The Brussels Post, 1905-2-23, Page 5fe.- ° kS 8 it 511) TRAIN UP A CHILD �Uy And when up.tend him orLaTOWEL het' tO (lq Term opens April 11111, 1904 Two Ooureen- Commorolal and Shorthand, Send for Gallego Journal, A, L. Mo1NTYRE, Manager. All' 9tiCe194tsr28 izt3fagzitYagle BUSINESS CARDS. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER e Brussels, WI.. MORAOREN Roeat•Groceyr,TrHaugetrLenaues olO- "WARMS FOR SALE—THE UN 011110100110 hae several good Farms for sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey. F S. SCOTT,Brueeel C.O.r. Court Princess Alexandria, No.24,'0. 0. L'., Brunets, meets in their Lodge Room. Bias - hill Block, on the 2021 and last Tuesdays of each month, 1'08 O'olook. Visiting brethren always welcome. JAS. BURG Et38, U. R. A. 18, MELLISH, a, S. M. MORRISON, Isauer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON. ONT. ROBERT OUNNINGHAMI 1N8DRANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH, J. LECKiE, LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, Offioo over Hmaloy'o Drug Store, Nov. Srd, 1202. 80-220 Brussels. Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co., E*TAIILISHED 1840 Inenranee taken on the oaeh and premium note system at current rates. Before iueur• ins el lambero call on the undereigned Agent of the Company. GEORGE ROG•ERS, Brussels. AUCTIONEERS. VI B..SOOTT AS AN AUCTION - J. ' • nun, will sell for better prices, to better men._in lose time and less chargee than any utB4r Auctioneer in Eaet Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders. can always be arranged at this office or by personal application. ROST. h/. GARNISS BLUEVALE - ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for at the ()glee of TEE. POST, Brussels, alt! VETERINARY. T D. WARW1OK— te • Honor Ciln.laa:o of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, ie prepared to treat all dis- eases of domeatioated animal* in a oompet- ent manner. Parti•,nlar attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly at- tended to. Office and Infirmary Four doors North of bridge, Turnberry at., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. A.B. MACDONALD— Barrister, Soliottor, Notary, Et.. Suc0eseor to O. F. Blair. Officio over Stan- dard Sauk, Brussels. - Solicitor for Metro- politan Batik, UT M. SINCLAIR— VV Barrister, Solleitor, lConveyeneer, Notary Public, &o. Office -S tewart'a Blook 1 door North of Central Hotel, Solicitor for the Standard Bank. ptiOUDFOO'P, HAYS & BLAIR- BAI6RiS'rERB,,roSSfLIIICI� b8, NOTARIES W. PRODDSooT, R. 0, R. 0. Tim G. F. BLAm. Offioos-Those formerly 000upipd by Messrs CaMeroo & Holt, (lonnaion, (Wrenn. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON. el, le., C. mf., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical' College, Member College of Physicians and Burgeons Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid- wlfer7Edinburgh, 15r Telephone No44, Resilience -Mill street, Brueeele. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD. 181NT121' Graduate of the Royal 0elloge of Dental Burgeons Of.Ontario soil First ohms Honor Graduate of Toronto University.. (Moe next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. aAFAMOUS SCHOOL CENTRAL d;)..i&dhl STRATFORD, ONT. t oessfnl lIT Tho lar g net and moa sun n m'Ontario.d'and Shorthand School In 0 m o a it 4D Western -- and practical. comaer on llg o0 1. 11 . logos in Canaria and the United etatee oreIOy am 02411ates es Magnus. Write for Gee eataiogu0, You may sitter at any time. ELLIOTT Jt'Mot,A0EL(N, Prineina12, It A OAIE'AT SCHOOL )�-ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT, 007*, YOUNG AND ALEXANDER STREETS A School that is not living on "past reputation" but on the genuine work done daily "at thepreeeut time," COLLEGE OPEN ENTIRE YEAR ENTER ANY 7102. write for Magallteent Catnlogne. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, latent41, t) s. Gitlrrle. 11. Carson in patting a stook of MoOormiolt implements into the shop recently vacated by A. Doan. Jae.iHunter er., of Orange Hill, left ou Wednesday to attend the funeral of hie brother, who died in Paisley and was in• tarred at 2 BO on Thursday. W. and Mre. Brown, of Manitoba, who have been visiting the former's parents here for life past two months, returned to their home in the West on Wednesday morning. Five provisional directors were appointed as follows :-T. Nicholls, Geo. Denatodt, Amos Duan, Geo. Town and H. V. Holmee to look after the proposed new skating and curling rink. 171inCow. A. II. Goodwin had the misfortune to crush hie right haud and hue siuoe been laid off work. The Mitchell Advocate says ;-"Rumor hna it that Joseph Beck, Goderieh, will ere long be appointed Regietrar from Huron in room of Mr. Coate, who got the position from Hon. G. W. Rose". Henry Shelve, who is living with hie grandmother, Mre. John Plewee, and going to school, e'ipped in coming out of the poetnflise the other day and broke Ills arm. Tltie ie the second time he has mat with a misfortune of this nature, When the orating of what is known as the Oolborue hill, Goderiah township, wan nndertaken,it was agreed that the oust, about $1,100, would be defrayed by Goderiob and Colborne towuehipe. Oolborae'e share, as agreed upon, was $100, but the counoil of that township has refueed to pay the 11 1110t106 and accordingly Reeve Middleton has entered eniit against it, A DreA*TRoue FIRE. -At 5 30 o'clock Wednesday morning al last week the alarm wee wooded from the organ factory, and half an hour later the East wing wee completely destroyed by fire. When first aeon the flames seemed to extend from one end of the building to the other en that all thoughts of saving it were abandoned. The portion of the factory whiob went up in smoke contain• ed the machine, case, finishing, machine notion and key rooms. Between seventy. five and a hnndred men were there em• ployed and they are not only oat of work but have bad all the implements of their trade deelrosed. In many instances the value was ooneiderable. It ie a eerione matter with the employees and they are feeling a little bine about it. Three yearn ago the wing now d'eetroyed wee mated by fire and it was over two months before the industry was in full blast asein. The ineuraooe does not reaoh $40,000. F.1v Ia eJ . S. S. Oo'e bas bought the Henfrye Brick and Tile yard with 50 agree of laud att0obed to it oleo 40 aoree of bash. The price tette about $7,000. Mr. Wright takee Mr. 0ole'0 50 eon farm on the deal, MATnlu0N1AL-Wednesday evening, let, inet., a very pretty wedding wee eolemo, ized at the home of Maloolm and Mre. Lamont, West of here, when their eetimable daughter, Mies Ella Grace, was united in marriage to James Minty, a highly esteemed yonng man of Gera tram towuebip, Dnfferin Co. A large number of relatives and friends aeeembled from Listowel, Moorefield, Hilleburg, Toronto and other points to witness the marriage ceremony whiob was performed by Rev. D. B. McRae. At 5 o'olook, the hoar appointed, the Wedding Slaroh was well played by Miee Alice- Devisee, of F3thtl, while, the principals took rheic plane before a batik of'flowere. ;Cho bride made a pretty picture, tnetefttlly attired in a beautiful ooetume of white 0i It, with trimminge of point de e9rite end applique, a wreath of White hyacinths in her hair and carrying a boquet of white carnations. Ceremony and oongratulatione over, the oompany repaired to the dining room, where a bonntiral dinner woe planed before them The young couple were the recipients of a variety of valuable and neeful presents %hewing the high esteem in which they are held, Groom's gift to the bride woe_ O beautiful gold wish bone net with pearls. The bride's going away 'town was navy blue cloth with hat to match. A very enjoyable evening was spent in mufti°, games and donning which lasted to the wee' emu' home of the morning, ,Mr. and Mre. Milloy left on Saturday morning for thele new home, a000mpanied by the good wiehee of 0 longe eirole of frit nde in whioh Ton P0010joins. IN0TIT11T1t-The Ladies' Institute of thin plane hoe paeeed,2 v, ry euooeeefal years, Starting with 7 members and aloe. ing with aboat 80 members. It wag de, °ided to open the new year with on At Home eo on the drat Thursday of the new year all the members with their husbands, or next beet, gathered at the comfortable residence of R. and Mra, Barr, whom a very fine oyster and fowl supper woe served, whloh all seemed to enjoy very much. The reek of the even• log was 0peut in inutile, g0tn00, and eooiel chat. Before leaving it was moved, eeoond- ed, carried !.hat ell gather in a like manner once a month during the Winter, Atter a heartyo vote of thanks to the host and hotness the company repaired to their several homes having heartily en. joyed 'their ontieg. The eeoond woe held at the home of S. 8. and Mre. Cole he t, of the month and as the night on h 6th 1 n b Wag fine about 75 were present, TChe. ovoning Walt spent in games soak ail Fldrlob, 0roohinele, Pitt, Parcheesi and Bean bags until about 1180, when a t02ty [Mich wee after whieh a Short regratn wag rendered ne followe:- Selection, violin by 3, R, Brown 1 Matra. mental by Mee Aileo Davies I 'song by Mies R, Spume , instrumental by Mies Jean MoLauohlin . recit% ion by M,ido Ida Oole ; song by J. Wd.eh ; 100100ment. al by Ohrietian Rolirnior on the violin. After a vote of thahke to Mr, and Mrs. (Me and eingiog "Good Bye" and "Auld Lang Syne" all wended their way to their eevoral home. Phe next gathering in to be held at Dr, and Mre. F, rg000n'e where a good time ie expected. We are ploaeed to State that the moiety ie grow. tog rapidly. Belo ru,ve. Mre. Wm. Bryant, of Hallett town. ship, is 'pending it few days with her parents, Wm, end Mre. Wray. Our genial merchant, Cues. MoOlel• laud, bas returned from hie trip to Tor. onto. The members in attendance at the February Quarterly Board, Belgrave circuit, with their wives, were entertain. ed at the Parsonage by Rev. and Mre Jones. MATRIMONIAL.-Oo Wednesday, Feb. 15th, a quiet but pretty wedding took p ace at the home of Wm. and Mra. Wray, Belgrave, when their eldest dangh• ter, Dora Buobonan, was united in marriage to J. A. Brandon, of But Wawanoeh, a gentleman well known and highly reepeoted in this neighborhood. 41 6 p m, the bride, tastefully attired in e, gown of navy bine silk, entered the neatly decorated parlor on the arm of her father to the attains of the Wedding Mmrob, played by Mrs. Jones. The ceremony woe performed by Rev. A. E. Jonee, pastor of the Belgrave Methodiet oburob. After congratulations bad been extended and a sumptuous repeat par taken of, the bride and groom left for their home in the enjoyment of the good wishes of their many friends. Meal Rations for Fattening Steers. Roughly speaking, steers for feeding may be divided into two Mame, namely, long keep eteera, whiob, 00 account of light weight or thin oonditioo, have to be fed five or Six months before they are ready for market; and abort keep steers, which are heavier and more fleshy and oan be finiebed in from three to four months. The methods of feeding these two olaeeee of oattle are necessarily dif- ferent, and therefore the suggestions whiob follow are offered under two different heads. • LONG KEEP STEERS. Long keep steers are all the better to reoeiv0 practically no meal daring the first month they are in the etable, or, at the moat, merely a sprinkling of meal on their other foade, oay, between one and two ponode per day. Thee they became aoauetomed to meal, and the quantity may be gradually inoreaeed until, by the end of the second month, they may reach as high as four poanda each per day. An ieore080 in the amount of meal should be made gradually, and the extent to whiob it abould be increased atter the point jaet mentioned, will depend upon the condition of the memo. As a rt 5, ren0onable good long keep eteera oan be floiehed for market by feeding, on an average, about half a pound of meal per day for every 100 pounds of their live weight. That is to say, if the average live weight of a Steer for the whole feed- ing period ie 1,200 pounds, the amount of meal required to fatten him will average about 6 pounds per day. 01 oo0rse, towerde the close of the feeding period, it may be necessary to increase the meal ration to nearly a pound per day per 100 pounds of live weight, but Since the ration was extremely small at tbe beginning, and was very gradually increased, the average daily ration. will not exceed, to any considerable extent, the quantity stated. The feeder meet ever bear in mind that meal is theexpensivepart of the ration, and that the profits depend very largely npon the skill with whiob this important tactor in fattening is handled. Light meal ratione to start with, and very grmdual'inoreasee, are two general guides whiob should never be lost night of in fattening oattle. SHORT RESP STERNS. The same general principles apply in the ogee of eli'ort keep steers as in the ease of long keep, with the exception that, since the ehort•keep eteera are to be fioiehed in three or four Inutile, it ie necessary to increase the meal ration more rapidly. Even in this ease, it is easy to injure the stem very seriously by feeding too heavy a meal ration at the start. Throe 0r four pounds of meal per day is a heavy enough ration with which to start, and the 'uremia Should be grad- ual. In the course of a month, they may be nearly to their limit, though jut what the limit should be, depends upon ai roams beaus, There are euooeeetuI feeders who seldom exceed half a ponud of meal per day per 100 pounds live weight of the steers. When it ie required to have the eteera finished by a certain time, `it may be neceeeary to orowd a little hut when the meal ration ap. promisee a pound per day per 100 pounds ive weigh), it is booming vary expensive. The amount of meal will aleo be influenoed by the character of the balky fodder' and. If straw and chaff are fed, more meal will be necessary than when good bay ie used, eo that the quantity of meal must be left largely to the judgment of the feeder. It is a fact, however, that a great deal of meal is waetecLihrongh overfeeding, and the feeder moat ever keep this foot f0 mind. He mast re. member also that he i0 not dealing with maohinee, bat with living creatures, and Ube would feed t0 the beet advantage, he MEM etndy hie animate and strive to so oommodate hie methods to their in- dividual rlgoirvmonto. Weimer. The question of weight must never' be lost eight of in feeding meal. Many men feed entirely by measure and are inclined to form their opinions of different foods by the effects produced by equal mane urea, instead of by egnal weights. A gallon et ground oats is a very different thingfrom a gallon of ea 'noel, 8 p and when feeding the lighter olaeeee 01 meal,. the balk Should be increased Re o1mpared with heavier kinds. It this point ie not loot sight of, the feeder will be sorprieed to find, atter ail, bow little difference their i0 E tt the feeding value of different Itinde of meal. The man with good judgment will get good reOalte from al- most any meal mixture, that it da paha. table, He meet see to it that it le palm table, abet it is mixed in such a way as to bo digestible, and that the guide as to gaentity isweigh t not measure. Morris Council Meeting. The Ooonoil met aeonrdinv t t ad• j Airttnent in the Council La,om on Feb, 8 h. Metnberd all gree-nt, the 1404ve in tbe chair. Minatea of laet meeting read and paused. Oa motion of Taylor and Mo0otobeon, Henry Johnston wee ap pointed member of the Board at Health to fill the vaoacoy oaaaed by the death of Die late Geo. Hood. On motion of Kelly and Taylor, Dr, Hamilton, of Belgrave, woe appointed Medioal Health Officer in plaoe of Dr. MOAeb who ie removing from this locality. On motion of Shaw and MoOotoheon tka Reeve and Connell lore Taylor and Kelly were appointed a Oommiue to confer with the parties interested in proposed Railway aroeeiog on 9.10 con. lime near Blyth and to arrange with the Railway Co. actto the most enitable Style of oroesing, The Auditors' report woe pre-eoted and ea mined by the Council and on motion of Taylor and Kelly the eame was adopt d ae satisfactory. Accounts tv, re ordered to be paid as follows t -M. Blaok, Audit. or'e feee, $8 00o R Johnston, do $8,00 ; 8 B. No. 10, sae or eohnol at election, $4 00 ; A. E Bredwln, printing muni• oipel ballote, 54 00 ; Jae, Logan, tile $38 82 ; T. 8. Brandon, Treasurer's salary, 5100 ; T. 8. Brendan, postage, $800. Bylaw No. 2, wee duly read and paeeed. On motion of Kelly and Shave the Council then adjourned to meet again on Mnroh 151h. W. CLA11x, Clerk. HOWiCK MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Leat week Tao POST published the re. port of the ennual meeting of the above mentioned Co. and thie taste gives the detail of looses paid and other rxpendi• cure for thr past year au 1'uhowo T. Holland, Morrie, barn, stable and contents destroyed by 11.0, cause, coal oil looteto $1250 00 Mre. 0. A. Stereo!, Howiok, dam- age to hoose and contents, fire from stovepipe 80 00 Alex. MoEwen, Egremoot, ecu• teats of barn, lightning 964 00 Joo. & Jae. Webster, Egremoot, damage to house and °entente, defective chimney 18 00 Mrs. 8, Greer, Howiok, sow kill- ed by lightning 16 00 H. E. Townsend, Howiok, wit killed by lightning 24 00 M. Wright, Minto,• damage to dwelling honer, and contents spark from chimney .. . 10 00 W. J. Mason, Wallace, bull kill ed by lightning 15 00 Mre. Ann Stamen, Grey, damage to dwelling house, lightning12 00 Jae. Kindle, Elmo, cow killed by lightning 48 00 John Lyone, Minto, one sheep and three lambs killed by lightning 13 50 Wm. Made & Sone, Minto, steer killed by iightniog 28 00 Wm. McKee, Wallace, aontente of dwelling house destroyed by fire, canoe unknown 200 00 Joseph Robb, Morrie, ram killed by lightning 10 00 Wm. Hopkins, Normsaby, horse killed by lightning 80 00 A. Spotton,' Howiok, damage to cow by lightning 18 00 John McMillan, Minto, cow kill- - ed by lightning 45 00 Andrew Longley, Howlett, baro and contents destroyed by lightning 864 00 W. J. Sharpie, Grey, bog killed by lightning 15 00 Adam Dake, Grey, horse killed by lightning 90 110 J. A. Patterson, Howiok, baro and contents by lightning1100 00 Wm. Huth, Howlett, damage to dwelling hoose and oontente, lightning 81 00 Hy. Baylor, Howiok; damage to barn and Sow killed, lightning 18 00 John MoFeddeo, Grey, steer killed, lightning 85 00 Chas. Henderson, Morrie, cow killed by lightning 45 00 Geo. Herr, Morrie, colt killed by lightning 45 00 Thee, O'Connor, Grey, barn and oontente by lightning 775 00 Ribt. dal. R. batman, Mink°, barn and ooetento,lightning1200 00 Alex. Gibson, Howlett, colt kill ed and damage to mare by lightning 48 00 Jae, Faille, Minto, steer killed by lightning 22 00 Jae, Clark, Howiok, damage to oolt, lightning 60 00 Mrs. Rachel Wille, Fordwiab, stable and °entente, lightning 105 96 Thee. Turnbull, Grey, damage to dwelling hones, lightning17 00 Alex, Forsyth, Morrie, two cows by lightning 75 00 Wm R0bineon, Turnberry, barn and contents, lightning 1400 00 John Robinson, Turnberry, con- tenteof barn, lightning 55 00 T. J. Snell, Minto, steer killed by lightning 26 00 Geo, Aeb, Wallace, damage to dwelling hoose, lightning 81 00 Ed. Oooper, Howiok, colt killed 80 00 27 00 12 00 65 00 by lightning John Brooke, Morrie, heifer kill• ed by lightning J. Jermyn, Morrie, emit killed by lightning W. A. Jackson, Howiok, binder, lightning M. Dinsmore, Howiok, steer kill- ed by lightning Chau. W. Greer, Wallace, borne horse killed by lightning . R. & I. Beate, MoKillop, steer killed by lightning (Co.'s share in) ,.. . • .• Jos. W. Walker, Turnberry, share in here' power and straw cutter destroyed by lightning Robt. J. Hoy, Grey, oonteute of barn, lightning Thirty-two losses under $10 Low naeto Mata01 Lire Underwriters Aoe'n fee. Statutory Aeeesement & Lioenee 100 Premiums returned to polioy holders Oommiesion to agents President for extra serviette ,.,. Investigating and adjusting ol0im0.... Printing, stationery and advor• tieing . . , 1'oeti44o, telegram°, telephone mid express,.. Direetore' teed 21 00 30 00 11 00 19 00 190 85 149 00 29 90 40 00 60 41 860 91 505 50 25 00 157 70 88 11 85 60 250 20 Audit, r '1 e' l8 00 Neoret etr 'l',eaenrer'e ealary..., 760 00 !teat t I ifi 'e and eapeneee there. with 60 00 Reit of ,e,." for Board Meet i0ge 12 00 Travelling expenses 42 00 Cara of Hall, annual meeting., 1 00 Gash ou deposit in lieu. Canada Loan and Bay. inge Co. Toronto.,.,$6000 00 Bink of Hamilton, Gor ria and Wroxeter branches 6879 21 Standard Bank of Can- ada, Harrtoton 1080 02 In Treaeurer'e hands at office 88 69 13492 92 $52419 10 The first Oaoadion Northern train hue oroeeed the North Bsekatahewen. Tho 'Milted States Treasury Boord has removed Binder twine from the tree lies. It le elated that the new Minioter of Agriculture built the first silo in Perth °entity. Herbert Martin, brakeman, of St. Thome*, was killed by falling between oars at Glencoe, The Oanadian Northern Railway will renew about 900 miles of traok with 250. 000 new lies this eeaeon: Henry Oamok, hotel porter at St. Tbomae, had his scalp torn off by falling on some Wanks. He may not recover. George Johnson, whose brother James is Speaker of the Manitoba Legislature, is vieiting in Perth (Jo. It is 0evente00 years eines he moved to the West from Fullerton and be appears to have done well. Monday evening of last week the epeoial committee appointed to report on the proposed $8,000 loan to A. Hill 800., Milaheil, met in the ooaooil-ohamber and had a oonference with a representative of the firm. The latter was regaeebed to 000ert0in the prospects of the hy.law, if submitted to the ratepayers, carrying, and petitions are now in circulation asking that the by law be submitted to the electors. Despondent through worrying over lose which he sustained in a tornado that invent through the Northern partof Perth about a year ago, Arthur Dowd, of Mornington, banged himself in his barn Wednesday morning. He went out to the barn apparently with the intention of doing some °bores, and there was found a abort time after. Dowd owned a good farm when the tornado oaoarred, but his baro and house were badly damaged and some of his etook killed. He sold 0000 and bought another farm with which he is said to have been very much die. eatiefied. To brooding over thee° matters ie attributed his Sot of eeltdestruotion, Dowd was a bachelor. A Local Salesman for BRUSSE LS and surrounding territory to represent "CANADA'S GREATEST NDRegRIES." Neweot varieties and specialties in Hardy Fruits, Small Fruits, Shrubs, Ornament ale and Rome. A permanent eitoetion and territory reserved for the right man. Pay weekly, handsome outfit tree. Write for partionlare, and send 26 ciente for our pocket microscope, just the thing to nee in examining trees and plants for i080200. Stone & Wellington FONTHILL 14UR5ERIEB over 800 mores TORONTO, - - ONTARIO LOOK AHE " To -day is your oppor- tunity. While you are in health prepare for the to -morrow of sickness, adversity and old age. An Accumulation Pol- icy in the Confederation Life will make these prepar- ations for you. On account of its lib- erality, clearness and freedom from conditions the Accumulation Policy is the contract you will find that exactly meets your requirements. DESCRIPTIVE LITERATURE AND FULL INFORMATION SENT ON APPL1GATION TO W. He K E R R AGENT, BRUSSELS. °•t��+xW"`..xdW'ksdrtro =w { exdVIC:)u "- . tzo~z 7; MOK lleliVON & CO, ,• OPENING G NEW GOODS Oar new goods, imitable for early Spring trade, are arriving in large gn+tntities. Oar purchases for the Spring trade are OD a more ext0010ivd eagle than formerly, Our trade is rapidly increasing and we have pre. pared for a large trade this Spring. We make a specialty of Fine Drees Goode mud show some very speotal Tinea this season, Bieck and Navy Lupine, 64 inohos wide, floe giosey finish, good value at 65o, epeeist prioe 60e. c-4 Fine Bleak and Colored Lestree, great value at 25o, 85o, 60a, 750 and $L Crepe de Ohene, 45 inohee wide, in oolore of blank, navy and brown, very epeoial at 50e per. yard. Fine Oreepine 0•otb, 42 inohee wide, in oo10r0 of black, navy and brown, very opeoial at 500. Venetians, In black and navy, 64 inches wide, fine glossy finish, at 75 $1 Blaakt Braadolothand$126., 54 inches wide, at 750, $1, $1 26 and $1 50. Mercerized Vesting*, in all the new designs, from 1243 to 60x. Ornm'a Now Prints, in all patterne, very 0900101 124-x. New Muslims, Linen Lavinia and Organdies, in great variety, from 100 to 850 per yard. Valenoienee Laces and ianertions, in great variety, from lo per. yard up. New 'Claim Carpets, i n new pettern0, at 26o, 35o, 400 ono 50o. New Tapestry Carpets, new designs, a6 25e, 85o, 50o and 76d, WINTER GOODS Any Winter Goode on hand will be sold regardless of aoet. If you want a Fur Jaoket or Far of any kind oome end see ea. We will malts it worth your while. Ladies' Cloth Coate sold at half price to clear. xxe''%bxoc4,Xa.,abxxet'+t•x xdr=•xxx XxaIu Imported for Ser7710ee Star Chief (Vol 20) The undereigned will keep for service on LOT 23, 00N. 14, )0cRILLOP, the splendid imported ball, "Star Chief," (Vol. 20). Roan ; calved January 26,1908 ; bredScotlby T A Anderson, Ballaobraggan, Rose -shire, •and BREEDERS or DAME Dams Sums BREEDEne 014 81RE9 Challenger (74129) 3 Wilson T A Anderson Star Gem (imp) =18882= Silver 4tar(708/7) W Duthie J Scott Bigg Gem 2nd Marshall Duke (57789) NV 0 Mary G 'Bruce Bid Gem Leopol t (58106) G shepherd G Bruce Gem of the Vale 4011 Samson (470011 J W le 1: Cruickshank W A Mitobell Gem of the Vale Lord Irwin (19(23) W Liaton W A Mitchell Plower of the Vale Magnet(317971 Duke of lluoclonoh W A Mitchell Pride of the Vale 7,070,11y (28788) A Cruickshank W A Mitchell Sultana Bertram (174041 G Shepherd Lady Raglan California 11.2528) W Hay Arabella Yowls Severe, gn (7541) A Cruickshank Young Juno The Peer (5455) T Crofton June (purchased from Mr Burnett, Seton Maine) CHALLENGER (74199) belongs t0 the favorite Orrick shank Clipper tribe. He was got by Prince of Banguhar (71221), also a very well bred Clipper who wee bought from J Wilson, of Lower Pirriesmill, by Doone -Willis at the Newton sale 1', 1999 and woo in the herd at Banton Manor until the Autumn or 1890 when be well brought back to Lower Pirriesmill, While in Mr Willis' hands he had a dietingul,hod career in the South of Euglaml and won many first pr,zes in the North in 1897 and 1898 Challenger was out of Centrepiece, by the Raglan bull Reroutes (54424), a eon of the noted Clear -the -Way (47004), who was sire of both first and second prize steers at the Smith0eld Club Show, 1891, also of the steer which won first prize and reserve for the Breed Cup, tame snow, 1804 SILyER STAR (78627), a Oro000, bred at Ool(ynie, was got by Twinkling Star 181931) (u gun of the great Star of Morning (58189) ), out of Crocus ,14011. by the Cruickshank Vwiet or 'ago Bose bull Prince Palatine (67903) (a very successful etre.) MARSHAL Duna (57739) belongs to the Starr M7asie tribe -probably the moot talked of Bootoh family to -day. Toe great English champion Marengo (8900) was a 9lioo)o. The COW whiob brought 56000 at nubile unction in Chicago was a Misete and air Marr refuges to part with any more females of the Stroh, Marshal Duke was gat by the grant old Uru'ok- shank Orange Blossom sire William of Orange (50894), out of Misete 73rd, by Prince Charlie (42172 ) LEOPOLD (65108), a Shethln Lovely, was sot by the Lustra bull Lorne (46743), out of Love- ly 29111, by Iaion (04268),2 d, Lovely 18th, by Sir Charles (16045). Terme-$8 00 for grades and $8 00 for pedigreed animals, with privilege of returning if neceeeary, 81-tt A. GARDINER, Proprietor. The Furness Liner Damara wan wreck- ed ou the rooks twenty miles Bent of Halifax. Boma of the crew got Rebore in a boat, but it is feared the aapt0in and fourteen others perished. ALLAN LINE LIVERPOOL and LONDONDERRY Royal sail Steamers From' St. John From Oallrax Corinthian Sat., Feb, 18 Mon„Fab. 20 Palietep 25 1 0 27 Rloi)isa ', Mar. 4 Mar. 0 Bavarian ” 11 " 15 RATES OF PASSAGE First Cabin, $50 and upwards, according to steamer and sonommodation ; Second Cabin, Liverpool and Londonderry, $87 50 and 540, according to steamer, London 82.00 extra ;. Third Class, 527.50, Superior ac- commodation, Liverpool, Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, London, New Torn to Glasgow Laurentian Thnredny, March 2, 10 am First Cabin, $40 and np-2nd Cabin, $85-8rd Claes, $27 50. For further pal Maulers apply to W. H. KERR, Agent, Brunets. -Watches Clocks and Jewelry For a Choice Stock of Goods at 'FAIR PRICES the Public cannot do better than buy at my store, A Specialty of Repairing and all work Guaranteed. Call in. J. G. JOES AT T WITH THE 013JECT OF CLEARING OFF THE STOCK OF Toys, Dolls, Books, &c. as the room is wanted for other par. poses, the balance of the goods will be sold at COST for 80 days. POST BOOKSTO