The Brussels Post, 1904-10-6, Page 5LISTOWEL OcT, 6, 1904 TIMID UP i CHILD And 101100. ftp 00,1,1 111,,, or 1101 to 1 '1'orlu pons AhrlI 11.01, 1904 ;l�j Two Uanroos— O �mwar� lel and Shorthand, Seto nd or College Journal. A. L. aleINJYl11C, Malinger, COSINESS CARDS. "Ike! ONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER cont, 11.13. SCOTT, Brueoule« \71J H. Mo013,AOKEN— i' 1• 8 Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Of - nee at (irooery,Turnberry, moo., 13ruseel9, 'WARNSr FOR SALE—TEE UN- n RnelaNltn has00tones good Farms tor is sale and to rent, Caen terms, in Townships of Morris and GroY, 3' R. SO OT" Brussel v U 1, e 1 Court Priuoese Alexandria, No.24, O.0. P., liruasols wants hi their Lodge Boom Bien - hill Block, on the 2nd and last TuesdayYs of each mouth, a o'clock. Vieltiug beetbron always welcome. JA0. 13UIIWOOS, O. A. B. MLLL1.0111, 1i. H. M. liltiDRRIS(JN, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. (MISS JEAN NPLAUW'I.JN, —TNIA0fi1.`1i OP— PIANO - AND - ORGAN, f3'._^vVaB£_T.4a, ONT, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. 108111ANOx, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. J. LECKiE, Idea Ate!, Flytl. (lieu R:1 N016, LOAN AND R11AL. 'ESTATE AG PINT, Office over lOurnlev', Drug Rt nn, Nov, Srd, 1902, 00-sw nruesct0, Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance £'o., ::STAALISU1SD 1810 lusurnuao taken on the tush and premlm.t note noires at etl'reet rate,. Before iaaur- ina eleowhl re mill o11 thenml0tei3ued A gout of the Oonpatly. G(URCl'1 2(0(IEItS, Brussels, AUCTIONEERS. S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • nen, will sett for better prices, to better men, in loss time and lees charges than any other Auctioneer In East Buren or ho won't oburge anything. Dates and orders can 01way8 he arranged at this Mee or by personal application. ROBT. !-/. GARNISS BLUEVALII — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reaootnblo. Sales arranged for at 11,0 odloe of TIM Poem, Brussels, 22 tf VETERINARY. S D. WARW10K— GI • Olouer (218,luaco of the Outerio Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all die. armee of domestleated ttnime18 in a eompe6. ant manner. Parti' ular !Mention paid to Veterinary Doutletry. Culls promptly at- tended to. ORfoe mxt lnermary—Pour doors North of bridge, Tnruberry et., Breesele. LEQAL AND CONVEYANCING. A�B. MACDONALD— .Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Pito, Sa00a80or to ti. P. Blair. Oi008 over Stitt,. dant Sank, Brussels, Solicitor for Metro- politau 13 oak. TAT lel, SINCLAIR- — .i' 1' a• Bnrri,ter, Solicitor, 'Oonvoyauoer, Notary Public, rto. OSfiee—S tewert's Block 1 door North of Central hotel, Solicitor for the Standard Bank, ptiOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR— Bauen8'rEB8,UBLIOITE OS, NOTABIEe W. PoOpnt'OOT, K. 0, 11, 0, Kays G. P. BLAIn, Chiesa—Those formerly ocoupied by Messrs Cameron 8s Molt, GonnnlOI1, - ON001110. MEDICAL CARDS. J, A. NI'NAUCHTON. . 1Po. p„ C, At., Trinity University, Fellow Trluily Modloal College, Mambos College of l'hystoimna and Sm'geols „Out. Lloeutiate of Gm Royal Col- lege of ihyaiohana and Liooatiato of Mid- wifery 10dinbnrg11. 8 "l'olophoue No.14, Iteoideuoe—Mill. street, 13rno0818, DENTISTRY DR. R. P.' FEILD, D41WA'IST Gtaduato of the Boyal Oolloge of Dental at11goo,lo of Ontario 1,11d Piret•oltt0e Honor Graduate of Toronto University. Moe noxa to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSII]LS. •• 4_`36=gym a.'` g1 ...g'1= -lige. d9 Largest Best and l.�dYIESRt.itN t1N'rdittl6. So f(LC atl we call loal'lt. ll0 BUaillee0 ' College in Oaualia graduates so many mud at 11i8..81lne time snob a largo pop oeu to6e of Ito 0tndeat0 as dons the CE TEL @TRATFOAD. ONT. One oeu1ea0 aro up.to•d06o, Instruct• ars experienced Mut facilities their passed!. Stndonts MeV enter at any to for free oat uo 61mo, Write a ELL1oe 86 alobACKLAN1 ji Principals, dq NOTICE a we, the nnd0ndruoi, .agree to mine the plica 01 hnret ebo,lnq to 130. for netting and aaa. fel• 111,0 shoes, owing to the udvauoo in the !•11011 111 mato lel, ate, 'Ibis gees lute force on Slummy..? 11 no 1311,, IOJI, Sighed by Gk.O, 1, POLLAgn, Ruttenen:a h 110x, 1'41.I al old, 811111(114, (11(0. 1,101L5110/1, tong jrc ooums, EWAN ds (10„ P.1400'11., 14 7•, PLUM, 11t ,H. l'or,L„Ox, juin./ 1'onlnnsw, i i:tic .t tittnz. 1,3rato Vv .ol. John Moreover, of town, has 'told hie 60 acre harm in t10 2nd 02113840ton of E ma to Mrs. Giblet of the same I1118. The four perliameutary oandidatee, Negate. MaoLareu,'Porranaa, Mabee and Brown, att0110011 the Fall no, here end iueidentally slid considerable haud- 811aldne with the oltotortobe. The Perth end Stratford T0n0her8' Aeeaolattou will lauvene to the Music Hall, Listowel, Out. 20 and 21, 0. 0. Saul, 11. A., Toronto, end Prof. lbluldrew, 0. A. 04, Guelph, will give several talus during the day seseione, and the famous Sherlook 'Quartette of 'Toronto, and Mite Olauley, Uaunda's beat ooprauo singer, will: sive the evening program. 5011,8 kb. Division eoart will be held in Blyth on October 10th. Myth baseball tram played in Zee water and defeated the team of that village by a eoore of 9 to 7 Reeve Sloan attended 'T'eeewater Fair last weep us it judge on fruit. Coun. Metcalf acted to m similar capacity at (301(801011. A. B. Carr and family -have arrived from Beet Wawn000h to the home in Blyth they recently purchased from Jobe tarifas, Wm. Sloan, of Nanimo, British Col- umbia, nephew of Reeve Steam, of Blyth, will be the Liberal candidate for Oomox and Attie in the approaching Dominion elections. The Toronto Globe way's it is expected he will have an easy viotery. Hie opponent !e not yet romi8- ated. At the Epworth League meeting in Blyth Methodist obnruh ou Tue.1Oy evening E 0. Wilford and Mies Annie DOupe, two motive and faithful membere of the league, were presented with pretty Epworth League pine and addressee full of words of appreoiatiou and good wishes. Mr. Wilford and Alias Doupe left Blyth last wrel(, the former for Toronto and the latter for London. Our oon3ratnlati0n8 are extended this wl alt to John S. MuKinnan, of Torouto, eon of Postmaster MoISiunao, of Blyth, who 008 cleated a member of the Darn - inion oonncil of the Canadine manufao- cer8'Aseaoiation, which is probably the most representative committee of buoi• nese men in Oanada. The annual meet• !og of the Onnadinu Manufacturers' association wee held in Montreal, Lae ekes ce'vv. Mra, John 00n is visiting friends in Exeter and Luoau. Wm. Oorrigan mid his brown mere "Minnie 0.” for $176. Ltiaknow brace baud wail one of the nt10081;0os at the iurritton Fair. A valuable driving mare be'ooging to De. A. M. Spence broke n small bone in iia fore leg. Mr. and Mrs, Rivers, of Teeewater, were visiting their children, Mr. Rivers and Mrs. (Dr.) Newton. F. Henry, Reeve of Kioloae township, has decided to give hp that office at the and of the present term, Tho new Methodist church at Holy. rood will be opened on Senility, October 10th. Rev, Dr, Cook, of Clinton, will preach. Rev. Jae, H, O'iver, of Listowel, will deliver one of Lie popular a1dreesee in the Town Hall, on Tuesday evening, October 11011, At the meeting of Maitland Presbytery in Wroxeter it was decided that Rev, D. T 1\torerrol'e i0dumiou to Loolrnow aongre3ati00 than takeplane on Out, 18th tet 8 p. 111.. 11r Rutherford is to preach, Mr. Malcolm to address the minister and Dr. Murrey, the people. A largo frame barn at the back of Reid's hotel in this village was destroyed by lire. How the fire origivated is a mystery. John Adams, who had the pleas rented lost ,,bent $100 in hay and other ar1(81e8, The high wind at the time blew iho burning shingles across to the stables' at MoDbuald'e hotel and also to the furniture faotory but the prompt notion of iho Fire Brigade pre- vented the fire from epreadieg and no other damage wa8 done. '1717 i Ser gr1511380. Winghsm Vetere' List Court will be held on October 12th. There are 162 appeals for the Judge to deal with, The fine pipe organ is bolus installed nn the Presbyterian 011(11c11. It is the fleet one in 13410 eeotian of country to have pueatnatio notion, and will be a very fine instrument ooeting $1,660. Mrs. Muodonald of town, took her little boy to Brantford on Wednesday of last week to the School for the Blind. Some time apo, the boy was wreak in one eye by something thrown by another boy, and the sight of the eye was do- etroyed. The other eye i0 also very satirically affeoted and the eight almoob gone. Woeloy D. Allouby has passed awoy. 028 had been ill for the provioue two weeks with an aHHeok of typhoid fever, and was appseenbly doing 110 well a8 oould be. oxpeoted, On Sunday night hemnrrhagee set in end on Monday night he passed away. Deoeaeod waft one of Wingllam's fluent young matt, upright, eonseient!otts and fgldtlstrioie, popular. with hie fe low•woritmee and esteemed by all who knew him, He bad been for severalearn a member of 4110 73sth diet � o Church, and was an active officer of the Dpwortlr League, being Missionary Viae. t His Itndness to 1' 1 reeidcit . ne aged parents (ole of whom died about three years ago) hag been remarked by his follow•6ownemou, What mime the ease more end; is flat Mre. Allenby i8 very ill at iho 30000(11 time, and the bereave. meet is a eon) trial for her, as well as for ilia aged mother of deoeasod, The (morel tools place on Wednesday, the A. 0 F. end 0. 0 F. paying thole 11186 tributes of esteem to the Mammal, Ail hnpreesive service was oontineterl by Rev, Dr. Gundy on the lawn. The prooesel011 was le Very sole to 311e, 31pnd• ed by the Citizen's Band playing the rd. .ti +Fal B ,bit E,r {:) L .Al L 8 POST Dead Moroh, Demote( 1 wee in We 310 year. The Advarlen raga t --Leat Sater(bly'e deluge of rain reign! the Maitland op. eldernbly, On Send'ay, 0r"rte ()nutter, in eroini 113 the river 81 Z a1a11d, had quite nn experieno'. tee the bridge there ie not in uer, it 30 neooeeary to drive through the river. When in 43118 deep wales, the wi,illletree broke, and the horse etrngglod free from the vehielo, which fleeted down etream. The oo. olipant of the buggy, seeing no other way of e8oap0, grasped the horse's tail and woe pulled oats to shore, Phe current wan very 0tr0(13 and Mr. Cogher had a narrow eroope, 1'he buggy was found three quartore of n mile down etream. Another man moped by standing on the dashboard of hie baggy and holding on by the top of the vehicle. The ample - Lion of the bridge will be boon to the publio. Mr. Barber has made good time with the cement work 00 far, hot wag delayed this week by the 111311 water, eaten .fortit . D, D. Wilson shipped 11 Dir of apples to G pow told another to net Portage. A000rdingto reoor kept t d a the station 40 commercial e al travellers ore in town ou Tuesday of last week. Excavation for the foundation and (velars of the n0ev Bank of Commerce building oommouoed last WOelo F. 0. Broadfoat, of town, and L. 0, MaDooalri, Walton, left the fireb of the past week to resume their studies at the School of Solouce, Toronto, 2. r, Riohardeon left on Teesdny of feet week fora three months' trip to Edmonton on baoineee. Aire. Richard eon and daughter accompanied him as far ae Winnipeg. The efforts of interested parties to have a new 'skating, ousting and ho0key rink built thi8 season have nt last borne fruit and the erection of the same ie assured. About $2,600 in stook ham been nub 'teethed and and the coat of the rink will probably be about $3,600, and it will be owned and operated by an ino0rporated joint stook company. The site has been oh00011 and pnrohneed from James Diok in the rear of his hotel, fronting on Huron and High streets. The rink will be a large one on the same plan ae the one at Paris, Ont. The center will be for shat. r mg and donkey, with ae addition to each n iho local eoolrty, in showing their teepee to a departed brasher by m'rtbura i0 111 0 metery In a body, '1 1 b.'. t •']s indeed Out at the lei arl ..1''01e h•; Ihren 1110 Roma.. at the lyetee u'Id el mete were aonduoted by ltev. A. 10. B ike, (10 stated by !Rev, Dr. Cooly, of Oliuton. Th deceased wee 20 years of age, He wa beloved, repeated and popular with ail. The Ialnity have the elimere sympathy of all in their time of sorrow, t '',many' of lent week being to : !:. go of e l'o ole,' , 114 rifff SImpson, who ,..n1e np u, 1 '101 i t .,n for the parp080 orgeuizatiOU ill ' 11 l,'rti,n meter • with l, •,. 0p tion oampaign hi:.' !leen • d 11,;, , 1. . ,.:1titlon is now belt g 1:1 cul• e aced aoktu;t the Donnell to enbinit n bylaw a at the elections In 0amary, The eetition !e Inane exteneivoly eigned. The new fife Rod drum band, rooently erecnized, had th.ir 11 'el, 3(3.0lce en Mout ey evening of lout week, qu.lor the tutorship of T. Smith, leader of the Marine band, Fifteen membere were present and good progreee woe mate. 4. meeting of the retail marina tote of the mien wad held 111 lbs oounoil chamber et the' oall of E M. Trewern, the a«atetary of the Retail 6lerohante' Asaooh't-un of Canada. &beet a Pore of the prutnioent merOluent( of the town were In attend- ance and ae a result of Me. Trowern's addreea 00 the benefl & of organization and the work of the aeeuoiatiort it war, anon!• mouldy deoided to form a Goderioh Manch 01 1118 Retell Merohante' Aeso motion of Canada. The 0ltairmai, of the evening, 0, A. N tirn, was oilmen for president, and other ufd08r8 we.eappoint• ed as followe : Fleet vice pretidont, Geo, Porter ; e00ond vloe•preeiden6, 0. C. 0,41 tre'tenrer, 1V, A. McKim ; ecoreto'y, W. U, E liott, Clinton. A. 0. Pattieon and family have moved into their new home 0n Viotorfa street, Gay Brae.' Minstrels aro elated to 0p pear in the town hall, Clinton, the Leel day of October. Beaforth Collegiate football club ie fleet of the season to send In a ohallenge to the Hough Cup Exeoulive. The Goderioh Gen 0 ub has 320aome defend end their paraphranalia has been purchased by the town gnu nab. The lacrosse olub perpoee putting on a good oonoerb in the near future and the commit3ee le now at work deciding what it will be. R. & J. Bamford Bold to S. H. Smith the other day 110 head of their urinal up equalled export cattle to be shipped about the 10th. A deal was consummated between the firm now existing as Davie & Dowson, liverymen, whereby the latter collo hie claim to Mr. Davis, who will oontlnne on in the old stand. While lifting a tea, 3183030 from a stove Edna Tomer, daughter of Albert Turner, had the misfortune to pour a goantlty of the boiling water into her shoe, scalding her leg and foot severely. A number of suite have been leaned by the Provisional Direotore of the Huron Paokin3 and Cold Storage Co., aga11101 stook snbeorlbere who have not paid Op their 0% aeseeament, Others are to follow. A fern days ago John Daymeut met with n nasty aooident to his foot that is liable to incapacitate him from working for some time and may even prove more serious. A rusty nail pierced his foot, injnring one of the bones. W. W. Farren hoe 001d oat his private bank at Elora to the Traders' Bank, where they purpose opening a branoh !n that village. For many yearn Mr, Far. an wan the only banker in Elora, but Ow there are two chartered banks, note for onrhug, both of whioh ameae. merits may be carried on at the mune time. Tenders for the erection aelwd for, bttildinn to be oompleted by Deo. let. P..rtion'arly sad woe the death ref Fred, H. Crich which coonrred ma Saturday, Sept. 24th, at Portage la Prairie. The doceaeed, up until a few months ago, was employed at Wm. Pickard & Co.'e, Have Ing a desire for the West, be eoonred a good position et Portage la Prairie. Some few xveeke ago he wee 8Erio1leu with typhoid fever, but was apparently getting better, when from some n0tnpiiontion he died quire suddenly. His mother, Mrs. John Urirh, who left to be in attendanoe a6 hie bedside, arrived a few hours too late to see him alive, the train being de - !eyed some Mx heart by a landslide. The remains were brought home to Seatorth; the funeral taking place on Wednesday of last week from his mother's residence, Jarvis street, to pace of interment in Maitlandbank cemetery. The deceased was an Odd Fellow, and membere of the order from Clinton and Brussels j tined Ci.O(1or•iel:. Itis rumored that the new G. T. R. freight shed will be erected thin Fall. A lumber ahed is being pat up at the mill of the Godsrioh Pinning Mill Co. about 50veutyfive or eighty feet in length, St. Andrew's ward has the record for big rate, Jamison Reid having trapped 0110 that mee.nred twelve inches without counting 111 the tail. George Sta000mb0 has hie old house in St. Andrew's ward polled down and the fonndation in for the new brink reeidenae he intends potting up. F. W. and 0harle0 W, Doty and others have 1000ived a charter from the Ontario Government empowering them, with a there capital of $40,000, to make engines, boilers and machinery, and to build veseole, George Switzer, who had been an in mate Of the jail for some time, 008 taken to the Aeylum for Idiots at Orillia on K 01,111,..1,aaaa 1,,.1 ,,.. bindll,'&r11, F it pays to push an article it pays to push it to some purpose and to push it more with an object of gaining permanent trade than of temporary profit. Many people think it impossible to find a first-class General Store in a town this size. If you are not prejudiced and are open to conviction you can be convinced that there is one here by calling at Jamestown P. 0. and General Store where you will find a fine and modern stock of Dry Golds, Dress roods, Prints, rams, Crash, Notioas and Groceries always Fres11.; We buy direct from the largest Jobbing Horses and Mauu- facturers in the country and by so doing we are always sure of obtaining first-class goods, and as we are not paying enormous ex- penses in rent, clerk hire, city taxes, coo , we can sell goods at the most reasonable prices. We have now some ends in Prints, Dross goods, Wrap- perettes which will be sold regardless of Dost, also some lines hi Shoos will have to go. We do not wish to carry, if possible, Goods out Of Season. We are just loading up for Fall and Winter trade with a fine stock of newest *les in our different departments. We now handle beat grade of Manitoba Flour and find it getting a ready sale. Family trade is especially solicited as Your patronage is always appreciated no matter how small your purchases. You may rest assured it will be our constant mini to sell you the best goods that can be obtained and at -reasonable prices. We are very grateful to those who have dealt with our wagon on the road so very liberally Summer and those who can see their Wayclear to dome a 0 O tO the store � e i make itprofitable for , v all fi p them as we always try and keep up Farm Produce to the highest notch. Try us on Driod apples, Butter, loose or in tubs, Eggs, Lard, Tallow, Potatoes, and Fowl of all kinds as soon as weather will be cool enough for shipping as we ship direct, wholovhdbeban'bdloeu mels fF. J"AMES',TQ W N ,''4.r.vVoOel. Mies Maggie Bolton has resumed her poeitioo ae indorses for Hugh Porter after a len3the0ed siege of typhoid fever. Pein2fpel Norrie hue returned 1.1 town and reeomad Ilia 30811100 180 prboc%pal of our Bohm!. He has almost neat..!} re• covered from hie eioge of tvph0ld fever but le et111 feeling the effeoto of the dieeaee. Mra, Andrew Stevenson, who hoe but 00oently reoovered from an amok of typhoid fever, was in town P7101. lay of Inst week on bosiuees nod 300,14 taken suddenly Di with heart trouble. She re- mained at the hums of T G. Baitentyoe till Tneeday evening, when Mr. Steveueon oouveyed her to her home. Suoaossl,am Pam W1NN1000.—A.11 the Western Fair, London, the fm towing Perth obeeeemokere were 0ioaeeelnl in osptnring prizes. For Atlgn8t wtlitee— W. A. Stacey, Fullerton, got 1st prize ; W. D. Anson, Atwood, 2nd prize ; li,. H. Green, Trowbridge, Ord ; Miss Mary Morrison, Newry, 4th. For August oolored—R. H. Green, Trowbridge, ob- tained let prize. Mr. Green also captur- ed the sweepstakes p1lx•'e for obreee. We are 0orry to report that James Ferguson is suffering considerably from inflammation in his right eye. The eye was injured some few years 83o by a tech flying up and striking the maitre of the eye ball. Al that time the aooident 08,180,1 Mr. Ferguson intense peen and almost totally destroyed his eight, he be- ing ableonlyto discern the light of the sen or of the ialnp, Inflammotien has again eat up in the injured eye and there in a possibility that the sye•ball will have to be removed. What might have proved a (11000 ser. ions accident happened to Wm. Ward and little Wallace McBain on Tuesday afternoon of last week. It seems' that Mr. Ward bad driven Rev. Mr, 1'aubalf and J. W. MoBain to Listowel to catch the afternoon train to Stratford. Oa re- turning Mr. 'Ward and 11 011000 met Thos. E. Sbeareee wagon, with a cultivator fastened behind, just on the crest of the Twambly'e hill. On one side of the road ie a fairly deep ditch. The horse passed the wagon quietly enough, but when it saw the ooltivator it eoddeuly jumped to tette side right into the ditch, taking the 000npanta of the buggy with it. The buggy woe up- set but Mr. Ward pluollily held on to the lines until Mr. Shearer was able to get hold of tbo horse's head, and then 11e and W011aoe crawled out from tinder the buggy and everything was &oon pit to right again. The baggy was badly damaged but the oaoapante were not seriously iujared. TlilS FISH STORY TAKES THE PRI6ILIURI TO B.1'i'E. Howard Spring, one of the expert pioneer fishermen, of Union Oity, made a peonliar metal at Turtle lake, two miles Northeof Union city. He was tieing a jointed pole, with minnows for bait, when be felt a strong pull upon hie line. Realizing that he bad oaaght a m meter fish, he played the real carefully and 80011 £onnd that iho boat wits befog towed morose the lake. Straight for the shore the fish swam, hauling the boat atter it, and 16 was nob until Minnow water was reached and the fish became entangled in the weeds that it wa8 captured and baal. ed into the boat. It proved to be te dog fieh, four feet in length, Seeing the tail of another fist: pro. trading from its mouth Mr. Spring out the dog fish open. And here is the etrange part of this tale, A piokerel weighing 14 pounds had been swallowed by the dog dell. But this is not all—the piokerel was opened and found to contain cue of the largest poroh ever seen In this tonality, while in0i110 the perch was a good•sizod frog. The story might stop here and 01111 be a reepeotabieyarn, bet the truth demands the abatement that when the frog was opened there wee found a two. dram vial filled with goinine tablets which had evidently been dropped into the lake by some fisherman who had swallowed the 'liquid portion of his miliaria remedy. As proof of the 08(0oity of this re. markable tale, Mr. Spring exbibite the vial of quinine tablets. The death is announced at Oha'•lctte• town, P. E, 3,, of Hon, Benjamin Dtvioe, £ether of Sir Louie Davies of,ths Supreme Court, He was 91 years old, Between 800 rind 1,000 of 111e m'ohin• fate and [tilled nada and blaelomaitht 011 0114 0. P. R. between Fort William and Vancouver went on strike an Satnrtiay. The Ring hoe graoionsl granted bis permission Cox the palettes of Hie portrait by J. Colon Forbes, the wail -known Onnedian artieb, bo be hang in the !louse of th et th G Oomm0ne at Ottawa. .Hamel the 83200 n 1 o di lg paymaster of o city of Montreal, bag been arrested Havana, and will be handed over ander o new extradition treaty between rear Britain and Cuba, Frank Armstrong, aged 12 gents, wag last week 01nt to Viotorlh Industrial School for five yoare, for eating fire to a building oonneeted with the Boys' Home, of whioh he W80 an inmate, Two guest8 of the Conti Motel et Dew; eon were eerien0ly injured in leaping from an almar window to e80ap0 a fire that 0taeted In the hotel and epreaa until $200,000 weals of property was destroyed, 1'' u�,o ' Ifo . ,mo•i,;O m mo r. p Cd�t1Wktdtkrc-a) ti. c Wt'1. 1.�ra .at�oc.•+vuJ- , �eJ�aeli�rJt'r'�.z .ar,r I.r' MOKIN' ye N NGo. A An Aim In View. That aim is to win your trade and heli it. A flora lilts a strong abareoter, attaihe 8000088 by doing well, whatever it undertakes, never countenancing a policy that in any way will create dietruet, never allowitig miorepreeeolt1ion to (weep into its advertieemente, nor resorting to bona 1113. Exaggeration and misleading statements may receive attunaio, for a while, but permanent amuse comae only through honorable merbnds. The long continued gno0e0e of this stare bas been attained by the quality of its merohandise, the aorrectnese of its prima, the eer0iee given and the q oe-operation of many loyal auatemere. Below we quote a few orlon wkfrb a wilt be found interesting reading, as most of these goods were bought he. 1.L ,fore the advance in prices, and buying as w8 do, in case and bade i.ao f(Brea from the manufactures for spot oath, we got very law priors e_ —Good Grey Cotton, wide width, now worth le, for Go. e" —Bleached Ootton, good width, no worth 7o, for 3u. --f''laorlelette Blankets large size now worth I26 for ox 31. —Heavy Oattonade, befit quality, wort! 300, for 260. 14 4 —Heavy Shirtinge, feet adore, now worth 16o, for 121o. —Rook! E as Drill Shirting, now worth 180,for i6c. Iettee —Fiann o , in fancy stripes, worth 7e, for 50. IT —Imported Flannelettes, soft finish, wide width, worth 12in, for 101, r,3 II 2—Men's Wool Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, worth OOo, for 60o. ' —Men's Heavy Socks, all wool worth 18o, 2 pair for 25o. —Men's Overalls, with or without bibs, at 50o. 75o nod $1. u°'d —Men's Bain Coate, sewed 9e0me, very special at $2.60 d ¢6q ancxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxactc:0:. BUGG-IES BUG-G-IE8 Kva �' lid 3. IS THE BEST Beware of Imitators and Imitations. 'lll'In'l111A71 eb'II,a4'111'Id'W4,'II,0, Superior Material, Workmanship and Finish in all our goods. Building from 10,000 to 12,000 Vehicles yearly we have our would- be competitors distanced in numbers. We have still a few of these "Old Reliables" in up-to-date Fini011 and Design to show you. Does Quality count with you ? If so be sure to call as we can certainly interest you. Best Goods Procurable at Close Prices. We have a number of other makes to show you, including the "Plattsville," "Palmerston" and "Guelph." Also a number of comparatively new Second-hand Rigs, of 011111 ' makes, for sale at low prices. ,nae,'0A.d61ad'hetdl6%411. t shit! 14J'Ir S CIEGESIINGeigumarGKEISIKtillen Apples will be bought on and after Septem- ber 1.2111, at the 1 lel BRUSSELS EVPtEAT R Apples may be shaken off the trees. Wind- falls and Packers' Culls will be bought at the Highest Market Price. Small or Soft Apples will not be taken. dNO. CUNNINGHAM PROPRIETOR. PROPRIETOR. E WE are now ready for 1004 with a larger stock of Buggies than ever we had and a walk through our Show Booms w111 convince intending purchasers what our stock is. We have kept the lead and intend to do so if good rigs will do it. We have added to ons Buggy Tops tb;ie seaoon a Spring to prevent the bolts and rivete from breaking, This he been a long felt Want, We hove 4 etylee of Axles—Duet and Oil Proof, Long Dietanoe, 1000 Miles, and the Noisolese Axtee, also a few of the old etylee. A.11 Steel Body Haagen and all trimmed with beet Leather. Along with our own Buggies we handle a number of first-class Factory Buggies. Our Wagons are all Oak 'with 2i. and 9 inch tires ; Trunks awl. Medium size. We invite every iut0uding purebaser .to 0831 and Bay teem 810 and nave money, EWAN & Co Brussels.