The Brussels Post, 1905-6-1, Page 4eatee-esetoweelereeleetefeeteet. rteis azt, THURSPAY JUNE 1, 1905. LETTER F8041 HARDING, IIMNITOBA, To the Editor •of Pon': Loma elre..--Ae I promised to Bead yon n few hoed WIWI I left I now write to let yeti know how we are getting along. We arrevtd safely Du Argil 28 et Harding, This m emelt village about 45 relief; West of Brandon. There ere two general tames, hardware store, two boarding home, a Mirth anti a good lumber yard in thio place and a good farming country amend. We ware met by Henry Bite deb at the station who took fie home with him arei we found he end his faculty very hied imieed. Mr, English :tame out here 21 year ago with hie young wife anti kt+IHM 4$400 ttn2 took op a quarter auction of and. With bard work and beim..., a temperate man he has made a geed home. He has now 960 acres of laud and is mad at about $40,000. He has also as fine herd of thorobred cattle as I ever saw in °uteri°, It is to one of his min that Mies Annie Colvin was married. There are some good homes left oat here yet and there are batobelore living in good brick houeee who wonid be glad to see some of the &roseate gime corneae, out to cheer thetn. Wen we got work at $4.00 per day and our board and pine lumber to work with. We have one good brink house to finieh. never mw snob fine ithisla turned out down home as this Man gab from a Arm iu Brandoo. Main house is 80z80 feet with a kitchen 1820 feet and te porob over the /tenet door. Hones ie two storey high. This firm furnished an the factory work, the rough lumber and shingles and ft double door in the bot tom fiat far the stun at $900 There is not e ewo-. ea be '.ten in auy of the doom. Wen thiii is e Ile country to make m y b, her it heti its drawbacks too, 6 0 W0 beim.: one of them iu Borne me.. ee Tiv, mud le something terrible it We are working at a frt., • Lee in Shoal L.ilie. There be • lotLorre bat the country is fall of tr ,,L1 .-iv-,;!1. A. man needs some push in Lee ee .tie bre, There has been I-tely and the farmers are !meet i3:4 :imp this year. They a, vat 1,8 better prospeots of a ore, :Atte tee fietee ere getting green. No nee:, yours truly, Twetde NEWSOM. 21,0,, 1905. Grey Council Meeting. The. eineteipal Council of the township of Geey en -t 1 the Townebip Hall on Moudny 2iey 22.1d, at 11 a. m., ea Gv:. ofRdcidion en the Assessatent R 4 or 14. UCCC,i yeer. The metnit.ire wherof being first duly e w r. ii aceindatwe with the provisione of Stetute, end :the Reeve appointed to ink., the cheer, the following liet of appease wee submitted aud diepoeed of ae foiiowe Appeltaut, Limes Turnbull—matter complained of : That he was overcharged • bie tote•eisment on lot 5, con. 4, appeal allowed to the extent of lowering hie ameesement $400 Appeilaut, Dunoan Taylor : matter of oceoplaint—That he was overcharged on aseedinuent for lot 10, con. 18. Appetit altowed to the extent of lowering taie tiaiesthieln 5200. tie"rge MoTaggitr6 : matter ttl-.That he was overobarged 01• 12, uotOn lot E. 28 and 24, Gen. 15. Aepieti dismissed end assess. ram: R :bort Bowes : matter 0010- p anted .6—That he Wee overcharged on hie immeetneut on lot 32, oon, S. Appeal atiewee to the extent of lowering hie aeaetemaeut 5500 Appellant, Robert ?denary : matter Ountpluillect. —Tim he was overobarged on his N•meas men t 00 1018 13 and 15, mem 9. Appeal dismissed and asaese. ru.nt sustnieed. Appeinmt, George E. MoOall : matter o'iaind ef—That be was overobarged on 6' nes-m.1,2ot ou. lot 18, con. 8, Al ei dianumed end aseeeement sustaiu- ed. 0. motion of Grant, emended by Frame the svtievament of Outhbert Hateitinsoa by hie ; nonsent was raised 21,000 an 61 1-1, eon. 3. Oarried. 'Moved by John Grant, seconded by Damien Jonneton that the Reeve meet the Rime Council at their next meeting to consult with them in reference to the A. Gunther trouble on bdy, between Grey end E ma. Carried, Moved by Duncan Johnston, emended by William Fraeer, that the appeal of Jamb Kreuter regarding his assessment on the (Jux Thin:oiled Dealt' bylaw be diamieetti, the itemeetnenato remain too determined by the engineer. Carried. Moved by John Grant, seconded by William Fraser that the HEM of $150 be 'meat on the gravel road between Grey and Morrie provided the Morrie Council grant an equal sum. °naiad, felovid by Duncan Johnstou, seoonded by John Grant that this oonnoil employ the melees of W. M. Sboabair, golictitor of Brussels, to defend the corporation against the threatened mit of A, Gunther Co„ of Lentiete re demagee to travel. le,', diol,5' 015 Ofty and BIMbound• ary. flurried. aftr.nnt by William Termer, amended by jote, 13r,i.un appeal of Jab Dab, T:trgiirt twetrillog his assessment on the liewtrri 1940011,1 Drain by-law, be clietat.,,eii tee tt.lsofstrient 00 remain as rit,r,rninej hy the engineer. Carried. lit.eve, William Fraser, John Gre,it anti Darman Johnston having Lunen the oath of ofilite as mei:abate of the Court t,f It,t,“rion ou the Cox Manthipal Dein! By laoe, N 215, the following motion 50I,4 Pind. Moved by Feuer, tittoondeti by (Rant that there being now no appeals that the temessment as set out by tilt by•iaw 12 mefirmed and that the by•law hereind a third time nod fleetly passed. Carried. M1n3b"n 6 Cettnoil having taken the Oath id alba as members of the Court of • Reviiiion on the Howerd Municipal Drain by,iaw No. 910, the following motion wall /Mimed. Moved by Bream, seconded by johneton that there being new no appeals that. tbaitefteefitilent ES set oat by the by•leve be omilirmeti, and that the by. . law be reed 0 third time and Anany Mimed. Gerrie& • Wiled by John Drown, seconded by Fearer, that John W, Sandere • be appointed to run the grader for 1903 at 22 00 per day, end that the grader bo hired to anyone wanting the same at 01.60 per clay, and they to pay the Men ruuning it, wbo Is to be Mr. Sanders, Carried. • Moved by William Prager, eeconded by John Groot that the following mounts be pawl and ordere Wetted on the tress cuter for Seine. Carried. Jno, George Turuball culvert S. R. 1 oon, 2 $ 160 Neil MoNair salary as esseettor 100 00 George Dunlop oulvert, lot 28, con. 15 50 Juo. Sedated) poetage and stationery 16 00 Neil MoNaie, postage mad stationery 68 Jonathan Wright. fenoe oteRine'e bridge 0 75 D. Toole examination and milage, John Gaiter 5 00 William Meehan oolvert 0.. ft, 6 oon. 17 4 70 Peter Tarr clement tile Jot 10, con, 37 0 25 Peter Tarr, cement pipes, for lot 01, non. 12 7 00 Robert W. Livingeton tile and outlet lot 21, oon. 15,..•. 2 20 George Holley temporary oulvert, lot 80 an, 16 2 25 Damn Mo Taggart shovelling gravel in 1904 65 John McKay shovelling gravel In 1904 65 Moved, smoded and oarried that the council do now adjourn to meet at call of Reeve, Jens Sidemen, Clerk. DROPPED LLL OTHERS. "I dropped all linineents but Nerviline because I found Nerviline the quickest to relieve pain," writes E. S. Benton, of St. John's. "If aty children are creepy or siok, Nerviline cures thera. If a case of aver:ape or stomach aohe tame up, Nervi• line is ever ready. We nee Nerviline for neuralgia, rheurnatiem and all kinds of Mies and paha ; it'e as good as any dootor." The great Canadian remedy for the past fifty yeare has been Poison's Nerviline—nothing better made. THE FIELD OF SPORTS. Winsbam and Atwood played a tie game Friday night at the former place. The more WAS 1 all. Auraturier, a Frenohman, won the Bordenux Paris bioyole tabs at Paris, on Seuday, oovering 870 miles in 20 hours and 18 minutes. Clinton successfully defended the Hough Cap, defeating the Berlin High &boot by 4 to 0. Brown Jaokeon, of Seatorth, refereed. Seagram's Inferno ebowed great super. iority in Zing's Plate raoe last Saturday. He won the Feature rime in an easy (gal- lop, beating Will King by two lengths. Etalt Seas Over was third. The winner proved himself to be the beet provinoe• bred horse that has ever raoed at the Woodbine. Berlin, Provincial jouior champions, met with a rude jar at Freston Saturday afternoon when they were blanked by Preston in a junior W. F. A. League game. There was no scoring in the first half, but the Germans had eeveral close oalle, and it was only by the all star work of their good goalteoder that several well. planted ehote failed, Beruhardb and Woldridge each scored for Preston in the leen half and thug the match ended. The gome was clean and free from roughneee. Ale Teri:Q. Demise OP aoltn ROBB'S B0OTE1118.—The Kiroudbrightabire, (Scotland) Advertiser, of April 21st, gives the following partio• alms of the demise of William Robb, brother to John Robb, an old and well known resident of Morrie township :— The death of William Robb, Maine of Kenmore, New -Galloway, which took place on Friday morning, removes from our midst tom of the oldest farrnerein the Stewartry, and a gentleman who was well known and respected throughout the Sontleweet of Scotland. Mr. Robb, wbo was seventy years of age, was a native of Castle Douglas. At an early age he re• moved to New.Galioway, where for some considerable time he had the Cross Keye Hotel. He afterwarde became tenant of Mains of Kenmure, which be bad farm• ed eumeethIly for nearly thirty years. He was also proprietor of the farm of Over Arkland in the parish of Kelton, and leased the farm of Sam/field, on Greenlaw estate. Al one time be also teased the farm of Drumanieter. Mr. Robb was a ehrewd beelines man of characteristic industry, ie whiob latter respect he was an example to many. He had an extensive Mime connection in the oattle trade both in the Stewartry and Wigtownebire, and WAS a regular at- tender at the (tune Douglas market, where hie well-known figure will be muoh missed. Few had a better knowledge of Galloway oattle and blaoktateed stook than Mr. Robb, and bie servioes were moth in request in connection with valuations and the deliveries of hill stook. He interested himeelf in % quiet way in the airs of the community in which be lived, and at one time wee o member of the Town Oonnoil, A man of good (lora mon genes, great kindliness of heel% and a friend of the poor, his lose will be greatly felt in the Glenkene, where be was bald in much esteem. He was a Liberal in polities, but took imitative part in patinae( matters. Mr. Robb bad been in failing health for some months pre. vioue to his death. He ie ettreived by Mre. Robb and a grown up family of eix sone and six daughter°, Tbe funeral took place on Tueeday to Kens Church. yard and was one of the largest and most repregentative that has ever been seen in the distriat. A servioe was oonduoted at Maine of Keefe:tare by the Rev. Fide Kelle, and at the grave by Rev. Donald Macleod, Dalry. On Sunday forenoon the Rev. Pirie Philip, Kells, made referrinoe to the death of Mr. Robb in the following berme oannot close my remarks to day without referring to the very striking death that has %marred in our midst during tbe past week. Hap. pily, (1 18 but seldom that mole a thing mere amongst 00, ID the early lama of Friday morning one of the best known people in oar place, and one of the moat strongly Marked olutreotere, passed away from our small ciontrmintty, namely, Mr. Robb, Sluing of Xi:unsure. Mr. Robb had been long 111, and hie end did not oome as a surptioe, and those who wateh. ed his ilinese were glad at Iasi to see him at reel, Etie prolonged illness in this rasped somewhat resembled his life ; it was a hard and etrennons battle to the last, For nstloh More than 0126017 70400 Robb was one Of the moot Widely known and strongly marked paremeatitlee in our valley. Re was elanaliy known to rich and poor, and we a mall who NS, Hid have made hie mark anywhere end tu: lee any oirontustanoes. Re wee poestifoel of most irrepressible energy of body and miud, and went epeedily through an amount of work that would Lulea tr,em out moot ordinary men. He poese,ied likewise it very nominal amount ot narive reedy wit, shrewd bueinees feculty, ttud keen oommeneense. He wae indent % typieab Galloway man, with something of the ruggedneea of hie native hills 'nt wibb a very want and kindly heart. No one, es I have nation to know, heti a wanner corner in hie heart For any one in datioulky or distracts, and many ex• porieooed the benefit of his ready and practioal By. In pathy. Itba deperture iiCe a large blank in our ctietriot, and we ex. tend our very warmeet sympathy to bie sorrowing widow and fainily, tilllop. BETHEL FIELD DAY AND GARDEN PARTY.— Bethel cougregatien will hold a Ft Id Day and Garden Party on Wednesday, June 14tb on the gronude of John D in. dee, 12th Gun., MoKillop. Sparta will oonsiat of base ball at three o'olook, toot ball, foot races, tag of war, me, Sumter will be nerved from 5 to 8 p. m. Te.ent from Seitfotth, Walton, dto„ obortmes, solos, quartettee, etringed instromi tme, epeetthee, etc. will make tap the eveetag program. Rafreehments wit/ be ger ted in the evening. The proceeds wilt be need for the ereetion of fiberfill Mae. Ado:titmice) will be 15 :mete and adopt 25 ciente. Come early rain or shine and see the sporte. TOWNSHIP 009NOIL.—The Oounoil met at 0. White'e on Tneeday, May 16tb. All the members were present. Tene.re for the oonetruotion of the Barron thein will be received till next meeting, on the 29th of May. The petition from Weetey Beattie and others tor the tionstruoting and improving of the drain North of eloa• forth, was left over for further onsitter anon. The petition of Herbert Bell and others was also left over till next meet - lug. A committee of the Cionuty Cou..oil is requested to meet oommittees of the Grey and McKillop oonnoils, to devise ways and roseate for opening up boundary mad. A. committee of the Council is regoired to wait on R. S. Hays, re Oan. ata Company drain. Accounts to the amount of 0161 08 were pealed and ardor. ed to be paid. The °canon adj turned to meet tea ooert of revision, at Leadbney, on Monday, 29th day of May, at 10 o'clock a. m. M. Motors, Clerk. always Sick, Constantly Tired, Nerves on Edge, Appetite Poor, Slerp Dleturbed—You Need Ferrozone. "The benefit I derived from zene," writes Mr. Al. P. Whitehead f ona Moncton, "is really marvellooe. For .wo years I didn't have one day's freed n33 from nervous headaohe and pains in the book and side. I ooneulted doctor, bo lifontteal, but wasn't helped. I u ed Ferrozone, and am glad to say my ben th ie better to day than for many years I weigh ten pounds more and look and feel stronger. Femmes to the beet tonic I ever need," Dire. Duncan W. Dunham, of Fortified, W011002 "Last Winter I was attacked by neuralgia and was run down in health. I used all sorts at medicines, bat foo• d Ferrozone the beet. It brought bank my appetite and has made me etrong, so 1 at I don't expect to be bothered with neural. gia or weak opens again." The cures of Ferrozone are hutting, he cause it doee ite work thoroughly. It is a specific for all forme of akin ctiseiteee, kidney, liver and etomaoh trouble. It armee headache and laugnid feeling in a ahort time. Ferrozone °entente m 00 nonrishoaent and vitalizing properle than you onn get in any other way—in short, it assures health and mete but UM, for three weeks treatment, or six bolme far $2 50. At druegiets, or by mail ft he The Ferrozooe Oompany, Kingston, Out. Get a supply to day. Perth °Minty. D. M. Ferguson has returned home io Stratford after speeding a week fiebteg among the Mnekoka lakes, Fred. Diolienzie, who was gearantirted by the St. Marys Board of Health, shows no signs of having eontraoted the BELAU pox, He was permitted to leave hie late quarters. Jae. 0. Tufts, of Virden Men„ former. ly of Exeter, hae gone to England to metre his home with hie daughter in Yorkshire. Mr. Tofte was a resident of Eirkton for over thirty years. The price of meat he pee up in St. Marys, The butchers now °barge 17 omits a pound for the beet Blank, rou td steak 15 oents a ponnd, eitloin Mutts 15 oents n pound and other outs in prow - tion, The raise is from two to6 three oente a pound all &round. G. K. Matheson, owing to poor health has resigned hie position ae teak of the Division Court, 'Mitchell. For about 21 yeare Mr. Matheson bas held thie ofTme, discharging bie ditties with fairness and to the entire oatiefaotion of the publa. Jae. Dougherty, 11 10 reported, will tmo• oeed him. W. Forbes, formerly of North East• hope, eon of Dunoon Forbes of that town. ship, hag returned from Toronto to Brookville, where he ie a member of the Collegiate staff. He wag threatened with appendioitis and was it a Toronto hoepital, He recovered without an operation being necieseary. Among the militia changes gazetted are the following :-28th (Perth) Regiment —To be quartermaeter with honorrry rank of oaptain, Alexander Innysny Campbell ; to be nrovieional lieutenants William Hanley, York Berland, Willi ns Stamford Donaldson chaplain and bon. mete the Rev, DavireWIlliame retires Farmers tram the neighborhood of the Little Lakes report the presence to the large lake, North of the Sbakeepeerti road, of a large water anitaal, probably of the snake epebieo. It appestat that no 040 bas sten it on land, but during the past week it hes been seen at Varivall tionst swirntiling.O.bOttt in the lo,ke, Whit only its heed visible. It is dettorihed 110 having a head tiog.sheped and about the sante Hun As an ordinary dog's head. From what bat been seen d the body It eerms to be enake-obaped but bow long or 100.00 It oonld not be determined, Ito peewee is causing muoh alarm but it is under,tood that same effort will be made to destroy or 091 (00 it Dr. Qeo, Gibb, V. IL, Bt. Marys, hes been tonirtioted to nuroheee a milk tooter, and bas beau empowered to take eanspler: from any of the milk vendor') in town otme every month and to ehooee any time suitable to himself to make the test and 00 10018 1 thorough imprint ion of meat 11,1 he butober them sod e:(611111)8 elaughter llonaes, and milk vendors' oow stable% Private building improvements and the brioklayers, trade et Stratford are Buffer. bug through the shuttle= of bricks, There appears to be none on hand, 000 any forthcoming. The local yarde say none is obtainable from outside sonnies, Meantime many residences and other beilclinge are stopped for want of material to finish them. This state of things ie eerier's, as Ole proepeote for bnilding operations thio 000000 are ab- 4°Trmal The Board of Trade, Stratford, have elected the following officers for the enening year l—President, Wm. Preston Yen President, 0, MoIlbargy ; Secretary, James Steele ; Oounoil, D. M. Ferguson, Thos. Ballantyne, jun , E. T. Duftou, W. J, Mooney, Joseph Orr, 0, IlloIlhergy, J. 0, MoOrimmon, Wm. Illeynard, L W. Steinbeff, Mayor Ferguson and Joseph Meyere, Auditor, Gto, MoKey. At the ohm° of the organization a banquet was held. Amongst other topioe discussed was that of public) ownership of telephone and telegraph Beryline., acid a re. sointion to that effect wits gener• ally favored by the Med but was not pat to a vote until further disouesed. Oa it adieu .N e V1010. Orillin ratepayers voted a bonus of $90,000 to the James Bay railway. The new Nurees' Home St London waft formally handed over to the Hospital Trust. Mackerel have etruok in on the Nova Bootie, met, and the fishermen are acolyte James MoOlnekie was nooidentally kit. led at Sault Ste. Marie while working on a dredge. John 11. MoIntee, of Lomb, ape 88 yeare, was killed on the railway :tear St. Oftthariees• The Senate of the University of To. ronto will confer the degree of L. L. B. upon Earl Grey, Leo Andreae, a Kingston (tenet(); is being taken to Port Arthur to facie a charge of murder. Jeeee Heathery's four-year old oon fed a barber's pole over upon himself et Anrora, reoeiving fatal injuriee. Willians Plant, a G. T. R. employee, wee killed near Hyde Park by being struck with the handle of a leftudear. The Railway Oommissionere have ie. seed an order fixing the maximum rate for cattle ehipped from Ontario pollute. Toronto oapitaliete are interested in a company who prepoite to extraot alcohol from esevdnet. Mee. Barlow, of Flamboroe is dead from injuries reoeived by her oloibing catching firs. 0. Theoret, pnblither of La Revue Le- gate, ebot himself through the head with a revolver at his looms in Wean:nom; A fugitive named 'Tbevenet, who is wanted by the French Government has been arrested at Wi nnipeg. Thevenot le fighting extradition. The steamer Badger State, used ae a floating poolroem by Detroit sports who bet on the ranee ie moored on the Cana. dian side of the river above Belle Lle. Hamilton Reepital °evermore tit aided to aelt fey the resignation if the ateward, W. 13. (Nide, and the housekeeper, Mrs. Buchanan, For ;tome time there has been miarreting hetheeu !beim WO and the nursing eii ff. The break In the \Volland Oanal hau been repaired end looking resumed There. day afternoou, Uhariemeguo Lander, AL P. e brother ot Bir VViitred Lenriet, is report. ed to be seriously ill at hie Inane le St. ;, Goaling, manager of the Toronto e branub, 06 012 Rank of Hamilton, hag 1 reuigned Ialyert being appointed to summed lini 0. D. 13ell, who Me for the set two yeare been Superintendent of the Elope favtory at Berlie, 0.1., at it salary of $5,400 a year, baa resigned. A large number of meet of trachoma are reported among the peepengers of Atbenia, at Montreal and eaveral of the immigrants will be deported, Hon. J. AL Gibson, of Hamilton, hae berm ordered by hie phyaiailin to rest for a few daye. Hie indispositiott is said to be due to overwork while not in very good bealtb. The Neibergall stave mill at Staples was wreaked by a boiler explosion, and Ralph Welsh was killed. Engineer Robt. Maher may be fatally injured, and ease oral other employees received lege serious hurts. The exesutore of the David A. Weddell intent, Benjamin Fairbairn and R. Belfry, of Eng Gwillienbury, have in• greeted their solicitor to press oriminal proceedings against T. H, Lloyd, of New' market. Lloyd has assigned for the Mine. fit of hie oreditors. IJiOflate Notice to Creditors, to the matter of the estate of Adam Beaker, late of the Townehip of Grey, in the County of Huron, Stonemason, Deceased. Notate is hereby giveu,pursuitut to Revis- ed Statutes of Ontario, 1807, Chap. 129, See, SS, that all creditors and others having any claima against the estateor the Bain Adam Bucker, Stonemason, who died on or about the 1011, clay of October, A. D. 1904, are re. quired, on or before the 7111 day of juno,1900, to send by poet, prepaid, or deliver to H. J. 0. Cooke, 00 110 Village of ffeasall, in the County of Huron, Solicitor for the Adrai. istratrix, their christtan and sUrDantell, addressee and deseriptious, the f1211 Portia - U1,41'0 01 their claims, the statement of their neeOunts and tiae nature of the securities (0 1111) bald ly them. And untie° is further given that after the said loot mentioned date the said Adroints tratio will emceed to distribute the sahebs of the deceased amongst the parties entitled 01.1.treto, having regard ouly to the claims of witioli she shall then bawl notice and that the said Administratrix win not be liable for the flatlets or any port thereof, to amy 2er80n or persona of whose olaims notice shall not have been received by her at the time of ouch dietribution. Dated the 18111clay of May,1006 H. J. D. COOKE1/01113. 96-8 Solieitor for AclministratrIx. REAL ESTATE, :paw FOR SALE.—OROIOID 60 acre farm for eme, !ming South half Lobe, con. 7, Gay, Mostly seeded down and well =enured. Good bank barn and oomfortable house. Close to school and 04 nlile8 from Cremate. 6 Rotes 01 112 wheat in. Apply to 1, 0. TUCK, Brunets, 80 -ti RARM FOR SALE.—TIIR dersigued offers her 700 aero farm, be- teg Lot 20, Con. 7, Groy, for sale. There is a comfortable house, bank barn, or- chard, we lis,&o. Vertu 10 001)' 9 tune from th. thriving village of Ethel, Pot. further Particulars as to pri0e, tenne, dm, apply to MRS, Kant HOLLAND, 73 Shut= street, Walnut°. ClOOD FARM FOR SLE,_ 0,,,3 The undersigned offer for sale bis !turn I being 1011 Con. 38, Grey. It le eft. tuned on the Gravel road, 2 miles South of Brussel e and mu tains leo mares of good lud, alt cleared 11 12 mores. There is a first Wale brick bouse and kitobeu, heated with furnace, wood shed, artesian well with windmill end water la pumped to barn. Barn is 3(1008 feet 1,,113 stone stables. Bay ham 00:00 feet Good 'orchard, farm well !creed ; pleasantly situateuWill be sold or easy termp s. Apply on eemiees or Brun. 801a P. 0., hitsBAS C1(I011, 16.tr WHERE DISEASE GERIS BREED, No Need to Fear "Germs" The ideal breeding place fur disease germe is a weak stomach and digestive syatem. The food instead of being afitlitil Hated, turns into a sour, elimy, fermenting 10(0 0, taunting gam, distress After eating, bloating, nausea and flatnlenoy. The poieonoue germs that are given off from this undigested food enter the blood, and pimplee, boils, and blotched skin ie the result. Nervousness and eleepleeenese ooine mare often from weakened digest. ion than from afiy other one canoe. Rheumatism and gout are direutly ed by an acid condition of the stomach. No ordinary food digestive ean give Meting relief, L. is absointely neeeseary, it one wishes to be well, to 000 Mi•o.na, the only known remedy that /soothes and ••••11•111. if the Stomach Be Healthy. heels the mums membrane of t be etrenaole and digestive traot, stimulates the solar•plexua, and at rengthene the nervea of the stomach, This remarkable remedy puts the whole digestive system eo healthy, olean sad sweet a etate that fermentation of the food oanoot exieb, any chemise germs in the stomach will be destroyed, and all food will b. So well assimilated that a rapid and healthy Moreton in Weight will cmilltly reen't, Itii o na is 1 a guaranteed time for all dieeaeee of the etotnaeb, empting cancer, a paarantee being kitten by James Fax with every paokave he Belle, agreeing to rebind the money should tbe remedy not give perfect satisfaction. Now for the Wool Season 01•41•MMI.1.111=1{1 The undersigned is prepared to pay the HIGH- EST PRICE, in Cash or Trade, for all the Wool grown in this locality. Blankets, Sheetings and Yarns naanufaetured in our own mill, positively Pure Wool. Tweeds, Flannels, Worsteds, &c., procured from the best Factories in Canada. These goods will be GUARANTEED to be exactly as represented. Here to do business probably for the balance of our active life /IC an HONEEIT, STRAIGHTFORWARD TRADE Is ova Ana and every pains will be taken to please our Oustomers. Custom Roll Carding attended to promptly. 'etch your Wool to Brussels Factory and thereby prove the correctness of what we say. J. T. WOOD EXCELSIOR KNITTING MILLS, BRUSSELS piramasokomairet favailaremismoomsnartemsomoslIMIONNIMill Fre d ilothix & 1111}141 ..weeetiottemewateneareeweitee-mereetterwowneeemattee.,.. Messrs. Dodds 86 Ilabkirk thank the Public for the pat- ronage extended since open- ing our shop in the Stretton Block, Brussels, We keep a new, well select- ed stock of goods and attencl to the manufacture of the same in ft Fashionable and Workmanlike manner. High Class Tailoring our Specialty Satisfaction assured to all our Customers. We give ear personal supervision to all departments of our business. Give us a Trial Order. At naauooe at Ottawa the Opposition decided to vigorously contest the bye. Mt:miens iu London and North Oxford. Sarnia be hopeful of seouriug the ten million dollar ideal plant whiob the thaited States Steel Corporation is to looate at some point in Canada. Wilk NC Tv' r1;1 A. Local Salsennua for BRUSSELS and surrounding territory to represent “0411823813 GREATZST NURSIMISIS," Newest varieties and epeotalties in Hardy Fruits, Small Fruits, Bbrube, Ornament ale and ROSS6, A permanent situation and territory reserved for the right num Pay weekly, handsome outfit free, Write for particulars, and send 25 cents for our pocket mierosoope, just the thing to use examining trees and plants for intimate. Stone & Wellington PONTHILL M1110l1001160 over 800 acres TORONTO, - ONTARIO romocoomooftemomdmr.o..5.........5.5.5 eeet, ALLAN LINE. LIVERPOOL mid LONDONDERRY Royal fail Steamers From Nottirant 800111 Quebec Tunisian Taus 2,3 1.00. Jute 2,0 p,m Victorian -.Jona 9,011,m. 3,08 0, Opm Bavarian ,Tune 10, 3 a.m. Jo ue 10, 2 p,,1 Virginian Stun 18,8 ton. June 23, 0»un RATES OP PASSAGE) Pirat 00111, $76 and upwards ; Sainted Oulnu, Liverpool und Londonderry, 092.60 and upwards ; Third Olaaa, 027.00 and 828.76 to Liverpool, Derry, itulfast, Glasgow and London, Montreal 00 Clasuott, Direct. mongolian Wee, Juno 703. (daylight) New Porn to Glasgow Parisian Than, June 8, 2 pati illontreat to Lonoon and minvro Sarcliolau Juno 101 oarmatian....„June 24 ffor further pu,rtionlars apply to W. H. IKERR, Agent, Brunel& 4••••••01141ramposiTONOMINIMinal• ,1•••••011,•111. CIA 612 0) 612 Our Spring Stock of Wall Papers is to hand and it is a choice lot and well worth inspect- ing. SPECIAL BARGAINS will be given in small roll lots carried over from last year, some of thein as low as 3o. per roll. READY MIXED PAINTS kept in stock and will be sold in quantities to suit purchasers, Shop in &aide's illoelto next to Metropolitan Bank eQr