The Brussels Post, 1905-2-2, Page 4• 1111191111.*1 Cure That Cold Our Blood Root Cough Cure is just the thing that will do it surely and quickly. The longer a cold is allowed to run the harder it is to effect a cure. Do not neglect it and keep a bottle of our Blood Root Cough Cure in the house, and start taking it when the first eymp- toms appear. Blood Root Cough Oure promotes ex- pectoration, soothes inflammation, and will cure any cold of the ordinary kind. Your money back if it fails to help in your ease. Price 25e. a bottle only from T H DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 8, & B. Trains leave Brunelle Station, North anii South, as follows : GOING BOUTS( GOING NORTH. Mail 7:15 a.m I Mixed 9:00 a.m Mixed 1290 a,m f Mail 1:25 p.m Express 8:OB p.m I Express ...... 8:85 p.m raw pb3,s pins. A ahiel'e amang ye taldr' notes, An' faith he'll print is. VeminARY. l••2u. SFLo Council next Monday. McnTELY Horse Fair Tenreday of this week A. 0. U. W. Lodge Friday evening of tine week. TBE ice hereon ie on and the crop ie R. g. •,,i nen. A FEW more weddings on the program in .i:rueeole locality. Tan Promotion Examination for Huron Will be held on April 13th and 14 le, Tam "D'Iotber Goose" Oantata Wae repeated in the Town Hall lust Friday evening wider the auspices of St John's Chinch Sunday Sabool. Ate assembly was held in Ernseele Town Halt Tbareday evening of thie week. Music wee supplied by a Lon- don Italien Orchestra Mug J. L. CALLAN wil1,be at home on Tdeeday and Wednesday, Feb. seven acid eighth. Residence, Turnberry street, South, in the late home ot Mre. T. Kelly. EAST Hveon Farmers' Institute Friday afternoon and evening of thie week. Musical program will intersperse the adnreee«e in the evening. Everybody welcome. No charge, Tan thermometer has been pointing nut zero weather durieg the pest week. It got very chilly Wednesday evening of last week shortly after 5 o'clock in a good many plaore in Ontario. FReSI a return compiled for hie in• epeotorate by Inspector Robb we learn that on Jan. ., c 7th 1905, there were 6 fiat °lase, 55 eeoond aloes, and 63 third ole teachers employed in East Heron. "Dlxtm's in 01d Virginia," a play for the people, neat, Olean, a show for ell. Genuine old time plantation festivities. Oomediene, eiogere, daaoere. Famone Olympia Quartette, singing Kings. D. 0. Ross and 0. Dodds have die. solved partnership fie tailors, olothiere and gent's furnishers, Mr. Race will 00ntinne the bueineee and Mr. Dodds will take a coarse in caking before de- ciding where he will locate. In our report of the Odd Fellows' At Home, held recently in Brussels, we in• advertently omitted the name of Mies Aliso Davies, of Ethel, who proficiently performed tbe duties of a000mpaniet for her brother's Bolos. No AoroLeAtsATION. — Ic a recent devpatoh from Brantford to the Mail and Empire it wee stated that according t0 a report the lblaeeey•Barras Co. and the Deering -Harvester Co. were likely to amalgamate. It appeare that the elate• moot was altogether unfounded and wee based on erroneous information. The Maseoy•Harrie Co. has no intention of amalgamating with the Deering concern. Tone Veen —There was not maoh differeuoo fn the total vote polled in E.,et Hu,ort in the Proviuoial elections ot 1002 sod 1006 Lr the former Mr. Hislop was oriented with 2,299 and Mr. Spottoo, 1,8:11 and Wednesday of last Week the Linerai oandidate had 2,212 and Mr. Bowman, the Ooneervative standard bower 2,070, an iuorease of 286 over Mr, Spettaa'e record. Mr Hislop polled 87 leas then in 1902. The lista of coarse may hove varied as well es the vote. WINTER Ravaann.—Laet year Mrs. I. 0. Riuharde, of Brussels, read in Tan POST a new way to secure fresh rhubarb for Winter nee, viz by growing it in the miler. She followed the inetruotiooe io the Fail and het week proved the cot. redness of the plan by preseotiog the EJitor with a stalk 2 tont long nod ao oompanying it a rhubarb pie. A.n old addege eaye "The proof of the pudding is the sating thertof" end we are ready to vou(rh for the Winter rhubarb theory by t11e precinct supplied. Several othere have received pointers and will look atter their supply next Winter through Mrm. Rloherde' experiment. DresoLUTIoN.—Meeere. Wilton and Turnbull are dieolving partnership as hardware matobarlts sod tinemithe, the latter retiring. They have enjoyed a large patronage, Will Gilllepie,01Ripley, wilt tape Mr. Tnruboll'e plane in the firm, Fe, several yeare Mr. Tornbull has been bothered with one o1 big limbo and he tbinke oat door work with leen standing will exit him better, hence may aocept the general agency for the Deering Oo, in the sale of agrioaltaral implement0, tko. We are glad to state he will remain in Brunets, Me. Gillespie Will eborly tape up reeidenoe here, Hie wife i5 a doogter of Chan. Ritohie, John emelt, who will be glad to get book to this locality, more partionlerly we her father no left alone 011109 the decease of Aire, Ritohle. Stocktaking is in progress in the 'tore now. AUDITORS MoOraoken and Kirk are at work on the village memento of 1904. Oaxaca soon, Opera Home, Brnseela Ontario. One night and matinee, Sat. nrday, Feb 11th, Mow. Taos KELLY has leased her real. deuce to J. L. Calan, who brought hie bride home last Saturday from Smith's Falls. Woan was received this week that John, eldest son of Wm. and Mre. Ellie, Brnseela South, was dead. We have not learned further partionlare before going to prees. Both Mr. and Mre. Ellie have been ill with the prevailing grippe epi• demi,, A saono time ago Mre. Pension lost' her pocketbook on the street. In the course of a little while. the purse wan left at her door, with a note enolosed, bot minas the cash. It was a very small and disboneeb transaction wben the owner was known and the day of reckoning for each parties will come. Dn. Bonne, the London specialist, win visit Brussels professionally end may be found et the American Hotel on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7th MARCH 7th APRIL 4th MAY 2nd •' MAY 80th 14 JUNE 27Th Ail interested should bear these dates in mind. Tun G. T. R. TJ BLAOIE.—Tan POST le a day late in its issue this week and then only a half sheet owing to a bungle in the freight department of the G. T. R. at Toronto. Lest Monday the way bill reached Broseele but our supply of paper has not arrived yet nur is there any word of i0. We waited until Friday noon ex• peoting it to arrive but failing we are compelled to publish a half sheet this week. We did all we could to overoome the mix up but failed. Oaeaex of BoetNEee,—Wm. Baeker purchased the butohering basineee of Wm: Heffron and will take possession next Monday, we understand. The pnrohaser is an old Brussels boy, eon of the late George Baeker, who bas worked for years at the trade, chiefly in the Weetern States, so will bave a good idea of tbe neoeeeitiee of the business. We wish him 800080s. It is said Mr. Heffron will return to Blyth where his brothers reside. He bas attended Manly to hie work whilea resident of Brussels and we hope he will aont1008 to prosper. WORTH NOTING. -0n the 14th of Jan - nary a son was born to Frank and Mrs. Taylor, of New York, the mother being the youngest daughter of Jas. Broadfoot, of Antagonist's, N. S., formerly of Brus- sels, The arrival of this young gentle- man places Jno. and Mre. Broadfoot, of Brussels, in the great grandparent list and makes Robert MoNaughton, of this looality a great great grandfather. Tan POST wishes young Mr. Taylor a great deal of happinese on this planet and hopes he may live as long Re great great grandfather McNaughton who ie now 91 years of age and quite hearty. THE return Hockey match with Wroxeter was played in the latter village on Wednesday evening, with Editor Sharpin, of Gerrie, as referee. At half time the score was 3-2, but in the latter part the home team increased their lead so that the final was 9 to 8. Art. Robin- son played with Brussels. The following is the list of players : WBOXOTER BRUSSELS W Me Lean Goal LKerr D Havfer Point.,.A B Montgomery P SmithCover A Robinson F Ardoll Rover J Currie W Miller Centre B Boost M Howe R Wing H Lowry J Rao L Wing G Thomson FAnainne' INSTITUTE.—East Huron annual Farmere' Iumtttate meeting will he held in the Town Hall, Bruseele, on Friday of next week, Feb. 8rd. After- noon session at 1 30 &',look at wbioh r addreeeee will be given by President Mo• Millan ; W. F, Kidd, of Simaoe, on "Am I raising the moat profitable horse ;" and G. Barbour, of Oroee Hill, on "Selection, breeding and feeding of beef (rattle." At the evening meeting. a musical program will be rendered and addresses by Mr. Kidd, whose topic will be "A stitch in time ;" and Mr, Bar- bour on "Farmers' sone " A large attendance is expected at both meetings. CONDOMENOE—The following ie a Dopy of a resolution pegged by Court Prinoeee Alexandria, No. 24, 0. 0.,.F., Brussel', which 'peaks of the brotberly feeling exietln5 towards those oalled to mourn;— Mr, Charles Ritchie, 73rtfaaels r Dasa SII AND BRo,--We, the Oflioere end members of Court Peinoese Alex andrta, No, 24, 0. 0 F,, Brne:els, take the opportunity of expreseing our sincere sympathy with you in the recent demise of your beloved partner. There may be eoreethiog of eolelie in your bereavement to know that year brethren bane "spoken of your Mee and share, a5 tar as we are able, the sorrow ocoaeiooed by a kind and loving wife being called away, We trent t ms be great oomtort to on and hero g Y yours in the thought Eliot these neper. atione Gee only to a brief period atter whiob there will be a knitting tegebber of Revered Itiendshipe never more to be parted in eat Father's Home on high, Yottre in L. B. & C. 3. WIsneg, C. 1l,. A. 11. Memnon. R. S. Standard Bank of Canada T"_E F.Ei2tA.�•T.ZS�•S�ISJ 1672 BURPLDB, OR 10FS1bRV2 FUND a 1,000 OW TOTAL ASSETS AVER 10,000 000 A Gonera 1 33 alike tig .113 OSSA 'J'i.ailfiaetell —ts�IVINQS BANKY-'e- --DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and npwartle received on wbioh INTEREST IS ALLOWED FROM DATE OF DEPOSIT at the HIGHEST BANK RATE. AOORUED INTEREST le added to nooniote every six menthe and becomes principal. —MARRIED WOMEN end A11NORS may make and witbdraw Deposita without the intervention of any person. ' LOANS MADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE. SALE NOTES GASHED, OOLL.E.TED or may be left for SAFEKEEPING on y fur which no charge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive oar careful and courteous Attention. A. C. MAOFARLANE, AGENT. Fouara Division Court Wednesday of next week. Co. COUNCIL le in session this e.esk. Messrs. Iebieter and Bryane ate in attendeeoe for this District. AT the annual general meeting of the Metropolitan Bank held in Toronto uu the 24th nit., John Firetbrook wee elected and added to the Board of Directors. DONATION ABBREOIATED.—Last week W. H. Kerr, Treasurer of Brussels Brunch, remitted $124.67, to the Treasurer of the National Sanitarium Association, Tor- onto, being the amount received for this deserving oharity. The amount was made up as follows Bazaar and Concert 386 64 I. 0. 0. F. donation 6 00 5 00 6 00 2 00 5 00 C. 0. F. donation A. F. and A. M. donation Mre. W. Armstrong Wm, Martin Brussels Methodist Sabbath School 15 93 Total (61114 67 Following was the reply reoeived a Mr. W. H. Kerr, Brussels, Ont. Dear Sir :— On behalf of the Trustees of the Free Consumptive Hospital I wish to thank you for your kind contribution of 9124.- 57 donated by the Brussels Beenoh Association. Let me also thank you for the good wishes and sympathy on this work expressed through your gift. I am with sincere regards, youre faithfully, W. J. GAGE, Treasurer. Business Locals. SEED Peas for sale apply to Mee. 'inos. OALDIB, Lot 9, Oon. 12, Grey. Woon for sale, either dry or green, soft or hard. Jew. MoNAE, Craobrook. BLANiroTs end Robes at moat for 80 lays to olear them out, at Jove, DoNAi.D80N e, Yoram ball for sale—Apply to D. GLASSIER, Lot 3, Oon, 1.1, Grey, or Brae• Bele P. 0. HOUSEHOLD goods for sale. Appv to MRS. Geo, McKee, Graham bleak, Bras eels. SLEIGHS or cotters in exchange far long or abort wood. Apply to D. Ewen & Co. Brussels. GOOD Boned cedar poste for sale, epply to Richard Kimbell, Lot 29, 8rd tine, Morrie, or Broeeeie P. 0. THE undersigned has a good outter for sale. Mlle. JNo. LoTT, Albert street, Brneeele. Siwe repaired and your life ineuest( by having saws gummed, eet and filed by T. MOGREeoa, Mill street, Brussels. Fun gauntlet found. By oallingae Tan Poem, paying for this notice and pr, viug property owner may have the same. LADY'S muff found. Owner may have name by proving property and paying for this notice. THE Pose Pub. H -use. Burs Orpiogtons are wooded by Experimental Farms at Guelph and Ob• taws to be our best Winter layers. This breed is taking the lead and is the beet all round hen today. Ooekerale for sale. Egge iu 8eae00, JNJ. Wit1anT, MPI st., Braaeele. People We Know. Mrs. Gage, of Hamilton is the giblet of Mrs. R. L. Jackson. Will. Elliott, of Stratford Business College, wee home over Sunday. Miss Agnes Walker, of Edmonton, Alberta ie the guest of Mies Luella (.lues. Mise Hazel Johnston, of Wiogham, fe renewing old acquaintances to Bro'ieele, Mre. Sevenpipers, of Listowel, le visiting at James Dudley's, Bruesele South. Mrs. H. L. Jaokson and Mrs. Herold Creighton were galling on Wingham friside last week. Chas. Ritchie Mike of taking a bceiday trip to relatives and friends in Miobigan for a month or so. Miss Cora Lowiok left for Detroit ilia week intending to visit with London friends while en route. Mise Maggie Brown, and her cousin, Jae. Wright, spent a few days with triende at Clifford this week. Mrs. J. L. Kerr was under the dootor's care this week being threatened with pneumonia but le ooneiderabiy better now. Rev. I. M. Webb was in town for a few days last week. His bealtb ie con siderably improved we are pleased to state. Wee Agnes Govenlook, of Atwood. was a visitor with her Meter, Mrs. (Rev.) Coaeoe and Mise Lib. MoLaohliu , of Oranbrook. Mies Mary Howe has gone to Wroxeter where she expecte to make her horns with her father who hes the woolen (eatery there, Weeley Pepper, Of Lambton Mille., was here for a few days' visit ondet the parental roof. He le the eeoond so of Thos. Pepper, of town. Percy Richards is home from Termite. He underwent a medical operation 'here for the remavol of a growth developing in hie threat from which we trust be will soon be o. 5. Mrs. Haro'd Creighton left on Bator. day for Hamilton where she will visit relativee before going to her home in Maeeaobosette. She ie well pleased with her first visit on ()Median soil, 11f.iee Bine Hunter has gone to the Old Country in ooadeetioe with a :ergo fortune that to eaid to rightfully 1 long to the Hunter family. We bops the matter sky be eatiefaotorily 019ared 89, Miss Carrie Milhansen is visiting in Remade. Miss Minnie Moore, of 85. Thomas, is home on a abort visit. J. W. Aman, of Bay City, ie visiting Me sister, Mre. D. O. Rosa, Dr. and Mrs. Graham are enjoying a visit in Toronto before 0omiag to Brum eels. Mies Nettie Brown was visiting with friends iu Wingbam for a few days this week, Jno. Beattie Rod Duna. elcLanohlin, of Oheelsy, are ogling on Bruesele friends thie week. W. A. and Mre. Matthews, of Calming. too, are viairore with the letter's mother, Mrs, J. L. Kerr, Brnseela. Mre. Thomas Moore has boeu..ill dor• ing the past week or more bob we hope she will soon be as smart as venal. W. J. Goodwin, of Dorahaeter, form- erly ot Brussels, woe visiting in this loosiity this week. He is re engaged as cheese maker for 1906 in the same factory and is well pleaaad with Dor cheater, W. J. Halliday left this week for Tor. onto and leonlity where he will visit with relativee of his wife before renaming to hiehotne in Calgary. A new residence has been completed for him in that city. He bas imam 17 years is Calgary and thinks it the buS. A. Hislop, 151. P. P., of East Huron, wee in Toronto lastTneedey. The Daily Star of that evening committed a great blander in epeakiug of him being in the pity when it said, "A Hislop, ex•M, P. P., who went down before the onelougbt in ism Buren, &o." As thio gen leman bad a majority of 142 in the riding "the aoelougbt" did not worry him very ser• Musty. Mrs. Bnneton end family removed from Bruseele to Brantford this week where Mr. Bunston is employed. Miss Bonston, who filled the position of organ 1st in tbe Methodist church, most acoepttably, will be greatly missed. She expecte on the opening of the melinery season to take a position in Walkerton. Iu the meantime she will enjoy a visit with relatives. Leet Sunday Mr. and Mre. Hawkins, of Godr-dale parents of oar •towneman, T. A. Hawkine, aelebreted their golden wedding and reoeived hearty oongratala• bone. Neither of the old people are enjoying their usual robust health but we hope improvement will thou ensue. By the refusal of our Mr. Hawkins co go into donble hareems it wi•l be some time before he will be able to celebrate theca notewlrthy anniversaries. TEE POST le not to blame in the matter. Last Saturday morning Reginald Fletcher left Broeesls for Winnipeg where he tepee a position in conueotion with the Ontario Mutual Insurance Co. Mr, Pletcher was born here and with the exception of a few years io Chicago, has resided under the parental roof. Ho took up the jewelry and watchmaking with his father and during. the latter's felling health and subsequent death, Reginald, assisted by his mother, manag- ed the business very competently and suooeeefully up to the sale of the same in December. He is an up-to-date tele- graph operator and bas consequently more than one string to hie bow. We wish him eucoeesin his wider sphere and with good health we expeot to see hint olimb the ladder of 5000558. Mrs. Fletcher will remain in town for a month or go before going Westward. Reg. visited 'Ms brother Russell at Chicago while en route to Winnipeg. The Widgb tm Advauoe says :—"Thio week W. Tbompson leaves Whtgham for Toronto where he has scoured a good eibuation, Will. was the faithful trusted employee of the Smith & Pethiok hard• ware firm and later of their successor, W. T, A. Fiehleigb. He is an earnest oheroh worker, and the Sunday School of the Methodist church recognized this on Sunday by presenting him with an address, full of kindly sentiments and good wishes for the future. On Monday evening, the Epworth League, of whioh Mr. Thompson was Preeident, oenveyed to him their regrets at hie removal and Wishes for his fubare 8000690, in ,,.tether kindly worded addrees. Atter the topic for the evening had been dealt with, Dr. Gandy was called to the ohair, when the addrees was presented. A brief program wits tendered and the Smile' Committee served bake and ooffee. The League and Sanctity School lose an earnest, faithful worker by the removal of W. 0. Tbomp eon, The Advance hopes to beer of his euoosss in Ogtario's capital." Mr, Thompson is a son of Joseph Thompeon, of Brussels. METROPOLITAN CAPITA 11. --Paid nil 39,000,000 111,SI:11VE FUND • • 311,000,000 BANK Directors REV, It, If. WAltDEN, D. D„ B. J. MOO13E, President, Vim -President, TH00, BRADSHAW, 1' I A. Hie 00203 SIR w, tooM'ISIRa OLAR1,. a 0 D.E. 0003e011, E. 0, HEAD OFF1OE - TORONTO W. D, ROBB - - GENERAL MANAGER A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bought and Sold.i Farmers' Note° Discounted, °5sr9iimsro ame Bwre,raroto.wr Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all same of 31 and upwards A. E. MELLISH, Manager. Wood for their hospitality. Mrs. Croft'e borne wan at Rooltwood prior to the removal of their family to Alien. ARO(OUE-BRpADFOOT. At the home of the bride's parents in Antagonieb, Nova Bootie. on Tuesday of Ibis week an interesting ceremony took plaoe in the union of heart and hand between Fred. B. Armour, of Charlotte town, Prince Edward leland, arid Mies Mary, eldest daogbter of James Broad• foot, formerly of Brussels, and grand• daughter of Juo. Broadfoot of this locality, The bride visited bete for a time and her old acquaintances will be a unit in extending best wishes to herself end bueband. SUTHERLAND—MALE. A very pretty and quiet wedding was solemnized at the parsonage, New St. James' Presbyterian obnrob, Loudon, on January 24th, by Rev. A. J. MacGillivray, the °entreating parties being Thomas Sutherland, U. S. customs, oily, end Mise Lottie Scott female, only daughter of the late Samos' Swale, Brussels, Ont.. Atter .the erre• inony the wedding perty retired to the groom's residenoe, 835 Hellmuth avenue, where a sumptuous repast was laid. The bride was obarmiogly attired in a dress or eiiver gray silk, with a yoke of white chiffon and applique trimminge, end wore a lovely hat of white chiffon and mink fur, with white o+preys, and osrried a large bouquet of white °area• tions and hyacinths. During the wed ding breakfast telegrams of oongratula• tion were received from numerous friends unable to attend. The bride's going• away dress was a smart tailor-made snit of brown cheviot, with hat to match. The presents were nomerons and besuti• fel. Among the guests were Col. Calver, U. S. Consul, and Mre. Culver. The groom's gilt to the bride was a splendid lar hued coat, with mink oollar and calls. The many old frieude of the i ride in Brussels and Motility wish her great happiness in which Tae POST joins. Fire did severs) thousand dollars' dam- age in the Woodebook gas plant. The Qoeen'e Hotel etablee at Simone were burned, and four horses periebed. Another heavy enmest0rm in Nova bootie has blocked railway traffic. In some places dello ere 40 feet high. As the result of the eleotion of Major Rathbun, East Hastings Co., some freak Rete were paid. In one ease the loser rolled a grain of wheat along the vide• walk from Cole's barber shop to Snider's corner, Kingdom teeing a toothpickth pick in vabim t r doing so. lo another nae i e the walked barefoot from Hadsou'a barber ehop to Jamieaon'e Hotel and there put op the drinks for the victor. CUPID'S VICTORIES. Daring the past week Cupid hen oom• plated several matrimonial allianoee of letereet to readers of Tits Pose and we therefore take pleasure in reporting the game and at the same time express the hope that happy and proeperoae years may be the portion of all concerned, on000-TURNER. On Wsdneedtty of lest week Illingworth Oral, of Brunetti, reoently of Roolswood, and Mine Grace Turnor, of Alton, were United in marriage and will make their home in town. Last Friday evening a reception wait held foe them et the noen. modfone residence of J. T. Wood, 7313za: Nth street, in wboee employ Mr. Croft le, whore a Most enjoyable lime wee spelt all the (tumor Reekwoodi,ee who ere now in Brussels were proem and wiehed the happy scuttle long 1'fe and prospteity and thanked Mr. end Mrs. HORN- STEwART.—In Grey, on Jan. 81h, to Mr. end Mrs. Hugh Stewart, a sou. N.Mex.—In New York, on Jan, 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, a son. zaaRRxEa. Cno6T—TUENE0.—At Alton onlJan. 25th, by Rev. Mr. Sabray, Mr. Illingworth Croft, of Brussels, to Mies Grace Turner, of Alton. SUTHERLAND—SHALE —At the parsonage, New St. Jamoe' Presbyterian church, London, en January 24th, by Rev A. J. MaoGillivray, Mise Lottie Soot Smile, daughter of the late Snmuel Smile. Brussels, to Th, mac Suther• land, U. S. muttons, London. LAIDLAw.—In Morrie, on Jan. 181h, Mre. Robert Laidlaw, aged 66 yeare. el/mem—In Morris, on Feb, 2nd, Robb. Skelton, aged 89 yeare, 4 menthe and 21 days. AVCZ'ZO2ITi- -- TUESDAY, FEB. 7Tn.—Farm stook, at N} Lot 29, Oon. 7, Morrie. Bale unre- served, at 1 o'clock. Samuel Walker, prop., F S. Boett, apo, FaIDAY Fan 10. --Farm steak, imple- ments, &a, Let 4, Con, 2, Grey. Sale unreserved, at 1 o'olook. P. J. MoDoNALD Prop. F. S. Scott, Ana. TUESDAY, Fen 14—Form stook, ample• menta, mise., lot 6, Dano. 10 and 11, Grey, Sale at 1 o'clock p m. Chas. Rozoll, prop., F. S. Sonat, Gua. I'IRrbAY, FEB 17—Ferro 'took, imple. mento, &o , Lot 15, Con. 9, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 o'a'oak, J. A. Menary, Prop. F S Scott, Aon, WEDNESDAY, PER 22 --Farm stook, implement', &o., Lot 10, oon. 14, Grey, Sale unreserved, at 1 o'oloak. NELSON AenMN, prop. F. S. BOOTT, Ano. NE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. �TOUNG DURHAM BULL, 20 mouth' of 5, with first Often pedigree, and from sp loudld milkingstrain, for nide,A sly to ALEX. GARDENR, Lot 20, eon, 14, Meltillop or LOedbury P. 0. 80.11 Notice of Dissolution of Parte ership. Notice is here by given thea rthe partner - elite heretofore oubsieting between Its, the nndoreighed,as kfeob001 Tailors, in the village of iteuseols,liae tide day been die - mitered by mutual connect. All dobta owing in the eed partnership are to he paid to D. 0. hoes Esquire, et the Village of Preemie'foreeald, and all olatme against the said Partnership are to be presented to the said 11, C. Ito.s, Enquire, by whom tbu Same will :'aDat80ed abtned, I .05uele this lot., lay of Fab. tears', A, 3).101006. Wit/loss; A, B. MAonsNALn. 0, DOA03, HOUSE FOR SALE. — 10 rooms. soft and 12011 water, storm windows, storm and minion doors, Good Stable, nares of laud 15 fruit trees. Very low texas. A onmfortsble home cheap. Apply to R. N, DUFb', Blnevaie P, 0„ Ont. tARRM FOR SALJS.—OHOICE 50 acre farm for Hole. being Bontb halt Lot 0,0on 7, Grey, Mostly seeded down and well immured. Good bbanil barn and comfortable house. Close to sehnol and 29 miles from Beseesle, 5 aeras of Pall wheat in. Apply to J, 0. TUOII, Brussels, 80-11 �/-y• OOD FARM FOR SALE. — � The undersigned offers hie fine 100 farm for Bale. being Lot 11, con 10, Grev All ,leered but about 8uores which is well timbered with maple, beech and elm. 5 sores of Fall wheal in and Ball plowing done, balance in grams. Two barns on atone walla, wllh oement floors in home and cattle stables. Other oatbuildiees. Tharp 15 a windmill and gond well, with water system in stables, fields and for tln'eshitta. Comfortable bouee,ubotoe orehurd. Pawn is 21 miles from Bruesele and Oranbrook and 8 miles from Ethel. Good market for all kinds of medium. Perin has beau under grass for a number of years. Poeveseou eau be given Ou April Srt, A good share of ppnrobaee money may remain on the farm. For further parnonlara Gall on Wm. Me- Nulaon the farm or WM. MARTIN, Ptop- rletor,Brueeels, AUOTION SALE OP FARM ST0O1, &o. •-F. B. Soots, anotientler, bas received iustruotioue from the under- signed to sell by nubile auction t North bill( lot 28, 500,7, Morrie, on TTIE80 IP, FH a.7 at 1 o'clock, the fodowlug valuable properly, via. :-1 brood mare i0 foul to Baron Pilo,.1 Span working horses, 1 mare rising 8 years from Sunlight, 1 driving mare rising a years, 1 heavy draught florae rising 8 eare,i aged driving mare, G oosve auppo9- ed lu Galt to thorn' brew 1011,8 uewlyoulved oows,4 boilers rising 8 Sears 015 ht0a1Ll shore' bred bull, 8 years old with pedn,ioo, a No. 1 eu:mal,8 ittrr0w (tows, 4 steers rltiug 8 years, 0 interim risiug 2 years. 4 heifers rising 2 years,8 steers rleing 1 year, 8 yenug °elves, 8 brood sows with pig, 7 pigs 8 weeks old, 28 breeding Leicester ewee,1 pate bred Leicester tam, 1 lumber wagon, 1 gravel box, 2 tete el eintle beruete, 1 let 01 double hareem, quantity Of pine, end tamarack lumber, 1 txtebsiun tablo,1 large cupboard Gua other articles. bale unreserved as proprietor ham leered hie farm. Terme— All same 01 MOO and under each, Over that am Dunt 11 mottos' oredit will be given on Jur n.ehleg approved join t 0ot00 Stier cent per an0um allowed sat for atoll on credit amounts. BAA. WALBER, Proprietor, B', B. boom, Auctioneer. Quallanteed------ T e o t h Brushes The Imported Tooth Brushes wo sell at 25c. are guaranteed. If they shed bristles, mat down or show any defect, you get st new Brash TREE for the asking at . . . DRUG STORE. s STORE TO RENT IN THE k.." village of Orarurook, lately occupied by A, McN'+ir,wbo Lae sold out. Terms renseuablo, Apply so J. LONG, Oranbrook. COMFORTABLE HOUSE AND \\ 1 0 flue 1 aero of land tor sale on Queen street, Brusels. Good stable, &o. Pot' fur- ther particulars n5 tel prine and terms 051. ply ou the premises or write to mussels 3.0, A. SAMPLE. Notice to Creditors. In the Surrogate Genet of the County of Huron, In the matter of the scale of Mary Anne Creighton, late of the Village of Brunie, in the County of Boron, widow, deceased. Nonce le hereby riven, purulent to the Revised Statutes or f'ntario, 1897, Chap. 1000. Bee. 88, that ell °nidi ot'e and others having c101me against the ,state of Mary Anne Creighton, late of the Village of Brussels, iu said County, dvseo,trh who died on or about tbe 8th day of eaves iv, A,D. 1005, at the elty of 13.- =Moo, arebeen by requested to semi by ens, prepaid, Or to deliver 10 W. H. Barr, the Exuout:n., at llru-ioli, or to A. B. Mao- douald, of the Vilifier of Brussels, hie Sol - leiter, nu or refers ai.in 25th day of February .8,0.1005,, their fut. names, addreeeee aunt deooripti.ue, and iso full particulars et their claims, and twn nature of their noun. Nee (if ant) held by Lbws, Aud notion is hereby given that atter Raid lasb mentioned date, the add Executtor will prows) to dieir.bute the aseele of the deceased amongst the persave entitled thereto, baying reg0r.1 only to the (lefine of which 00tiee shall h,sve been given 86 above required. and the cold Executer will not be , esponeible for. (1,0 aeeets or any pare thereof no distributed, to toy person whose Mann notice shall not have been received at the time of Buell distribution, Dated at Brussels ti.ls 18111 day of January A. D., 1905. A. B, MACDONALD, 28 8 Solicitor fur Executor. CREAT REDUCTON S812 Commencing Saturday, Feb. 11tH Ending Saturday, Marcie 11th. We will, during this time, offer all our large stock of Boots and Shoes, Heavy Rubbers, Robes, Blankets and Belts at Greatly Re- duced Prices for CASH. This is your chance for Genuine Bargains. We have too large a stock and have determined to mark the goods at prices that will clear them out before stock -taking to make room for Spring goods. Come and secure your share of the extra values we will offer. - Remember the date and remember these prices are for cash. 1 O.KI nes„ niches lose i. C. RICHABDS xd'fxxxaa'rbelvbxx cx W xxxxX,XxX+'' xx MC "iivNo N aCo. Great Midwinter Sale Oar Greet Clearing Sale will bo continued one week longer, when all our Winter Goode wil! be sold at who legate prices, and in mane (recce for lo,s, to (neer. And to make this sale mors iuterestiug to buyers, we will iaolndeeevernt lines of New Goode which w:re bought below regular pewee. We offer nose great armee in New Flttmleletti=e, Giughome and Prints. —New Flannelettes in fancy stripes, regular 5o, for 4o. —New Plane sties, 28 inches tyles, good vane at 8a, f,.r 50, —Fine Silently Fla,irlelettme, Soft ieh, w'de wldih, hw.ty weight, good yelps at 1233 and 15a, f ,r 10o. , —New Towellinge, all linen, lb moires wide, worth 8n, for 50, —Orum's Prieto, in good patterns, worth 123o, for 10o. --Magog and Colonial Print, good value, at 8e, 103 and 1231. —Heavy Wool B'ankets, bought before the advance in Wool, we have them in all eine st 20 Intl omit off — Men'. Tweed Suits, Overcoats end Uletnre, 25 per tent off. —Stunfie!d's Underwear, for men wed women, in a 1 t.zem guaranteed n°ehrinkable, et loweetprioee. — Lathier'—Lar' Cloth Goats, ell now ucoie, at half mine, —Ladioe' Fnr Jsohete, In Astrachan, Eieotrio Boil and Greenland Seal. We have a few left which we will Sell atrwhsleeale prices to ,ear. —Neckties, for men and boys, in Knott], Moots, Paid and Fonr•in hands, worth 26e, the 16o, , '—Winter Dress Goode, of all liindo, 26 per sent off. —Maple Leaf Sit mon, now worth 20e, for 150. •--Preece laver Red Saluron, now worth 17o, 2 crus for 26e. —8 o�oane,CCorn, 10�005p0��1,mannd Tomatoes, tome 0805r teea�c�h�,,f�toor *2d:.q�,�. t.�,sa o'riae+rk.+. III_at�l. iiil,XDCXmt XX tel ni(C.J+v' a,ilwwaJ .ctl'te2C: % a'