The Brussels Post, 1905-2-16, Page 1Vol. 33. No, 32
W. H KERR, Prop,
New Advertisements.
Wool shawl loot—Tun POW.
Executors' sale—W, Skelton.
Poetpoucd tale—Chas. Bozell.
Wanted—Stone & Wellington.
Alan Line Steamers—W. H. herr,
ilOistritt 4.et3a,
The W. R. Tbampaon Co. are
¢hipping four pare of maple rollers from
Blyth station to Liverpool.
eel the annual meetiee of the Oane0lau
Peen Aeeooiation, which was held in
Toronto, the editor of The Standard was
elected aeeietant Beoretary Treasurer.
A eandwioh social ander the enmities of
the Women's Missionary 8oniety of Blyth
Methodiet church will be held on Wednee•
day evening February 22nd, in the bad
went of the aurae,
Auction Sale
Owing to the bad weather
and drifted roads the Auction
Sale of Farm Stook, &e., at
Chas. Rozell's, Lot 5, Cons. 10•&
11, Grey, was not held on Tues-
day, but will take place
Monday, 20th List.
AT 1 I'. M.
��Tell Your Neighbor.
llikr, , .yW.t91 JRi.
A Local Salesman for
'and surrounding territory to represent
Newest varieties end specialties in Hardy
Fruits, Small Fruits, Shrobe, Ornament
ale and Rome. A permanent situation
end territory reserved for the right man.
Pay weekly, handsome outfit free. Write
for partioulare, and send 25 caws for oar
pocket miorotoope, just the thing to uee
in examining trees and plate for inmate.
Stone & Wellington
over 800 acre,
We Perfect
Perfect sight is a gees.,
tion of perfect adjust:
menti 8 mechanical
process which we am
eomplish with glasses.'
We ere exports in par.
footing sight,
Miss Teenie Sample
OlockS and
:. it
Jew¢ Y
For a Choice Stock
of Goods at PAIR
PRICES the Public
cannot do better than
buymyat store.
A Specialty of Repairing and all
work Guaranteed.
Call in.
Wee Cora Bawdee, third daughter
of Mre, Thomas Bowden, of Clinton,
formerly of Blytb, died in a hospital in
Landon on Timothy morning of last week,
The young lady had a tooth extracted a
short time ego, which brought on blood
poisoning, followed by death.
Onnnoii meeting will be held hers on
the 27,1,
Wedding next Wednesday. The prin•
°Mpete are mid to be A vin Barr and Mine
Selina Welsh.
It is reported tbat George Dobson, a
former resident of this lomlity, is here
on a visit from Kansas.
It is said that Mrs. George Bateman
end one of the dsaghtere have had en
attack of puenmoate and are in a danger.
one condition of health.
Last Mouday Alex. D. Lamont attend
ed the fataerel of d4iee Jean Telfer, 16tb
con. of Grey. It was an extremely cold.
day for ,,ny long trip, especially for a
feudal. The minister at the cemetery
wieely advised the men to keep their
hate en
Director John McTaggart was here the
colter day erraooink for the ase of the
.gall ror the Farmers' Institute on
M..rob 9'h and luokine up talent for the
mu.ioal program ie the evening. There
is a'w6y8 an interesting meeting et
Ethel and we bops the farmers will bear
the dote in mind.
Don't forget the Charity Oonoert in
the Townehip Hall here on Friday even
ing of this week, ander the auspices of
the Sone of 'temperance. Au A 1 pro
gram will be presented. Will. McLeod,
the h0moriat voo8liet, of 8ealorth, will
be here, Mr. McLeod teas at a Soottieb
Concert in Teed -eater reoently and the
News of that town meta :—Egaaliy pope
tar w80 Will. McLeod, of Seetorth, who
furnished the hemornaa ridiouleme part
of the program. Hie oomio eongo and
more oomio speoohes and recitations,
and his very good dancing of the Sailor'¢
Hornpipe preyed him one of the beet,
c.eaneet and cleverest humorist entertain..
ere on tbe road,
an lin et 14 to wn
Will. Burke took a,flying trip to Logan
on Snoday last;
Several from this looality atleuded the
annual meeting of . the Bowiek Mutual
Insurance Co., at Gorrie. last Friday.
leepeotor Miller was re•eleoted Preeideut
and Co. Councillor .Bryans Vioe Peed.
dent. They, are old hands at the bud
"The beet in my inepeetorate, for
order, ¢elf government, nod general
efftoieney" was Inspector Robb'e opinion
of S. S. No. 10 Morrie, and 8. S. No. 4,
Grey, when he mode his regent semi
8nnaal visit to them. Well doge teaohere
and pupils—an exaellent record.
The auction eale of farm etoak et P.
J. McDonald's, Eaat of her last Friday
afternoon turned out serest manse even
,f the day was a stormy oneand the
roads bad Nearly 1)1600 were received
without the implements, Finlay Scott
was the auctioneer. Mr. McDonald and
family will be removing to Brueeele
next week, The farm has been ranted to
B. 0Payne.
At the home of Alex Forrest, on a
repent evening, a social gatherine waft
bald. A lamp on the organ fell off and
struck. Miss May Smith, who was play
ing, on the forehead and then against the
keyboard of the instrument breokiug the.
lamp And scattering the oil over the young
lady which took fire. Her olethine
was soon ablaze but by the timely nee of
rage no very serious dnmape was done.,
The file on the organ wee put out by a
pail of water. Of course the instrument
was demigod but Mr. Forrest will be re.
anmpor,eed by the Insurance Co. It
might have been worse.
Wtart /C4ItHt-. -
W.and Mre, Greerreturued to Wiarton
thele week.
Robert Miller retailed from Toronto
en Friday.
Thoe. Dean, of Wingham, was in the
village on Monday.
Harry Benson, of Toronto, is a visitor
at "Carman Farm".
Mime Jessie Gibson, of Durham, is the
meet of her sister, Mre. F. V. Diokaon.
John and -Mre Devideon entertained
a number of Mende on Thursday even•
IO Mrs. Jae, Allen entertained a .large
number of her girl friends to tea last
Mise Eva MaOraoken, of Brueeele,
eperiegaverel days with her friend, Mies
Lala Hemphill.
Mies Bien Smith accompanied her
brother, John Smith, on hie return to
Dakota tat week.
A few young people from the village
attended the Box Soda' and Assembly In
Fordwieh Tueoday eight.
Milte Edythe Crawford, who took
part in the C. 0 F. Concert on Tuesday
v nd at the home o
mania, visit e o f Roertb
Miller over Sunday.
Wm. 7lglesoo, of Turuberry, has per'
abased A. Wells' reeidenee on Howiok.
street, and J 8. McTavish, of Turnberry,
hen- bought the residence of Mre. Gil-
William and Mre. Panne returned to
their home in Simone on Monday after.
spending a week with the former's
parent'', Jaa, and Mre. Paulin, end also
atten*inu the funeral of their niece, Mise
Eunice Helder
Boatel DRAT/I.—The oommOnity
received a shook when lit was fattened
toot Henry Armstrong tho enterprising
Amaral agent of Frost do Wood, had pane
ed away at hie home, lle had not been
well for a couple of weeko, but had been
attending to his baeineee as usual. On
Snottily he bad medical aid end on Molt.
day airtime medical a8nietenoe was
brought In, but dceptte all that could be
done at fout'o'0)0ok ote Toeeday morning
he peened away. Brain favor was tha
cease of death. Harry wag one 01 the
most aueeeeeOnl implement agents in thio
edition end had waked up a large trade,
A few montbe ago he oeld out to Doig &
.1nokllc, and want on art general al n o
IIs leaven two dna Itore and
one sou, Who have the deepest eymptetby
of the oommanity in the Toes they have
80008,0008E Bu9NlnD. — About 880
Toeeday morning fire broke out in the
sohool building and spread 00 rapidly
that Duly a few books and maps could be
reeoued from the flames. The tire
evidently started i8( an unused part of the
building end as the ashes are always
taken away from the, it is a
mystery to ail how the fire originated.
The walls of the haildh,g are still eland.
ing. It le insured in the Gore,Ylutuai for
61600. Itis proposed to 088 the bene•
mens of the amebae art temporary
eobool rooms, providing the mutant of the
church autltort*iee oa0 be prnonred.
A maegaerade oarnival wee held in the
rink on Thuredey night Tae oostomeo
were of a better alas than nsual and the •
large crowd attending was well pleased
with the evenieq'e fun. The incluse were
Mre, G. Town, Mre A. H, Ali feitt and
Rev. 3, °sterbnut, the prize winners
Mina a9 follows;—Best dressed lady, '1
Mre. S. Blank, and Miss L. Arden ; beet
dressed gent, L, Andrews and T. Ei.
wards ; beet dressed girl, Jeanette Black ;
hese dressed bay, Ray Oerr ; oomio, Mao
L. Lewitt, The races requited as foliowe
:—Ladies' race, AL Ardell and L. Ardell ;
oonple race, M, Ardell and Weide Miller,
and Scott Back, and 018r9 Rutherford.
LV tit 80)80,
A large number of our residents
attended tbe funeral of the late Jean
Telfer on Monday.
The Yonne People's Cirole will meet
at the residence of George Grigg, on
'Tuesday next. A good program ie being
There wee no 0088108 in BE. George's
church last Sabbath, the incumbent, Rev,
Mr. Langford, tieing prevented by storms
from reaobing his obarge.
Mise Nand Forgoeou enaeeeded in twin.
nine &rat•olaee bonds in Primary Piano
at the examination held in Brueeele loot
week. We hope thio is an aagory of fotare
triumph¢ in We musical line.
is ie op to the people of this locality
to patronize the Public Library, so that
it will have a proepernue year. This ie a
great boom to reading people and they
should ¢bow their appreciation of it by
upholding it individually.
Wm. Hoy bae disposed of his store and
property belonging, to James Lindsay,
of Grey. A ie understood that a hard-
ware store will be opened by Mr.
Liaderey'e two sone. Mr. Hoy will locate
in some town where he will curry on hie
butchering besioese.
aim r M ma.
Morris Council met Wednesday of last
A brotber of Mre. Wm. Robb, 6th line,
is here from Manitoba on a visit.
The 8th line will fornieh the bride for
a Manitoba bridegroom, it is said.
Co. Committee Iebte*er will beiuepeotor
in the building of the Dement abutments
for Morriebank Uo. bridge.
Monday was a regular "ring -tail e0ort•
er" for ootd and the roads were very
heavy, Toeeday wag a good mooed.
The Executors of the late Robert
Skelton, 8th line, Morrie, will offer the
100 aore farm. farm stook, bousehold
furniture, &o., for sale Oa Tuesday after.
noon, 2860 met., to Diose up estate.
Mrs. Skelton and little daughter will
make their home with the former's
father, Charles Howlett, Brassie.
At the meeting of Wingham Town
°emmail on Monday evening a change w8e
made in connection with the market
weigh goatee in which J. H. Bowman,
formerly of Morrie, was appointed weigh.
maeter. Thio arrangemeut eboald prove
sa'iefaatory as Mr. Bowman's pram of
bosineen is convenient to the goatee.
Mre. Frannie McCaughey died at her
reeidenoe on Mill etreet Blyth village,
early on Thursday morning, 2nd Wet,
Deceased had not enjoyed very good
health all this Winter and on Monday
of the previews week wart taken suddenly
and seriously ill with heart trouble,
which resulted in death. Mre. Mo.
00aghey was born in Ireland 66 yoare
ago and came to Canada when 16 years
old. She was married to Toronto to
Francini MoOaughey, who survives her,
the oeremnny being performed by Rev.
Father O'Reilly. After her marriage
eche and her husband moved to Morrie
township, wbere she spent the greatest
pert of her life. Besides her hu•band,
sheieavee two Bona and three daughtere.
The ohiidreo are Frank, of London
John, of Morrie ; Mre. Matthew Cohort,
of IJubett; Mrs. Frank Splutter, of Seta
fortb, and Rate at home. The Patient'
took place on Saturday morning ab 9 80
to St. Miohael'e church, where Rev
Father Egao, of London, Bung Matto and
preached a very appropriate sermon.
Rev, Father P.nsonueautt minted him.
The obnroh 1894 crowded with old friends
and relatives of the deeeae..d. The pall•
Mestere were Petrick Phelan, James
Gibson, Henry Reobmond, Thomas Laid•
law, MioNuel Kelly and Donnie O Con•
nor. interment was made in St,
Miehael'e cemetery in Mortis townehip
and fully 75 cutters and sleighs wore in
the funeral cortege,
PoenoTY Wsm 8(d—The residence of
John Perrin, 450 Ames etreet, Loudon,
WAN the eoene of a very pretty event on
Wedueeday of fMet week, when the 00x0.
many took plsoe that united a popular
and estimable young couple, Mies Mand
Perrin, eldest duughtoe of John and Mre.
Perrin, to John F. Moteraoken, eeoond
eon of John and Mre. MoOraoken, of
Wingham. The rite was eolemnized in
he drawing•rooen, which was radiant
with floral deoorationo. Tile doh Dom
binations of colors and grouping of
dolga made a mute of rare loveliness
and formed appropriate enrroondinge for,
eo bappy_aua aneptoious sn event. The
ceremony was perfcimed by Rev. James
Livingstone, aseieted by Rev, J. O. hid
()taken, btother of the groom, In the
preoenoe of only the immediate relatives
of the oontraoting patiea. Chador
Smith presided at the piano. The bride
wag given away by ber father and wag
unattended, After the egad oongratnla•
Oahe end a Inuehron, Mr, and etre. 1114
Oraolten left on the 4 60 train, good
wiehee being showered Open thorn until
At the regular meeting of the Official l
Beard of Brneee•e Methodist chord],
held Tuesday evening of Inst week, Rev.
T. Wesley Ooeene, whose portrait le
uiven, received a unanimous invitation to
continue as pastor for a fourth year.
The request was made on motion 01 W.
H. Kerr, eeoonded by R, Leatherdale
and enpported by Thae. Ferrow and
Chas. Switzer, the latter representing
Oranbrook obaroh, in commendatory
and oompiimentary remake to the
pastor and afro. Omens, and the resoln
tion was oarried by a unanimous stand.
ice vote.
Rev. Mr. -ft -Nene thanked the Board
most heartily, spoke of the enjoyment of
hie nearly three years In Brueeele, wart
very p!eaeed to aooept the invitation and
'poked forward to the meet suooesetal
year of his pastorate.
A few notes of bietorioal character
may be of interest in this connection.
Rev. T. Wesley Ooeene wee born of
Canadian parents, at Trowbridge, April
14th, 1864. When quite young he at•
tended the Oohegiate Institute at St.
Oatherines. where he received a 2nd
olaee oertifloate in 1881. Having am.
pteted abs Model sohool gonna at Strut-
ford be spent two years as Principal of
the Trowbridge Public sohool, during
which time be took regular work as a
10091 preaoher with' unusual aooeptanae.'
After taking a professional oertifloate
with honor's at the Ottawa Normal, lylr.
Goma resumed hie work in the home
sohool but Boding he mold no longer
resist the oall to the ministry he resign.
ed and went to Albert College, $eilevi!le,
where be completed hie matriculation,
During the theological aouree he was
Bret on the list at every examination,
baying an average for the 6 years of
nearly 90%. He wag ordained :in the
Norfolk 13treet Oburoh, Guelph, Jure
5•h, 1892 by Rev. Dr. Carman, General
Superintendent of the Methodist obnroh,
assisted by Rev. Dr. Scott, President of
the Guelph Conference. On the 17th of
Aagnet of the same year he was united
in marriage to Mies Mary E, daughter
of Robert Govanlook, of Seaforth, wbo
has proven a helpmeet indeed. During
bis probation, Mr. Oaten¢ was assistant
pastor at Heiman, Seatorth, Alma and
Georgetown, and since ordination he bee
been stationed at Belwood, Walton, Ford
wiob, Weetmiutter, and Braseel0.
The reverend gentleman is a
splendid preaoher, an attentive
peter, a good bosineue manager, is
enthusiastic and tborongh do bis work
and poeeeeeee social gaalifloatione that
make bim frieodg wherever he is located,
',Rhe above record is about as good art
many people have in their obituary
and yet Mr. Comma ie a man in the
prime of life and with a bright outlook
eltbongh not a place seeker.
Mre, Coma has proven her worth
over and over again in Ohnrob, League
and Sabbath eobool work and se a
pastor's., helper is always made most
welcome. She had an experience in
Reboot teacbing both in Ontario and
Manitoba which epeoially fits her for
enooeeefol labors with the youth, Mr,
and Mre, Ooaenshave Doe eon, De Witt,
who ie 11 years of age. Tao POST Tooke
forward to the next Couferenoe year
with considerable pleasure.
the very moment of their departure,
which was the signal of a, copious eupply
of rice by their well wisher¢. Friends
expreesed their admiration of the bride
and groom by a splendid array of oboioe
and minable presents. The young temple
will reside in Morris, Huron county,
where Mr. MoOraokeo is a proeperoue
{•n I. .
Township Council on Monday 27th inst.
J. A. &tenary'', auction sale, Oth eon.,
on Friday afternoon of Wig week.
The auction sale of farm stook, imple.
menta, &o, takes place at Nelson Asktn'e,
14th eon., next Wednesday afternoon,
Owing to inclement weather on Tues.
day, Chen. Roseil'e motion sale, lot 6,
eons. 9 and 10, was poetponed until
Monday afternoon of next week.
Last week Jno. Roberts in, wile and
children, of Langdon, North Dakota, sr
rived Isere for a visit with relativee on the
9th eon. They galled on Michigan friends
on their way here.
Ex Reeve Turnbull hag been on the
siok list with pneumonia but is consider.
ably better now end able to be about the
house. Rio many friends hope he will
soon be folly restored.
In getting a sure tonndalion for the
cement bridge abutments for the new
O. P. R. in Grey they bad to go en deep
ea 12 Leet in name places tbroagh the
swampy land to strike gelid slay.
Friday afternoon of next week an aaa
tion este of farm stook, implements, &o.,
will be held by T. W. Jaoltlia, at lots 15
and 18, con. 1. Sale unreserved as he is
giving up farming, The farm, oontain•
fog 90 scree, all cleared, with frame bonee,
bunk barn, &o., will be offered far tale
the same .afternoon. Immediate pus
088810n can be given and easy terms to a
Pdesoa AWAY.—With regret we ohrsn•
foie the demise of Mine Jean, tbe eldest
daughter of Wil dam and Margaret Tel•
fee, lot 6, con. 18, which end event took
pleoe last Saturday morning at 8 80
o'olotk. Deceased had been i8( failing
health for the past 2 years with beart-
weakneoe. She went to Iowa Iaet year
in the hope that the ohenge would prove
bonefioiel and for a time it did•butaftes a
lapse of nearly 6 menthe she acme home
only to fade away. At Pelee Me wee a
great but patient ee$erer end ber many
friends will einoerely regret her pneaing
away. Deceased was a oaneieteot mem
ber of Walton Preobyterien church.,
The funeral took p.ao8 on Monday aft08
noon, the burial being mode at Brueeele
cemetery, Rev. A. ItecNab, M, A„ of
Walton, condanted the service. AI
though the day was extremely oold there
wee a goodly camber in ettendanee.
Mies Telfer wan born in Gray and was
20 years of age,
James McCarthy of Lowe towable',
n (0 the round bya
e a nod b
Quebec, boo was t g
falling tree and froze to.death while hie
eon wait looking 101 eseietautne
County Orange
Lodge Meetings.
1,1013TH 090003.
The bounty L. 0, L. of North Heron
met in Wingham o8( Toeeday of last
week. There was a large attendance.
County Mester Maine of Lnndebom pre.
aided, The following offioere were
elooted :—Cewnty Master—M. Mains
(re•eleoted) ; Dap, 0. Master—Riebard
Landman ; Ohaplain—.Rev. W. Lowe ;
R. Sao —J. J. McManus , i Fin, Seo.—
A. Robinson . Trea-arer—Jas. Gotley ;
Dir. of 0.—N, Johnston ; Leotarera—
George Maine, George Thornton,
A. H. Mnsgrove gave anexoellent address
which was appreciated, It wee decided
not to have a Comity celebration this
year. Bach Lodge will be et liberity 10
go to auy celebration they may choose,
000100 808003.
There was a splendid gathering of
South Heron Orangement et Exeter on
Tuesday of last week, over 100 delegate¢
and viettore being praeent at the annual
meeting. There was a large amount of
routine buelneee transacted, and it was
decided to hereafter permanently settle
the pleas of the 12th celebration at
the annual meeting each year. Thi*
year (1905) the celebration will be at
Clinton, and the undertaking is already
well under way ; the feeling wait
eaoimoae, so that there should be a very
large gathering. Bro. Anthony Nevin.
who held the chair foe four years, bat
who has removed to London, retired
from the chair, and M. W, Bro. Scarlett,
oondnated the election and installation of
ofllcero whinb remitted as follows
M„ G. B. Hanley, Clinton D., M.
Franoie Davis ; Obap., Rev, G. M.
Bitty; F. S., W. J. Davis ; R. 8,, Peter
050001on, Clinton ' Treasurer; Adam
Cantelon ; D. of 0 Ghee. Sproule ; Leo.,
Bro. Deaeou t D, L o'e,, B. E, J. Elliot.
Rev, Bodeen..
NORTH ranili..
There wee a good tnraoni of members
at the annual meeting of North Perth
County L. 0 L., whittle was held In the
Orenge hall Lletowel, on Tneeday of last
week, '1'he eleotien of officers end the
celebration of the next Boyneannivereary
were the prinolpal matters dealt with.
Following aro tbe Officers elected for the
enacting year ,—county W. M., 8, S.
Rothwell , 0o. D. M„ Joe. Welker ; Co.
Chap., Rev, 0. H. ;tuokiend f Go. BOC,
Bee„ Roland Wileon ; Go. Tread., W.
Welsh i On. D. of C„ J. It, Hamilton :
Co. Ledtarer, W. 3, Turnbull ; Co.
Deputy Inatome, Mr, Lennox. It was
d d to7 ofn with the brethren tbran
South Perth�n oelebra►ing lite touring
Tweltth et B* itttord,
A.08118.4 MEETING LAST 01011tAX.
The annual meeting of the well known
Howlett Mutual Fire Insurance Go. was
he;d in the Township Hail, Go.rie, on
Friday afternoon of last week. Tbera
etas a fair atrendaroe, the bindery day
and drifted roads preventing many from
beiug peasant. Aft,r the minotee were
read and adopted the Anfitore Report
wag presented, It Elbowed over six
million dollars at risk ; a premium note
capital of over 9304,000 ; and easels of
over 8290,000 The petioles issued der.
fug the peat year were 1165 and the num
ber in force at the end of the year 8828,
being an MMor, 000 of 156 polioiee. The
+crania of insurance written WAN 91,963,
388, the amount cancelled and expired
81,184,610 00, having the net amount in
force at the dose of the year 86,080,221,
an moreuee for the year of 8398,828.00 in
the amount at risk.
Wm. Mo&archer, of Hovoick, and
Robert Boots, of Minto, were re.elcoted as
Directors and two new adhere were
chosen, viz., Messrs. Graham and Shear.
er. At a aobeegoent meeting of the
Directors Jno. B elil or W08 re appoint-
ed President and Edward Bryans Via
The Howiok Mutual was establiehtd in
1878 and Jae. Edgar, who with Wm.
Mo$eroher, have always been membere
of the Board, was the first President.
There were 15 membere on the Board at
first, then it wag redacted to 9 and after-
ward to 6 as at present. DIrectors now
ere :—J. R. Miller, Morrie township
Edward Bryans, Grey township ; Robt.
Scott, Minto, Wellington On, ; Me. Ed
gar and Wm. Mo$erober, Howiok town.
.hip ; and Jae, Wylie, Tornberry tows•
chip, The obliging and painstaking
•Seoretary•Treaeurer is W. 8. MoKeroher,
of Wroxeter. Robert Miller and Jas.
Foster were feet year's Auditors.
The Minna has been of steady growth
with comparatively little effort on the
part of the Board 98 compared with rival
oompanieo. It is hinted, bowever, that a
more vigorone pneb may be made in 1906
to give the splendid record of the Howiok
Mutual more prominence before the public
and there is little doubt of what the
response will be, The Board is to be
oongratalated on their management and
the polioy holders upon tbe favorable
showing presented from year to year.
By a trifling effort on tbe part of ail
interested the volume of business might
very easily be largely inareaeed.
On the last Saturday of each month
the Board bolds regular meetings in the
Foresters' Hall in the village of Gorrie.
One noticeable feature of this Co. is the
freedom from lawenite and one of he hest
recommendations is tits well pleased
policy bolder¢ who have coffered by fires
and had tbeir claims speedily and satie•
faotorily adjusted.
Brussels School Board,
The regular monthly meeting of the
Public Sohool Board was held in the
Board Room on Friday evening. Jas
Turnbull, J. G. Skene, D. O. Bove and T.
Farrow were present.
The minutes of the two last meetings
were read and paeeed.
The following a000nnta were presented
and on motion by J. G. Skene, second
ad by T. Farrow were ordered to be paid :
D. MoDoueld, wood, 96.19 ; J, H.
Cameron, supplies, 01 60.
Inspector Robb'e report of hie last visit
to the Bobmml woo read and it was moves
by D. 0. Rose, eeoonded by 3, G. Skene
that it be pnhliehed in the local papers.
Oarried. It was as follows :—
GENmcueN.—I beg leave to report that
I visited your sohool on Jan. 80th, Slat,
Feb tad and 8rd. I found all the school
rooms olean, well ventilated, warm and
oomfortable. There isnot a child attend•
ing your sohool who to not in us comfort.
able a living apartment while there as in
hie own home, oo matter how good that
home may be. It is a matter of concent
to all thinking people tbat with so oom
fortable a eobool and mob a fine staff of
teaohere so many parents allow their
children to mania away for snob slight
000080. Parente wbo do not give their
ohildren a good public eobool edaoatioo
are providing 'hewers of wood and
drawers of water" for those wbo are
educated. The attendanoe and olaeeifi
Dalian of the roma are quite eatiefee
tory. The teaohere are, as urinal, doing
quite satiefaototy work, and the village is
receiving full value for every Dent spent
on the eobool. Excellent work le being
done is the High 8nhool departments of
your sohool. I am, gentlemen, Your
obedient servant, D. Rano, Inspector of
Pubiio Schools, 0laet Raton.
Moved by J. G. Skene, eeoonded by D.
0. Rose that the amount of the Jae.
Smart Mfg. 00, for farnaoea be paid in
6when wen d 8(a. Uarried,
The Board then adjourned,
Change 111 Assessment Law.
The assessment law tine year bas been
changed 'somewhat by the enbetitution of
a bneineeetax for the personal tax on
goods, maobinery, 060 , is former year8.
No burnous will be aeseoed for lees than
8250, and varying in assesement from 25
per gent. to 150 per ant. of the eseaseed
value of said buelhees, to be oomputed by
reference to the amassed value of real
property go 000upied or used by the
messed party, as follows:
Every person asrryine on blighted) as a
distiller, for a cam equal to 160 per cent.
of the raid messed valve.
A brewery busineeg, 75 per neat of the
said assessed value of the land occupied
or need by him for enoh business.
A wholetate merchant, 76 per Dent.
A manufacturer, 00 per Dent.
Departmental More, retail merchant
carryi0g mare than five beanahee of
retail Crede, printer or publisher, a club,
in whiob epiritoae liquors are mold, 50
per cont.; in oitiee of Over 100,000 pap
nlat,on noel derriere shall be art eeee fa
s d r
80 per oent.
Praotieing barrister, eonveyanoor,
dootor, dentist, veterinary surgeon,
srohitect, 60 per sent.
Retail merabant in all places gndOk
10,000 population, 80 per cent. '
Photographer, eunoert hall, Intik or
other plums of amusement, livery or -
boarding stable, restaurant, hotel id
Which tavern lioenee has been eremite, or
any other trade not mentioned above, - 25
per dent.
Telegraph, telephone, eleotrio 004'
steam rail wept, 26 per cent.
Petrone oarryb,g more titan ' or .• kind
of Miami on the same pr, miees ¢lab be
el/nosed by reftrenoe to the aeseeard
value of the whole of the prim 8..14 nuclei
that one of the sold Muses in tchicb de
accented the kind of baeineee whiob ne
the ohief or preponderating busineee rf
00090 carried on by him le or noon lea
Beery paean aser•seed for haler -Pe
aosee+meat shalt be liable for the pay.
meat of the tax thereon and the 4848(08
Shall not oonetitut0 a (Merge epee the
land 000upied or used.
It will be observed that -the t.8(. i .r•ea
rax will not materially affect flog., filo
have bere'olore paid tn• tax naris r tri -,
tonal assessment, tits o,ff-re, ne' bedra
rather the baeie and graded smite ,t
aaeesement, d. e„ from 25 to 160 - per
cent„ enacting to the character of
baeineee, -
Mise Aggde Douglas ie visiting friends
at Gorrie.
Mre. Jno. Meadows is visiting her
slater at Paris.
Mr. Brae, of Peel, was it 881018 at
Mre. Funstou'o last week.
W. A. Harwood, of Hiokson, wee a
visitor at the home of Jno. Puah. .
Willie Cooper has been dangerously ill
but we hope be will soon be better.
Mies May Kennedy, of Bivth,' le visit.
Mg Mies Annie McQaarrie, Brueoels, •
Andrew Brown, of Hamilton, de visit•'
ing hie brother, Geo. Brown, this week.
07111, Lowry, of London, wee renewing
old friendebipo in Brueeele for a day or
Mies Maggie Stewart is visiting ber
sister, Mrs. Jae. Fox, at "Sunny Brae",
Brussels. -
Robert Dark was laid aside for a week
from an abscess but will soon 'be all right
we hope.
Ohae. E. and Mre. Stone and baby left
Brnseele last week for •a vied*' with
relatives at Brantford.
Mies Violas Cooper ie visiting at Sea.
forth thio week. She will also take part
in a O000ert out there.
Mies Mabel Thompson, William etreet,
is ander the (Motor's dere with pneumonia
bat we hope Elbe will soon be better.
W. W. Sande has keen dangerously ill
with an attack of pneumonia but is con-
siderably better now we are pluaeed to
Mrs. Sieaety and baby, are here on a
visit to the farmer's parents, Jas. and
natio, Petah, formerly of the 8t2 line of
Mrs. George Ballard, of Listowel, was
the gaeet of her sister, \ire. Juo. F0rgu•
son, daring the past week.
Will. Griffith wee in Wingham for a
few days last week (twine to the illness
and subsequent death of his anole, Wm.,
We are Barry to hear that Elward
Sperain is on the sink list and ander the
doctor's care but we wish bim speedy
We ate sorry to State that tetra Jacob
Wilton has been dangernaely ill during
the past week but we hope convaleaoencs
will speedily follow.
Mre. Dogge, of Cha+ham, fe in town
owing to the bloeae of hie mother, Mrs.
Jewett Stretton, whose condition is
easing ber (Heeds onoeiderable concern.
George Miller, who bas been on the Bilk
Viet for the past few weeks, ie able to get
about coca more we ate pleased to notice
and we hope be will soon be tie hearty es
Olare0o8B., little eon of Robert Ander.
eon, has been on the dolt liar with bra.
(Witte. Be was tbreetened with peen.
mania. We hope the little lad will sone
be quite well
This week W. H. Rem, Secretary.
Treasurer Grey Branch Age. Society, was
to have attended the meeting of the
Provincial Faire' Association at Toronto
but the railway blockade pr.veoted.
3, Leslie herr and Mien Louie Brown
were in Stratford for a day or two this
week and heard the celebrated Pittsburg
0robeetre Monday evening in the eidetic
city Opera Rase, A. M. Kay is the
former's uncle.
James Hunter, of Huron township,
Bruce Om, and a younger brother of John
Hunter, John etreet, Broeonle, la in er ry
poor health with email preepect of ra•
may we are sorry to hear. Ile hoe
been is tailing health enr enme-time,
Mrs. (Dr.) efoNeugh'on and e• • Oiler•
en00 have been in quarantine at kits.
MoNair'a, 16th con , Grey, f.r eat r,1
weeks and are still .there await: to Fel.
0n0e baying an atoaok of eoarletlnu, from
which she hal made a good ren,ncry,
Mrs, M. G. Richardson, Mile 1i .Ile r ltd
Willie leave thMM week for BMW Riv r,
Algoma, where they will ¢pend enn,8
time, It they are suited they moy io•
main there, retuening In the Fall to move
goods from Brunie, We wish them
W. and Mrs. Gillespie, of Ripley, have
arrived in town as r eiden'0, the former
having taken a pertnerehip with S.
Wilton in the hardware and tinware
Wittiness. We weloomc Mr, and Mr.,
Gitlenpie bank to 13r0880)8 and wish the
new firm Fumes.
AtaoNo THE StoE.—Mks 1ylary Rona,
Mre. 3, J. Gilpin, Mise Eve Oampr,-n,
Wyman Sperling, Mrs. Wm. Rose,
Gerry, S. Wilton and Mtn, T. letetneer
have been on the elk list duringthe pont
vas's with the prevailing grippe awn porn
tMoat epidemic, '-
Mee. Harbottle who bee been tit
Wood000ek for Immo time, bee been
kiting her palente in town and haremve
one to Barrie where oho fetes a position
n cook In Beattie Broe hotel. She is
o clue . t
m hand, Mime Neili II a nrbottle'
0r dual:met, 10 dielegraam girl in the
rune hand/.