The Brussels Post, 1905-6-1, Page 3+Al
Ruinous to Business Habits and Opposed
to the Spirit of Modern Industry.
A. despatch front lIrcoli lyl) 1, Y.
Ray 8: Inty. Dr. Newoll Dwight 111111
prom hod from Hut following suIrjoel.
Boohoo/ling and gaintliog at Hi
natsesi do/resent an economic folly.
Tho /rooting of ths) rue
trot& anti tho aerosol imidtat, there
to hat's, brought to loony poop]
horeabout a sudden rovelation of th
growth of .tho gambling spigit In out
yoling Moll. 'rho cmality ui th
lln 11 1111 I1 Woolen toll ow ino 111n race
is the gliality Holt ustuall(' 1)4 fousa
whermer gamIrling and 1.100 aro pro
valont. 1 In Hos highways loading it
the Pelmont race trook tote tho onto
mobiles of worthloss and fast
rich and Hut curs crowded with tho
wort/shoo nod fast poor.
Our city lto.litclea two closoos of
181.111811.0:4. Theo, are Ho, idle rich,
oupportsof by their father& wottlth
‘1110 go overywhero stroking flesh-
ly excitotnent. Thon there ore tho
Misr poor, who are parasites. and
'Mose olso live on 'what, 111 (('('8 had)
produced, The 111111 rich aro filo Par-
t iciao roupers; the idle poor aro tho
plehian paupors.
'1 he races aro also followod by a
tided kind of parasite, natooly - the
mon anel womom who got thoir
by boding the passions of their fel-
lows -evil pevsons of both soxes,
drunkardsnalcors, gamblers, with all
w ho ite'ong to
, What 18 1110re important, they
s (111( 1.0 manhood. Weal I It 11111.1, is
i'li.ilil 1,V ilroducvd slipportH the Worl.-
ar. but 11100 1410(8 111111 solf-rollance,
i1111lI0'l l', 00111'o411 and tho Immo. of
st Mance.
- Pint gambling dioceses, (Ito whole
economy of 11 it'. The gambit))) is
ir supported by thv productive industry
• of (Alloys, and this paupsvizoss him.
11 'I1i wont/lies ploasurs, is at the fek-
s lions, of anothor's pstin. 1)rutal-
I !Joss him, '1110 gambler gels" without
- Ai, insf, s..t.ting asido the law of fair
toochonsm, anti I li 8 1111.1.108 111111
- this!, Physielaus tell us that thoro
ors' certain skin diseases in 10111011
I he "1111113)0011 of Parasilf'S givo ths)
sassit ion of bodily gratification, and
tho soltiolar sei•en111:4 With hollow
lituglitor, occasional by the writh-
ings of !hone parasites upon th
norvos." Sc, tho pleasttres of grout,
But there aro also the curiosity
soolicr and the youog men, clerks; and
oninloyes out In search of a good
time, 1.11eso 000 there 10 110 fleeced.
Oct tho rad) track they make (noir
float beto and lose or, what is much
WOrSe, wilt Afterward the closeout
is rosy.
And airy:say the Harvest of tho rave
track gambling is coining in. News-
paper /nen find it in the 1(11' ('0080 of
storips of crimo; the jodges find it in
the doubling of tho numbor of cases
to be trial; the public notices it in
tho increase of defalcations, em-
bozolonients, suicides:, ano of the
wisest, oldest and most experiencod
of oire poltro commissioners remark -
on a, clajz or two also that on Satur-
day afternoon nest the pick of all
New York's criminals, thieves and
gamblers would be assembled in the
13elmont racing park, and that if they
could be coOralled there 011c1 heist per-
manently, ov some trap -floor sprung
and all be let down into hell that
the polico court judges in Now York
could take a vacatioo for tho next
Tim words of this conunissioner
make us paose. A fter 1'(int-1111.14 t he
accounts of the cozelono in 01(111.11,1111a,
wo most all deoply rogret tliat tor-
nadoos are not under tho personal
control of this commisMoner. It
stems unfortunate that 1 hey wanclor
so ainth,ssly through a good farming
community when they might work so
olTectiyily under the stern guidance
of a rough and grizziod pollee com-
missioner. Polio literoturo,
over, encourages hut thought that
society has inucli to hop o for- from
somo indoor juxtaposition of a cy-
clone and the. race track,
Gambling on the race track is 1111-
An10010011, is ruinous to business
habits anti 18 opposod to the wholo
spirit ot modoon industro. Ono of
life's groat teachers is tho necessity
Work gives culture 1111d a business
0r11010 develops chnracter. The
worluonn who makes a door, the om-
lloye who weaves a yard of good
cloth, the youth who makes an 110(1"
0111 tool incidoritally gets their living,
111114 are 1110111.01, disease& unnatural
and &atrocity°. Thersifore the mato
0111111 ti protect the 0111111100 against.
111110s,1 1. It piinIshes the
striciflo root murderer, and it sh 11114
punish 1110 gontlemait race proatotera
(old bookmakers. What is morally
wrong cantlet ho polltically
Bookmaking and gambling at 1 110
races ropresunit an economic. folly.
Ifcre We inItst listen 10 tho judges of
our courts, 'rhoso juvists are couick
to discern the relation between tho
race track and the dootrueLioa of
our young num. They tell us that
our clerics aud employes, who begin
with I:oiling on tho races, bring lip,
8011(011(1.0)4 Within a few clays or
weeks, iti tho courts. What indus-
trial waste is this? l'hink of what
il moans to have a hundred young
men. go wrong
aVerage inan produces $7.50 a
year, represonting a mechanist's.
W01'11 8.15,000 that at 5 pot* cent
brings in $750. That is, each young
man represonts a locomotivo that
costs 815,000, drawing the traina of
007111110re0, or a 111111 coast steamer,
or a house, each bringing in, 13750 a
year to the ownor. Suppose, then,
on the last day of tho Belmout races
the owner and his gontlomen friends
should go on to one side and burn
clown One 11Undrel1 1101.1805 costing
$1.5,000 each, all going ur in smoke
altd fire. And supposing tho gentle
mon owners down at Sheepshead Bay
or at Morris Park, at tho end of
thelr month, secure a hundred $15,-
000 locomotives and have a Innuired
coDissions for the doloctation of the
it is n11 in perfect logical keeping
with the type of 011014 that dodoes
its ploasure, not from music or wise
history, or cs great novel or a noblo
oration, or a high drama, of health-
ful outdoor sports and amusoments,
but lather derives its pleasure 110/11
sitting three hours to sot, whether
four bay legs or four sorrel legs
reach a given point first to settle a
wagor on Mindy odds. Viewed /In
an exhibit in horses' legs, tho Belmont
MCC'S 000 highly successfud. Thinking
of the temptations of young men and
women and their arrival at that goal
named :Disgrace, moaning the polico
court, theft, punishment, the opening
of UM racing season intist 'be clasSod
In the same category with) the out-
break of the Imboolli plague in Ha-
vana, the rieWS Of the smallpox in
the dynamite tragedy in
HarriSburg and the cyciono in Okla',
homa. "Woo unto him who shall
olfend ono of these little ones! Tt is
hotter for him tha1 a millstone were
hanged about his neck and ho were
cast 'into the sea.
Lesson X, The :Resurrection. Gol-
den Text I. Cor. 15.20.
Note-Theso Word Studies Tor this
lesson are bastod on the text of the
Rovisea Version,
Events Intervoning.-The body of
;Jesus Wall taken from tho cross be-
fore sunset of tho day of cruoifixion,
and ' soils &livered by tho Roman
authorities to Josoph of Mimi/then,
a, wealthy and leartiod counselov of
the Jews and secrot disciplo of Jesnis
Id' burial, With tho assistanco of
Nicodemos, "110 who at first s01110 to
him 11,31 night," who contributed rare
spices and ointments in lavish abtin.-.
dance, the body Wa8 carefully em-
balmed anti plaeod in a trewly pre-
pared rock -hewn tomb belonging to
Joseph (iTehti 10. 8842; Mott, 27.
57, f.; Mark 15. 42, 1.; Luke 28, 50,
f.). At the suggestion of "tho
Jews Pilate orderod 111111 a squad
of soldlors bo placed on guard at th
grave lest the body of Jesus bo
take11 away by the cliscipleo and the
claim bo made by thom that 1111 had
riSell from tho demi otott. 27, (12,
r.). Tne nvxt 000015 mentioned by
any of the odurgelistsf nre those of
the resurrection morning. The flrst
of Olean WitS, or cottrse, the resurrec-
tion itself, which wits twosomes:id by
the angel of the 5,11111 as already at-
eomplished just after tho grea1 on/Oh-
quake and tho rolling away of the
610110 from the door of the sepulcher
(441att, 28 1-10). Overwhelmed with
horror by Cho supornattiral phonon). -
era, tho guards Were firld prOStrated
With fear and later fled io the city
ond reported what they had 80011 01111
beard to On Jewish authoititiosi, who
bribed them to spread a falso roport
011011 tho dlatippearonco of tho body
of josus faom the tooth and to keep
Silence (4011(4(01(1 11(( the ovonts )vhieit
actually tild take place (lItatt. 28,
Verse 11. Mary -Mary Magdaleim,
from whom Josus had driven out
"soven clon/0115" (Mark 1(1.9), She is
first mentioned in gospel nar-
rative togothor with certain other
woolen who woro "minister-
ing to Jesus of thoir substnnee"
(Luko 8.2). Her devotion and loyal.
ty to 'Testis are attested 'by the part
she played 111 the scene at tho cross
(lulto 28 11,9, 55; Matt, 27, (31;
Mark' 15, 47) and subsoquently (Luke
24, joint 20). That Jesus first ap-
peared onto her all hiss 008111'1'00"
lion (Mark 16. 9) cannot haVe been
by riceident,
Without at tho tomb-Potor had
just, a minutes 1101011' entered tho
Lomb (vorso 6), which was doubtloss
hewn, 08,10115 customary, in tho side
of a Tow Ilmest000 cliff or hill with
0 low opening on the side through
whioh by stooping a person might
miter, Onco insido, it was possiblir
to again stand eruct beside the hor-
izontal niche or niches intended for
the r01110.11.1S of the (load.
12, Two angels iv white -Phis is
the only pineo in john's narrative of
the rinSIIITCC ti 011 Where angels arcs
montloned (1)1i1 comp. 1, 51; 32. 20).
01115 special vision of ihe angels wns
for Mary only; the mon, Jolla and
PoLor, had appareutly not soon_ them,
though doubtless thoy %logo the eame
messengers "in dazzling cOnntrol"
Intuitional in Luke 24, 4. Matthow
(28, 2.8) and Mark (16, 5.85 mon-
11011 Only 0110 angel, 01111 11100 haVO ,
been the spokesman, and possibly in 'a,
other respocts also thy more
trent of tiro Iwo 01101111 0(11'd by Luke 'a
rind John, 01
thinks that pc-m(1)1y it may ha\
been Um gardener (verse 15).
15, Whom sootiest thou- No
"What seektost Ultra?" 118 110 gardoi
er might have inquired. Note tha
Mary horoolf flood' refers 10 ill
body of .1 ('(11(8 as soch; with hor I
is only "Lhe Lord," and yot, orov
porsomil, "iny Lord." Silo, has no
yot brought herself to thittli of hit
08 dead, and to hor Oto 114,s1o01 form i
atilt liblisolf. This Mato 1 1 mirul o
Iwo part Is Ott point of contrao
from which J(11311H gen 1,0 1011118 1111
IntIlk to n 01,00/01l 11 1011 01 himself, he
living Lord,
'Ph() gartioner-,Tho tomb Wit
ot hots was in a garden, Jost, tut
modern (10(5(1'! ('1')' is; a garslon opot
caroftilly tonclod and Pit for. 'Ph
garclotior was; Of, ono perHon Wilon
slur might oxpect to meet thovo 11.
that. early hour,
1(1. 111a1y-1 low Innen of 1 0111100110S
gontlo reproach, authority, mu
comfort. may not the Master hav
put bolo this one word!
Slur turnot h hersol f -No 1 hayin
walt(ol for t.he gardotior's (ass sh
suPPose(I) allswor, shy had turnos
agalo toward 111E, tonib, 1081 one
more grioll, 1011.110(11110011114 cough
tho significanco of tho quest
111111, ''Whom sooloat thou?" But a
thy speaking) or her nsons, she turns
again in sodden rocogoillon to LIM
10110 had athlrossod hor. )
Rebhan -4(1IHui I.TehreW literally
Iry Mttstor, 0, tn el of adthoss US
by pupils in speaking to thon, teas
Which is to say, Teacher -Tho fa
that I1Tary at this 1)10/11e111 used ju
this oxpressicm elld :4p0100 in Hobos
throws a flood of light on the whir
N�i' just 011(1 11(01110(11 111
J °sus, 1100 bol 1)0(1(1 teacher and frion
whom she had found again.
17. Touch me not -Jesus bad n
returned to /do to relleW the o
familiar f1( (104811111 with 1118 (118C10
011. earth. 1118 ascension WWI 10 1
augural() a. 11010 followship, spir
tun] union, between himself and 11
disciples, Immo this warning con
mond to Mary. Tho yorb here us
imptIes in tho ()reek a cllnging to.
My brethren -Emphasizing the fe
lowship and ()noncom of Christ wi
his disciples which is to continue.
My Pathos) and your Father
A likeness with a clifferetice. Jost
nowhere Identifies tho sonship of b
lievers svith his own.
My Cod -Tho rison and glorille
Saviour is still perfoct man (comp
Rev.' 8. 12). This truth is; potato
out by both 4Paul. aad Peter, wh
speak of "tho 'God and Father of ot
Lord ,Tesus ()twist" (comp, Eph. 3.
8; 1 liet. 1. 3, and other passages)
19. The first day of the week
1000111 this time forward obsorvocl
ChristianS as a slay of worship an
Christia.n. fellowship in conanomova
Hon of the resurrection of Jesu
from the dead on that day. At first
however, the Sottish Sabbath wa
not on this account disregnrcled. 'Ph
completo substitution c,f the forme
day for tho latter came about grad
In thy, midst -An expression retain-
ed by tho Revised Version with some
lexicographical au th ori y t1101101 not
approved of by many of the best
writors; of English.
22. Breathed 011 -thom-A symbolic
action signifying the imparting to
thom of his owu Spirit (00110). Ezek,
87. 5),
Tho 1Ioly Spirit -The article is
wanting in the originn,l, signifyiog
that the gift was "not that of tho
personal Holy Spirit, but rather on
earnost of that gut; an ern/Sion of
tho Solon."
23, Whose soever shis ye -All those
present, apostles and othors alike,
0110 apostle at least Wall absent, end
Mimes not apostles Were 10.:3140l11;
hence, whatevor Um power conferred
by Christ at this time, boliovors
alike share that powor. There is no
warrant in Scripture for limiting it
to the clorgy.
Poogivo retain -*As messongers
of the gospel thoy Foto to moonlit/1
forgiveneas of sins in
Christ, ancl at the same time all -
1101.100 the terms of forgiveness. This
passage must, not. be isolated fir
purposes of interprotation from the
other great Now 'Pesti/moot pa.ssogos
bearing upon the forgiveness , 84os,
0++344'++11•1410041.4.04444/144 ing hardened, the spaeo so treated
J„, was sitaindi and given a vont of 14.03'-
,4 111.11 Iloor-wrix, and t u oodwork in
the rooln Watt Vart11811,41. in this
room rugs wors, usiol for llottroover.
ein tho sante pawnor, 0Xeopt
4 illg. /111 the Other ro0108 Were
4 1110. 1110 craek-filliug told goor-lioish
ejs es:horded only Missal 1001,8 from the
111111 C011111:011 pitt ly was 184011
t7.444"1444'44,' for filling. "1110 edges of the CartletS
Wert) nut ort, lerivina about twolve
SEASON A 131,10, COO NEILY. invites cyf tho finIshod floor exposed
1 Strawfusrov t-thorlealsts-3fOl.;;, th, 01) all sides of the room. Ths, sue -
1.101.1g11 08 118110. 4081.00/1 of /,,lling re88 of tho °bort iti pr000n la the
out and playing On flat 1 in 1 to luttic, fact that 1Ia8 y'car 1,01 11 1(8111' Of a
o roll 111111 11(011 tut out with 11 large -0110th was round,
i he llieloorologleal ()/1150 familial
$pear), the Great Explorer, Says
Honkey Haltes An Excellent
If one may be guided by those who
have tried strange &slips there is 11
W11•10 runge of appetizing food of
av1110/1 few of us -happily, it moy bo
1 1100gb1.-havo slay 1,110tvlosIgo. Not,
long ogo a Porision oportsioan soot
to Algiors for a forequarter of Don
Direction of the Neteorogical Ob^,
servatory Tolls How It Is
In a paper ree0ntly read bongo the
Canadian. 1118111 Me, Pirect or IL F.
Stupart, of the Meteorological 'Obsor-
vaLory, T01.01110, gaVe all interesting
account of tho work of the weather
fora:aster. ils) said:-
sloo Ins,c111 colter or coffee cup,
I 11)1;541,1TO 11,1) r‘IT,-1, ltoW/1 int the OhtierVatory, in rl'oro
P11011111' ono 00 tillotli,n• and hot ler- moat cm/sista! of ton colirs,8, ill to, is undo, tno 1.)010111.1„0 4)opori,
W1111 Which to rogale his frisools. The o
t oaks's. Al.hen (16110, 110,00 the 1,101,01 pail thaw 0, Circle of chalk ((('(1 '((("1 ing 1)01)voen yon would Or ) taros, koep anis 111811 nny dish oa ;;11't11•11,3:, NT,I18,43,1,11,,,hii:0,111.111abiOpa'ikiitit)tg11 Linelt11,111,0fce.A11Ittil.ruilleoltItizelet1 for 1110 whao
I igl 1 I I y crushe.11 and Filly:Wed, p1111 41, 1111,1 10010 11011 8011p to roast. leg of of cionada. hocorils from 1Wery st
11011 ill t'anot111. aro forw,teded th
apar . tho 11 He cakes, la;,,, ing th' Dn. n,os,- be rOnlovetl 1001,1 oithor
lowor holvos 011 a 111l' '1', bottor and hands or clot/1111g b.,, rubbing well a g'''''" ru.00 il.
111111,,,TcrY courso sins enloyet1 Will]
opet (3(8.
i ill,,F0 sloys of pato-
cover ;with ill» atrawborries, thon pot with lord, thon wasliing thoroughly l',r1,`,11,1,, Tote t,„1,03d, ito,,kisod .„,.„,is a
g 11,10,a 1„,,lies on tho tops 0 3111' ealt08 /1' the sent of o corm -bottom chair 11,,,,.,, w,s, few 0,11-4,1-1hc.-wny &sliest. iii, loo, et • '.1* • 1 , 1 ' i
on 1111) lop parts. Lay 50101) of thsr with 8,„11, sod (woos,.
, connoissour of estriorge foods, and
0 and sprinkle wItli
dos 1.1 141(11 he had not sounded Lit ono LiSr111(iiir-e1c,; ;;.(slispti(t'I'sci'l'i'le(1to1st1110,3 '1.8ipl
ougar, nOtipirsol sags, slainpon scith colcl waist), thien
Wilco; 101-000 100 eiery porton' of
tho count ry, es:chi:dd. of British Col-
umbia, are issausl horofoom, and all
observors ore motor Om control of
1 croons poured over nod, Intftwo :wry- oot it in the sum.,11ine mail dry.
e big inakom a hatoloonso adoltion to To set 1 1,11 color 1,1 111,,,, ‘0,,41.,, ot.,,.. _. , _ _ . .
goods, soak for I wo hours in two (lino or another, front rat 1 0 rbin- dm Minister of Marine and his 1463
- Fish Chowsil T --Fry a few slices of 'Amon.; of ivat,..v In which one ounce
t looks nod lasts).
or had lias 111 11 lo thcs boa ('11(1 111(1,11 Whiell he 11 311
gat,: the puha, howe‘el, ty (tt, 1)1 1„wa.
Tit TN.D1 1 1..'IS OP STATION'S.
1 salt pork in a (lisp 11(1 11> dteinovt, tho of stoop dis4olved. Oared, if skilfully cooksol, wits to -tatty
alnwo (11.0 300 stations who)
1,113 1101 to 1110 :finest veal, whir& It,
pork and pill. ill Sneed potnto in al- For istiopto, lilac's, ami 10.Vetiii,I. 118e rosonihko in opti1,01.tti„., 101111 soy„,,, no4ostrologIcal obsorvationFi ar
Elephant is, by tile. collo/Ion consent. 10001. lis the Inajurity of instance
ideal fiord.
of those who novo tried it, not an
(1:11';:',1y011')711,111,:gJolitss who talse an intoi
perforated gratult
"1 havo tasted elephant
e,41, in such work, and who have bee
over and 0000 maim" Captain Lind -
1 ternate laysgs with slires of end in
haddock, each layer to tm Rork/tiled
with flour 111111 perpor. Poor in boil -
two tahlospooltfuls of Villcgar to win
Cplart E,f 1111 1.0r. Slarril black Wash
1110 01'0118 ill 1111111, to Which rt. litho
ed ing water 01101101 to cover, end klY. Maim; hao Irso)n aside& ..O 111 tie n
(11.- a fow crackers on -the 1.011] coy" (meth; add in the rinstng (ditto)
purple and gi.,,y. e-,.'1.1,101 lue.:., an A floral' travollor arid 1,1g- S111,1114141 With
et elosidy, cook forty Ininia,,s, ono pour astiie many of tho done:Its) tints, count.' shooter, has slid. "IL is mod. moms by the Government; but at
tho Ilel'OSSUry install -
a lit a. cupful of mill: bofore t nisi no up. , sod, os woo.
'Marl& haul Chowder -Fry 8,wt,r11.1 sot red uso ono pint of salt 1s, four tory observalions cannot bo ohtain-
001110 outlying fa at loos, where vol (111-
slicers of pork, cool broali up a 1411/ (1 g II . r SOFT LEATHER AND 01.U11
gf a 11 1 t 10S 5,1 0 allowed.
tits, 100111117i 1111.,)ackii.)ac(1),114stlaiendpohta•kiettilftl, (11any. sok for an listill'. Paint sp01 8 may pnatte,
I.° 1101.11 crackers; cut fine four or In's, nion, 1„ „ash' o.: oii(,1,1i, o‘fvo.,o1Tt?.,1,`,..'s so0,11
b r rinov r 1 '1' . . o - than 0 21), thLng 01 Se I c)1,11 e.:-)mpare It. ‘ ' mua
with. But, mot the but is on- .. .4
At 1 .45 the, weather mop is usually
ot Ions, thon lay 111 1 1 11
oast soots of flab-- In ;
onot and spirits of turps "baked elophant's foot is fit
toady for the forecast official to is-,
Sat oral 0 the spot 1 wo or 11111 in."'
.11,1 for a Iii110"
sU e bulletins. AS all example of his
Id cot] is; preferred -and cover with tiro "I, 1„111.00 had many an excellont
, .. ct I .1 0101,111111, -. wIll suppose that there
times, then wash out With Solite plilL::; 0g1I?e(aht °0's. p'110%)!,In''::.:110c11111.1"el),°*0''sPel°d%.1.11. 0'1112 1'1an ara'a." or low Presoure 01.01 lb°
03 rent of the 11(11.1 01' and 0111011; season
n_ With salt and popper, and cover with soap stuls. To removo stains of mil- jayed anything'. more in a lifetime of Stan, of Nebraska at 8 aao. on a
I_ toiling water, Cook Wooly an. hour. A
',OW I r 01, 1110n140 of soap and chalk variod gastronomic eoporionoes, 1 certain dc1.31; the Previous morning- ...i-
fs Strawberry or LiaSplierry Jelly - Upon the stain, then place the gar- 001 compare it With nothing so much twenty-four hours earlier -it 11.0.5 W
1., Neither strawberries or red rasplier- 1110111 Where the bright sunshine. will as rabbit, which it suggests in flavor over lOtah, and has since increased .
oil ries give a jelly that is firm enough fall directly upon it. It may be -only to say this is certainly flatter- in energy. Now it is obvious that
.i.. of the 1001(1, but by tooling 0110 part. chalk more than once.
to retain its shape wham turned out noesissar-
y to apply • the soap and ing to any rabbit I have evor hist -
the samo course and with the soma
if this arta conthows 1.o move in.
th of red C1.1001111t Pie° 10 two parts of A loaf of bread which has become Outalt1.7 shot and 001°1
ed." Henry Hinde, who had. fro -
jaguar in volocity, it will pass across tho ,
- and retain ita :distinctive flavor.
either Vilriety, it will mould well 1 I
when, fveoh baked by plunging. it into
t,r.cti Call 110 made nearly as, 000 as SOlIth Alnel•ice, 30000111100d it a de- great lakeS; but the forecast official
ovon for a few minutes. lirious food, at least "as appetizing assumes no such thing -its previous '
course and rate of travel are simply
is Strawberries require a poinul of cold water, then
0- sugar to a pint of juice, but three -
Into a solution of gum arable stir I°
placing in a hot as veal and liko it in taste"; and
fourth's of a pound 1:3 SllinCient for
plaster of pads 1111 111 tho mixture as- 05
the hyena was declared by Mr, two important factors to be con -
rands IL Howson, an American. shlered in his diagnosis of the caso;
he does not assume eithOr that it
cl raspberries.
, Canning. Strawberries.-11Take a stones tho consistency of crosuu; up- "quite palatable if woll cooked;
will continue in the same course, or
d syrup of two and one-half cups of ply with , (10,1,4,, to th.s edges oe pronounced to suit some Palates. It that it will continue to inCreaSe in.
o Sugar and four cups of water boiled broken china, Join togtrther, and ill though its flavor is, perhaps, too
is not at all unlike hare." energy. The relativo position of
lr Kangaroo steak is said to be pre- other low areas and their probablo
lovable even to beefsteak; and as for effect on that over Nebraska tnust
together, skimmed and cooled. FM three days tho article cannot be
141188 jars with ripe, fresh strawbor- broken is tus solos idoo0.
cans a kettle of cold wale'', put
des and fill with the syrup. 'Set the
TIGER 1:141 SON.
the lids on, but. do not screw- thorn nD4-70-1.:(4
down. Let tho water como to a
boll slowly and boil floe minutes;
screw down tho covers tightly and
set away in a dark cool place.
kangaroo soup, according' to Mr. be duly considered, also the 11 positioa
y Henniker Hatton, it completely puts of bigh areas and their probable ef-
fect on the various low areas, also
d ox -tail into the shade, Arctic ex-
- Lion Falls an Easy Victim, as He tempting appeal to a healthy appe-
Eats Voraciously, plorers agroe that sent) makes a the temperature prevailing over dif-
ferent portions of the coutinent must
s not be neglected, and due allowance
carnivore aro difficult to tite. Its appearance is uninviting'.
but anyone who van ogerc , , d .
omo tho must be made for its influence in
Wolves, tigers, leopards, and other
poison. buo mit, month/rat objection to its color Pio tieing rainy or dry conditions
of rapidly getting rid of tho drug. WEIGHS THE EVIDENCE.
cause of tho power which they &Ivo' as the case may be.
Lions, on tho °Our hand are very: wi I find it both tender and full of
The official at Toronto endeavors
iloiving naturalist published his opin- to give the propor weight to each
acionsly and quickly, 111000 like si.'
frettuentlY Poisoned, as they eat nor: Dr is not long since a well-known
dog than the other large filidae. 11, 0 that. rat Pie was
"10001) FOR THE HODS," judges as to what various move -
of the apparent facto, and then he
is 801c1 that a good many lion skins, I and much more dolectable than steak- mentstittieniel 0emluiTggesthtilli4;osiw.1 1 olrb oforty-
espec1aIleyouitithsosaen a bor troiti"egilsi t 1 01();:nte,lcsonbly_ and -kidney or pigeon pie; and this log
clerslandling e&buoltilvni,10
' anc ic, ore the rogrottable tnisua- mon during tho siego of Paris. One
was the experience of many French -
a nsiosinn imperfoot information, and in which.
1()Ile in weather forecasts based on
glit licents, Certainty is not possi-
washed down it; greasy water, half ,, .
ninny times hoots tea loaves boon
11.111aLwilimigills fi11111.(-1 3oof 11 l'iliahica, 111, Lo Noir,
tio(sit the introcluotion of a singlo unknown
hy 00 unsportstnonlike method of
((1(8 for largo game, 10010ero obtained was then (referring to Our slog°
wroto in later years;
factor in ('01410115 Inwood observe.-
ning carcasses and 1011011(3 them. 1,1011 for the rat delectable as a ble food 1 mosphere, may complotely alter the
for the Ilona to 1110010'. 11101
that 1 acquivod such on affec- tion, o.3'., the upper or 11111181111 at,
four stomachs, aro hop
Cattle, which have no locos than anything else I eat,"
that r s1111 enjoy it. quite as much as course of events.
:Meteorologists all fool that the
elossly pins- Dog is by common consent not to science of meteorology has not made
oned if once they have swallowed a bo desired as rood. "la fact," wrote an eitogother satisfactory progress
moot of their imeriors
otherwise. It is this curious arrauge- Paris Notebook" and 1)10(13' Other observations have increased and null -
close, whethor in a toxic plant or Me) Albert Vandams author of "My during the past twenty years, but
tle 01011101,10 at all
it such a &Moult mattor to give eat- Call him tho friend of man if you for testing theories. What hopes aro
which makos clever works, "the dog is detestable. tipliod, and good data now exist
like, but don'ts eat him. Fry him, th
In common with huruan boings, stow, boil, or bake him, do what
color condition of Ile
animals seem to be allectod by 340141 -you will, his flesh romains oily rind
flabby, with a strong flavor of Oat4-
on in certain forms when in a parti-
times they eau oat tho same plant domestic cat it is otherwise, for Mr,
or shrub with impunity. Tn cortaia
alth. At other tor -oil." But with the conunon or
Volution cleclarod with gusto that
states of health a man can oat pork, "stewed puss is far Moor than stow -
lobsters, cockles, scallops and SOI110 oil rabbit."
other somewhat risky foods without 'Norse Is almost equally. good. A
bad Wools. At sailor times the
santshort time ao ixty well-groomed
"111 tll you how it 18," said the
old carpoo:wt. "1 met a young wid-
:taints quits
ow with a grownsip 5101)-esoightiv,
and I married that widow,
"Then my father niot our step-
daughter marriod her, Thot
made my wife Um mother-n-Iniof
her 11,11110111,111101-1(14111,1', Lind mad(my
stepdaughter my step -mother, and
ny father 1)0501110 my 811(34-80(1, Soo?
'"nhon my step -mother, the sten-
daughter of my sync, had a son.
That boy was, of coursomy broth-
er', blcauso ho
10118 my father's
son -
but he was alan tho son of 11140Ivilo's step -daughter, and therefOr0
her grandson. That 1111(140o me 411111(1' 1(1
fathor of my step -brothers Thon my
wife had a '8011.
Hswu"My mother-in-law, tho Sten-lliSter
Or 41W SOU, is also his grandmother, 411
14000.1108 ho is 11,01' 1410))11011'5 child,
My foher la the brother-in-law or
my because stop -sister hi
his Wife. 1 0111 tho 140011100 of my
Mon 8(111, 10110 8 also the child of my
8tep-gran11111°11101), I am my moth.
ot"m brothor-itglaw, 111)' 1010 is 110r
OW11 01111, 11(4! 8011 LS my fath-
o(HWiloO,e.n Wd Swosgh„gas, teovro
rmienatr.evgaravo niltphiecikr
110%,1i111rttli.,11lelua r . t caea.1l'1f:e1
Imrciperatuoo pres hias sbee,ncorroobnttsagineneddse-
ers 1(111)110(1', 01111d 'I'm my
own g
(01 h'0' -and I cant stand
There ao 2110(0 myterious ailments
caused by a neglected sink than many
prople would suppose. Tho Wood-
work may be scoured until while as
snow; the enamel ot porcelain may
be spotess, but what about tho pipe,
whch is hidden from view? 111,11,'
dont, poured down; even water which
has been used for cleaningout a
room IS thoughtlessly disposal of in
thsame way-wator containing hits
of guf, matches, and al kind'oflot,
sam and jetoant, unless the room has
been previously and carefully swept
A tiny pion of $tringof (1. 11101.1111,lodged in a crevico of the pipe will
catch other partils, until (411110 11
)argo acumulation will hvcollect-
ed. 11011' 18 the 1(101111 140,1111101 f all.
A tiny wisp will catch on a rough-
ness of the pipe, 0(114 will form a
trap for anything falling upon it.
Whn washing (11(41)08s each plate
should be clearest of every particlo
Of food before being put into the
W011'114 and hen tho dish-wahing Is
completed pouv the water through a
strainer, which yott should keep in
tho sink. Thiwill PCOVellt any risk.
Had/ ready a poll or iPail or boil -
water, melt a largo pieta of com-
lmaon washingsoda in it, and po
ur it,
as hot as possible down tho pipo.
Nev pour milk down 1110 Cirail; It
will cause the pipe to 11011011111 1(01111',About twice a woo: pour 801110wter down tho 511)111. Make tho wash
this way: -Put a large tablespooful
of coare salt into an earthonpan,
and add {oleo the quantity of 131(1(111-
10101 30
111' on (1) 1,110110 ingrg1101118
filer gall 01111 ohot wator, stir (1(1,1let it settle, and limn pour sonsof
the cleat) liquid down tlie drain. More
110 Wailer enn be added to the re-
g e
Q1'0 1 e fu101'o?
CITART crap:1re AREAS.
In thMeteorlogical Officat
Tronto every cyclonic area which
hs passed across either Canada or
tho United States since 1871 bars
ben carefully ehartod and studied,
and it has boon discovrd that thore
is a very otident periodital shifting
of the mean monthly tacks of cy-
ehorss,whichgadfor onfosclonic areas, and also a poriodicity11 011 Cl pioduce on him the of- eh10001s$ bolnumbers of storms, and tho studyfet of ptonaino poisoning. Two 011 clover cool oats, provided the of thesfacts and figures is pur-
P00801snTY°at0flh0aamafodnit11foa leugoot sorved to 000sud with a Vey chooful hope thatattho sanothue 0Iulohileotteqsg:31shythe BerliSocietyfn tent the not distant future we may be1erfeetlyvll 1itertarc1the other Prevntion of enmity to to connect the observed varia-
11las,beconiev100utiyii1, "A menu," wrotea chronicler of thetinllS With solar 1910110100110. In aTho ed' ; cases of yew poisoning foast„ "conoisting of bouillonmme_papor road before tho Royal Astro
among 001110 or horseseem to bo'parocfrom equine bons, p10111111210101001Socioty of Canada four yearssot1100)ot analogou. Thoy will. horse tongues, fIllet of horsiin (13(1 it was shown that. there aro80(001111198 bows) 011 81100(8 of yew Madeira sauce, and roast log of flly, strong evidetse of the rainfall ofand taco 110 harm whatever At tickled the palates of thedhows, who southern Ontario varying with th
increase nod docreaso of sun pots
11101 tho rainfall for two or 1(1000years immodiately 8110110041411)3 son -
spot minimum is eseesnvo, and that
relatively dry seasons then ;follow.1hero poisonous plants ore P1080111 Call a girl a. chick (1(111 1410 smiles, The rainfall of Ole past three yearain any 310,11 numbors in horhogo it call 0woman a hot and shhowls, has tended to corroborate this sug,() imposible tpe°1Cal 0, young W0111011 a witch and she 1415111(111,''1 pleased; call an old woman a
oher tonos they oro obviously madovery ill or rho from eating. th
Thoy have even beot 50111114dead with the 4'1.1W fesh and undi-
gested la their stomn.chs,
ate double portions with unmistak-
able relish."
I IOTIS10PRsTs. eaMthm,ory0
Alosquitoos-11you are '110111)1011 110 no ainvrinnna-
WItll and She iindignant, Gall a lihre fothnuit few 'arsith ulosquilthi,ffili out if -Moro isprobobnybocausewhdto posonsg11•1 "1:t1te11nli '.110 (1111111 i1;muh hasboondono in explotho1(1421(142111111 wateonyour 5111(111141 (1 sonso of mell and 0WallW most r_il aN,u1iarttn,1sliewoL04(11)per 1(11111>411)1(10 by 10 (1118 of -M111 if thee ispour coal.oil on the ,ooo, W011110SlicntinitSv1,l1.w01t100alaIo,truments moal to high atiturctome711 your bedroom sprinkle 11111,111 1(11 birds atic.i11 tiall a o 11 aldog ithy lines 11)111 1mIlumand foomlonalof1081(111110 11(011(1(1 mot 0111151and tat poisonous 14(1131(1 wilt
11itIttorhim1"11Yt:)oso observatons some valuablo
itiliLit throare a18 ill -11(1and avella readily eat 111 (4 1;To1mr11r:ur"1"' ..cnowlotgof the upper
tise or barn, trap into alive, ('001'1' chickilmwilloat thevoisonous10osiit1:;dbeein,ab)i a1 , ),1111191 (1141(111 thins) is ground for 'hop oil of phosphorousmut t . 'a nnmnn ani die irom lwn::hooraubMenthot tho solar physicist may 10(11401or1nt,ing 1011,111010 inthe darteffectsWho! hbirdsuch fassisance in solving moteorOlOietiltiillseatoawtyallitsc))11nrli- 1.1 lo and growl 11 t11'1108 0(,10 01) s 1ti1oc_yo.prohlns, but iny 1101(10 in this sn.rislosboentiedlvi111it,eiltdovs1,0119,0013,1110kmmn, :ant somewhat tonnatrod by a 1104101 thatmes, wild birds aro froctontly found tly. 1fer-Yung Witlig s (ltto a oi- changos of solar radiation probably
iledbugs-lf bodhugs are over un- log ill trartions, though apparently ish,d chap, isn't lte?" 1llm-"1 erect the 1 ni.111'9 stir face and at.
rtOnatrly introdured intc) your they Iran, been ti, good 1(1(11111 a (ow sbould oay sot why, 11,,,Iss so polish- mosplu)re almost instantantously,
mo ill occond-hand furniture 01, 01/I homs hoioro, and titoir death may ed that he cion't Avo11, toll tho plain, and that while it may ere tong lie
iture framos, try gnsolono, Apply probably be due to the consumption unyoruishod truth:" possibly to show with almost atom -
mind tho woodwork of the room,
to athis crovtees In 1113' lied and of poisonot_is
8 s ea011(111,1' (1010 W
itheea common
art eon having a long, narrow
nit. One or two applications ill
you entiely of tlrern. Bo sure
mai the '3000101)11 ouly in. 411,' day.
le, and 111 a V00111 Whre Moro is
fre or gas burning.
1(8(11(8(11,, Moths. ---For several years
hied everything We could hoar of
t. might rid usof tho ilopreflationa
these (188111111100 pestInitno of
8' ((1111
14 111110
I"f"ohsr.1'eT i ht s(111V0seVl fo ,." alwaAys1e1.beilgiht,ot
od' in
t ss(airirtdu
Ili' tewas aPparentOno rve We dotia;olluivftr(01;1hoi111(1sniatTwaddls reflectivlthat a manmhied to 011 1(011111130 them if it 11)0)1' m 1010 low tintnormemetrin marryin,ir should (1100'1O his op0 308831 J11 one room 0.0 itlnysitlztlsIl4parlor rs11:oitNrpoitoMdoorsaid Itrsared the dirt from the erac104 11re0
,‘pitiv,Tn011,1108that is the greatest contfloor ortdistttleeorfimrtaa" 11(10011 11(1 ,1100lPo1edgon11011 Pliment Yon eVoPaid me!MrativNcliaaltaeouirtinorooa,111eTaby11t01111iyelc8setiait14011nIsogon to speak51113, thoughbet,1 flled 111111(1 With a preparation CoVe'oti 101 ittO 11101'11111F oa ofternoon tOr of it.Itsettleti in his chairtlled "stop-raek,". Aftr HON 611- ' 01141 1)11(30011 lis nose In Ids paper,d-
onrsi e
The following are officil agoas re-
tire to tho 0081140113,5 on the stroots
London cictheir 511908 (1111' 1114
syear. 'Phe total numbor of n001,-
0108 10118 28,070, and tho curses of
050 110(1 (118111014itled 14 folloWs;
orso drawn vehicles ....... 1 ,771
()dies ......
00140 drawn trametos,...,, 1,287
Pollan ceIly propolled tram.
Mechanc:0 Ily propelled 011011-
bust% sio.. . ...,„,,,......
Motor ears v.. 1,775
Motor 04'0k'8os ..... 275
Thero Were 148 fatal accidsnts, 123
being (1(1(1 to horse drawn vehicles
awl 211 to 1(105110111051)7! proportoi
0101118100,o, thsin thireen tames being
01,05 ears,
113, Woman-ITere, as (pm/8 from
the whirlo contos, a 1ito of tender
addesS, which throws much light 011118 tme by Jesus in addrsing his
mother (john 4,
110(1111(140i thoys-Sineetho oantocedont
of thpronotm is not expro,s{,(1
merry htfthought Mary 'ortodox] to
"the ioWS" Mth8110001 C110111108 of
rI18:114 nt)(1 disriplsThis111113'hoorrect, thong)) 111(111 probablY 010
I>1'1111111111 174 itOed Incofinitoiy, 1110 E01190
101111„ . 0110 11111 10100 awayIny Lord."A moment 141
lyMittsEieTilNeNtsIswiOilLl OO.bTeCAa'Tb, lepRt.oOT1f
11111' certninty that 0115,11140(4 intenors."Now," said thy volublo solos/nontritil wther follow solos 11111(1(3014,stlx irKIpsr1111 ra h'0 0401 thaprobablHint thoSunning 1110 1111117' is one of the tho \ovary 'oyr, „suppooyoucr'csin17()utiuit75e1111831populogn lraby vulture M t 10"P(1(1(01fYea"8"111(or'11"11e8riIltnynnn111111nlnnsennc11r103fhouses herr 11(1,10141111,1(1 sun parlors,and givo It a chance?" 's' ( (1(010110010341(1111)
1 2''o -
'l'1104, ere mode of 8,81(0 kind ohod- lffsa8lalit1'.11rcr3;rit('4cast1vevy Ma10011111;wood and built by tho oarpetiter togiriyh,is.-;1.,,;.ypi.111is311-(*stolid beyond thwindowTle 1111)10 4110(14emppred,Alis8 The riot or n mans (11 11114111p itstop root sides of (1)0 little platform) )11t1111-"r%011‘‘licrt somc0110 tells likthe light of ptosphortnieentwo 11010'-01'---p1111,14)p 81111 is." W11011 all around is dark.carpet nre laid on tiro floor to slop "
are cod:rood with glass, and ships of
Miss l'Inno-Tildn't you hoar 11Tls.O.
Enox toll 1110 'yesterday that I was
phthiest, girl in the toWn'"?''
Oladys--""1184 ga00 her a pfeco of
(1137 1111m1 nhont, 11 afterwards," "OM
diet yior? 1. hope you weron't too
laird on her." "Well, I told her she
ought to consider how sensitive, pert
dist be aliout 11