we
get rain just when we need it. We have
bad a nioe shower today but do not have
as severe thunder storms here a0 down in
Grey nor do we very often
have thunder
storms but when we do there is no dam.
age done. Powaesan was incorporated
into a town last Spring. There are four
°herohee bare, English, Presbyterian,
Methodist and Romitu Oabbolio, the lat.
tar having me many members as the other
three put together. We have a floe Bon.
eel School, over 80 scholars in attend.
angle. Perryman is lively in the Summer
as there are a number of lakes out 15 or
20 miles from here and the tonriees all
Dome hero eo go to them. The hunting
season will be here in a month or so and
then it is lively. Fifteen or twenty
miles from here is a great pleas for deer.
It is surprising the number of deer that
the lumbers bring in. `Melting you
many prosperous years in your new
office, Yours Truly, Jas. OSBORNE,
Powaesan. P. S. Wages are very good
op here. Oarpeaters work for $2,50 and
and $3.00. I am getting 62.50 at the
preeeut for mason work.
The Kelliugtou 100 acre farm, 4th line,
is offered for Bale.
Mre. Robinson, of Detroit, is visiting
her brother, Jas, Russell.
Miss H. Whitley, of Clinton, was the
guest of Mre. Jos. Clegg last week.
Harvest is well nigh over and the
result, where threshing has been done,
shows an average yield,
Ai e shoes went bee been holding
the fort on the anks of the Maitlan
4th line, opposite Ed. Brewer's. •
A welcome visitor to Morris is Mies
Ida, daughter of Henry and Mrs. Mooney,
of Weybnrne, N. W. T., former well
known resident of the 5th line,
Mre. Hartford and Bon, of Toledo, Ohio,
are visiting the former's parents, Daniel
and Mrs, Barkley, of Belgrave.
This week will (template the harvest.
Already the tuoefnl .nom of the
threobing.maohine bas been heard,
The boys and girlo are back to sohool
once more. There are several changes
in the personnel of teachers in Morrie
Miss Belle McNabb is the new teacher
in the Barrie school, 8th line, We wieb
her enema and the pupils rapid progress
in their work.
Rev. M, J. Wilson, of Teeeweter, will
preaoh at So❑ehine'on Sunday. "Tbe
women's part in the Miaeionory Work
of the Ohnrah" will be the subjeot of the
(Recourse and the collection to go to the
W. el. S. Mr, Wilson is a fine preacher.
The many old friends of policeman
George Oaldbsok, of Toronto, formerly of
the 2nd line, will be pleased to hear that
be has been promoted to the position of
Chief at the new mining town in the
North, Cobalt, He should fill the bill all
Aoorno sa.—David Cowan met with a
bad and 0001005 aooidenb on Tbareday
afternoon, 10th inet,, while engaged in
laying a floor in a new house in Morrie,
near Brunie. Hie feet [slipped and he
fell astride ono of the joists, Hie bladder
was ruptured by the full. He was taken
to it doctor at Blyth and everything
poseible was done to relieve the pain um
til early the following morning a medical
operation was performed. Mr. Gowan
wee much relieved and is now Steadily
improving, although Still in a very 5501000
condition. Hie many friends ars all
hoping for the beet.
Oa September let, David and Mrs.
Walker' aro, aa0ording to agreement, to
retire from the old homestead farm, 8th
line, and band it over to the purohasere,
Thos, and Walter Miller, who are gleams
with Mr. Walker in this year's crop.
Mr. Walker may not move, however, nn.
til the bhreebfng is done, for the Miller
boys ate bachelors yet. Mr, and Mre.
Walker Will remove to Bragsets and take
possession of the commodious and nom.
fortable home purobased Some months
ago from William Ainley, Wo will be
every to SOO the Walker folk remove from
Morrie bat our regrets are.bteabtenod up
with the knowledge that that' will be
within easy, menu and their many old
Mende harp will be a unit in wiehtng
them many happy yeare in Brneeele.
The prayer meeting bald at the home
of Wm. Armstrong Tuesday evening was
largely attended. These cottage meet•
iogs are a source of great spiritual benefit,
Frank and Mrs. Clegg, of Tacoma, 0.
B, are renewing old aoquaintaoaee. They
came with the London 011 Boys and
report having a most enjoyable trip.
Mrs. Clegg is an aunt to Mrs. Frank
Martin, of Sooebina,
CARD oo' THANKS,—We feel it our duty
to thault oar friends and neighbors for
the kindness shown to ars during oar
daughter's long period of suffering end
we also feel extremely thankful to Dr.
Barna, of Bruesels, who epent many a
wakeful and maxima hoer. We highly
recommend him ae having been very
skillful and neing great precaution in
every way. Wo oousider him worthy of
the few words of reoomeaendation whiob
we can and will give him. God will re•
ward all our kind Mende for He bas
said "So areal] a0 you help one of the
least of them you help Me."
Sunday George, mond eon of David and
Mrs. Badgley, 6th line, paid Natare's
debt at the early age of 13 years. He
bad been in failing health for some time
so tbat his demise did not come se an
unexpected event to the home, although
be did not take to his bed but a few days
before his decease. George was a youth
of many good qualities, an auoomplaia•
lug patient and hie death is regretted by
not only hie youthful companions bat
the community generally. Tbe funeral
took plea Tuesday afternoon, Rev, Mr.
Robison coudaobi❑g the service. A
number of beautiful wreathe were planed
on the casket. iThe pall bearers
wore George Davis, W, MoOatoheon,
Roy and Laelie Tbnell, W. Mo0utaheoo,
and R. Nichol. Interment was made at
Brussels amatory.
The Garden Party held at Garner
Nicholsons, 4th oon., was a decided
encase notwitheteading the; downpour of
rain which during the day made the
prospects for an outdoor enter
aliment rather, dieoonragiog. There
was a large crowd and good
music byWingham Band. A ani
g qo°
feature of the evening was the selling of
the autograph quilt made by the W. M.
S., Jos Clegg performing the duties of
auctioneer in a very competent manner,
the quilt becoming the property of Mies
Tillie Wilkinson, of Belgrave, of which
she ie jaetly proud. It realized the sant
of $50.00. Mr. Nicholson in his natal
genial hearty atylo, left nothing undone
for the comfort of bis guests and it goes
without a vote that it would be hard to
Lied a better host or plea for an evening's
social enjoyment. The splendid amount
of $108.00 would sorely vouch for that.
WEDDING OUT WEST. — The manse,
Alameda, wee the scene of a very pretty
wedding. cm August 2nd, when Mies
Minnie Ma0ail and John Forsyth, botb
former reeidenbs of this township, joined
hand and heart, Rev. Mr. Reed per.
forming the ceremony. Mies Isabella
Middleton, lobed as bridesmaid, while
Albert Molal], brother of the bride,
assisted the groom. Tbe bride looked
charming, dressed in cream mohair,
trimmed with Dream net lace. The
bridesmaid wore a dress of white organ.
die, trimmed with lace and insertion.
Both wore blaok picture bate, On the
evening of the marriage a reception was
given at the home of the groom's father,
Hugh Forsyth, when everyone enjoyed
themselves, The happy couple commence
life on the groom's farm near Frobisher.
May their joys be many.
MATRIMONIAL,—Arett wedding took
p y w d o0
plaoe in St. Michael's oburah, Blyth, at
nine o'elook on Monday morning of Inst
week when Mise Auoie Kelly, el
of Wm. Kelly, of Morrie, be.
same the bride of John Myers, of Strut.
ford. The marriage ceremony was per.
formed by Rev. Father Pineonneanlb in
the presence of a large concourse of
people. Mise Racial Kelly, sister of the
bride, was bridesmaid and John Ma.
Laaghlan assisted the groom. The bride
looked handsome in a pretty gown of
cream eilk with eegnin trimmings and
bat to matoh. The bridesmaid wore a
dress of white lawn. At the close of the
ceremony in the church, the newly
married couple and guests drove to the
home of the bride's father, where a
reception was held and a wedding dinner
served, Mr. and Mrs. Myers left on
Wednesday morning for their home in
Stretford, and the beet wisbee of a large
oirole of friends accompany them.
Flame DEWOLF E Dzen.— act week Two
Pose referred to theillness of Frannie
DeWolf , who bas been residing on bite
Brewer farm, 4th line, for the past 4
years. He passed away peacefully on
Sunday night, aged 82 years, 6 months
and 14 days. Deceased was born in
Leede Co. and spent a geed share of his
life in Huron County living at Goderioh,
Hentryn, Morrie and Bruesele, Mr.
DeWolf was a quiet, inoffensive man
who lived an boneet life. The funeral
took plane ou Tuesday afternoon to
Oranbrook cemetery. In the absence of
Rev. Mr. Gonna from Brneeele,_ Rev,
George Jewitt, of Dutton, oo❑dnoted an
appropriate eerviae. Mre. DoWolf died
a few years ago. Mrs. Allan, of
Olandeboye, was here attending the
burial. The old gentleman and Jobn
De cif kept bonne Binoo the demise of
thelady. The pallbearers were
Frank ()reckon, Wm, Little, Juo,
Speir, Edv, vd Brewer, Jas. Sharp and
James Dante.%
Toe STORY OF DDNDAs.—This ie the title
of a well written, nicely illaetrated and
neatly gotten up volume of 468 pages
written by J. Smyth Garter, of Rowena,
Ont„ and pubtiebed by Be S. Pelton, of
the 51, Lawrence News, formerly of Ton
Poem. In the aketbnee of newepaper men
of Dnndas Go. the following aecompanfes
a portrait of Mr. Pelton 1-11fr. Pelton,
born at Innerbip, Oxford Co„ Ontario, 10
a son of the late Gibson Pelton, and of
his wife, Garoline (Baker) Pelton. A1•
though born on a farm and his father a
former, be may be said to have inberibed
hie love of journalism from hie mother's
people, who furnished an editor of The
Chicago Tribune, the founder and editor
of The Owen Bound Times, and the
founder and publiaber of Sault Ste,
Marie's firob nowepapor, The ,Algoma
Pioneer. Ib followed that our subjeot
whbu a lad of fifteen was articled to
fathom the mysteries of "the art preser-
vative" in the offioe of. The Woodstook
Sentioel•Review, Subsequently he joie•
ed the staff of Tin BRusetre POST, where
under the genial inspiration of Editor
Kerr be learned the ethics of journalism,
which he was to apply later. After brief
connections with The Blyth Standard
and Deeerouto Tribune, be established
The Bee, ab Atwood, Perth Go., Jan. 17,
1890, which he pnbliehed for thirteen
years with a degree of amen that
enabled bfm to oreot in 1901 one of the
finest and best equipped newepaper
offices in the West ; which may also be
said of The St. Lawrence News' present
home in the East, which Mr. Pelton
erected in 1904. In July, 1902, he die-
poeed of The Bee to his brother•io•lasv,
D. G. Anderson, and parabased The
Paris Review, which be conducted until
the following March, when be wee induce
ed to relinquish newspaper work to en-
gage in fruit farming in the Grimsby
dietriot. Bat his love of joarnaliem
soon reasserted itself, and after die.
posing of his farm on the ontskirte of
Grimsby he name to Iroquois in the
Bummer of 1903 and purchased The
News, which he bars aioce conducted with
names. In polities Mr. Pelton is Inde•
pendeot, and in religion a Methodist.
KILLED,—Loais Miller, eon of a well
know Logan farmer, met with a horrible
death Friday afternoon while tbreahing
on the farm of Wm. Lawrence, about
two miles from Mitchell. Miller was
feeding, and in some unknown way lost
bis balance and fell into the cylinder of
the separator, whittle orasbed him to
death. The body wee badly torn. Miller
was a young mac about twenty years old,
and highly respeoted in the vioinity.
Summer Races,
Large Number of Entries and warm
The first t f ram ro's day's program o the Bum.
mar races on Brussels fine half mile track
tools place on Wednesday afternoon be.
fore a large number of epeotatore.
Weather was the finest end the coarse in
first class shape. 8 horses faded starter
Ohara Kneohtel, of Wingham, in the 2,26
trot or pane and the result was as fol.
lows :—Dr. 0., of Orangeville, let ; Little
Harry, Seaforth, 2nd : and Molly W.,
Lindsay, 3rd. There were 5 entries in
the 2.24 rave and awards went to Mar.
jory Wilkes, of Luaknow ; Happy
Dreamer, of Toronto, and Ernie Ranter,
Berrie. The 2.19 trot or pane was not
finished at night fall. Three heats were
off, Gerrie Hunter, of Guelph, being cred-
ited with two of them. Race will be
finished Thursday afternoon. The gate
receipts were $180. W. H. McCracken
had the booth privilege. A. big program
ie on for Thursday afternoon of whin')
partioalara will be given later.
Rev, Mr. Kilty will officiate in St.
John's ohoroh next Sunday, He render.
ed very acceptable eerviae last Sabbath.
Next Sabbath will conclude Mr.
Robinson's period of apply in Melville
church pulpit. His discourse last Bab.
bath morning on the Harvest was moot
appropriate to the season. Rev. Dr.
Ross is expected home for the first Bab•
a tembeC
Rev. George Jewitt, of Dutton, oc-
cupied the pulpit of the Methodist
ahnroh in this plane last Sabbath and
preached two good Germane. In the
morning his text was Bt. John 8 and 12,
and in the evening service the theme
was "The rich fool"' from which many
pointed and practical lama woes
drawn. Rev. Mr. Jewitt will preach
again next Sabbath at both services.
Next Sabbath will be monthly Mission•
ary day in the Methodiet Sabbath
School. The Sabbath following, Sept.
3rd, Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Blyth, will
oandnot the anniversary serviette of the
School. In the neatening the discourse
will be directed to parents and teachers ;
instead of the natal Beaton of the School
the speaker will preach a sermon to the
pupils ; and in the evening, Mr. Ander.
HOD will address the young people. The
Sabbath sohool Orohestra will lead the
servioe of praise in the afternoon and
evening. Rev. Mr. Anderson is a good
preacher. Blyth Methodist ahnroh
will be supplied by Rev. T. W. Cooeos
that Sunday.
Tbe following from Monday's London
Free Frees refer] to a reverend gentle.
moo known to a number of Brasselites,
as he was stationed at both Kincardine
and Listowel: -"Only Providence allows
me to be in my pulpit today," said the
Rev. James Liviugetene, pastor of Wel.
liogtoo Street Methodist Ohnroh, easter.
day. "I was nearly drowned at Port
Stanley Saturday," Mr. Livingstone's
family have been summering down at
Port for the past month, and Mr. Liv
ingetone went down ou Saturday to
spend the day with them. His little
daughter Verna pleaded with him to go
down to the lake for a bath, notwith•
standing the feat that the lake wag very
rough. He conceded to her regneet.
His two eons Reg. and Douglas were al.
ready in bathing, and Mn. Livingstone
left his little daughter on the beaoh and
sought deeper water. The waves were
high end the uoderourrent very strong.
Mr, Livingstone intended to go out and
came 10 an the crest of a big wave,
When oat some distance from the abort,
a large wave struck him throwing bim
off hie feet, the undercurrent seized him,
and but for the prompt aolion of his sou
Douglas, who was standing close by,
he would have been (tarried out beyend.
Dangles swam oat and grasped his
father until help arrived trona shore.
Mr. Livingstone was parried to the beach
in a s'emi•Oonealons condition. Ho
(pinkly revived however, and was obis
to walk around. He appeared to be none
the worse for his experionae yesterday,
but stated that he would not trust him-
self to the mercy of the wave again,°