The Brussels Post, 1905-6-22, Page 5len ELIUOTTAsy TORONTO, OM `.•✓ i'f, GUn. YoNGa AND ALEXANDER 150 n1I,B HI'i9HIGN during July uud Antatst for Public School Tonus - ors and others. All of our graduates anyl11ni0, ��H1Ulii Helmet is�eu 1'4xhlu It s 000. by stuntly"going ahead."" or "booting ninCirculars lroo.g N w. J. 1£LLIOTT, Principal. TRAIN UP A Ci-IILO And wit .m, 1501 up eouLOd Lim or L/STOWEL i c Gly lc i / � 'Perin opens April 11t1, 1904 Two Courses— Send for Collage Journal. Commercial and Shorthand. A, L. MoINTY10E, Manager. ads' MEDICAL CARDS, 11'1'[;1. R. A. BURNS— A"Juccessor to 1)r. J. A. Mtsotugblon Brussels, Ontario Graduate of Polyollniu Pool Graduate School of Medicine and SurgorY, New York Member et Oollogo of Physicians and Sur - emote of Ontario. 1 Sloe and residente 00m0 a0 formerly oc• copied by Dr. iltoNaughtou. Diseases of women a onoalatty, BUSINESS GARBS. )9y ONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER Tout, L'. S. HOOT'r, Brussels, vr H. MoORAOIiEN— o Issuer of Marriage Licenses. 01• lice at Gr000ry, Tnrnhorry ,.Crest, Brussels. .pARMS FOR SALE—THE UN nnn010N1n has several good Farit.s tot sale and t0 rout, oaay terms, 10 t•uwuuhlpa of Morrie and Grey. F H. 810'I'T. Breams C. 0. F. Court Princess Alexandria, No. 24, C.C. L'., Brussels, meets in their Lodge Boum. Sias - bill Block, 1011 the led and last Tuesdays of 00011 mouth, at80'olook. Visiting brethren always 10100mo. Jas. IUltelli98, O.B. A.B. fd N1L1HH, it. S. M. IVIORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON. ONT. ROBERT CUNNINGHAMI INe0RAN9R, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH, AUCTIONEERS. T,•S. SCOTT AS AN AUO'TION- • EBB, will sell for hotter prleee, to better men, in lose time and less charges than any other Auctioneer in Bast Huron or ho won't charge anything, Dates and orders eon always be arranged at this ofaee or by personal. applioatlon, ROBT. H. GARNISS BLurva D — ONT, .Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for at iho oiiloe of TIM POST, 131tiaeel% 2211 VETERINARY. GA. CUNNINGHAM— a Honor 4) 0.10010 of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all die- eases of domesticated aulmals:in a -compet- ent manner. Portinttlar attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry and Milts rover. Calls promptly attended to. Oalceaud Infirmary —Four doors North of bridge, Toraberry at., omen's. LEUAL Alll CONVEYA1UCI D. A B. MACDONALD— ,E]..• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Tete. Successor to 0. 1r. Blair- Ohms over 81,100. dnrd Bank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro- politan 13 sok, bI. SINCLAIR— t f o I3arr10ter, Solicitor Oouvoyaucer, Notary Public, Sic. Oilioo—elewart'o Stook I door North of Central Hotel, Solicitor for the Standard Sauk, 1?13.013DFOO:C, HAYS & BLAIR- 1101 1U11'i'L1t9PUI T I 01 t- 'l 1- 813, NOTA1(108 11, 0. HAND W, 1'ROIIDt'00T, If. C. G. 11'. T3anin. Crosse—ll'hose formed °co upledl by Mclean Cameron &-Holt, f4onnni010, GNTARIO. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, ttiterrIST (Graduate of the Royal College or postal Surgeons 01 Ontario end Pied clefts 1.10110, Graduate of Toronto University. (linos next toBrewer's Photograph Gallery, B1WOHLILs, OE TRAL STRATpORD. ONT. Votn eau get a general otiltaalinn 151 �y any 81111001 but mime to aha (1I4NTit \L • 4d for Praotloa Jloo01nessPlandng, '1'hie. College hag a 0OntIne1.tal reputation V for Omreughoe0o, 0pr'urtt11011000 oro foe that, who oro pror,airod, Out graenter always succeed. Yon nifty G ( ai anter our 011 (4000 et any (lino, 19� write for free Uatalogtie. ELLIOTT & MoteAOfL%N Prineipale, ht Mre. Duncan's second address Ott ',Primary Work"' was along somewhat j cru' pb,1rnn00111quh•ouloat"lmtrrmivaiinn j to 000110'. d:' ri'lll! pl)ttou. i11o1'LiliLll(1 add y 111 ins is itCllliexny x,xsmavlr=x. OPENS SEPTEMBER 411l Over ono -hull ,bo Mutton to we mm aeoon1. tna,rnto are enrolled fur the above data APPLY EARLY. Shorthand and 1'yeowrltblg tloparlmsnt will be mond to noun. Drop up stairs, Vnndl•Iak's 131ock,and see 110. (LINO. HP0101111(4 011198 NGIIPI Y, Priuolpal & Pan). Ludy Principal. COUNTY SABBATH SCHOOL OONVENTION. The annual meeting of the Huron S. B Aesuciution was held in Goderiob on .Cnoa:lay of heat week with 0 good attend• tt000 of doleetttee• The day 00ae10110 were held in V,otoria street ohnrob and the evening meeting at Kuox oburch, The morning 00101nnn opened with devotional exeroise0, after which the reports of the dhfferent ofioore were heard. The preside,(, Abner Oosene, Wiugham, brought up the question of the advisability ot continuing the organ lzation in the face of 00 many disoonrage• menta. Something must bo done, he o aid, to Ilra0110 more interest in the work and bring the Sunday soboolo into ol0eer touch with the county organization. The oorroependiug ee0retsry, Jas. Mitchell, of Goderiob, Mao referred in his (sport to the many die000reging faatarse in the work, Some dfei:waiou followed these repute which brought out the fact that ft was apparently not the wish of thn convention that the Ceauty Association should be sbaudoued. E A. Hardy, the Provincial training teeuber, 1liered the suggestion that township conventions ob.,uhl be organized. In hie txperieuoe 00111, oueventious had done good work. Air Mitchell enggeetecl that °Rob member or the executive should not as overseer in hie part of the oounty, visiting each acbool'in hie dietriot al least once a year, Rev. W. H. Graham thought that though they might feel discouraged they must not forget Ulu the association was O port of the Provincial Aesooiation, whioh was doing nnoh g. od work, aud th.'t they should keep in touoh with it, The eearetary•treavurer, J. 0. 'Stone. man, of Henoall, presented a statement of flnanoes for the year ; reoeipto, $108.. 04 ; expenditures, $7S 45 ; belanae on }laud, $28 48. AFTeanco11 8E8810N' After devotional exercises the reporte of the nominating stud resolution oom miltees were presented, The fo'lowing aro the offiiero for the coming year ;— President, Jae. alitoheli, Goderiob ; Vice President, J. 0. Stoneman, Henealt ; Seo -Treas., Mies Eder, Blyth • Oor. Seo., Rev. Jul. Hatnilton, Godorioh. The unmber on the executive was, at the euggeetion of Mr. Hardy and some others, reduced from seventeen to seven, the four offices and three additional members to be appointed by the committee. The resolution oommitteo recommended that the towuehipe be organized for Sunday Bobool purposes and an effort made to iuoludo every Sande), wheel, and that hereafter the County Conventiou be held in connection with one of the township uonveutione. Daring the afternoon Mrs, Duncan, of Toronto, primary expert, delivered two very interesting and inalruotive addresses, the first being on "Family Co operation." In the beginning,ehe said, the training of gbtldron was entrusted to the families and for many 00' ttirie0 there had bean no other menus The Sunday school works in a lino with families. It needs the mether'0 and father's help—Sunday schools do not wish to take the work of training the children from their parents, tint to tvorll in noojnnotiou with them. She quoted from the Bible many exam• plea of children reared in homes of prayer whose influeuoe as they grew up bad been far•reaohing snd 'eating, viz., Liana, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Samuel and many others, 101 reference to the opeoial part mothers have in this training she quoted (rem Ezekiel, "Aa is the mother 00 is the daughter." The mother le the light of the home. Bussed be childhood for the love it brings loco our homes and our hearts. Mrs. Duncan gave many tram• plea of great men who had given their hearts to God when they were ohildron, Over the cradle of every child should be seriously shouldered the query, "What manner of obild shall tide be ?" The training should begin in infancy. Aa soon as a child oat be taught to trust and obey bio penults he oan be taught to trust and obey God. Parente have the noblest work of all in tenohiug Children, but many parents negleot such opportunities and then oomee fu the work of the' San. day sohool — to supplement, Primary teavhers ehou'd remember that in intln- 0noiag to child they are teaching him and we moat all reeliz, that in the home, in the Ohurol, aid in iho world we are all 00 uperetoro with Christ, Dr. Towler, of SVingham, (hell read a paper on "Bible Glees Teaching." The Oat work, he said, ie the tettehing Christ, the greatest teooher should, 'be our model. The euwees 0f the Sabbath suhool depends on the teacher. The timelier moat have an object in view or the teaching will be worthless, There are two aue,ofae --the divine agency, witiol% io the word of God' ; the Lunen ageuoy, wh,ch ie the 10x01101', Sieh n mored work needs g00115ontinne. Flret preparation. Education in the work is a0' neooerary as in wordly matters. As the aeellilr teeoltef 111101'0 his text book iso ahou,d the Sabbath school neither know his, A eyetemnttoplau of studying ehoold be arranged early in the week. 'Teachers must read, study references and agntexto, pray, think, 1000011 I08ean helps and map Out the worst. Teaohing means' work. Other uelification0 are regularity of attendance, pnnotnality, obeertct'nese, an intima le knowledge of snob member' of the oleos, Ito teaching there is o'ten a failure to make scholars understand from the he0rt, The object of the 'ocular °shoo' i0 instruction, but of the S.bbalh eohool impression end °Sweete' bni!ding. 'Tho teacher meal melte the Bible so attrnotive as to Interest careless pupils, It den be trade to touch lives and mould ohartetere, and if OA eoud is sown with Dare results are 000dr the same lines ea those tapes by Dr, Ilowh•r. At one time. .hs said, any t0'' cher was 014.3101:.1 1., be good eltuui41 1,l' the primary teens, but that day has passed and none but the boat would do now, It le in the primary department that the otrlieot twit MOM 100th1g im preteione ore made, The gaalili1ati0ns. for snob a teacher area A thorough know edge of the subject ; a thorough an11ao0rati011 to Ohrlet and to her clam ; a solemn series of raop•meibility—the onming generation ie before her and through her alone eomc of them may hoar 1110 massage ; a grasp of the pas 01111111 0'0 of child development ; an insight into child nature ; a love for children ; a belief in child Obriatiane ; to know osoh scholar by 00m0 3 pnnotn- ality and regularity ; 0fuoerity end rever- ence, 'i'Ite teaching muetbe interesting, instructing and impreaoing, In every 10004011 there is the teed of life eterutsl, Illustrate the lemon Dimply and clearly, Improeelono aro made more gelidity through the aye the ar. Te I } 1 a. 1& 11th naturk byob sots bymodels byblank, , 1 ' boards, but not with too elaborate draw lege, by oolorod piotures, papers and books and by stories of everyday life. Touch from their level and proc •ed from the 1111011, I0 the uuknown. '.Che beat rule is the old one—line upon line, pre. Dept upon precept. Remember that the teooher le the child's exempla, therefore ho ahou•d walls with Christ and bring the children tvith him, Primary teaching wee exemplilied with n oleos of ohildron by Mies Ohurahill, of Clinton, who used drawings and models. Lhia proved very interesting. Mr. Hardy, Previnofal training teooher, then spoke on "The Preparation of the Lesson." There are two kinds of prep. aratioo ; first, by the eoholar, second, by the teooher, The first its very, desir- able. Many teaohore oonplain that they oannot make their pupils prepare the tenon, but buena some cannot it does not prove that it i0 impossible. He re• oommended the giving out of work to be done by the pupils for the next lesson, whiolo method he had found very useful. For such work marks wore allowed and diplomas Awarded for a eerteiu p -r cent. attatmd. during the year. Ile did not believe 1,1 awards of money value exoopt Bibles. The teacher's preparation should be twofold—of heart and of mind. A godly eharaoter io essential but not enough. Ile believed in daily prayer for every member and the neooeeity of having an intimate talk with the pupils eeptretely, for bays especially will not open their hearts before ethers. Every lesson has its central truth, wbioh-should be dieoovered by the teaoher. The lesson should be lived by him all the week before, so that he oan teach if from the heart. In speaking of the prepare, tion of the leaeon from an intellectual point of view he need the following plan : I. Preliminary facts—(1) time ; (2) place ; (8) pereouo ; historical surround• fnae. II. Main faote—(5) connection with previous lesson ; (6) leeeen etory, by analysis : (7) meaning of words • (8) oeotral truth ; (0) suggestive application. III. Adaptation — In preparing the lesson the tesobershould read it over two or three times after he oomee home from Sunday eohool, think about it all week, at the end of the week use the leeeou helps. Mr, Hardy closed by quoting the fol- lowing advice given by a Sunday school worker : 1, Think yourself empty. 2, head yourself fail. 8, Write yonreelf olear. 4, Pray yourself hot. EVENING 0800I0N, The evening 8eeeion opened with a devotional and sang eerviooled by Rev. Jas. A. Audereon, atter which the new president, James Mitchell, wee introdeoed and took charge of the meeting. In the absence of Rev. J. W. Holmes, of Gorrie, Rev. W. H. Graham, of Victoria etreet Methodist aburob, gave an address on Mr. Holmes' anbj'ot, "Are pareote and guardians doime their duty to the Sun. day eohool ?" He said in part that this question should be considered in con• junction with another, "Are parents doing their duty towards their ohildron Brussels Greenhouse. PLANTS AND FLOWERS, You will Ond at Brussels Oreenhoaso any quantity of Tomato, °salfflower, Oelery and Cabbage Plants, Tomato Plante 10e. a box or 8a, a dozen Iooee, Fine oollootion of Flowering Plante. A choice lot of Geranium° and Annoalo for bedding. Cut Flowers oupplied. Floral Designs made to order, MiSS KELLY. in the home ?" Why should not obild. ran be brought to Oltriet in infaooy Rud not be 'allowed a grow up in ai0 with a need of oonvereioniu later years? No greater obligation recto on man than the training of hie obildree iu the fear of the Lord, and the first duty of parents to the ebildren begins int home, Mr, Graham gave as au example of religions instruct - tion the child tretuing fit a certain Jewioh home of hie coq tafutanoe. All dined: organizations inotoded the training of children and no organization oould take the place of the Sunday eohool, The responsibility reale, then, with the par - ants to encourage the euperietendent and teaohere in their labors and to give flnanoial support in the carrying on of the work. Mr. Graham's address was followed by a duet, "Lead, Kindly Light," by Mise MnVitlie and Jae, F. Thomson, and then Mr. Hardy, training leaohor, of Toronto, addressed the meeting on the Subject, ',Teacher Training." Mr. Hardy epoke of the great progress made in the Sunday soheol world during the teat thirty-three years io the arotdteotnre of Sunday eohool roome and in their equip• mont and in the enlargement of the oonetituenoy of the Sunday salmi. In the later connection he mentioned the oradle roll, the borne department and the 000ior or adult Bible olaes, Tile (intuition of effioienoy on the part of the teaahere was a matter of great importance, expert 0ervfoe was needed here se in other work. Mr. Hardy recommended a training of a oombinstioe of practical work in the Sunday school and a oouree of Bible study, several of which he mentioned. The effort is worth while because of the greatness of the work of soul -winning and soul traioiug of the future oitizaue of a 00110try 0'o potentially great. Mr. Hardy's address contained many praotioal suggestioue for tl,e improvement of eohool equipment and the efficieooy of the teachers, ONRIBTIAN ENDEAVOR CONVENTION. The County Christian Endeavor con- vention was held on Wednesday, and a report will be given next wash.—Signal. WIIF.N SEVEN OMEN D11t You know at least one "of them had consumption. At first it was only oatarrh—bat it was neglooted. When "Oatarrbozone" cures so quickly it is foolish to suffer—It's a shame to keep on suffering and hawking. Oatarrhozone goes direst to the canoe of the dieesee, that's why ft's so dead aertaio to cure. It stops the cough, prevents that disgusting discharge, clears phlegm out of the throat in five minutes. Very pleasant, and sate too ; get Oatarrbozone from your drug• gist today. Wlno'ha,m• Ivan Johnston bas neared a titoation in London. The Fisllleigh estate has paid 55 ote. on the dollar. The Beeler Oo'y have found it neces- sary to make an assignment, L. O. L. exo0r0iou to Detroit will be dated this year August 26th. Dr. J. S. Chisholm left for the Wott, where he will no doubt iodate in some rising town. YOU HAVE HEARD OF FESSOR DORENWEND America's Greatest Hair Goods Artist. ... He is Coming to AMERICAN HOTEL, BRUSSELS on Wednesday, June 28th This Agit giver you a chance to consult Peo>•. Do1ENwegn about your llhlr and to uhoase from the stook of Hair Goode, which he carries with him— just what yon r (pita. Y •n own try ou-any Bwitob, Bang, Pompadour, eta., and 010 just hbw 113003U. Pnoy, Donnwwmmn Doan be depended upon to 0'"11 you only first quality, Hair Goode, Yon are not foroed to buy because you call to Dee and examine these goods. Baldness en all man know, 01 ' 6. urea and adds an aged expresalon to the fano. Why remain Bald when Professor Doren - wend nem lit yon with a WIG or TOUPEE, whioh will hide all tra0e0 of Baldnese and take the place oi yule own hair ? Dootore eec0mmond these Toupeo0 00 a preventative for colds in bead, catarrh and neuralgia. Pnovesoon Dole:swoon will fit you on the spot and show you just clow yon look iofterwnrdo. LADIES --READ THS! Yon will novae have a better opportunity to gee for yonroelf aha beautiful aseorttn0nt of swrronEs, BANGS, POMPA.. DO`O1(,s, WAVES, WIGS, E 0,, which Prafeseoe Doretlw0ud entries with him. til ; Remember the Date and don't f ,il an to call at the hotel and see Pao. 1r88013 D011k1N1y.DND. If you 001,0011 anti write for Prof, Doren- weed's Onto - tem. It's free. THE Dorenweud Co. of Toronto, 108 and 108 YONG, I STs, TORONTO. Limited The Shaw 131ook °banged hands re. ennit , Mrs. L, FL Hanson be'ug the i i'urtlh.. cr t3uu1 0'i lrr Stewart is thinking of going ‘i1 1;'10 ld Tornio has purohasett lir. 1511 w.r,") roefdeno0 on #iagonal tit, Dr, Keuu.-dy'o e000nd daughter, Irimo, was tattoo ill with appendicitis, An operation was performed, which 11a8 euooeeoful, The flower bade in front of Town Hell, that were so beautiful with Islip bloom this Spring, hove been planted with Oannee and geraniums. IlLOO n POISON PROM (*ENS Io sure to follow if yon nee a razor or irritating oorn salve. For fifty yeare the one rade remedy hail bean Putman'° Oorn Extraotor, It's tate,--absolutely pain. Wee, and gnaruteed� L I 'oto Am 01. No 0 company 28,1 Regiment, lett for camp io Lendon otiMouda y. About 800 people took in the Atwood Sons of Sootlond excursion to Guelph. Lielowol 3,4050 meeting 'Fawley, Wednesday and Thaioday of this week, The furniture (110lory finds it neoee- eery, to worts overtime to keep up with the orders. R. F. and Mrs. Brook iuteod taking a trip to the Old Land and will leave about July lat. The new appointees AD issuers of marriage lieeneee are :—J. H. Gunter, Juo. Gabel and J. Livingston, jr, Soots Burton, we are sorry to learn le not improving since returning home from the Wool, and is at present am lined to hfa bed. Owing to the retirement of the agent at dimooe, B. Foreyetb has been trans. (erred from the Listowel agency of the Bank of Hamilton to that of Sim000. J. M. Oampbell, who hoe been in obarge of the Palmerston bra,oh, sueoeedo Mr. Fore•iyeth here and F. J. Fastin, ac- countant, Palmerston will take charge there, North Perth ()aunty L. 0. L. held the semi-annual meeting In the Orange .hail here on Tuesday afternoon of taut week, there being a good attendance. The usual baeineee 1100 disposed of, Both North and South Perth (Jaunty lodges will celebrate the oomiug 12th in Strat- ford thin year. The local lodge of Oddfeliowa held a deooration eervi00 at Fairview came - eery o0' Sunday afternoon oommenoing at 8.80 o'olook. The brethren met at their hall and marched in procession to the oemetery where the ritual service set for each 000aeions was performed end the graves of deceased brethren decorated with flowers. A special choir lead in the music at the eervioe. There was a large atlendauoe, many visitor° from other towns being noticed. The town Baca beaded the prom:Beion. THE T0016 Or' HEALTH Moet be more than a stimulant—mast be a food a0' well. There is one medicine that ie both a food and a tonio,—it aide digestion, promotes assimilation, oonvette food into nutriment that bnilde up nerve, blood, brain and bone. "That tonin is Ferrozone which contain° exaotiy what e run down 0yetem needs. Ferrozone oapplies oxygen to purity the blood, pboephorne to develops the brain, iron to harden the muscles. No wonder it maltee such vigorous min and women. You'll eat, eleep, think and feel better by using Ferrozone ; try it—now. Fifty cents buys fifty oh000late coated Ferro zone tablets at all dealers, 113!ytis. A garden party under the anepioeo of the Young People'o society of Trinity obnrob will be held on the obaroh lawn on Friday evening, July 14th, Thome Ballantyne has an apple tree in his garden that has a full grown rose on it. This is the mond rose this tree has produced this season. Mrs, W. J. Davie and Mies Birdie Davie left for Ayton, where they will make their home and where Mr. Davie has been residing for some time pant. Joseph end Kra, Btothere left for Rochester, New York, where they were called by te;egram to the sink ohamber of Mr, Btotbere' brother, J„mea Btothers. Mies Luella Holmes bade good bye to her Blyth friends haat week and telt far Parkhill, where she will spend two weeks' visiting at the home of her brother and will then go to her new home at Dor- obeeter. Shortly before seven o'oloolc Wednes- day morning of 'last week smoke was seen iv.ning from the second 0tory windows of J. G, Moser'° hardware store. The fire alarm was eonnded and when the front door of the store woe opened it was discovered that the whole interior was full of smoke and the fire woe at work in the work -shop in the rear. The fire, which had evidently been °moulder. Ing for some hours, was extinguished with a few pails of water. The work. bench and a great nanny tools were burned and rendered u'eleoe and tete interior of the store and shop, together with the gook of etovee, hardware and tinware, were more or leen damaged by smoke. The begin of the fire cannot be accounted for. Early in the evening Mr, Moser and hie staff had been solder- ing some eavetronghs, which they were going to take to the ooantry in the morning, bot had finished them two Moore and a half before IYIr. Moser went home, which wits 1015 o'clook. When the etore wag oluaed for the night there was no sign of either fire or smoke. Mr, Moser dames his lose at $1000, whioh is fully oovered by Inonranoe, AN AMERICAN 11i8E011. Some doctors go so far as to say that indigestion is the CO4iORE} disease of Amorists, There 10 but one notional remedy for indigestion Red that remedy ie Dr. Hamilton'a Pille will aaoelorebe the action of the gaetrio juice and give tone to the digestive organa. They etroogthen the kidueye nuts neer, cleanse and purity the blood, and time odd genet. al tone to ever organ in the body. Fleoh and strength are Past restored anis the patient can ant and digest any food he pleaaee. Test Dr. Hamilton'e Pills yonraelfe-25o, per box or five boxes for $100 at all dealers. Earl Wilkiueon, son of Walter Wilkin• goo, was drowned at Bnell'o Lake. Findlay D. Robineon, Treasurer of Tilbury township, ie $0,000 ehOrt in his molt. Lenin Bradley, of Red Deer, wee sem tended to floe year0 (mprigotimsnt and 0, Bnri(hardt, of liidmonton, to live years tor horee.etealing, MoKrivivoiv & Co, BL-YTH Hot Weather _ ____._ __------•_-- Goods The hot weather is now upon us in 0arna00, and we are folly proper. ed for it with a range of light Summer Deese Msteria's in all the now etyleo and fabrioa, also Blowiest, Comte, Hosiery, Gloves and Whitewear of all kinds. There is no use suffering with the heat when you can get nice cool goods at prices like these : —Black Grenadine, 42 inches wide, in fanoy stripes and ,floral designs, worth 750, for 60a, —Organdies, in different qualities, at 120, 15o, 20o, 250 and 35o. —Blaok M alslin i plainn a a and fan stripes, at150,2011 and ov 25o. pp , Qi — White Lawn, �l yards wide,at 100 120, 15a 20o and 25a. — Fine Zephyrs, 101 colors of ink and blue, worth 15o, reduced to 120. —Ootbon Voiles in plain colors, also spoils and choke, 84 inobee wide, regular 1 0 6 for 12, g � — Ail.ovor Laoee, in white cream, black, champagne and two -toned offoobe, at 35o, 50o, 65o, 75o end $1. —Ladies' Large Laois Collars at 50o, 75o, $1 and $1.50. —Ladies' Stammer Comte, made o! line batiste and netting, at 350 and 50o. — Ladies' Tape Girdles, rogalnr 50o, for 840. —Ladiee' White and Cream Taffeta Gloves at 15o, 20e and 25o. —Ladies' Blank, White and Cream Pore Silk Glovee, in all sizes, at 25o, 85o and 500. 1-pZt —Ladiee' Corset Cover°, very epeeist, at 25o, 35e, 500 and 75o. —Ladies' Shirt Woiote, made of fine white organdy, nafneook and mnalin, great value at $1, $1.25 and $2. —Ladfea' Silk Belts, io black and colors, at 250,50a and 75o. —Boys' Linen Snits, with sailor Dollar, a snap at 750. iSTECXXXXX:CaC=XX 10 :LC74=2ClaC:art'saCCDegi qqU`t qd� ala A a SPECIAL S LE —0E— Men's 0 — Me 's Colored d Shirts —On Saturday we will put on sale 10 Dozen Men's Fine Shirts to clear at 75 Comfort and appearance are looked for in Men's Shirts. Comfort is only found in well proportioned, well made Shirts. That is the kind we sell and the kind here advertised. Appearance is a matter of taste. Our stock is so large and well assorted that we can suit any and every taste, and the workmanship on every Shirt we sell will stand the closest scrutiny. The Shirts are a special purchase, and at the price are remarkable values. —Men's Fine Neglige Shirts, in fine colored oambrio, laundried neckband earl miffs. They are this ,season's latest pstternein nein and fancy stripes and figures, oorreot ooloring, sizes 'y 14 to 17i inches. Regular $1.00 qualities for • / 5 —Manly Fine Colored Cambric Shirts, le,undried, abort bosom style, separate link oaffe or muffs attached, full size bodies, aeeorted patterns in stripes and figures, Hebb, medium and dark colorings. Size 14 to 17 inches. They are $1.00 qualities. While a the last t Watch for them in our window Saturday. Gentlemen ! I have opened for your inspection a nice line of the latest up-to-date styles in SUMMER VESTS They are correct in style and perfect fitting vests. All ehadee and all sizes in stock, at prices from 750' upwards. See them. D. C • ROSS LEADING CLOTHIER, BRUSSELS. V E .Oc-°4, M: ri' rWu - a r�?LSS A1 BUGGIES Our Fine and Up-to-date stock of Bug- gies is now on the market and we invite intending purchasers to call and inspect, They are all made of best material with the very latest improvements. Have you seen our fine display of Oak made Wagons ? Every one warranted to be as represented. Repairs and Painting promptly attended to. Tops Relined and Covered and made as good as new. Call and see us. Pr &%.plait- eni.rd n d 001111.01 , {lie iGnu.,. Also 11 ;airy 101011 tllid the alai in a mirror.,