The Brussels Post, 1904-10-6, Page 8FINE NOT TalC.B.R138811148 L'ObT PAPERIStandard Bank of Canada MFT MET wz,.a.==..slamscs:= 0.137-1 O ace We are finding a steadily increasing demand for the better grades of Note Paper, This is no doubt due to fact that one derives great satisfaction in using "good" Stationery in their correspondence. Our stook offers a splendid choice and we take great pains to get any- thing in this line. Best of all the prices are exceed- ingly low. DIMITY PAPER Twenty-five sheets of this with the same number of Envelopes to match we sell for 25c. This comes in all the desirable shades, including White, Dove, Bis- cuit, Grey and Heliotrope. We also have other kinds of Paper at 10o. per quire which is of specially good quality. In addition we carry a very attractive line of boxed Stationery. FR. DRUGGIST AND STATIONER, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. a. & D. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and Smith, as follows: Garnet Booms Going Scum. Mail 7:15 aan I Milted 9:00 a,m Mmed.........12•60 a.m Mail ...- 1:7,0 pan Exprese 3:21 p.m Express 8105 p,m total Baas Items. A ohiel's among ye takir ' notee, .An' faith he'll prent iv. Daft fail to hear Mies Merry, FALL Fair Oomert Friday evening. Gnome BOOT shipped a oar of hogs. rox,xems will take its innings now for a few weeks. Senor, Board will meet Friday even- ing of next week. ALP. Blexert shipped a oar of baled hay and a oar of oats this week. Seozzann program is ready for the Fall Fair Concert. Did yon see the bill of fare? A. 0. Damns kept tip kis record by sending out a oar of cattle and a oar of hose this week. Do yon ever bees the blues ? If so hear Fax Friday evening at the Fall Fair O000ert and get rid of theca. Counaumon 'Thomson emit a oar of ex. port apples from Brussels this week. Ile is handling a /arge quantity of fruit this Fall. Ammon salsa are on the boom. Tars Pose is a fine medium in which to ad. venire!, them and also to supply the necessary bills. Tam Huron Promotion Examinations will be held Oot 2041 and 21e6. Sohools taking the examivations should notify the Impeotors at onoe. PRBOIDENT FRACIVE011 and Vitae Pres, Geo. Thomson made 5 °saves of the business people on Tuesday afternoon and Bemired a, fine list of members for the Agrioultnral Sodety. They made a good team, Tax salt businese has streak a lively gait once more. Messrs. Ransford shipped 6 cern since our report lest week. Forename Mooney and hie staff don't let the gram grow under their feet when orders come in. SEE m-Oounaillor Thomson and Dr. IlioNartgbten are combining in a display of Indian oriositiee, owned by them, at Brunets Fall Fair that are well worth geeing. If the dootor is the Medioine man, (Najaf Thomson will have to be the scalp hunter we guppies. Osens of invitation are out for the marriage of Dr. A. W. L. Gilpin, of Michigan Oily, Ind., and Mies Isabel Mo. Kenzie, of Oweo Sound. The oeremony will be performed at the home of the bride next Wednesday. Dr. Gilpin arrived in town on Thureday of that week. AesEnner,X.-The young bachelors gave an Aeeembly in the Town Hall Friday evening of last week. There wen about one bemired in attendance. The Imper- ial Orcheetra supplied good music: and lunch was served from 12 to 1 p. m. The party broke up about 8 a. m. Cousider- able pains were taken in deoorating the Hail for the occasion. Tenant° Star says of Mimi Merry's appearance at a concert in Toronto last Saturday evening : "The surprise of the evening, however, was the reception amorded Miee Grace Merry, elocutionist, Mem Merry lute been studying dining the past year with Owen A. Emily, and it was her fleet public appearance in ber native city, Miee Merry was an inetant- emeous 9600800 ; ber firet'number received six male, and on ber second appearance the was brought back to the platform no lees than eight Dino. Snob a reception by au audienoe well moustomed to the beat talent was little abort of a triumph, and Miee Merry may enter the ranks of profeasienal elooutionists with the 58805. acne of future encumee, In her Sootoh, Melo, and negro dialect the imperson• ations were extremely clever and apt, while in her heavier nnothere the audience was held in the greatest atten- tion." Hear her at the Fall Fair Con• cert Friday evening of this week, in Bra:mete Town Hall. Feta SnortETAMES. - FM the oonven. ienoe of any of our mediae, who wish to know the names of any of the secretaries of the Fall Fairs or Agricultural demo - lotions of the meaty we publish the liet as it appears in the Ptovinoial Legie- taboret returns, just Leaned : D. Enron and Grey, W. H. Kerr, Bruseels I Hove. lett, W. We Dere, Fordwith ; Morrie, A E. Bradwin, Blyth ; S. Hmon, M. Y. MoLean, Seaforth ; Hay, D. S. Feast, Zurich • Stanley, H. Drehmann, Bay. field ; el'tephen and gleborne, A. G. Dyer, Ilmetee ; Tutheremith, T. E. ayea, Sea. eortia Seaforth Hortioultnral, Wm. XIllett; Seaforth ; W. Hurczn, Jamal Mitehell, Goderiell ; Asitfielci and W. ?fflawanoett, a. Moliwain, Nile ; Turn - berry, W. Boberteon, Wingham ; E. •Aftwatiemb, Anderoon, Belgrave 1 Mien2tallaultgra1, 4, Porter, Clinton; tioderieh Hortioelturol, F.rn. Lane, 14.150140 .t916. Attren Lase & gro phat by hearing Fax Friday eveoiug. A. oat of cement was reoeived by Messro. Wilton & Tnrnbull this week. Two oars of nate were shipped from the Graham storehouse shale our last footle. AstoTHER oar of heading was forwarded from the G. T. R. here by McDonald Bros., of Walton, A Mtrana, and litetary program will be given at the "Palau" Thursday even. log in moneotion with the Fall Fair. Ws are Barry to report that the baby daughter of jno. and Mrs. Doig, of Ford- wioh, died last week. The tonere' was on Thursday. Rem Jew. Ross took the funeral ser• vim in connection with the little son of Joseph Smith, Morrie, who was buried last Sunday afternoon. J. Dlotemontints is olearing up hie large stook of scrap iron and shipped a oar this week. He handles a lot of iron and works bard enough to deserve a good rake-off. jolt. BURTON bad the miefortune to break the small bone in Ins right leg the other day and is now getting about On crutches. We hope he will soon be o. k. A. Rouen belonging to A. Gerrie jr. got tangled in a barb wire Monday night, while tied at a gate and received a had out on one front leg, whiob bled very profunly. Moss Pewees,' of Toronto, le a general favorite wherever the appears. Tbe prase notices received are most eulogistic. She may be heard in eolo and duet at the Fall Fair (Sellout, Brueeele Town Hall, Friday evening of this week. Da, BUTLER 00HING,-Dr. Butler, speoialiet, will make a professional visit to Brueeele on Wedneaday, Oot. 3,9. Be is malting a epee:laity of diseases of The Ear, Nose and Throat and may be eon - stilted at the American Hotel on above mentioned date. RBEIRRYIN) seat plan of the Hall for the Fall Fair Content 10 56 Fox's drag store. The eeate are going with a rush. If you have not yet seamed yours lose no time in doing so. Reserved ticket holders will be admitted at side door of the Hall on Friday evening. TORONTO bakers with few exceptionet , raised the retail prioe of bread ono oent a three•pound. In other words, the email loaf weighing 1 pounds is now costing 6 mete, or two for eleven cents. The reasen given Inc the advaena ie the increased prioe of float., which now sells et 55 60 or 51 50 more than et this time last year. Lase Monday'a Toronto Globe says of Min Merry, who will be the elooutionist at East Huron Fall Pair (lomat Friday evening, in reporting a Y. M. 0. A. Content in Toronto :-"Miee Gram Merry, a clever eleoutionist, made her first pnblio appearance, and made a decided names receiving no fewer than eight remits after her last solution." WORRAION have been buy replacing the posts ander the foundation of the "Nor. ton" terrace by solid blocks of atone and making other necessary improvements. Inepeotor Robb, who is now owner, will extend the terrain Southward next Spring by the erection of Several additional apartments for wbioh be will find ready tenants, He may build a new resider:le for himself on the same lot. BAD AOOIDENT,-Last Monday Mee, Jno. Downing received the sad intima• tion that her brother, William Myers, had met hie death on the morning previous at Burketon. He watt 65 years of age and dull of hearing and while walking on the railway treat wae etruok by a train with fatal results, Mee. Downing left on the afternoon train to attend the funeral. EAU Evans 001.181111VATIV1111.-Tasoday after000n of next weak Ertel Huron Conservatvies will hold a Nominating Convention in the Town Hall, Brumela, to place a candidate in the field for the ooming election for the Oommooc. Dr, Obieholm, who is the Preeident of the Aeeooiation, is likely to be the Candi. date. Col. Sam. Hughes, well known in this Province, is announced 60 be present to :live an addrese. Prioemere Som -Saturday afternoon the property belonging to the David Maxwell estate wag disposed of ail advertised, at the American Hotel here. F. S. s.,, wee the auotioneer. The 100 more farm, 7th line, wag bought by Heffron Broa., of Blyth, the prim being 55,000 ;the vacant lot Brtuisekt North, went to P. Anent, town, at 5120 ; and the house and lot Elizabeth street, Bros - eels, to Alfred Baeker for 6200, 3. FINE TERM 111Rool11).--13rneeels Tennis handicap tournament wag finish ed a gnat time ago, a prize of a fountain pen had been offered by Druggiet Fax. After an interesting series of gameg the result Yvan as follows H. Cameron ; 2nd, W. M. Sinolair ; 8rd, A. E. 15Iol1ih; 4th, Jame': Fax 6616, E, G. Eggleston ; 6th, Alex. Mo- Keivey ; 7th, A. 11, Montgomery ; 8th, R. Wane; 19th, 0. Gordon, Brueeele Tennis Cfinb hae had a vary suecesefel year. They played five match games with onteide teame and were vietorione In all amp one -at Wing. bane which 500 It le worth men- tioning that Braesels doublet did not looa point during the entire 865060, SURPLUS, Mt RRineRVII P0N1) $ 1,000 000 1'.1.`Al, ASSETS OYER 10,990 000 .A. Oak (eVet 1 list IL16.111g; 131140.SsethAr, 011arrair eat et teal 11*.11111.41.0.145,1101 12111.1111 Ve.AVINGS BAN PC.8,9"- -DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwartie received on which INTEREST IS ALLOWED FROM DATE OF DEPOSIT at the HIGHEST BANK RATE. ACCRUED INTEREST is added to aec mete every eix mouths and becomes prinoipal. -MARRIED WOMEN and MINOR- S - may make and withdraw Depoeits without the intervention of any puma. ..01.1.1:02.0081••• LOANS MAXI] TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE, SALE NOTES CASHOD, COLLECTED or may be left for f3A1°16EEEPING only for wbioh no charge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive our onreful and courteous attention. A, 0. MAOFARGANE, AGENT. INJOREP-Wedneaday evening Jno. Hewitt, tne well known touvoriel artist, wae seriodsly injured by a fall from the fence. Two doctors were in attendance on Thursday morning bat we hope he will shortly be able to attend to bueiueoe e.si is hie custom. Tait Sr. Thome Tants Pexe:-The appearance of Miss Ethel Powell wae awaited with interest, and a welcoming buret of applame greeted her se she etepped to the front. Tall and slender, graceful and symmetrical of figure, Miee Powell bag a haudeorne and altogether almost attractive peroonelity. Her first solution wae the ”Auld Plaid Shawl," a somewhat exacting descriptive ballad, requiring oonsiderable range, leftee Powell's mezzo voioe le emellent, and her vocalization and articulation show fine control and intelligence in interpretation. Her second number was a double one - "Violet;," by Wright, and "The Dear Little Shatnrook," been of which were beantifally song, and around great en. thneittem. Her third sena:Don was "Ielacd of Dreams," eubatituded for "Baby's Kies," whirl') appeared on the pro gram. This also was admirably patented. In the duet, "The Crookit Bawbee," Mies Powell eaag expressively aim, and the duet was one of the gems of the evening. The fair soprano was encored each time, and her capital rendering of Sporr's ridiou'one fonnyiem, "The Tin Gee•Gee" was one of her beet exhibitions of die- nriptiveness. It PM thoroughly enjoyed by young and old, and the moral of the •song oould not feel to be understood. BABE Berm Mena -The following is from the file of the Lietowel Banner of July 20, 1871: -An interesting game of base ball was played in Ainleyville, Monday last between the "Maitland:1" of that place and the "Bed Stookinge" of Liatowel, which resulted in a vide* Inc our "Red Stookinge" by thirteen rans. The game oommemed about 11 &Moog, and continued until noon, when the play- ers were invited to partake of refresh• mente at the eMaitiand'e" expenee, and ell proceeded to Leonard'e hotel, where a unit olass dinner awaited them. After dinner play wae again renamed, and me- th:ma, with the best of feelinge on both side% until the Mose of the game. The day wae very favorable for playing, ex- cept that the wind was rather strong, oonsequeutly preventing many balls from being °aught that might otheewiee have easily been mound. But, however, ooneiderine this to be the first game that the "Red Stookings" olab have play- ed away from their own grounds, it roust be said that they did exceedingly well in gaining a victory over so old and well established a club as the "Malt - kande." We hope that they may gain many snob victories during the season. The return match will be played in Listowel on the grounds of the baseball olub, in about two weeks. The following ie the aeon :- Listowel R. 0. 8. 10 8 3. AK.idHdaoking 13. 2 8 6 wT,mTolhlsoti;p,;on 12 3 D. Barber 12 2 W. 0. Kidd 11 5 Geo. Olimie 11. 1 Chas, Livingstone 10 4 Jas. Greenwood 10 1 9 Total 6 27 Inning8..1 2 3 4 0 7 8 9, 500118.. .4 8 17 1 6 22 17 11 14, Ainleyville C. B. Cooper R. 0. 9 D. MoNaughton 10 8 Hamilton 8 1 Biggins 10 8 Fiehleigb 12 1 Wm. Ferguson 9 4 J. Stewart 10 2 W. T. Bray 8 8 Chapman .. 5 2 Total 82 27 innings..2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0. Soore..,.24 7 4 6 2 8 18 20 2, Umpire, Geo, 0, Mortimer, Lietowel ; Somers Philip Goodman, Lietowel ; David Rothar, Ainlevville. Sommelier, Eimuyanto - Last Sabbath Rev. J. E. Oliver, of Lietowel, preaohed the Harvest Horne sermons in the Meth• cruet thumb in tbie phase. There were large congregations and good musio. The beautiful 23r3 Psalm was the theme in the morning and "Behold I stand at the door end knock, &o., at the evening soviets. Both eloquent discourses that will muse the preacher to be long remem- bered here and will ensure him the heartiest of welcomes on any future visit. In the afternoon an enjoyable time wail vent at the Sabbath Soho& annual Rally gervice. There were about 800 present. A reedinglwits given by Mies Minnie Mo. Naughton ; a solo by Miss Thin Ed• made and it brief address by Rev, Me. Oliver in addition to the 20 068500085 from the Mune in gong, Amy eempture reforemes or addresees. Monday evening the leofure on "Fiehte for the Flag or how Britain caved the world"wag given by Rev. Me, Oliver. It occupied about 2 hours and was never walled in town he majeetio sweep as the speaker de- scribed go graphically the viotortee of sea and land, No one mold fail to be proud of being a unit in the great 13eitigh Empire and reinter. 16 the viotorious Maeda of the grand old flag. Rev. Mo. °Dyer has a °holm, ready flow af fan - page end his pororabion wae pimply tnagnifthent. He WWI worthy of the hearty vote ei thank. aaaoraad Mtn netena Griffin, ef Winsbare, ten. deed two fine eoloe, "Rook of Ages" and "What a Friend we have in Josue" with great memptability and gave ample proof of her ability to ging se well rte teaoh. Mat. (Rev.) Baker, of Walton, was heard for the first Date and gang with unusual eweetnese, "Father Eternal" and "The Game Song." She will be very gladly received received again. Mre. G. A. Powell, of Toronto, and Mies Griffin performed their part se accompanists with their ague' ability. The financial pooeede of the Harvest Bottle were nearly 5100, whioli sena will probably be reached when some envelopes expected are heeded in. The thumb was decor- ated for the 000mion. Business Locals. • BruswER's Photo Studio will be open on Fair•day. - FL R. Beewne. ARPRENTIOS wanted to learn barbering, either boy or young man. W. a DuROAN, Barber, Brussels. Dm you 'ever get a photo taken Good chance on Fair -day, at Brussels. H. R. Banwma. Neer, two birds with one atone and get your photo taken while at Brussele Fair. H. R. BIIIIWNR, A. Few/ smooth, true, fast end easy cut oau be made when gam are gemmed, filed and get by T. MoGregor, Hill street, Brueeele. THAT Drelle Goods Sale :-Never VMS there offered to the Ladiee of Huron and Brum Ruch an opportunity. Slanehter• ing the most fathionable of Drese Goods right now. If you want 1, 3 or 5 dresses it will pay yon to drive 25 miles to King's. Begs gill 20o. G. E. SING, Winghana, People We Know. Bert. Laing, of Wingbam, Bandaged in town. Herbert Mention wart visiting Miao Violet Cooper this week. Miss Beryl West, of Ripley, has been a visitor with Brussels friends. Mre. George &MN and daughter were visiting in Grey townahip. Arlie McMillen is bothered with in- flammation in one of her eyes. Banal Zimmer returned to the School of Practical Soienoe at Toronto on Saturday. Mrs. Mag. Timn, of Toronto, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Geo. Edwards, Bruesols, Mies Hattie Levis, of Clinton, is vieiting bee amain, Miss Eva Caution, Benguela. Sanas and Mrs. Cooper and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Joe. Itlarehall, of Seaforth. Miss Mabel leutledge, of Auburn, ie visiting her oousin, Miss Rilla Ounning• Man in totem Miee Mary MoLanohlin, of Toronto, woe a weloozne visitor under the parental roof during the pet week. Mies Jean MoLanohlin was ab Atwood Fair Tuesday evenine, officiating as accompanist at the (lomat. Nerdy MoLennan, drug traveller, of London, was in town on Wedneeday. Few men on the road are name papular than Murdy. W. J. Cameron has gone to Toronto to attend the Dental College in commotion with hie final year. We hope to see hie name in the honor roll next Spring. Mr. and Mee. Farrow, of Ottawa, were in town over Sunday visiting Postmaster and Dam Farrow. Mr. Farrow, who ie a son of our townsman, holds a most im- portant poet in the Oustome Department at the Capita.' and fills the office with great ability and aoceptability. Oom, 6, 1904 CAPITA p 51,000,000 ltEMIIRYII FUND - ▪ $1,000,000 Ittreetore 1111P, R. 71. wAnomi, D, S. J. 50016Th,President. Vieo-Prosid out, T as. DItArNarAW, P A. Ma 1SONOR 0210. 5, ramp= 000115, 150 D, E. 50050011, 15 0, HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO W, D. ROSS GENERAL 9IANAC116S, A GENERAL BANKING I3USINESS TRANSA.OTED. Death: Bought and Bold, Ferment' Notes Dieoounted, ffdrING767 ASMIC Bfflraiii2rstaWfir Interest et HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sums of 51 and upwerde ,Blectereaks, Vaa.vem A. D, MIILLISH, Manager, Miss Lizzie MoLauthlin, Aire, A, D. Grant and Miss Lena MacArthur attend- ed the funeral of their smut, dire, D. J. Maduthre, at Tiverton, ON Wednesday. D. IlaoDonald, kg. P., of Wiugham, WWI in town ou Tueeday arranging the preliminaries of his election ounpaign, The ght will be short, sharp and de Miss Annie B. Ross was a judge of Ladies' work at Atwood Fall Fair this week. She has been filling the eatne poet for eeveral years which is a proof of her ameptability. Mre, W. V. Stewart gave an At Home to the numbers of the Woman's Mission• , ary Society of Brueeele Methodist ohurch on Tuesday from 8 to 6 p. na. A. delight - fel time was enjoyed. We are sorry to report that Mre. Alex. MoLennan is not in possession of the greatest boon -good bettlth-but hope the remedies being need may prove betirfiuial in her complete restoration, ere long. Geo. IC. Rutledge and Mies Mary D. Kerr, of the Nile, were *needed Wednes- day of last week by Rev. Ur. Kennedy. Herb. and Mies Rills Cluuningbarn, of town, attended. They are cumeine to the groom. Mrs. G. A, Powell, of Toronto, a former Bruseelite, is the gueet of Mrs. Fletcher and renewing old time friendshipe. She reoently returned from a visit to the British Ielee and the Coutinent having a moat enjoyable trip, THE Pon is pleated to report continued favorable program by Mee. Wm.Ternbull, who underwent a medical operation at London hospitel a Ebert time ago. We hope to soon see her able to return to her home and frieuda in Brume's. 'Friday of last week J. H. Kerney arrived home from an enjoyable ramble through Manitoba, the Northwest and Dakota. He added 15 pounds to his pee. ent oorpuleme whiob does not incommode him in getting aboat as lively as before he pat on so mule fleah. Harvey Bnohanetz, of town, bas gone to Monerieff, Grey townehip, to teach owing to the resignation of Teacher Sawere, who has gone to etudy Medicine at Lon don Oollege. The people of Monoriell will find Mr. Buchanan well worthy of their higheth esteem, and a capital tee.oher to boot. Jae. and Mrs. Oliver and Mies Mary took the King Edward steamer at Kin- cardine on Tuesday for Thee/talon where they purpose spending the Fall and Win. ter with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver have been old and well known residents of Brueeele and they marry with them the good wishes of a large circle of frienb Teday of Iset week James Outhill arrived home from a holiday vieit with relatives and Mende in Scotland. He had a fine trip, going by the Allan °tom- er, Bavarian, and returning by the Sar- dinian of the same line. Prior to his voyage he had been Weet as far es Cal- ory, N. W. T., se wae a good way on a tour of rounding the world, • ill1(11t011 (1111.511135i. The Women's Miesionary Society Convention of the London Conference was held in the Methodist church, Strat- ford, Raja week. Bev. Jno. Roes, B. A.,, took for hie morning discourse last Sabbath in Melville Murcia "The Seeking Love of God" and the topic in the evening ..was "A Solemn Appeal." GOMMO111013 will be observed in the Melville thumb next Sabbath morning when the pastor will oonduot the Bereft's. At the preparatory meeting on Saturday at 2 30 p. m, Rev. G. M. Dunn, of Whiteolauroh, will be the preacher. At the Thankegiving gentles on Monday morn- ing at 10 30 o'oloolt, Bev. J. J. Bantle, of Belgrave, will 000npy the pulpit. Preabytery of Maitland meeta at Moleeworth, Tueeday, Oob, 11th, at 2.30 p. me for the induction of Rev. Mr, Bar- nett and the disposal of a oall from Bel- tnore to Rev, Mr, Radford, The 50510 body will estimable at Lueltnow the some weak for the 'eduction of Rev. Mr. itleKerrol. Owing to Mr. Powellie mother bathe ill with typhoid fever he was unable to take charge of the services in St. John's churoh here last Sunday. F. kletoelf, lay reader, 01 Blyth, supp.ied in the morning and at Welton in the afternoon. The evening service hare wae withdritwn, Next Sunday Rev. I. M. Webb is expect. BRUBRUS Oat, 6-7 ed to be preseet. Blyth " 31-12 Deegan/ion " 18-14 Be Sure Before Taking Neves take a dose of Medioine without first woefully reeding the label. If it bears our name yonare doubly safe. A eledioine bearing ma label is guaranteed to be rightly prepared, absolutely pre and thoroughly reliable. Yon may be mire no errors have mouthed. Wo take the greatest paelble care in filling all mix - tune We will be glad to fill your13. AT ; Drug Store Jobe Mill, engineer of the M 0 It rem fatally injured at Minder:ea Jtznotion, hie engine turning aver in a ditch. The mounted Pollee again have their hands full watching the Donkhobore who have renewed their pilgrimage in Beard] of the Messiah. Eton, On as. D. Raines, ex Congressmen, of New York State, le in Hamilton with Eggs per CROZ912 a propoeal to build a new railway to Hay per ton Brentford. Flour, pee mot Fall Wheat 75 1 00 Barley 87 40 Peas 55 GO Oate 80 82 Brater, tubs and rolfe.,12 13 17 18 6 00 6 00 4 00 5 00 Potatoes per bus 60 60 Applee (pee bbl.) 1 00 1 25 Se d, per bbl., retell 1 00 70 Hoge, Live .. 6 40 6 50 emaxe,xe Droxsoa.-In ,Wroxeter, on Sept, 27t1), to Mr. and Mrs. F. Y. Ditheon, a daughter. Henere.-In Wroxter, on Sept. 26th, to Mr. and Dire. Geo. G. Harele, e000, SHITH.-In Morris on Sept. 30, infant eon of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith, aged 5 months and 28 days. ..N.A.TOTZOST TURSDAY, 00T. l8.-allttle and pigs, Lot 28, Oon, 8, Grey. 6510, unreserved, at 1 o'clook. Trios, 1.avvescae, Prop., P. S. Scow; Ano, WERNRSDAY, DOT. 19.-11'arm Moak, implements, &o, Ni Lot 14, Oon. 14, Pio Killop, Sale unreserved at 1 p. m. Mits. Tome. Osman., Proprietress, F. EL Boors, THURSDAN, 00T. 20. -Farm stook, im• plemente, &o, Lot 9, Con. 12, Grey. Sale unregerved, at 1 p. m. Mrs. T. Calder, Proprietress, F. S. Scott, Ano THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. r OST ABOUT SEPT. 1ST, J._.; a young Pox Round, white in eolor, with 0 Waal. snots an body and tan ears. A reward 05 31 will be paid to ender., ems J. 3. SELLERS, Bluevale. 2on ACRE FARM FOR SALE N../ being Lots 00 and 67, 1010011,, Turuberry. Good brick house, bank barn, CO soros heavy amber. Apply to S. A. SNELL, Jamestown, Ont. 10 Teacher Wanted. — • Teacher wanted, male or female, holding Secouil Claes cart ideate . for M 0,0. No,11. Morris, Grey and MeEillop, (situated at Walton.) Duties to oommenoe Jan. Ord, 1105. Applieations, statith salary, received up 60 006. 2end. R.H. PERGLiSON, 18-8 Bea., Walton. rtXXXXX:1001CXX mocxxxxxxxzzu MCKINNON & 00 81_,Yrr119: GREAT PREPARATIONS ABID BI_YTH FALL FAIR TO BE HELD OCT. 11 & 12 The rnaoagsra are sparing neither time nor expense to make it the moat eureardul fail ever hold in the county of Huron, Our Mammoth Cash Store hag made groat preparations to supply visitors to the fair with all that 15 0810 and fashionable in the following linee at spacial prices : Ladiee' Cloth Jaakete, in an the latent deeigna, from 52 50 to 51500; Ledise' Astraohnn /Nolte's, from 25 00 to 46 00 1. Ladiee' Greenland Seal Jemicete, from 30 00 to 45 00 ; Ladles' Eleetno Seal Junkets, from 30 00 to 50.00 ; Men's For Coats et special prioes for fair day ; Men'e Lined Kid end Mooha Gloves, from 500 to 1 60 ; Mon's Fine Beaver Overomas at 600, 7.60 and 10.00 ; Men's, Warm Underwear, in great vaeiety, from 25o to 1 25 ; Ladies' nee, in Buffet Oaperines Scarfs end Boas, in Coney, Opoesure, ,Sable Rook Martin mai lentil:, from 1,25 to 40.00 1 Stadion' French Kid Gloves, VOWne'e and Powneyez celebrated makes, in blook and Wore, mb 86o, 1,00 and L25 Liztlies' Golf &theta, in ail oelore, id 1,26, L75; 2 00 and 2,76 ; Ladiee' Cloth . Mirth, in bleok and mime, from 1.25 to 7.50 ; Ladiee' Way Mufflers, in white and colors, At 500 med 75o ; Men's Way Mufftlers' in blank and fanoy, 260 to 1,00, / leave your wrap and Wools. Walk through our reammoth eetabligh- lelfillitiety parlors', me ell the new °mations in Letilee' fleedgem, Yon need not epend a cent 050058 you wont to, Mont. Bee eta great (Replay of New Dress Goode, we are Icadere in this inc. Walk theongh one TelICXXX=1C • Xft xncr„fxxxxxxxo When yon come to Biyth fait make this eters your headquertere, 100•••••.••101.1411.1114••••••••••• THE ISSES HABKIRK Take this opportunity of announcing their Display of Fall and Winter Mil. Iinery on Tuesday & Wednesday, ct &5 which will continue during the days of Brussels Fair. A Cordial Invitation is extended to the Ladies of Brussels and vicinity to at- tend and inspect a complete assortment of Trimmed and Ready-to-wear Hats at Popular Prices. The Misses Habkirk. sv, v .,..; 1. 1 1 Our Fine ery will Thursday, -41F0.----OCT. ' To which Choice Stock . Our Prices est and ROCHE ° .1 . , i iii Display take Friday the Choicest. q' L, place Ladies of are 4, 1 L Ready-to-wear Right u of on. and. HAYOROFT r Li it y Fashionable Millin- : . Saturday 6, 7 & 8 are cordially.invited. Hats. and Styles the New-