The Brussels Post, 1905-5-18, Page 8SPRING I11ISHI.NG SUPPLIES Bamboo Poles in the different lengths. Lines, Hooks, Sinkers, Eto. ALL KINDS of BALLS Uard and Soft Rubber, decorated and plain. Base Balls from 5c. up to $1.60. Foot Balls, Lacrosse Stioks, Tennis Balls. We keep the G. T. I. Express 'Wagon Besides other kinds, Its'Dr. Ovens, Eye Specialist, London, will be at our stone on Tuesday neat,,IMay 28rd. DRUGGIST AND STATIONER, RRANiO TRUNK RAILWAY. SOtTUEEN ExTEN9xaa W. a. & B. Trains freer Brussels Station, North and Smith, as follows GoU W Surma Gomm Zimmer. Mail 708 a.m Mixed 8;40 a.m Mixed 11:0 a.m Maid ......,.,,.1:88 pan -Buren 8112 p.m Express 8tei p,m A abisi's among ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Tns Pose gives the news, LArntt:T your moot et Brussels. AD ('the to teem news on page 5 of this ieene. ltc»,i it. VIcxal:re Oxy cleat Wednesday. The be i.teee Itlaoa, will De oloeed, `.Fire new time table on the G. T. R. carve tete eft et it,et Monday morning. Ftoso Maas I +,: t;ream at Mre, Kirk's, ocmmeneti+s; Saturday next. A good • L eeb. Give tie a thief. Tan drug afore of F. R. Smith has unanrgene a brightening up in the io• tericr by the aid ,, the painter's brush. Ie is a id a Bru ee;ite was "held op" in Lo::don rece::tiy hot fortunately he had i+ot much "f th.. "filthy lucre" in hie poekete et the time. A cg2I0NT wall. hes been pot down at P. Ament'a resi,ienae, Tarnberry street, a simile improvement and r ie being made at Anti. Campb.•lI's, Mill street. Janne ELLIOTT, Mill street, is improv' in„ tee hones adjoining hie reaidenoe by raising it and will have a cellar ezoavat- ed and a cement wall put in. Other im. provementa are Mao Contemplated. Renee Janne baa purchased a tidy Willes pacer fiein Jacob Long, of Oran. brook, and will do some pleasuring by the overland route. He has also in• vested in a standard bred 2 year old. Do. NoNADGaTON, who baa disposed of hie practice and residence to Dr. Berne, win be in Brueseiafrom Wednesday noon until Saturday *roan of eaob week toe some w.eke to assist Dr. Burne in his Nitwit*, Fara Co,—TWhile splitting wood at • home last Saturday P. MoQoarrie had the mieturtone Io infliot a Koen in o le of bis feet with the axe that required the dootor'e attention to stitch up. He is now taking undesired bolidaye and getting about on crutches. R. LEATIMIt»ALE & San have parohae• ed a mechanical device lar lowering oa-!tete into the grave in oonoeobioo with their undertaking department, It was nse.d for the first time this week and does the work very nicely by the movement of a lover and with variation of epeed to snit the (weaken. A. erenztie of tbe Hoose of Refuge Com. mittee Was held at Clinton on Tneeday of this week. All membere were pro. eat including Co. alert: Lane. Every- thing was found in good shape and look- ing well, The DOW addition is nob nearly oompleted yet, however. Alen are buey plastering now, It should have been finirbed months ago, BADE Font Tam WEeo,—Eph. Caber, of the Oober Oarriage Werke, Brneeels, is home from a bnsinees trip bo the North. West, He Wee five weeks absent and was as far West as Beat. Mr, Cober disposed of a oar load of baggies and secured orders for other shipments. This firm has eold 135 baggies this sea. son and ere busy on enotherlot, A load was tient to Listowel on Wednesday, LAST week Mrs. Frank Beinee, Brine Bele, received an invitation to the closing exeroiees of term in connection with the Senior class of the Woman'a College, Philadelphia, whish were bald on Wed. nudity of this week. Among the gradnatee was Mies Mary R. Findiater, formerly of Morrie townebip, who expecte to amine a position in Boston. Tam PosT tenders Dr. Findlater hearty eon. grataletione and hopes her career may be a very anooeesftl one. Wile, 00 TO WINNxMES.—In the 00nree of a ooaple of weeps Andrew ()Dooley, who has been a well known resident of Brnsvain for the past 26 yearn, will rem,,.o so Winnipeg wbere be porposee trying hie hand et Life Insurance, He hoe aero a meal man in the town, al. malt agr,.onb1e, r;enial and industrious. For a simmer of years he served on the $a e00i Suerd, was town assessor ; inter•. ee:nd himeelI in ttthletioa in the way of criclt01, bath ball 'inti bowling and served the Met artist e'rtnroh well se Seorebary. Treasurer. nig removal Will imply ansngee and new eppointmenre as agent of the Montreal Telegraph Coo, office ; the (lana•iian ISxprees Ooe. agency ; the Fourth Dime -ion Court Olerkebip and other minor nfftoes. Mrs. Oo0eley and family will not go Weet until Mr. °motley epende a while in the Western metropolis, Everybody will be well preload to hear of "Andy" making it dab strike end will regret his leaeing town. On a00uunt of hie deoiefoo to go to Win. nips an auction sale of household effects will be hold on Saturday afternoon of thio week at the Coueley home, Turns berry street. Portant Division Genet will be held on Wednesday, Jane 7th. $15500 fare on the railways for Victoria Day, good going Tuesday or Wednesday, 23rd and 24tb inks., and returning May 26tb. Da, Ovens London,Surgeon Eye, E at and Nose, fits glasses properly. Neat visit, Smith's Drag store, Briton's, Tuesday, May 23rd, Joan Rome, 0. L. S., of Mitchell, was in town this week while on his way to Morrie township to run lines for a Municipal drain known as the Kelly drain. D. A. LOWEY and eon Eddie and Frank Oliver went to Harrison on Tuesday wbere the former bas a oontraot on a briak building. They will be beck as soon as it is oompleted. Are a0otion sale of Household Furniture &a., will be held at the reeidonoe of A. Coasiey, Tarnberry street, on Saturday afternoon of this week at 2 o'clock, Sale without reserve as Mr. Coosley parpoeee removing from Brnssele in the near future. ]3 ssELe cheese factory le et work. Butter will also be mannfaotnred this season. W. W. Barrie, the proprietor, who was off duty for several months, is moving about onoe more attending to baeineee but exercising necessary caution to avoid expoenre or undue fatigue as ha has not yes regained his normal condi• tion. New AGENT.—Owing t0 the intended removal of A.Ocaeley from Brueeele Wm. Henry, G. T. R. stationmaster, has been appointed agent tor the Canadian Express+ Co. and the Northwestern Telegraph 00, The offices will be maintained in the Leckie block. Mr. Henry has had quite an acquaintance with the work so should make s amuse at i0. WAnen» Fnnexnaxvn8.—Following is the net of Brassele eabearibere on the list at Metropolitan Bank to a fund to provide furnishings for the new warship : —A. E. Mellish, 26e t A. H. Montgomery, 250 ; A. B. Macdonald, 25c ; Robert Thomson, 25o ; Gordon MoDonald, Wal• ton, 26a ; Wm. M. Brydon, 26c ; R. Leatherdale, 25o ; S. C. Wilson, 25a ; H, Ounningham, 25a ; W. M. Sinolaer, 25s ; J. T. Wood, 25o i George Thomson, 250 James Fox, 25a. A PUREE BheeenttTE Dine.—Ab hie home in Birtle, Manitoba, on Tuesday, May 2nd, 1905, George Fitzpatrick, s. former reeident ot Brussels, creased that bourne from whence no traveller retorne, aged 87 years, 9 months. and 22 days. The funeral took pine on the following Wednesday afternoon. It is several years since Mr, and rare. Fitzpatriok went West to rejoin eons and daughter wbo are residing there. Many of bbe older people will remember the old gentleman very distinotly. Aver/ED.—Owing to the almost in. meant rain interfering with the drover baeineee of the genial Albert 0. Dames he woke np on Thursday morning and bearing the patter of the rain upon the roof decided Ile would commit enioide. While ruminating as to the route he would nuke hie extb by be went to the poetoffioeand lo 1 be was handed aparcel bearing the address "Mrs. A. 0. Dames." New hope 'sprang op in the heart of the veteran bachelor and be has decided to go out of the suicide bnsinoee and find, it possible, this "Mrs, Dames." It was a close oall and we ate pleased to know that we are to bees A, 0. still with tie in the flesh. Tan following is the schedule for the Intermediate aeries in the Huron district : May 19—Listowel at Broseele. 19—Atwood at Wingbam, " 26—Brtesels at Winghate. " 28—Listowel at Atwood. June 2—Wingbam et Listowel " 2—Atwood at Brussels. " 9—Broesels at Listowel. 9—Wingham at Atwood, Preserve this list for reference. Flan ALAntf.—Last Friday night, about 11 o'oluok, the alarm of fire was aounded and a epesdy ion was made with the engine to the tank, threat of Tarnberry and ()berth streets, as the fire was located in on unt5oapied hones belonging to Jae. Theell opposite St John's aburah. It was no doubt of incendiary origin ae persona were heard in the building by A. Strachan, whore residence is on the ed. joining lob. Inflammable material wag oetieotod in an old wall cupboard and set on fire, The danger was soon averted and the engine ware only tinned into requisition for a short time. A large rcrowd assembled in various costumes but rtanate)y their stay was not long. A sheep inquiry ebonld be made by the town Commit as the not wag too bore• taped to be allowed to page by. Tbeoe'o e. room in Kingston penitentiary foe a orison so anxions to apply the match. There Was no ineeraaoe on the building *bleb le among the oldest in town. It is reported that Mr. Thnell tray pull the building down aft there is a large (identity of 'trainable material In it. Bruesole has been very fortunate for some time in esoapiog from bad bara•outs but that le no reason wby inoendiarism Should be Winked at. We hope the Reeve will prase the clearing tip of Friday night'. fire bag, netettAW Standard Bank of Canada M:Sx'A:.:I.ZB.M6ZISi 1E172. RORPLO8, Olt lt5 RIORVE FOND 5 1,000,008 TOTAL A8RE'55 OVER 10,000,000 E8 General EiatAlztsog 'J3nelneeaty Transacted "S A V I N G S B A N K fire -- -DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwards received on which INTEREST 18 ALLOWED FROM DATE OF DEPOSIT at the HIGHEST BANK RATE, ACCRUED INTEREST is added to accounts every six menthe end becomes principal, —MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw Deposita without the intervention of any person. LOANS MADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE. BALE NOTES CASHED, 0OL11E:1'TED or may be left for SAFEKEEPING only fur which no obarge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive our carafe] and courteous attention. A. 0. MACFARLANE, AenNT. .11111089=2111111111. VaffilIZEBIE0011811606,09:12164 Lxseow0L vs, Brunie on Victoria Park Brunie, Friday evening of thie week to intermediate honors, A well oouteste game may be expected as both beanie ar 006 to win if possible. Dnneen ietao.—Thio week A. Bbrhehau Dry Goode merchant, announces tit opening of a Dressmaking department i connection with hie business. Mies elo Arbor, wbo has been in Toronto for earn time, will be in obarge and will be please to be favored with the patronage of th ladies of Brussels and 10oaifty. FOOT 810,0 :—The eeoond Iutermarliat Foot ball matoh was played in Atwood last Friday evening between the oleo 0 the%t place and the Emmen' team.. A 6.25 the game was called by Dr Leder mann, of Milverton, who refereed th game in a very amid aotory way to both teams. Brussels won the toes end kinked with the wind but after many vain atternpte at the Atwood oitidal taile•i to sours and the batt went without any goals. Atwood made several rushee but were well met by the backs. In the second half, with the wind against them, the game begame rather warm and both goalkeepers were kept buey stopping bot shote, In a rush Brussels scored their goal but it was not very long before the borne team soared, Earl Switzer, last year's Brussel(' player, doing the trick on pass from a foul which the Brussels boys thought would not be a counter. After many attempts time was called and the game ended in a tie, 1-1, Quite a crowd witnessed the gams, a load from Lis..twel being present, and a few from Brnyeele. The latter a000mpanied the team on tIt 3 train and returned on the evening ex• prase. Following is the line up :— BRII88EL8, ATW00D. J L %err Goal W Smith Banks { 1•G rum(' ..,.,,... W a.dsy r G Struthers Backs t G Burma l A D tklo U4 w R Robm•aon ..,G R:rwn , To RENT, -5 nice well finished rooms, r beside pantry and hall over the Pootoliloe d to rent by the year. A nice balcony oon• e nested with the large parlor, soot and nice for the Summer afternoons. Wood , shed, olotbeo line wheel, hard and soft 0 water. Rent 94,00 per month, • People We Know. e d R. J. Williamson and family visited o Wingham relatives. Jno. Ritchie, of Seatorth, epent a while e in town with his father. Jno. Coates is home from a visit to Beaforbh of a week or so. t Mise Carrie Edwards ie Boma from Stratfordfora i holiday br at o ids visit, e Y Mise Max Costes attended t C ab tended be Mor — Mary r Fogal wedding at Heufryn last week. Mica Jean McIntosh, of London, was the guest of Mies Eva Gilpin this week. Mrs. Fanaton bas gone to Ripley on a visit .with relative's and friends for a wbila. The Misses LowIok, of London, are visitors with their brother, A. 3, Lowiok, John street. Mrs. Time. Danford baa been on the sick li.1 but we hope the will soon be convalescent. Mrs, T, Fletcher leaves Toronto on Friday of this week for Obioago, whore she will visit her son' Russell. Mies Lila Bartltff, of Clinton, is re. hewing old friendships in Brussels. Harry Bartliff was here over Sunday, Jno. and Mrs. ()ober and Miss Elsie attended the Soots—Oameron wedding e at Listowel on Wedne,day of lust week. Waiter Smith, who has been laid op for a long tiros, had another light stroke of paralysis last week. Be is 76 years of age. G. A. Powell, forrneriy of Brueeele, now of Otte Eaton store, Toronto, loathe next week for the Old Country on a buy, ing trip for the firm. N. B. and Mrs. Gerry and dangbters, of Blyth, were here last Sunday. Mies Zelma remained here on a visit with relatives in Brussels and vioinity. Mrs. D. B. McRae, of Oranbrook, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Jno. Forgn. son in Brueeele. etre. Ballard, of Olin. ton, the letter's sister, ie also here, Mrs. Querin and Miss Maud and Miss Mabel Coate were at Listowel on Wed- nesday of last week attending the marriage of Mr. Scott and Mise Cameron. George Henry, of Toronto, formerly of Brueeele, was here attending the tenant of his uncle, Robt. McInnes., of Grey township, which took plane on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs, Blab. Edwards, of Oanningtoa, mother of Mrs. A. C. MaoFariane, Bens. eels, and Mre. Edgar Weeks, Woodville, sister of the same lady, are visiting her at present. Oounuitlor Stewart is moving about a little again after a 9 weeks' enforced holiday from pneumonia, rheumatism and other ailments. He is 80 pounds lighter than when be took ill. John and Mrs, (Meter left on Tneeday for Owen Sound where they expect to spend the Summer months, They have relatives in the Northern Diverpool. We wish thaw a pleasant time, Mr. Dexter was employed in Owen Sound last eeaeon, Mrs. Rooke, of Portland, Maine, and son were visitors with Mrs. Bain, the former's sister, in Luoknow. The first mentioned lady will be better remember• ed by Braaeetites when we state that she taught in our public school as Mise Linton, Miens and Mrs. Little removed to Wingbam this week wbere tbey purpose making their home. Mise Little has been in that town for the past few weeks aesisting Mies McPherson, milliner, for. merly of Brunets. Tan POST assures the people of Winghsm that they will find the newcomers first) class citizens, F. J. and Mrs. Soheak, of Toronto, a000mpanied Mrs, Jno, Wynn to Brae. sole last week and will remain here until they go to their Summer cottage in Muskoka. Mrs. Wynn spent the Whittle in Toronto with ber daughter, Mre. Schenk, and also visited in Detroit, She eujoyed her visit very tench .cud her shay evidently agreed t;witb her but we won't state what the gain was in avoir• dapois. R. D. Cameron, of Lnaknow, and son Alvin, were in Brussels this week. The former ie the High Chief Bauger of the independent Order of Foresters for West ern Ontario, wbioh includes from 800 to 400. Courts. Be paid a visit to Bruesele ()oath en Monday evening. Hie tetra of office will tiepin nest Angnot. Mr. Cameron is a zeoloas worker for the L 0. F. and hes done mach . to aid in its promotion. He is a brother to J, H. Oameroo, Principal of our Public Sobool, H Buchanan A Anderson R Oardit......,..... RBCOw¢,...,.....,, F Arden W MtIler J 8traslsan I A Lowry i. Forwards ...w N kic%ay D E Swaser E Earle .. •f�I.,Jt RobmOson 8 Scott Spare Pam NATanE'e DEET.—Early Met nn. day morning the spirit of George Limas, a well known resident of Brussels, took its flight. He had not been in very robust health for some little time re,nit. ing from two strokes of paralysis during the past year but was aboub the bones and garden. In the evening Mre. Rogers went to the cemetery and on her return found Mr. Rogers in an Lumen. eoioas condition. A phyeioian was celled bus no hope was held out and after a few bourn the vital spark fled. It was ear• rowfal news to the community. Deeoao. ed was born at Delaware, Ont„ on April 16th, 1848, and was the only eon of ,,he late G. S. Rogers. They resided in the above mentioned plaoe until 1856 when they removed to Southampton, wbere two years were spent before the revue to Delaware. In 1874 the eubjeot of this notice a000mpanied bis ('note, the late F. C. Rogers, to Brussels, engaging in the Dry Goode bueioeae for years. Mr. Rogers was married to Miss Jennie Lowthian, of Delaware, in 1869, end there was born to them Geo. S„ Hattie, Nina, of Monet Forest, and Fannie, of Toronto. The two former are chose -ed. In church relationship Mr. Rogers was brought up to the March of Eag'tod, and in politica he was aLiberal, He was genial, approaabable end well read and had a wide circle ot aoquainteenee wbo will regret hie demise. In the Oauadian Order of Foresters de. ceased took a very active part ninth its organization in Brussels. He wr.o a Charter member and retained big inter• est to the end. The funeral took pence on Wedneeday afternoon and wee largely attended. After a brief emetics at the hones the remains were oonveyed to St. John's oburob wbere the inoambont, Rev. Mr. Lang Ford condested a suitable service, Interment was made 00 Bette tele cemetery, the Foresters' eervioe being rendered. Pall bearers were S. T. Pinm, N. F. Gerry, 0. Ritohie, Geo. Thomson, Jas. Fox and W. H, Rtor. The floral tribStee from the 0. 0. F., Toronto and Brothels were beaotitui. G. P. Rutty, of Toronto, and Mrs. Mo• Gnire, of Wingbam, were bare. hire. Rogers and daughters will be axiom -tied einoere sympathy in their bereavement, Business Locals. O0E11.00TADLE dwelling and a aoree land, choice lrnite, good locality, will be sold obeep. L O. Rxoaaane, OonpoaTAaLE house and lot, with stable, pomp &o., conveniently located on Queen street for sale. Apply to Tae ko5T, DWELLING rooms to let over store, very Oonvenient, colt water, &o. L O. RICHARDS, WANTED.—Eggs 17o, trade, 14o. oasb ; full pedlar's prises, We want any quantity of eboioe Tub Batter. Geo. E, Eula, Wingham. Dn, BVTLEn, the London epooiatiet, will visit Breassie professionally and may be found at the American Betel on TUESDAY, MAY loth JUNE 27th Afl interested should bear these datee in mind. - 16 packages garden eeede tot 25o. We guarantee abase suede to he equal to any package seeds 04 the market, 3101,10 BALLANTYNE• TInts 04,0018,-11 your lawn mowers or any ExtIres need repairing, do not W.,: ly bet Barry to T. DdoGte or and get Lie tie toned to your Miley on Mill St., Breesrls, Ont. Neil MoLean, a farmer at McIntyre, fell deed in the field While sowing grain. Fire did damage to the amount of 925,- 000 to Brosseau ek Son's oarolege factory at Montreal. John w, Nuttall was killed at Lon. don by falling brick in a building that was being torn down. The bank of Montreal shareholders have ratified the berme for the parobaoo of the People's Bank of Halifax. Tho aseeeenxeht of Chatham has in. opeaoe5 over half a minion through the operation of the new aseeeeMent aot. Alex. Willis wag committed for trial at Rodney on the abergo of murdering Miss Lowry, Moe, Covell was dioobarged. Hen. Oboe. el. Hyman has peen sworn in es Minieter of Publie Wort's at Ottawa end the writ for to new eloation he Lon. don will fofiow, vAtrmifi 3o'r .:'215 igizgE9.� �! t METRPOUT CAMPAG—•Paid no $1,000.,000 RESERVE FUND • • 91,000,000 Alreotora REV, R, H, WABDRN, D. D„ 8. J, M00103, President, aloe-Pro0idont, 00000, nitAnen4W, 5 LA. rice 000N000 ewe w, E0OlITIA I% OL111E, ILO, 11, n, 5e0s10056, II, 0, 00)01 Pritl rnttoole HEAD OFF!OE -' TORONTO W. D. 11.088 - - GENERAL MANAGER A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Dratta Bought and Sold, Fermere' Notes Discounted. Same "8 .air Plirannarigarr Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all eume of 91 end upwards A. E. MELLISH, Manager. James Barton, of Hamilton, died suddenly. Mrs, Booth, wife of the Secrotary of State died at Ottawa. Owen Sound may (seek inoorporation ae a city, as the population ie 10,186. The 0. P. R, orop report sbowe ooudi- tions in the West to be extremely favor. able, 10 is understood that tbe Grand Trunk Paoifio will build a branch in Port Ar that. Pearoe'e block at Mermen', was burn• ed and several business eetablisbmeuts were wiped oat. Hon. Mr. Monteith introdnoed it bill in Legislature changingin g the oonstitution of OOnpt ()Denville yUeft u The charge of manslaughter against tour Ohrietian Soientiete in Toronto was ollanged to unlawful conspiracy. Edward 0, Pearson, a• well known West York farmer, died as the result of iojnrise sustained in a rtseway. The Railway Oommtesion bave than. munioated to the railway companies the renewal of the complaint of ebippere of apples and other green fruits, as eat forth in the petition asking that batter faoilitiea be provided by the rail. wage. Official(' of the Soath t S mea ern Traction Company mat the City Council of St. Thomas in regard to running their oath through the city over the oity street oar Hoe, but an agreement could nob be reached. Manager Welch of the Tram tier' Company says they will build around the city, At 6 o'clock Saturday morning Major Woodridge's saw and planing mill, Pal. mentor], was burned with contents. The mill waft aonopletely destroyed. Lose about 910,000 ; insured for 91,500 in the Economical Company of Berlin. The fire is a serious lose to the town, as Mr, Woodridge has been a large employer of labor. At 4 o'alook Friday afternoon Geo. Mo$night's splendid barn on the 6th oon• Amadeu of Wallet*, five mites West of Palmerston, was burned, also twenty head of export cattle. The barn was nearly new and about the best in the township. The loge will be from $6,000 to 98,000 i hummed in the Howiok Mutual for 91,900. This IS Mr. MaKuigilt'e third heavy loss by fire. FnheEa.—In Blyth, on May 4th, to Mr. end Mrs. Charles Fraser, a daughter. GOAHAR.-Io Howiok, on May 9th, to Mr. and fare, Robb, Graham, a daughter. Efesena—In Howiok, on May 2nd 1905, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beetle, a 500. Kneenice IO East_ Wawanoob, On April 80th, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keat- ing, a daughter. M.AIZZZI3E7b, Munn—Focal.—At the home of the bride's parents, Henfryo, on May 10th, by Be.v0. P, Wells, B. D., of Elbe!, Mr. Henry Murr to Miss Adelia, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fogal. Soomo—Cesennon.—Ab the home of the bride's parents, Listowel, on May 100b, by Rev. J. S. Hardie, Mr. J. A. Soots, of Prince Edward, 10 Mies Luoy, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Cameron, of Listowel. alEa- FrrzreOnloE,—In Birtle, Manitoba, on May 2nd, George Fitzpatrick, form• erly ot Brussels, aged 87 years, 9 months and 22 days. Moonn.—In Auburn, on May loth, James Moore, aged 69 years and 11 menthe. Roonas.—In Brnseeis, on May I4th, George Rogers, aged 57 years and 26 days. AVCTIC10'• OATanDAY, MAY 20TR, —• Household Fornioure, riga &o., Tarnberry. street, Brunets, Sale, unreserved, at 2 o'olook. A. COMM, Prop. F. S, Some, Ano. rn10 V S W11 x.,.10 M,1i.1w. 00'I1T,✓, Fall Wheat 90 90 Barley 48 45 Peas - . 60 65 Oslo - 87 87 Butter, tube and rolls15 16 Eggs per dozen 12 13 Hay per ton 6 50 6 00 Isom, per bbl 8 60 6 60 Potatoes per bus 45 46 Apples (per bbl,) 1 00 1 25 Hoge, Live - 6 76 6 75 Wool 17 18 Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 70 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. O0712FOIi,TA,BLE HOUSE AND lot in the VI lege of Bluovalo for sale, Poo further infolwatlou as to price, terms, &do rite W, 8, OR098, Swan balm, Man- - 404 S•TB,AYBDD-ON ME 12TR OF May tiiorentrayod ,from Lot 00, Con. O, Croy, a year cid homer, bins black 1n Dolor, Anyone giving information that wide lead t. her recovery win 0,0 euttablY rewarded, 4541 3, 10, BA1 1000, lionfryn P.O. Court of Revision. The Court of Boylston on the A eeseme__ 10o11 of the Mune:evenly of the eitlieoof Brussels for the year 1000, willbe held tit the Town Hail, in the Vlitago or Memento's MondayJuoo 5th, et the hour of 0 of the eloek in the ovening. P. el, 900T3, Orman, NOTICE. The Court) of Revision on the Assessment Ron for the Township of Morris for the year A.D. 1906, will be bald at the Town Hail, Morris, on the :0111 [lay of May ina6., Com. monolog tit ton o'clock, a. m; All parties Interested w111 please take notice and sot s000rd tugly. Dated at Morrie this 8110 day 01 May, A, D„0906. W. CLARE, 44.2 CLsnx, NOTICE. The Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll of the afuuotpality of the Township of Grey for the year 1900, will be held at the T wnshf Hall. o u to Village o the Inn 1 Ethel on P g Moeda May zzn[ at t hour L I 110. tt n 010051 o Y, y t Mock lathe forenoon. J()IiN Mc/114005R OLanx, Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate ot Adam Beaker, late of the Township o! Grey, in the County of Heron, Btouemason, Deceased. Notice Is hereby giveu,pursuattt to Revis- ed Statutes i nt s o Ontario, 1897 Chap.120,8 clams all against the ('sad elites hvinany Raker, at00stthe estate of the safe abam Recker, Bray 51 000 tor, died 1n or about Olio 10111 day of Ootobnr, A. D. 1904, aro re- quired, oon or before the 7th day 01' Jane, 1906, y poet, prepaid, or deliver to H. J, D. Cooke, or the Village of Ronson, in the County of Huron Solicitor for the Admin. iatratrix, their bhristian and surnames, addressee and de0oriptiou9, the full partic- ulars of their orahns, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities And notice is further given that after the said last mentioned date the said Admtate tratix will, proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of wbioh alio obeli thou have uotioe and that the said Admlutstratrix will not bo liable for the assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not havelbeen. leceivod by her at the time o1 yob distribution. s te6riay boa. Dated the 18th day o1 May,1006 H. J. D. 000KEd, 46.8 Bolioitor for Administratrlx. MOTHS A few Moths can worst it great deal of loam in it short time in your Furs end Woolens. It doesn't pay to tithe chances, If you will, in pecking these artioles away pub in a suitable quantity of, Sloth B tile, You Otto foot sore of finding your apparel eafa When you unpack it in the Fall, n'he coat ie but it trifle at DRUG STORE. Our Entrance Regt0bueoee nirameut '"Determinatiou d; The Sp.atton Shorthand and Bosh ess Academy Z,ISTOW£S., OPENS SEPTEMBER 4th Over ono•balf the students we can acoom- modate are enrolled for the above date, APPLY EARLY, Shorthand aid Typewriting department will be soma to none. Drop up stairs, Vendrtok's Sleek, and moo us, 51+10. SPOTTER,611813MORPBY, Principal &Pron. Lady Principal, —FOR— �. �i ,l> Kt } iq/'���t1 N FINE GOLD JEWELLERY AT CLOSE PRICES �rpty�§ GO y';.tgTO eaya�p p�,y q5 yRtp, E. s Rm� c:,r2a oiaeel�OO1v BRU SELS, IEt B'U IN IN MP kit 314, Ail Chilli Our Fine and Up-to-date stock of Bug- gies is now on the market and we invite intending purchasers to call and inspect. They are all made of beat material with the very latest improvements, Have you seen our fine display of Oak made Wagons ? Every one warranted to be as represented. Repairs and Painting promptly attended to. Tops Relined and Clovered and made as good. as new. Call and see us. 1-3 1RJ T S S 1- i I S Mok NNON &Oita ]BT_1T=-1 MORE �p N w Our. trade Nile Spring bee been a record breaker. Never in the his• tory of OUR BIG CASH STORE have we had such large sales as due. ing the taut two monthe, and stat the rueb continues. One stook in some lines got pretty well sold out, but the large shipment of new goods we ryoeived this week pule our stook in good abapo again, Below we mention a few linea of new goods we hews just received :— AIl•over Lath, in black, oream, tenth and white, at 85o, 60e, 75o, 51, 91,25 and 51 75 per yard. Ladies' Bette, in blaolt and colon, in new deoigns, at 250, 85o, 60e and 75o, New Paresole, in bleak and fancy stripes and floral patterns, et, 60o, 76a, 91, and 9150. Children's Parasols, in white, cardinal, sky and pink, with fanny frilling, at 25o, 46o and 65o. Corset Covers in white and blank, made of fine lawn and mtelfn, trimmed with insertion, Mice anti ribbon, at 250, 86o, 60o and 75,1. Ladise' Veete, in all sizes with long and short ['Novae and sleeveless, at 70, 9n, S0n,12to, 16o, 25o and 85o. Ladles' Balbriggan Vests and Drawers, very special at 50c. ' Lactiots' Corsets, made by 010nopton, D. dt A., B. & O., B. t& I, and Wray, a 600. 75o, 91 and 51. 25, Ortmpton'o tlape Girdle, regular; price 50a, for 85o, The New 0. B. 0. Ooreot, straight front, Mae out, With hose snpportere attaolfed, in three ebyleo—Batt Wing, Peggy from Paris and June Bride—great vainer at 91. Ladies' stook and Turnover Oollare, in black, ernes and eream, also Se. Obi Stook Collars, in black and white in great variety, at close Meth, tSbabc rrxxXa XX= Eli . m,dWbut+ttid' n+ ti.,l m aft 0 til46 4.,P C