The Brussels Post, 1904-10-20, Page 710 -00.Q0 -0o aa*a*Q•oo-o-oO•O aaa YOUNG FOLKS e-Ceee •aaoaoo 000.0-o•ooaoo•ao ROME AGAIN, lint you don't know where I've been I've been off down on a farnll Zook bore, where I've 'burnt the skin. Moreee half way up my arra! X could had a teeny pig To bring home, but' mR saidu o Rt would get too awful big .When It onet begun to grow. Are I saw 'em makln'• hay With 'a cutter test feet wide - When I wanted, all the day 1 could sit on top an' ride An' onct, sir, the cutter stick Cut a rabbit right in two - He went"squeak, squeak,!" !ilio that, quick - ,An' you ought t( seen him-wtiew! Farmers have no groo'ry store, But they get their eggs in mows, An' they don't need milkmen for They squeeze milk straight out of cows! An' ley uncle -Uncle Jed- Onct when I was standin' by "Open up your mouth!" he said - But ho squirted in my eyei i went round in overalls An' had ple for bkeakfas'-gent An' I rang the bell that calls In 'for dinner an' for 'tea. An' the Hired girl, she ate At tho table 'long with 'us'- +tlountry girls aren't s'posed to wait, So ma didn't raise a fuss. I washed near tfic back -stoop pump, In a basin with the rest, An' nobody tried to Jump Oa. us-whenwe splashed or messed, Ma, she says that I'm a sight 'Cause 1 got so black -oh, dear, I'm afraid 1'11 get all white 'Fore I go again next year. FLOSSIE'S AIR -TRIPS. There had been weeks and weeks of illness for Flossie; but One sunny day mama came in with hat and wraps on and looking very mysteri- ous. She went to the closet where Fiossie's things had hung limp and useless, and Flossie's eyes grew big witli wonder where she brought them out the soft, warm coat and blue hood and mittens that used to go to school every morning and go sliding down -hill afternoons and Saturdays. She came straight to the bed with them and said, "What do you say to an airing, little girl? Just hold out those arms, if you please." Flossie was so surprised stip could not lift them. They were very wab- bly, anyway, so tnamma lifted her up, and said, with a gay little smile that hold the tears•baek, "Yes, dear, you aro going to have on your wraps and take the air this morning," and she buttoned the coat over the little white gown, tied the hood .under tlbo chin and slipped the mittens on• Then Flossie and bed and all were done up in a great big blanket bundle, and the front Windows thrown . up fu,11 height. Tho frosty ale came tingling in witli the husy click of hurrying feet and aII the city's din. T1ien brother rushed in with cap, overcoat and mittens on, and his reins, with their jingling sleigh -bells, dangling from his waist. "Hello!" he said. "Is this turn- out ready to start?" and throwing the loose end of the reins over the foot of the little white bed, he pranc- ed and capered after a most spirited fashion. And Flossie laughed till. the curls began to nod once more, and mamma .said that Was enough for one time. So the windows wore whisked down and the wraps put away till the next day, when 1elossie's eyes began to sparkle a bit as 1300n as they were brought out. "Now," said mama, "this time wo aro going to have a little car ride. Here's the conductor,". and brother marched solemnly: in with a big con- ductor's cap ' on, "Whiz, whiz!" came anelectric car round the• cor- ner, and mama slipped a nickel in Flossie's hand Just as the conductor came along, taking up, the fares and dinging Mama's table -bell each time from the depths of his pocket. It was a lovely ride, Flossie said, with shining eyes, and it was so nice to hear outside things again! The next day, when ready to start, a little brown birdie flew from the c cda tree right Pant the window. Brother said, "Oh, let's take a fly!" , and flapped his "wings"' 'enough for all three, Flossie, mamma and him- self. So they flew right up Into the birdie's winter home in the big, shol- - . tering cedar, and rnatnma seemed to know all about her family, and could answer all their questions as Well as Mr's. Birdie herself, Then they drop- ped down on t)ie waving arms of the big oak and swung a while, till Enema (; bustled thein right in out of the cold. After a week of these rhtily-air trips Flossie liad gathered so many winter roses in her little white cheeks and the blue eyes' had caught so much of the sparkling sunlight from frosty roofs and snow -hung trees,, that one morning she found herself standing at the big front door, and then a little later she and dint warm wrap and biro hood and mittens Wore actually sliding 'flown -Bill, again. SMOKE HEALS WOUNDS. We sometimes heal' of lockjaw tee suiting from running a pili or a rusty, nail into the foot or hand. if every pel'son Wore aware ofa,perfect remedy for tech Wotintis, anal Would apply, it, thou such reports would cease. The remedy is simple, al - Ways at hand, can. be applied by any - 0110, and, what is bettor, is ble, It io simply to shako the ':tips aro no longer optional in woulrll, or any wound that is bruised tlerilu; they have become obligatory. or indnlncil, with a woollen cloth, So that there shall be no mistio ler- Twentr minutes itt tite motto Will standing take no nein otic of "the t tndiitg on the slut hn, the Ltc'1 f i' - ef inflammation i,. Ire Waist caro tors of Public baths )tnt'o Assad,' ?W- ei' Wound,n Isinp from such a liras fixing the amount of :"tin'1 Co, bo given tete attendants, BIS RIM ftJB DEVOTION STOIC' OF A WO'IJNDED JAPAN., ,: ESE SCOTIT, visit to the Red Cross hospital in the Kopnrachi District. The Rod Cross Soeloty of Japan is a national organizetion,''honoo all Its hospitals aro in use to -day for con- valescent soldiers from Sasebo and I] roshima, writes a 'Tokio corre- spondent. t. p Last week I visited the Plod Cross Ifospital. in the ICopmaehl elintriet with a committee from Ilnon Fujin ICwaI (Ladies' Aid Stociety) consist - Ing of rho Marchioness Oyama, Mar- ehionees Natoshima, Baroness llfatsu- daire, Baroness Sengo and 'Slee Chin - da, It was one of the most interest- ing and instructive exporicnees of the summer. First we were ushered into fife in- dividual rooms of the officers, with whom the Japanese ladies =Changed a few ronlarks. With. but few excep- tions these men were wounded at Nanshan. They said little of the bloody day, as if they would put it front diem. We paused at tiio door of each ward bowed to the inmates, and then lis- tened, eagerly to all the Surgeon - General could tell. A row of low iron bedsteads, encli with mattress sheets and scarlet blankets extended along each side of the room, and on these patients sat in Japanese huh - ion, on their heels, and bowed low as the party approached, 'J'hey wore unbleached muslin kimonos with a red. cross on Me .left arm and sat with downcast eyes in a manner peculiar to the Japanese when in the presence of elders or superiors. THE 'DESCRIPTIVE LIST of each patient, with the outline of a man's figure, showing where he was wounded, the entrance and exit of bullet, etc., lay on the bunk, and when it was a case of .special inter- est, from a professional standpoint, the Surgeon -General discussed it with the attending surgeon, and In sev- oral instances the patient was told to open Itis kimono and show the wound. It seemed impossible that Pausing before one splendidly builla sturdy fellow the surgeon showed u,e four wounds through back, breast, arm and wrist. fie had been a scout on the Yalu, In the cold gray dawn of a March morning lie was making his way A REMARKABLE RECORD, Baby's Own Tablets have a re- markable record, All over the land you will find mothers who will tell you this medicine has saved Ulo lives of their little ones. When you give Baby's Own Tablets to your children you have a guarantee that you are not, stupefying- them with poisonous soothing stuffs. No other medicine for children gives this guar- antee, and no other medicine safely cures all such ills as colic, indiges- tion;, constipati'on,' .diarrhoea .and teething' troablos. The Tablets not only cure these troubles, but an no- casional dose given to a well child prevents them. Mrs. G. A. Sawyer, Clarencoville, Que., says': "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my little girl and find that they are the very best medicine I can give her." Try the Tablets for your children- they will not disappoint you. Sold by medicine dealers or sent by mail at 25 cents a box by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. hack to Kurolk s Headquarters from the enemy's lines, with two com- rades who had shared the perilous• mission, They had reached a nar- row stream, when, suddenly, shots' from behind showed they were seen by the enemy. Ono of the brave fellows fell dead in the stream. It is not the busi- ness of scouts to tight, but to re- port observations, so the two others dashed across to the opposite bunk, when a shot struck number' two and lie felt. The injured scout flung hire acrotSe his back and plunged into the bush- es, Hoping to oseapo, but was pur- sued and SHOT POUR TIMES. With superhuman strength ho stag- gered along, his bleeding companion nil the white beseeching to be loft bo - hind,. But t • he brave follow know that the Japanese camp was very near, and pressed on; At last lie was farted to drop his burden, remembering tho vital news he had, to impart, and with one last effort reached Eurokl's lines, More dead than alive lie poured out his story and then lapsed into 00. consciousness. For a time his life hung in the balance, hut youth and strength prevailed, and thorn he sat before tis, a sturdy young soldier, ready to return to his Emperor's ser- vice, despite four bullet hounds. Anotliel• curious case was that of a yol.mg fellow, badly cut about the head end ears. "Soo whet those ungrnieful 'Cora - ens dict! They threw stones at this anal and nearly killed him!"; was the Marchioness Oyania's remark to me 'as thohargeon-General told liis stony, Thus for two heat's wo passed from etre ward to the other, Impressed more and More by the hearty condi- tion of the Wounded. • Unlike the sick, they have no hang , Pbelocl of. canvalseenco. Once their wound Beal tb'ey aro well men, and it has been demonstrated t.hnt no other soldiers recover so quickly front wounds ns the Japanese, their' physical condi- tion being tittrIbtlted to tho nature of the Japanese ration, will= tt [U Ji +TJ1sLJpv ibt faith fallenttheytlhad killati nightr fro- zen Zeit about 400 OP TII1lSE 13I1tDS. Penguins aro not good eating, and the art of cookery,as practised in the Antarctic regions, has''npvor made their flesh very palatable,. But they were the stall of life of the three h oo men that winter, gkpd out he' a mouthful or two of bread each day, an occasional bite of preserved meat and the flesh of seals that were fined now and the, and whose chief utility was to supply oil for fuel, Seal blubber was piled in a large meat tin and set to blazing and smoking, and it was thus that the skins, clothing and sealskins worn by the men were turned densely black, Every one has heard of the revul- sion of stomach and nerves from which mon suffer when they try to eat a quail a day, for thirty, days. When men falter at such a task, we can imagine that nothing but the fear of death would drive them to oat the coarse and greasy penguin every day for seven months. Tho feat was accomplished and it shows what men can do when necessity, drives, But the hardest part of their lot, after all, was the protracted confine- ment during the long stormy winter. Seal blubber was too scarce to'' be Used excepting when the meals were cooked, and so for days at a time the three men curled up in their sleeping bags in the pitchy darkness, with nothing to read if they could have seen to read, and noticing to do but listen to the flowing of the polar storm. It was hard fate, but they came out of it in marvellous fashion, even though the winter left them as black as Africans. Dr. Andersson believes that a full' description of their experiences will be of service to future explorers in distress during the survey of the desolate and stormy southern lands. $IVSD Z'OR SZJVZIN 1120NTUS ON PENGUINS. When Daylight Game Their Boot Friends Would Not Have Known Thein, All whowould like to Arnow how three Iron eau exist: when cast away on the shores of a polar land on the verge 'of winter, with food enough for a few weeks, with no shelter ex- cepting a tent, no fuel and no other resources save tWo gals, some am- munition and a sail needle, may have thole curiosity satisfied 1.0 the deLefled narrative which Dr. J. Gon- na'' Andersson is writing. Re will tell of the Antarctic winter of 1908 Which ho and two comrades spent in a iniset'y, of dirt and darkness on rho bleak shorn of northern Graham Land, to the south of South Amer- ica, Some details of the story have al- ready been made public by Dr. Nor- denskiold in his ream.; address before the Royal Geographical Society in London. The three men kept life in their bodies through the winter, but lived in great wretchedness, and so chang- ed were theyin appearance when day- light came that their best friends would not have known them, They were members of Dr. Otto Norden= skiold's party on' the steamer An- tarctic, but he did not know that any mea from that vessel were on land; and when he met thein in the spring he did not recognize diem as a part of his own expedition until they, told their names. No wonder, fpr they were as black UR cool from ]read to foot, with long black hair 'hanging down over their shoulders and black, busily beards. The skis on which they were travell- ing over the snow were the only thing g about them that seemed to in- dicate some acquaintance with civili- zation. They typos tn belong to TRIED ALL ELSE 'Of the lowerr ttypessok men who live almost in a nataral state, jI j1 j(1i LIKE TEE BRUT> CREATION. TO NO BENEF{ I The dogs took fright at the forbid- ding black figures and bolted in every direction. Late in 1902 the 'Antarctic },vas trying to force her way through the heavy ice to reach Dr. Nordenskiold's calla at Snew Hill. about 150 miles to the southwest. When it became evident that the vessel could not reach his caunp, Dr. Andersson, the leader of the ship party, decided to try to reach the explorers by a sledge journey over the sea,•. ice and land:: Ile took with him Hr. Duso and a sailor named Or'unden and n small stock of supplies and sot out with high hopes of soon reaching his friends. Sledging, however, proved to be enormously difficult and by the time tbo little party reached laud their strength and resources were nearly exhausted. The twilight was lengthening, the darkness would soon fall one they knew very well that if they tried' to mane the march, of 100 miIos south- ward and met With any special, difH- .cuities.in the untraversad landthey were certaht to :'perish, There;" was nothing to dd except to go into camp and eke' out the winter some- how or other. They had about three weeks' supply of canned meats, bread and "coffee, three sleeping bags, a piece of tar- paulin and a tent, but no implements excepting a few knives and cooking utensils and one needle, acrd nothing to wear but their summer clothing. The first thing to da was to pro- vide shelter • and Bien to secure, all thegame possible before darkness put an end to hunting. They put up their tent and piled up stones so ascompletely, to en- circle the tent with a stone wall, Over thewhole they, spread the piece of tarpaulin. Their abode was thus provided with double walls; and when the snow came they covered their but deep under move, excepting at the narrow entrance. They were thus able throughout the winter to keep au average temperature of only a little below'tho freezing point, Within a few miles•. there wero. plenty of penguins whiting to be shot SA7'EST FOOD. In Any Time of Trouble is Grape - Nutt. Food to rebuild the strength and that is pre digested must bo selected' when one fa n C 1 ova e.,e t t e1 . At t this time there is nothing so vahrable as 'Grupe -Nuts for the reason that this food .i5 ail nourishment and is also all digestible u noun sem oat.A Wo- man who used it say's: "Some time ago 1 was very ill with typhoid fever, so ill everyone thought. 1 wouldI die, even myself, It left me so weal: I could not properly digest food of any kind and I also had much bowel trouble which loft me a weak, helpless wreck, "I needed nourislitnent as badly as anyone could, but none of the tonics helped no until I finally tried ()repe- nt repe- Nous food morning and evening. This nol, only supplied food that I thought delicious as could be, but it also made rue perfectly well and strong again so I can clo, all my Housework, sleep well, can eat anything without any trace of bowel trouble, end for that Beason alone Urepe-Nuts food is worth LS weight i11 gold." Nsme MindsS Unlined Cures ures Bp dr ai given by Postern Oo„ Battle Creole, hTicii. 0.'yplloid fever like some other dis- eases atinclks the bowels and It•e- gttontly sets up bleeding and ]lakes them for menthe incapable of digest- ing the starciies and therefore pro digested Grupo -Nuts is invelunble for the well-known reason that in Grape. Nuts e11 the starches haye been trenslolrmed into grape sugar. flils m0ansthat the first siege of diges- tion has been nteelfeelcolly accom- plished in (;rape -Nuts food at the factories and therefore anyone, no matter how tuella the stomach, can TEEN DODD!S KIDNEY PILLS CURED HIS DIABETES. Startling Case of Thos. Harrison, of St. 71lary's Ferry -He Tells the Story Himself. St. Mary's Ferry, York County, N. B., Oct. 17. -(Special). -That Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure DIabetos, ono of the most deadly forms of Kidney Disease, has been satisfactorily prov- ed by Mr. Thos. Harrison, of this Place. Speaking of his cure Mr. Harrison says : "1 began to suffer with severe pains above the region of tho .Kidneys, When I lay, down it was torture to get and Iupagain. flesh rapid/ye'ppetite failed "I doctored with severalphysicians but it was all of no use. Shortly after this I began to urinate blood and then 1 knew 1 was in the grip of that dread monster, Diabetes. "At: this time a friend prevailed on me to try a box of Dodd's I<"idney Pills and they did me so much good I continued the treatment, till I hal used three boxes. They, cured bre completely.:= 1 RUSS1A.N COURT BALLS,. Tho Emperor and Empress of Rus- sia usually give five Court balls dur- ing the season. The first embraces all who have any title to recognition and counts about 8,000 guests. The second includes something under 2,- 000, and the number is reduced, with each successive ball, until the fifth is 400.: or possibly 800. Helpless as a Baby -South American Rheumatic Cure strikes the root of .the ailment andstrikes it quick, R. W. Wright, -:10 Daniel street, Droekville, ,,Ont., for twelve years a great sufferer from rheumatism, couldn't wash him- self or dress himself. After using six bottles was able to go to work, end says: '1 think pain has lett mo forev- er, '-26 The English race is getting -near= sighted owing to the city life end conditions of our civilisation,, says a well-known oculist: Mleard's L.iaimeat Cures Burns, efc, Stowpay-"Doctor, I suppose you carroc t recommend your tailor to me?" Doctor -"Certainly, but you will have to get someone also to recom- mend you to my tailor." Mar Heart like a Polluted Spring -Mrs. James Srlgloy, Pelee Ratted, Ont„ says; "1 was for live years afflict- od with dyspepsia, constipation, heart disease and nervous prostration. I cured the hearttrouble with Dr. . Agnew's Cure for the neart, and tate other ailments vanished lace mist, hall relief in 'half an hour after the Drat dose." -27 "Who was it," shouted the suffrag leacicr-"who was it that did the most to elevate woman?" Far down the aisle a little chap blinked his oyes, and drawled, "Why, the clan that invented those high French, heels," And her the meeting ad- journed. SKULL DRUMS OF Tllll•,T. Some of the most curious 'rums in the world aro tho1s'o used by the Lamas of Tibet when they practise their religious ceremonies, They aro manufactured from skulls, preferably the small ohms of children, two of Which are placed togothor and the dried skin of a snake stretched quer t �d®? the concave side of each. The ver -C o ne !ices of the two skulls are next ser lT,Oi� Miltedto either' sidle of a woodelt !i° dila covered with cloth, the sides C'i The Lung with the skies, of course, being'oute ` '"" 'Tonic handle it and 'oiw strop unmet, and to 0ompietc the ghastly It will acre thole sickl and r, g g, for All appearance oi'these instt'umonls, the strep theta their lungs. the lou iShinont is still there. heads 01 devils and eorenele beagle- It isp pleasant to take There's a 50110d reason and lee th days trial proves, aYy ereatttros ni'o painted on them POW, 211c., lOa,, and f:t111t 81 in gaudy colors. ernrrer rear. Ytt iaticEs EXPENSE S5,000 id by Reward will Levee Bparothers iJmited, Taranto, to any person who Inn prove that this soap contains Iny form of adulteration whatsoever, r contains ns anyinjurious os 1 ohomla>1ls, Ask fbr lire e. tlar. elf CHINESE CHILDREN'S AGES, A Chinese child is considered a year old at its birth, and its age Is reck- oned, not from its birthdays, but from its New Year's Days, If it hap- pens to be born on February lst, the day before the Chinese New Year's Day, It is said to be two years old when it is two days old. It is one year old when born, and another year is adaod ott its first New Year's Day. 100013E BUNTING. The finest region in Canada for the rater who wishes to secure Sooso is the Tomagarei region in Nev On- tario, and now easy a y of access by the Grand Trunk Railway System and North Bay. All ieformation regard- ing guldes, routes, rates etc., can be had on application to agents or by, addressing G. T. Beol, G P, & T. A., Montreal. Cholly-"I wonkier how it is, Miss Dolly, that you're always out wean I call?" Dolly -"Oh! it's just a my luck, I suppose." Lever's 'V -T. (Wise Reed) Metaled., ant Soap Powder 13 a boon to say home. • It dielnlects"and cleans 'at the same time. Tram fare isnot needed by school children in Victoria, Australia. They are carried in cars to ant from school free of charge. For Over Sixty -Penes millimeter mothers los thev8uiltroo whas hile le teeon thing. fteoothestbe child, softens the gums, all ora pole, eases windoono regulates ihostomnca end boweto, and is the hoarsened, for Mar/ma Tweniy-ave oonta a bottle. Sold badruggiets throughout the world. no sure nod ekefor"Mno.Nutsr.ow'asormarno dtaue,.. 22-40 Tho smallest inhabited island in the world is that on which the Lily stone Lighthouse stands, At lots water it is 30ft, in diameter. A Veteran+eatery-Oeorgo Lewis, of Sha- mokin, Pa., writes: "I ata eighty years of age. I have been troubled with Ca- tarrh for fifty years, and in my time have used a great many catarrh cures,. but never bad any relief until I used Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder, One box cured me completely." 50 cents,- Mother -"What's tho Metter?" Mrs Neuwed=•"1-I always heard Charles was fond of the turf, but I simply can't get him to touch the law mower." DR. & W. CHASE'S CATARRH CURE 2 -tie .. e is sent direct to tho dlennttd parte by Wo Improved $tower, Heals the ulcers, ntemg the a1r passages, stops droppings In the throat and permanently tutee tree. Au dealers. or Dr. A. Fever. Chas Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffat/ The discovery has been made that good paper can be produced Iran, the refuse hops that have hitbesto 1 c•en thrown away, at breweries, or used as manure, rleard's Llalment Relieves Beuraf'gle To remove marking -ink status Volta linen paint the mark with a solution of cyanide 0f potassium with a cam- el's hair brush. As soon es the ink disappears the linen should be well rinsed in cold watch, The Haekasha Stage may be Just that incipient form of kidney disease which, if.. ncgleoted, will develop into stubborn and distressing disorder that will take long tedious treatment to cure. Don't tee -feet the "buokaoho stage" of the most insidious of diseases, South Am- erican ICidnoy Cure stops the ache in six hours and oures,-SO Clara-"Diii you lose your presence of mind whim ho attempted to kiss o ?" Maud -"Yes, yti foe a moment. Why, I nearly told Itim to stop," I was Cured of terrible lumbago by MINARD'S LINIMENT, REV. 1111. DROWN. I was Cured of a bac' case of ear- ache by N'SNAi1D'S LINIi4ILNT, M1RS, S. ICAUL13ACI4Z. I was Cured of sensitive lungs by MINARD'S. LTNIltIENT. MRS. 5, 11IASTPTIS. "What a murderous -looking villein the prisoner is," whispered en old Indy itt the court -room to her butts- band. "I'd ho afraid to get near him." "Hush!" avid' lion' husband. "Tent isn't the prisoner, that's the magistrate." When the little folks talo colds and cottghs, don't neglect then' and let them attain tho Milder membranes of their lungs, Give them • • o i '+f ad,.'" kCrfrlr fie 7 , u 'lAz _ J '-,; . oto ikr? i �_ 4 '�f /yaw otite4(‘ Vike4 147 vCia�!'!/�r+r✓/L' P. DaODCO.,D S & tlU USE-- 41sL.AN©" CITY" HOUSE AND FLOOR ■ A II mr S WIii Dry In 8 Haters,' -• to Sale at all Hardware Oealare Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver. POULTRY Wecan handle dte ypur poultry either; alive or dressed to best advantage. .Also your butter, eggs, honey and other produce. THE !DAWSOittl COIVIMISSIO''ai 00.,Lirnited Cor, Wont Market and Colborne Sts, TORONT LOWER PRiOER i)1° OAN BH MAD IN Palin, Wash Basins, Milk r..reei &o Any Flrat-Claao Oroamr Can $Opply 36,8. INSIST ON GETTING EDl Y'S. 1 Housekeeper -"You don't look as you had washed .yourself for month." Tramp :-"Please, mum, th' doctors say, th' proper time to bathe is two hours after a meal, and I havon't had anything you call a meal for six weeks." Miaares Liniment fur sale everywhere if Dominion Line Steamshin3 MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. izr Moderato Rate $ervico;.'a9 Second cabin passengers berthed to host ocoomoto d+tion on the steamer nt the low rete ei pin to Liverpool, or 841,0 to London Third elms to L!.ertateir .onion, Glasgow or Quesoot nru•S10.Or. Ifor all pertioulors apply to legal egoists, or 41 NtegSt 11 i.,rolutte, 17 St 8aeomenisst., Montreal An analysis of the first Christian names of the members of the Rouse of Commons shows that out of iho total of 670 no less than a3 are called John. Under the Nerve Lash -The torture and torment of the victim of nervous prostration and nervous debility no ono can rightly estimate who hos not been under the ruthless lush of these relent- less human fops. M. Williams, or Ford. wick, Ont., was for four years a nerv- ous wreck. Six bottles of South Amor- foan Nervine worked a miracle, and his doctor confirmed it. -28 STUCK TO THINGS. It fiappened in a largo public park, and the angry man failed to receive a bit of sympathy from the throng of peopIe who' witnessed the scene. He was walking with a pretty wo- man, evidently his wife, and a small boy, and he had the air of a man who had brought ibis" fancily out for a pleasure trip and left his temper at homo, Running along the path the boy tripped and fell, rending the air with shrieks entirely disproportionate to his size. The woman ran to pick Hint up and soothe him, while the roan same back upon an adjacent seat entirely oblivious of a small placard tacked upon it, gnd proceeded to de- liver a lengthy lecture to the boy up- on the evils of running away any- where and in the park in particular, The child's clothes were somewhat dusty, from contact with the gravel pathway, and his mother vainly reached for her handkerchief to ' re- move the traces of his mishap. Fin- ally she asked, timidly: - "James, will . you 'end me your handkerchief to dust Ilobbie's clothes? I am afraid I have lost mine." "That's right," retorted filo father, ns lie fished out therut 1 n c e andAlice t it at her; "throw thole away; I can pay for more. ltroney's no object. LNowoolc ato mo;I?" do I ever lose anything? "Ndo, James," replied his wile, Meekly, "but—" "lint -there's no but about it. I' stick to things, and---" "Yes, dear," said the wife, meekly, as she completed her task and rose to her feet; "I know you stick to things, and perhaps" -he' voice grow still meeker-"pot'liaps that is Why you sat down on that freshly -painted scat." COST OP P001Z'RELIEF, Talc cost of relieving the poor in England is going up 11y leaps and bounds. Since 1892 the cost of in- door mointenauce of the poor Has in -- creased by 117 per cent, in London end ee, per cent, in the rest of the country. The cost of outdoor 're- lief has in the same period increased 88 per cont. in London and 28 per cont. outside London. The total cost of relief per head of the popula- tion has increased during the last decade from 58 to '72 cents in Lon- don, and from 30 to 32 cents. in the rest of Rngtand anti .Wales.. "Was your ship 0rippioil by the storm? asked the reporter, "She was not," replied the captain, "though she lost one of iter hands,'-' Shaw-•"i3e has the inventit' facul- ty ;'very highly doveloped," Martin -- "What has he invented? Nothing, so far as I know, 7lut when bis wife e goes out lie can drink of 'things to keep the Araby, amused by, the ltourtt'. Dyeing l Gleaning l Forth* very hert,end roux work to ibe "BRITISH ARiERICAH 91E11111 CO." Loos for agent 1a your town, or send Duet. Montreal Toronto, Ottawa, QuebAA '1 WiewiomEnTaeRaiszinciewnszcZEZPI Used in H.B.R. Mitts, Gloves and Moccasins -tough as whale- bone, flexible, soft, pliable, scorch - proof, wind -proof, boil- proof, crack -proof, tear -proof, rip -proof, cold -proof, almost wear -proof - certainly the greatest leather ever used in mitts and gloves. Like buckskin it is . tanned \yithOtlt: oil, unlike buckskin it is not porous, it 1s p wind• roof -will outwear three buckskins,': 'tIrinto" Mitts and Gloves never crack or harden, never get sodden, are always warm, pllabic, soft and comfortable, Sold at all dealers but never with- out this brand :e HUDSON BAY KNITTING CO. Mi nuteal Winnipeg Rawson 2 5551IE NO 42.04. ti